REPLAY: Red Bull District Ride 2022

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[Applause] hello mountain bike fans you are in for a treat because today it's the red bull district ride i'm aaron chase i'm the course designer and winner in 2005. i want to show you what makes this course the best in mountain biking well we're right underneath the castle drop this is where the rider's going to start it all off it looks huge but this is a normal drop for these riders so we're going to see a lot of progression they're going to be able to get a little warm up on that quarter as they turn around pump around the turn and drop into this track off of the castle you're going to be gaining a lot of speed as you're coming into this vertical curve wall ride and into this left-hand hip this is going to be the first district that's going to start you on your run now that we're leaving the castle district your heart is pounding and we are coming up to the box district it's a big step down and then you come flying through the neighborhood and enter into the bosch up box now this up box is so sick you're gonna see a ton of tricks on it but the one thing that you're gonna notice is that the landing is huge in case we get somebody to jump the whole thing at this point the riders are going to be going so fast down the cobblestones it's going to be a blur but they're going to be coming into this this is the specialized half pipe district probably the coolest part of the entire course now riders are going to be keeping their speed wide open as they leave the quarter pipe district into the abu stepa this little step up is unique because it's got this mani pad on once you finish that you're on top of this ridge that's also the roll in for the dirt jumps now the dirt jumps are super unique because of the dirt on flat bottom takeoff and landing it's gonna be a treat for the riders before they jump into the rat house and take a lift to the top here we are this is the last and final district the big air district look how big this is i'm standing on top of the cannon into this huge landing which feeds you into the last jump hopefully we can see some worlds first today you guys know it and i want to see it too let's get it on [Applause] i'm fired up i mean if you're not getting goosebumps right now matt you're not even human yeah this is it i love the look of that course it offers so much potential look at the final area there the big air district that jump is one of few that offers well world's first air time that you need and here's the start list let's look at the start list coming into run number two it is jakob vensel the veteran 32 year old will kick things off who else stands out in here max frederickson do you think he can up his score yeah i think so he's got that fluid style that the judges love but tom i said the only british rider he he just saved so much yesterday that i know he has more to give double flips double flip combinations and here we go here the heavy hitters yeah they're heavy hitters you have hooper and then godziak his brother simon is out because of injury nikolai ragotkin you have fedco running number 12 and then emile johansson trying to make it nine straight big major wins we'll see if his score of 84.86 can hang tight he's used to being over 90 at all of the big major events so we'll see only 13 riders there was a lot more but we saw a few go out in practice didn't we and even yesterday a few kind of hit the deck and didn't make it through to the finals so 13 riders slim pickings tim bringer yesterday is what you're talking about massive double backflip on that step down but it took him out he did go back up and land it though i've seen the video but he was hitting that guardrail which tore his leg wide open and i guess the swelling he had a lot of stitches he couldn't ride and then this is thomas lemoine from france i mean this was epic right here right i mean this is one of the biggest moments in free ride mountain when he gapped the bottom at joyride whistler and just nailed it but then before that that's what went down and he hurt his hand before he actually successfully gapped it but that hand right there the right hand caused him to pull out of this event district drive 2022. yeah he must have been running on pure journaling back there at joyride but yeah clearly carrying an injury from that that that moment for me will be iconic for years to come all right so we have five districts and the castle district is the start there's a beautiful location dropping into the historic streets of nuremberg and to kick things off is jakob vencil from the czech republic 32 years old the oldest rider in the field run number one he had a 63 so he has room for improvement here and matt usually he starts later in the run order because he's ranked higher in the overall world standings but due to injury he's been out of the fmb rank so far this season see what the trash metal fan can put down here yeah it looks a little bit breezy at the top you can see it there in the trees with this first judge feature he's got a bar spin on the quarter pipe and now he gets real flat drop backflip mega mega execution of that off the first big drop the only big drop on the course really matters there's a 270 on that here we've wanted a little more maybe some combinations maybe a no-hander or a bar spin but he's taking a hand off there to high-five the fans and you gotta love the terrain to the cobblestone and then to pavement and then to wood and then to dirt with the fans cramming in huge back back flip tucked a handle on that step down a completely blind feature and back onto the cobblestones here's the up box 360x up love that i can't stress having ridden this course what it feels like to ride on these cobblestones it just shakes your brain loose and you have to focus on this massive quarter pipe district with an ally toboggan and a quarter pipe the other way there's a big flare judges are going to like that tug no handle on the hit and then the final little upbox feature with a nollie pad nollie bar spin brings him to the end of the quarterback district yeah so again now he's completed the castle district number one the fox district number two that there number three is the quarter district now stepping up getting a breather before the dirt district take us through this so we've got five features in this one and quite rightly so having a breather you're going to see a lot of riders stopping up here because this course has 16 features they've got blood there on his elbow looks pretty sick so 16 features for me is the biggest slopestyle course we've ever had in the world tour 2018 at rebel joyride there was 14. i remember being there and my heart was beating out of my chest it was a cardiovascular nightmare for slopestyle riders we spent a lot of time riding dirt jumps in the woods you know skate parks but this is like this is riding down the mountain through the streets he's taking a little bit of time up there composing himself we've got five hits the first one being this wooden sort of spine volcano huge landing so he's got a tug no hander that's a little deep straight back flip probably wanted more 360 inward table i love that trick the judges will like the style of that we've got another dirt job with a backflip inward table complementing the previous jump and a nice toboggan air going really high landing smooth and into the rat house into the rat house so that completes the dirt district and now he will go into the town hall at the town square go up an elevator for the last hit the big air district here's the score for the first time we're getting the scores from each district he got 975 out of 15 in the top district what's he got in the box district of course total of 15 points in these first four districts but it's working towards a total of 108.85 so the judges are leaving themselves plenty of breathing room for bigger tricks from the top riders we know jakob has more to give the rider for czech republic he's a legend on tour he's been around for years i did like the quarter pipe district he did that huge whopping player we don't know what the score was on that because now we're checking out the dirt district that backflip lacked a combination we're in 2022 now the judges don't want backwards they don't want 360s it's wild they want everything 7.5 there so 50 of the total available and the interesting thing is after this we're gonna get an overall impression scored out of 20 for these top four districts and that's a huge help towards the total it's things like flow and fluidity to complement that so first four districts worth 60 of the score and then the overall impression is worth 20 and then this final big air hit at the bottom which is crazy after taking that elevator to the top floor of the town hall that overlooks the square and this is where all the fans are roaring and i would imagine the nerves kick in so from a height of 15 meters is where he's starting the athletes roll down that massive ramp and then on to a or off of a four meter kicker but of course the voter log before that absolutely so only two features here worth 20 points from the big air district think about i think jakob just got 49 total including overall impressions so he's about halfway and he's got 20 more available so first rider on course he's not going to be up there in the 70s 80s or 90s but like we say this was going to be a two-run competition now with the sun in the skies looking like a three-run competition with yesterday's run so what's he got i mean what do you think of that finish area it's just unreal seeing it packed out right it's it is it is unbelievable and for the fans to get up and close to these athletes it it must be so exciting especially for the you know the young boys and girls that are out here getting autographs hanging out with the riders and here we go 360 tonight and a huge extension landing perfect look at all this speed this is the backflip superman seat grab a massive monster slope style trick and he stretched it out with mega extension huge straight legs the guy's pumped he finished on a high the judges are right there amongst the crowd they're gonna hear all that noise hear that excitement and maybe they don't even drive it up for a few extra points at the district ride in 2017 he took eighth place there as i mentioned been out because of injuries most of this year hasn't been able to rack up those points known as the trash metal fan who draws a lot of inspiration matt from skate videos yeah he's always wearing heavy metal t-shirts it's surprising not to know where is him and then i made him one here or something like that but he might under that blooded lumberjack shirt sure we've got maybe that's why he has the long sleeve on oh there it is kinda all right we'll wait for a total score here once again his first run 63 10. i'm guessing 65. all right so he'll get fifteen five two in the final sixty five four four one two so he's so he'll upgrade to 65. we'll see how that holds he'll get another run beautiful day continues here in nuremberg germany red bull district ride 2022. lucas connoth the wild card rider awaits his shot checking his emails there yeah the business crowd will be alive for this guy a fan favorite lives two and a half hours north of here instead he's fired up to be riding in front of the home country fans and just loves the vibe and energy he expects to use that matt as fuel so here we go feed to his advantage starting off there it is foot jam super technical trick straight from the skate park this guy's got a lot of skatepark experience truck driver on this first drop i love that very different to jakob's approach with the flat draw backflip double downside there we go that's how you ride the castle district up there doing for his fans they'll also be subscribed to his youtube channel i love the interaction love it okay so now we have the box district this is a step down you can ride the box backflip tuck the handle it's a huge jump i can't stress enough what it's like to ride a feature that's blind when you take off and you cannot see the landing it sucks regular truck driver it's a 360 bar spin and now he gets to cruise through the streets into the quarter pipes [Applause] that's an opposite flare spinning the wrong way into a regular tail whip and on this left hip 270 tail whip again bangers back to back bring in the heat and that's called a flip-flop bar spin one way basking back the other bar to bar so he's bringing opposite tricks into his run and the judges this is so important is that what you meant by wrong way absolutely his normal natural direction correct exactly when you ride a bike with one foot forward it's so much easier to spin towards your back foot because your hips are already open in that direction to spin the other way it just feels feels obtrusive you don't want to go that way but lucas is showing that he can flare the opposite way and it backs it up with a top side tail if the judges know what foot forward these guys ride they know how it works they're going to score him really well for that especially in the overall impression that really helps the dirt district now he takes a breather the penultimate section of the track over three consecutive dirt jumps that progressively get bigger and bigger see what he has here we go super steezy neck neck stylish trick 360 tuck no hander not peddling that's important 360 tail up to bar spin a mega combo and then a 360 ball if he does it all in reverse had a foot jam we haven't seen someone up there on the deck of that quarter pipe yet it's not big amplitude but it is technical lucas is on a heater here all right once again the first four districts that he has just completed worth 15 points each he'll take the elevator ride as we take a look at the first four districts 11 32 in the castle district by lucas knopf good score remember guys you're watching the second runs of this entire show because yesterday on friday night we had the first runs with impending rain today they weren't sure if they were going to run this event so they got the riders out there early to lock in a run so we could have a finals but you know what it's running today the riders get more runs which means they can push even harder with three opportunities to nail a run 270 toe up i love that that knack knack was cool he's opting for style there over over difficulty 360 tuckman handler now watch this 360 toe up to bar spin then he said you know what i can do that the other way around 360 fast fin to tail with how good does that look back to back that's how you use the dirt district yesterday when you were talking about this and going up the quarter pipe after that and if the tires aren't clean which they aren't because you're in the dirt that's the sketchy part yeah we saw riders washing out and sliding out because you're carrying dough on your tires into a wooden smooth feature it's a recipe for disaster all right now the 26 year old german will look down in the sea of people and the fans who will be going crazy here in just about two seconds when they see their home country rider lucas canal step out now for the final district the big air district absolutely we're about to get the score i guess for those first four it's so important we're the only people watching the screens that know the score lucas has got he doesn't know so he's no matter what's happened so far he's going to give it everything there they are quarter district was his best at 12 5 2. absolutely but there we go 16.8 super strong from overall impression giving a total of 62. all right so he'll need something big here some heavy hitters he's second to go of 13 in this second round and then we'll reboot and do a third round it is the best of three that will count the podium 17.86 will get him third place so far 360 x up on the bow and log backflip bar spin to tailwind and he gets pedals perfect perfect landing epic run he's so stoked take taking it all in as he should [Applause] [Music] it's been a long time since red bull district ride has been here in nuremberg must feel so sick of that home 2017 was the last time linking that cannon up with this final big air jump backflip fast pin to tailwhip so that kind of compliments the 360 bar whip he was doing in the dirt district landing real good lucas is a guy who's known for his combos and his extension tricks yeah so pumped that feeling honestly is undescribable landing a run after you've had to piece together multiple districts it's so unusual you get breaks in between this run you can stop compose yourself and it makes it you think it will make it easier it makes it more serious you can even second guess yourself so the mental game here in these slopestyle competitions with this format is so unusual and so tough so lucas konoff second to go in the second round still looking for his first diamond series podium comes in with a 77-3-3 so a huge upgrade for canal and it puts him into fifth place yeah well deserved that really really showed the difference from yesterday massive progression he found overnight adding tricks and we go to the top to the spaniard miguel guerrero not bad yesterday fifth place putting pressure on all of the others coming in as a wild card and secured that spot based on his recent performance at skyline ride placing fourth there so we got the nod to come here to compete district ride 2022 dropping basement tail tap so expect to see a lot of bath spins and a lot of tear ups from this guy similar to lucas they're a double truck driver on the drop adding a bath spin on what we've previously seen coming into the hip the top side double tear almost hitting the barrier there that's the end of the castle district that's what we thought watching miguel yesterday it's going to be nice to see some alternative tricks and combinations other than the bathrooms and tail whips there's a come on a backflip triple bass bin is super difficult he's got gyro on his bike so the cables aren't gonna be getting tangled not gonna be getting messed up one truck to x up it's insane watching this is downhill through these cobbles but they're still pedaling cranking speed four triple part spin again it's his theme of the day he kind of missed an alley who took my hand today wanted to get the hands off i love that indiana superman seat grab very cool so tell us what it's like to ride on the cobblestone i mean does it slow you down i mean even if you're going downhill no it's well yeah but it's so it's the rumbling the feeling of kind of you almost get arm pump it's so unusual we're used to riding these immaculate groomed dirt jumps or skate parks and then suddenly you're in these streets in this urban environment but they're putting massive features between it makes you feel unnerved i mean i'm talking with all the riders beforehand saying you know a lot of the events leading into this were all downhill right all gravity-driven mountain type events and now they're coming here and even though there's a downhill pitch they're having to pedal a lot more so stamina and fitness and everything comes into play at district ride 2022 here in nuremberg absolutely and with 16 jumps that was a cool 361 nxl hung up a bit so