Kings and Queens of Corbet's 2022 REPLAY

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] and a very good morning everyone here from tensley bowl at the bottom of corbett's cooler jackson hole mountain resort the magic of the teton range has drawn many for centuries from native american tribes such as the shoshone nay persay and blackfoot whose ancestral homeland sets the stage for today's gathering to the passionate mountain enthusiasts who annually flock to these slopes we have 23 athletes who are drawn here today to push the progression and see what's possible in the cooler welcome to kings and queens of corbett's well dc here joined by jeff moran cmo of the jackson hole ski and snowboard club and professional announcer and we're hyped to be out here it's an honor be out here with you again and uh crowd's starting to flock and fill in here at the bottom of 10 sleep ball on this beautiful day it is a beautiful day sun shining the crowd's showing up and the vibe is high the winds are coming in just the right way to set up the cooler perfectly for our riders today and i know all of the riders are super hyped about what's about to go down yeah and i'm super hyped as well glad we got a little bit of a refresh mother nature helping out as well but socializing one of my favorite pastimes i know you like to get social as well so we encourage you all at home to get social with us make sure you follow red bull snow make sure you follow jackson hole and also if you're taking photos and getting social throw in that hashtag kings and queens of corbetts so we have 23 riders and skiers here today eight men skiers eight men snowboarders three women skiers and four women snowboarders really looking forward to what everybody's gonna put down a lot of returning veterans a lot of new faces we've got uh two former kings uh one former queen so looking forward to a really good day absolutely and you know we've spent a lot of time here in the past few years witnessing some insane riding go down and the evolution of what we've seen go down at this cool r has been just astounding so for more let's take a look at the evolution of kings and queens of corbets it's been so fun to come out here four years in a row now people are doing things every year that have never been done into corbits [Music] two i'm always like jaw dropped at what goes down up there [Music] well every year people seem to step it up so this event is the most intimidating event i've ever been a part oh [Applause] [Music] yeah so many amazing memories from the years we've seen so much go down and hard to believe now we're in our fifth year here at the kings and queens of corbin's yeah it's been a wild ride we've had our first female backflip from veronica paulsen first double backflip jake hopfinger's here today uh we had sam cooch with the double cork of course trevor kennison with the sit ski air and then my personal favorite highlight hans min nick's backside three wall ride two years ago we talked about a wall ride as if it could never be done and then hans pulled it so it's gonna be exciting to see what happens today yeah can't wait to see what happens today and to help us keep a finger on the pulse and the vibe at the top we gotta welcome our third member of the team jacksonville mountain resort athlete a local shredder and aficionado of all things corvettes a man who is very in tune with the mountains and the elements out here andrew whiteford at the top of the cooler andrew how's it going up there dc thank you so much i'm coming to you from about 600 feet higher up on the mountain just a snowball throw from the top of the tram can the energy is contagious right now that nervous energy is starting to produce actual construction the top and the weather is fantastic we've got clear skies a brisk three degrees fahrenheit and light to moderate winds out of the north northwest 15's 25 miles per hour that range so i can see what's going on well up here jeff what are you thinking about down low on the course you know andrew the course is looking really good we've had a lot of snow blow in and i'll be honest like one of my favorites today is hometown hero corey jackson there's been a lot of buzz about cory he's kind of a like a a sleeper i mean he's got a big following but man like carl and parkin like two of our former kings corey was on their radar as one of the top contenders and and i gotta say i'm excited to see what corey has for us yeah exactly as you said like carl carl fosvet the only two-time reigning king here of corvitz told me he was like dude hype up corey jackson that kid is awesome and they've had a blast skiing around with him this week not only here at jackson you showed them around uh down in town at a snow king as well but yeah they were like watch out for corey jackson see what he's got out here and hyped to have corey jackson out here in the mix met him a few years ago when he was coaching on the uh olympic circuit yeah for a professional uh competitive uh half pipe skiing and uh yeah i like to have them out here as a new addition that's a very exciting addition another new face this year is shariel moss she was just here recently for natural selection tour now she's back for kings and queens of corbett's so with her slope style background and big air background i think those skills are really going to shine today well moran another thing i love about this event that's very unique is there's no judging panel there's not like a panel of guys and gals out here that are you know taking note of these runs and kind of giving you the order of how they think the cards should fall this is all peer-led judging the athletes are going to have a viewing party and i mean that's epic they're going to pick who they want to be up on top it's an athlete judge contest yeah it's so cool the whole design behind the contest from jess mcmillan here at jacksonville mountain resort was to make this a rider-owned event and that's just one of the components that really really puts the control of the event in the rider's hands and taking a look here of how we determine the start order another really cool aspect of this event and very unique basically a lottery out here it's a total lottery we had the seating party the other night they pulled out the bingo ping pong bang ping pong ball roller just like if you're at the elks club and it's a total luck of the draw to see what spot you end up uh for the seed and uh there's hometown hero cam fitzpatrick drawing the number one ping pong ball last year in 2021 he ended up in the last spot of the draw today he's dropping first so we're excited to see uh what cam does as he opens up corbett's cooler for us today well something else that's really special about this event and new this year as we said it's a peer judge contest but we're encouraging you all to get involved as well new this year we have the people's choice award so after the first run you're going to see a qr code pop up on the screen go ahead and scan that qr code and make your voice heard and cast your vote for who you think the king and the queen of corbett's should be out here this year all right yeah let's go ahead and take a look at the start order as we're getting ready to go 23 amazing athletes out here this year john yeah here we go in our top eight uh we've got madison blackley our defending queen of corbett's the first snowboard queen canvas patrick we've been talking about him and of course corey jackson both of those guys born and raised in jackson hole so they are no stranger to corvitz kular uh 9 through 16 we've got quite a few recognizable names parking costain he's one of our defending or previous kings of corvettes also blaine gallivan another hometown kid born and raised and uh carl fosvet our defending champion from last year's kings and queen of corporate or defending king we'll see what he has to bring for us well again just moments from getting underway and just experiencing a little technical difficulties we're in some extreme elements out here [Applause] you know this type of competition is really unheard of in terms of skiing and snowboarding number one having both skiers and snowboarders together out here it's a fantastic way to go about that's the natural way that most of us go out and ride you're with your friends try to one-up each other and so that naturally takes form here in an arena for radness with jumps natural features you know those that have a lot of experience on corbett such as pam the other locals lane quarry all of them just have time knowing this place different conditions different snow that's what we're all working with today up here at top we see that the athletes are working at creating their own kind of run in their own interpretation of what the mountain is providing and given the fact that conditions are a little bit different from some of our really deep really soft years of previous right here we see that the athletes have actually carved out with a chainsaw a lip that allows them to go a little bit smaller generally we're looking for amplitude but maybe we're thinking about how do we keep it mellow up top to have a nice full run you know as the wind keeps blowing snow in it might refresh the west wall a little bit the skiers left [Music] and and we are psyched to see what the athletes put together on it right now uh up here up top all the athletes are right along the lip everybody's kind of feeling out exactly what they want to bite off on first run you've always got second run to adapt to change to build upon your first run or at the very least clean it up and as dc and jeff have mentioned you know it's athlete judge so in terms of the pressure of scores that's something that the athletes don't have to focus on right now it's you know as things are looking good up here i'm psyched for uh for all the event to go down and jeff in dc why don't i send it back down to you [Applause] all right well thank you andrew whiteford and our first athlete to drop once again we've got local rider cam fitzpatrick who this is his fifth year competing here in kings and queens corbett's yeah and for more from cam on what it's like being here for five years in a row let's hear words from the man himself uh this is my fifth year i think um so i've done it every year and uh every year is is a different beast it's always spicy um conditions change all the time but i feel like the vibes never change and just you know it's an honor to be a part of this this roster so i think that's the coolest part of it i think it's going to be cool i think people have to be creative this year um there's a lot of jumps the park and pipe crew crushed it this year with uh the features the last feature the jump is really good this year i think throughout the last five years they've critiqued it and critiqued it every year and i think that they finally nailed it and you know they they crushed it [Music] check [Music] [Music] as we've got cam ready to drop in local boy raised by a ski patroller i get to see the fitzpatricks out on my dog walks as they're in my hood but right now cam's just prepping mentally in these final seconds before his drop kick things off for 2022 kings and queens of corbett's as an athlete this is a point where you have to really clear everything else out from your mind you start hearing cheers from your fellow athletes everybody is so pumped to get this underway visibility is looking stellar that's a huge confidence boost for any athlete before you're about to do something that is naturally rather gnarly [Music] [Applause] everything's ramping up kim's warming up his legs previous years we've seen cameron get really creative on his entrance including kind of front flip handstand as homage to friends lost but few people would have the confidence to be able to enter corbett's in a setting like this like cam fitzpatrick cam dropping in off flip [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we've got our first athlete in the cooley and cam fitzpatrick the local rider having his go at it here moran yeah everybody's been waiting to see what was going to happen cam kind of taken a little bit of an air in getting some good snow but unfortunately tomahawking up just a little bit there are five man-made features in the cooler plus the crowd pleaser kicker right here at the bottom cam with a cab five off the crowd pleaser it's going to be an interesting landing it's going to go from hard park landing right into a little bit of powell all right give it up for kim fitzpatrick opening up our 2022 kings and queens of corbetts looks like he's doing okay i think he did get a little bit a little bit beat up in there from that first landing but i think he's doing all right like i said there are five handmade features up in up in the course all right cam kind of coming off the side of the nose there trying to catch the ribbon of snow that has blown in at the base of the west wall with his back flip grabbing melon and then going cap five off of the the crowd pleaser here we've got a really big crowd now forming here at the base of 10 sleep bull cam with the snow stash again campus patrick just getting married this past summer shout out to renee how you doing out there renee she is so supportive of cam and his snowboard career they just recently started their own business called bar sip bar they do uh custom craft cocktails it was really fun to hang out with all the homies and get to see the the family and everyone at kim's wedding this past summer but all right well our next athlete second athlete ready to drop in sander sander hadley who is a veteran here of kings and queens and corporates unfortunately we did not see sander last year and for words from sander on why he missed out last year check this out so if this is year five of corbett's i've done it three years i missed last year my mother was in a big car accident the week of this and so i had to pull out i'm excited to be back this year she's healthy i'm healthy so we're in a good place and um yeah regardless of how conditions are here to make the best of it personally i've got nothing to prove at this point to myself um so i'm totally confident in playing my own game and i'd say my favorites like always or carl fosfet uh hans mindich um yeah those guys are legendary xander hadley back first year of corbett's in 2018 he walked away with a second place finish in 2019 a fifth place finish got the cover of jackson hole skier magazine one year as well very accomplished athlete coming out of pocatello idaho home mountain of pebble creek ski area so shout out everybody from idaho tuning in [Music] sander bringing a very chill vibe to the to the event in his interview the other night he was talking about how he uh he's really got nothing to prove he's been here in multiple years he's done well uh and he said he's just really just here skiing for himself here to have fun and here he comes sander coming into corbett's let's see which line he takes similar line to camp it's patrick airing into corbett staying on his feet all right there's definitely some variable snow conditions in there but we can see that there has been some new snow that blew in uh the winds have been in our favor the last couple days sandler aaron off one of those handmade takeoffs those those takeoffs are up to 12 or 15 feet tall and here comes sander hadley into the crowd pleaser here out the bottom stand on his feet all the way down oh again good to have sander back here again this year yes so as uh we heard his he missed last year because his mom was unfortunately in a in a car accident but it sounds like she's recovered and doing well so it's great to have him back there here comes sandler is that a screaming seaman that's what i say screaming seaman into the coulee we'll have to check the uh the record books that might be a first gets the tail grab on that left three here on the crowd pleaser at the bottom and welcome back to kings and queens of corbett sander there's sandler down there with uh jess mcmillan the events and partnerships uh senior manager here at jacksonville mountain resort and the the founder of kings and queens of corbit she's spent tons of years on the freeride world tour multi multi-time free ride world tour champion and she really wanted to bring the vibe that she had on the freeride world tour tune event here and uh that's how they created or that was the the catalyst to create this signature event here at jacksonville mountain resort so huge thanks to jess because that's why we all get to hang out today dc that's why you and i spend so much time together and all these athletes get to come and shred jackson hole for a week and we get to hang out here with this huge beautiful crowd of people in the base 10 sleep bowl so thanks to jess mcmillan for for putting this all together and of course everybody else here at jacksonville mountain resort it truly does take a village a huge team of people to put on this event well taking a look at the top trying to see what the athletes are up to up there is they're getting some feedback from our first couple athletes cam and sander on what to expect with conditions no one's been in this cooler since it's gotten a little bit of snow recently this week so good to see uh the athletes that have dropped already sander and cam giving some feedback via just mcmillan's radio to the top and we're gonna send it up to andrew whiteford to kind of check in with uh the vibe up there and just what is happening what's the scene like up there andrew thank you dc you know i think getting a couple athletes to drop in and see what the snow is doing is a huge lift off of everybody else's shoulders you know sander is definitely a skier skier he's out there having a good time on the small hills and the big ones and he knows how to really change that inbound skiing ready for the cameras on the biggest hills let's get with msp and such coming up soon we've got hans minnick coming out of stowe but a nationally known rider and his brothers his brother's been competing on the free ride world tour you know even though a lot of us move west for the pow those skills that you establish when you're skiing on the east coast avoiding trees rocks ice that can prep you really well for a career in skiing and snowboarding the midnight family has totally done that had a memorable air last year as he worked through four three different years of competition here dropping in doing a really creative tricks we wrapped up with him last year having that incredible wall ride so we're psyched to see what he does this year very much andrew our next athlete getting ready to drop hans minnick who uh again last year i mean that was one of that was one of my favorite tricks of the year that i saw that back three wall ride said it wasn't really intentional he wanted to scrape the rock not necessarily ride the wall like he did but man the composure was insane and that was definitely one of the most progressive things i've seen here at this event but let's hear from hans on his thoughts on the evolution here of kings and queens of corbett's i was lucky enough to be here the first european queens and was lucky enough to draw the first drop and been trying to get back here it's definitely leveled up itself every year you know the first year as we've said there wasn't any jumps or anything and it's really come leaps and bounds and we have a a good crew of riders out there who know how to ride good hard pack we know that sharpener edges put the fastest wax we can on there and uh try set some gold records going down you know respect my bro all right and there is hans in the start gate again all of our skiers and riders have have a a a good window they don't have to drop at a particular time they can kind of get their composure and uh and wait until they're ready to get in there um this is a that's a lot to digest when you're standing in in that red bull arc arch right there and getting ready to drop into kings and queens of corbett's even if you've been in corbett's before even if you've competed in kings and queens of course before i don't think that makes it that much easier like every year is different the course the cooler the conditions is different are different every year and so yeah that's a lot of a lot a lot to to sit with and digest when you're standing up there in that arch what do you think's going through their head dc well i mean talking to hans yesterday and having dinner with him last night he said he just wasn't really going to think too much about it and just roll out there when it's game time he was excited to get home last night just do some stretching and just chill out and kind of calm the mind before he drops in so here we have hans midnick originally out of stow vermont now residing in glacier washington big shout out to his girlfriend zoe vernon who hopefully is tuning in cheering on her man former competitor as well exactly yeah hans hans was saying that you know his approach is kind of less less is more um i guess you could say we saw that last year with