Red Bull Erzbergrodeo 2023 FULL REPLAY

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That's crazyness. The winners aren't even out of breath by the end.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AVeryHeavyBurtation 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2023 🗫︎ replies
starting at High Noon here at airsburg Rodeo 2023 [Music] . fine skinny Gardener will start the race as per tradition Sprint from the start but consider a four hour Sprint the most difficult one-day Hard Enduro race there is 10 seconds and settle the nerves there you can see the water in the middle over there really bad place to be hey we are off and lots of connection there on that first Corner able to get the whole shot and just getting out as we mentioned with that rain visibility incredible compared to last year's assault that's just in hot dogs in the lead looks like they might be Andrea Verona second so just a mad scramble getting out and check the speeds right now beautiful shots from a live drone there as the rest of the first 50 getting out of the pit yeah then he had a very good start there but everybody wants to get out into the forest first and to avoid those big bottlenecks they're the second row lining up now and now that second row a chance for Grand Jarvis to enter into The Fray so the race is headed out to vaselatin again we should pick them up and see the order will start forming see who's in front and it's great to see you talked about just the the quality of track right now with a little bit of that rain talking to bolts and other competitors they say this is a mountain that loves precipitation so visibility great right now but just check the blistering speeds just a little over a minute into this four hour race thank you so a pack of four leading the way as they'll head over to water pipe vaselating and the big question it brings up a conversation with Verona four-stroke versus two-stroke for those new to the sport Daryl what are the the upsides and downsides well I think on this kind of riding over here the four strikes got his advantages and uh you know it's got a nice low down traction it'll put power down to the ground slightly heavier than the two strikes just look at that that's a really rough Rock section that doesn't look like much so we've got two red Bahamas three Red Bull helmets about to release the Kraken on row two again some great aerial shots here as we're approaching that first checkpoint and now row two is off those eyes peeled for Jarvis picked up uh Paul Terrace day on the big t7 all about Graham Jarvis he needs to get out of this Quarry first on road two remember last year he got bogged down um his fuel pump actually came up from the start line last year and he got disqualified for some outside help that's Paul Terrace on the inside yeah and the extra game drivers on the inside yeah Paul Terrace on a 700 we're talking to in four stroke but the weight of the 700 the Yamaha just a beast of a bike yeah he's really worried about the fire section he thinks he'll be okay everywhere else but in the slippery Forest on their big back yeah he's really worried a lot of rain came down last night you know we talked about it in the in the opening show or just how great it is that you're seeing Riders from all disciplines really start to kind of test their metal with this mountain this is the ultimate test against man and machine and everybody wants to conquer the outspoke so now jumping out front a pack of four leading the charge okay is it going to the trees now nothing too difficult yeah they're gonna make their way along the edge and make their way to vaselating where we should start getting official uh signs of the leaderboard times it's all about the 50 Rose pets if you're not in the first two rows the likelihood of you getting to the Finish is really Slim I think that was Marcel Hersha yep Marcel hirscher make making his way up impressive we were talking about it how uh able to beat Graham and he's really revealing him getting interviewed about just what he laid out in prologue he just said flat out that is the fastest I can go anything beyond that I'm not going to do and that for someone that's used to going that fast on snow uh it just says volumes of the level that the racing is and the speeds needed to do well in the prologue row number three making their way out of the pit some Rod is going down everybody's so far on the first two roses got off the Quarry really nice and cleanly we've seen lots of action here of this uphill before and in the next couple of rows we should start seeing a little bit of Carnage there we go guys already getting stuck over there piling up this is what their Twitter day is all about and these clams are brutal they don't look like much but they're all hot there we go once the land starts getting blocked up then we start getting some serious action over there um cars get jammed up so yeah it looks like Tristan hearts in the lead followed by many and looks like we're only in third taking it so taking a look where they are on the mount that leading group that pack of four just approaching [Music] for pirates options [Music] [Applause] and it's just maintaining that ferocious Pace into that first checkpoint of 27. done and not trust them hot there's Theodore back here from the white [Music] so all competitors out of that first line a very very tight pack still contentious going to that first of 27 checkpoints next one will be coming up Arena view into Rocky Raccoon interesting Daryl to reflect back back in the day this first section was a huge challenge now it's just a walk through for the the sports top top Riders lots of them had a bit of a Twist on baselatin and it was too difficult for the guys to get up and it stopped a lot of them from getting further into the track so they made it a lot easier next row making their way out as you pointed out Daryl deeper we go back in the rows a little bit more connection Carnage we expect to see all these features start to back up with your typical airsburg traffic just the agony and so many of the Riders especially deep in the pack privateers it really speaks to the type of event airsburg is you have privateers the Juniors everyone bumping bars together with the sports Elite we look at that leading group now approaching the other side of the reservoir used to be bathtub and I looked down some great drone shots here a Herculean effort on our production team 27 cameras helicam drone cam it doesn't take a village it takes a city over 200 person team bring you the coverage this year's airsburg Rodeo I think that is Tristan Hots in the lead [Music] so it looks like yeah incredible back and forth as Lenten bickler in the lead followed by Tristan Hart uh Verona still in that mix dropping now to Fourth osawi and just some lead changes on the Fly we expect a lot of that we talked about the depth of contenders there's so much talent within the top 10 top 15 top 20. throw the Juniors into the mix a little extra hunger Tristan Hart still and that top now letting bickler taking the lead as the next row is off so looking back a couple slo-mos of that start just showing the intensity and melee there's some great shots of our frontrow starts look at the lines on the left-hand side yeah and it was Billy both going down there on there that's what happened to gonna start that's why I fell back Billy bolt went down not a place you want to crash not that early in the race well one of the reasons that all the fans love Billy bull too is I wouldn't say Reckless approach but it's all or nothing just qualifying is a feat in itself finishing that's a whole other story well is that a long way to go you know this race hasn't even started really fortunate that we got the rain that we we did in terms of visibility we were I think expecting like two days ago expecting a little bit different story coming out of those starts but I think the day is perfect today doesn't look like there's any rain looking outside um the track's gonna start to dry up a little bit but for sure it's going to stay wet in the forests those sections I had a look at around cooker's Nest are going to become really really difficult so the Centrum and Berg the next feature that that leading group some incredible back and forth with Manuel Latin bickler Tristan Hart and the rest of the field ozawi uh staying in the mix but love to see how tight this battle is we've seen two Manny actually enjoys that that ability to reel in and stay with someone staying in Pace yeah you can see what your competitors is doing keep your eyes on them and watch them look maybe they've taken a wrong line and you can choose a better line it's all about staying at the friends before you get into those really difficult sections Central mundberg you've got that really really steep uphill they're going to turn right it used to be three kings and you know you gotta commit 100 of the bottom to get all the way to the top it's quite ratted there's quite a steep finish to it yeah we're gonna turn around at the top and come back down talk about that in terms of the lead up on that first section you get a little bit of a run-in going through there he followed by many alzawi in third a Nigeria GP world champion running fourth but you both made up nasty he's in fifth at the moment Theodore que back seven six Colton heck and seventh Maddie green and eight William four and knights so talking about Maddie Marina brings us into the the junior discussion how about the talent that we're seeing just is that Testament to the the the future and the growth of the sport coming through there there's Billy but these juniors are you it's pretty impressive I mean we've got the Young Guns coming through now and there's a whole bunch of them we're going to talk quite a bit about them today we've got uh Clem helping them getting involved with the Juniors Billy bolt is their mentor and uh Billy was telling me that there's a whole host of them coming through and we're going to be talking about them a lot today Mary green just won the first round in extros um currently leading the junior World Championship unbelievable as we look at the gaps between our top three narrow narrow margin Tristan Hart's still out in front but Latin bickler a mere 15 20 feet behind staying in step with heart the hungry Canadian this is hot enjoy Motocross at its best pets uh continue now these guys are just doing everything they can to get away from the pack and and get an advantage they need to clean every single section each time they get stuck it just sucks a little bit of energy and they want to save as much as they can because the second half of this race is going to be brutal this is where things get a little bit more technical for those coming up bottlenecks on the top of gentleman Berg [Music] so close but yet so far and uh you know the camera just doesn't doesn't do these clams any justice that's like really really Steepy hard to get your back up over that last little piece getting nicely roosted there from Portugal on his gas gas trying to push his way out sometimes it's better to turn around and go back down to the bottom and start again just feet away from the top of the arch just losing time their club's taking so many bikes and past him he's the app is up and over there we go [Music] that's what the rats I was telling you about and they're only going to get worse and with each of those features you're just checking into the the reservoir of stamina and strength by the time you get to something like Carl's dinner and the other features you're just you're just completely spent this may look easy on camera but it's really really difficult and that's where you don't want to be running all the way down you've got to miss the guys that are coming up wait your turn again and try clearance so Tristan Hart still out front followed by a Latin Pickler now Tristan Hart f-im currently in fourth AMA extreme Champion back in 2021 in the remaining rows taking off 15 minutes in oh running really widely wide around the Red Bull boy so the final fifth row of 50 there [Music] and that's only 250 competitors in pets we've got another five rows to go another two yeah and they've already gone down right at the start of this rocket club blocking away [Music] Nanny and heart still at it heart in I shot of Latin bickler so we can see them approaching the next feature up just shows you just the vastness of this course 22 Mile Plus course okay they hit it into some really difficult Forest sections they're going to go through Ludwig's Land Drive Away repository Spotlight it's a area in the forest that's really really slippery and it's very ratchet very very difficult with some big steps in the way so it's gonna be there's all parts in the screen doing a great job for us there I don't know yeah we'll be checking in with bolts throughout the competition I want to encourage everyone to get on the Red Bull TV app and jump on the virtual ride of this course [Music] the forest section yeah if we look at I mean just the distance traveled already just under nine kilometers for Tristan Hart and bull it's steady and climbing now just outside the top three so Billy bull showing that that ability to reel it in [Music] [Music] foreign the discussion about what's at stake for each competitor you make that that row of you know the first 500 that are allowed to compete on game day here but for an amateur just getting past the first two features is the radiant accomplishment that's Jeremy Walker coming through there looking really good not as high up as he wants to be he's going to try to catch the leaders Johnny Walker coming back solid from injury says he's not at a hundred percent but was looking awfully spry awfully fast in the prologues he was so amped to ride this morning he just wanted to get on his bike I've never seen him so excited before little Moto froth in The Paddock for sure Johnny wants another win here continue now but he's got his work cut out for him because the talent in front of him man it's just so insane the talent we have here this year we were talking about before we came on air you look at years previous and it would be one to maybe four people that were in the discussion now the discussion is 10 to 15 deep yeah I got the top 10 and I couldn't I couldn't choose one you know that's not really anybody's race [Music] however you know many and just them are out there in France and man they're going to Motocross the whole way they're going to stay together until something happens but let's see who comes out the forest I'm super Keen well if it's any indicator uh the raid on eisenheres I spoke to a lot of fans uh a good chunk of those fans rooting for Tristan Hart so for good reason as we seize off to a great start that leading group still a tight battle for first and second between Manny Latin bickler and Tristan Hart this is the first section I was telling you about to see how many of those tears they have to climb they are brutal brutal brutal brutal you gotta clean each one of those if you get stuck you end up pushing the lead can change there let's see what happens well I think two we've seen years past the first hour of competition by no means is an indicator of how the podium is going to end up still so much Mountain to tackle here you know they say it's not over till it's over better and it a couple of adjustments on the approach to airsburg this year no help throughout the entire course and not allowing the competitors to walk the course that's right so nobody had a look um nobody's been able to pack any roots or anything like that the crew are not allowed to follow them they've got a tank point and we've seen that too in Carl's dinner where you know you know someone in their crew kind of mapping out the line trying to avoid those holes and the letter writers are happy first because it makes it fair for everybody meaning 500 continue to unload as the battle for the top of the pack still tight and contentious with Tristan Hart Manny Latin bickler you can see how hard that is in our Top Line just Blitz through that they make it look like a gravel road really and we can see now I'm in the level at the moment in in hot Enduro has the highest level that I've ever seen keeps on progressing the bikes keep getting better and I took a ride out there yesterday with bolts and I had a look at some of the stuff and I can tell you now man it's just it's absolutely insane did you get a chance to feel the dirt in a way I did a better heart I must be honest I was cartooning all the way down up got it run on one of the clams and I've got a fresh Taste of utzberg debt it's good to know even even these days you this mountain definitely has a humbling factor I was well and truly humbled yesterday another humbling this is what I'm talking about it is super difficult we'll get through this yeah the upside of that rain is the visibility factor in the bottom of the pit the Coliseum if you will but making things that extra slick all those roots many is in France yeah okay so many is just ahead of Tristan now [Music] moving into second with Tristan Hart but we've seen this before the back and forth with letting bickler and bolt to his company Three's a crop they're not gonna like this taking that Moto methodical approach both pulled and Latin Pickler so precise the way that they can navigate these technical sections and Tristan Hart still in the mix here [Music] dominate the super Enduro and it's no it's no surprise that he's there he's