he's gonna need to get some speed get some speed back miguel here we go still 360 triple bar spin he's casing these jumps a little bit losing speed and flow again but still throwing absolute bangers in there and there's the flare you see how he almost washed out yeah super slippery feature do you think that will be an up well we have one more hit to go but so far what do you think after his fifth place run yesterday he lit it up yeah i think yesterday's was a little stronger because of perfection he was landing really well but let's look at the replay of this second round of the contest top side double whip not much air time there so it's hard to get that get that pin and spit that bike spinning twice in that short amount of air time one two three there's the flip triple bar miguel obviously renowned for his bar spins because he just throws them everywhere every opportunity [Music] you guys just sit back and watch this i'm not going to say the word bass bin again this run yeah we have two more runs that's so true so right now he's making his way let's see how he's casing there losing speed for the judges they see that and they actually deduct points for it because it's it proves you're not landing perfect and if you're judged for your performance right here right now you need to land perfect and they're brutal [Music] all right so now he enters the big air district once again and the elevator taking the athletes to the top floor of the town hall it's a little cruise up the elevator popping out the window no big deal it's tight in there there's only room for one and a bike oh yeah but uh it's a it's a bizarre feeling catching an elevator in the middle of a scored run it's pretty stressful you saw yesterday a few of the riders punching every floor to take a little bit longer to give them time to breathe because it is a 16 run [Applause] course it's unprecedented all right so they love the castle district the judges at 1207 and the overall impress impression uh man not bad 15-4-0 yeah pretty good considering the kind of rough landings in the uh the dirt district here's the cannon tail whip lands perfect so we can expect a big move here yo oh took him down first crash we've seen today and he saved it right till the last jump like brandon seven off 11 years ago such a tough thing when you've ridden so well and you're in the last jump and that was a backflip double bass mid to tailwind huge move so he'll obviously keep that first run score going and hope to upgrade in the third run once again 100 points is the max here and each of the first four districts worth 15 points each 20 of the score or 20 points for the overall impression and then the remainder of the 20 right here yeah completely i'm sure you guys are catching up with the judging you don't have to be a mata professor you just gotta keep an eye on those pink and red bars across the screen and i'll keep reminding everybody oh yeah but miguel guerrero from spain he won a world card to get into this event and i can't describe how valuable this is as an opportunity and experience because you don't get to practice these courses at home they build them for the riders then they tear them down so unless you're on tour getting these massive jumps you just don't get an opportunity to progress and experience them so 7.22 on the final jump you can't you can't achieve a big score with a crash so they're going to deduct five points at least if you hit the deck but he's pumped because he's fit and he's got another run a third run all right well nikolai ragotkin who is sitting number two right now he's coming up in a bit and he's standing by at the top with anna kraki points wise you weren't far off emile yesterday after your run do you think this could be finally be your chance to get ahead of him on this course oh i'm not going to predict anything but i'm going to give it everything i have out there very stoked to get the rundown yesterday that takes a lot of pressure off you know now it's just two chances to really go for it really go for the full run that you can do full send you know so i'm going to give it everything the field of writers is crazy everyone's going hard and this course is long and difficult so you got to stay precise you got to use all your strength and make it happen so i'm looking forward to the run the atmosphere here in nuremberg is next level so uh let's do it and i mean you are famous for your big tricks will we be seeing another first of you today maybe oh i'm not sure i'm gonna think about the run first and then once i get down to that final district on top of that roll and i'm sure i'm going to be fired up to do something wild so uh let's see we can't wait to see you dropping in thank you nicolai cheers all right thanks anna and again rogatkin will run number 11 on the list which means we'll go to the top now for thomas janon who is fourth to go the 29 year old from belgium tommy g gained his respect matt and popularity after winning red bull joyride back in 2012 we see him at rebel rampage as well a very diverse rider yeah a real veteran with an unreal styling technique one a guy that i used to think won contest for his style opposite 360 off the drop that's worth so many points it might not look as complex as what we've seen but spinning the wrong way is just so difficult there's a 270 step through putting his leg over the bike spinning the opposite way on a bike is like signing your autograph with the wrong hand or doing keeping up with the football with the wrong foot it's just a challenge that you don't pick up straight away and to be the best in the world you have to do it now double tail up on that step down over the box all the riders so far gapping that entire box and he rolls up here 360 tables they're the tricks i mean that's the style very cool it's the fluidity we want to see from tommy g it's one of them events in the past pedaling hard into the quarter district boom opposite flare but massive regular flare that's how we do it back back-to-back tricks opposite directions and an opposite 450 i love that a little back wheel tire tap to 180 getting the fakie the trick i've struggled with my entire life have have a break because this is a really really sick run huge extension huge height landing great and spinning both ways looks he looks pumped to himself for a guy who's usually so cool so once again it is the best of three and so far emilio hansen with an 84-8-6 from the first run yesterday still holding down the top spot along with rogecan and frederickson from their runs yesterday who once again is fourth to go in this second run then we'll get into the men's third round this is where he can set himself apart 360 tabletop almost inverted opposite 361 foot downside come on carry speed tommy g opposite decade that's a 360 down whip what's he got on the last dirt jump 360 tail with mega mega tricks from an unreal smooth trails rider and a top side tail whip spinning the bike a lot but also adding those tables front tire against his shoulder it's the style we need to see for the overall impression aspect up here in the castle district you've got 10.22 which surprises me i think that's low but it would have been that 270 step through where they thought come on tommy g you've been on tour ten years now since you won red bull joyride what are you doing speaking of which uh what are the injuries like over a a span of that long in the sport i mean everybody wants to know how long can these riders last and before they have to call it quits i mean 10 years is a hell of a stint i mean his career has been longer than 10 but there's been 10 excelled years of huge performance look at that opposite flair if you saw this guy shirtless you'd see his collar bones both sides just want to break out the skin he's had shoulder injuries all sorts of injuries but he doesn't show on his bike does it landing perfectly contorting his body into positions that most of these people watching can't get into on the sofa i did witness him live at red bull rampage there's a guy in shining a armor guard there's a knight on the bridge with a sword but anyway he crushes run placing seventh and red bull rampage i did not see that guy there there we go he's just back there's a lonely elevator ride up he just banged four number floor four number floor floor number four just joined us five districts one two three and four have been completed foreign on and now takes the elevator ride back up we'll check out some scores and then we'll get right into the last and final hit which is worth a big part of the score where all of the judges are looking at this part of it so all the judges are look in sections so they're separated out except for this bottom big air jump where all judges want to weigh in on this one so there you go have it matt that quarter district as expected with a 13-12 is the strongest and he'll get 62-6-4 so far so even with 20 points get bringing him up to 82 he's not gonna be able to get a winning run here but he's one number two of three is the cannon 360 step through x up it's a pretty old school bmx trick i love that 360 invert looks like he wanted something earlier in there but still unreal photogram instagram from that one with that info i love that style i like photogram it's kind of like myspace but yeah he needed more than a 17 on this one to pull into third so just trying to fight to get on the podium at this point is that style nice sick that little delay there before he cranked the tabletop was where he was looking for something could have been a bar spin or a tail whip bad wooden experience for these guys yeah he's a veteran with the fans down here getting a close look at the world's best mountain bike free riders here in nuremberg metropolis in the old town city center here and the second largest city in bavaria after munich a rider opting for an open face helmet without the chin guard about interest rates yeah something i used to love doing because you get to see so much more the visibility of the bike spinning around is so important is that like like an old-school hockey player he doesn't have to wear his face mask like kind of like grandfather claused in yeah they're like yeah we did this is how we used to do it we're still doing it like that it honestly makes such a difference being able to see the viking things but the imminent threat of smoking your chin on the ground a score from the seven judges six plus the head judge who is paul rack so they weigh in 62 6'4 for a total will get a better score for run two of 77 two zero so he'll be heading back to the top recompose himself take a breath and hope for the better in run number three tom eisted now gets set to drop and isted [Music] from the uk 29 years old super super talented skatepark rider this guy came from bmx and given that half this course is on wood with quarter pipe features box features which he grew up riding and excelled at expect to see him take on those districts with a whole new perspective now that we've seen a few runs what style of rider does this suit i mean i you know you could say overall rider matt but you know what style is it bmx is it clearly this guy trades because that's the bmx aspect coming through like you described okay backflip bar spin on the step down then we got an outbox another wooden feature which he's going to say yeah i've been riding these for years guys are they right they already just did slope stuff 360 there he probably wanted more maybe a bar spin i want to see him get on the pedals here because i know this guy can really really air a quarter pipe right watch this watch it he's up on the deck flat backflip off the side of the second quarter by landing and there's the truck driver the only guy carrying speed to gap up that step up by using i hope we get a replay of that because that probably blew everyone down there's mine they went uh he's getting knighted sir doing it for the fans and when we ran into him he was walking up expectation he asked him about his expectation here at district ride and he said man i just didn't want to get hurt i mean great strategy if you think about it yeah just ride solid not get hurt make it to the bottom for the fans the guy has always been on the cusp as the ultimate always half in half out of slopestyle competitions he needs to land a run today what sarah eisted got power out like we saw on the first flat drop on that spine flip tuck no hander beautiful extension there's a truck driver come on crank some speed what you got tom now that you're a knight boom oh yes backflip tail whip and i guess we're going to see a monster monster flare the dirt district is his i love his style i love his style actually this is the event for him and the way he used the course up there in the quarter pipe district he thought there's three jumps here quarter quarter hip i'm gonna skip one out i'm gonna ride up on top of that landing they're definitely gonna give us a replay trace that was awesome right there such great style 1305 in the castle district the first guy to do a cork 720 and on a hit that's a tough trick you have to over rotate the 360. but balance that with a standard backflip flip bar spin this is probably the section yeah i thought so this is the section that let him down and eight one seven out of fifteen because a 360 alone isn't enough when a district only has two features but look oh my god how did he think of that he spoke about it in practice he told me i think it's on and he also said he'd have enough speed to jump the entire step up and he did i love the backflip tail whip on this final dirt jump but the flare for me was he's got the highest by far watch this [Music] so impressive there's the lift cam yeah comes out of the elevator now into the big air district you just joined us this is run number two run number one went down yesterday there will be a three run contest here at red bull district ride 2022 and emil johansen is leading after the first run yesterday and is the best of three that will count for the riders now this is a section that lends itself to huge tricks we use the term heavy hitters a lot but what we mean is big moves and crowd-pleasing moves because there's an entire tens of thousands of people down there waiting and tom eisted is a guy yeah huge score so far really good overall impression it was that first district that set them apart though so we've got 62 and tom we know he's capable of tricks like twisters the 1080 and double backflips he earned a last minute spot because of simon godziak's withdraw because of injury so tom i said finding out just recently that he even had a spot here at district ride and now it's time to throw down matt because you're on the biggest stage and this is only one shot deal well you have three shots but i'm just saying one contest i'm nervous for this guy he needs to land the road i know how it feels to keep messing up truck driver on the cannon this is going to be the moment right here he's 17 for third double flip huge strip that's never getting old yes dude he's landed a run a huge diamond event the districts worked for tom eisted did you get points for another back flip that was his speciality he did that after a crash at joyride laying on the floor hopped up did some press-ups and a backflip so i think it was a 17.4 it said on the screen would get him third place which would be a massive massive result for tom eisted and a double backflip is definitely a trick which is going to climb the ladder out 20. look how good these riders land on that massive landing then bang one rotation then you have to look down at the landing and judge your rotation for the second spin two wheels land together halfway down the landing that's a guy who knows that trick inside out and is it a good feeling tris throwing another triple back will the judges count it [Music] all right so tom i said happy with that you can run these guys breathing down at the bottom away to score this bottom district the big air district worth 20 or 20 points of i think it's going to be really close i think it's going to be around a 17 for the last district but they need to give themselves room it's about 20. oh just shy oh just shy so put him in fifth look how close the scores are trace oh super close less than a point separates third to fifth red bull district ride 2022 not disappointing the fans so far as we go to the top for paul kuder didn't ride yesterday so he doesn't have any run under his belt so decided to put himself in today on the start list thinking well i have two more runs and i don't have to do all three so his two teammates are countrymates out because of injuries so now he's the sole french rider after lemoyne and bringer have withdrawn because of their injuries let's see what he has spin on the first backflip step through off of a flat drop adding a combination to an already really difficult trick and a 450 tailwind i can't stress enough the the speed and the g-force around that vertical burn up top there is immense and then you're faced with a hip straight away going for white pants probably not the conditions for that when you're sitting back huge back flip tailwind what can i say on a step down when you can't see the landing that's just throwing your life away and then you've got to earn it back in the air nice cranking a backflip when there's no takeoff is so tough and he threw an x up there for good measure let's see what the frenchman can do here in the quarterback district top side tail whip from alley-oop toboggan probably looking for more really in this district and then a 450. [Applause] and a tucked handle up still clearing the whole step up so probably his weakest district so far but up top i loved watching what he had to offer do you know why he didn't ride yesterday i don't i mean you know it was interesting to see these guys pull off the roster and bank on the fact that they're you know that there might not be a weather day right but rain was rolling in and it could have been a one run contest but that's good to see kuder back in there and what have you seen since the difference between 2017 and now in 2022 oh it's astronomical i mean there's a knight in shining armor stood there on the bridge we didn't have that last time yeah the course still follows the same route down the hill through this city but it's the tricks for me and the way that the riders can spin in different directions and they have to do such technical combos not just in a couple of places in their run but on every jump so 16 hits so could regardken's 2017 run compete now honestly that was so exceptional that yes it could but i don't think he'll win not for the win it would blow the crowd's mind but the sports come on with technicality combinations big back flip but he lands good which means he's got speed for these dirt jumps and riders have been struggling for speed through here on the dirt that's an opposite 360. the unnatural direction to spin he compliments it with a regular 720 they're the 720s i love not corked out but real flat and a bass spin classic fist pump from paul gordon he shows he really expresses if he's happy or sad you'll see him shake his head or fist pump so if you know the ride is happy you know the judges are happy so the drop