his backside three wall ride uh not a not a huge hugely hugely difficult trick but highly consequential so you know when we see people doing sevens and even tens in the core bits he took it a little bit mellower but super creative and i'm really excited to see what he has for us this year all right hans minnick dropping in hans is placed second in 2020 and in 2021 making his way to the top of the nose oh going front side three off the side of the nose and holding it together big pow slash right under the coombs cave and a backside three tail grab off that left side kicker and here comes hans and his nasa jacket gonna shoot it to the moon off the crowd pleaser with a front side 360. hans mendix staying on his feet the whole way down wow what an incredible run look at han saying hi to his mom small shout out to his brother nils who's uh up in british columbia doing some filming but hans throwing down top to bottom in the cooler composed stomping everything nice and clean let's enjoy this replay wow i'd say that uh this hanza's run might be a little deceptive to the other other skiers and riders in the conference he made it look way too easy and the icing on the cake that beautiful front three at the end locks in that front side grab in the pal slash from the wind loaded snow in the bottom of the landing hans did that what a great way to start off your campaign to be crowned for your first time as the king of corvitz i think he's pumped on that one how could you not be it'll be interesting to see if he decides to take his second run that's a that's a run that could stand up all day well our next athlete getting ready to drop in we're gonna see our first woman dropping in here for this year's 2022 edition of kings and queens of corbett's and it's your reigning queen the only snowboard the only female snowboarder to ever be crowned queen obviously but yeah madison blackley who it's a pleasure having her back and one thing madison loves about this event i mean there is it's beautiful the camaraderie amongst the athletes the skiers and the snowboarders the men and the women but let's hear from madison and her thoughts on the camaraderie here and why this event is so special really the community of all the people the skiers and the snowboarders together makes it such a fun trip like it's not really about whether you win like you're just kind of supporting everybody to kind of do their best and everyone wants you want everyone to land it's really just um good camaraderie and just a really fun like jackson hole vacation honestly shout out to marissa crossack big mount marissa um really hope to see her stomping it and spinning it and just kind of killing it the whole way down but catch my breath honestly too many people that i hope have great runs just can't wait to see what happens [Music] in the start you're reigning queen again the only snowboarding queen in the four years that this event has been held defending her throne and let's see how madison will fare on this first of two goes if she wants to take doesn't these athletes don't have to take that second drop if they don't want to madison coming out of park city utah well that's her home originally residing in salt lake city now madison has over 10 years of filming experience and a lot of time in the streets but really taken to the backcountry these days moran yeah she's uh she's definitely got some street and jib accolades under her belt and here we go our reigning queen of our defending queen of corbetts dropping in madison blackley madison coming up to the nose kind of decision point right there deciding what is going to be the best way in taking the goat path in i know that uh our park crew here at jacksonville mountain resort uh rainian diaz our head of the park crew and his whole team pat holland scott a all the guys and girls they put a ton of work into this they actually chiseled away at that cornice up there to create a little bit of a smoother entrance on the nose or to to make that goat path a little bit smoother so as we just saw madison taking that and something really interesting is that as the park crew worked on the whole course they set up nets to catch every bit of snow that came down the cooler so they could then use it to build lower features so madison having just hit that left side feature getting some of that fresh snow you can see that there are pockets of deeper snow now she's sizing up the final hit looks like coming into the left side take off in our crowd pleaser and getting mel and grab and cheers from the crowd hundreds of people assembled here and i really do love that after our our riders our competitors hit the crowd pleaser they they land on that hard you know slope style type landing it's it's definitely pretty firm but then they get to celebrate with a night as you were saying dc a nice big wind loaded pow turn right here at the bottom so that's a great way to finish off their run here kings and queens of corbett's take a look at the replay with madison smooth entry on the goat path in [Music] there we go that's what i was talking about that big blown in ribbon of snow right there at the bottom before coming through the the final red bull arch i love too what what madison was saying about the camaraderie like if there's any one single underlying thread that ties this whole event together i would have to say the word camaraderie sums that up like every single uh one of our competitors mentioned how yeah it's really fun to come and compete but what they really love is that that's the that's the reason they're here in jackson and they get to either meet new people or see old friends and they're all just getting out shredding they're here for a week the weather window is is you know a week long so they have tons of time to just go explore the mountain explore the back country and ride with with new and old friends and every single one of our competitors has mentioned that over and over about that being you know really their most favorite part of the whole event yeah it really is a beautiful gathering of some beautiful human beings and it's such a pleasure hanging out with them and seeing them all have fun together when normally a lot of these athletes wouldn't have the opportunity to come together well our next athlete that will be dropping in another veteran out here for kings and queens of corbett's now calling jackson hole home this is tim durchie who's at the top getting ready to drop in and you know an athlete that's known to raise the bar himself he's definitely impressed by how the bar has been raised by all his peers out here and let's hear tim's thoughts on the raising of the bar out here at kings and queens of corvettes i first competed in the corbett's event in 2020 where i saw parking do his first double backflip the bar gets raised every year i know everyone's fired up and really excited to see what parking and jake have up their sleeve and you know see what what kind of tricks people can connect all the way down corbett's it's super inspiring and i'm happy to be back and excited to throw down well tim durchie as i said a veteran out here for the event tgr athlete teton gravity research athlete 2021 movie stoked the fire by tgr you guys should definitely check that out if you have not done so yet giving the viewers some homework back home moran you know a lot of these athletes put on some amazing or do some amazing filming projects and tim durchie definitely one that loves to film and check out the tgr movie the teton gravity research movie stoke the fire to see some amazing shredding from mr tim durchie yeah tgr definitely synonymous with jackson hole their whole crew has been leading the charge and ski film making ski and snowboard film making and even beyond that mountain biking and surfing all the other stuff they do now leading the charge for decades tim a very familiar face around teton village and in all the tgr recent movies uh yeah he said he he actually missed kings and queens last year because he was filming and so here we go we've got tim durchie taking a unique line looks like he's coming up to the west wall our first competitor to take that line jumping into the west wall and then handling the goat path a little rugged right there but no problem that that ski independent suspension worked well for him and then going 360 out of the coombs cave and catching what was a really nice landing all right tim durchie working his way down almost getting caught by a snow snake but hanging onto it and coming into the crowd pleaser with a left side 720 and a nice soft finish [Applause] got the drones buzzing around and giving it up the crowd was pumped on tim derchie we've got a huge crowd here in uh the bottom of ten sleep bowl i know uh we've been hearing i heard last night they had the athlete autograph session which which was huge and we had people who showed up from out of town from all across the country to check this out all right tim into the coombs cave left side three and then here's that left seven off of the crowd pleaser that jump uh has been redesigned this year it's got a better line on it that lines up to the fall line of the uh of the course a little bit better and i know the uh you know dcu right here the other day when the athletes were training on that jump what was their feedback yeah i mean they loved the jump big shout out to the jackson hole park and pipe crew uh led up by uh pat holland randy yards is out of town working on another project right now uh handed over the reins to pat holland and yeah pat holland and his team uh here at the jackson hole pike and pipe crew have been absolutely killing it and they've been loving loving the setup out here at the base of the mountain they didn't get to ride the cooley but they got to practice on this jump and they are really enjoying it it's a true step down lots of air time well next to drop all attention to the top of the cooler we have got another local athlete corey jackson from jackson the guy who the reigning two-time king mr carl fosvet crazy carl told me took me aside and was like watch him give him lots of love let's check in and hear some words from corey jackson my name is corey jackson i'm 29 years old and i was born here in jackson hole wyoming i'm truthfully just an advocate and fanatic of skiing so i'm very familiar with this event know what it entails i am a rookie but i think i have what it takes if i can stay on my feet the parker's done a really good job i think there's some good looking jumps in the middle of the cooler and i'm stoked to see what happened all right corey jackson one of our hometown heroes uh he's born and raised here amazing family i love this family corey's like another one of my younger brothers shout out to darla and mike his parents his brother tyler they've got a really cool family like they all grew up skateboarding together darla skated tyler and corey both amazing skateboarders and they would go on these road trips and mike's a photographer and he would shoot the whole trip so it was really cool dynamic they have all right cory coming into the nose seeing a lot of the different approach from the athletes coming in switch off the side of that nose and corey cutting over to hard skiers right coming into one of these handmade features big backy hanging onto it having to shut down some speed but corey is a super talented park rider going left seven and he's pumped on that run his hands are in the air he is so so hyped corey jackson his first time ever here at kings and queens of corbett's and he is freaking out at the bottom in dc like you said not only did carl say that corey was uh one of the ones to watch but also parkin who is a former king both of those guys were like keep an eye on corey there he is with that switch one big laid out backflip if you're not following corey jackson on on socials you need to he puts out more content than almost anyone else daily videos if you like what you just saw definitely keep an eye on corey jackson wow so corey having a great go on his first of two we'll see if he'll off to take his second run but i love the love he's getting from the local crowd out here he is that is awesome this is like this sums up corey jackson right there like he is always that hype that's not like just a show that he's putting on because he's here at kings and queens of course it's like that's corey on a daily basis he is just so pumped on life and skiing and man if you ever get to hang out with them in the summer or the off season and watch this kid skate it is a beautiful thing to behold and it's gotta be cool for the kids out here too corey a jackson hole free ride alumni member you know so for these little kids at the future to be able to see you know what is possible that that's just incredible yeah corey and cam both alumni of the jacksonville ski and snowboard clubs freeride program well our next athlete getting ready to drop in our first female skier to drop into this year's edition of kings and queens of corbetts we have got piper koontz originally out of south park colorado now calling salt lake city home and let's hear some words from piper and how she relates out here to this venue this cool r i looked at corbett's cooler about four years ago with one of my best friends and just stood at the top and went dang i wish this was open and that's the only experience i've ever had with corbett's the excitement and the level of ability was totally my speed with corbett's collar and just watching everyone get to talk their me into it really resonated with me once again i'm sorry mom she's literally so scared right now well our next athlete again of rookie 21 years of age coming out of south park colorado right outside of the uh cool little mountain hamlet of alma in park county just about uh 25 minutes south of where i am in summit county and a great breeding ground i mean so much talent comes out of there so really hyped to see what piper has for us again now living in salt lake city and alta is now her training grounds and that's where she really has found herself and her skiing so those training grounds really lend to the type of athleticism it takes to attack a venue like this moran absolutely and here comes piper this will be her first time ever in corbett's cooler uh which i think is just absolutely incredible that that's not not an uncommon story when we have some of these rookies to the event show up like piper there we go that was her first drop ever into corbett's cooler and handling it like a champ standing on her feet finding all of that fresh snow over on the rider's left side or sorry ryder's right skiers right of the cooler and hanging on to those nice turns coming into the crowd pleaser looks like she's going right side oh piper coons what she just went beast mode that sent it so deep and just powered through that now checking out her social backflip definitely a trick that she's comfortable with but she just sent it so deep and just the strength we i could almost feel the impact of that right here and she just powered through that landing that was my respect that much respect and i think what we just found out is that like you can go incredibly deep on the crowd pleaser and if you've missed the entire park style landing you got a powder landing at the bottom so it's a win-win she did send it to the softer landing as we look at the replay here for piper very clean skiing top to bottom oh i think she knew it right she got up there and she was like i may have gone a little bigger than i wanted she could have handled the center takeoff no problem you all out there could probably hear the crowd here losing their minds through our microphones they were so loud they're hundreds of people here and literally everybody just let out the biggest roar when piper landed that backflip well piper koontz definitely a name that's on a lot of people's radar now as she has just made quite the statement out here on her first of two runs is this a reminder for all you viewing at home especially this is your first time tuning in to the kings and queens of corbett's and why you're like well what's the standings what's the scores this is an athlete judge contest we won't see any scores or any standings today they're going to be having a viewing party tomorrow where the athletes are going to suss it out and decide who they think should be up on top and be crowned king and queen of corbett's but piper making a a great go for the crown right there with her first of two runs next to drop a veteran out here for kings and queens of corbett's grant giller from evergreen colorado competitive snowboarder competes in everything i mean really slope style rail jams those type of events are a specialty but he loves big mountains he loves filming in the big mountains and he loves being out here at kings and queens and corbett's and let's hear some words from grant giller again a veteran out here for kings and queens of corbin's where are you growing up i honestly think between everything in super park slope style contests like it's the most scared i've ever been on a snowboard but i don't know but once you do it you're like let me get back on that tram i gotta get my second run in the funny thing i'm over four on lands here so uh was really hoping this was going to be my year we'll see uh park jumps looking good though i ride a lot of park so that might help me out third time's the charm kings and queens and corvettes i hope it goes well for me all right well grant giller getting ready to drop in for his first of two runs out here in this 2022 edition of kings and queens of corbett's coming out of colorado does well in pier judge events he was the snowboard magazine super park standout from 2019. here he is grant giller dropping in grant going backside three off the side of the nose that's a really cool creative take-off that a lot of people have been using grant almost having to pull out of the kings and queens competition last year because he had a nasty bite through his tongue but they stitched it up and he was able to compete had a little hard time talking but he held it together oh look at all that snow grants kicking up grant was uh predicting that park skills were gonna play pretty big in people's runs today coming in switch into the crowd pleaser yeah you see the thumbs down uh grant not happy with his performance there he knows that he can do better and uh just hats off to grant coming out here and charging variable conditions out here not as uh not as soft as he's experienced as deep as he's experienced in years past again mother nature helping out and getting some uh some wind load from the snowfall here the past couple days but taking a look at the replay here from grant love the entry yeah you definitely got to have your uh your pal finder on today turn it up to 11. i guess he went front three i'm gonna call that wrong but uh there's pockets of deep snow it has blown in pretty well and then there's some other zones that are a little bit firmer but yeah i mean i think grant will probably be opting to take his second run you know i love that grant one of his sponsors is a uh a water filter company how cool is that never never without clean water wherever you go grant giller getting getting paid to filter some water i love it hey hydration not overrated at all well our next athlete another rookie out here for the kings and queens of corvitz competition and uh this gentleman normally competes on the professional half pipe circuit we've got snowboarder ryan wachendorfer from edwards colorado how many competes in x games dude tour member the u.s snowboard half pipe team competing on those world cup levels and uh let's check in with ryan walkendorfer and his thoughts on what it's going to take to do well here at his first year drop it into corbett's today was my first day at jackson hole mountain resort uh so i got to see corbett's for the first time i've watched this contest online every year and it's such a fun contest to watch i compete on the pro half pipe circuit whenever i can i try to free ride and ride slope style and just the people that can you know do a line all the way down top to bottom are going to be you know the people that are doing really well so i'm super stoked to be in jackson and i think just i've just looked forward to you know coming out here and seeing corporates for myself and also just competing it's going to be a super good time okay you ready to drop yep all right and a look at ryan wackendorfer up there in the start once again competes on the pro level and half pipe the kids got some skills i get to announce them all all season long basically and get to ride with them as well in colorado at the local mountains and man he can tear up terrain parks like it's nobody's business and he loves filming in the backcountry so he's just a well-rounded athlete that loves snowboarding here he is dropping in ryan backside three and hanging onto the landing having a little trouble shutting it down but yeah ryan was talking about how being an all all-around