gonna Blitz his way he's not going to be happy till he gets into France into the lead [Music] Carnage absolute Carnage the guys are not making it coming down they're going to start jamming up the upline and uh block Marcel Hershey just trying to make it on that first climb [Music] yeah zentrum and Berg and that's not good the Top's been blocked there's my cell here yeah he's gonna try and turn it around and go back down or is he how close is he to the top is he going to make it do you think no I think he's going to go back down and try again so great to see the the past passion and the love of moto from Marcel Herscher two-time Olympic gold medalist a lot of people will come and try the monster once and they won't come back but here's Marcel he wants to he's not going to give up until he gets to the Finish Line curious to see how how her sure is going to handle that the snow later on the course there's a section that there's still a wide wide patch of snow that one needs to navigate and it's gonna we come out of the forest and it's on a steep downhill we saw Wade sliding down there a couple of years ago and uh yeah I'll be Keen to see what my cell does there first you're trying to get some run up here [Music] okay we saw the guy jammed up at the top just now so if he doesn't have a clean run he's not going to get out let's hope that it's open for him [Music] and the bottleneck starting to snare up said from Amberg for sure second attempt here it's got some good momentum yep he's up and over he's up a little bit of a rut there a little bit of pushing but yeah he's at Central mundberg what a great effort oh it's never too late pets maybe we should enter you next well you know what you talk about the progression of the bikes the Tires Tires have made a huge difference the bike evolution and it is that sport we were talking about before we came on air back when you were competing you would never dream of someone in their 50s but you look at like Graham Jarvis 48 years old and the Silent Assassin is still a threat to be riding at his age at this level is actually a phenomena [Applause] [Music] so watching closely uh Wade young some dropping back and forth but still it's Latin bickler Billy bolt in second asawi in third and Tristan Hart now just outside of the top three foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] utilizing that lengthy tall frame [Music] one of the David cyprian looking good [Music] and this was the section we saw a little tangle and a pass with Billy bold able to get into the mix passing Tristan apart so now bull in the top spot as letting Beckler Falls watching cyprien make his way through that first four section and the distance between our leaders letting bickler Mitch is taking the lead from Bolt again I think this is how it's going to be motocrossing backwards and forwards [Music] an elastic lead change we expect as we're only 26 minutes in four hours allotted to finish airsberg last year's finished time was a little over three hours it was brutal so a long way to go well we heard Rob Warner talking about being there at the finish line and just how mentally physically exhausted uh Latin biffler was so where did it go right for Billy bolt had that crash right from the get-go but what did Billy do that enabled him to reel in the leaders okay this is a bit but he goes Don okay so look how much time he lost there look how many bikes passed him how did he make that time up is Billy ball [Music] okay this has been coming out at Central monberg [Music] carving his way through the field [Music] and right here was the pass where he joined the party passing Tristan heart and now it's a Manny Billy bolt show on the lead Billy bull eyes on him [Music] all right so he's behind many it's Manny and Billy and been so enjoyable as a fan watching these two such a healthy rivalry really no stranger to the top of the podium but he has yet to find success at airsberg 37 through the course at the moment 13 and a half kilometers traveled of around 30 32 kilometers Tristan Hearts dropped down to Fourth and alzawi's moved up to Third okay Verona there getting stuck so big difference between classic Enduro and hot Enduro he got out the Quarry really well so I need to drop back a little bit now it brings out the discussion 14 seconds faster than anyone else on the prologue but it's that four-stroke two-stroke conversation not a simple on the bike and that's where it starts to get that much more difficult but look at the way Manny and Billy are handling these bikes there's definitely [Music] and that's why the sport and everybody will know what it takes and sections look bad times it by five times it by ten they are really really difficult just depth approach and then almost there light way that they're able to navigate this it's very very deceiving really putting a little bit of a ghetto machine used to be the start of the old no hop Zone but now the entire course is in my hopes on I mean the level has just gone up so much these guys don't really need help it's all about the track builders though to try designer course now that's going to suit these Riders well we talked about at the top of the show Carl catash always every year trying to one-up you know the one year that he had well we had the ties were two he thought too many people finished but you also it's finding that balance you want to showcase the sport you don't want to make a two Chopper you don't have anyone finish airsberg it is way down over there having a little bit of a push out of that section Wade young what is Tristan Hawks up to also striking a little bit five yeah minion but yeah feeling a little bit of get a gap they got out of the section really cleanly yeah the difference when you watch the sports Elite the way that they're able to navigate through those values yeah they're just the Acumen they're so shrewd about finding their lines keeping that forward momentum elzawi going into machine now yeah the Polish Rider 23 years old [Music] and a great shot here on this feature here as we can see both Riders stuck in this section A lot of discussion about this area sorry coming into the frame at the bottom there yeah what they were going to do to change it up all these Riders completely blind coming into the course this year normally they had a lot some time and days for them to walk in certain sections making up some really really good ground Johnny Walker just behind him cagey South African that was a good line who wants to win this he wants to get out and so as always 2022 super Enduro Junior world champion no stranger to Herzberg fourth overall Michael balkner's also moved up into fifth place way down just behind him in sixth so now osawi chest out of the top three Tristan Hart in third Billy bolt in second for the moment and there's a look eyes on our leader Manuel Latin Beckler defending champ overall f-i-m Hard Enduro World Champ and wants to go back to back here at airsburg and Wade young we talk about the Comfort the confidence that we sent from him in the paddock earlier but how about this pass Daryl what do you make of it it's just a unique one I mean this that's a that's an insane line that he took there that's smart South African approach yeah if you make a mistake you leave the door open somebody's going to take it a notable mention too a Wade young looking extra healthy been very very focused on the regiment the training component it's everything you've got to have the whole package there you've got to eat rights you've got to train right you need your sleep and most of all in this race you need a little bit of luck yeah and and a notable mention too with Wade young roof of Africa winner in 2022 a race that you know about Mario Roman getting into a bit of trouble over there little little surprise to see this from Roman this early on that's what you don't want to be doing pushing your motorcycle sucking that Eck that energy so Mario Roman currently in 13th Place that's not where he wants to be right now but the Spanish writers been on a terror the 32 year old it's been finding success on multiple podiums for Mario Roman one of the favorites going in today's event but when you have the likes of Billy pole Manny lattenbickler and now Tristan Hart really battling it out for the top three does it make things any easier you guys remember the Crooked elevator this same location and as we pointed out of course different every year we're on a working mind sometimes you come back a whole section is completely green hell completely buried we used to ride up the elevator on the left-hand side and zigzag our way up and then at one point we had to switch back and jump across it and everybody was always terrified because if you slid down you would probably end up at the bottom of the mountain [Music] when you first laid eyes on ayresbury you came here from riding in Africa and other events intimidates are there's many green but first of our junior is coming up there he's in machine at the moment in Italy he rides for the Rigo team he's been living in Italy for the last three years he won the junior Championship last year and currently leading it off the extras and following this year going pro out of the junior Engineers yeah you had to be 21 still at the first of January this year engineers thank you okay there's another brick coming through there all right so that is that's will Hall coming in there so also super young Talent out of the UK he was the first guy that didn't finish last year he finished ninth overall at the 2020 tourist book missing it only just yeah you'll be on course after four hours you'll hear the siren sound which meets everyone out of the mine time to come home four hours what an incredible task to work your way through this Beast of a course Colton hay because they're coming up uh just behind him there and Colton acre just he's a Hellion on all things two wheels doesn't matter what format what discipline one of the promising machine Americans I think Colton's won the prologue before actually super fast super good in Enduro Cross [Music] and back at zentrum and Bergen we anticipate foreign [Music] race is going to end um to get up there is really really difficult so and being blocked at the Top If your line is blocked you need three quarters of the way up go back down and try again and just insult to injury getting pelted on the lower side I have a rock sandwich all right so how's it going to be hitting nine towards cooker's Nest which is a probably the hardest Forest section that I've seen so far and normally they bounce it off so that there's only the Badland so I think this is going to be the hardest Forest section now and it jumps us back to the discussion Latin Beckler and bolt still are fighting going back and forth for that top spot but they haven't laid eyes on Cuckoo's Nest so everything is a complete new approach how much of an advantage do you have when you've looked at a section and you've been able to eye some of the lines beforehand no loads because if you go into a section fresh and you quickly you have to make a split second decision on the right line and if you get it wrong then you're gonna have to go back down again and you can lose a position and Tristan Hart looks like from our perspective here trying to reel in and jump into the mix the top two spots he's yeah there we go 438 meters behind the leading pair that's a long way in these forests Michael Buckner not a good as it starts as your head last year well you know one of the austrian's greatest hopes here at airsberg Wagner irritable rock star when it comes to his performance at airs Barrett but just wants to find the finish and eventually the podium here but almost back in 17th for the moment but we're still so early in this competition [Music] so Vulcan the machine this is uh Verona in piction Andrea Verona a world Enduro champ and you can see how difficult it is well you know it it brings a discussion one of the the fastest and was the fastest this week but when it comes to the tenacity the grit and that trials approach to these sections it just takes everything out of you also the classic Enduro that he's been used to racing you've got cross tests and you've got extreme tests quite explosive and they need to make every second cons completely different to this and just remember he's only 39 minutes into this race and realizing the savagery that airsberg is yeah I'm super tough that he's actually doing it because uh you know for somebody like him he doesn't want to get injured and he's giving it a go and heads off to him I think it's fantastic is Brits wonderful from South Africa there on the on the shoko and he closely followed by Jack pass from the UK his Graham driver's coming through now from the second row now watch Jarvis he'll slowly but surely stat take that steady approach I call him a fast tortoise because he just comes out of nowhere and this is the problem now he's getting caught up you can see that he wants to go and he's losing time here so that's the um this is starting on the second row let me ask you there we go he's making a move there and he's through so as he passes with with Verona the discussion about Verona as fast as he is what would it take for him to even come close to be on that level of the sports Elite when it comes to Hard Enduro on a mountain like this well you would have to stop what he's doing and just do heart endure and concentrate on that you know but at his age nine where he is uh world champion he's going to carry on doing the classic Enduro and see how many titles he can win and then one day maybe he might decide to go into this so still leading the charge bolt letting bickler then nearing the top of the prologue now which means that out of the cookers in their section they're making really short work of the course they're carving it up like it's uh like a gravel road and there they're getting onto the gravel road short little transition section you know we expect this rivalry to continue between Latin Beckler and Bolt the great news for both of these Riders uh healthy focused yeah it was really frustrating any Billy bull fans out there when he was dealing with those injuries but and Herschel checking in back with him slow and steady Marcel Herscher another checkpoint and he's onward [Music] it's great to see these athletes jump from a sport that they've dominated and just have the humility and the willingness to jump into something as challenging as this and the sports are so completely different from what he's done and excelled in to come over to this which is crosstalk complete opposite cross-training on the ultimate level our price should be going nine to um Chris's Stone party so that's the next really difficult section so I'm super excited to see what that's like and these downhill sections too awfully deceiving yeah yeah I mean look at that just the incline [Music] he's trying to see who's in picture there's that that's Graham Jarvis he hasn't he hasn't made it up he's got to go back down somebody's blocked his line on the Crossing that's not good that's not where he wants to be okay so you'll just try to turn around and go back down try again it's getting I mean super frustrating when you're in their position yeah frustrating the program Jarvis there but we'll keep eyes closely on Jarvis you may have given up one or two positions that he made in the bottom end of the forest but it doesn't clean at this time we've seen it so many times with Jarvis so as we get to those more technical ruling sections Jarvis just takes you know one Rider after one Rider and slowly can work his way to the top all right let's see if you can make it up this time no that's not Graham [Music] you can see the lines are blocked over there so he'll be waiting for an open uh an open Line before he heads up so the top three haven't changed a little back and forth between Bull and Latin Deckler just in heart still in third place and Wade young as Graham Jarvis smoothly up and over he'll continue on all right so the leading group should be going into now to Crystal Stone party there we go that's what I was talking about getting warm and fuzzy with these two pull right on top of Latin Pickler yeah as long as they can see each other they know where they're at this is the lead and a chance too when you're sitting in that second position to watch what's working for Manny also want to keep moving want to keep that that momentum rolling watch that front tire going in any holes in front of you and those two of that level of day struggling like that then you must know how difficult it is I walked up there a couple of days ago and it's really steep big big boulders uh Billy's back wheels just dropped into one now there's no line yeah and nobody's been there packing rocks right here Chris's Stoney party [Music] and at this time this stage of the race it's all about managing your heart rate so really just took a little bit of a breather there all right just trying to manage the heart rate that's a little couple of seconds here and there just to get the heart rate down again when did you realize in terms of like obviously with this race but with the trial the trials influence really became the hugest Factor those riders with the trials background were the ones that were starting to lead the charge yeah it was pretty obvious um when I when I was doing it we had off-road experience we were used to going fast we never had a child's box really at home and uh like wait too he didn't start off on