in from the imperial castle the first district coming in with a 12.37 on that zone tom i said i think leading the charge up there showing that you've got to go big you do a cork 720 which is really a 360 backflip on that castle district pit emma how good does that look for a guy trace who's new to mount viking how what sort of tricks impress you it's got to be the ones that just blow your mind right the complex looking ones yeah i mean he's only 25 years old he has that seventh place finish under his belt with that red bull joyride result so i mean he's the real deal right i mean coming on strong yeah so this quarter part district 10.42 it's lower than we've seen from a lot of riders every district counts but you can make up for it with things like overall impression and the weighty final district was worth 20 points 1162 there through the dirt district we're gonna see him up top in a minute drop in front of tens of thousands of people from the rat house it's crazy to see this franconian metropolis transform into this mountain bike slope style mecca year of planning matt and it's just been crazy and then they have to build it very quickly even after all of that planning and there's a lot of material that goes in to this historic city yeah it's an unreal sport unreal location in the lift there he was kind of doing this double head bob which i'm familiar with which generally means you're timing and visualizing a double back flip but that doesn't mean that's what he's going to do but if i had to guess so we're going to see another big hoofed double flip in the last everybody's chasing emil johansson with an 84 8-6 we haven't even seen him ride in this second round yet and ragotkin who's coming up as well oh sitting in seconds so 63-73 district was the strongest i have no idea what he's going to do i'm trying to judge it from that visualization [Music] honestly he looked like he was doing a double flip basketball he needs a 1964 to pull into second place which is possible oh under obtaining we're carrying good speed one two he did a double flip step through the top tube yes the double flip is just such a crowd pleaser and he's adding a combo in there listen to the crowd there love it firing up the fans and remember nearly 80 000 people showed up in 2017 and it's hard to get a count right now because people are still coming in by the second so kuder throwing it down he is stoked we'll see what the judges think see look he was he was kind of rooting for a bar spin there landed a little under rotated but then look there's a one back flip put your leg over the bars over the top tube put your foot back on the pedal and then go for another backflip and just landing so clean it's amazing these jumps being this big that you can land so smoothly i asked you this before what is the scariest thing about committing to that second backflip you've done it that you're locked in there's no two ways about it when you pull off the takeoff for two you're doing two whether you stay on the bike bail the bike you're you're going for two and that can mean landing upside down no net no parachute no nothing once you commit off that jump this is serious when you're waiting for your score that's really all the riders are here for is to get a good score and you feel like your fate belongs to the judges for these few seconds it feels like eternity not a bad score 63-73 for kudair plus 17 that's 87 puts him in third wow so a podium spot at the moment midway through we are in the second run of three it is the best of three it will account for these riders so just one and done is what you need to put down for cuato testa [Music] the italian rider toto stylish italian with years of experience the only italian rider and in a really matt brought the slope style mountain bike scene into italy you really did we've seen double backflips in the previous riders this is the guy who was doing it consistently years ago there's a flat drop backflip so difficult to rotate backwards off something with no lip it's like just riding off your landing down the stairs and doing a flip there we go he's leaving the kids hanging but he's focused he's gonna like the pizza district as an italian isn't he what's he got over this one pendulum oh oh man straight into the guardrail i think he's good looks pretty good that's exactly what happened to tim bring it yeah tim bringer right there on the left-hand side as you look down there where the landing is went right into the metal fencing narrow street ways there's no way around it that's what the district ride is all about right he's narrow narrow streets so hard now for speed this is a rare event because he's only really compromised one district that crash cannot affect the other districts because of the way this is judged so where usually you have thrown an entire run away he's got a decision now am i going to go for broke in every other district there's an opposite flare unusual then into a regular 540. they complement each other so well so look he said i've thrown away the box district but the quarter pipe district is mine for the taking nice noseblock up there missing something like a bar spin [Applause] i mean yesterday he only had that 48.58 so he has nothing to lose here no it's true what a rare thing that a crash doesn't compromise your entire run technically it just does one district so you went for max points everywhere else one district's only worth 15 points you could still be in the 80s right with a crash and that's happened in the past we've had guys crash here and get on the podium looks uh disappointed 15 points is a lot worth 15 points so if you lose it on one as matt mentioned can make it up in the others especially the real overall impression which he'll get docked for that but the last big air hit is worth 20 or 20 points backflip bar spin 360 tail whip this is where it looks like they're struggling with speed everyone's having to pedal here backflip tail whip oh casing so bad that he actually brings the back wheel alongside him and took him down this is a warrior i saw him crash in practice earlier today yesterday was hard for him he's still crashing now but he's going to get in the lift up to the top these guys are so so tough and tired i mean yeah i thought it was amazing too it was like these guys walking their bikes back up to the top you guys all walk your bikes back up at the top as they can maybe you get a lift yeah it's lacking vip treatment for the riders they're just warriors [Music] with so much pedaling happening and when you talk to any rider before this event went down that's what they said was going to be the biggest challenge is to get that speed and it's going to take a lot of pedaling but that's where he went down in the box district well you actually smoked those guard rails see what happened there makes up for it regains his composure keeps it cool coming into the quarter district likely his best district because of the opposite flair and the regular 540. these districts are like parcels they're like packages for the judges you need to deliver a bit of everything all wrapped up to get a good score and then the overall score is everything put together you know seems obvious but you have to tackle these courses and dissect them in a perfect way that you don't do at other events yeah massive case it's a catch-22 as well because even though you want to save your energy you still have to train a lot or practice a lot on the course to get to know the course right completely although it's the same layout similar to what we've had before the jumps they get tweaked they get changed even through the week of the event they vary all right so quarter district as you called it matt is the strongest 10.95 on that one so here we go so you going quickly [Applause] there's cannon back flip [Applause] and another back tip so he's throwing that run away two crashes in one run i guess you realize i've got another one in the tank there is this is a three run final and i'm going to use it but the crowd sounds they sound stoked to see the italian make it to the finish even with a couple of crashes so three total runs and a bit of a change here at red bull district ride 2022. [Music] they're trying to predict that using new terminology for that feature big cannon up there i wonder what he went for we saw him do a double flip in practice earlier today [Music] he'll have another shot so a low score on that not what he was looking for what's a minute at 13th max fredrickson of sweden the 27 year old awaits at the top had a great first run yesterday the score of 79.87 he's in fourth now after paul kuder threw down at 80.75 and bumped him one spot but he'll have this second run and a third to make up for it okay guy who's earned very variety of podiums and all levels of well-known contests so expect style fluidity there's a massive 360 on turn down which is really hard to crank that bike around against your shoulder to a 270 double bar spin this guy spends his entire winter with snow on the ground in sweden so they have to ride skateparks they're forced to ride indoors and with a course that has so many skatepark style features he'll definitely feel somewhat at home maybe not on the cobble streets though double tailwind big air time on that step down looks scary so matt he rides slope style dirt jumping enduro downhill and even a bit of bmx so talk about the overall package that you need for red bull district ride he's got it we'll see if he can do something with it we saw that earlier in the pre-show double tail whip and then a 270 tail whip on that here [Music] nice nollie suicide no-hander trick he does for breakfast in his local park so max we know could do really well with the overall impression aspect of the scoring because of his style fluidity the way he greets the knight we're talking about a guy who's united lot of different injuries over the years you know he's put a lot of time in the gym off the bike strong guy see if his fitness will pay off here in the dirt district this is the fourth of five districts really dipped out to 360 toboggan there triple truck driver loads of rotation of the bars opposite 360 inward table another backflip tower but landing pretty smooth smoother than torquato who went down then i think that was a tucker had to bar spin on that which is really really tough combo on a quarter pipe if you look at it matt look at the trees right there and some of the flags get a little bit of a headwind coming into that uh into the dirt district it would explain a lot why the riders are hanging up in casing any amount of wind on a course which is kind of built to perfection probably with no wind it's going to affect the riders so maybe dropping in late being a more highly ranked riders not going to play for their advantage so much at stake here so much to play for you can tell they're getting low right there going downhill because that wind obviously coming straight up hill and straight up to cobblestone walkway 1297's a really strong score in the district we knew max would excel from coming from sweden being such a such a qualified and just unreal skatepark rider see that he pedaled for this went super high but still hung up a little bit wow things like that are the ones that contribute to overall impression because we want just just a rider to land so well that it looks effortless this is where it pays off for the other riders because they can now see the headwind god he was close to the head they can see how it's affecting the other riders in this meeting the top seeded coming up shortly including emile johansson eric fedko nikolai ragotkin but right now it's all about max fredrickson who's eighth to go of 13 and the quarter district is the best that's a little more protected from the win so i see a lot of the guys trending in that area as their highest of the districts so he needs a 1955 to pull into the lead that's it's possible but it's pretty much absolutely massive yeah here's the cannon 360 bar spin looks like his jersey's blowing more than normal it looks windy down there backflip barbell tug no hander that's a massive combo that jump i really can't describe the air time listen to the crowd love it the folks here in nuremberg germany getting a show with the best mountain bike free riders in the world the event that hasn't happened here since 2017 is back in full force ah so sick hey it's pretty cool yeah you need you need a huge jump and a huge take off for a trip like that and they just don't come around very often but max a rider that will usually wear a full face helmet again opting for an open face giving fabio widmer a hug there a legend down in the finish corral there you have the wind you can see oh it's so so that's not consistent for everybody see that big fountain on the side the schuner brunen the beautiful fountain pretty cool for these guys to be doing such a progressive sport in an incredibly historic city yeah this is their moment for sure we've waited five years for another district ride and five years for a contest that just offers opportunity for a lot of riders max someone who's awarded for his style and he got over 17 points for overall impression these things helped so much so a place where if you're real silky smooth as a rider and you've got the tricks to back it up you can take home top spot where in another contest maybe it wouldn't have been enough all right so frederickson a 27 year old sweden a lot of riders respect this guy too from what i've read yeah he's got an awesome youtube channel edits his own videos so he's a hard worker comes at the sport from so many angles like you said riding in a jira bike skate park dirt jumps trails that was tank razooli down there in the finish area a legend of mountain biking back in the freeride days and doing so much for us now putting on these events a key organizer and a key player that's moving slopestyle forward 65 plus 15 what's that it's gonna be in the 80s 80.51 so fredericton still in fourth place even though he upgraded by a teeny bit from the first round yesterday so he has some work to do to get on the podium as paul kudera's score of 87.5 holds in third rogotkin's first score in second along with the legendary emilio hansen who is in the lead with his first run we'll see him shortly but right now it is lucas hooper hoopie the 22 year old youngest rider on the roster and the currently seventh in the diamond series rankings on his peak at the moment matt decent showing at red bull joyride placing fifth there improving from comp to comp upgrading results advancing his riding skills flat drop 360 tail it that doesn't come out the back very often into a double tail whip the judges are gonna love that castle district because honestly a flat a flat drop 360 tail whip we're seeing these tricks in just such recent years and they just don't come out very often what's he got over the pizza box will he bring home the dough [Applause] hoopie an awesome awesome skatepark rider from zurich double truck driver there but like i say coming into the quarter pipe district this is gonna feel like home to him riding these big quarter pipe features oh no way a 540 triple bar spin into a downside tail whip this is what we're looking for top side tail up on the hip one to go for the quarter pipe district wow oh man looked like he wanted a double bar but missed the second one bars got stuck backwards and just took him out of play in the district i'd say he's been strongest so far even with that three whip up top i mean isn't that isn't that murphy's law right there you just you're shredding you're crushing it you've hit everything you want to hit and then just the smallest thing yeah absolutely just maybe turn your mind off right matt forget about it you go down and it's so much to remember for the rider did so much to pack in 16 features he stood here before dropping into the dirt district most contests would have been over by now there's so much more and they call in the swiss army knife of slope style we'd have thought he'd have enough for 16 features but uh that bass bin took him down well we'll see which tool he pulls out of the swiss army knife for this section right here the dirt section but he's going to need some speed because of that headwind that we're noticing matt it's been affecting all of the riders absolutely he's adjusting his stem man we pull out the bottle opener will he pull out the little scissors never you know it's really tough to cut things with that so maybe he won't pull that one out no and he wouldn't have yeah that exact headwind at the dirt district and that's not what they want so if you're seeing riders hanging up in casing that's the reason that resistance that force in your face as you ride through is enough to make it so difficult to clear the rounds also oh go and go on trace no no just he's fixing what is he fixing right there so obviously something got a little bit tweaked yeah his body would have come out of line uh on that double bar's been crash so you've got to straighten those up especially running into these features where we saw max so close to the edge of those vertical sided dirt landings you'd only slam into these buildings or the guard rails the hard thing here is the course you can't see the whole course from the top okay so those flags aren't actually visible for the riders when they drop in so you're going off of memory you're going off of familiarity of how the course fell a couple of hours ago in practice and if it changes and the wind rolls in that's a massive challenge because you don't see it coming so this chorus design we caught up with aaron chase earlier winner of the premiere red bull district right event in 2005. this is his crash one and a half you don't want to do half a bar spin that means the bars are facing backwards he looks so gutted props to the drone pilot by the way that's still hovering there they follow them the whole way down the course live props to anybody standing close to doing anything to the riders right now it is a narrow area but the fans absolutely loving it just a reminder of the current standings and we are getting through run number two but after the first round is emilio hansen for the top score of 84.86 that's still holding and ragotkin's first run score of 83.37 we're gonna see both of those guys momentarily hooper is nine to go of 13. so following him we have godzilla david godziak anyway and nikolai ragotkin to follow eric fedco the german favorite followed by emil johansson so again everybody trying to step it up never know if reigns gonna roll in and that's why we're in this three-round contest to begin with and even where we had a first round yesterday is because rain was predicted to come in today and the riders wanted to get in one run absolutely and if they get through two runs then it'll be the best of two and the way the weather looks we're going to get through three get to see all these riders twice so i mean lucas has got a it's such a challenge having to adjust your bike because it's not it's not going to affect his score the judges are thinking look your bars have gone out of line from a crash we'll give you time to adjust it but it's just time for him to kind of forget what he's doing