well-rounded snowboarder is really important to him beautiful front side three front side grab off of that that deceptively small kicker those things are way bigger than they may look from a distance and ryan coming into the final jump here going double backy with absolutely no problem he is hyped [Applause] very very lazy slow mellow looking double backflip and just coming right over the knuckle catching the sweet spot of the landing perfectly that that was a crowd pleaser trick off the crowd pleaser jump like i mean never disappoints with the backflip absolutely and checking out the replay there you see the back three in he was talking about possibly doing a crippler like basically an inverted 540. so we'll see if he will attempt that again in the beautiful double wildcat the double back flip with the front side grab locked in ryan wachendorfer welcome to kings and queens of corvettes good to have him out here and definitely uh at home do your homework check out what uh ryan walkendorffer does in his time off when he's not out on the professional half pipe circuit you know again worth noting that was ryan's fir first time ever into corbett's he's never ridden it before putting on a show and staying on his feet for all of us well our next athlete that's going to be dropping in another rookie out here for kings and queens of corbett's originally out of northern minnesota the town of hibbing is where he hails from now living in truckee california his home mountain giants ridge a tiny little hill up there in minnesota this is nile romanek and nyle a well-rounded athlete as well earlier this season he was competing in the red bull heavy metal rail event bringing in those urban features up in duluth minnesota but uh really has been uh taking his skills to the to the big mountains and honing those back country skills and let's hear some words from now romanek on what he does to prepare for this event i've never been to jackson so i always wanted to check it out so it seemed like an awesome excuse to come here check out the mountain i know there's a lot of hype around it so really wanted to see what it was all about got a little intel kind of you know checked out a couple videos seen some things on the the social media and things like that so honestly just kind of coming in blind i think it's kind of maybe the best for me kind of like seem to do better when i don't actually know what's going on all right now romanek getting ready another one as you said dc one of our rookies so this will be his first time ever into corbett's i think it is so impressive when we have people who are riding corbett's for the first time as part of the kings and queens of corbett's event people spend a lifetime psyching themselves up to come here and ride corbett's and uh to to do it on a world stage like this in front of both a live and a in a broadcast crowd is is a lot of pressure so uh shout out to uh hats off to all of our athletes especially the ones who are riding this for the first time and trying to compete as well as just simply figure out what corbett's has to offer well again niall uh hailing out of minnesota and really started his career filming and more of the urban environment that you see a lot of athletes a lot of riders out of the midwest kind of catering towards but a transition into big mountain events here is niall dropping in for his first time here in the corbetts that is a popular line nyle the beautiful backside three grabbing indy having to shut it down before that first right rider's right kicker which the park crew actually moved down the hill a little bit this year it was hard for for riders and skiers to hit it when coming off the nose in the past because they had so much heat now putting together a good run so far little bobble up there after he landed off the nose nile coming into the crowd pleaser taking that center line and going backside seven stalefish coming up a little bit slow [Applause] [Music] again his first time ever riding corvis kular well niall started his career filming with a very very creative think thank crew if you want to dive into a little history of uh niall's career as we look at the replay here [Applause] there's that front side the rider's right zone seems to have quite a bit of snow left in it and uh this year's film project that you should check out uh for more on nile is i love you say it back that's a good name it is a good name yeah so niall it's a pleasure having him out of this event and we'll see if niall will take his second or two runs but again going from competing in events like the red bull heavy metal up in duluth minnesota to the big mountain events here the kings and queens of corbett's i love seeing the uh just the variety of skills out here put on display by these athletes they couldn't be any more different events all right next athlete to drop we've got marissa krazak a veteran out here four kings and queens of corbett's and let's hear some words from marissa on what she's looking forward to see go down here this year so this is my third year doing the kings and queens of corbett's this year is gonna be interesting it looks like some pretty uh pretty solid conditions in the cooler i predict that you know people are still going to send it and i predict that it's going to be really fun it's going to be really interesting it's really good just to be with everybody and see what everybody does it's just like a celebration of skiing and snowboarding so it's fun to be a part of and your next athlete marissa crossing up there in the start coming out of bend oregon mount bachelor home mountain a wildland firefighter as well give her a follow at big mountain marissa getting ready to drop in bend oregon represent seems like athletes from bend oregon do well in contests here at jackson hole mountain resort they they do and here comes marissa oh she says she likes to she takes likes taking long walks in the woods on her split board i don't think she's riding a slip board today but there she goes getting a front side grab off the nose and i think that hard left rider's left side of the landing has a little bit of a ribbon and it looks like she landed just on top of that and got kind of bucked backwards coming now through the center of the course grabbing melon there's a lot of different backgrounds in our in our skiers and riders today we've got competitive pipe riders competitive slope style riders we've got more of the back country riders filmers so it's going to be interesting to see which of those types of backgrounds shine i think it's no secret that with all these man-made features especially this bottom jump the park riding skills are coming in handy and marissa going backside three on the crowd pleaser landing a little bit tail heavy and kind of washing out there but again it's not really any one feature of the course uh this is a very non-traditional event there as we've talked about there is no judges panel the judges are the riders they're they're judging themselves they're judging the entire field and uh you know it's very much going to be judged on overall impression uh about how you make your way from the top to the bottom so if you go down on one of the features have a little bobble here or there that may not be the thing that that cuts you out you can still have a good chance of ending up on the podium and marissa croszak with her backside three off the crowd pleaser there just washing out a little bit and got her down at the at the bottom sharing some intel getting some intel but that is definitely a big part of the event dc with with you know once every rider goes they want to know back up the top how it was and what people are feeling about the course all right the next athlete getting ready to drop in chase blackwell just like ryan walkendorfer chase an athlete who competes on the professional half pipe circuit next games veteran as well coming out of longmont colorado and uh very good friends with mr ryan walkendorff does a lot of filming with him but let's hear from chase and uh his first thoughts here on corvettes i have zero history with kings and queens or corbett's cooler first time getting to drop into corbett's i've been to jackson hole before but never ridden the cooler the overall aspect of the terrain is insane and like nothing i've ever really seen before or ridden before so i'm super excited to go and try it out so chase blackwell such a pleasure having him out here another athlete i mean everything i said about ryan i can say about chase i get to announce him on the pro level circuit uh no stranger to making it into the finals with his incredible skills but the kids just love snowboarding it happens to be that he specializes in half pipe but he loves filming loves getting into the backcountry and tears apart any terrain you put in front of him and chase with his first run ever into corbett's cooler staying on his feet coming in super hot a little too much heat right there [Music] yeah he's okay claiming it have to say that might be our fastest run down the cooler today unfortunately for chase this is not a timed event he's not afraid to charge and uh well puts it on display right there and he's no stranger to going fast to go as big as he does out of a 22 foot pipe he he he knows what it means to go as fast as he can and with that edge control and there's chase finishing it off with a nice smooth backside three off the crowd pleaser and even milking a couple pow turns in that little little wind blown pocket here at the bottom yeah the backside three no grab just stalling in there chilling it out kind of mark frank montoya style uh for anyone out there that wants to look up uh how to spin without grabbing mark frank montoya a legend in snowboarding who uh was one of the best to do that just showing that composure in the air and looking at the replay of chase here yeah chase just he said uh you know line selection was gonna be a a big part of what played into his his uh strategy and his line just happened to be almost straight down the cooler and you see the sticker on the helmet member of the us snowboard half pipe team just narrowly missing a spot on uh this year's team that's been competing overseas at the big o show in our next athlete getting ready to drop in we've got a reigning king parkin costane 2020 king of corvette and let's hear from parkin and his thoughts on coming back for the fourth time to this event this is my fourth year competing in the king and queen of corbett's here in jackson and uh really looking forward to what everyone has in store this year it's going to be really unique i'm really excited to see how corey skis this venue this year he's kind of a resort shredder that's just been known to send it to hardpack and uh yeah i think he's going to surprise us all with what he's got there you have it your next athlete getting ready to drop in 22 years of age he was your 2020 king of corbett's had the double backflip in that year that was just so controlled and so huge originally out of whitefish montana now residing in big sky you can catch him in the teton gravity research tgr 2021 film stoke the fire and for cool content on parking we were talking about this the other day if you're not following them give them a follow because the kid is so creative and puts out amazing content but he had a post back in october the post was october 19th to be uh precise where he uh skiing a big line does a huge three off a huge left three off of rock and then continues to throw a massive backflip over an avalanche that he had triggered landing that three and it's insane absolutely insane skis away clean no problem but a very uh exhilarating clip to witness and uh park and costane what an incredible athlete he is incredible mountain biker as well big in a free ride biking and uh along with some friends back home they've got legacy bike park that all you mountain bike fans definitely need to check out and look more into that so very accomplished individual parking parking costing is he definitely is and you know i think it's uh safe to say that his win in 2020 was a big part of what kicked off his career right we've now seen him in tgr films we see him popping up and yeah dc back to what you were just talking about this backflip over the avalanche like no one ever wants to be anywhere near an avalanche and i and i would say that uh you probably don't want to be in the air over one at all but it was wild to see that clip of him floating through the air stops the backflip clean and while he's in the air his crew and his filmers are yelling on the radios avalanche avalanche and he stomped it and rode away safely well here comes parking costain what do you think dc well kub kong collected with a nice switch one into the coulee off the front of the nose oh [Applause] barking costume back to back backies going cross court across the cooler somehow managing to hold it together with all of that speed and going huge huge left seven off the crowd pleaser [Applause] the crowd pleaser jump limit up to its name parking cost aid seems to be a crowd favorite with that run holy moly i don't know how he possibly set up so quickly from one backflip to another but i gotta say that strategy of taking it cross court across the fall line is a super good idea it obviously played well for him but it was a great way to manage his speed control it a little bit and he got in some extra hits you know two hits right there in the middle of the gut of the cooler well checking out the replay here for parking costing and just a reminder there is the people choice award this year so keep an eye out for that qr code and scan it when it's on the tv for your voice to be heard out here and pick your favorites but yeah the critical setup and of the linking those two backflips together absolutely insane you know i think that's that's very reminiscent of his run in 2020 when he won he linked so many tricks after he did the double back in he then put down like four or five more tricks we were talking about how he had probably the most hits in the cooler of that day and so uh that's a perfect example of the control parkin has to be able to land one trick and immediately set up for the next one i mean there was no room for error between those two hits no i'll be honest i'll tell you i was i was sweating it a little bit my my pits got a little sweaty i was like where is he going is he going into the rocks if he doesn't land this could not work out well but he handled it handled indeed all right well our next athlete to drop in another rookie out here for kings and queens coming out of south lake tahoe this is molly armanino let's hear from molly and her thoughts on getting invited to this prestigious event i got the invite it sounded exciting not much history i haven't skied it to ever i think i looked at it one time like two years ago um but it was closed so not much history i've always watched kings and queens obviously so i thought it would be a good fun opportunity to meet people and i don't know i'm glad i'm not going first i think that would that's that person is going to set the stage well again molly armanino the next kings and queens rookie out here grew up ski racing competes on the freeride world qualification circuit as well coming out of south lake tahoe a climate activist check out her film of mend to get more educated on what molly is pushing for especially in her home area of south lake tahoe and here she is molly dropping in first time at this event molly dropping straight into off the nose and into kind of the base of the west wall handling it no problem showing her big mountain freeride skills and unfortunately getting a little eaten up in that snow ribbon just under the coombs cave not shying away from the hand belt features great control oh there's kind of a new new line that molly had popping over those rocks on the far skiers right and coming into the crowd pleaser molly going left three staying on her feet and coming through that red bull arch to some high fives i believe from sander hadley and getting a hug from corey jackson i think anyways it's again right there perfect example of the camaraderie that's built between all of our competitors here at kings and queens of corbett's is really really the foundation of this event is all based on the vibe and the hype and and creating those connections it really is and it's cool being up there the past couple days uh when the athletes have just gotten a look into the coulee and hearing them talk and uh some of the veterans giving some advice to some of the rookies out here but enjoying the replay here for uh for molly and you you mentioned coombs cave talk a little bit about the anatomy for those that are tuning in for the first time and just the legend who coombs caves is named after yeah coombs cave named after doug coombs legendary big mountain skier unfortunately rip passed away a number of years ago skiing in france but that cave is named after him and it's got a plaque in there that commemorates it for doug well our next athlete getting ready to drop as we focus our attention back to the top we've got blaine gallivan dropping in a local teton ripper out here he's been on the podium at kings and queens before got a third in 2021 love watching this guy doing his thing it's got a really cool business as well in season wood fire pizza and bread it's a mobile business it's a converted 1990s horse trailer and they just cruise around farmers markets and so forth and so on selling some what look like amazing pizzas i got to get my hands on one of those they're good they're good shout out to his girl franny and also business partner at in season you got blaine gallivan another uh all-terrain ripper and you know what he actually was featured in a short film from lib tech back in 2017 where he was featured with uh lonnie ball the guy the first person to ever drop into corbett's it was about uh the first run into corbett's interviews with both blaine and lonnie here comes blaine gallivan our 15th competitor cutting the rope which i think is okay today yeah we won't we won't call the cops on them this time and blaine stoking up the crowd up there at the top of corvus kular coming in from let's see taking a unique line kind of lip sliding the edge of corbett's and then dropping in definitely a unique line coming into that rider's right cheese wedge beautiful flat three let's see what he's got off the crowd pleaser big left seven and hanging on to it blaine gallivan the crowd is hyped blaine is no no has no problem going absolutely massive he's known for it he's got millions of views online from different films and edits clips that he's put out he seems to be happy with that run i'm happy with that run for him you know after uh after the natural selection event was done a number of weeks ago blaine went out and hit one of the biggest features in the course there's that flat three and finishing off with his left seven and hanging on through that the powder pocket here at the bottom of corvette's cooler look at that camaraderie the camaraderie that we've been talking about literally getting a hug from every single person at the at the finish here so cool to see and i love the uh kind of cross-court like opposite transition finding to just enter the cooler at the top great creativity by blaine gallivan well our next athlete a veteran out here at kings and queens third year here at kings and queens competing he was actually the first athlete to do a double backflip into this cool r this is jake hopfinger let's hear from jake and why he chooses to return to this event year after year it's just the best crowd of people here at jackson we just ski around the resort every day and have a great time and some of the best gears and riders in the world are here so it's such a blast i'm really psyched it's looking good this year different snow conditions but our tactics are a little different i think this year typically we've built a little jump further back and kind of punted up and into it to get the to the landing um we'll see this year i think the tactics might be different um we're gonna play it by ear though we'll see how it looks on competition day he was the first athlete to uh throw a double backflip into corbett's and then park and costane followed his buddy that year and was inspired by him and ended up taking the crown that year last year a double flat spin into the uh into the cooler sweet protection one of our event partners sponsors him not only as a winner athlete but a summer athlete as well from mountain biking very talented individual dropping in for his first run and a left three right off the nose right off the top not even riding in on that ribbon like many other competitors have back flip cross court like his buddy parker park in sorry mixing it up a little bit with that flat three and jake coming in hot into the crowd pleaser there's a double flatty yes the double flat spin on the crowd pleaser a little bit of a revert out of the landing but jeez hats off to jake hopfinger