Braydon Bringhurst | 8600FT | Full Film

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8 [Music] 000 feet of climbing over 10 or 13 hours is just a Monumental effort over that technical Terrain I would say with 100 certainty no one has ever cleaned the entire thing it's not even a thing I think anybody would think of mind is an operating system so it affects everything so I love the whole idea of being Fearless foreign than I thought it would be I wanted to train more I wanted to be more prepared I understand what he can do and he knows that I know he can do it it's just the pal when you do what you love and you get your mind in the right place it unlocks people's potential it unlocks their strengths foreign [Music] whoa [Music] hey little turkeys what are you doing you want me to wrestle you yeah [Music] oh wow all right I'm gonna go ride okay okay have fun bye honey I'm gonna go ride okay okay bye daddy all right love you girls bye [Music] [Music] I've never seen anyone pick up on mountain biking so quickly of course it's always background but it's his mindset right I really think Braden has a different way of looking at mountain biking than you see with most I mean sending it big and big Grand tricks is something that's a staple of the industry and has been since time itself but Braden's doing it on trails that everybody rides and in ways that most people don't see Braden is just one of the most singular Dynamic writers I've ever seen he has such precision and control and flow and he he is just kind of wanting the bike he has that incredible power until you see him unleash that power that he has it's like uh next level like some kind of supercar it's like puts you in the back of your seat and he can control it we tend to always think athleticism is strength or size but to me athleticism is functional movement in Braden is this athlete that has just incredible functional movement he's out there and he's seeing what most of us would call a double as a triple or a quad we don't even see in the same Dimension you know they say there's a different dimension but I can't see it with these eyes but I can see it through his eyes what I love about Braden is that he has figured out how to train his mind as deliberately as most athletes train their bodies he sees possibilities that other people don't see I would go down to Moab and I would link up with my good buddy cow mirrors and we would go ride all over and he would take me to certain features and certain aspects that I didn't know existed and he would say hey Braden give that a shot see if you can climb that [Music] went to the bottom of the whole enchilada or the porcupine rim and he says Hey give this thing a shot and when I first saw it I thought there's no way I can climb that I gave it a couple attempts and I ended up almost getting it so I kind of just started thinking and filmed things out and I it's like I just kind of got this idea like maybe you should try to climb the whole enchilada Moab Utah is an iconic destination for individuals from all over the globe millions of outdoor enthusiasts visit the red rock formations each year Trails such as slick Rock and hell's Revenge are legendary The Towering above the valley is arguably one of mountain biking's greatest trails the whole enchilada [Music] the whole enchilada is a 26 Mile and nearly 8 000 foot descent that winds itself from the LaSalle mountains all the way down to the town of Moab the trail combines just about every flavor that Moab has to offer from high Alpine forests and lakes to to fast flowy trails and of course steep Rocky desert terrain as you approach the bottom near the Colorado River [Music] most writers make a day of it wake up early to take the shuttle to the top and ride down in about five to six hours there are a couple moves in particular that are very hard most average mountain bikers that come down it they're encountering technical features that look insurmountable or are too consequential the Crux of the whole enchilada is something called the snatch about halfway down the trail you approach this super steep Rocky technical section that is difficult for even the most expert writers here we go [Applause] [Music] after descending this Notch you have made it 13 miles and 4 000 feet leaving you with another 13 miles 4 000 feet to go the whole enchilada is really just a fun action-packed trail from start to finish to go out and ride that would be going down going up I mean yeah I'm certain people have probably reversed it and walked you know I'm sure somebody probably wrote a majority of it I'm sure it's kind of happened but I would say with 100 certainty no one has ever cleaned the entire thing no that's not even a thing I think anybody would think of except for Brayden because you know he's great [Music] the goal here is to climb the whole enchilada from the Colorado River to the borough pass in one day peddling every single inch even this notch I don't think anyone else who would who would look at this Trail and think that so not only will this be the furthest that I've ever attempted in a climb by far the most technical there are four big features that have me concerned first at the half mile marker there stands The Banger two miles in there lies the snaggle halfway through was the Crux of the entire climb