his brain's gonna slip out of that zone that you drop in now he has to kind of start again and that's so difficult it's not natural to stop doing a run and fix your bike oh man look there could be headwind that could have been landing deep but he's short of speed means he can't even do tricks which is such a shame [Applause] he knows it and at this point matt what do you do regroup kind of focus you know obviously focus on your third run yeah absolutely he's lucky he gets three and i must say we'll watch the replay that for me was uh just just ultimate a flat 360 tail whip cramming that in for the castle district with a 13 out of 15. that's one of the highest scores we've seen up there so good for him but it kind of went backwards from here i think on this uh quarter pipe district that it's a shame we didn't get a replay because he did a 540 triple bar spin but they're showing us the crash and what a shame on something yeah it's kind of so straightforward in a slope style run i remember matt he had a solid result yesterday i mean he ended up fourth after yesterday which now he got bumped to fifth but still yeah maybe throw this one away and start focusing on run three this would usually be it usually be it end of second round if there's a third one and with the middle score sub 85 that's a meal that would be emile's lowest ever winning run score and with two runs to go from the top riders an 84 just won't hold there's going to be riders that are going to break the 90s there has to be there's two more runs so emil's thinking about that where he'd often win on the first run this event i don't think is going to be that i think he's need to watch out he needs to watch his back man this had potential if you look at his castle district scores matt of 13.05 completely it all went down in district three but at the top it had so much weight and he gets another chance to repeat those districts but let's see what he's got down here on the cannon regular 360. no pedals required and a really just nice floaty 360 toboggan so puppy just using that as a bit of practice to figure out the wind and feel it out so if you just joined us three runs here in nuremberg germany at red bull district guy 2022 trace worthington here alongside matt jones and will be a three run contest the best of three that will count what an extraordinary contest as you see lucas hooper flying over thousands and thousands of fans in this historic city in the town plaza so open face helmet oh no full face tell me sorry i'm still wearing a gun shield so he's like double armored up so his score's not going to be up there it's probably it's a 54 two four yeah so that's obviously we'll uh so a lot of um a lot of differences with options for armor and things and how much protection they're wearing so david godziak now awaits his shot run number two for him so godziak after that first run yesterday was in ninth place with a 63-79 brother simon pulled out because of that injury with a busted up shoulder we'll see what he has epic canadian foot jam on the first quarter with a tail whip first guy to be tear whipping that it's kind of been the silent assassin someone we haven't talked about so far 450 hanging up a little bit there but further down the course is where he's going to unload in best trick last night we saw him do a twister no hand to bar spin a world's first which wasn't enough for the win but world's first nonetheless and he landed so clean we might see it today first guy using the top deck of that box with a half cab 180 on spinning the crams backwards then 180 back off really technical absolute bmx style [Music] 360 tuck the handle now trace we were talking about david yesterday this guy's been winning gold medals at x games alongside winning gold medals and mountain bike comms on a bmx yeah i mean that includes the winner of the big white contest the eurobike skyline ride and as you mentioned x games bmx dirt so multi-talented has had a gold medal season going so far and he's hoping to do that here at district ride 2022 really nice district from him so like we say he's been winning goals on a bmx bike and then he looked to his brother as a red bull mountain bike rider and said i fancy myself a bit of that too and here he is a diamond stop at district ride competing amongst big boys a mountain bike amazing to see that versatility and skill and he is cool isn't he looks just so cool and calm nothing epic trick super bmx style flip took him out yesterday but he lands it decade he knows the wind he knows to work hard here casserole bar spin and a top side tower where most riders are casing david godzilla's landing suite with unreal bangers for me that was the best dirt district run we've seen so far over the entire contest so godziak unleashing things here as we wind down to the top riders here we go castle district maybe his weaker section he's gonna have more to give in the third run if i'm being brutal that's why i'm here to kind of give you guys a low down on what we're seeing i wonder how they're going to reward this 11 out of 15. it doesn't look much like a trick but i can't underestimate the difficulty of running backwards over that box now watch the quarter pipe district there it is the flare bar spin the only guy doing that and then he chooses to ride a landing here gets 12-9 boom big flare there massive height i think that's his strongest district so far but this for me the dirt district as we follow him through the frontie tuck he under rotated yesterday today showed what he had planned a decade this is going to be a good view casserole bar spin so much going on with so little time and a 13.57 out of 15. that's getting on for maximum yep and that's the place to do it right there that's we're going to make up because it seems like a lot of the riders coming into those hits slow matt so getting a high score in that section could be the game changer it could really move the needle for a lot of these riders great point you don't only have to do what's good for yourself and your own trick back you need to set yourself apart from everyone else if they're casing and hanging up in that district you know that's a place to perform fun watching him last night the best trick contest overall impression he got 7.2 but this is gonna be the moment double tail whip what are we gonna see is it gonna be what we saw last night one two three there's a twist and no hand oh my word that's a big trick the crowd might not know the name for that trick they're gonna be so so hyped on it the crowd i don't know the name for that trick there you are we'll get a replay i'll talk you through it performance he's hyped dirt district bigger district that's number one for me so far so this is three rotations and takes his hand off in the middle of a corked out 1080. that's what we call the twister and obviously taking his hands off the bar that's what we call the no hander last night added a fast spin to the end of that trick making it a world's first and clearly keeping that one in the tank trying to get that solid run score on the board there'd be no point crashing at the end of that run because it was it was so sick to watch all right remember the score johansson has is it it's an 8486 right now 8486 so 6399 this is a big score coming in for godzilla and what's it going to add up to not that they didn't add i think it was an 18 if so if i'm going to do quick math i think it's around at 81. 8247 82-42-45 so it's a solid run by david godziak that puts him into third so now shaking up the leaderboard is the 28 year old from poland now we get into the heat of things matt jones down to the top three riders or the last three not the top three from yesterday rogackindo was in second the defending champion of red bull district ride after his epic performance in 2017. right now he sits in second behind o'meal yelled hansen with an 83-3-7 knows what it feels like to win with tricks like that it's a flat drop front flip that'll be the only one of those we see today double tail whip look at him he looks like a submarine going down the course he's a man for the fans didn't miss a hand there right yesterday we saw a cash roll here which is a jaw dropper on a step down nikolai just known for spinning like a maniac just like that there's a casserole landing epic so slipped down so smooth right what's he got here needs to back it up with another trick 360 tailwind this is how you take the districts to pieces and package them back together with huge tricks this is what the judges want to see no stone left unturned massive 540s being in the regular way for nikolai and ali over one foot downside double win that makes up for the previous jump man he's pedaling hard and i tucked no hand to clearing that whole thing which isn't easy man a guy who literally embraces matt that go big or go home approach perhaps that risk versus reward approach swings for the fences either strikes out or hits a grand slam and so far you can see he's going for the grand slam he does not want third place he doesn't want fifth place he doesn't even want second place this guy hunts for the win and he's only satisfied with the win and he did it five years ago backflip landing good 360. he's clearly struggling a little bit with speed he's gonna want more about castrol awesome trick to cut through a take-off even in the head with twister oh come on nicholas and a tailwind yes this is what we won huge moves back to back in every district it doesn't matter that he's repeating cash rolls because he's doing it in different districts fans going berserk over the american regattan that flag drop from flip is just so nice to watch easy on the eye but so tough so blind you come around that trick staring at your chin guard and the last thing you see is the landing you just hope it's there there's a cash roll on a step down first car we've seen 360 tail up off the up box i'm going to be interested on the score in the quarter pipe district because he did kind of like a one footer on one of them which isn't enough but he just he just looked confident yeah right he does he looks wrapped up in armor so he can just take on this course in a hardcore way two tricks there that just looks so good back-to-back done two casseroles one on a step down one on a dirt jump and that's the twister the 1080. now will he go up this elevator and be thinking about a 14 40. cause only a few hours here we go again talking about the 1440. now it looks like he's shaking his head but i'm saying he's visualizing spins that's a plan that's not disappointing that's a plan right there how many spins is it going to be 16 different features just the mental and physical capacity of these riders is absolutely fascinating as we come into the fifth district if you just joined us this is the big air district worth 20 of the score so we'll see what he has on the first four districts worth 15 points each overall impression is worth 20 points and then this last hit is worth 20 and everybody has their cameras out for this one everybody [Applause] [Music] a lot of these fans would have been here yesterday evening 19. in overall impression i was saying this this is the reason nick and i could win because he's just he's just the showstopper the wow man the guy who drops every jaw of everyone in the crowd only 15.12 points required for first he could get that he's going after emilio hansen he knows emilia hodson has the goods and two more runs oh my god double whip that's enough for 15. let's back it up one two three there's a twist though but it's still epic run i think it's enough for 15. who knows look at the emotion from everyone down there electrifying the crowd here in nuremberg germany red bull district right 2022 nikolai regatting putting on a show two cash rolls in a run two twisters in a run you never ever get enough jumps to do all of those tricks in one run the 16 is the number there's fabio fabio whitman really stoked for nikolai he's oozing adrenaline so we saw it's a 15.12 required to take the win now he did slip a foot on that twister he didn't do the 1440 it was a twister which we're going to get to see again it's a double tail whip epic cannon trick and then one two three rotations says 1440 on the screen but that's a twister a twister describe a twister versus a rotation so right here wow he snuck that in spun fast even his bike is dizzy i got too excited i'm calling stuff wrong i'm going for a swim no i'm cool i got this all right here we go waiting for the scores remember 84-8-6 is the score to beat by emil johansson who still has two runs he's up in two after eric fedco but right now the seven judges will weigh in with the pencils to the paper if that's still a thing man i've done nikolai disservice they're calling his run wrong oh you're all right so uneasy in my seat because i just want nikolai to win this competition so much forgotten just lives outside of boston massachusetts so regardken and the current standings with an 83-3-7 once again we haven't seen this score come up 69-7-4 and he gets it moves into the lead with an 88-3-4 so no commanding the leaderboard is nikolai ragotkin and back where we were in 2017. this is history repaying himself 14 40 and best trick then again in the run unbelievable so now nikolai ragotkin 88 3-4 is the score to beat emil johansson now in second with 84-8-6 his second run coming up second but first let's head down to the finish area with kazz who's hanging out with nikolai ragotkin your new leader here in run number two of three cats nikolai we can see what it means to you you've just taken the lead can you put your emotions into words i'm just so so fired up right now this course is such a roller coaster ride from top to bottom you're just hanging on putting all the strength into it you get down here and you just cannot believe the scenes you feel like some sort of king up there like when you come out and the crowd's giving you such an ovation it's just an unbelievable feeling so that run absolutely fired me up i was running out of strength and power but i gave everything and just barely hung on with that 1440 right there so when i landed that i was fired up and going into first whoa i can't complain at all so i'm over the moon right now i'm ready to do another run don't know how much more i can turn it up but uh we'll have to wait and see i'm hyped well well done you are the showman good luck with the last run thank you thank you so much all right so thanks kaz so nikolai ragotkin sending a huge message to the rest of the field and putting everybody on notice two more riders to go in run number two of three it is the best three that will count it is eric fedco the german favorite 24 years old lives about five hour drive north of here currently third in the fmb world rankings this kid grew up riding motocross starting in 2006 known to have that powerful relaxed style map maybe you can break that down but this kid has been on fire since a wild card in 2017. yeah and also a really good bmx rider at a young age so he's gonna love this course 360 bassman to x up on the flat drop watch his extension watch how good he lands watch his style using all of that landing going way wider than most god he's taken every german high five available he is the red bull poster boy right here he is literally he is on the posters flip kind of tweaking out a little table there he's got that smaller build does that help him out a little bit or will that affect his speed it might it makes you have to work harder and pedal harder over the years the kind of smaller lightweight riders have to work more for speed but here's a guy who can go higher than everyone massive 540. landing real good carrying speed aleut tailwhip landing good again and an awesome opposite downside tail whip nollie bassman up there you thought that looks like a feature to me i'll do a little 180 steez out there too so eric fedco yet to do his favorite tricks like the backflip superman seat grab tricks like that but he's got the dirt district coming up and calls the big air district remember there's five total districts so the castle is number one box number two and the quarter which we just saw now he's coming into the dirt district where a lot of the riders take a little breath and breather beforehand he hasn't making up to do he didn't have the run he wanted yesterday ended up in six and that's getting just pushed down now so 7707 is the score that stands so nails it through the dirt district matt and then hits obviously the big big air district the way he knows how he can get where he needs to be which is in the top three you need to be looking at these wind flags because he's a lightweight rider someone that a headwind is going to affect more than a big lump nicola pigeons there with a huge score you don't even need to watch this sport and you know sort of what ragotkin threw down in the comparison oh there it is 360 superman seat grab he's landing everything perfect [Applause] 360 bar to whip and a flare he just said that dirty stick [Music] really really epic style you'll see that in these slow-mo's coming up because the first four districts is where a trailsy dirt jump skatepark rider like eric could make himself look so talented and with so much finesse 12.45 in the first district [Music] this really feels like ticking boxes making your way down the course it's like okay that's one district compose what have i got the boss box district has two features what are we gonna do on them [Music] nice it didn't seem like he had the speed coming into this quarter district at least as much as nikolai ragodkin matt yeah nikolai really kind of charged in didn't he but tricks like that 360 triple bar spin backing out with the 360 indian air seat grab [Music] truck to whip so complex combos plus extension tricks plus things like a flare with good amplitude it's like a box ticking exercise where the judges they just they can't ignore all of those aspects and he's bringing that score up point by point all right here's if you uh if you're afraid of getting goosebumps plug your ears german favorite crowd going nuts there are the scorers from the districts oh man overall impression is so strong he's ranked second of that in the entire contest all right so 69 in the first four districts needs an 18 nine eight for first doable yeah but it's a huge score okay it's almost maxed out i need to calm down so i messed up the last one truck to x landing really nice yo huge backflip superman seat grab if you want extension you've got it right there they love eric here oh yeah taking it all in been here for a few days just watching training matt and walking around and just watching him walk through the sea of people here in nuremberg total rock star and stop to say hello to every single kid that wanted to give him a high five handshake fist bump autograph whatever the case might be five years ago eric was pretty unheard of no red bull helmet and now he's back here hanging out with the current winner and the winner from five years ago nicola gatkin as a possible contender that's a career progression like no other yeah and right now if anything he has the gold medal today for the outfit he's got the best fit he's got the best style [Applause] [Music] it's