for throwing down yet again he was saying you know it's not the type of year with the conditions given to send it off the top you see the more toned down approach you have from the top a more calculated approach with that left three in but what a great run at the back flip had the kind of lincoln loop style flip up in that run as well and uh and then the double flats been the trick he threw into the cooler last year off the crowd pleaser here at the at the finish and there's that tight cross court line backflip into the flat pink kind of lincoln loop and the double flat spin staying on his feet he washed out a little bit but again it's not like he's not getting necessarily deducted for that it is it is the entire run that will be considered by his peers i think you know to be honest that was one of the better runs i think we've seen he stayed on his feet most of the time he had a double in there uh he had some unique tricks and you know what i think i'm really impressed with is that he he spun right off the top of the nose not to take anything away from the other riders and skiers who've been coming kind of in off that fin but jake went right off the top yeah you know i said toned down approach from what we've seen him do in the past couple years but still that's uh he's sending it in that would be a lifetime achievement award for your average athlete out there to spin a three like that here in the corvette so shout out to jake offinger and he's such a nice guy too just you can't help but be a fan of them when you meet them uh super super nice guy always got a smile on his face just positive vibes always coming from mr we hopfinger have lost power again do you guys have power you do have comms so some technical difficulties again here in this extreme environment so we have lost our feed down here at the base so we'll be getting back with you once we get things powered up again out here at the king and queens of corbett's [Music] batteries so we got juliette willamette ready to drop she's coming to us for her first run in corbett's coming from the freeride world tour side of things she grew up in the alps i believe father ski instructor sister ski racer she is ski racer herself so she's grown up amongst it she's got the chops for this and that's exactly why you end up with an invite to a serious event like this kings and queens of corbets it's so cool as dc and jeff have mentioned see how different backgrounds lead to different interpretations of the mountain you know we tend to see more of the racers put down big fast turns but also handling those edges to maintain control speed control is a huge element today so i think that that's positioning people well to maintain control hit the features they want and here we see juliet dropping in coming to the lip coming in hot [Music] [Music] and as juliet's coming into that bottom kicker choosing a straight air we see those flags just whipping down there so i think it makes sense to keep it safe keep it calm right off the top let's take a look at the replays [Music] so excited to see juliet finish up that run juliette that big mountain attitude coming to corbett's she was down these 600 vertical feet real quick it's cool to see the different pace athletes are taking different ways you can interpret the same slope [Music] corbett's can feel like a little constrained to uh athlete coming up here and look at the easiest option the goat path in i think that once you've gotten past that you're all set we're up top with yuki let's hear from him about taking a different approach past year was like everyone jumped off the crib this year going to maybe more different lines or different hits something like that so this is my second time kings and queens and my second time like free ride contest i compete slope style and bigger a lot now i'm trying to film like switch my snowboard and then trying to film we got yuki kidono dropping in buckling up helmet just making sure he's tightened out everybody's stoked to see yuki back this year in fact last year he brought such great energy to the comp and went massive makes sense that he's back for year two but i think he enjoyed himself so much in the previous year that he's living in jackson now riding in the backcountry filming starting to broaden his uh his experiences away from the traditional background of half pipe slope style big air looks like yuki's just about to drop in here we go yuki kadona dropping in for his second appearance at kings and queens of corvettes yuki dropping off the wall [Music] jeff and dc down to you guys thank you andrew white for yeah yuki with the hand drag back three into the method moran he is having a run right now yeah i think there was uh we were a lot of people were excited to see what yuki was gonna do i know last year i was so excited with his switchback one there he goes back ten off the crowd pleaser yuki with one of the most creative entrances into the cooler that we've seen today like you just said we'll see a replay here in a minute he is like the most hyped dude it's it's like overwhelming how much stoke this guy has i love it it's it's infectious being around yuki and to see him put down that run that he just did is just he's so excited everyone's so excited for him but that hand dragged back three in was one of the more creative lines we've seen today coming off of that little uh channel that that all the competitors built as andrew was saying earlier uh in past years we've seen competitors building takeoffs back away from the nose back away from the lip so that they could actually get more air this year they were toning it down a little bit and there's that factory hand drag followed up with a beautiful method and then going back 10 sitting it down a little bit but dipping the shoulder on that third spin and almost coming into the finish there and almost like seeming a little bit overwhelmed like whoa what what just happened to me well done yuki kidono of course last year he started things off if you haven't seen it with a switchback one the first switchback one switchback 180 into corbett's cooler where he went absolutely massive so yuki we will see he's got the option to take a second run if he would like to but our next athlete getting ready to drop in will be audrey hebert and we're gonna check in and hear some words from audrey on her approach to corbett's after her experience last year i feel like last year i had looked at corbett at kings and queen for for the previous two years and i was i really was like i knew if i ever get into this comp what i'm going to do and that was friend flipping into it and i went for one and a half instead of one hurt my back but i was good enough to do a second run and that landed me on the podium which was uh great um my goal this year i guess will be to land both times instead of instead of a tomahawking half the cooler all right so audrey hebert residing in banff here for her second year second place last year here at corbyn was the first her first time ever dropping into this cooler yeah it was a pretty exciting first time in she she uh wanted to do a front flip she threw it a little bit too hard and actually went one and a half and kind of went diving into corbett's luckily uh there was a good amount of snow padded or landing um but what we just found out recently is that she injured her back on that she didn't know last year she was going to be able to take a second run but she was feeling good she came back up took a second run and then ultimately ended up finishing in second place and she was saying that she's been dealing with that back injury for the last year but she's got some good uh pts and she's been working hard and now she's back at it and really excited to get get back into uh corvis today well if you're following earlier in the show and happened to see our start sheet in our drop order we were supposed to see blake wilson drop next but we had to mix up our drop order just a little bit uh some of the athletes that uh we're going to be dropping next here got delayed on the tram so big red holding up a couple athletes getting back up to the top but don't fret we will see them but audrey hubbard up there ready to roll so we're going to be go ahead and continue and on with her blake wilson would have been the athlete we would have seen dropping then crazy carl carl fosvet your defending king out here and two-time king of corbetts will be after blake [Music] so audrey started competing in 2014 cutting her teeth in free ride competitions and blinks in bank slalom events has competed on the free ride world tour before and again second year out here at kings and queens of corvitz and we're very excited to have audrey back did you turn it on or did he talk i think we might you should if you guys are recording today yep okay are you good for 30 seconds auburn audrey yeah okay getting uh here in the banter up top sounds like about 30 seconds until the audrey drops in that little tree is that it should have like that audrey getting some last minute directions she knows corbett's is in front of her she just wants to make sure she knows she's going to the the place where she intends to be it sounds like she might be headed towards the goat path [Music] and there we go audrey haberk from banff canada coming on in through the goat path kicking up what seems to be quite a bit of snow nice clean entry into the cooler working her way over to the rider's right side kind of airing off that ribbon of snow that's blown in oh going front flip two takeoffs there on that left side kicker hand built by our jackson hole mountain resort park crew and here comes audrey hebert into the crowd pleaser taking the left side take off getting a little bit of a little bit of speed loss coming in but staying on her feet and people are pumped getting some high fives from cam and yuki as she comes into the finished corral here audrey uh saying that she didn't really have any big strategy coming into it this year i know she felt a little bit more confident having having one year under her belt uh having ridden core bits and knowing what it's what it feels like and obviously now uh being healthy again and being ready to get back in there so there's audrey hebert coming in through the goat path and you know to put this in perspective her just riding into corbett's right there is a feat that 99 of people who come to jackson hole mountain resort will not do so just riding down and even putting some tricks down in corpus coulare is a big feat getting some smiles out of audrey looks like she's stoked on her run and all of our riders and back up to the top our next athlete originally out of bethel maine sunday river his home mountain now residing in salt lake city blake wilson will be dropping in next and uh well such an iconic mountain this is jackson hole mountain resort and let's hear from blake and his thoughts on coming out here to corbett's for the first time i've never ski jackson hole resort and i've never seen corbett square in person i don't know i've watched a lot of videos of it it's definitely a historic uh feature i've kind of been studying some tape here last couple weeks getting ready for this i honestly don't really know what's gonna happen out there um just kind of keeping an open mind really stoked to get out there and shred i kind of play it by year for sure but just stoked to be up here and there you have it blake wilson up in the start again out of bethel maine originally now residing in salt lake city competed in mogul skiing and slope style for about 10 years and now really pursuing the uh free ski filming career lately filmed with faction skis and their film roots definitely check that out featuring kings and queens veteran alex hall as well who congratulations to alex hall just was awarded won the gold medal over in beijing over in slope style so alex was a competitor last year teammate of faction skis with blake wilson uh wasn't able to be here this year dude competing over in beijing but congrats alex hall again on your slopestyle gold medal and here's his buddy blake wilson dropping in for his first time in the corvettes [Music] blake wilson no hesitation going quick one and then switch one after the butter in link in the cross court line back flip right there now coming into the crowd pleaser and going nice smooth slow left seven and that's how it's done right there blake wilson first time in the corvettes and just handles very good [Music] [Music] andrew up here up on the start line we've got a little window of sunshine clouds are obviously coming in and intermittent but this is the weather that we've been given with a full week to choose we're really hopeful on some soft snow and we've gotten some blown in but this is what all the athletes are totally used to working with the elements they've got a drop window so you can choose you can window shop a little bit but once you're into it mentally you're prepared to go full run you know as we think about the athletes still left to drop in this first run we've got karl fosfet two-time champion here see him walking up you know with time and experience you get to understand to run a little bit better but it also starts leaving you with more memories of challenges in the past so i think it's really cool to see this blend of athletes whether you've got the senior experience or your freshman it's awesome to see everybody out here interpreting the mountain in their own way hey d.c let me send it back to you down bottom right on thank you andrew whiteford up at the top hope you're staying warm up there brother but again uh hey local guy he knows what's up knows how to stay warm in these elephants but we appreciate you with your finger on the pulse up there at the top andrew well carl fosfet crazy carl up there at the top hiking up to the start two-time the only two-time king of corbins and he's your defending king of corbett's as well moran he is yeah crazy carl coming in hot to be honest dude's really not got anything to prove he's won this event twice out of the last four years um but i don't think that's gonna slow him down i don't think he's gonna settle for a mellow run uh crazy carl with just some of the like best energy i mean like this is this this guy represents the kings and queens of corbett's uh ethos the energy like he's just so excited about everything and it really shows in his interviews kind of you know finishing everything off of the you and and just being hyped on everything and you can see it in his runs well true ambassador of stoke crazy carl carl foss fed let's hear from carl and his words and his love for this event i love this event it's so much fun to get all these skiers snowboarders together and i think we all got to keep an eye out for corey jackson loke dog kid who's going to be throwing down and yeah i think this guy's going to blow your mind because every time i see him ski he's just next level so keep an eye out for him huge shout out to just all the up and coming groms out there skiing and snowboarding our next level these days it's so rad to see the next generation and hopefully you guys are getting stoked and we'll see uh on the podium in some years to come well again shout out crazy carl the only two-time king of corbett's from 2018 and last year 2021 big shout out to mama foss as well carl's mother coming out here to cheer on her son and if you guys want to see some entertaining content definitely check out carl fosvet's brap and ski so uh bradsky something really cool really cool film project him and his buddy jasper newton are doing a film about the two funnest sports brapping and skiing so carl fosvet always an entertaining individual putting out some really entertaining content we're gonna check in again with the third member of our team andrew whiteford up at the top andrew how's it going up there back up top you know i'm like 50 feet away from the lip of core bits so i just see the world fall away with rough cliffs on either side but there's a lot of nuances and different lines that we have options for within this traditionally the goat path skiers left side off the top is going to be the least consequential [Music] in previous seasons we've seen a lot of athletes going off the nose which is presenting the biggest air opportunity previous years that's where we've seen a lot of doubles take off from as we wrap around to the far right hand side we haven't seen anybody drop in far skiers right which tends to have kind of an airplane turn coming back across the slope now some of you might remember from seasons past j rob even finding his way through a really narrow what can only be described as a crack in the rock to access his line bring it back over to the skiers left side at the top one of the most dominant eye catching features is the west wall which is just a beautiful vertically aligned piece of limestone i've aired off that a few times we've seen forrest gelsen and jeff ledger in some of the early versions of this comp go there you know one of the most obvious things that's changed this year is the effort to minimize the air and trajectory off the top so we saw parkin and jake requesting a chainsaw new this year and they literally cut vertical walls in by the nose allowing athletes for a potential drop in off the top where you don't start quite as high up in the air a huge part of athlete's efforts today is on speed manager so we're gonna see how carl and our last couple athletes in run one hand edition we've got carl dropping any moment now so i'm going to send it back to you jeff and dc take it away as we watch crazy carl thank you very much and uh love the history lesson from up at the top there so much knowledge andrew has here of this cool art here's crazy carl dropping in crazy carl not shying away coming in confidently going 360 off the nose working his way over into that hand shaped hip there's that signature slow backflip a lot of people got back flips but crazy carl's is pretty unique it's just lazy it's slow it looks so good and now coming in switch into the crowd pleaser going switch left seven looked like maybe switched ten he was going 10. yeah i missed i thought he was gonna switch nine and either uh over rotated that switch nine or just slightly under rotated that switch ten but shout out crazy carl what i mean what a g i love this guy i love the energy he brings to this event every year and just his stoke and love for all the other athletes out there and the future of the sport as well cultivates the future of the sport always hyping up you know all the young up and comers telling me about all the kids that that he's got kind of on his radar up and comers and just just a true gentleman out here in the ranks owns a production company called native earth productions all right there's looking at the replays out here slow backflip and oh you're right dc yeah going for 10. switch 10. coming up a little short though but i agree like he is always so hyped about everyone else like he's he's royalty here pun intended at the kings and queens of corbett's and and he makes everybody else feel like they are you know at the elite level that they're on his level that that they're the most important person and it's just it's just such cool energy that he brings and you can see that it's appreciated by the crowd and by his fellow competitors so yeah that was a tough way to finish that run by by coming up short on the spin and losing his ski but again we've got another run for all of our competitors working our way through coming up to the last few uh to take their first runs for today yeah two athletes left to drop and our next athlete getting ready to drop in resides out here in jackson now we've got kings and queens veteran coop brand cooper branham and uh his it's a great to be a part of this event and uh the energy's great the riders are always good it's friends of mine that i'm riding with so it's uh can't say no kind of scenario um i think the name of the game is creativity this year it's uh it's fast it's hard but it's gonna be uh up to the person who can look at it differently this year in the past than we have in the past and uh there's a lot of hits in there there's a lot of options and i think the person who you know changes their perspective on it is gonna be someone who can make the most out of it all right so coupe brand cooper brandon getting ready to drop and originally had a gig harbor washington crystal mountain his stomping grounds moved to colorado went to cu boulder lived in crescent butte for a little bit now calling jackson home coop going front side three off the side fin of that of the nose had a really interesting corked frontside seven last year there you go there's the wildcat taking it deep and remember the faces of those takeoffs are anywhere from 10 to even up to 15 feet tall so it gives you an idea of how big those really are and how far they're dropping out of the sky coupe branham into the crowd pleaser clean with the front seven [Applause] solid run from coupe branham coupe he's been out here