a trials back where a lot of the Brits you know that that's where they started but the you know the Scottish six days and things like that or you've got that traditional yeah the trials I mean it is when you talk about Hard Enduro it's like whatever nature delivers Hard Enduro rides it you have to have every tool in the Moto toolbox so let's change over the years we've learned uh super gummy tires now there's all the different manufacturers have got different um rubber that they use different caucuses the Moose the Moose Factor from this is oh somebody going the wrong way getting stuck in the tape so earlier today at our first checkpoint as things continually get harder and harder for the rest of the pack airsburg delivering doses of humility throughout the field go ahead and come here with a big ego you'll be humbled quickly wow yeah we anticipate much more pile up and much more Carnage looking at the deeper deeper in the pack but a great great shot of our two leaders here this next section they're running into Nas called udo's playground this is where we saw Michael balkner last year coming to shots they ride along the side of the mountain for a bit a couple hundred meters and then they're faced with another steep Rocky climb and it's got some big Ledges in it gnarly downhill um if they're getting off their bikes you must know how steep it is could be police stayed on the back he's looking for another land he's going to the right wow I met an awesome pass on Manny there yeah Latin Beckler taking a slower methodical approach stepping off you know the risk of going over bars and breaking and leave are sometimes not worth it but I mean Billy that is that is stupid steep now this is the section one of them that I mean they haven't written it they haven't walked it before and in the past maybe the guys would have picked a rock hero there so towards the top of this there's a really step almost three quarters of a meter high that's going to be interesting for me as they start to get out of udo's playground at the top you can see Manny just trying not to get tangled and the tape a very very tight until you can see this it's taped off so they're making the guys go up and around a couple of times and the love of the sport personified in the pile-ups we're starting to see yeah I did something like that yesterday [Music] I don't think they're too happy with me but not too much damage luckily well got eyes on Billy bolt and Latin Beckler and Tristan Hart now in fourth just outside of the top three looks like Michael Falcon is in third so we'll have to see if he who comes in to pick picture next or the 25 year old Austrian Phenom if you can maintain and stay Pace with these two it would be huge a shot of adrenaline well there's a 53 uh with a 53 through the course now but by no means are they uh finished the hardest stuff is yet to come there's that slow and steady approach for Bolt try not to make any mistakes try to preserve yourself your body in a machine just having a quick look back to see where Manny is and you could sense a little extra hunger talking to Billy this week how badly he wants to find the top spot at aresberg he's definitely not going to make it easy for many you know some good good Challengers and as we look back with lochner and Tristan Hart with Wade young just rounding out the the top five we've got Cody Webb on his way Sunny Gaga Gomez is coming to the top 10 now Cody Webb one of the true American hopefuls here at Harrisburg such a talented writer Cody took uh 10 months off to recover from a knee injury and he came back and he won the king of the motors last year so he's in quite good shape he's not quite there yet he says but definitely a contender for for today so the Gap is slightly opening up still some movement within our top ten this bull on their way to the Appellate telling you about so they're going to kind of like go around the corner a little bit there we go this is the start of the of the brutal appeal give you a good look of how far back now where's Manny as we see all and there's Manny just the bottom of your screen not too much distance he's going to take a slightly different line here so this makes quite a big difference if the Riders haven't had a chance to look at it they won't know what land to take many doesn't really know what the Baseline is so he's just going that's the way that he thinks and I think it changed his mind now that's going to cost him a lot of time that's not good it's going to come back down he's gonna hug the fence line like Billy did realize he actually has to stay in the writer's right of the left fence line that's random time that's not good he's not going to be happy with that it looked like there was a pathway there ended in that thing reliably to pull a bit more of a gap trying to figure the the route in real time but wow you've got no idea that is well the the fact that Latin bicker was able to move just even through that that 20-foot section there that quick and he has not seen this section yet so with Billy is now that's the first of the two big ledgers that I was telling you about and if Billy Ball's pushing his bike then you must know how difficult it is the second one is at the top there when you see the last bit of bunting on the right hand side there's the second hole that's a big ledge and I think the guy's gonna be pushing up there I think police are not on his way to it now he's almost there Paul doing it great job continuing that movement and wow just like that Manny Len bickler this pole Bolton on the ground with a with a cam we'll be checking in getting it footage and updates from bolts in the field both just getting covered there as Billy hits the gas on that but it looks to me like they've taken that um that big ledge away it's not there anymore I mean this just illustrates leton bickler his ability to reel in that distance yeah he's almost made the time back that he lost he doesn't want to lose sight of Belly Ball that's for sure and it should be noted we're watching two of the sports best the leaders the elite and how difficult it is now you take that as we look from Paul Boltz and looking back at Manny and Billy bull still up top wow look at the time man he's made back on belly almost came out there together getting to that checkpoint and now you're having to navigate this one last huge step massive a little lean so good news for alfredo Gomez previous winner here uh now cracking into the top 10. so we were surprised too just to see him falter and I was a little farther back but that's this is what we've seen slow and steady is the route here at Harrisburg anything can happen with our leaders here one mishap one reroute I want to see the Gap now that these two have pulled on our next ride is gonna be Tristan hot and uh Michael balkner is up there he's made his way back up into fourth place way young in fifth I was always drop back to six Faulkner Austria's hope for the future and Hard Enduro just to make the podium would do wonders for Hard Enduro in Austria it's not Michael Buckner it's Johnny Walker Johnny Walkers in fourth my apologies with Tristan hotzer Johnny Walker is really made up a lot of time that's that is that's what we want to see Johnny was so excited this morning he's going to be super happy to be in fourth right now so back at Centrum Amberg the theme is pile up [Music] Michael vaulkner has dropped back to 14th Place at the moment y green should be around about 11th Tristan Hart still holding on to third place now approaching it in that line we just saw Billy Bull and Manuel Latin Beckler decisively moved their way through it Graham Jarvis at the moment is around about 16th Place it's gonna be super interesting to see how he manages to make his way through to what level Graham can get it's safe to say it's going to be these these sections Daryl that are really as we see Tristan Tristan Hart's Mom I love the hearts on the necklace she was down at the raided eisenheres in the streets in the festivities showing support I've never seen the raid on eisenauts it took two hours and it still didn't finish it was absolutely insane it was next level this year for sure [Music] Tristan Hart 25 year old Justin last year yeah and then we should point out too in terms of momentum the mental momentum and just the where he's at physically I just missed the podium at x-ros in Serbia we will be coming into the mix and Walker you know talking to him this week he talked about his climb back from from injury was really really focused on the regiment and making sure all the PT all that all that hard work that was all for naught and sometimes that's the best way to be in mine sight when you have just more I would say relax expectations because he did like how how excited was he putting on the kit this morning as we were walking through the paddock I was never I've never seen him so excited he was almost screaming he was like yeah gonna come he's he's uh next so I want to see what the Gap is between uh between Johnny and Wade looking back I've Got a Feeling uh Wade Young's gonna drop into the into the mix quite soon these guys are just preserving the energy right now none of them have seen this before well not this year anyway they would have normally walked these sections so um trying to decide which line to take if they make a mistake they're going to be angry with themselves in the center it's gonna you know cost energy which they don't want there does they're taking the right line we mainly decided to turn around and go back that's the wrong line there should be on the left hand side of the barrier tape I wonder if he actually realizes that he's yeah I think we might see more of this that we saw Manny also go up Riders right and not hug that fence line okay so Jenny's gonna make a pass here he's got the right uh the right line the right way and uh Tristan's gonna have to bring his bike back down costing him valuable time there there's the shoot that he needs to go up and with every mistake just the seconds add up Billy Bolt still out front Manuel let bickler in second and we just saw Johnny Walker move into third place right now trying to find a route we saw we watched Billy and Manny take a little bit they hug that left line yeah that's where Billy launched himself up and over it's so difficult to see on camera because looking from the top it looks less but everybody that is like a serious incline and there's lots of big Ledges and holes so we talk about these critical sections the most ferocious brutal one has to be Carl's dinner for more on that we check in I have to say I've been talking to writers all week about Carl's dinner but none of it prepared me for this just getting down here was a challenge I can't even imagine what it's gonna be like to ride through that is why checkpoint 21 is the race equalizer because not everyone can push past it only the best will make it through as you can see here there will be writing past these giant rocks and boulders it's 3.7 kilometers which doesn't seem like a long distance but it's the level of difficulty that really makes it a challenge I was talking to Paul Bolton earlier and his advice for the writers is to be careful with the gaps because once you fall into one of these holes it's going to be very hard to get back out and you're going to waste a lot of time and energy which might cost you the lead that is why anything can happen in Carlson or you have to be careful and choose your lines wisely because Carl's dinner will have no mercy on our Riders thank you Alaska uh yeah I'll tell you what uh in terms of Carl's dinner the main entree Savage savagery is just uh brutal on the entire field and you talk to a lot of the competitors you know often they'll say I just want to make it through very few do and those that even make it through by the time they do it's under that for uh just at the four hour mark well we were only in an hour now and Billy bolt is about to drop into Carl's dinner and we'll be able to see the whole race here so they've got to go up and down three times on the different levels and we should start seeing the whole race together in one place for the first time still the top two spots battling It Out Billy bolt Manuel Lettin bickler defending Champ here at airsburg and we see Johnny Walker along with Tristan Hart kind of going back and forth for that third spot is Billy and many Bus drop down into a series of clams that's going to take them down to the bottom of Carl's dinner they then gonna head up towards uh double fault before they get onto the top line of Carl's dinner what do you what do you make of just the pace these two are are holding on to right now well it's insane I never thought they would be this far in the race in the first hour but um this is are they motocrossing this that's absolutely crazy [Music] really tapping into a little uh Redemption most people will get off their bikes and push down here this is that Steep and to Simply ride down that is is quite something [Music] so it looked like that might have been Paul Bolton following Billy here still waiting on Manny so I want to keep correct here Billy by virtue of getting the top of that last section was able to pull away so widening his lead anything that can give you the advantage over this guy Latin bickler will help yeah so there is a bit of a gap probably 30 seconds of those points as many drops down seriously under threat he knows how good Billy is he knows Billy's injury-free at the moment feeling really good and he's so good on the technical stuff I'm dying to see Billy go through Carl's dinner now let's see what he makes of it just locked up sliding the New York it looks deep a lot faster than belly down there perfectly navigated no surprise there yeah Latin bickler has been awfully uh light this week has had had Bunny Bunny Hop contest yeah this is the Steep one no problem for Latin bickler all right making it look super easy yeah such fearlessness incredible incredible Grit and back to it is Walker and uh Tristan yeah coming out close together so that's our race for third place it's going to go back and forth with Walker and Hart Tristan's got a little bit jammed up over there so Johnny's got to jump up and jump on him and a good good perspective this last step you were talking about it's just how massive these Boulders are just to get to the top of this checkpoint as we watch Tristan Hart trying to muscle his bike up and over the last step a thing about being able to walk these sections is really level the playing Ground for everybody so um you know you can clearly see these guys don't know which line to take so they've all tried different ways it's a luck of the draw I guess to choose the right line first time been hard doing an incredible job so far just over the one hour mark of four that's allotted for this race Billy bolt still out front another checkpoint is going to make his way up to the to double fault now as he enters the dinner [Applause] named aptly double falter of the Graham Jarvis got disqualified two years for missing the checkpoint yeah now to be confused with double fall or double fault line but yeah so if Graham had him to miss the checkpoint he would be the most winningest Rider here of all time he would uh taddy brazuziak yeah Clips Five wins it's just staggering when you you just digest that speaking of Staggering this Rock field is just a maze so again Riders haven't been able to walk this or pack any rocks and the track builders have made a couple of little uh chicanes or zigzags over there Billy going down launches back up there start to see this back Carl's dinner technically tormenting it is the ultimate equalizer watching the sports best and look at the distance now between Bull and Latin bickler right behind man he's starting to reel in Bull a little about Rider Fitness and technique now so not knowing what they look like you know they're going into each turn and Corner blind and it's it's been so great to see over the past few years Manuel Latin Bigler basically taking a page straight out of his dad's Playbook Andreas this is where he excelled and Manny so good at being precise showing his prowess through these Boulder Fields but both keeping good Pace definitely putting the pressure on let bickler and you'll see there's no Runners this year they're not allowed to run in front of the guys and show them a line so you know just making that not that much more difficult and fair for everybody you've got to find their own way through this Boulder Field talking to Andreas last night Pat he actually wants to make not a comeback but he wants to come and do another earthwork I heard that he you know he wasn't sure what year and what what Manny I don't know maybe if they made a bet he's like you know what you win three I'll come back maybe when I'm you know 50 plus if I know them it will be a bet of some sort of I want to point out Andrea slattenbickler right around the same page as I believe maybe a year younger than Graham Jarvis so yeah it is possible yeah I think uh Andreas will just want to come do it with many uh the father-son I think to but get to the Finish I think it'll be fantastic four Andres looking back at our chasing group just how far back they are from the lead group here [Applause] all right this is yeah the second Chase group at udos playground so a little bit of a pile up here and I think Cody's complaining too much a chance to just get the heart rate down a little bit yeah and I'll tell you Cody Cody has the