one of the most photogenic tricks ever will you take your hand and both feet off the bike upside down and you can still land so clean on these dirt jump bikes that's just raw emotion right there the feeling of going to a finish corral in any slope style event is like something i can honestly say i've never felt but i have failed but there's nothing like it [Applause] let's see 9th through 13th right there so fedco coming in with a 69.36 so it'll put him into second place so fenko delivering a huge blow and now it is broken in first fenco in second way to deliver look at this score emil johansen has been pushed to the bottom of the podium an unfamiliar place unknown territory for a guy who's on an eight-win streak yeah but i mean he's up next we know he's gonna bring the heat and drop hammers but right now going into the second round of a slopestyle competition he's used to doing a glory run the man usually wins with his first run kind of that seminar scenario you were talking about earlier with the results but again i think with emilio hansen with two runs left and he's seeing the scores pop up that's like kicking a beehive man you don't want to get that guy fired up and here he is at the top yeah and he's got a smile going a little bit of a grin and here he is emil johansson and winner of the recent 2022 red bull joy ride in whistler bc british columbia canada and currently ranked number one clearly in the fmb world rankings has pretty much won everything he's entered in the past eight major events spread over three years no one worked harder at home for this stuff than emil and it shows from his riding and it shows from the tricks the guys in the no know he has still locked away nice foot jam there the only rider opting to ride a slopestyle bike with rear suspension that's more than yesterday that's a foot plant 360 x up [Music] triple truck driver landing perfect with an over-rotated 360. just spinning the bars for good measure tongue out high fives a lot multitasking going on and the other side both hands baby all the pressure on his shoulders here we go there we go combos 360 tower up to x up nikolaira gatkin pushed him off the top spot and then fedco added fuel to the fire so emile's got to step up here double whip that's the end of the box district but now we've got the quarter district and yesterday oh man he went higher than everyone here and has again 5 40 with an inward table almost missing the landing he went that big with the alien tail up on the second quarter four oh just getting back onto the bike 450 bar speed to downside tailwind we need a replay wow he's just like what he got himself in a spot of bother there on the left hit but his feet just always [Applause] [Music] here's a guy in 2018 battled through serious issues with a rare autoimmune disease that held him back and took him in and out of riding couldn't figure it out they finally figured out the whole thing epstein-barr virus hashimito's cured it back on the bike and then started crushing it in 2019 and hasn't looked back since matt it's been an unbelievable story and if you just you know look at some of the documentaries absolutely the journey has been on it's [Applause] this is a small version of that he now needs to work extra hard to take back that win on his second round dropping in i used to see him third place by his name 360 tuck no hander just a straight back flip that's yesterday again where he struggled to get oh my word though opposite double downside 360. 360 top okay the control he has on the landing when his back tire washed out right there and he still manages to pull it back in underneath his seat it's fascinating to me all he knows is winning and to win you don't mess up that was a football 360x up and a 450 triple bar spin scoring a 12-5-2 in the top district it's got the sickest style he's such a tall guy makes the bike look tiny underneath him massive score second in the boss box district compared to the others that's what you see on the side left hand side it was that kicked that opposite tail whip didn't kick it hard enough but just still got to the bike his poor strength must be just so insane the only trick there that wasn't complex was that straight back flip so it's all going to come down match to this final big air district he just spins opposite so often that's an opposite 360. both tailwhips are opposite too the whole trip is built backwards feels unnatural have we got a score yet for that district so it's all gonna come down let's talk about the big air the best trick contest last night that he showed up for we didn't expect to see him and he won that with the world's first which was absolutely insane matt yeah and what was that trick and do you think he'll do it again the trick was a 360 tailwhip to bar spin to downside terawick so three insane moves in different directions all going on during a massive 360. oh my word the overall impression is humongous off the charts district winning that one is podium position in every district that's what we need a consistent average across all of them and those red bars are almost at the edge of our screen in every district a 17 would win and if he does what he did last night in the best trick contest no problem here we go amelia hudson final rider here in the second round before we get in double downside whip on a cannon there's a 360 windshield wiper mega trick so many tail hips in this run but all in different directions they're all complementing each other they all add value and the crowd know it too that was one bar spin away from the world's first we saw last night [Applause] i just love how nikolaj organ he just hangs out down there and just is such a fan of the other riders he really is right now holding on to the top spot must feel insane but he caught that tail whip hung out in the air miles off the ground for a moment and then just booted it the other way so this is a really really strong run all right so three runs and this is the final run in round two as we weigh a score for emil johansson who was leading after yesterday's first run and then got pushed down to number three before this particular run after nicola ragan pulled into the lead and then you had eric fedco bumping up into second place i'd say he's absolutely done it the 360 double downside tail up on the cannon there's the bigger jump at the end but the big air district is judged on both those features you need both emile knows it he's so experienced not only at winning but how to win for me it's first place [Applause] did he check all the boxes the swedish flags out for the 23 year old swedish sensation all of his scores in the last eight events that he has won straight have been above 90 points including a 98-point run at innsbruck that was the highest score ever don't think this is going to be there but it's going to be close with a 71-3-4 so it'll put them and then and there's a familiar position number one and above the 90 mark he's happy with that this would have been his first ever win in the street to be sub 90 but now look there's a nine in the front there that feels like home for him unbelievable so after the second run emilio hansen of sweden moves into the lead and he's in the finish area with kaz kaz take it away down there emil you've done what emil does best you're an absolute machine you were pushed to third and you went okay i'll take it back to first amazing thank you very much well it's it's very hard honestly like this course is so exhausting to honestly get down one piece i had a bit of a barbell mid run but somehow made it back on the bike landed it so like just to get down in one piece and someone have a clean run and get bumped into first feels amazing can we expect more even more can i be cheeky enough to ask for even more from the last run uh future will tell you well listen good luck thank you very much thank you all right emilio hansen down there with kaz and he'll focus on his third and final run but now goes into it the leader with 90 points in run number two it is a three run contest here at red bull district ride 2022 so the standings now amelia hansen jumps back up in there did the number one spot a familiar place and ragotkin got pushed down to second but still holding on tight eric fedko how about that from yesterday's run moving into the top three and david godziak now pulling in to that top five spot and so what a competition going on so far matt your thoughts as we come into the third and final round so emile nikolai eric and especially david godziag the top four there i know for a fact they all have more to give because we've seen it in best trick we've seen it in practice and we've seen it throughout the year from the tricks those guys can do and this course it's a challenge like like emil said it's super physical it has this massive cardio element where you're out of breath but upon have taken off every jump you need so much physical exertion to spin the bike round and do it all thousands and thousands of fans and this is an extraordinary chapter to this city's almost thousand year history in nuremberg and it's great to have red bull district ride back after a successful event in 2017 and the best freeride mountain bikers on the planet have taken over the historic streets throwing the most progressive moves and tricks that anyone's seen today i think we're gonna get a uh a really cool ending especially yeah nikolai nick and i can put more into this entire run there's nooks and crannies that just adding some flair adding some tweak adding just even a last minute bar spin when the when the points are this close it's going to upset the leaderboard again and more than just a main event over the past couple days here in nuremberg including many of the top women riders shredding the course let's check out a few of those highlights something that none of them have written before this is unique to for the guys if i'm super nervous [Music] the female riders these days are just on a whole nother level these girls aren't scared and i just can't wait to see what they can bring to this event [Music] it's a woman's world and if they want in on it it's all theirs i hope the girls have a good time and i can't wait for the show [Music] matt austin to see the women out here progress in this side of it too uh you know it's it's it's great you see so many diverse riders over the past couple days training out here from a bmx you know to slope style riding it's everything now absolutely le2 there's flown all the way over from new zealand usually resident bmx rider in shows and now she's picked up a mountain bike and backflip that giant last booter so these uh female athletes they don't get a chance to train on stuff this big because really these jumps only exist in massive slopestyle competitions and without access to these comps yeah they can't train on them so they actually had the hardest job last night because they're they're hitting jumps of this airtime for the first time so impressive to watch and in front of this massive crowd and in that crowd one of the most famous riders not competing is fabio widmer he's been hanging out watching all the competitors look at that yeah such like just such epic videos he's such a legend so many cool projects yeah on snow really yeah it just dominates the youtube space as a mountain bike rider urban freeride was his forte this stuff this stuff put him on the map and he's with kaz in the finish area fabio everyone's so excited to see you here we've just seen some epic videos and one of them an urban slope style video that went viral how special is it to be here at district ride yeah it's just like insane seeing so many people here watching biking i think it's just uh for the sport in general it's absolutely amazing and uh there's so many fans like actually meeting them in real life again and um yeah just seeing how everyone is so stoked and biking is just the best and is there a particular run that you are most looking forward to watching or is there one that you've enjoyed the most so far well to be honest like everyone is killing it like it's such a difficult run like top to bottom it's like really really technical um but uh of course ams run like as always completely mind blowing and um but also nikola isran was so good he's just getting the the crowd so hyped so i'm really sick to watch but as i said everyone is absolutely killing it well listen enjoy the event and thanks for speaking to me thank you [Applause] all right thanks cars i mean what a legend i know i know just i have to watch more videos yeah it is quick his creativity is brought to those online projects and those youtube videos is so sick really thinking outside the box and back in uh lockdown doing videos that some tricks would have taken hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of tries much like the training required for these contests so back to the top yeah now we get you back up to speed so two runs down and the leader now no surprise is emil johansson after he threw down a 90-point run and it is the best of three and the best so far for this guy jakob pencil is 65-4-4 so he needs to blow things up here and get a huge score he wants to grab a spot on the podium the oldest rider in the field [Applause] yeah he's gonna be keen to step it up but he's been around for so many years i've seen his trick back vary even over the years it's just modified it because to keep up to progress but he's changed his style basking on the first quarterback that's a judged feature then we got the big drop flat drop back flip you have to kill so much speed for this burn in practice riders were like completely washing out around it 270 bar spin then we've got the box district up next it's now at this point just the phys the fatigue that that the riders are up against matt what is that like yeah it's been a long week practice isn't easy you've got to pick these jumps apart figure out the speed you're going to have had some heavy landings you also got to walk up this massive hill fantastic view there have a fantastic weld but yeah it's super physical it's not just today it's not just run yesterday it's not just best trick it's the entire week you take a pounding massive alley toboggan into an awesome flare this is nice because he's landing so good and going so high but he's missed a trick there took off a little janky and a little unsettled there's a guy who started riding at the age of nine and originally focused on trials riding is trials riding still a big thing people still doing a lot of that i mean or is it just transformed into more of the the slope style mountain bike trials is absolutely still there you still see it if you go out among the streets of nuremberg europe the uk all over the world people are riding trails bikes especially in urban environments so there's going to be a lot in the crowd today watching good to know i didn't know he was into that yeah all right so taking a break right here jacob pencil from czech republic this is the third run if you just joined us trace worthington alongside matt jones cavs down in the finish area and crappy at the top for some interviews and we get into the district number four called the dirt district five total districts tucker handler on the first backflip on the first proper dirt jump 360 inward table maybe that headwinds died or maybe jacob's just a pump master carrying speed backflip in with table and nice toboggan again he's really really really smooth showing that he can land well and judge speed really well but potentially the run just lacking a little bit of difficulty see this heavy bit of metal that we're listening to is definitely yeah the choice of his trash metal i was wondering what that [Music] it's is box district well i missed the tottenham there that's a yeah low score 8.25 out of 15. i like this one but then again you missed a little yeah that's that's very detrimental to your score you can't afford to not do a trick at all it's going to struggle to uh find enough points in the finish on the big air district to bring this up into the like the top eight but it might be enough for the top 10 currently sitting in 12. so the elevator ride up to the top of the town hall so the top floor and out the window one of the offices is where the riders will come out of and get ready for the fifth district which is called the big air district so the height 15 meters is where that ramp starts then off the cannon try to do something there then the riders will launch into the four meter high kicker catapulting them into the air under the dirt landing for 20 of the score this is the sort of stuff i used to imagine growing up when i walked through towns and cities i used to imagine rolling in off of giant buildings and they're being a huge jump at the bottom and now it's a real thing you get good enough on your bike you actually get to do it for real and i'm so proud i was here a few years back to do it because the feeling where jacob sat right there is so sick man just the roar and the buzz and the atmosphere just brings out the best in everybody [Music] jakob pencil first to go of 13 riders in the third and final round and the riders will take the best of those three runs and that will be what determines their position here at 2022 rebel district ride emilio hansen has a 90 point run and he leads 360 tuck no hander [Applause] i love it just like eric fedco backflip superman seat grab real good extension hugely stretched out but obviously a bit disappointed with himself not on those jumps but the previous districts because he's looking for an overall score a lot of the rotations and a lot of the spins are impressive matt but then when something is just as simple as that the audience can kind of grasp out a little bit better i completely agree less can be more especially when you stretch out that far away from the bike it just looks like you bailed it looks like a crash [Music] [Music] not easy even being invited to district ride it's a privilege if you talk to any of the athletes just to be here jack of pencil 32 years old lucas konoff for his third run looks pretty chill up there going off in ninth with a 77-33 so had a huge second run see if he can upgrade here come on dude massive massive german following there's the foot jam on the quarter techie skatepark trick truck driver on the first drop ripping around that vertical burn huge g-force through there double down [Applause] once again that breakdown the cobblestone you have wood cobblestone you have metal you have dirt everything is thrown at you yeah at district ride yeah just a constant change in in riding surface it's really weird because you feel it through your wrists and you don't then you do again and if you land deep and a bit off kind of a bit of a slide going on when people hit those cobblestones they wash out and that's how we've seen a couple of riders smoke the guard rails tim bringer obviously are putting him out of the competition as potentially one of the favorites i love that 270 tail whip [Applause] there we go double bond it's like the winds calm down just a little bit see look at the flags on the right hand side and earlier on there was a little bit of a disadvantage coming in back to this this dirt