the snatch then the last few miles gradually increase to a grade between 20 and 30 percent all the way to the top oh the biggest most feared feature that I have is snatch the snatch thing it's impossible it's Monsters the snotchless monster it's this Crux of a move that I don't even know who can clean it should be a contest it's akin to standing next to a two-story house and saying how do I get on top of this with my mountain bike like that's maybe the best equivalency that I can draw in terms of trying to give this thing scale [Music] he was the youngest kid in kindergarten and the smallest we held him back one year so he could grow a little bit and and it was the best move I think we could have made for him [Music] he was just so busy I always had to watch out for him he was constantly doing something into everything Braden seen a little bike at a garage sale and he came home said dad there's a bike there I want to get like well here's two bucks go see if they'll take it for two bucks and he got it he brought it home he loved it was a little green bike and it was called the mud puppy that's the first thing he'd do when he'd get up in the morning he'd get on his bike and take off he was five and I showed him an Evil Knievel video and he was fascinated and I think that's kind of prior to the problem why he likes to jump so much because when I came home from work one day he had a cinder block out on the road on the asphalt and then the kids weren't much lower than that cinder block and he'd go back and he'd ride as fast he could and he'd jump I'm like well what if they set up I told him not to you know and he he did that all on his own I come home and caught him doing it never really was that excited about school work and studying and so we had him tested and they said he was add what he figured out is he focused on his Sports as he focused on those things we kind of always kept a carrot out there if he did good in school you get to go do BMX racing or you get to go develop your snow skiing and he learned how to focus with that we bought him a BMX bike but we bought this too big a one and we went and let him race and he took third and so he started getting trophies and he wanted more he was progressing and so we decided we're going to the Grands that was the biggest race of the year he said Brad this is what you need to do is you go up and just keep riding your best and every time before you race I want you to just bow your head and close your eyes and Pitch your ride in that track where your fastest lines are the best way you go over the rhythms the berms knowing Brighton since high school and watching him do all these different sports I've learned that while he does go out there and he has a lot of fun he kind of goes out there with this checklist on his mind about what things he can be improving on and what things he can do better every season there was something he was doing and it wasn't minimal he would go all out I just kind of learned that that's how he was and just hoped and prayed he didn't hurt himself too bad if he fell [Music] After High School I wanted to challenge myself in other ways so I hung up my bike hung up my skis and I decided to go out on a two-year service mission for my church and I went out there I learned that I feel really good when I'm helping other people when I came home from my mission I was feeling like yes I just went and did a great thing but I very quickly found myself in a really for me the toughest time in my life my parents home went into foreclosure I was trying to get back into the normal World from being a full-time service missionary and I was no longer with Nicole I just remember feeling super low like I had nothing going on in life a friend from high school reached out and asked if I would coach him in the pole vault for his senior year made me you know happy to be helping my friend and and I started to like train with him and we would like Vault together and I ended up increasing my Vault height by like two feet [Music] [Applause] yeah baby yeah I kind of caught the attention of a coach in town and he's like man you could like really do this in college if you wanted and I had you know confidence that like I could I could go out and do a cool trick on skis but I didn't know how to really read and write super well I didn't know how to you know do Real World skills and like I was super insecure because I never I never developed that side um of my life when I was younger so I was sewn insurance and I remember taking all the money that I made and paying for tutors and going to act uh prep classes and I took that act three or four times and I ended up getting the exact score that I needed to become eligible and I called um the coach that I was talking with down at BYU and I said I got the score and he said come on down I ended up getting a scholarship and it was just like oh my gosh I can't believe I have this opportunity and I'm super overwhelmed and that is when I met Dr Craig Manning [Music] I'm Dr Greg Manning I like to call myself a mental strength coach but specifically I'm a performance Psych at my PhD in the psychology of sport and Human Performance my specialty within that field is I really gravitated towards neuroplasticity neuroplasticity is the ability for the for us to reorganize the mind and