benefit that tall frame kind of use those legs accessing maybe a little bit more challenging line that the shorter Riders can't navigate Salway and uh kibachi just bookending Cody Webb right now trying to make his way through so Theodore finished footing the overall uh hottie during World Championship in last year 2022. behind Grand Jarvis it's a Cody Webb caught up with him earlier he's got always calling uh Captain America I said it was more Evil Knievel on the kit but either way I think all the fans back in the States would be happy to see an American make the podium at airsburg I think he has already got to fight him he was the first American yeah I don't want to sell them short here [Music] yeah so in in 2016 Cody was second at the artsberg and in 2017 he was third so two podiums for the American what do you make of the third yeah when you brought up that injury that he was battling as we take a look at some serious pile up here in udo's playground Matthew green there he's our first Junior the thing in the middle is your uh or your screen number 22 just getting off quickly behind Alfredo yeah and this is what happens when you're deeper in the field just the pile up now Alfredo Gomez forced to sit and wait losing valuable time and Jarvis now watching can you believe shoulders so much time yeah that's crazy just like that ladies and gent ladies and gentlemen Graham Jarvis has entered the building now 12th Place starting from the second row just let that marinate for a second that is the level that Graham Jarvis rides at he's just meticulous knocking away one Rider after the next so yeah so 48 year old has taken uh well over 48 people at this point that's incredible I think he's had to work a lot harder than anybody else to do that you know carving to the field you saw him go down to the crossing don't let there be gone look at that don't let the stoic uh soft-spoken approach fool you my grand Jarvis and we've got Alfredo Gomez and Graham Jarvis in the same shots two rolls of pots well this is we've seen Jarvis too in sections like this where it doesn't seem like there's any way around he'll find he's super crafty when it comes to these Tech sections AWI they're just in front of many green there's a proper traffic jam building up there so that's the kind of thing like if Graham wants to get past them it's almost impossible on that section so that he will be losing time obviously see look at that chase group all the way that's where they are back you've got Johnny Walker Hart just behind our two leaders bolt and let bickler still tightly contested between these two way young in the fifth place at the moment we could see how far back he was that he hasn't dropped into the gravel road yet to go to Carl's dinner so there's quite a gap that's formed already let's just look at that belly bolts yeah and it really it kind of forces the discussion if these two left unchecked almost impossible to catch but not when you consider what's ahead of them knowing knowing the course you've had the advantage of looking at a lot of the sections what could force a little bit of a falter from Manny or Billy at this point I think it's all going to come down to motor X Highway if the track builders have done anything there we don't know anything about the track but I've got a suspicion that maybe a motor X Highway might bring us a surprise they've got um a new section off the motor X Highway in the forest the track builders have done a lot of effort to make a nice land there and then they're going to go down into the normal uh Donna Martin and lazy noon before they head home lazy noon is also going to be quite difficult this year and Minnie's just got these Island Billy bolts he doesn't want the Gap to get any bigger than it is now he's going to try his best to close it up also can get too Reckless Force those mistakes trying to manage that energy conservation [Music] [Applause] you can imagine the arm pump at this point talk about some of the things most these Riders are already going through as we're just over the hour mark physically what's happening right now well if you've made a mistake along the way then um spent a lot of your you've only got so much right that's in your tank and as you go through this race your tank starts getting empty and emptier so you have to conserve your energy uh there's Johnny Walker now coming into the into the frame he's going to drop down into uh Carl's dinner she has 12 minutes behind for previous winner here Johnny Walker take a look at what is ahead of these Riders horse wise and Walker the distance between him and Bolt taking a good clip down this pitch for Walker and Walker already passing the highest point of this course 22 plus miles is Billy going past the Lesnar now she's on field reports are doing a great job for us down there and talking to a lot of the Riders yesterday just how happy they are that temps are not scorching hot Carl's dinner when you see those High temps here in Harrisburg brutal it adds a whole nother level of exhaustion Justin Hart dropping into the dinner now [Music] so Tristan Hart just another minute behind Johnny Walker Walker gaining a little bit but heart stain in steps still safely to say a reachable elastic lead that he can reel it in watching letting vickler is trying to stay in Pace with Billy Bob and we're just at the second of six stops at the fim Harding Euro World Championship Latin bickler leading the charge knowing that every stop is vital for letting bickler you'd have to think it's all about trying to go back to back adding your name to the history books The Legend status of doing well here at ayresbury I think of the whole calendar I think everybody's looking everybody's watching the most eyes are on earth the coverage we have here and the cameras we have on the mountains passes like no other how do you keep going we brought up the trials discussion earlier but how do you specifically a race like you hear a lot of people throughout I've been training a lot I've been doing this specifically you can see a good in picture the cot in a hole but how do you train specifically for this type of competition well the only way to train it is to ride it so you've got to find terrain that's similar to this and just keep practicing your cardio and gym work is one thing but if you don't come and ride this kind of stuff you'll never get good so it's a heavy dose of self-punishment yeah you've got to come and do this right absolutely so many is busy watching Billy you can see the Gap he's trying to see what lining might have taken but I mean up here this is the kind of thing where the Riders that they've got no idea where they're going they haven't walked it so yeah it really forces your hand on how well versed you are at seeing those lines having that perspective the knowledge that writer IQ because in the past of February walked it they will each throw a rock into a hole and this is like virgin Trek nobody was allowed to come and walk it it's purely the track Boulders that have that have laid it out and it's probably three times more difficult than it would have been if they did if I'd throw in some rocks into some of those sections Daryl it's just staggering you have to be the true Renaissance writer to do well here all disciplines we talked about the speed how how fast you have to be at the prologue there's a technical endurance the fitness the legs upper body every single aspect needs to be in check I like I like this because it's the same for everybody so it really brings out the true Talent of of each Rider and the skill set to be able to manage this and and make choose the correct line and make the most of it and then there's the mental aspect that I think fuels especially you see it too with the Juniors and a lot of the you know the younger riders that you know that mental drive that has to be there and clearly Latin bickler and bolt have it [Music] so um so 80 minutes of race time so far as both Billy bolt Manuel let bickler trying to assess one of the most technical sections of airsberg serving up a good entree portion of humility as we pointed out but Rose five through ten this was their situation and as expected high speeds Carnage and lots of contact and very fortunate with the lack of dust on the start with that rain we got last night Daryl and what a great shot we go to the Red Bull helicopter there that's super slow-mo approach just showing just coming out of the Coliseum of Carnage No Easy Task and as all those previous or should say the following rows start to stack up it gets that much harder just making the top 500 from the 1500 is such a feat in itself on these 500 they want to see how far they can get through the course A lot of them know already they're not going to make it and I normally have 10 or 20 finishes yesberg it's such a story of uh privateers as well yeah everyone's racing their own race and with each year you come back and want to do that much better they come here for the Festival of Madness on this mountain well udo's playground has been a little bit of a decider so far we saw some pile up with some of our top contenders Graham Jarvis was entering the conversation and this is where Graham just shines just a technical Titan when it comes to navigating boulders incredible trials background but I would say Graham Jarvis psychologically he's Savage so Graham Jarvis just getting off behind Michael's playground that's the same place with Justin hot got stuck so there's got to be some um it's that last ugly holiday yeah that last big step and a guesstimating Jarvis about 25 minutes behind our leaders Latin bickler and bolt still a very very tight battle still in the midst of Carl's dinner 25 minutes is a far cry to try and catch these guys unless there's something horrific at the end there would have to be a falter but we've seen everything from mechanical to fatigue so many things can set in but the pace of the Young Guns now is uh it's absolutely incredible to see what they're doing here through uh through Carlton ads if you go and walk this pet um I've been can't imagine a motorcycle ride through there wasty poles a Vortex of just pain and struggle pure agony the Box have evolved so much so there's so much low down power now the suspension is amazing and they've got to get that balance right between the the talk and you know these are the two strokes these are 300s and the power transitioning to the back wheel you know you've got the right rubber on the Moose has to be which is a solid tube has to be the right um softness and The Rock the tire actually folds around these rocks and gets maximizes your traction and they always talk about keeping that momentum and not letting that front tire get caught in a hole but easier said than done you also don't want to move too fast this is all about being quick you see how that little pivot really just pivots at the back quickly so the back tire is getting the traction and uh it's all about your throttle and your clutch control and balance foreign ER year after year serving up full servings of just the cruelty of Carl catash so they're only on the top tier now they're going back they've gone all the way down one end they've turned around now they're heading back and they're going to drop down by double fault again and go along the bottom tier they're not even halfway through Carl's dinner yet and there you can see how how big those gaps are those holes oh and Manny's done ah this is how easy it is to hurt yourself you saw how his foot got stuck in a in a between the two rocks then his body Twisted you can blow a knee out or time and energy just with that has such a training effect [Music] and you'll hear a lot of competitors as they get into Carl's dinner those lucky enough to make it this far when they get Midway through they think they're done yeah and they're like no you gotta you gotta head back the other way I can tell you this is the hardest that I've ever seen the dinner just looking at it now and a lot of it's got to do the fact that there were no rocks packed in between these gaps this is as raw as it can get and it looks absolutely the most difficult I've ever seen it and I think the writers will tell the same story when they get back at the end of the day this is going to suck every little bit of energy out these Riders [Music] well the struggle is real and especially true for amateurs Centrum Amberg as always challenging all the privateers Weekend Warriors doing their best to make it as far through this massive course these deep plans always deliver [Music] so close so far for so many [Music] the faces tell the story just how difficult but how tempting one is willing to deal with the pain of heirsbury well the bike shops are going to do okay next week I think they're gonna be all lining up to go with newspaper parts of plastics and everything else but I mean it's this is a place where the cars wait a whole year and they want to come and do it but just to see how far they can get through this course soon [Music] do the math here last year 295 out of the 500 made it to zentrum Amberg if you make it this far and you look at the face of exhaustion but within that face is I'm a moto masochist I like the pain I like the struggle serve it up they clearly want it it is in the heart of everyone of Hard Enduro enthusiasts out here they don't want it easy and by no stretch is it [Music] I know it's a Lorenz hick from Austria getting out there he'll be happy to be up but he's got a long way to go yeah and you can see the the fan base here just lining Center man bear getting first eyes on all these Challengers it looks like Tristan uh looks like Tristan uh moving into third Walker now outside the top three with Wade young in fifth doing some updates from the lead of the pack as we keep eyes on Centrum and Berg the rest of the amateur field [Music] Teague everything else setting in you name it cruise for most that's uh Thomas haircut from Austria having some issues [Music] and the faces of these amateurs really tell the story so back in the day you used to be able to get a rope up remember they were throwing straps down and pulling the bikes up so now that's all changed you have to get up under your own steam there's Tristan heart now body language looks like he's tired but Tristan heart Abel we saw a walker was in that third place position so a little bit of a shift there we'll have to get eyes on Johnny Walker see where he's sitting how close I shot of of heart so a lot of momentum for Tristan Hart definitely starting to Peak at the right time trying to build up that momentum I was trying to manage his energy levels he knows in he's in a safe Podium spots at the moment I mentioned the fourth place finish at x-ross and Serbia and there's eyes on our current leader having some difficulties for Billy bull [Music] I've honestly never seen Carlton of this difficult before and after taking these guys this long to get through then it's just proof of of how brutal it is this is honestly like a world trial Section Carl's dinner it's a buffet of brutality [Music] but one hour 31 into this race three hours last year would be interesting too to see the difference in Pace as we look at Manny and Billy work their way through the last section of Carl's dinner but uh the rest of the field if they're going to leave any chance [Music] for those sitting outside the top four and another mishap for bull y's not going to be happy with that and you know it's so easy to break a lever here clutch liver or brake lever can ruin your race the guys are just really going to conserve the Box yeah to try to get through without breaking them as you start to zoom in you you see the size of the gaps Young on the right hand side he's got to go all the way to the end and turn around when Tristan's already on his way back so there we can see it's kind of like the gaps in time [Music] okay what so some gaps definitely workable at this point eyes back up I'm Wade Young and what's your take on just body language what are you seeing from Wade right now I think he's looking so he's looking pretty good I know how strong weight is he's an absolute animal he's been training so hard I think he's one of the fittest cars in the paddock but he's just in a you know how far far away is from the rest of the guys and he knows yeah what does that do to your psyche when you got you basically put eyes and you do the math on how far back you are well it basically tells you how hard you've got to push if you want to make it to the friends and he knows he's got a long way to go so if I was wait or whether she'd rather look behind me and manage the position behind me rather than what's in front of me Wade young the youngest ever winner of roof of Africa a race that you've had success at um another brutal race but he was 16 years old yeah he's been the youngest ever winner of the roof of Africa so we look at the difference between Wade young right now 62 percent of the course complete and then Billy bulld up there at 65 but just that three percent difference how far that can set you back especially when you're eyeing the lines of these Boulders daunting tasks for Wade Young first not stopping for a second been relentless on his pace [Applause] looks like he's doing a pretty good job of conserving energy and back working his way through it could be two straight Podium finishes for Tristan Hart were to end right now thank you all right so far having a solid season on the fim Hard Enduro World Championship will