section right here the dirt district with that headwind rolling right up the street yeah headwinds a nightmare for riders when the jumps are built to such like perfect precision you can't afford to be slowed down in the air especially all that spinning going on when you can't even see the landing but that looks good that looks pretty calm right the flags have calm the only calm thing about this event when you look at the standings in the dirt district it's godzillak who had the best in the dirt district so emilio hansen was third through this district and he's leading the way with 90 points so it just goes to show you you don't need to win every district you just have to be consistent throughout all the districts it's exactly right it's what sets this event apart from all the others 360 tarot to bar spin now last run he did it all the other way around let's see he does truck whip what's he got on the quarter oh yeah oh not quite getting back in there's a baspin foot jam ah he knows it some of the judges xbmx riders that are gonna really wanted to see and perfect that perfectly because this course has got a lot of court pipes and a lot of skatepark features kids look so stoked to get a high five it's like is he gonna do it is he not [Music] quite a low score in the box district 11 through that district to have everybody 12.45 that gives him sick through the quarter district [Music] now i really like this stuff he hung up a little bit in the first run in the second one earlier today but doing back-to-back tricks that complement each other is amazing it's still actually 11th through the dirt district oh that's because you slipped a pedal of course so look at that the sea of fans down below across both days yesterday and today over 100 000 people came out to watch the world's best mountain bike free riders and today 70 000 have come out and a big thanks to mother nature for holding out when the rain was expected to come in by now and that's why one run had to be done yesterday and now it has turned into a three-run contest the best of three is what the riders will keep for their final score and determine the podium but right now it is emilia hansen with a 90 leading the way nikolai ragotkin and eric fedco rounding out the top three and the 61-22 is what kanoff has coming into the final district number five and this district worth 20 points very important and all of the judges will be looking at this needs a 1953 almost perfect to even move into fifth so he won't be getting on the podium here at district ride 2022. and lucas has got some real big jumps in his backyard and a cannon like that once he got on the big one back flip fast been that's the longest crash we've ever seen it occurred over like 30 meters chest slamming that last bank but as a backflip double bar spin to tailwind couldn't have felt good didn't seem to shake him though no life would have flashed before his eyes while he was nose riding that landing both the andes down there mc and andy's zeiss and brevi doing a nice job and giving the riders congratulations one two spins and then booting a tail at brown insane trick it's amazing how much the sports come on that would have been that would have won best trick not many years ago and now you're just placing it inside slope style run definitely look like tweaked his ankle a bit there but thankfully that's the last one look at that crap sorry to laugh but it just went on forever didn't it well he's laughing that gives us clearance 61.22 so just taking it all in it's not gonna get on the boat i'm not gonna get into the top five but hats off to lucas cunhaff of germany the 26 year old having some fun in his home country as we go back to the top now to the castle district miguel guerrero the wild card rider guerrero sitting in 11th right now with that 7716 that was his first run he got pushed down pretty far after the first day he was in fifth after yesterday clearly clearly there's been a lot of progression today yeah because he's been pushed out so many spots right here marin bikes super tech trick on the quarter pipe there with the tire tap there it is 360 double bar spin on the flat drop ripping around the berm double tailwind now we're gonna have a lot of bath spins and towers but how's he gonna do them are only gonna be opposite they're gonna be on unusual features let's see what he's got 16 different features and i want to talk to you about about it that's the most you've ever seen in any contest who slips off the pedals there and the judges are watching this on video right it's not like they're standing in the streets next to each feature exactly yeah they're getting a view on screen very similar to what everyone's getting at home they're getting the live feed so they see what you see but they're sat in the finish area so they get a mega view of the final big air job bottom line they don't miss anything right no no no you have to have a clean mistake free run from top to bottom from a to z check all the boxes in district ride if you want to get up on that podium so he completes the castle box and quarter district now staged for the dirt district and if you're new to this or just joined us this is the fourth district there's the drone pilot there he is just stood there he's got his work cut out with the wind doesn't he find between trees through archways lots of people trying to navigate through total pros so in the dirt district the final jump measures at four and a half meters here we go five features to hit 360 baht above back backflip bar spin 360 tail whip to bar spin carrying loads and loads of speed 360 tailwind to bassman again and a flare landing good goes into the town hall take a breather in the elevator looks like his handlebars got a little bit out of line there so just gave it a quick boot straight out the old school way that's how i used to do it give a little boot what's it like going around that wood berm right there yeah that was there five years ago too it's so fast and he would only need a tiny tiny bit of drizzle for that to be too slippery to get around that's why everyone was so fearful of rain but yeah you get proper g-force it's like being on a bobster run oh yeah it's cool we haven't talked about it i mean it's it they make it look easy but you need to be in control yeah it's just because there's a that hip take-off comes immediately after you're out of it it doesn't allow you to like to prepare very well to see how he landed quite close to where he took off there some riders are using way more of the landing on those quarter pipes and the judges reward you for that it's effectively like use of course it's using everything you're offered everything that's been built you can make your whole way across those landings it shows that you've had more amplitude you've gone bigger there's things like that you might not notice at home but it's ever so important 70 000 spectators packing this historic area of nuremberg germany it's a huge number isn't it yeah it's a big number town plaza handling it nicely and you look at the districts and again each of those districts you see worth 15 points so worth 60 percent of the score then the overall impression worth 20 points so 20 percent of the score so so far he has a 55 and probably not going to cut him out here yesterday he got 77 points so he can't with another 20 up for grabs he can't trump i mean he needs his first run you know 9.8 just to get into the top 12. so [Applause] but this is a wild card rider yeah oh man like lucas can off backflip double barrel spin detail it didn't get pedals but rode away made it up to the finish and as a wild card rider that just needs this valuable experience of these huge events he's got just that he's completed three full runs gave him some confidence yesterday when he ended up in fifth right i mean with the biggest names yeah he beat fedco and oh yeah i mean kanoff godzilla everybody so that must have fired him up as a wild card absolutely yeah to be amongst those names for the first time but then actually be amongst those names in the standings yeah exactly seeing your name on that paperwork third and final run we'll see his name for a long time i'm sure pierrot is third to go of 13. emil johansson he's leading will run last so he comes in he'll settle for 11. [Applause] as we go to the top now for our next rider number four of the field of 13 today tommy g thomas from belgium 29 year old maine's day on the diamond series for years yeah it has so far 360 to fakie first guy doing that he's at 10 right now matt with a 77-20 yeah yeah so he's got a lot of work to do to get up there there's a footpath 360 and a double downside tower really common trick we're seeing on that hip so you kind of want to do something different to everybody else that doesn't make it easy i'm not saying it's straightforward but it may be a place where someone could think outside the box we saw tom i said the only one to do a call 720 up there there's another double tailwind but the huge step down i want to see some big 360 table tops from tommy g there you do you hear what people say when you're riding by no way nothing i don't think someone might but i've always remember being so in the zone your run seems like a blur they might not even remember what happened on 16 features opposite flare landing really high and good regular flare this is what we want to see and an opposite 450. this is fluid this is flowy another fakie getting it done see like that's where we've seen riders throw the whole thing away just on that tiny little tiny little nollie pad between these railings we were talking it's like it's like it's almost an ironing to it like a half a meter putt in golf right yeah what i just got i just got here in two on a par four and then i blow the putt from that close yeah it's exactly what it feels like on live tv so the dirt district is somewhere that tommy g's can do really well because this is the stuff he grew up riding you know trails steep dirt jumps with nice landings awesome 360 table opposite 361 for downside they look great back-to-back opposite decade spinning the bike the regular way but spinning his body the irregular way regular decade so again he's using back-to-back jumps to do back-to-back tricks and a 5 40 on that quarter pipe that looks nice that's just easy on the eye aesthetically pleasing unreal run to watch i'd say that his 20 points available for overall impression he's going to be really really near the top of that 7th in the castle district so what's cool about this match just a reminder when you see that number on the left-hand side that's where he ranks amongst the districts compared to the other riders absolutely [Music] he actually is the only rider i've seen sitting down between a lot of the districts it's like i've been doing this job for so many years guys give me a break why is the course so long that was nice for me the second in the quarter district wouldn't surprise me if this is up there too sixth okay consistent so we're awaiting overall impression 20 up for grabs and of course the big air district with another 20 points can be earned out the elevator tight space in there doesn't look in a rush does he so genon the 29 year old needs to reach into the tool bag and break out the biggest tool he has if he wants to get anywhere close to the top five and we'll see the scores and what he needs to even get close to that overall impression is going to be strong i feel no 10th what did i miss is it because he sat down because honestly the guy's got such a sick style that surprised me a lot i'd like to challenge the judges on that but that's why i don't have that job all right neither 17 5 1 for the top five 365 oh wow that was a close call i don't know life threatening do they do they like and know his manual down the whole landing they don't so there's a big case but his life would have flashed before his eyes there you get the nosey huh yeah [Applause] [Applause] talking about the nosy yeah this is it he hung up the back wheel ejected his weight over the bars oh man if that went any further it would have been curtains what do you mean by curtains i haven't heard that one they draw the curtains like brown bed yeah i love it i'm writing that down right now i'm taking that one brown bread dead but the curtains not closed yeah three rounds this year at the 2022 red bull district ride here at nuremberg a change from 2017. due to a forecasted some weather rolling in today but not the case still three-run contest though i thought his overall impression was so much stronger than that i felt like the style was mega he went really high did opposite tricks i'm not a judge yeah you can have a little word with the judges at the after party i told you if you get too good at judging you're not going to be able to be in the broadcast they're going to put you out there i'm a bit vulnerable right now with the broken collarbones props to the judges though this could not be easy right i mean coming in after 2017 and haven't been here since then and then having to really win and and judge these different districts so we're about to get his final score he's gonna make up for 78 so he's bumped up he bumped up his score he's now in nine super solid of course the judges don't don't judge the entire thing how we're speaking they actually are split up into groups so they become experts on each district so they get to focus really hard yeah but once again big props that judges keeping their eye on this stuff so closely it cannot be easy so right now it is istead sitting in the eighth with that 79 11 and again emil johansson who will see shortly he'll run last has a 90. that's the winning run so far and there we go choosing to not trick that first hill quarter pipe even though it's charged bower on the first drop the only guy doing that off of a flat surface there's that cork 720 that the judges love and i'd say he landed even nicer than in the first round eyes on the prize he looks fierce coming into the second district can he deliver under pressure though flip bar right there this is pretty similar to the first round but obviously you can always clean up you can always go higher and he's got a lot more to give on these features that's a that's a district that let him down in the previous runs and that would have ramped his score right up the only guy doing this too he had to pass but on the way oh no missing the flat drop backflip epic use of course but previously we saw him do a flat flip off of there and he looked so bummed to not get that down especially after adding a bath spin tom who again earned that last minute spot because of simon godziac's withdraw after injury yeah had an opportunity to come here i mean he's just has to be grateful for the opportunity you know it's true sure he didn't want to see simon gaudia get injured but hey look i know dude watching that run so far i felt like he could have had it all but he's a rider that isn't he's interested in the win but his priority really should be staying on tour solidifying enough points and a good enough result to actually be back at all of these events because he's always the rider that you see as an alternate which means he's waiting for someone to get hurt to pull out but oh man he's won the first castle district he's got to be stoked about that yeah what a first run 13.12 yeah that's such a sick feeling because he's the only guy doing a cork 720 on that hip and again the front flip on the up box that you're seeing here boosted his score so much enough enough for fifth there so this was building up and shaping up to be such an impressive run and if he had the flat flip off of there using that course i'm sure he would have just driven it all the way home i said though he's a real crowd pleaser he loves crowd noise we're about to see him at the top of the rat house big area is where he goes biggest so trace let's see let's see what he delivers yeah we're upset for you tom and the bikes get a little techie on me real quick the build of the bikes they're all okay very very similar no gears one break they've got gyros now which allow you to spin the bars around that many times and your brakes still work tire pressures are going to be super high up to 70 to 80 psi europeans will use power i don't know the conversion suspension is pretty much locked out so these are big bmx bikes but they weigh a light really light ones just under 10 kilograms 10 to 11 kilograms for the whole bike but you really feel that weight with spinning around wheels because of the gyroscopic effect does that take enough for you especially it is i'm going to ask you more about i'm very interested in it but i said comes with a 5329 after the districts and the overall impression and again big props to him on that castle district come on give us a quick score so far if district drive 2022 in that area so here we go the final hit give us a crowd pleaser the only rider from the uk the field used to be littered with british riders twister yeah bro and he lands it that's a trick he's been crashing on a lot in the contest season one that's made in the alternate the guy that can't quite get enough points because he is a guy who goes big did it right there listen to the crowd that's a twister it is a 1080 but it's kind of wrapped up in another axis so easy to get confused for those who just joined us matt's still bumming at himself for not calling the 14 40 they're going through earlier i will be for months even muted the mic and say hey i'm still bummed about that i totally it's all good there's a lot a lot of stuff going on with a score for tom eistad who is five to go of 13. this is the third and final run for the riders the best score of three for each of the riders that will count towards look at the size of that landing final result yeah it's not that soft i mean it's not fully all dirt right or is it all turned no it's an old uh yeah so it's just covered with dirt so it can be pretty solid underneath there so all right run two is his best with 7911. so i said for the top ten right now he's gonna be stoked about that he'll take away the confidence that he won that castle district except there's still some riders to go see if that holds he slipped through his fingers but now we've got the frenchman paul kuder as i mentioned earlier the sole french rider now that lemoyne and bringer are out because of injury crashes a lot known to put down a run or two here and there and if he does he can easily get into the top five he's in the fifth place position so far so he knows who's coming up other guys and riders that can get into push them out of top five very easily busting up there flat drop backflip step through taking his foot all the way over the frame of the bike upside down 450 tower he landed deep lord right as a tag in that landing landing up high he landed nice and low which is more airtime more amplitude acknowledging the fans there with a nod keeping his hands glued to the glue to the grips [Applause] take off ramp there no lip to pop off you've got to put so much work in put your weight all the way over the rear axle to load up that rotation toboggan landing high what's he got on the next quarter pipe downside to it looking a little bit