reconnect neuro connective tissues to create better habits and better patterns of thoughts so that we can maximize our abilities and maximize our performance in life so I ended up taking this class every semester at BYU so five years 10 semesters I was put in this position as Sports psych at the University and all of a sudden all these athletes started wanting appointments you know he wasn't just working with BYU athletes he was working with all of the Red Bull athletes he was working with the U.S ski team they were winning X Games medals they were winning gold medals I was like this guy is legit the Mind affects every error of our life and if we have an opportunity to work on mental stuff it helps us just to be healthier happier higher function human beings and it helps us to have a purpose in life no matter what it is so I was like okay I'm gonna take this I'm gonna test it I'm gonna just do it the only thing I was missing was Dr Manning he does talk about in order to reach that highest level you have to genuinely love what you're doing I said look like I don't love pole vaulting but I'm going to use this opportunity to really test The Fearless mind I was visualizing every night I was doing my three to one focusing on my strengths one thing that I could do better I was really in the details and everything I was doing and I ended up pole vaulting 18 feet I ran into his office after that season and said it works like it works it was amazing I'm like okay when I find what I want to do and where I feel true passion and love it's gonna be fun to me it's just the power when you do what you love and you get your mind in the right place it unlocks people's potential it unlocks their strengths as I got on the mountain bike I felt all those years of BMX racing all those years of skiing all those years of track and field and developing myself athletically kind of just come together and I felt like a true sense of this is where my passion is this is what I love to do hello Greg how you doing bro I'm doing great how about you I'm doing well I have a crazy idea let's hear it so I've been really putting a lot of thought into this I've talked to my wife about what I believe it's going to take and I want to set out and climb the whole enchilada yeah okay like everything yeah dude like everything you're bad bad all right well uh here's the thing though I'm confident that I can get all like the technical sides of it done but the part that I lack and the part that I feel like you can really help me with is the endurance side of things do you think you'd be interested in kind of helping me with that strategy of what the endurance side of this will look like yeah yeah definitely no no question you're the best brother okay well let's uh let's meet up soon let's get out on a ride and uh we'll uh we'll chat soon yeah sounds good okay thanks so much great see you brother tips [Music] [Music] look at that smile [Music] foreign [Music] all right here we go we're at the bottom of uh porcupine Rim the whole enchilada Trail and we're going to head up to scout out and figure out the best ways to get up the some of the really technical features so basically how I'm going to approach this I've I've never made this full thing I've made sections of it so today I'm going to try to make the whole thing so I'll come up right here [Music] hit this line and then I need to be able to have as much speed as possible because as soon as I get right here I've got to take a crank and then launch up a drop plot myself right here and then I've got to be able to torque up this even though I couldn't believe finally seeing it with my own eyes how steep and crazy and Technical this Trail was I wasn't surprised that he was thinking in his mind like I'm gonna climb this thing [Music] I could go that way but that's not as cool babe this whole climb is so crazy foreign [Music] [Music] good job in order to do this climb I need to like know how to execute each climb first maybe second try I'm having to do one multiple times it's just zapping me every time I do it it's just zapping me and the possibility of summiting up to Borough pass just feels like it's dwindling I'm tired this is the one [Music] foreign well I just I really really really want to get this feature because I mean this thing is not one that I want to just like mess around with you know on the day because I'm not walking and if I have to walk a section it doesn't it doesn't freaking count you know sometimes when you try things over and over and over and over and you're just hammering it into the ground sometimes it just becomes harder yeah more difficult than it would have been if you know you would have made it in the beginning yeah like you start to overthink it and stuff so if one of these times comes down to that on the day of the time but are you just gonna quit no I'm gonna go we're gonna if I need to take an hour break and just you'll just you will make sure you get every time yeah you won't say okay I made it to the top but I missed this one stupid climb but I made it no because that's not the goal hopefully I can get it oh good job that's it all right we finally made it to this notch it's so dusty right now that I really need traction on this and I'll show you here in a minute but it's like a wall kind of thing once I make the