uncheck pretty sick and Podium here at Earth [Music] really throwing that bike around well as we look at machine section that you've brought up more than once Daryl concerned or looking forward to it well machine is the remembered was the beginning of the uh no help Zone back in the day um machine [Music] So currently in 53rd matching that of where he finished in the prologue but everything from a cell is basically a win in terms of where he is right now doing an amazing job [Music] yeah lots of Austrian fans out there routine cream I think he's just gonna try and see how far he can get around this course he knows he's not going to finish it um so yeah [Music] four hours to do the course one hour 35 into it pat how many finishes do you think we're gonna get today you know judging by the amount just in Carl's with that what's a little kind of daunting is how fast we're at at 1 30 I mean an hour hour 36 right now so it's a little deceiving it's going to be how much stamina is left in the tank of the rest of the rest of the field ask me that ask me that in about an hour I think we can have a sub three hour finish but it all depends on those last two sections uh mudderick's hallway the new forests uphill and lazy noon so let's see what the rest of the day delivers but it's by no means over so the Riders are allowed to help each other but you brought up the grappling hooks and the days yeah days of the past a little different story and also no Chase Bank so mechanic for example come for the backpack like I used to in chase after Dorado that's all uh and the line pointing you know that's that's been a big thing in the past um and that's not allowed but we were talking about the height of Cody Webb he's got that long reach definitely probably an asset uh you know for sure five six so a little bit more challenging especially when you get into those holes yeah when you're climbing up those uh the tall clams and it's Rocky like that then the legs have definitely got a huge advantage so a good look at our Zone here Carl's dinner with the leading group chasing group of heart Walker Young so a tight battle for that third place between Walker Hart and Young as we got eyes on Billy bull current leader as our own Paul Bolton our Intrepid Paul in the field we jump on the bolt cam [Laughter] you can't feel these bikes looking nice Tire's looking good things on the bike no damages that I can see right now we can see way down there manly letting Becker is coming across Carl's diner number three and Billy is literally 100 meters to the finish of Carl's dinner wow that's insane yeah yeah you can't stop Balto excitement but great uh great recording bolts uh great perspective there and it really puts it in to perspective when you look at the distance and you know 40 yards 50 yards doesn't sound like a lot but when you're dealing with terrain like this it can be a lifetime yeah that's a good couple of minutes Johnny Walker I'm not quite sure where he is we'll get some perspective just now turkey and fourth trying to real interest in park there with some great back and forth with Walker and heart Johnny will do anything to get on the podium again here so he's going to hunt Justin hot down he better have his whips about him because Here Comes Johnny Walker really being deliberate taking his time really no other choice but section takes so much out of the bike out of the rider [Music] and trying to lead into checkpoint 23. so Johnny was also the youngest David winner at 21 years old at dirtsburg and he went on to win it in 2012 2014 2015. now there was a crazy multiple year we had a handful of people lots of injuries you know I remember he broke his leg um yeah so a good chance to take a look at where we are on this massive vast course here look at that leading group of let bickler and heart Walker and young just behind and to take note heart Walker young still have a lot of ground to navigate through Carl's dinner from the air it doesn't look like much but every single foot every single line that you're looking at takes so much out of bike and Rider Billy bull but he bolt is out of call Diana he's going into the hospital first at the end and he's going to make his way down to motor X highway so [Music] seems like it's so far into the course it's almost like he's he's got the win in the back but you must forget there's some really really hard sections coming [Music] oh it's a little bit but it's so difficult to tell out here because the the gaps look big or small but you can't tell because it's so difficult to get through so we had a little bit of audience okay Hazel he's gone thanks bolts so we'll continue to check in with Paul Bolton [Music] in the trenches throughout the race Wade young trying to pull in Walker Parts still holding on to Third so contentious pack trying to chase down Latin bickler and bold but they've been at a Relentless Relentless pace so in 2013 Wade was the youngest finish of the earth a year later and then he was 16. [Applause] he's got two fourths of fifth a sixth and a seventh and what you know of Wade where is he at mentally right now hunger Factor drive is it all there I think in an all-time high I think he's riding um incredibly well and he's super fit he's had a couple of a couple of issues in in the last year but yeah he looked super super excited about Pittsburgh the lead up to it and everything else people are prepared but you know you throw this terrain at anybody and he's doing a great job he's still lying fourth and a quick look back on course with some of the AMS privateers Weekend Warriors [Music] trying to tackle machine 11 11th checkpoint of 27. [Music] sometimes you can really see a discernible difference between [Music] Sports top Riders and the amateurs yeah this video already start seeing the big differences in terms of finesse able to work through these sections Simon Chris from Poland number 83 [Applause] [Music] I mean don't take anything away from these Riders to get this far already you know all the forest sections and everything that they've done most Riders won't get you I mean they've they've done exceptionally well to get this far [Music] oh [Music] yeah just the persistency of these privateers and these amateurs just staggering doggedness [Music] one by one trying to work their way through machine one hour 45 on the clock so far take a look from above and the rest of the pack as we go into that next section just a handful of challenges for our leaders so this is a great shot of the crossing and this one is really really difficult to get up it's a little bit like Central umberg and you can see the guys there jamming up that top Parts it's really really difficult to get out here if you remember a couple of years ago Billy got it wrong in his first time up in the main race and he had to go back down we've got to hit it absolutely perfect to the bottom second gear pinned maybe shift up into third and keep your momentum up all the way out otherwise you're going to be doing this and having to run back down so what's your what's your instant takeaways of course so far nice balance being being set you mentioned in terms of Carl's dinner maybe one of the more difficult lines that we've seen ever in that section yeah I think it's difficult to cater for the the Riders at the moment you know to get that balance right I think it's a good move that they haven't seen the track it's fair for everybody um but it's it's super hard for them to to gauge the level of how hard do they make it and we're always scared that they make it too difficult and they make it impossible for the Riders then it takes all the all the fun and excitement out of it again so I mean I would hate to be a race organizer at the moment and try and at the level that they need they were a world championship and what about this you see you know two two friends two amps helping out one other maybe talk about the passion the dedication needed to ride you know at the amateur level well not really just at amateur level I mean yeah if you get to a hot injury race we've seen it before where the guys all help each other get through a section the camaraderie on that is what draws us together as off-road and dirt bikers across all the different disciplines um good people great friendships are formed here and that's really what it's all about and when you're on the track everybody wants to beat each other so there's a great level of competition again when you put your friendship aside talk about The Equalizer Carl's dinner it's it great visual here when you can see two Riders two different lines this Graham Jarvis coming into our screen now and we just saw Johnny Walker coming back on the left-hand side of the bottom of our screen and I think that's all zawi that's all zawi riding with Graeme Jarvis at the moment yeah and if I was always smart he'll just stay on Jarvis's line yeah I'm super impressed by balzawi at the moment um managing to stay with graham here and this Alfredo Gomez just behind ozawi and Cody Webb is in the middle of our screen at the top and Tito kabachev is just ahead of Cody so this is a duel six seven eight nine and ten nestled in Carl's dinner right now take advantage on who's in front of you trying to avoid those holes that's Theodore in this in the frame right now Theodore showing Incredible strength just outside of the top five for the moment he's been doing a lot of races all over the world in 2022 he won the uncle hot Enduro in Indonesia he won the Panorama hot in general Romania and you won the Sierra hot Enduro in Mexico so a young kid that's really really been traveling a lot and got some incredible results still some time here for Cody Webb a big task to catch up to our our leaders he's found the podium here before he is and I had that knee surgery last year he was 10 months off he's a dad he's been Racing for 27 years and he was third in the 2023 super world super Enduro Championship so Cody's been doing a lot of that the Silent Assassin Graham at Jarvis so badly wants to find the podium again at airsburg at 48 years old twice the age of our leaders a lot of motor X highway so we are expecting the Gaza any minutes to come in Billy bolts will be here first and this is where you've gone on records and I'm not sure what what type of a gauntlet is going to be delivered here by the course course Setters yeah they are going to really see quite a lot of bunting over there and this belly is already in motor X Highway you know a bunting type can do a lot of things uh Pat you know you think you're going to go one way and then like we saw last year where they sent the guys up left at that steep Bank it can be changed the race completely the Billy's got a gap on many here there's many entering as well many has managed to close the gap a little bit so what's in store for us I think this is this is the critical part of the race for me well you look at the the distance between the two between Latin Beckler and Bolt definitely surmountable for Latin Pickler to pull in Bull but Bolt is showing no signs of slowing down he knows with the likes of Manny on his tail one falter could spell the difference between the top spot everybody fighting for that crown up being the hot Enduro world champion and this race is worthy of the championship some great aerial footage here of motor X Highway we mentioned just the Herculean effort of our production team 27 cameras a helicam the Drone cam really getting in nice and close at a massive a vast course here and 1 000 frames per second off the line Paul Terrace in the center of the big 700. [Music] almost looks uh I don't know bigger in slow-mo does it not it's a beast or maybe Paul Terrace himself looks bigger yeah I think the combination of the two what he does on that bike is just mind-bling [Music] that's to show that how steep these uh downhills are they are absolutely mental you know everybody they have a look and then when they get to their first Earth book they're like oh we had no idea these plants are so stupid I'm not here well what you used to constitute a good good Hill for say a Widowmaker Hill Climb is now just one of many here it is [Music] support like no other hot Enduro delivers every time on point [Music] talk about meeting every Moto tool in the toolbox here to do well as we jump over to motor X Highway bolt and let bickler still battling it out getting closer to the checkpoint Billy bull towards the top and right here both Riders now meeting each other letting bickler right on the wheels of Billy Paul [Music] heads up has to redirect and once again The Echoes of what we've seen in the past with these two yeah this is a this is a race full for Glory but I'm not too sure what they've done here at the top of motor X Highway and get a better shot just now but that looks like fresh terrain down there to me yeah clearly the Riders haven't been up yet they've been banted off to the right the fact that bolt is taking time you can see right behind him letting bickler in picture but being this patient obviously what's ahead of him is no easy task just hoping that this section is going to be rideable that uh the guys are going to be able to get up and over on their own but you can see by the gradient there um Billy trying to get up he's gotten up he hasn't got much attraction over there there's wet and slippery in the forest or in that piece there in Baltimore too any mishap at this point does not want to allow the guys and Manny he wants a crack at it letting Beckler up and around can he navigate it he's almost up it looks like it'll go up and around the tree and digging his feet and pushing his way pushing that back up and around here I think he's done it wow Latin bickler up and around goes clutch right around Bolton just like that we have a lead change now bolt stuck back in one section Latin bickler took that lower route able to go up and around the tree fatigue all-time high at this point just under the two hour mark but he's not going to be happy with that clock's ticking he's going to want to clear that as soon as possible and with each second allowing Latin bickler to pull farther away was leading for the Lion's Share of that first half and I have to say that more and more Riders are going through there that's going to get cut up it's going to become more and more difficult to get over first box always a little bit easier you know it's you know you always speculate you know what is Billy best at chasing Latin bickler or having Latin bickler chase him yeah I just want to point out hour and 17 minutes Billy bolt was leading that back and forth that they had yeah because he's tired there so that effort that he used now to pushes back over heart rate's pumping jumping out of the rib cage he's going to want to try to get his heart rate down a little bit better so out of out of vision was Latin Baker obviously taking a crack at this next section so wow [Music] insane making it look way too easy letting Beckler to look to me when Manny was down the bottom there he just rested for a bit and then his heart rate come down because there's nothing worse than tackling a new section your heart rate's high so easy to make a mistake so good at figuring out these lines that two-wheel wisdom is back not quite there he's either going to come back and do it again I think he will the physical fatigue at this point has to be setting in bolt known for his fortitude still in second trying to keep 11 bickler in sight and reachable motor X Highway serving up quite the challenge here we go I'm not gonna make it this reminds me of what happened in 2022 similar thing happened and the more banks that try go up here then the more difficult it's going to become [Music] and to be there and just to watch Manny the ease that he navigated but he's gonna push his way around he's got it he's done it hear a handful of fans well it really struggling like that many made it look easy what are the rest of the guys resolution of this Rider so impressive [Applause] just what it takes to flip that bike around on this pitch okay so I think Billy's is going to take a minute just to get his heart rate down a little bit grabbing a goo off the bar there just getting some sustenance yeah where would you say his mindset I mean having that lead for as long as he did what does he have to do right now mentally I think the most important thing is to get his heart rate down a little bit and just keep his composure there's still um that next fire section coming up we said it would be a lot more difficult if it rained and it has rained so um I don't know there's Michael Bachmann on the screen switching back to Carl's dinner yeah Wagner still inside the top ten Austria's great hope in Hard Enduro Michael vachner he's found the Finish foreign [Music] just when you think you're past the section you go back deeper into the pack and the struggle continues for the rest of the field and the guy's piling up on the machine again [Music] and for letting Pickler and bolt machine is a distant memory Lucas spindly on our left [Music] and then we got Christian petrol from Bulgaria on the Rocks number 115. I think um definitely the stinging entail motor X Highway it's showing us that uh it's not over till it's over but you know the rest of the guys when they get there I think it's going to be really quite a lot looser and it's going to be really difficult for them to get through well I think it speaks to the importance of it you know keeping that that distance that is still considered elastic the