sketchy on the landing but still cranked out at 450. the judges don't want to replay on that to see how the landing was they tucked their hand up solid run so far tackles district number one the castle district then the box district did well there took everything into the bottom quarter district pretty solid one scores in a bit the wind's dying down a little bit still a bit of a headwind now he's in the dirt district really creative rider paul calder he's released some amazing edits over the years where he thinks outside the box builds entire courses to make his tricks work here obviously riding the same course with everybody else build a design by aaron chase with an awesome crew to get the job done and you see this free riding the slope style disinfectant urban slope style riding very much inspiration inspired by skateboarding and in his case he's talking about free running being an inspiration really he sees this course making your way through the streets in the most creative way possible how that's how that sport free running was pioneered just having a little bit of a maintenance stop not good for your head that you want to keep your eye on the prize keep focused and almost flow through these districts how come the knight's not helping him out yeah that's kind of yeah not very night worthy is it so regatkin the overall impression of 19.20 is off the charts and again emilio hansen leading with 90 points he was second in the overall impression so once again a reminder matt don't need to be the top top need a good good score here we go fix the seat dropping into the room they had to squeeze a pedal with not much space but still managed to backflip bar spin opposite 361 handx up judges will like that trick there's the 720 the only guy not doing them super corked out the tail up on the quarter big fist bump again even though he's got those tinted goggles he's like you can see his emotion can't you here budaris fired up about that one he's stoked about the dirt district see what he can pull together now for the big air district [Applause] that must be scary tilting off that yeah when he was uh sam pilgrim was the first guy to kind of take it into he wasn't the first to do in competitions but he was doing it regularly at every stop when they built these flat drops with no take-off and then kind of a lot of us just had to figure it out you'll build your own one at home hopefully with a soft landing and think right i've not got a ramp like this how much weight do i have to put over the rear wheel to make it do a backflip and the answer's loads right this is the angle we're going to need to see how he landed too bad but a little bit rough and then having to crank hard for the step up so pedaling where there's jumps that you don't need to pedal for like you could see paul called out back there having to squeeze in last minute pedals the judges score you down for that because what it represents is the fact that you didn't land perfectly these jumps are rideable with no pedals obviously if you want to go extra big you need to stick a few in but it's a kind of a really obvious way of seeing that a ride has landed not perfectly because you have to add speed you have to put the effort in yourself down for it see it people down below yeah again a combination between yesterday's first run and the best trick contest in today 100 000 folks have rolled through this historic city of nuremberg to check out the world's best district ride 2022 and today 70 000 fans the first time we've had two features down here five years ago in 2017 when nikolai did the first 1440 he just dropped in a huge roll in and they had the one jump whereas now they've added the cannon i think it adds a lot to the area and just the the build they put in to make this event happen that giant structure and look that angle you see there is what the riders see it's like riding off a cliff the cannon's like riding off the cliff you don't want to go off the side of it do you no again curtains another little pit stop all right solid in the castle district it looked like it and the judges liked it that was the best of the districts for kuder of france fourth place is doable with a high score of 18.46 on these last couple of jumps he'd be so stoked with fourth place right now he's in fifth [Applause] trying to push david godziak out of that fourth place spot gaziak with an 82.45 right he just showed us he's going to do a backflip bar spin and then a double back flip step through that's what i was thinking gosh there is flip bar there's one flip foot over paul is pumped as he should be getting it done and if you're gonna put on a show do it in the big air district [Applause] yeah that's the feeling right there it's like accomplishment and the ultimate reward but also i just escaped with my life [Applause] break this down okay so foot over the top tube halfway through two backflips linked together he landed pretty heavy but that's because he went so big he's been landing deep on a lot of jumps in this round and i kind of like it it adds a ferocity to the run that shows the size and the scale of these jumps the 25 year old french rider get to see his face for the first time yeah [Applause] awaits the scores seven judges i think it could do four not quite no really really he'll stay in fifth but he's gotta be happy with the top five finn doesn't push godziak out of the top or in fourth place really close to four [Applause] and at the top waiting to drop torquato tester [Music] tester needs to throw something big here if he wants to jump in there he's run two 50.9 fives and 13. so he can only gain from here yeah exactly you don't want to be first after you turn the results upside down there's the flat drop backflip ripping around this burn sydney gets uh handles that box district a little better that's big yeah double tailwind troubles earlier [Music] this is where he had troubles earlier will he manage it this time he does backflip two foot can he crash trying a backflip pendulum pushing his feet both ways he went for one way then cause he thought i need to make it to the end here nice back flip off of that again just to backflip but not when you're not giving a steep take off to pop off of you've got to work so hard to make it happen opposite flare what are you going to pair it with regular 5-4 oh no i'm almost certain we saw that yesterday in round one i even joked about it and i said it's the nicest crash you could possibly have he's the smoothest crasher out there so he gets to end his weekend the district ride amongst these fans that have surrounded the quarter pipe district they've not got to see someone go down these steps yet these kids will be happy to get a high five weren't they see what the scores are here in the castle district get it done that was impressive right there a lot to squeeze in rolling through and again a reminder this is where he had troubles crashed on the second run third nails it yeah it's so narrow you go from a real wide take off wide landing into this narrow street slightly under rotated leaning leaning in away from the 540 again the size of these features that they've built for the riders it feels like anything's possible they're so big [Music] [Applause] so looking at the historic streets of nuremberg germany located two hours north of munich midway through the third and final run [Applause] of district ride 2022 and testa decided not to do the big air district which means we'll head back to the top now for max frederickson who right now sits in the number six position with that 80.51 once again fellow swede emilio johansson leads the way with 90 points sixth is really strong for max but we know he can do better expect style and fluidity from this guy the classic swedish style paying homage to martin sodastrom the first legend of slopestyle out of sweden 360 double pass been there [Music] [Applause] this is his last run of the entire showdown and that's a feeling in itself knowing that when you get to the bottom you stay at the bottom double tear away from the steps bombing through these cobble streets getting rattled to pieces 360 tuck no handle i like that slightly different approach for a lot of riders going for a no-hander instead of things like a bar spin come on max show us what you've got on this skatepark style stuff nice fast pin to inward table regular top side double whip feet stayed on the pedals looked a little bit sketchy within a 270 tailwhip nollie suicide lovely fans are getting fired up now fredericton 8 of 13. we have a lot of big names coming up including the german rider eric fedco and fans will be waiting for him but max frederick frederickson took every chance to sit on the bike when he was a kid started bmx racing at the age of 12. dirt jumping was added to that from then climbed the rankings in the whole scene and here he is at red bull district ride 2022. come on trail boss 360 toboggan triple truck driver opposite three with 360 inward table he's pedaling hard back flip tail good there that's really good and a huge tug now head to bar spin on the quarter pipe went so high gave himself the air time to fit in two tricks in one [Music] oh bang for your buck [Music] judges give ninth place 11.70 in the first of four districts the castle district [Music] that was big matt yeah double tail whip on a real blind jump i really like that that 360 tucked hander consistent scores coming in seventh in the box district [Music] [Music] here because i like watching this it was really fluid spinning both ways aren't we lucky with these angles that they put on for the show with the drone the epic camera views you do not miss a thing it's so important for the judges too eighth place in the dirt district [Music] so great so fun to watch and once again each district the top the first four districts worth 15 points each 60 of the score overall impression we'll get a judge's view of that here in a second before he hits the final feature in the big air district [Applause] and this is what it's all about getting the fans fired up here in the fifth district so 66-12 not bad for frederickson he's going to need a 19-2 for a top three i think he's going to beat his first run though one two get the oh he missed the toughness that's gonna damage his score what a shame he had everything lined up to trump his previous runs but that's still survived district ride which was supposed to be a two-run event we had three runs so it's been an emotional roller coaster for a lot of the riders coming here expecting probably the whole of the contest to go down today yesterday evening with potential impending reign they had to put on a show for us all yesterday too they're their work cut out backflip double bass but he tucks the balls into his lap here that's where you'd usually take your hands off and he had so much time for a big no-hander but missed it which is so frustrating because you just kicked yourself thinking i had time why didn't i do it why didn't i do it still going to be a solid score of course because all the other other district scores are locked in they don't change including the top score by emilio hudson who will see shortly 90 points and that is score to be to get into first but he's gonna need something big to get even into the top three what's he adding up top five at this point 15 in the bigger district which totals 81 so still his best score the sick sick is the best max can do but he's gonna be so stoked with that honestly he's a rider that has had so much challenge over injury concussions he's missed massive massive spells of events sick is going to feel really good buzzing for max so lucas hooper now ready to drop so hooper sitting in seventh after the first two with that first run yesterday of 79.28 see if he can upgrade we absolutely know he can the youngest rider in the field what's it like being the youngest rider in the field man have you ever been in that position where you just come in and you know you see all these stars and you're the youngest guy and yeah i was at one point for a short time in 2011 but um you don't you don't really talk about age everyone just feels like part of the crew bros yeah absolutely oh man he's off he could have come off whoa he's in the bales that was a car crash he looks fine though they put those bales there for a reason i hope he didn't get a good burn down there because that's a long long drive slide he's actually pleased about it do you think he's gonna go slide down again is that where the phrase bailout comes from so unable to make hay while the sun shines but uh this will be the last draw this will be the last straw though now all right now this one is for the fans because his score will not be exactly what he wants and look at this take it all in hoopie they call him hooper you're happy he'll be happy [Applause] so the swiss army knife of might be folding out the nail file to fix his uh nails after coming into that yeah section of fails need to break out the bigger swiss army knife for the next district ride but right now really enjoying the scene yeah as a hundred thousand folks have come out to see the world's best over the past 24 hours and just loving it and the riders were so generous look at that right there that's it good sign of appreciation that all the riders have for not only the workers the people who made it happen and obviously the fans out here who traveled a long way mostly to come see these guys and you have to give big props to all the riders for that it's not every day you get to hug a night is it no i might have to go out there afterwards see if i can get one well when you get close to the edge of these landings it looks terrifying one of the obvious questions matt yep training behind the scenes how many hours do these guys put i've watched videos of you yeah it's just trying one trick and it took you like i mean weeks yeah it did yeah a few years ago i took on a project to do some world's first to manage two of them and it's yeah it's absolutely weaks in the making and that's like learning every trick really so everything you're seeing today has been not none of this stuff works for first go it's been weeks or months in the making for one trick and then you get given 16 features and you think oh man like how many tricks do i need to learn to make it in the slopestyle event right so that's where the opposite stuff comes in because you can learn a trick one way and you can kind of master the muscle memory of it and then it's it kind of makes sense to start learning it the other way because then you get two for one you get this two for one effect that not only works well for you and your time but it works well for the judges too so yeah training is everything and then finding a moment because it could be weeks or months i've had it but you've got a trick in the bag that you know you've got locked in at home but it might be a long old time till you get given a feature where it's going to work that could be stressful do you think i want to drop this thing i want to unveil it when are they going to build a course that works for me district right is that one though with the air time on the final jump yeah i can imagine hence all the world's first last night in best trick 1440 today in a contest run second time it's ever happened five years ago it happened here and again five years later so no contest offers the air time for nikolai to do four spins shayman didn't spot it [Laughter] you're still that's still hanging yeah this is this is what you need to do i mean you toss your run away you're gonna keep your other score as the best of three now it's just time to put on a show lucas hopper the swiss rider the youngest on the field 22 years old what does he have for us just a big smooth backflip yeah some boy he's done it that's district ride off done and dusted and with two more diamond stops to go this year he's fit to fight for those big crank work stops later in the year love that trick few riders have opted to do that it's so photogenic big extension tricks that aren't as complex but i think the crowd and the audience you guys at home can make sense of how epic that is how high they are off the ground yeah you talked about this yeah he's buzzing so clearly he'll keep his first run from yesterday at 79.28 you mentioned this matt being the third diamond series event of five you have the crank works slope style in australia on october 8th max's slope style new zealand on november 12th so that'll be a big show yeah long old yeah when you head to the southern hemisphere you need their summer you end up riding in the winter all right so godzilla's now searching for a podium spot he's the guy in fourth with that 8245 and as we discussed earlier matt having that big season yeah winning several events coming into district ride yeah it feels unusual that his name hasn't been called out much over the last couple of days obviously other other than him best trick last night doing the world's first twister no hander to bar spin but here we go for the folks who need to get caught up four riders left david godziak who you see here nikolai ragotkin eric fedco and emile johansson he's waiting for the wind to calm down a little bit but a reminder emilio hansen leads we're going to see him last he has 90 points nikolai ragotkin who we'll see shortly 88.34 and fedco has an 85-3 too do not be surprised if david godziak shakes things up here so getting this competition off just in time perhaps a little weather rolling in and that wind is a sign perhaps of that here we go now this time canadian foot gel on that which is super ultra bmx that opposite tail whip on the flat drop i'm almost sure it was oh my tyres blow that's the end of his dream right there those super super lightweight tires that is a first that we have seen in all sorry three runs yeah it's the lightweight tube sorry not the tires those inner tubes they just seem to go pop all the time we know they're the lightest solution to lightweight wheels and spinning wheels is a problem because of the law of physics on mountain bikes but it's not enough of a problem that you want to throw your entire run away from a burst tyre so this means godzilla will stay in four with that other score that he had of 82.45 so the top three by the way are now set based on this run but we just don't know what order that will be in but for sure johansson ragotkin and fedco will hit the podium oh just getting into cobbles no no hair on your back tire it was an opposite tail up on the first flat drop which um i think he's the only guy tail whipping it so to make that the other direction that would have scored super super high it would have been well up there i'd have loved to have seen him finish this entire run good i mean look at that still a smile on his face he's got a top five finish we see it far too often people blowing tyres and soap style my career was played with it and a few years on it's just still a massive problem the dreams can just be thrown away when you hear that bang i mean we heard it through the speakers here but when you hear that bang go beneath your feet it just comes with the most unreal wave of disappointment we're telling you last night when i heard cam mccall say put a man on the