for a few years and now he and cam fitzpatrick are super tight cube's been filming with cam and the crew from the this is us in squad just recently putting out their new film called block party and coop having a banger part i mean a super super impressive part in uh block party this year all right let's take another look at coop there we go that front side three coming right off of his toe edge having to use every bit of it mixing it up with a backside three coming into that wildcat getting a solid grab [Music] and going front seven landon smith yeah came around perfectly into the landing for that frontside 720. he did it almost looked like he didn't even touch the ground he just smoothed right eased into the landing good brandon it looks like he's pumped on that run it will be interesting to see who decides to take a second run again the format for this every rider and skier in the contest has the option to take two runs but they don't necessarily don't have to take their second run if they're feeling confident about their first run we've seen that in the past we'll see what happens so it could be a shorter field coming into our second runs we have uh one more rider yeah our last rider to drop in to take their first of two runs and it's a rookie out here to kings and queens of corvettes but a veteran when it comes to competition and snowboarding this is shariel moss originally from the netherlands now calling idaho home a three-time slope style world champion a three-time olympian an x games gold medalist and big air sharia moss has been around for a hot minute moran and she has seen it all and done it all and i love to see the longevity and her just progressing her career and evolving her career and just kind of taking the next step and now taking her career into the big mountains all right that good yeah go for it thank you all right sure real mouse was moss was waiting for a little light to shine on the course and here she comes into the nose i love that drone shot sharia coming in on the goat path she was just here a few weeks ago competing in the natural selection tour and has consciously decided to take that that very competitive slip style background and bring it into the back country into these big mountain free ride comps cheriel off that riders right cheese wedge getting front side grab and landing perfectly on that ribbon of blown in snow yeah sniping the good landing on that one let's see what sharia has for us on the crowd pleaser [Applause] [Music] on the crowd pleaser and finishing it off with a little a little powder here at the bottom so it's getting uh experiencing a little bit of technical difficulties down here at the bottom we don't have our feed here to run you through the replay ourselves nope feed is back and here's a replay for sure moss and her debut here into corbett's cooler [Applause] shereel taking the opportunity to find some of that good snow and she definitely found it on that jump going back seven tail grab sitting it down a little bit but again it's all about the full run and it is judged by her peers so we have a judge's panel of 23 people all of whom are taking part in the competition today all of our competitors as dc said earlier in the show are going to gather for a watch party they're going to watch everybody's runs and that's how uh once they're all edited together they're going to watch all the runs and that's how they're going to decide when they vote on who the king and queen of corvids will be for this year then we've also got the people's choice going on this year where after first runs are done we'll give you guys all a qr code you'll be able to scan that and vote for who your favorites are voting for that will be open until 5 00 p.m mountain time tomorrow friday and we'll we'll collect all those votes and and make sure we we get that ready for our awards party tomorrow night well yeah so once again moran explaining why you're not seeing any standings right now we won't see any standings today the athletes are gonna have the viewing party and vote tomorrow on who they think the king and queen of corpus should be here in this 2022 fifth edition of this event time to check in now with the third member of our team up at the top of the cooler andrew whiteford andrew what's going on up there brother well i just had to creep over to the edge to peek my head over to appraise how high up i am before that first landing i'm standing in the middle of the trench cut out using chainsaw shovel good old-fashioned physical labor all these athletes are used to working with the elements but certainly out here at the top of the mountain where you've got constant wind constant snow adapting to these conditions is forefront at the athlete's mind and as they start thinking about their second run how they're going to change that or adapt it could be clean up the original run could be go for something completely different so as athletes are starting to congregate and it's going to be first come first served for the second run cool to see how those athletes are are going at it you know dc and jeff you guys are getting a lot of it from down low do you have any questions about what's happening up here as i poke around there are any uh it's back up there at the top getting ready to go for a second run if any of them lining up yeah i'm definitely seeing a handful of the athletes poking around and looking at different angles including juliet who's up far skiers left kind of up near where tim first dropped in just looking at a direct line right off the top which anybody that's been up here knows is a solid 50 feet of pretty much straight down before you can hook up your first turn everybody else is keeping their cards pretty close to their their hands their bodies uh i think that while you've got this happy camaraderie up here this is when athletes realize it is a competition and uh we're psyched to send it for the highest level of points that they can accumulate from their friends out here so coming into the second run we're all psyched to see how it goes down let me put it back to you guys all right andrew andrew thank you for all the feedback up there it's good to have your eyes on the course and your perspective and i think we're going to take it back to the run run yeah a lot of great moments there from those first runs and let's go ahead and take a look at the recap from some of those first runs out there shout out to all the athletes throwing down as we have seen everyone take their first rounds the screaming seamen in there from sander and then there's hans vinnick with definitely one of the cleanest runs we've seen corey jackson living up to the hype that ever all his peers put on him out there and throwing down an amazing first of two runs piper's massive backflip at the end ryan wachendorfer who normally you see gracing the start sheet of professional half pipe competitions having a good go and his first time in the cooler parking costing linking up an incredible combination of backflips lots of exciting action from the first round of runs there's jake hop finger with the back flip to flat spin and then his double flat spin yuki's hand drag side three and then yuki's back ten those championship slope style skills definitely showing here today blake with the butter 360 off the nose [Applause] carl with the left three coming into corbett's carl fossbed our reigning king here piping up the crowd you can hear him cheering for him there cooper branham that back three into this wildcat [Applause] and then cooper finishing off strong with a smooth frontside seven [Applause] yeah so cool again shout out to all the athletes getting their first runs in and we'll see who all takes that second or two runs if they uh choose to do so but again fan but well sorry fans we're gonna allow you guys to let your voices be heard out here so scan the qr code when that pops up and uh have a chance to have a vote for uh the fan favorite out here this year something new all right and you guys can follow along at and uh if you're if you're hashtagging if you're into that sort of thing it's hashtag kings and queens of corbetts i'll be honest uh today i didn't know what we were in for the conditions were a little bit different than the this this year than in past uh you know we've had i guess sendier conditions in the past but the wind and the little bit of snow we got the last couple days has definitely helped the course and i feel like to be honest we're seeing a a better show than i think i was ready for i didn't know we were going to see such big tricks absolutely we knew it was going to be a different approach this year with uh not as soft as conditions as we've seen in the past but the athletes are not disappointing putting on quite the show thinking outside of the box and interpreting this cool art beautifully so again the format out here the the way we determined the start order was the ryder welcome party where we had the lottery and they got to pick a ping-pong ball to see their start order now for run two it's all up in the air as far as who's gonna go next they are gonna give uh a priority to the athletes that dropped later in the start order so if athletes that dropped later in the start order are up there and ready to go they're going to go ahead and give them priority and allow them to drop earlier here on this second and final rounds of runs and again athletes don't even have to take that second round if they're feeling good about the way things went and they don't need anything that they feel the need to improve on they can just hang out and enjoy the show from down here at the bottom or at the top cheering on their comrades up there yeah i know and uh getting word that it sounds like it's to be madison blackley your defending queen out here the only snowboarder to be ever be a crowned queen of corbetts and madison blackley will be dropping in first looking to clean things up from her first run seeing if she can get crowned queen of corbetts for a second year in a row originally out of park city utah now calling salt lake city home [Music] competed on the slope style circuit for many years was an accomplished there is an accomplished filmer filming a lot in the streets the whole urban skateboard influence aspect of snowboarding where you see the riders taking to the streets hitting handrails and really paying homage to the skateboarding roots of snowboarding but now taking a whole different approach and really honing in her big mountain skills with events like this the kings and queens of corbett's and andrew whiteford who is at the top of the cool r is who we're going to check in here with real quick andrew how's it going up there as we get ready to get underway here with these second runs thank you dc you know i was just chatting with madison as i was in that trench asking about what conditions are like in the actual run and she's saying that dropping in rider's left hand side while visually it looks smooth and awesome that's where they're experiencing some of the more challenging and variable conditions just in terms of the back and forth between soft and firm i think that might be why we're seeing so many of the athletes going more riders right to link up those features but it's hard not to go skiers left if you're going big off the top madison's loving the vibe out here today and certainly while it is a serious place to be the levity that is now being felt amongst everybody kind of shows that load being lessened after getting skis and boards on snow for that first run definitely stoked to see what gets put together on second run and uh well i mentioned it was julia looking at a new entrance up top molly is definitely sussing out the far skiers left entrance up here avoiding the goat path but not off the west wall um and throw it back andrew uh so we've got i see madison we've got some of the other women there uh hiking back up to get a second run um do you have any any idea on how many of our competitors are back up there do we do you have an idea of how many second runs we might be looking at right now yeah get that angled looks like madison is getting her gopro upon first run and haven't heard exact numbers but i would suspect from seeing everybody stern faced up here those smiles that they're having at the bottom of the course might might lead them to enjoy a second take at the course and andrew how's the uh how's the weather treating you up there still you hanging in there for me right now weather is fine i spend enough time in the mountains to know that we gotta layer up on a day like this and it seriously has warmed up i mean it's a balmy five or six degrees now with light winds so wind chill risk but as long as you prepared for this day and all these athletes filmers production crew people putting it on they're stoked not too many people are making use of it but we've actually got two tents up here for the athletes and everyone stay warming we're just a couple turns away from corbett's cabin up top so i think it's allowing the athletes enough of the exposure to the elements to know what's going on but the ability to hide from it and stay comfortable at the same time um well we've been pretty fortunate to have really good light on the course here today in uh 10 sleep bowl uh there's a little bit of flurries moving in but the the sun is still poking through and you can see some definition in corbett's cooler so it's not not flat light right now getting a wave from madison blackley our reigning queen our defending queen from 2021 kings and queens of corbetts you know we've seen the course in corbett's uh improve and change and and develop every year with more and different handmade features i wonder if at some point we'll see rails introduced into the kings and queens course i know you know many people have seen kevin jones's parts from back in the day we're sliding rails off of cliffs like maybe that's in the future of corbett's maybe we'll see a rail to drop in that would be uh pretty monumental well here you have your reigning queen madison blackley dropping in for her second of two runs looking to clean things up get some madison all right madison getting cheered on as she takes the goat path into corbett's and uh like andrew was just telling us about that rider's right side of the cooler tending to have the better snow seeing madison kind of work her way through that fin of snow that has blown in coming across that indicator rock right there in the middle kind of gives you an idea of how much snow is in corbett's cooler every year ski patrol has to wait until there's about 50 to 70 inches of snow before they're able to even open up corbett's madison coming off of the cheese wedge and catching some of that good snow in the landing you can kind of tell now that after we've had a full field of 23 competitors come through core bits the snow's what what was great and and and fresh is now getting a little beat up but uh madison doing a great job to work her way through the course and now sizing up this final hit aka the crowd pleaser and madison blackley going straight there getting a little bucked but thumbs in the air and the crowd is cheering her on here at the base of tent sleep ball a lot of a lot of support i think people really recognize and understand that this is no small feat this is not easy uh i think we it can get easy for us to mis misunderstand that corbett's might be really easy to ride because we're seeing people do incredible tricks but the reality is this is one of the hardest runs in all of north america if not the world just to get down well big shout out much respect to madison blackley again your defending queen out here from her performance last year into this cool hour as we're checking out the replay here from madison she had the good clean entry on the goat path and not able to put down the clean landing gear on the final jump but so much respect to madison for being out here again and taking here to this cooler and putting on display some just some beautiful riding all right your next athlete that is going to be dropping in again no particular order here for this next round of athletes but getting word that it's going to be molly armanino getting ready to drop and again molly coming out of south lake tahoe spends her time adventuring there in the sierra mountains we're tackling giant coolers it's one of her favorite past times so coming out here to a venue like this corbett's cooler is a very comfortable setting for her to be in of course cooler is a french term for a narrow passage or hallway in this case narrow passage on a mountain face all right here we go molly armanino coming in looks like she's duck in the rope and coming over towards the west wall entrance scooting into the top of the goat path there we go coming in super confidently she had a very confident and solid first run yeah again putting on display showing you exhibiting that she is comfortable skiing steep lines handled the exposure in the drop in no problem and a smooth air there moran yeah polly even eking out every little drop coming off that tiny little rock right there on her way into the crowd pleaser and going left side three [Music] claiming it she's hyped see doesn't matter how you land as long as you're pumped the crowd is with you so molly going left side three off the end of the uh of her run there on the crowd pleaser booter unfortunately kicking a shoe but she is still stoked it's hard not to be again as we've talked about just the underlying vibe of the whole event is so fun for all of us especially the competitors well we've seen two of our 23 athletes drop in for a second run madison followed by molly still awaiting word on who will be dropping next but really stoked to see conditions uh you know a little softer than uh than what we were thinking it might have possibly been up there as we look at the replay for molly and finding some of that good soft snow that got blown in here to the cooler yeah i think the secret's out that rider's right of the cooler is where the the good snow is catching the knuckle on that very very firm landing of the crowd pleaser the the the whole crowd pleaser booter actually was able to be built because there was a huge cornice up above that uh ski patrol when they were doing their their avalanche control a big cornice broke off and sent a ton of snow down the through the cooler earlier in the season so our park crew is able to take advantage of that all right let's check in real quick again with the third member of our team andrew whiteford andrew how is it up there watching the athletes drop in from your perspective you know i have to be honest in most most situations i'm back like 20 30 feet so i just get to see them over the precipice and then i'm gauging things on what i hear and we can hear the cheers from the base all the way up top here which is awesome to get that stoked high you know i saw molly's middle run where i saw a strong turn straight air got a little loose on that landing on the bottom there much in the same way marissa that's about to drop she's coming in off the goat path she said that she's a little sore after the first run and i think that came from hanging up on the landing on that bottom air primarily but definitely looking to just clean up what she had on her first run as opposed to change it up wildly in any different direction well appreciate the beta from up top andrew and yeah marissa krautzak here getting ready to drop in her third time competing here at the kings and queens of corbett's already has one run down second and final run here coming up from marissa you know slush magazine had a really cool two-page write-up article uh with marisa a lot of great q and a's there so i highly encourage you to check that out for anyone out there yeah there's an endless amount of content out there if you want to jump on the socials and follow all of these athletes many of them with super robust uh instagram and other social profiles so make sure you check them out because if you like what you're seeing here they're out there doing this day in and day out throughout the season creating that content to keep all of us and all of you out there entertained yeah got some really cool insight from marissa and her career and well here she is dropping in for her second to two runs all right marissa sizing up the goat path there she is coming in she's just below the nose as andrew was saying earlier that's about a mandatory 50-foot drop just to get from the top of the nose until you're able to make your first turn marissa working her way down that tighter top part of the cooler just above indicator rock right there coming up and over it and looks like she might be working her way over into that rider's right cheese wedge that's been a pretty popular feature so far today oh she's going past it ah she knows where the good snow is and now she's cut over into the the end run the run out of sns kular oh look at those turns yeah again that is the the lookers left is where most of the snow has been