gnarliest section of this notch I'll ride right up this Trail come up here and then climb out of it and that will be the completion of the snatch he brings a broom from his house such a good dude thanks smears this is crazy sweeping the outdoors or yeah somebody might climb this I know some people are in the Everest day but this seems way cooler because it's like these are like every Skillet's like every single move is its own skill piece of the puzzle that he has to decode and then he has to put them all together on that given day you know only only somebody with an incredibly strong mind could do that and skill set this is like the part that's the most intimidating intimidating yeah but that's why I want to do it I love challenges you know that better than anything everybody let me show you let me show you the Super One babe we don't have to include me right now my wife is four and a half months pregnant she's a superstar she's out here with her crazy husband she's uh nothing compared to what you're doing yeah right making a human so not only is mir's here to like help help me get up this thing but when we were on the way he found uh one of my daughter's dolls in the car he's like this you need a support group you need someone to cheer you on so he brought this beautiful Barbie from the car to help cheer me on oh boy [Applause] oh gosh oh good save going backwards that was good it's just so my pedal placement is is huge right here this has to be down and then I need to get a full rotation around this rock and then this needs to be down again right there I'm having no Cadence I'm having no rhythm I'm getting Mumbo jumbled right here peeling out foreign T janky but got up here you get hung UPS watching video right there I don't know why it's feeling it's not difficult it's not difficult at all I just gotta do it you need help no foreign [Music] this is like past complicated for me ah Gary don't do that right foreign right well and challenging it's freaking wanted a challenge we could go home let your legs recover watch this video like study it a little bit more brainstorm a little bit more about how you could approach it and then come back first thing in the morning yeah I mean you knew this part was going to be hard that's why you've been nervous about it I didn't think it would be this hard oh my gosh is it possible is it possible yeah yes that's the right answer I mean the thing I do like about this climb is you can't dummy it down you know what I mean I'm just getting so angry I can't even like focus and that's just gonna end up in me getting more frustrated today's been a long day you've done a ton of climbing yeah it's true and like you we came and gave this a good first run like it might take coming back a few more times I just now like thinking about doing this 14 miles in 4 000 feet oh I'm overwhelmed super overwhelmed all right so it's like seven in the morning we're heading back up to this notch we're giving it another go hopefully I can get some attempts to where I can have a little more confidence that I can make up this thing okay I'm gonna go and I'm gonna try to get onto this lab and then bail what you're just planning to bail out on this ledge okay all right sketchy I just feel like how are you that is so steep how are you gonna make sure to keep your weight forward enough yeah that you're not gonna go backwards yeah yeah I gotta get past this hump hey look at how steep that is I know you're worrying me foreign hurt s did it tweak it a little bit yeah yeah is it full of Gray that hurt s is your ankle strong enough to take a bunch of brutal climbing right now that's bad it's not like a sharp pain or what um did you know I just like I tweaked it because it's hurting on the inside here and when I landed on that rocket like I just slid out put my foot down and it really rolled and popped and did a bunch of weird things coming into the inside hopefully these x-rays are good so I can continue training and continue this uh Endeavor for this big climb I was supposed to go down and shoot the first bit here in May in a couple weeks obviously this is this is massive and this trip if anything kind of just like oh made me realize like oh my gosh this is going to be so hard the hard thing about the whole enchilada is not the endurance aspect even though it is a component it's not what makes it hard what makes it truly breathtakingly difficult is just the sheer number of high intensity movements that he has to make I've got to really dial in my training and luckily my friend Greg it's a really close writing buddy of mine he's a endurance athlete and he really understands kind of my strengths and where I need to improve and so he's going to help me kind of Build That Base so that I can make the big climb and then I'm going to just continue to do my explosive training the weights the plyometrics and Rehab my ankle like crazy [Music] [Applause] so we're out here getting uh I don't even know what kind of ride this is called what is it called endurance base endurance base yeah got to work on my endurance pace it's freaking hard but I got friends like Gray to push me what do we got here welcome to Idaho yeah baby a lot of that a lot of that smell that freaking V8 well in that Ideal World we would have done this whole rabbit training scheme that I