moon but we can't figure out how to get a tire not to pop on a on a bike exactly i mean there's already 80 psi in these tires probably yeah that's what i run so they're under immense pressure and then you land on a hip like that and put so much side load through it the tire just wants to peel off the rim different you know just a different type of like f1 racing it happens there it happens in so many different sports that have tires and air pressure and everything but david godziak class act 28 years old his brother simon again pulled out because of injury would have loved to have seen simon ride me too what a shame he really could have uh really could have shaken things up here but that slope style that's these long courses all right so the top three is now set now we just have to figure out which order it will be in it'll be determined starting with nikolai ragotkin who currently is in second place with an 88-3-4 and this guy has to go lights out in order to get into the 90s and take over the top spot and have a shot knowing that emil johansson is coming up and right we're off to an absolute flying start i'm gonna try and keep it together watching this one but it's so difficult to commentate these tricks on 16 features when you so hard rooting for the guy on the bike i want nikolai to bring it home because i just know he can look at that he's thinking this time last time he was charging through this section so it's been a cash roll so far on this step big air time on that step down look at the focus on his face yeah three oh man he's off oh i'm so frustrated i hope he's okay definitely a guy who wears the most body armor which is going to help but that was a big slam how do we think he's doing it he's physically not feeling it or just mentally not feeling it it was all going so well his feet were on the pedals too they must have just been located slightly wrong by millimeters this is a game of inches doing these tricks on bikes with limited time in the air and so much on the line you have to fit so much in and this is why he's going for it right here he knows what he has to aim for i mean he's got to get into that 90 point up range to beat emilio hansen and nikolai ragotkin will not repeat his victory from 2017 but nevertheless [Applause] i really hope he doesn't carry on and do a load of tricks because that sheared off looks like he could um that might hurt find its way anywhere huge sign of appreciation by the fans 70 000 out today and many many of them wanting to come out and witness this guy after making history in 2017 with that 1440. i mean i truly believe the stars were going to align for nikolai because of this course because of his style because of the just insane tricks he can deliver and the way that this course allows him to repeat those tricks in various districts second's going to be all he can get nikoi do not sit on that seat post that thing looks sheered off and raised a shark has he forgotten someone ought to tell him i've turned my eyes do you mind if i call [Applause] [Applause] [Music] district ride means so much to nikolai and look at this again the scene behind the scenes huge appreciation again to all the folks and people who are helping out volunteering doing a great job making these guys feel at home but nicholas ragotkin will now await the run oh man she's such a shame eric fedco and fedco now gunning for either number one or number two where regat can six sits right now excuse me oh it's quite a big one his ankles twisted up good but slid over those cobbles so we're talking about this winning streak of eight wins in a row from emil johansen it's looking likely right now that he's going to extend it to nine and the elusive curse of district rides stopping streaks might not apply to him of course there is there's just one man left right one man left but first it's eric who will see him yeah that can do it nick lyra got him the showman the daredevil of district ride please don't do a 14 40 with that raise a sharp bar between your legs [Applause] what a hero what legend exploded onto the slopestyle scene fiercely oh my goodness what are you pleased all eyes on the seat post yeah that's because he does those tricks for breakfast yeah andy brewery they're like lost for words seeing the equipment he's riding imagine they tracked it not the crown wow [Applause] so yeah still did a 1080 with no saddle wow the biggest stunt of the 2022 red bull that is a new trick it's the world's first yeah the last the 1440 might have had an extra spin but that one there's a razor blade between his legs all right so look at this and you have emilio hansen at the top and word just in that emilio hans emilio hatson excuse me and eric fedco perhaps might not take their last run and settle in where they are on the results and maybe just take a little fun lap down we'll see what happens so right there nikolai ragotkin getting interviewed by one of the andy's down there for the fans in the crowd addressing them so [Music] two to go fedco and emilia hansen [Applause] together it's looking like they might be doing a glory train down we're just waiting it should be fun but they're gonna do that maybe they're gonna bail on their last run fedco would be okay with his third place finish and nikolai ragotkin hey he'll be happy that fedo decided not to take a run ragan will take second amelia hanson yeah they're going to do a little have a little fun ride here at red bull district ride 2022. and emilio hansen the podium will not change eric fedco in third nicola gatkin in second and your favorite the crowd favorite probably the most likely guy to win statistically emilia hansen is going to continue that eight win streak with another event 2022 district ride the first time winning a district ride he's going to extend it to nine events the poor nikolai he really could have shook things up and he did for a while yeah he put the cameras to pigeons he made a meal work a little harder than normal but it wasn't quite enough i mean if this just doesn't show sportsmanship camaraderie and you know friendship just really gives you an idea matt and you're part of it what an incredible culture uh that you guys live in it's sick these riders are pioneering and making kind of headway into a sport where the future's still unknown without i mean we're not in the olympics because x games isn't part of mountain biking it's uh it's a sport where these events allow riders to bring new tricks to the table and they're so unusual and riding through the streets of cities it's such a cool opportunity massive shout out to the organizers of course tarik razuli and resolution and red bull for putting on such mega events for a sport where who knows what the future holds on my way to come out let's just take this all in red bull doing a great job down there we'll let them take it through this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now they'll head up the elevator you think two of them will fit in there's so to get you up to speed it will be win number nine straight for emilio hansen nikolai ragotkin in second and eric fedco doing a nice lap with emilio hansen for the fans [Applause] and they will settle for first and third yeah podium the german red bull rider if you were fed co would you have taken your third run or did you would you what you saw him and you know his potential matt i mean did he throw everything he had in the tank in the in run two no he well no he missed a couple of bits but it's not about just those jumps it's about repeating everything else you've already done isn't it it's like okay i wanted to make some improvements but i've also got to bolt that on to everything that was already so difficult for me and i think there was quite a points difference between him and nikolai so it's not like he needed to make small minor changes he need to make entire upgrades exactly three points that's big and third third and in the season's not over two the fact that eric's dropping in second to last is because he's second in the point series okay so it's all to fight for this year with two crank work stops to go and that has to come into your head it's not the only event of the year but emil just an unstoppable force of slope style who gets to continue to inspire people with more victories this makes it nine which means 2022 could be the year that someone takes 10 entire wins in a row yeah you know it's like yeah i mean it's record breaking right up there and you look at other sports and everything else i mean that that's it's not easy and with everything that could go wrong in one competition and for emilia hansen to continue to have that consistency it could be a blown tire it could be you know his injury that he had prior to joyride it could be so many variables and he's stuck with it and won nine straight and in any sport outside of mountain biking that is unprecedented and these events are not every weekend five diamond stops this year so for someone to do the same again it won't happen for three or four years so emile's gonna be the goat the greatest of all time in slopestyle for many years to come nice nice of a meal to share the spotlight too with eric fedco yeah in his home country that's pretty cool he doesn't have to do that he can take it all in he's won it ninth straight matt he could take it all in and be selfish but no wouldn't you want to stand next to those parents or trousers though yeah you know eric sharing them with a meal too he didn't have the balls to wear but he stood next to him that helps added listen in [Applause] [Laughter] even on a victory lap what a show emilio hansen wins red bull district ride 2022 nikolai ragotkin in second eric fedco the german rider in third and the celebration begins [Applause] nikolai's got excitement but frustration too bill you can see in his face can't you it's like i'm stoked second place feels amazing but this is my event i won it last time and you got taste of it here holding that top spot down for a good few hours [Applause] what a show 100 000 fans over the past two days after the election over the past 24 hours coming out to see these guys 70 000 today [Applause] emil johansson prevails again [Applause] [Music] bad you hit the nail on the head best three words you said what a show and that it is [Applause] and look at that party time celebrating the win emilio hansen [Applause] number nine yeah let's head down to the finish area and catch up with kaz she's in the celebration area with eric and emil emil congratulations you've just turned the winning streak of eight into nine your first win at red bull district right congratulations what does it mean to you to win here it means everything to be able to be here in front of all these people and perform and showcase slope style in a not so usual environment it's it's awesome thank you so much and congratulations i'm gonna turn to our poster boy eric congratulations this is where it all started for you five years ago how special is it to be back and on the podium uh it just feels awesome you know five years ago i was uh yeah i felt like a little kid here no um yeah i don't know it's i have no words but it feels super good to be back and uh i mean this crowd is just amazing you're right through the city there's people everywhere it's full it's like about 80 000 people here and uh yeah my family is here all my friends are here and it's just awesome and my final question any words on our champion sorry any words on our champion emil um yeah for emil it's uh he's the champ you know he wins everything it's uh yeah he's just an alien you know he's uh from outer space somewhere brilliant he's unstoppable congratulations all right thanks kaz the gents all fired up there's your top three [Applause] brogan gold medal for the hare [Applause] you have fedco gold medal for the outfit and then you have johansson gold medal for being johansson so dominating district ride emil johansson the swedish sensation with number nine and 90 points so he keeps that streak going of that 90 point plus mark nicolaira godkin of the united states with the silver eric fedco in his home country of germany third place bronze finish well done and again a privilege for all the riders just to be invited matt to this prestigious event so you look all the way down to 13th and even testa just getting into this position you're not really last if you get invited to district ride top 13 riders in the world here competing one winner but they're all survivors of such a complex event with such complex format difficult conditions too not knowing what's going to happen with the rain everyone had to battle through that emotionally and here we have it and because of that we had a three run contest it all began yesterday so you had three shots and this is the third place run from today though eric fedco of germany a lot of confidence and style in this absolutely such a varied trick bag and he really used all of it up top it was technical spinning in unusual directions doing downside tail whips that was opposite top side tail whips then it was in the finish area where we saw him really stretch out some tricks and show that he is like the extension master i've got a secret handshake for the night where do you see this kid going i mean five years ago he was the rookie five years later he's on the podium a district ride he's gonna have a really long career it's tricks like this i think that make him the crowd favorite so everyone can relate to that it's so understandable so yeah what a run really really sensational and then defending champion nicola ragotkin what a huge run he had today the first was the second run of the three but the first of today's runs absolutely just crushing this and i mean he came into this with so much aggression and matt i mean weigh in on this have you seen a run like this in a long time no it's really only this event where you can do something like this you did a twister there and a casserole right before castrol on the step down double whip on the cannon was amazing and it was this moment here for that entire crowd of 1440. four full spins and honestly if that foot didn't come off [Music] yeah he's the man putting on a show but the man who is the most consistent from top to bottom a to z checking all the boxes emil johansson of sweden taking the victory here at red bull district ride 2022 what a show impossible to pick a single thing a single floor in this guy's riding he can just win everything all around the world and you can do it over and over and over again so this could have been the day where you got knocked off the top step be proved to everybody that it's just not going to happen he said build me a course that i can't win on because it's not here it's not crank works we don't know when that day is going to come it just this this run had everything the arms came off the feet came off he did really really nice back-to-back maneuvers in opposite directions which i love and the judges love it's amazing to watch [Music] so emil johansson of sweden on this last hit what a showman what a great job and proves why he is the best in the business on a run on a tear since 2019 winning nine straight what a spectacle with all the fans coming out in the city of nuremberg germany [Applause] to see the best of the best [Applause] now for the awards we'll let andy brevey and andy zeiss our mc's for the event take it over from here for the award ceremony kaiser there's red bull district rides small thousand for early fred gold the almost temption [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] representing the united states of america ladies and gentlemen nikolai roe catkin [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and clap your hands together for the 2022 red bull district ride champion [Applause] did tom died [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen one more time make some noise for our top three of red bull district rights [Applause] nikolai rook out get an eric franco [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the goat johansson [Applause] shout out to our partner responds to thank you very much [Music] [Applause] all right great job guys and that's a wrap from the commentary booth i'm trace worthington thanks for checking out red bull district ride 2022 but it is not over let's now head over to the finish area to close out the show and get final thoughts with kaz and matt [Applause] what an incredible day matt that was just phenomenal what were your favorite remember which run did you enjoy the most the entire show the entire performance was just so thrilling to watch for me it was nikolai's run i love the explosive nature of everything he does top to bottom and this course is so perfect for him we saw twisters cash rolls the 1440s on the last jump i'm so gutted he didn't manage to win but actually emil was just a man no one can compete with that guy and we've actually had over 120 000 spectators across the two days 90 000 today how much of an impact do these fans have on the riders it's a huge number i can't describe the impact it has it's astronomical especially here in the big air district it just pumps you full of adrenaline and unleashes the best in everybody it's the reason districtwide does this you get world's first rounds in finals runs on days that it just shouldn't deliver this much action but it does it's so cool and honestly half of it's thanks to the crowd yeah well you can see that the atmosphere is clearly building here and if you've got an itch for more bike action then make sure you speak and you tune in to rob warner who's in italy for the uci rob [Music] an amazing mercedes-benz uci downhill world cup season tomorrow we'll complete 2022 with the cross-country races from here will nino sher to claim his eighth overall in the men's race a record-breaking eighth title we'll also have a brand new name in the history books in the women's category and rebecca mcconnell and alexandra keller all racing for the title join us from midday central european time for all the action back to you [Music] matt i've had an absolute blast i could hear you in my ear having a blast give me your final thoughts on today just please don't make us wait another five years for a red bull district ride we've had a taste and we've got an itch for more just we need more it's been absolutely brilliant that's it from us here at red bull district ride 2022 emile johansen is your champion from trace matt anna and myself kaz thanks so much for watching and see you next time man ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] tell me when i'm on time [Music] [Music] all day [Music]
Channel: Red Bull Bike
Views: 1,643,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull bike, bike, red bull district ride, district ride, nuremberg, nürnberg, 2022, mtb, mountainbike, slopestyle, urban, nürnberg slopestyle, nürnberg red bull, district, ride, nicholi rogatkin, lukas knopf, huppert, emil johansson, griffin paulson, sam pilgrim, tim bringer, tomas lemoine, biking, slopestyle mtb, LIVE, replay
Id: pRZR_sNqzjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 27sec (10887 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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