accumulating so her getting over there into the bottom of sns cooler is definitely where there's some good snow a little bit variable right before coming into the crowd pleaser but here she is coming off the riders right take off going backside three and coming up a little bit short catching the knuckle and then surfing it out [Applause] marissa looking back up kind of contemplating what just went down talking getting a hug from jess mcmillan and then ali ziegler from our events department here jacksonville mountain resort two of the faces behind the scenes responsible for making this whole event run smoothly and they're down there in the the finished corral congratulating all the riders as they come down let's check in again with andrew whitford up at the top andrew what was your view there versus entrance all right well andrew uh fortunately not able to hear our questions up there again uh extreme elements out here so a little break in the communication but shout out to marissa taking her second of two runs out here and coming back and competing yet another year here at kings and queens of corvettes and what a beautiful crowd we got out here moran i mean love seeing everybody come on sharing these athletes out here chilly day out here and all these enthusiastic fans of skiing and snowboarding out here bringing the good vibes yeah there are super good vibes and i was saying earlier last night at the autograph signing uh we had people who showed up they came out to jackson hole specifically to be a part of and watch kings and queens of corbett's coming all the way from the east coast of the us and uh so we know whoever's out there hanging out with us here in 10th sleep if you've traveled from near or far thanks for being with us because this is such an iconic day here in jackson hole we look forward to it every year again the fifth anniversary of our kings and queens of corbett's event a signature event here for jackson hole mountain resort there's no other event like this in the world this is one of a kind it's in it's very very much rider driven all of the competitors have a ton of say in how the event happens they have a ton of input on what day the event is going to happen throughout the the week's weather window we look we watch very closely to see how the wind is affecting things how if there's snow coming in you know everything is considered and uh yeah so it's really cool to see how much input the riders have in how this event takes place and again they don't get a chance these athletes don't get a chance to test run as we got a nice little bit of wind coming our way but the the athletes they don't get a chance to to test ride this cool r so if if it's their first time dropping in i mean they're dropping in blind they have no idea what the conditions are like i mean no one has any idea what it's going to feel like until they get in there so the difficulty of what these riders are up against is it's it's very impressive uh impressive to see how they handle the elements yeah this is absolutely it's not like this is a slope style or a pipe event where they get days of training before competing this is like when when everybody sees them roll up to the lip that's the first time these riders are riding into the cooler for this event andrew weifert up at the top if you can hear us what's your thoughts on this event and just what these athletes are up against you know again not being able to test test run the cool r they got to test the jump out leading up to uh today's event but not getting any test runs in the cooler not knowing exactly how it's going to be riding how those jumps constructed up in the cooler are going to be hitting even well dc thank you and uh you know as we've got grant that'll probably be dropping next i remember it as pre-event interview talked about showing up with plans and plans and plans but then you get to the lip and all those plans go out the window the reality is is that with the limited enhanced features that the park and pipe crew and coordination with the athletes has put together this route has been in the making for hundreds of millions of years now the tetons while they're the youngest of the rocky mountains they're still about 5 to 10 million years old these things have been lifting up from an ancient seabed grown about a millimeter a year but truly it's not linear in the growth it progresses dramatically with these big earthquakes along the base of the mountains every once in a while and as that's been going on it's created core bits last 10 000 years glaciers in it carving it out but this is also why we've got such unique rock formations up here the water has eroded away some of the rock creating some of these really unique features i didn't have eyes on it but hearing that tim dirt she went into corbett's cave with a nice 360 out i love seeing ways that athletes are utilizing what's out here in really unique manners we went from decades of hot doggers really starting off with lonnie ball skiing into this in 67 but a couple decades of hot dogging where people barely scratched into this thing when the conditions were good pump and pow but now that kings and queens of corbetts has come about the last few years have been one of these tectonic shake-ups in terms of the progression of what athletes are doing you know i don't think any athlete skier snowboarder would normally come up to this lip this nose of corbets and think yeah i want to throw a double or something massive into there but that's just what a lot of the athletes end up doing these years grant had a nice grant had a nice first run with a bit of variety and he's dropping now so we're still psyched to see grant's second run back to you boys down below thank you very much andrew with the expertise and quite the history lesson up there greg giller now from evergreen colorado dropping in for his second or two grant going backside three off of the nose off the side of the nose regular footed rider able to come in on his toes i know uh he seemed not super pumped on his first run so he's trying to get some redemption here for his second one hitting that right side cheese wedge and then over that rock face right in the middle of the uh of the cooler grant giller coming into the crowd pleaser final hit of the course going backside seven nose grab and his slope style skills on display there he had said that in his interview that uh slip style background was probably going to play a big part for him and other riders and we definitely just saw that there you go he's hyped he's definitely feeling better about this second run that was not the reaction he had on his first run he was a little down on that one so got some redemption for grant giller up there in corbett's cooler [Music] well good to see grant geller get back up on the horse and get up there and take to this cool r again trying to execute his own tectonic shift and the way he approached the cooler the first time into the second time here as we look at the replay smooth backside seven there he goes he's hyped the board toss arms in the air i mean honestly it's like if you put down a good run you're stoked and the crowd stoked but even if you put down a run that was challenging you didn't stay on your feet like everybody down here is so excited for you just for putting on the show i think everybody hopefully at home and i know everybody here intensely bowl is just appreciative of what all of these athletes are doing there seems to be a true understanding of how difficult it is to just simply ride from the top to the bottom of corvettes never mind try and put tricks all the way down and people are definitely letting the athletes know that they're stoked on what they saw grant exiting through the nature valley tent pick up some snacks on his way out everybody loves snacks well let's uh check in again with andrew wayford at the top andrew how did that uh run look from what you could see up top of the coulee thank you dc that was sick watching grant rip that second run can understand how he burned a few calories and needed a few snacks on the way but uh i'm a little surprised as i look around up here i don't see as many athletes for the second run as i might have thought of and jeff you know i'm wondering what what do you think is getting into the athletes heads regarding whether they take a second run or not you know andrew that's a great question um i think it could go two ways one of two ways right like if someone put down a really great run they might be hyped and want to try and improve upon it or you know you have people who didn't stay on their feet on their first run and they kind of are relegated to having to take a second run if they really want to try and get on that podium so i think there's a couple different strategies there you know and you might have someone who just whether they had a good run or a bad run the first time they might be like you know what i'm over it i just want to chill with my homies and grab a red bull and some nature valley snacks and hang out and congratulate people so i think there's a few different strategies um but i know from my perspective from our perspective i'm sure everybody at home and i know everyone here in the intensely bowl we would love to see everybody take a second run we we love what's going on and and i'm i'm very appreciative of what all of these professional athletes are doing here today uh to put on a show for us yeah so andrew well well you're up there i'm wondering you know we keep seeing these these really incredible drone shots of all the the crowd that's up there at the top of corbett's and that's not we know that that's not just general public viewing will you tell us a little bit about who all those people are up at the top of corbett's and and what's going on up there absolutely jeff you know as i hang out up here i i'm talking over the buzz of drones obviously we've got media right we've got camera people set up all over the top of corbett's perched and roped in at the edges of the cliffs up above drones in flight providing these incredible aerials we've also got a fair number of patrol obviously this is a gnarly place and our athletes are doing super gnarly things and we want to be able to maintain the best coverage in terms of safety that we possibly can athletes are showing great decision making and i'm pausing here as i think we have a tutu audrey dropping in for you so let me send it back to you guys for audrey's 2-2 run yeah audrey hubbard here dropping in and does look like she's wearing a tutu thought i saw something on her instagram profile where she was wearing similar tires so you guys can definitely uh check out audrey when you're getting social out there there you go audrey opening up a new line we have not seen someone take that that higher line over into the bottom of sns at first i thought she had her jacket tied around her way so i'm glad andrew let us know that that was a tutu i appreciate that she's looking good because style counts not only when you're in the air but when you're riding down and that is not lost on audrey hebert and audrey coming off the right side of the crowd pleaser jump a little bit slow and getting buffed on the knock but that's all right 2-2 kept her safe and she's she's looking good coming into the finish well again i saw something on her insta where she was wearing similar attire so yeah everyone if you're out there getting social give audrey hubbard a follow look more into her tire there and also don't forget to get social with us here and follow at red bull snow at jackson hole and include that hashtag kings and queens of corbetts now we can actually see that's not even a tutu it's an actual full-on purple prom dress good on you audrey and there she is unfortunately look coming up a little short on the uh on the crowd pleaser that final big kicker here intensely bolt the bottom of corbett's cooler i think she's hanging out there with mr max martin yeah shout out max martin max martin leading again here this year born and bred here in jackson hole he uh he was on the original roster for for kings and queens this year but uh unfortunately had a shoulder injury just days before the event was about to open up so he had to he had to pull out but yeah max max martin coming from a heavy alpine ski racing background and now in these last few years has been transitioning that into back country skiing and filming he and his brother wees good buddies both alumni of the jacksonville ski and snowboard club i love seeing that we have so many of our former athletes having come up through the ranks and now you know sticking around still around here in jackson hole and uh really really turning their their early years of training into into uh these great professional ski and snowboard careers all right well we're seeing audrey hubbard got second place last year take her second run waiting for word to see who our next athlete might be at the top to take their second run as well and uh conditions out here jeff starting to uh blow in a little bit more right now as we're in a bit of a bit of a snow squall down here at the base of the cooler here in tensley both yeah it's it's blue skies over there and snowing over there and seems to be blowing through all over all around us uh i'm told if you don't like the weather just wait 10 minutes and it might be something different so we'll see what happens um i think you know from from the rider's perspectives i'm sure a lot of people are stoked that they were able to get their first runs done uh well we had really good visibility and didn't have as much wind or snow that but like you said dc it is picking up a little bit here we can see those sweet protection wind blades up by the the crowd pleaser booter uh those are honking a little bit right now but uh going into these second runs riders don't have to take a second run as we've mentioned so we might have a smaller field so that that gives all of our riders uh you know a few a minute or two extra to to sit it out and wait because as we've mentioned this is a very rider driven rider first event and um they're they don't have to drop when someone says go they've got a a minute or so um to really feel it out and wait for weather to shift wait for light to come in um and make sure that it's the safest possible experience as they come down corvettes yeah they'll be determining amongst themselves who's going to drop next there's no specific start order for these second runs as well priority once again going to those that dropped later in the start order from those first runs but the athletes themselves will uh just discuss it among amongst themselves and and come to agreement as far as who's going to drop next it looks like corey jackson from jackson is going to drop in and you know that's something that just mcmillan was uh stressing uh to the athletes in the athlete meeting last night is like i want you guys to have fun with this and treat this like you're just out filming with your friends and figure out amongst yourselves as far as who's gonna be dropping next and and just have fun with it so again to reiterate it's a a rider focused and a rider rider-driven event out here and you got to love that approach yeah that i mean as jess has said at the welcoming night at the seed seeding party um you know really the big underlying theme of kings and queens the corvettes is for the riders to have a good time and for them to come and be able to showcase you know the skills that they've been developing for many decades here in corbett's cooler and so you know again hats off to jess mcmillan and everyone here at jacksonville mountain resort for designing and creating such a unique and creative signature event and i am ex i i'm hyped to see corey jackson's next run but i don't think i'm as hyped as him because like he may quite possibly be the most stoked dude here at corbett's car today and there he goes waving to the drone [Applause] nice little extra bonus points at the top here we go corey jackson with the switch 180 in all right corey going left three off the indicator and right quickly into a backflip going huge [Applause] he's okay we got the helmet tap the crowd is pumped again that is perfect corey jackson style both of his skis are about 50 or so feet up the hill he just tumbled down about a double or triple tomahawk we'll have to see the replay and he is just super excited so hopefully i think he's okay we've got one of our course ninjas coming down to grab his skis for him and go and switch one in 360 and then there's that big backflip and he just had a hard time staying on his feet and shutting it down but the the run out from i don't know if i've ever seen like a double ejection like that and someone run out just so confidently i mean it's like he was on a trail run out there in his ski boots i think he would have just kept running down through the end of corvettes but he kind of realized he had to get his skis but again we've got uh our course ninja there picking up his pieces well let's check in again with andrew up at the top andrew did you get a good view of that from up there man that drop in was so sick a switch 180 for skiers is is a very blind move obviously and cory's just making it look super smooth because he's done a thousand of these all these athletes are relatively young but definitely their mountain maturity is showing showing their their time out here but also corey as as strong as he is with great style great tricks you go a little too big off one air and in that run out you find the variability of the snow and coming a little unstuck we love sharing in that energy even when an athlete goes down and coming back to this athlete judged element of this comp i mean all these skiers and riders are in the same understanding of how tough conditions are today and so i think they are the best ones to fully appreciate what each athlete is doing and that overall impression i think is certainly something that maybe a prom dress can help pull off or maybe technical tricks it's up for them to decide who's going to take it this year so let me put it back into your hands gentlemen well thank you very much andrew and a big shout out corey jackson thanks for being out here and adding so much to this event and definitely love what corey jackson brings to the table of representing the local jackson community back to the top sounds like sharial moss is getting ready to drop in for her second of two events as the corey chant goes on in the background here in 10 sleep bowl getting the energy from the crowd out here absolutely love it so cheryl moss getting ready to drop in three-time slope style world champion x games big air gold medalist three-time olympian and now taking those freestyle skills out to the big mountains dropping in for the second of two runs originally from the netherlands here she is sherelle moss on course shiro moss regular footed rider coming in the goat path yeah she's now over in boise idaho not too far from us here we've got some weather up there in corvettes it's uh it's wild as andrew said earlier he's only what 600 feet or so maybe above us and the weather can be quite different we can we can we got eyes on shereel though there she is on the rider's right side of the course coming into that cheese wedge kicker visibility definitely playing a part in her role there we go frontside grab and catching some good snow staying on her feet you know i think i think where she really's really gonna shine is on uh the crowd pleaser here at the bottom like we saw last time with her her very smooth backside seven all right sha real moss coming into the crowd pleaser there we go backside seven tail grab proper tail looks like she's a little frustrated with the landing but she's hyped the crowd is definitely stoked to see that with a very storied slope style competitive background for sure real it is it's always so cool to see the the like hyper competitive uh like slope style and pipe riders transition into events like this and take their skills to the big mountain and you know i say events like this it's not like there's multiple events like this this is the one and only kings and queens of corvettes but it is very cool to see how they they take what they've been developing over the last couple decades and then uh apply it to this this super unique uh competition course here at corbin's cool art yeah and you see a little bit of frustration on the replay there from surreal that back seven on the crowd pleaser here at the bottom just narrowly escaping the clean landing just nearly escaping but good to see her just enjoying being out here and feeding off the energy of the crowd down here into the crowd and the crowd giving her the reaction that she was looking for in standing ovation absolutely with the uh with her bright blue hair love it all right well our next athlete i'm getting word from the top that will be dropping in another rookie out here juliet willman her first time competing here at the kings and queens of corvettes from chimney