was kind of excited to do um but you know the reality is that he's got a lot of other things in his life and he wanted this to be fun how to get creative to try and add those elements into his daily routine without stressing him out and having him lose enjoyment because at the end of the day he wants to enjoy writing another day another grinding ride a couple hours in on this ride it's not so easy for me this is probably the least fun aspect of my training if ever lack motivation or drive out here to keep going I just think about the day when I'm going to be climbing that sucker and just knowing what I gotta get up who I get motivated real quick July 14th 13th and day in Day Out all of the stats and the metrics that most endurance athletes live and train by brain wanted nothing to do with it so it was It was kind of interesting watching that Dynamic where Greg was like you know you really need to do this and pray to be like oh I don't but I really don't want to [Applause] [Music] gotta get back down here and get that snatch figured out it's pretty good fill it pretty yeah try it [Applause] you guys make the same mistake we did what's that right down the notch now we're trying to figure this one out well the sign says this way and we can see the trail over there yeah yeah that's yeah that's it but how the hell do you get there you just hiked down this how do you how to hike down this and biking shoes right [Music] it's the hair more in the fork then I'm gonna give it some real solid attempts so you were at 60. I went down to 60. I'm gonna go I'm gonna go 50. yeah So Soft let's give this baby some good attempts do it dude I feel really good holy crap I feel really good that was the power I put a lot of power into it right there yeah now I just gotta now I just gotta send it to be honest okay going down with Greg was great but I still had not climbed the snatch with the anxiety and the stress already with this climb I had to make that thing and so I jumped back in the car and I went back down there the next week if it's not the myth the man the legend himself how you doing though how are you good thanks for coming let's go just right here and if if I do fall you just like brace up and I'll just just defect me off of this the conscious mind is completely and utterly dominated by human language how you think is how you talk to yourself how you talk to yourself is your choice of words so when you tell talk to yourself I can't do this those are the worst things you could say foreign comfortable you can do this you can do this yeah baby I got up I got up and bailed here I'm gonna take a break every single morning wake up tell yourself three times I can do this whatever it is I can do it just that turns the mind on and gives the Mind Direction it creates energy right now brother all these freaking months and attempts here we go [Music] it's on we going [Music] in the moment thanks so cute here we go [Music] oh you got it almost there bro [Music] let's go [Music] the thing is is once I get it mirrors I got it you know what I mean I got it I can I can repeat this thing no it's happening push your limits push your limits [Music] yes [Music] we're gonna stick with it I thought you're gonna keep going with over a year of this thing going crazy in my head and the what ifs I was so overwhelmed with gratitude because I felt this thing coming together and I had the confidence that when that day came I was going to make this climb when I went to Sochi Olympics I'll never forget one day after I'd been there for like two weeks and our athletes have been crushing it and I get in the gondola and I'm you know almost praying and I was like what is it that leads to success at this level and it just hit me you have to be super confident in yourself which is that trust that we've talked about you have to be confident who you are not aggressive or arrogant or passive you've got to be confident in all of the work you've done to get there to trust it but you have to be humble to recognize you never arrive you've always got to keep learning as soon as you think you've arrived that's when everything falls apart we're up here coming Borough pass me and Kyle and it's just absolutely relentlessly steep you are such a boss you are such a boss dude Barrel pass feels good to get up here and see what eleven thousand one hundred and fifty feet feels like working hard you definitely do not recover fast it's like you put out some bursty move and it takes four times as long to get feeling normal again at least that's how I feel he was embarking on this thing that he thought was possible but he didn't know and I was thinking in the back of my mind like what if he doesn't pull it off What's it gonna happen for the film you know what's gonna happen for the story you know it'll it'll still be great but you know that's a lot of pressure as he's getting ready to do this crazy climb it's like everything in our lives was funneling into a two-week time window he was putting on the Boise mountain bike Festival we were moving houses I was 38 weeks pregnant and as soon as she came he was supposed to head out to go do this climb and also there's this really short window in which he can do it because the snow kind of comes early that high up in the mountains and he knows that once it snows up on the