fact that Manny was able to catch Billy like that and where he caught him and then the pass was so pivotally uh clutch telling the turning point there was for many to get uh to clean those two sections yeah and we'll see what kind of Gap is he's earned from that now Johnny Walker currently in fourth in call dinner of Johnny coming back to earthwork and doing so well and I mean you know having him in the booth last time was uh was such a treat but uh clearly this is where we like to see him he you know talking to him this week he you know was I I think intentionally slightly dismissive and you know he's saying you know yeah not 100 but I even think you know physically if you're coming off that injury you know the injury reserve list um he's he's proven he has all the wherewithal uh and all the metal to do to do well here he's you know I don't if you're Johnny Walker at 85 percent no matter but and Generals have finished second behind billion uh 2023 uh World superintendo Championships so he's got what it takes so just uh just past the halfway point of our allotted four hours to decide a 2023 airspare champion bickler out front this is coming out of the top of uh murder Lakes highway so he's got a quite a bit of off-camba stuff he had to do and then he's gonna head back down to the road and he's going to start the New Forest section and what what's you know what is the trick when you're dealing with that double fall line especially if it's on a climb how do you find out how do you find that catch the off camber yeah well just to wait you left foot pack keep the back the weights of the back on the right hand side towards the appeal and just find as much traction as you can you can see there how how steep and how how much of an off-camera it is the way the back wheel dropped off there so just a hundred meters separate Latin bickler and bolt for the time being as we have eyes on our current leader defending Red Bull airsburg Rodeo champ Manny Latin Pickler and the many is in such a good space we went to his uh he had a bit of a beer party two nights ago we invited everybody to come and have a beer there some Bavarian beer and we made a little bunny hop turn the table upstairs for the bicycles he was bunny hopping an e-bike I want to point out check out the battery to make it lighter yeah definitely has the most fun in the paddock I think he's always up to something and he's got such a good attitude there it looks like he's just catching his breath that's all about controlling the lead you know listening for belly where's belly and composing himself and just trying to keep his heart rate down he knows he's got another section coming look at Carl's dinner as it continues to Dish up challenges for the rest of the pack looks like Graham Jarvis has got past Cody web now picking them off one by one I just I just can't believe the stamina that Graham's got yeah the the fitness and his just his spirit so Graham looks like he's eight overall at the moment it definitely staying in the conversation still a lot of cores to go we mentioned just past the halfway mark of our allotted four hours Crossing credit website grams possibly in six or seventh at the moment I just got to see where Theodore is but if he's managed to get past Theodore kobachev and Cody Webb then he's maybe in sixth place so a lot of riders still working their way to Carl's dinner see a good uh good perspective there how long and what a what a slog it is over to motor X highway now eyes back on our current leader so this is the forest section let's head in your box it's a brand new section the check holders have done a lot of effort to make a rideable line here that's super Steep and I think with a random last night any water on the section would have make it really slippery so once the top layer is gone it's going to make it make quite difficult there's lots of switchbacks there's a couple of steps with some roots in it Latin bickler putting on a veritable clinic right now being awfully awfully comfortable what would you make just based on body body language alone where's Manny at right now I think it's in complete control of course he's tired looking down at the ground there's not much water that's got into that so I think it's perfect conditions to get up this club I don't think it's going to be too difficult for them you've got traction and I do think it's rideable so after this oh there we go Minnie just pivoting the back there and so many bike skills come into play just we talk about that just pivoting and able to turn a bike around on such a steep pitch that in itself is a skill set that so few pizzas to do with ease and not not tapping into too much of your energy Reserve yeah absolutely no wheel spin and just pushing the bike forward making sure that back can get every little bit of traction that it can making sure the front wheel doesn't slip down it was on a serious off-camber there when he was pivoting the bike around just to find whatever traction he can to get out yeah this is killing leap he's gonna go down how far are they in the course Pat well think about this you're only three quarters of the way through so still about 25 of the course for our current leaders by no stretch is it over still lots of course to battle through in fifth place South African Wade Young and there we go there's confirmation of our sixth place for Graham Jarvis so that's how he's managed to come through we saw him in front of Kobe with Cody Webb just now and he's got his sets uh his eyes set on on way down Alfredo Gomez on the riju also very confident Before the Race I had a long chat to him he's looking after some Juniors he's got his own team now Fred Alfredo Gomez racing team and helping the actors you know building them up they write a lot to them they've done a lot of preparation before Pittsburgh lots of riding [Music] what was what was the big I guess tipping of the scales what allowed Manny and Billy to set that pace and get out like the way they did I think it's just the talent level that is just insane it's at another level we've never seen it like this before they those the earlier sections the the the ease and finesse that they move through those was just jaw dropping I mean we've got the best riders in the world here on Carl's dinner and they're already on the way to the Finish I just it just shows you the level is just incredible I mean we've got the likes of Cody Webb and Alfredo Gomez and they've you know fed us won this race in the past and and he's on Carl's dinner and the guys are already out of mother X Highway and the guy to the right of your screen is one of the few times five wins unrespelled yeah seven wins if you take it's just qualifications into it until he wants yeah he gets you know there's a couple reroutes but he also wants to Eclipse uh tadiblesiak's you know five-time record just even be a one-time winner but to just to kind of breathe that in five-time winner of airsburg I must be honest I didn't expect Graham to make his way through the field as quickly as he did in the cold dinner it's exactly what Graham wants you to do the silencer says yeah you just he wants you to rule him out that way he just quietly comes from behind all right so there's many on his way down he's um going to be heading to George Avenue now which is a very steep climb and after that he's going to have dynamite and then he's going to go to Lazy noon I'm curious to see how far Billy bolt is behind him at this stage so with that is going into the old granola nut um it's it's a very very uh short climb going up but looks like there might be poor Bolton behind him memorize yeah so bolts so that's like on the tail getting the footage there grunohul is nothing to worry about anymore it's just a quick up and down and then he's gonna do the long climb up he's gonna head to George Avenue no surprises left for uh Manila the only challenge possibly at Lazy noon I think that might be difficult I don't know what they've done there with the bunting we'll see it the minute it comes into the frame and dynamite is also quite a difficult section yeah so um just due to the distance we're not getting footage uh from bolts right now but be sure to tune in a few days from now we'll have a full highlight recap of this year's Red Bull airsburg Rodeo and uh be able to show you all that POV that bolts is so good at capturing the energy and the electricity on course there's the kitchen Rodeo crew absolute Champs they're the organizers of the gets and Rodeo and they've even made their own beer here very spirited and we should remind everyone that 2023 season will culminate at the getson rodeo this fall in Germany Justin hartner coming up to the top of motor X Highway foreign Terrain he rebels in it oh this is right up his Ali so let's see how he gets on every bike that goes past now it's just dug up a little bit more and taking that little top layer of any grip that was there it's gonna become less and less now as you try to go through really curious too to watch the rest of the pack Johnny Walker Wade young in that fourth and fifth spot Tristan Hartley mentioned back in 2022 overall at ayresbury Rodeo cheating without that fim status Tristan has definitely solidified his position his rightful place here at Harrisburg [Music] exactly where we saw both Manny and Billy really take their time and try to figure out that line Manny taking a little bit that that left side approach [Applause] it gives you a good idea look how far out we see Lettin bickler all right so they had the right at the bottom of the screen that's George Avenue that I was telling you about Latin bickler 81 percent finished with this course so far now it's a two hour 13 minute mark we'll definitely see a finish time under the three hour mark I think it was three hours and five minutes last year and the way they've caught up this track up is uh gonna knock off probably a good a good half an hour off that well you have to think uh Carl catash is at this point thinking wait a second these you guys are getting good what can I possibly throw into the mix to slow these guys down I think the mix at the moment what's happened today I think is is really a good level well it's it's allowed to kind of it's allowing them to Showcase you have the likes of Billy and Manny leading that Tristan right in the conversation as well which is great to see and then the best of the best so close caught on the heels going into the that's the same Forest section off the motor X Highway cool down so the physical exertion here that is just on another level you know it's been two hours of brutal I can tell you that up until now there's been nowhere to rest on this course caps fortunately a little lower than we've seen in the past so heat not a factor but the sheer physical mental exhaustion has to be feeling right now trying to pull in Danny Latin Deckler but given what stands ahead of Latin bickler okay I'm very surprised to see now on Dynamite the George Avenue not quite a dynamite yet it looks like they've taken the run-up away here so it's a it's a super super steep super long Plan and there's a bit of a level that we go it's at the top there used to be a little step in the middle but yeah is going to hit along he's gonna get onto the dirt road and then he's going to drop down a level and then drop straight into Dynamite at this stage it's pretty much in the bag anything can happen let's see what lazy noon brings us well Latin Beckler two-time winner at Red Bull romaniacs we talked about the win that he had there 10 years after his dad Andreas Latin bickler won a romaniacs but looks like well on his way to become a two-time winner the Red Bull heirsbury Rodeo back-to-back wins for let bickler albeit not official still has some cores to work through life 22. uh many one five of the eight rounds overall Sandra Gomez on machine right now and she has set her goals how far specs to get at this year's heirsbury she's on point thus far wow and liaison's of those of you that watched previous battles here on the female front farthest she was able to get is Carl's dinner so for Gomez that would be a huge huge leap that we've got uh many little bit please 85 through the course and is currently in Dynamite the blacklighted dynamite set out pretty much the same as it's been in the past they take you around up and down a couple of times before you clear the Red Bull Arch and it's off to Lazy noon [Music] so they've tried to up the Annie this year with adding two more ups and downs on this section and like we said that the course never even remotely the same in these technical sections trying to sprinkle in those challenges and just hit or try and make it harder and harder for the guys because otherwise they'll be done in an hour so I think it's really challenging to try and get this this level up look at that pivot I mean yeah Manny just puts on a clinic and I'm still taken away by just his body language I can imagine everything from the quads the arms everything but body language looks so comfortable right now doesn't doesn't show you know too much struggle there he's managing his race he's very aware of his heart rate and he knows he's pulled a gap now and he's just obviously managing its section by section not building bulldozing his way through just taking his time making calculated decisions so that rocket in the middle of the screen there he's going to pop out at the top of it there's the go around that tree on the rock so where is good old Billy ball second place all the way back about three kilometers separating him and Manuel let bickler but he's coming out of the forest and down onto the plateau and then he's gonna go and head into George Avenue just over eight kilometers separating Billy bull in the Finish the Gap to the lead is three kilometers but remember there's a big Gravel Road in between yeah Billy's just hoping something uh some type of Roadblock can we please slow up Manny at this point [Music] um anxiously awaits first Rider across the finish line I think even even Carl has to be surprised with the pace that we're seeing and the challenge that he's put up and the performance that we're witnessing with our leaders in the AM battle continues these guys aren't going to see at the finished pets they're going to be pulled off at some point of the race but uh I mean absolutely got to this stage I mean it's somebody sitting on a machine there brutality of this race is like none other yeah man it you look at what drives these amateurs well it drives those at the the top of the sport as well no prize money but we've seen success at airs bear basically dictate the future of one's career in the sport do well at airsburg and your ticket is you know contract signed it's punched absolutely so the media coverage and the exposure and definitely a test to see the ability of the rider there's no better playground than this Mario Roman coming to the screen we've been looking for him looks like he's had a tough day out there so many of the competitors they talk about previous airs bears and every now and then you're delivered a shocker you don't see a coming it's there's a Randomness we talked about the variables whether it be visibility mechanical Terrain so many components go into this race I'm chatting to Mario this morning you know he was so ready for this race he's said he was absolutely ready it doesn't matter the race when we talk about fim Hard Enduro world champion yeah that's not Mario my apologies that's 10 piece from uh Great Britain Apartments the gear all looks the same all the sugar gear sureco kit from afar [Applause] [Music] and they're just behind him we've got the Diego Rivera also doing a good job in frame now dig deep and find that last frenetic extra gear just under three kilometers separating the leader Manny leton bickler Billy bull trying to reel him in [Music] foreign I think he's still heading to George Avenue [Music] yep there's a rocky section he's going to go through and then up George Avenue he's gonna head for Dynamite such a um [Music] an interesting uh match between bolt and Latin Beckler there's that one move or essentially a combination of two moves with letting big we're able to capitalize in motor X Highway [Music] talked about bolt leading for about an hour 17 minutes [Music] where's my all this morning [Music] I'm trying to see exactly where everybody is [Music] there you go that's not George Emily so he's not going to make it he's gonna have to turn around and have another guy so they've taken the run the run-up away it used to be a nice run-up and there's absolutely nothing there for the guys going to explain this when you don't have the run-up and then look at what he's sitting on limited space not ideal yeah so he's gonna have to start off in second gear and after you wind it up and just he needs every little bit of momentum that he can get that's that's brutal but no run up like that we normally start right on the road at the bottom there on the right and get up to second third gear yeah it looks like he's good he's good enough momentum he'll get out [Music] okay that's a little step that I was talking about earlier is that yeah you from the road yet and enough to be to go clear the whole thing but you'd have to be in like third gear so [Music] get out awesome job so check when 24 from here down onto the road off to Dynamat crazy noon and then it's Finish Line the big question where is Manny Latin Beckler there's on his dad Andreas all smiles probably getting word that