to jackson hole mountain resort originally out of barcelonette julie had another one of our competitors with a very very ski centric and alpine racing background i know her bio is saying that her both of her parents are ski coaches and ski instructors or sister also a high level alpine racer and she herself even uh with some elite level alpine racing in her background racing up at the fist level now as with many transitioning into this more unique free ride type event here at kings and queens and corbett's runs in the family and a clean entry there into the cooler yeah just attacking corvettes so confidently staying on her feet look at the heat she's bringing in a lot of a lot of competitors coming through that zone pretty slow not for juliet she just hauled through there and then handling this bottom booter the crowd pleaser with no problem staying on her feet and there we go another perfect example of the camaraderie and just the the love and the support that there is between all of our competitors here you can't make that up yeah we've had i mean we just had the crowd break out to cheer over corey jackson and here again is juliette with a really solid run staying on her feet the whole way [Music] and uh yeah her big mountain skills definitely on display there especially just with the way that she she skied so confidently and strongly through that lower part of corvitz coming into the crowd pleaser with so much heat well well done a good first showing for juliet again first time competing here in this event and a great showing indeed we're a wait word to hear who our next athlete is going to be and looks like piper stopped there in the start after an extremely impressive first run ever here in corbett's with the exclamation point being the massive backflip here on the crowd pleaser booter at the bottom landed at the bottom of the landing right where the snow starts to fill in just stomped the heck out of it and so impressed can't wait to see what she's got for us this time yeah if you want a pow landing on the crowd pleaser you got to take it real deep so piper so i'm saying earlier in the broadcast originally hailing out of park county colorado just outside of the small mountain hamlet of alama at just over ten thousand feet elevation moved to salt lake city to go to school at the university of utah and alta her her new home mountain is where she's been honing her skills and you really saw just those skills and what it takes to attack that mountain at play here in corbett's yeah coming into this you know piper as with many of our competitors have talked about how competing in corbett's is a way for them to really blossom their career and i think she's she's doing that we're watching it unfold right in front of our eyes that backflip set the stage earlier and then just right there we saw her taking that really unique hard skiers right line over into the bottom of sns and then piper koontz coming into the crowd pleaser to finish off her second run with a nice slow left side 360 and riding away clean mixing those big big mountain skills with some slope style tricks piper koontz yeah she the crowds hyped on her i mean she's made quite the statement and definitely a very respectable uh just throwing in her name into the hat to be crowned out here as queen of corbetts this year yeah i'd say i'd say you are spot on dc piper uh she wants it both runs we're clean top to bottom had the huge backflip as the exclamation point on her first run and then uh showing the variety there showing you she can not only go inverted but spins nice and clean as well with the smooth 360. yeah very impressed with piper's two runs yeah i think she's a contender for the podium for sure yeah wow well andrew whiteford up at the top what's your thoughts on piper skiing out here today boy for a freshman in the competition she really shredded it what i could see from the top great entrance and i love that middle air when she went far skiers right that's a totally blind's take off from us obviously with the flat light our eyes are drawn to either monochrome or rock and so when you're up above it and all these takeoffs are covered in snow you have even less rock to see so really impressive to see how she puts down a full run in challenging visibility we're starting to see yuki up above in the start and uh so we might have another minute to before he drops in but let me ask you guys how are things holding up on that bottom air a lot of athletes are focused on that obviously the crowd how's that working for the athletes you know the the crowd pleaser is doing its job uh the athletes are uh whether they have a tough challenging run through the upper part of corvettes or if they grease it the crowd pleaser is definitely where a lot of people are shining we are seeing the slope style backgrounds for sure come into play as with you know yuki right here yuki kidono our next rider coming in to take his second run with a heavy heavy slip style background multi-time us open slope style champion and we saw him put down that that 1080 uh on on his first run so yeah it is such a fun and unique blend of big mountain freestyle and then just straight up slope style riding looks like yuki's about to drop oh yeah yuki kidono up in the start originally out of japan moved over to the states full times uh full time a couple years ago was residing out in uh out of big bear bear mountain california and southern california and was like no i want to be in some bigger mountains moved out here to jackson this year bought a truck using travis rice's snowmobile right now nice kicking it at uh cam fitzpatrick's parents house yeah mike and lee fits patrick two amazing human beings they're chilling down in baja so yuki gets to yuki gets to take their place over the caretaker that's a good hookup to have it's not easy to find a place to live in jackson so congratulations yuki uh that might be your biggest feat of the winter is finding a place to live here nice little nose butter three out of the start here we go yuki kidono he always stokes yuki with that back 360 hand drag off the top dragging the hand on that nose yuki's slashing by the indicator rock coming into the lower s in s kular with a nice laid out slow big hillside turn and here's where yuki is going to shine on the crowd pleaser [Applause] stop in the back 10. backside 1080 off access a couple times in that rotation it looked like as well a couple times for sure yugi kidono i mean honestly starting off and finishing off his run with two of the strongest tricks of the day hard to beat that wow that hand dragon is just like you know it really it really uh kind of picks up where he left off last year with the creativity last year his switchback won in and this year with that beautiful backside three hand drag and he's pumped on it coming in hands in the air and we we the crowd here was pumped too it was easy to tell that they were behind yuki on that run for sure and so much great style put on display there by yuki kidono again such an accomplished competitive snowboarder on the slope style scene out there and now bringing those skills out to the big mountains i can't wait to see what he's got for us really focused on filming this year big shout out to his filmer gabe who's out here with him yeah you saying the other night like he's you know he's he's got these really elite level accomplishments uh on his resume and now he's really focused on filming just a stellar backcountry part and a big part of why he's spending some time here in jackson hole wow absolutely insane well andrew up at the top i mean we're we're loving what we're seeing from down here how's that uh backside 360 hand drag off the top look for uh from your perspective up there from your advantage man what a graceful way to go out of view from my perspective because i'm just like 25 feet back from the edge and so watching yuki come in smile on his face drop out of you just i i'm at a loss for words to describe physically how smooth it looked from up here but it's also awesome to see that the landing went well middle of the run went sick let me put it together at the end i have to say we went through a little period of time where there weren't too many athletes up here and all of a sudden i started wondering about second run but with everybody back up cooper's in the start yuki's thrown down that energy is ramped back up and people are just ready to shred through the second run i love it it's like a waterfall effect you know it's like somebody throws down it just hypes everybody else up elevates everybody else's spirits and now everybody's like oh i want to throw down another run cooper bran i'm getting ready to drop in coop brand yeah that was a big that was another you know common comment from from all of the athletes in their interviews is that they get hyped on seeing what other people do and inspired by the other runs that they see and that that energy is infectious you see someone put down a good run how could you not want to be part of that coupe going with that frontside three off of his toe edge backside three see if he does another wildcat here he does having a little trouble on the landing starting off very similar run to what what he did on his first run again this is cooper branham out of gig harbor washington now residing in jackson jackson hole wyoming for his winners [Applause] well i get a feeling that that's not what he was planning on doing on the the last jump oh his goggles were completely full of snow cooper's definitely got a pretty serious bag of tricks i thought we'd see something different from him off this final jump but as we just saw his goggles he couldn't see so i'm impressed that he hit the jump at all well in the words of johnny utah from point break vision is highly overrated but not in this case here and you need to be able to see to hit the jump do the tricks that you want to do so coupe unfortunately with the uh goggle lens full of snow not able to throw down how he wanted to at the end but still an impressive show up here love watching this guy ride yeah he's super fun and again go check out coop and and cam fitzpatrick and their homies and their their new release block party from the this is us in film crew because uh cooper's part in particular is just heavy and so stylish he's got this really unique corked front side seven we saw it last year off of the nose when he came in in his run into corvettes and uh anyways yeah cooper just such a great kid and another one of our competitors who has just like an insane bag of tricks on a skateboard i'm always like i i got a special spot in my heart for for for people who are good at skateboarding or who no just to skateboard in general but this kid in particular is uh he's pretty talented skateboarder well it sounds like hans minnick is our next athlete up at the top in the start getting ready to go and after that epic first run i mean what do you he's got a huge bag of tricks moran but what do you improve from that first run i mean he was so dialed on that first run top to bottom was so clean uh really uh aesthetically pleasing seeing him getting chased by his slough as well coming off that back three right here yeah front three and back three and as a goofy-footed rider coming off of that the nose coming off sideway off the sideways uh entry on his heel edge i mean that's high consequence there's not as much grip on your heel edge with something like that so i don't know i mean hans midnick as we've seen over the last five years he's competed in four of the last uh or three of the last four four of the last five my math's a little off uh but if if nothing else he's one of the most creative riders we see year after year and uh if you follow hans at all on social media if you've seen any of his video parts he's got like an incredibly deep and creative bag of tricks well let's check in again with andrew up at the top andrew have you had a chance to talk to hans like what would he be doing different in his run or your thoughts predictions on what he would maybe do different to try to up the ante here to get crowned is the 2022 king of corbets it's that hans is in to now he's been diverse skill sets so it's psyched to see it ready to drop for run two huge diverse skill set for hans ready to see him drop in for run number two all right thanks andrew andrew i'm not sure if you heard us up there did you get a chance to talk to hans at all about what he has in mind for a run to do you see you got me here i have not unfortunately spoken hans directly about his plans for run two we just know that he's got such a big bag of tricks really it's anybody's guess and a quick reminder that hans is probably in the running for many people's minds for people's choice we can vote on that through 5 p.m mountain time tomorrow so definitely search out those qr codes make your voice heard and share your love with the athletes for the people's poi uh people's choice award ah thank you very much andrew i want to share my love for andrew holding it down up at the top and the elements and much respect to him and bringing his local knowledge out here to the broadcast this year so hans getting ready to drop in jeff i don't know i mean you know we saw a few threes in that run that's one thing i could think of he could switch up if he wants to make more of a statement out here as maybe some bigger tricks but gosh the execution was so beautiful on that first run yeah dc i totally agree hans is coming into his second run in a pretty good spot having put down that that stomp and and unique fun first run um you know i think it wouldn't hurt him to do a seven if he if he could put a back seven a front seven in the middle of that run um that's definitely gonna up his chances of ending up on the podium again he's got two second place finishes uh in in the past and he's coming in switch right now looks like he went he turned back around went front side three landed it stomped riding away clean managing that speed now he's taking a new line from different from his first run airing off that rock that separates corbett's cooler from sns some switch powder turns for you i was just going to say switch powder turns that in itself is a trick and oh back back dub 1080. whoa backside 1080 three times around off access a couple times whilst spinning three times around there you go hans midnight maybe hurts at the top it's like yeah i'll throw some bigger tricks in there for you but wow talk about the showing out here today from hans midnick two epic runs there yeah hans definitely not settling on his first run he knew he had a good one that he put down but coming in took a different line did different tricks to be honest like yeah the back double 10 is awesome but let's talk about those switch power turns like it's not like the pow up there is consistent and it's just deep everywhere it's super variable depending on where you go and to make those switch those pow turns look that good while riding switch in my opinion is uh you know i hope that the other riders understand that he's riding switch when he did those pow turns and they're judging because i don't know dc that's a contender i mean it's a again pure pure judge athlete judged event all those athletes they know how difficult that that is doing some switch pal turns and and to make him i that looked like that was his natural stance for a second there i was like wait hans is not a regular footer he's goofy footer yeah that right foot forward naturally so to see him doing those switch turns was amazing but oh what a great run andrew whiteford what's the vibe up there right now did you get a good reaction or did everybody have a good reaction to hanzo's run there what was it like you know people are stoked i i must admit probably a few of the athletes are a little concerned with the quality of runs going down you know keeping the the back of the mind on this being a competition but definitely seeing stomp tricks seeing people meet these challenges gets everyone super stoked for this next run i mean hands down this is a gnarly place to be and while these athletes have the background they get them the invite here this is still stressful stuff so to be able to share in that to gain energy from everybody else definitely leaves all the athletes feeling stoked and a carrier of that stoke is certainly our two-time winner here at the comp carl fosfet crazy carl coming to us from a couple hours away over in idaho sun valley he's showing that he's got the chops to put down big stuff and as he preps in the gate to drop in we know that he's got big spins as well as super steezy slow stuff so i i had the opportunity to give him a fist bump i just wanted to share in the moment and now we're all holding on with baited breath to see what carl puts down for second run he's coming swinging hard yeah thank you andrew okay brapski represent carl doesn't have a snowmobile up there to get the brap in but definitely gonna tear it up here on the second or two run on the skis two-time the only two-time king of corvettes from the first year and last year's defending king he's been here all five years bringing that infectious positive energy to the event not only does he put on a show but he just brings everybody up with him it's got to be a big part of why it keeps getting invited back and you know i'm really excited the conditions here are changing a little bit and corbett's uh here up here intensely bowl we've got some snow we've got a little bit of wind the visibility is still pretty good and i'm pretty excited to see that our competitors are not backing away they're still putting down big runs and i think we're going to see a lot out of carl right now there he is looks like left three tail in for carl fosfet there we go carl with his very slow and relaxed backflip [Music] and then here we go coming into the crowd pleaser [Applause] and carl going down unfortunately there on the crowd pleaser but still the crowd is definitely pleased indeed are you not entertained indeed they are crazy carl taking the taking the bow out there well deserved love from all the fans out here intensely bowl a true professional going for that left side 12. just just coming up a little bit short here we go replay so left three for carl staying on his feet [Music] and then just not getting the 12 all the way around but shout out much respect to carl again big shout out to his mom who is out here jackson cheering her son on [Applause] mama foss in the house and you gotta love it ambassador stoke and getting the love right back from everyone is rightfully deserved yeah i mean thank you thank you crazy carl for all you do crazy carl i mean he does not have anything to prove he's been on the top of the podium more than anyone and uh yeah he's still come coming out and he is not holding back like we were just talking about all right we're second runs the uh the conditions have changed a little bit the course is a little bit more beat up than obviously it was in the first runs and we're seeing rider and skier after one another uh just putting putting down even heavier runs than their first time well getting word that blake wilson rookie out here for kings and queens of corbett's is gonna be our next athlete to drop and as he hikes up to the top of the arch up there and gets ready let's take a look back see what blake had for us on his first run inside that little left nose butter three in a little two stager here for blake wilson and had a really solid first run really was uh impressed with what br blake brought to the table that that butter in was i think one of the most high high consequence tricks we've seen yet we've seen people come in switch but to actually do a 180 and then butter off that really short and off axis pad uh i was super impressed with that yup great slope style skills and checking in with uh andrew up at the top andrew what do you think what are your thoughts up there on blake wilson here for his second or two runs anything uh you think he could approve on there you know first i want to just echo what jeff just said about the technicality of that drop in off the top little buttery 180 to immediately switch 180 off the nose there that is super tech and first run that got everyone up here along the lip hyped so understanding that that was a strong move for first run i think that blake's going to be looking to up the technicality of those tricks lower down and mid slope uh we're we're definitely seeing a limit to what athletes are willing to throw in off the top so uh you know jeff dc do you see any options for the athletes that they're missing out on in the middle of the run before getting to the bottom i mean not really that's so hard to say because we're so it's been so entertaining down here to say that someone's missing out on something there in the middle it it's been a complete package as far as i'm concerned what these athletes are bringing to the table jeff what do you think yeah you know i think um we haven't seen anyone butter the rock ride in the middle