upper part of the whole enchilada there's not another chance oh my gosh we're here there's a hospital there's Nicole there's your tummy here we go babe cameras on you oh no here we go number three here we go [Music] hi little sister at some point you know he started asking himself is this selfish is this worth it like why am I doing this and he told Nicole you know I can I don't have to do this I can put it off another year and Nicole to her credit said I know how much you want this I know how hard you've been working just go and get it done I'll be fine okay here's the Martyr yeah make sure this is part of the formula yeah it's Halloween so we gotta have all pumpkins okay a bunch of water bottles main thing that I'm worried about is getting in 90 grams of carbs that's what I need to do you're not a diesel engine you're not just gonna be like mucking around I'm a rice rocket you're a rice rocket or like a little electric engine yeah the drink Max and the gel and this will be on the hour every hour and that will not be flexible at all first half if he's at all behind in nutrition he's gonna have a hard time later on especially it's like daunting for sure that morning woke up felt calm felt relaxed felt positive about this climb foreign [Music] my dad actually said a prayer together that things could work out for whatever was going to be best and so once I went through my morning routine it was like okay content with whatever the outcome is foreign [Music] got the Big Time bike here got the bike with some spare parts in case I need it and it's about ready it's about go time how you feel I feel good I feel tired I feel ready but I mean it just is what it is you know I gotta go find this thing I got myself in this mess I gotta get myself out all right all right you hiked dude ready to start [Applause] a good day should be nice there's just kind of a storm rolling into which is fun yeah thanks to that the uh anticipation a little bit greater to get up there snow's coming snow rain [Applause] foreign ever think this was a mountain bike trail get up here shoot the gap between these little two rocks right here go up and then hook right have you done that before in videos yeah I came here like two and a half years ago with Kyle is that the one that you kind of fell on yeah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the world of imagination savings [Music] I was worried about his just overall stress level going into it I was like is he more tired than he's been letting on you know having moved and had a kid [Music] now I'm just taking a snack break staying on top of my nutrition so I don't Bonk [Music] [Music] s [Music] the sky [Music] [Music] happens [Music] in the heart of every moment there's a magic out foreign [Music] factors for putting myself out there is you know in 2016 my cousin Cody he took his life and the day before he did it I was actually with his brother and I asked his brother Cole I said hey Cole where's Cody and he said oh he's doing some chores at his house and I thought you should text Cody and just see how he's doing and the next morning I got a call saying Cody took his life I love Cody and I miss Cody and I've used that experience that I've gone through and that I work through to move forward with all hope and no fear and not totally scared of what people are gonna think about me or um say about me I'm not gonna hold back from doing things that you know hopefully will help somebody else Cody loved rock crawling he loved getting outside and living a exciting adventurous life and he actually loved Moab and he would come down to Moab all the time even alone and he would go drive his Jeep he really just lived a life true to him and I feel major inspiration from Cody for this climb [Music] all of these memories [Music] what do I need to eat next somewhere like almonds or something thanks bro get that little pad right power all right [Applause] you can do this right [Music] okay right get your line foreign Rock you're gonna lay the power down stay right at that little spine and Float the power Just continue the wheels turning and out you got it foreign like I didn't want to do this freaking snaggle was just compounding [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you what are we three miles in just come on bro please going down make this thing yeah I was just thinking about the sheer volume of what he was going to be doing that day the amount of effort just on that section was enormous and he was basically just leaving the parking lot foreign I couldn't believe like how much energy that thing sucked out of me right there and then it was only three or four miles into this ride and I'm thinking holy crap what did I just do to myself it was a scary moment and we were just kind of like it is what it is took 50 attempts okay let's keep going I was genuinely worried that's very worried uh after he got held up and we're climbing in the heat what up bro that was brutal that was first few miles now we're on our way to the Jeep Road and we're cruising for the next eight eight or so Miles yep we're kind of feeling a little pushed because it's six o'clock it's supposed to snow and rain yeah up at the top so we're cruising for the next bit and uh the crew is going to get some sandwiches get some headlights because we might be going