Manny is leading the way what religion just need Andreas to come back and do the next earthquake so now eyes this is lazy noon many tackling it current leader Pickler yeah he's made sure that he knows all he has to do now is he's going to go down a couple of levels into the finished area you can almost see the claim the arm get the goggles on checkpoint 26 lazy noon the next check to finish he's going to make his way down into the arena and unless anything goes wrong he's going to be our 2023 Pittsburgh King [Music] so on the way down to the arena pet we had a look at some of the drop-offs and they are ridiculous like almost vertical Ledges that they're going to go down and all bolts had to go at the cabinet a couple of them and he said you you really had to three times before he went down some of them like this yeah for the likes of Manny forcing the dismount now you must know if these guys get off the box and you must know how steep it is you can imagine just what's going on inside it internally right now with Manny Latin Beckler what a battle between him and bull and right now it doesn't know how far Billy is behind him so he's just pushing like mad hey that previous heirsburys we've talked to a lot of the competitors they they say oh yeah when you the second you you re-enter that Arena it's you know you can it's an audible raucous Roar you can hear it and bull [Music] so 10 minute penalty we saw right there where bolt actually received water so a 10-minute penalty by receiving help you're not allowed to do that this just coming in so yeah we confirmed that so bad news for Billy Bolt the the big the big Focus it's a albeit unofficial first place for letting bickler but for Bolt the big question is how will Tristan Hart where is he going to finish in that third place finish if it's you know if it's under that 10 minute Mark then second place would go to Tristan Hart so does Billy have a 10 minute gap on Tristan so Manny take a little Manny there looks like he hasn't done anything today is this the last stretch he knows he's got it [Applause] [Music] wow so letting bickler about to join the ranks of back-to-back airsburg Rodeo Champions Jarvis Walker lazuziak Knight to pray and Pfeiffer such determination grit fortitude all the things needed Relentless staying on Billy Bolt so that last section going into motor acts able to capitalize showing his ability to find a line where few can s this is a master class of hot Enduro and where the eyes connect with the crowd here when you realize it's almost all but official you rounding the the Coliseum making your way into the Finish so so if we're going off last year's fim hard endure World Championship got the last two wins there got the first stop of this season at x-ros in Serbia so is he a force to be reckoned with absolutely four consecutive wins for Manny Latin bickler well he's our current world in hot Enduro champion and he's definitely made his Mark at the start of the 2023 season force to be reckoned with he is absolutely the man to beat in 2023 [Music] question you know mentally physically he looks calm as can be but put yourself in Manny's Manny shoes right now how smile under that that full face this is like I don't know I couldn't explain it to to win this race is just [Applause] and [Music] [Applause] there it is last checkpoint laugh for good measure and there it is [Applause] 2023 Red Bull airs bar Rodeo champion [Applause] [Applause] constitute is done his team friends family dad Andreas couldn't be any happier [Applause] and you watch the support such incredible relationship between Andreas and Manny father and son tonight to Relish in the Sun oh that's him I didn't hear about him and that's the smile we were waiting for for Manny [Applause] father and son moments don't get any sweeter than this [Applause] meanwhile back on the track still Carnage pads this the suffer Fest continues back at Centrum Amberg I can feel the pain from the studio looking at the like [Applause] and this just in a marriage proposal on course we've seen it before airspare [Applause] judging judging by the reaction I think she said yes I think she said yes I think we have it yeah official engagement [Music] I think she said but she didn't finish yeah for the love of Hard Enduro and for marriage there we go Graham is it too mother X Highway always into the last little Forest still in sixth position what an incredible comeback where is Tristan hot and there's many people 10 minutes on it so that was that critical section that we saw Manny go around Billy on motor X Highway pivotal pivotal move there all the dragon's made sure twerk of that [Applause] I just can't believe it's physical physical condition at the moment and at his age and I just managed to just carve his way through it's so impressive so much respect or Graham Jarvis well just to be in the top 10 discussion is unbelievable but Graham's ability to like I said just slowly but surely just work his way through a sea of riders coming from the second row to find himself in sixth place that itself is a first place finish in anyone else's book and the pedigree of riders that he's gone through um and all of those guys top contenders [Applause] that's honestly mind-blade so [Applause] [Music] letting bickler a day of days trying to go back to back and he did just that tapping into a gear that we've seen from him often the past two years on a terror letting bickler and bolt neck and neck for the Lion's Share of the battle but it wasn't until motor X Highway that Latin bickler was able to grab the lead for over an hour and 17 minutes let bickler forced to try to reel in and it was at this point bolt off to the side Latin bickler finding the black hole the time transfer tapping into a little Moto Matrix and finding his way all the way to the Finish letting bickler he's with Rob Warner Rob hello everyone we're here with the two-time Red Bull Herzberg winner Mani land bickler he's done it only the seventh Rider actually go back to back here that one was Unreal how does it feel to be a two-time winner Manny I'm definitely suspicious like I didn't believe it I like after the sword um I had a really good sword and then um Billy caught up to me and he passed me and then I was like man he's riding good today so he was really strongly called China but then I think he lost a little bit of energy and I could pass him back and then the hilly stuff um definitely like it more more kind of dirt than like proper Rock so um I kind of had an advantage there and pushed there quite a bit and then yeah rolled into the finish and so stoked all right whatever you did it was perfect and you know we saw you actually like a little bit of a navigational error and as you said Billy was kind of gone in in Carl's dinner did you feel the pressure did you feel the stress of watching him right away or did you think keep going hang in there we can get this back oh definitely like I think I just keep on grinding I get the at one moment I was like I'm just let him go and I'm just gonna ride my own race and then I kind of caught up to him like at the end of called sign at the bottom one and I was like yeah okay let's try to keep pushing and I saw him at the motor X Highway like after five minutes and passed him there and um there last year Under Pressure I was definitely Under Pressure there so he was he was under pressure this time and um I think I think I'm so speechless that I still made like such a big gap at the end well it's massive exactly we're still waiting for second place to come and you've ridden away with it and of course this really lines up well now for the rest of back-to-back wins in this year's World Championship you're the defending Champion you must be feeling pretty good about this fam Hard Enduro Series definitely it goes pretty good like last year I was injured and then I came came in and Won Won some races straight away and we've done the same thing we got a new bike this year so I wasn't quite sure if we can make it but I think the whole team made a really good job over the winter and I think yeah right now keep the momentum going hopefully you are rolling congratulations on a day mate it's been a pleasure to watch that back to you Pat thank you thank you so much uh rob you know the big takeaway from that Manny looks actually fresher than Rob does at this point like he just won the Harrisburg rodeo and just so fresh um and it's great to hear about Manny's perspective on the season now checking back in with Billy bolt this just in uh Carl catok uh rescinding that 10-minute penalty so all but unofficial Billy bolt grabbing second place as he makes his way through yeah that's fantastic news you know outside assistance is one thing but uh you know taking a bit of water I think is a hundred percent agree with that I don't think he deserves a 10 minute penalty yeah a little safe than sorry get a little hydration there as Billy bull was leading you heard Manny talk about as he passed him and Manny realizing he is keeping on a a serious pace and how important it was to stay within visual visual distance but it just shows you like Fitness wise you know many many Fitness everything at the moment I think he's got a high of obviously you've got a higher Fitness level than Billy because I mean the skill levels are clearly there or both Billy ball Manny lattenbergler putting on clinics in so many sections seeing that that difference of pace and energy and technique able to separate themselves from the rest of the pack but he's going to be super happy he knows that he's just uh moments away from dropping into the arena a couple of Daniels to go and you know what this sets up though the Rivalry between these two is going to be alive and well well let's just set the scene for the rest of the rest of the season Billy knows what it takes to get an overall and we talked about Latin beckler's overall title so the 2023 fim hardinger World Championship series just takes a whole another level now as Bolt grabbing a much deserved second place [Music] will be super stoked to get onto the podium path this has to be his best ever earthwork finish it is indeed Paul obviously had his eyes on the prize based on his his performance and Pace was looking for the top spot let bickler being the spoil spoiler for letting bickler incredible battle back and uh Billy he's a three-time super Enduro world champion he's won it 2020 20 22 and 2023 starting off this year with a party in middlesburg it just can't get better and I think it says volumes that the past two overall World Championship winners are one and two at this year's airsberg an incredible back and forth between Billy Bull and Manuel Latin bickler as Bolt makes his way into the final stretch here [Music] obviously it wanted the top spot knows how high the stakes are there it is Billy bolt your second place finisher at this year's airsberg Rodeo [Applause] man and these guys are such good friends and they've got so much respect for each other Billy clearly believed to get to the finish line but you know he was focused on getting that top spot led the way for so long and just double checking I just found out he doesn't have a 10 minute dinner he doesn't have a penalty so that's awesome news and so watch to the right of your screen that's bolt going down that is how his day started what does volt do shakes It Off and then slowly but surely takes the lead it was on this pass here that we saw some interesting battles for the top three bolt had to climb his way through that pack of four or five Riders and then to pass Latin Beckler and from this point on it was one hour 17 minutes that bolt led the way he even let bickler said I could tell he was informed he was on a terror he was moving both doing a great job working his way through Carl's dinner it wasn't until motor X Highway and this was a potential call getting a little water overheating but that call rescinded so no 10-minute penalty for bolt and a chance to grab a much coveted second place finish at airsburg Rodeo he's with Rob Warner Rob has to have a finish of the iceberg already a second place I know you like Library happy with that yeah bad worst ever started until best ever fell off on that definitely when I was walking up that first Hill um that wasn't my intended plan I saw it in the replay and uh the next 10 minutes was a bit of a blur to be honest I just knew I needed to pass as many people as possible before the forest because every person I didn't pass out of the forest was going to be twice as difficult to get past them so it was a bit of a blur that 10 minutes and then um got into I think fourth pretty early on and then got up mere money together and um I actually I bent my front disc when I crashed on the first thing so I've been pumping my break from break all day well that's that I mean that that takes some energy doesn't it yeah well I had a bit on pump but and uh I was kind of a bit all over the place and down I ended up didn't my front pipe pretty badly so I'm pretty down on power um that's why I try to push on through Diner as fast as possible I thought this is my best chance to pull a gap on money you know before we head back into the woods he's strong in the woods and uh yeah more X Highway we I took it the extra switch back he went straight and I was pretty sure I like the with the the way I was kind of nursing back to the Finish Line I looked at my tire and I thought oh this isn't going to last much longer your Tire's a lot worse than man he's like I'll point out yeah we've got I've got a few more kilograms of money I'm not gonna lie a bit harder on the right hand I think yeah and I've been literally haven't been out of first gear since Diner just because I can't pull anything because of the dent in my front pipe so oh no why it's a fair bit of drama all self-induced but uh All Things Considered I'm very very happy to be here well you led for 70 minutes or more of this racing Carl's dinner I thought you've got it did you at any moment did you relax did you think yeah I might have it today because like you said motor X Highway One Stop like that and it all changes yeah you know I I did I was feeling good you know I still felt fairly strong I had one one bit where I really had to push exiting more direct highway to be honest but money had kind of gone and uh you know like when you lose sight of somebody they go out of sight and then you start sliding then you have to have another goal that really does like it's like a double whammy a double blow let's say um but yeah once he passed this and went like that I thought you know the way I'm struggling I was really concerned about George Avenue because I knew it was such a long hill and usually went third gear and I managed to get up it in first no why but we wondered what a Time Gap had opened up so much you know but this is your best finish at erzberg one step away from the top step today it looked like it could have gone away I mean you must be feeling pretty happy right yeah no I'm really really happy like I said we had a new bike this year it's been a lot of hard work preseason um I kind of started late because I focused only on super Enduro um so it's been a big effort from the team to get to the point we're at now into to get where we are but like I said where we are I'm super happy with I'm feeling comfortable everything's kind of working how it should be and I think uh the pace is there Billy in it the speed's there mate romaniac's next is that is that a good one for you well in the past not but this this new me seems to not do not so bad in the long and the hard endure rallies and in the mountains so I think yeah it's going to be similar to 2021 I think me and money are going to be going at it just about every race to the finish and uh I'd be bored without him yeah exactly it's just like a train away we're training so much together to be honest it beats us more time than not when we're training but I kind of and I don't never worry too much because I seem to be able to find an extra gearing sort of keep with them and stick the wheel in on him now and again in a race and uh I think it's gonna be an exciting second after the year it certainly will mate thanks for bringing it a life it's incredible to watch you ride second place today Billy bolt let's go back to you Pat oh Rob I had to hear from Billy the new me yeah we'll see what happens and I love he's like oh I found an extra gear well no to hear the real story was in first gear are you kidding me Daryl what a legend I told you it was a good deal unbelievable and the dent in his pup so he's done on Power and uh yeah what a legend there such like I said such cool friends to be able to go race A world championship like this together the Rivalry is going to be alive and well going into the third stop of this season at Red Bull romaniacs but checking in right now with Tristan Hart still in third place almost about 90 percent complete so all but unofficial if you can maintain on Pace they'll find his second time finding the third place finish but a little different for this time coming back twice as sweet for Tristan Hart Johnny Walker though just closely behind so let's keep a close eye on this battle as Tristan Hart approaching the lazy noon checkpoint so Tristan will have two back-to-back third places then he was third here in uh 22 and Johnny looks like he might be a bit far back [Music] yeah just the beating that Billy took him physically but then the bike so yeah incredible it really kind of we