of corbett's which i don't i don't know if we're actually gonna see that but uh there's there's there's an option right there someone wanted to butter that open-faced rock and blake again going for that 180 butter front flip staying on his feet into the massive backflip oh blake coming to jackson to put on a show was he going 14 there [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the tap on the helmet to let you know he's okay let blake take some time here giving the thumbs up and it looked like a 14 40 attempt four times around there i think you're right for blake wilson bringing those slope style skills here to big mountain shredding showing you why he films with some of the best again faction skis their film this year of roots is where you can see some of uh blake's filming uh just expertise and yeah big shout out to he filmed with alex hall in that movie alex hall fresh off the gold medal over in beijing for slope style congrats to alex hall i know he wanted to be here this year and another athlete that was a crossover athlete we had last year aaron blunk who uh just qualified last night for finals in half pipe over in beijing so good luck to you aaron blunk as well uh you and alex always miss having you guys here this year but yeah talking about how blake just one of those guys that brings those uh park skills out here to the big mountains and yeah going for the 14 left 14 four times around there that would have been history we've never seen a 1440 go down now i don't think we're near corbett's cooler yeah 1440 and corvettes haven't been uh uttered in the same statement yet that i know of so blake wilson um let's talk about that run that was wild it was super unique it was super creative it was high risk it was technical he definitely you know had a hard time on the landing i don't know if he'll get get uh as much credit from his peers for throwing a 14 when he didn't land it but the rest of his run was just incredible he had uh that butter off the top like we were just talking about super high risk blind and technical he put the front flip he did a backflip he skied the rest of the cooler high speed and handled the variable terrain and then went for the biggest spin that we've seen yet in all of corbett's history uh i think blake kind of wants it he he was hungry for the crown so respect shout out way to go blake much props all right next athlete getting ready to drop in tim durchie getting ready to take his second run here into the cooler man i wonder what's going through tim's head right like we just had hans carl and blake put down three of the heaviest runs we've seen all day so i wonder if that's playing into tim's strategy and line choice coming in through the goat path tim durchie tgr athlete there we go that's a unique line going left three out of the coombs cave and then cutting all the way across court over into the uh the confluence of sns cooler with corbett's cooler and tim durchie coming into the crowd pleaser here at the bottom going left double 10 and coming up a little bit short catching the knuckle but he's all right he's up well good to see uh dirt back to his feet and and you hear the love from the crowd out there tim durchie originally out of anchorage alaska alieska his home mountain his stomping grounds but now calling jackson home where the people they know him they love him and a shout out to corey jackson who like every single you know every time one of his homies one of his fellow competitors maybe kicks a shoe or goes down like cory's the first one running out to see if if they're okay help him pick up the pieces yeah i think he's the people's champ here today yeah i don't know we'll see how we work out works out he's getting some of those qr code fan favorite votes indeed and what an accomplished athlete tim durchie is again filming with tgr just putting out some amazing clips with just one of the best film crews in the biz tim's been in the game for a long time he's getting checked out by ski patrol hopefully he's he's okay but definitely that knuckle of the crowd pleaser is a hard hard hit yeah we do have the best medical staff on hand so shout out to the jackson hole mountain resort patrol for being on hand much respect to you guys next to drop jake hopfinger making history the first person to ever do a double backflip into corvitz that was back in 2020. last year 2021 edition he went for the dub flat spin a trick that we saw him use on the crowd pleaser booter here at the bottom on his first run out here this morning so what is jake going to have for us here on his second [Music] second final run here in the corbetts definitely a solid candidate to wear the crown as the king of corbetts had the 360 entrance in very smooth three into the cooler on his first run here he is dropping in jake hopfinger again with the smooth left three right up against the west wall finding that good steep transition jake one of the few if only to send it straight off the nose without without using that cut on the on the cornice and handling that landing no problem having a little problem here on the uh the bottom jump the crowd pleaser [Music] but jake hoffinger with a solid run no major falls little bobble here and there i think he was trying to do that you know set up the the back-to-back hits up there uh the similar line that he had earlier with the cross court um had trouble though lining up the second part of that line and uh that ryder's right cheese wedge and it looked like he instead just cut over to uh sns so here he is with that huge drop left three back flip and there's where he had a tough time wasn't able to stay on his line and get that second jump well it's definitely a pleasure having jake back here competing here at kings and queens of corbett's originally from the east coast bozeman montana is where he calls home now yeah spends uh the majority of his time filming in the back country it's his focus these days and you know another another competitor here at kings and queens of corvettes who this event itself has helped propel jake's career um you know like jake making history here at corvitz two years ago with that double backflip being the first one to put it down uh and and we've seen his career grow leaps and bounds over the last couple years yeah for more from jake definitely check out the the sweet protection film mixtape for some of the amazing antics that jake hoffinger puts down a lot of skis all right blaine gallivan now another local athlete getting ready to drop in another veteran out here another guy that we love watching do his thing can't wait to see what he's got for us here on his second run yeah i met blaine i think i met blaine when he was first like maybe like four or five years old i used to work with his parents shout out to robin and and chef mike good people yeah blaine one of our three born and bred competitors here today born and bred in jackson hole wyoming and just a absolute uh all-terrain warrior when it comes to skiing like he rides everything with finesse and just technical difficulty there's not much you can put in front of this kid that he won't attack and add his personal style to and blaine just waiting for uh the good visibility here is uh we're getting some blowing snow down here intensely bowl and up in the cooler as well and here he is very unique entrance lip sliding the the ledge of corbett's airing off the nose and kind of cutting back just under the west wall and blane coming in super hot holding on [Applause] [Music] wow that was insane the amount of superhuman strength that he just had to summon to hold on and not go down as he transitioned out of the cooler and came into the crowd pleaser was incredible and then one of the biggest errors we've seen all day off of the crowd pleaser getting the getting just a full embrace from his homies look at that that kind of redirect landing right at the base of the west wall flat spin and a huge left seven blane galavan representing trying to relive some of the moments of the bowling alley last night with his entrance into the athlete zone down the finish area here taking out a couple of uh fellow competitors but gosh respect you can see you can see how hard he wanted it like coming out of the cooler after he landed that flat spin he had so much speed and the terrain was so rugged and he held on because he knew he needed it for the for the final hit well andrew thoughts from the top on that one uh absolutely psyched for blaine but makes sense to me it was a couple years ago that we saw flatlight and he came in last run of the day and greased a three off the top that put him in uh third on the podium so everybody was stoked to see him put down this clean run up top and when i asked him what he wanted to do for run two he said really just clean up that top entrance put a little more snap on the tails as he rides around the lip here and i think he put that all to uh into effect now we see parkin he's still out of skis but he's up top and he's another guy with unfinished business i think today uh an athlete as you mentioned before whose career has really been propelled by the stage that the contest provides and now he's serious he is full on into this game and makes sense in his family his dad is a skier he's got first descents throughout montana it's a year-round athlete so it makes sense that parking is following in those footsteps but guys what do you think parking can improve upon from run one well yeah let's take a look at run one here for parking costing your 2020 king of corbetts going switch one into the cooler and then this is where he was the first to link up those those two cross-court hits going back to back back east and that left seven i mean that's something that definitely uh that's the only thing i could really say that he would need to clean up on that run is uh just landing cleanly on the crowd pleaser buddha at the bottom but again the uh the combo du jour there's those two backflips that he linked up with the critical critical landing in between them very impressive athleticism by our 2020 king of corvettes yeah we've got costane we've got some tough visibility right now i know parking kind of waiting to see if he can get get a little bit better visibility on the course the sun is shining through the clouds we can see it it is shining down on us but we have one of the one of these unique mixes of some blowing snow a little bit of cloud cover some blue sky some sun kind of all at once here you know i think uh if parkins line choice definitely solid like that like as we spoke about earlier the the cross court uh stacking up those two hits from indicator rock to that right side cheese wedge definitely a great choice it allows him to get more hits in his run also allows him to moderate his speed a little bit instead of just taking it all downhill uh down the fall line i do think that it would play to his advantage to mix up those two hits the back to back backflips were cool but i think if he were to keep one backflip and put in a spin we know he's got bigger tricks than just backflips um and i think if he were to mix those two up that would definitely play into his advantage especially because this is as we've talked about it's a it's a peer-judged uh format and i think his peers would see that he took a really solid first run and improved upon it for his second all time will tell see what parking has for us here on his second of two runs definitely excited anticipating this drop and this is all part of it i mean this is corvitz kular up here at the top of rendezvous mountain there is you know the weather is crazy up here at some sometimes um and you know it can be totally blue sunny skies and minutes later we can have snowstorm roll in and to be honest like yeah the snow isn't exactly what we wanted on game day but i think in the greater scheme of things everybody here is excited to see some snow blowing absolutely and it's elements that all these athletes are familiar familiar dealing with when they're out there doing what they do out in the mountains and mountain environment out here yeah nobody nobody here became a professional skier snowboarder nobody here got the invite because they're fair weather skiers and sounds like parking dropping in here we go parking costing second run all right switch one into the cooler stand on his feet looks like similar line to his first run there's that backflip cross court oh and looks like he yeah maybe he missed got off his line a little bit missed that second hit i bet he's going up and a big left seven [Music] huge left seven from parking cost dane the the seven he landed the seven he didn't get as many features in as his first run so we'll see which one of those two runs is uh is the one that that we go off of but a great approach good creative approach you know we heard the athletes talking about it this with this year not being as soft and deep in the cooler as it has been in years past they were gonna have to think outside the box and and re-imagine the way they were gonna approach it and i really do love what all these athletes are bringing to the table and how they're attacking this cool r and there's looking at the replay the first backflip and yeah just off his line a little bit was not able to link that into that second hit would love to know what he had in mind for that second hit but that 720 at the end was a thing of beauty and parking costing hats off to you we salute you you're king of corbett's from 2020 yeah and again you know just to bring it back and put this all in perspective this is not what normally goes down here in corbett's cooler you know like on any given day if the conditions are good you'll see a crowd of people all hunkered around the the lip up there like all peering in kind of trying to psych themselves up like you don't normally have people starting from 50 60 feet back coming in tricking into the cooler maybe people will jump off but this is this is very unique and this is why kings and queens of corbett's this competition this event is so special because it provides a platform it provides this opportunity for all of these athletes to shine and show what they really can do on such an iconic ski run well just getting word that it is official park and costane was our final athlete to drop in so much respect all the athletes for throwing that down out here this year the fifth year the 2022 edition of the king and queens of corbett's and jeff moran thoughts on the day brother it was heavy it was it was historic you know i think coming into it uh variable conditions has has been what everyone's been talking about all week not as much snow as we've had in past years so the the huckability factor was definitely a little bit down we didn't know what we were going to see and i am pleasantly surprised to see what people were willing to throw i mean like just starting off with with piper's backflip early on in the day going huge off the bottom and and seeing things like uh jake hopfinger like being one of the few if not the only person to actually send it straight off the nose there were so many things that went down today that i am just wholly impressed with and uh yeah hats off to all of the riders and skiers here today yeah much respect and andrew whiteford thanks for holding it down at the top and your thoughts on what you saw go down camera today it's been a cold day with a lot of hot action out here and uh there's a lot to digest after watching all these athletes throw down i'm just kind of basking in the endorphins that get shared amongst everybody up here feeling good with a lot of dopamine and serotonin a lot of excitement but still some questions up in the air i got to get home find that qr code and put in a little for uh my people's choice award uh jeff who are you thinking do you want to share with your people's choice with everybody yeah uh you know it's it's a tough one i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to give you my top three i'm gonna have to go home and think about it but between corey jackson hans midnick and blake wilson like those three uh for sure were my standouts and uh so yeah i'll let you guys know tomorrow at the awards party awesome what about udc who's your people's choice yeah oh put me on the spot all right i thought i was gonna be able to dodge this bullet but uh yeah well first off andrew thank you so much for for all your input and expertise and knowledge from the top and uh for braving the cold and the elements up there appreciate you and uh great job up there but yeah it's uh you know i'm right there with you as far as my people's uh choice award i mean man hans midnick he every year year after year he's had such an impressive showing here and this year he did not disappoint again that was such a beautiful run his first run in that second round as well so uh hans minich up in there uh corey jackson definitely lived up to to the hype again uh carl like car crazy carl took me aside and was like dude you have to hype up cory he is the man and he is going to throw down this year i'm like well i will and i'm excited to see what he has for us and yeah corey jackson did not disappoint at all either in uh blake too so uh shout outs to them and and for the women i mean piper piper koontz holy smokes two runs not just one but two amazing runs top to bottom and uh showing you that uh she definitely is worthy of being crowned the 2020 2022 queen of corvitz and yeah let's go ahead and take a look back we're going to be able to hear from you all definitely get involved and let your voices be heard but let's take a look back on what we think are some of the top 10 moments out here [Applause] there's mr hans vinnick doing his thing corey jackson looking to replay his first run i'm totally impressed with how creative people got off of the nose uh you know again we knew coming into it this wasn't going to be a huck fest this year and in a lot of really cool creative riding went down to to get into the cooler there's brian wachendorfer really hyped on both him and chase blackwell a couple uh elite half pipe athletes that just love snowboarding love all the train and brought that out here to the cooler today and there's parking costain as well putting on display some of the skill sets that got him crowned back in 2020 as the king of corbett's here we go i think this is blaine gallidan yes it is yeah blaine as well there are so many amazing moments so hard to narrow it down to one i mean honestly for my people's choice i'm just a fan of all these athletes because it does take a lot to throw down the way they did here in this cool art and all these athletes uh are our heroes yeah how are we gonna forget about you possibly pick this is this is gonna be tough this is gonna be really tough but it will be interesting to see who the people's choice award is uh who the people's people choose is their favorite but also um man the competitors have a really hard time uh gonna they're gonna have a really hard time picking there's crazy carl going for that 12. [Applause] yeah this is uh this is gonna be tough right i mean again it's not a judge's panel they're not judging off of the traditional style of you know difficulty and variety and amplitude and all that stuff i mean all that comes into play but as we've talked about this is a rider peer-judged event and this is not going to be easy i don't know how you would possibly pick just you know your first second and third favorites because there's there's like five six seven eight runs that are all right up there in in podium worthy absolutely well again thank you to all the athletes so much respect to you all of course uh cam fitzpatrick the first one to crack open the cooley this morning but everyone thank you so much all the athletes for doing what you do thank you everybody for tuning in from home don't forget to get involved and cast your vote for your people's uh choice your people's favorite but jeff moran pleasure holding it down with you once again my friend been fun always a good time with you thank you so much so on behalf of jeff and andrew whiteford at the top and our entire production staff thank you all so much for tuning in to being a part here for the kings and queens of corbett's 2022 the fifth year of this epic event thank you very much farewell and we'll leave you with these amazing moments from the day [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Snow
Views: 240,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, redbull, action sports, red bull snow, wintersports, red bull winter, extreme sports, red bull skiing, red bull snowboarding, red bull winter sports, action sports channel, red bull signature series, red bull snow youtube, jackson hole, olympics 2022, winter olympics 2022, snowboarding olympics 2022, snow, action sports tv live, snowboard, skiing, powder, sport videos
Id: tdAJxS1TajQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 50sec (12830 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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