into the dark we're doing it we're doing it let's go yeah let's go Greg [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so right now we're like 50 300 feet and this Notch is I think is at 7 000 feet so we still have quite a ways we have 1700 feet before this Notch yeah okay good yeah so we'll uh we'll probably be a little bit Mayors I'm sorry dude okay see you boss and we're going to those mountains way over there yeah way over there my wife text me she's saying you're gonna do it yeah you are thanks babe I love you no not even close Okay it took so long on that first section that now yeah we're gonna get some headlights so we can go up there into the dark if we need to but yeah I mean feeling pretty good got the snots coming up and that's the scariest one so this is the uh deep road a six to eight mile stretch that's just brutal like there's really not easy mileage in here or easy vert it's Legends after Ledges after ledges [Applause] baby stop good yeah why do you have me eating so much food is what humans eat this is horrible I feel it oh are you actually gagging right now oh my God dude you're measuring it so much it's painful bro you know but it's gasoline right yeah all right if you say so yeah I don't think it matters [Applause] [Applause] they're pretty oh boy [Music] oh yeah this is great very enjoyable so we are about seven thousand feet high but we gotta maybe go another mile mile and a half uh just over there to where you can see the Red Rock and the green um and that is where the snatch is so we're right up here and uh we got clouds coming from the West which is gonna make tonight really fun [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up there we're here let's go walk the other sucker check it out how you doing dude thank you so the line from right here stay tight up this rock it's kind of a hot but you can keep momentum this way come here ride this curb right next to this wall you're scraping this with your bar come up here lay down some fat cranks on this and then uh we float up this janky Jank and then we're at the most difficult feature of this sucker yes how you doing Bob we're here brother this is where I get my pedal situated from here pedal there petals there and then everything that I possess with power grit whatever up this to get a line about three inches wide to get right over this is called This is called the nose and then the speed and power that I brought right there will get me onto this and then I just continue to crank and keep flowing up the sucker and then we come and I do a little wheelie hopty doopy thing come right here up to this little section and you know what I might not make this all in one go and that's totally fine that's a that's not an indicator of success for me I'm gonna make even if I make it in chunks but I'm not gonna have to walk any of the sections so ideally come up here do a little hurt revert come right here do the Switchback and then there's one extra narrowly switch back right there to add to the challenge of this thing already Tori and Alex and my dad and mirrors we're all there we had lunch and I was like okay let's eat lunch after I get this thing because I'm gonna get it quick [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign baby [Applause] you're at a nap into your program yeah it's called a hats it's called a snot snap it's called the snap it's not seriously I don't think rocks have ever felt so comfortable I got one in my tailbone I got one in my back and I feel so good right now you look great [Music] I just need to get out of this thing this thing is so hard [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] now we got a storm and sun to race did you get headlamps by chance once I made it past this Notch kind of just realized like I still have half half the climb left and as grateful as I was that I had made the first half with a storm coming and with the intensity of the grade and my physical exhaustion I was like stay in the game he wasn't getting hung up on anything it was just focused on every little thing that was in front of him and just he would just check it off one after the other and foreign just pretty unique the ability to not wallow in your own sorrow [Music] you know yeah not many people could do that fear does not occupy the present every time our mind jumps to the Future that's where fear lives the more we live in the present it lets go of the guilt of the past and the fear of the future and the more present we are in reality aware of what you're doing and you're aware of the patterns and you start to see the trajectory of where you're going [Music] yo Mayors yeah what up brother how's it going so where are we at on this thing all right we're riding the double track cooked Towing Trail uh this deep red section that's fun to bomb down I don't think I've ever climbed it so we're going up Kokopelli let's see it's just a double Track Road um we're out of upper porcupine rim we'll hit this and then Hazard and then we'll meet up back with the crew at Warner Lake Campground and that's where we'll go up to Borough pass so we gotta probably about another thousand feet 1200 feet to the campground only 3K left to go got about two and a half hours till dark I'm guessing we're gonna be close so yeah I gotta eat my trail mix drink my water make myself do that I totally hate doing that to be the best mirrors thanks dog I have candy how you doing okay okay marriage is the bomb all right tune in next time I'm dying but I'm happy [Applause] what I was worried about was cramping because all the explosive moves down there and then fluids and diet you blew out your calves oh my gosh dude my muscles hurt so bad so I'm really struggling with camping Kyle's been awesome making me eat would you rather do this or give birth see that's a thing this is like a silly bike ride right four days ago my wife gave birth she's the real a real Champ here that's for real yeah let's ride to the top of this hill huh we're almost to Warner Lake that's where the crew should be and I think we're gonna be climbing to that Summit that's fully engulfed in clouds um or the saddle in the dark so it's just been an amazing day [Music] I'm awakened by the truth for a moment I'm alive with you you're filming the filmers we need it hot and wet good it's getting nuts [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I don't even make the top but you know at the same time like I put everything I can into this would it however it turns out that's how it's gonna turn out you know like I can't control it I had some really amazing you know Things fall in line for this to happen today and filling it out it feels like it's gonna be pretty great we got like 1500 more feet this is the start of basically the quarter pipe where we're going to hit like 20 20 to 25 grade uh Rocky Rudy loose baby head bread loaf size rocks and it's getting so dark probably is not going to show up very well but we have some headlamps and we're gonna do our best and get to the top some big high fives and hugs and be like [Laughter] oh it's a good one though yeah come on Bears [Applause] okay I can do that it's like all this work today and then the high elevation and like recovery like this doesn't happen nearly as fast as I would like it to yeah all right guys I'm fine we're sorry it was very dark we had we had to hold up our lights so he could just see what was in front of him there none of it looked good it was so steep slick their Roots loose Rock too which is incredibly hard to ride up oh come on dude come on you're crushing oh you got it this is insane it was cold it was getting dark and we knew it was going to be snowing [Music] oh my God I'm cruising Dory cruising bro how you feeling right now I feel excited but I'm still nervous like this thing doesn't let out like this thing is so relentlessly punching me in the face you all right homie all right okay I love it you're the best all you guys is a freaking mess okay maybe we have about 700 feet left about three quarters of a mile day has been April yeah we were in Moab yeah dude we were in Moab and I was I don't know where we are now banging my head against the wall on that one fine bye okay [Music] good traction yeah this trail goes right correct yes oh my gosh there's good who we got can you show me up there it goes right I was like [Music] [Music] this is so much harder than I thought it would be I wanted to train more I wanted to be more prepared it's like you think you could ever even get to a point where this isn't hard no I don't I don't think I don't think I would ever want to you know like I think this is way out here you know I like to be right here have fun it jumps do a little climb get a good workout this is like once in a lifetime thing you know everything happens like every muscle exhausted the lungs hurt my hands hurt my butt hurts but I think we got things on our side tonight it didn't snow up here and it could have really shut us down and it's not raining now like how insane is that oh God got this [Music] [Music] it's so hard to see foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] wow what do you thinking right now oh my gosh dude like foreign the last bit of that climb felt surreal there was no view to be seen it was windy as could be but just the thought of everything that had to align to make that was overwhelming once he got to the top my jaw was just on the floor I was just like how is he throwing down so much power after 32 miles of riding real it challenged what I thought was possible it's amazing for me to see this stuff just happened in front of my eyes there's no time records being said oh my God break down dude it's cold it's really cold you guys change it out of here let's get out of the land that's so many are involved in my life my dad all my amazing friends the support is crazy stuff it was just a day that I hope to never forget and and be able to kind of pull from for the rest of my life let's go foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Canyon Bicycles
Views: 1,120,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canyon, canyon bikes, canyon bicycles, canyon bike, braydon bringhurst, bikerbrayd, 8600 feet, 8.6k feet, 8.6k ft, 8.600 ft, climb, enchilada, enchillada, trail, uphill, carbon bike, cllctv, utah, moab, mtb, mountain bike, Canyon clctv, Braydon Bringurst, Braydon Bringust, Braydon Brinhurst, Canyon Spectral, Spectral MTB, 8600 ft, enchilada trail
Id: liFHsc8h0hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 59sec (5519 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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