were watching him in a couple of those sections he was trying to figure out what's going on and uh this is Mary green now he's in the motor X highway so he'll be our first Junior so it sounds like he might be somebody in front of him possibly waiting for a gap to to hit it nope he's on his own so he's just gonna clear his way around that tree Maddie Green from South Africa so he's our current leader in the junior World Championship so much Junior talent and he won the engineer championship in 2022 so what a great start to the season for him taking the win at x-ros and leading here at Earth's Burger [Applause] and the fans you can hear them made their way into motor X Highway they know it's such a critically clutch Zone in previous airspace Alfredo Gomez there [Applause] and Gomez finding the top spot of the podium here in Harrisburg back in 2015 challenges today but still in the hunt to finish should remind everyone still under the three hour mark of the allotted four hours and Alfredo was telling me I mean it's um one of the first times that he's been injury-free coming out of winter um finished fifth in the 2022 Enduro World Championship before in 2017. it was third in 2016. and he tied with Johnny Letty and Graham in 2015. having to redirect here still trying to find the Finish Line currently in third place and I just want to remind everyone Johnny Walker was just a couple minutes behind Tristan Hart so every mistake every time Tristan takes another crack at something it's giving Johnny Walker that much more chance to catch up so eyes are going to be focused on a battle for third place we're looking at Lazy Nuna this is the second part really really steep attack insanely steep but he's up and over today and there goes Tristan Hart I'm almost happy to say that that's a safe Podium for Tristan unless something happens on the way home but you're almost home in dry pets and we we talk about every year Carl trying to up the Annie you know used to be Dynamite you know onward and forward having to add things every year to really slow up these Riders and we've seen it again this year yeah so they added in lazy noon you know just because the rides were finishing too early so yeah I don't know what they're going to do next year what type of hurdles can we possibly predict for next year honestly I think the level today was perfect I don't think they made it ridiculously difficult I think the mix was really good Tristan Hart the 25 year old Canadian fresh off the heels of fourth place finish at x-ross in Serbia mentioned he got the third overall Red Bull Arizona back in 2022 last year lacking that fim license last year but this year finding the podium again so it's his third it's book he finished 14th in 2019. Podium glossier and this year definitely made a mark on the hot in general World Series was Paul Bolton's pick to win earlier not far off not far off in third place incredible performance very technical technically savvy watching Tristan work his way through Carl's dinner and there were some good battles to even actually earn that third place position really tight battle looking behind him there he's yeah well with Johnny Walker come on yeah we're talking uh just just under 700 meters separating Johnny Walker and Tristan Hart so I would I would venture to say had he had to maybe give it one more crack at that at that climb section that last climb section form would have given Johnny I think a Fighting Chance yeah that's that close absolutely and Justin must know that he's close because he was looking behind him so he's either gonna cruise to the Finish or he's going to race to the Finish so uh yeah I think he's got an easy cruise into the finish line at this point it's just relief you know you're going down the mountain you know that the podium you can see the crowds and you can see the arena and it's just they're hopping a skip away what a great day for the Canadian has that cageiness approach it's the last few drops coming back into the Finish back-to-back podiums for Canada here at Harrisburg and he'll be excited to be racing on home soil following romaniacs with Red Bull outliers in Canada one of the more challenging events out there and it's so interesting Daryl to watch how big these gaps become how it just starts to accrue interest if you will one mistake here getting stuck behind a group having to wait for those holes and you you look at those gaps grow yeah I still think that I still think they're pretty tight for what the gods have been through it's honestly like a couple of minutes you know many quite a big Advantage but yeah I agree you know and I think as you go further back from this now you'll see the gaps like they'll become bigger and bigger yeah really big yeah nice little section of the prologue so Daryl in your day did you did you ever envision courses on this level this challenging no yeah no I didn't I mean this book evolves but I didn't expect it to be like this rapidly and at this level I mean Everything's changed the roof of Africa at home and all of the races that I've seen have just progressed and they've had to raise them and make them difficult to cater for this caliber of Rider the level honesty year to year just keeps getting insanely better and and better these athletes are just at another level at the moment Kristen Hart for the second time in a row finds third place finish here at airsberg Rodeo well deserved third place finish for the Canadian [Music] s and did such a good job early staying in the mix not relinquishing that battle in that top three images I think that was really what tipped the scales and gave him a fighting chance to stay with it 'd be interesting to see where Joni Walker now Falls with the clock just about to hit the three hour mark [Music] there's a whole other discussion you know seeing times two and a half hours yeah it's huge I mean the course last year were just over three hours so they've already knocked off a good 15-20 minutes of that last year but I'm sure that Justin's gonna be super stoked for the podium [Applause] doesn't look that happy though I think he wanted to win it you think if you want to speculate I'm going to say yeah you're 100 right I mean there you can see how close they are Johnny Walker coming in now um also just in the prologue they're about to drop down to the arena but um that can't be more than a minute or two apart with Johnny Walker definitely can hold his head up high we we talk about that that road to recovery off the injury and is definitely back on track um of getting at a hundred percent and Johnny really had no expectation for this race he just said he's going to go as hard as he can for as long as he can and man he's done a good job and a fourth coming back from everything um skipping the last couple of Earthworks he was here in the commentary Booth last year so I think it's an incredible comeback you know and I think I'm enjoying these Riders at this level yeah the most challenging part was seeing that energy and that that positive positivity that we saw him uh kind of exude this morning to see that hunger and you know the only thing more dangerous than Johnny Walker is a is a happy and hungry Johnny Walker so Johnny Walker rounding out the top four hits a little Rev on fourth place finish for Walker [Applause] and of course they're all good myths [Music] so we got a second back in 2018 so his best finished since then but Walker clearly cementing his rightful place here and closely in the hunt always a contender and it's not often you get a sport like this where the top guys are such good friends because they really are right they ride a lot together or they're socialized together they respect the camaraderie goes so deep [Applause] [Music] I've never got way down coming in he's not far off to round up the top five so you've watched Wade Young from a wee-wee writer who basically weaned off the pipe but talk about watching his his Genesis his Arc as a rider and just maturing into what we know now well coming through from the classic Enduro kind of thing and see how he's evolved into this hot Enduro world I think is is really incredible I mean all of what he's done um you know he hasn't had didn't have much luck last year he had a lot of bad luck looks like it's all coming together now I know that he can win Earth's work and I think he's going to do really well this year in the championship if you're on his training side what would you say okay let's go back to the drawing board what what can we add to the Wade young Arsenal to make them a little bit even you know more deadly out there well he's in Peak physical condition um when I you know I've seen him now he's edited his mindset everything is right maybe just some uh more time on the back but how do you improve how do you improve at this level [Applause] throwing a little chakas to the camera there so obviously feeling good but how it's also you look at the rest of the field as well it's you have this this kind of push and it's all at the same time simultaneous the entire field is progressing at such a rapid pace and you're expected to stay in step with that and I think a big part of it and I'll probably get shot down for this but is the the trials background that a lot of these Riders have that skill set of the trials that Wade doesn't have that's definitely a differentiator you can you know he's managed to teach himself by riding with these guys but the background from an early age on the trials he hasn't had you almost have to give him extra props for doing as well you know maybe not having you know that specific skill set already you know pre pre entwined in is is Arsenal and uh yeah I don't know what you're going to do to you can't just go all of a sudden and start writing a trials back but Maddie green is in the same boat and spending three years now with the Italian team I've watched his rod and he rides a lot with many many will go down to Italy sometimes and ride with him and so will belly they're all very good friends and that's the same thing as Wade I've just watched his riding improve year by year and it's just so nice to see of course if the roof of Africa um hopefully we might be able to get it back onto the championship next year but that'll be obviously suit them again a lot more than some of these races and we would expect that we're young previous winner there um I can tell you now when it will be very hard to beat in um in the city what is Africa what is it specific to that race that makes it as hard as it is well there's more rocks so you know yeah you've got a lot of slippery stuff in the forest the low weight comes from natal where there's a lot of forest riding and slippery stuff so he's he's grown up with it so still like Awesome Fit for romaniacs but at the roof it's different there's a lot of grippy rocks different kind of terrain and he's ridden there you know most of his life so he's really at home there and the guys already struggled to meet him there and we should point out back in 2021 Wade Young third in the Hard Enduro World Championship one last checkpoint for Wade Young getting his well-deserved checkered flag from Carl [Music] fifth place for Wade Young thank you so now I just passed the three hour mark as our top five finishers a chance to relax and looking back on Tristan hearts performance what were some of your immediate takeaways watching Tristan at kind of the Furious frenetic mode that he opened up with well I've just seen him being very smooth and calculated he picked his way through everything I didn't see him throwing his bike around anyway and it looked like it just managed his uh his energy levels all the way through um I think he did his best I think this race is so physical and and you could exert yourself all the time I think he just manages race perfectly he'll aim to to win Herzberg and I think he can oh clearly [Music] Tristan Hart third place finish at this year's airsberg Rodeo staying in step with the best [Music] and he is with our own Rob Warner okay well I'm with Tristan an amazing performance again third place again here happy with that Tristan yeah back-to-back podiums I mean lots of people would be happy but to be honest I'm not super happy with this year I mean I put myself in a really good position I was leading which I didn't really expect and then I think I just got tight and made a lot of mistakes in the first like hour we saw you go wrong at one point right up to that fence enough to come back and Johnny got by I spent like two minutes going the wrong way just to realize there was a fence there come back and go all the way around so just stuff like that just absolutely burning matches and I burned so many matches today so once I got out of Carl's diner I didn't have much energy left so didn't you really now be the top North American finisher and you know the interesting thing for me is that you know everyone here really associated with getting on the podium comes from a high level of Trials background you don't but I guess it's something you have to work on a ride at this level in Arden Duro yeah I mean at one point I was under the assumption that if you weren't a trials Rider you just weren't gonna do good in this raised because the first 10 years here no one that wasn't a trials ride it was even on the podium so I mean I hope I'm kind of showing some younger guys that you don't necessarily need the trials but it definitely I mean you kind of do need it at the same time it's so important for saving energy and getting through the tough section well absolutely and like it's great to see you set an example if you'd like for these North American Riders great to see you here trolls isn't so big over there you signed up to the Series this year fourth at round one third today feeling pretty good about the overall yeah it's okay but to be honest I'm kind of over here to be battling Billy Manny and so far this year I haven't been doing that so something's got to change on my part and hopefully I'll be closer here soon or you did brilliant today so thanks very much and congratulations thanks Rob well you know clearly you hear it from Tristan uh himself very hard on himself but he did battle Manny and Billy um a battle and it just the way that it unfolded like he said burning matches those little mistakes start to add up after one another but I think Tristan uh Tristan Hart can hold his head up high incredible performance and I think he's going to be a challenger going onward and forward looking at romaniacs uh Red Bull outliers outliers in Canada yeah and I think most people will give a kidney away to finish in third and I saw trust his body language and he didn't look happy this game job was coming down Graham Jarvis A Silent Assassin in six from second row to sixth place hitting the three hour plus mark Graham Jarvis we look forward to seeing him come across the finish line I want to see what Graham looks like at the Finish Line because I think he really had to dig deep today you know carving through the field like that I saw he was very patient but I think he had to push in a lot of places and take some really difficult lines to get through so much respect or you think of Manny Latin Beckler 25 gram Jarvis 48 years old and still in the hunt still in that top 10 discussion you know based on what race unfolds Ram's name always in the conversation still now the talent that Graham has and uh what's the right word uh well first bait in in Afrikaans it's just well resilience uh I'd say persistency we know he's got stamina it's his prowess his and his uncanny ability to make difficult sections and not use uh even remotely as amount of energy that other Riders have to exhaust yeah just picking his way through just um absolutely try not to make any mistakes and just cleaning every section and [Music] so Jarvis five-time winner at airsberg to open for a Podium finish here today just three shy of that Roland sixth place finisher here today passed so many so many competitors when you consider he started from the second row and we mustn't forget that Graham's won it before from the second row so yeah his first his first Harrisburg Rodeo was from the second row so the level of change a lot and I think the young guns that have come in have come in hard and to try and beat them now is really going to take take a look Graham needs to get onto the front row uh if he races it's bigger game next year if he wants to win it I think you have to be on the front row or brown admittedly said yeah a little I was a little slower this year and by virtue of that relegated that second row but almost equally if not more impressive see him climb back and work his way tracking to the top ten yeah yeah but this is love Graham's attitude you know speaking to him say yeah well you know it is what it is you know it's quite chilled I'll just go and do my best you know the sixth place finish this is loves riding his motorbike well we always say don't yeah don't be fooled by the the still at calm approach she's just have to look at the history of Graham's wins and uh yeah he doesn't have to prove anything to anybody um he's won Pittsburgh five times pulse gate five times romaniac seven times see the sky six times roof of Africa four times I mean it's a five-time British trials Champion six gold medals at the ISD is when the Scottish six days four times I mean and five British Enduro championships so what more do you want well if he's applying for a position he's clearly overqualified yeah definitely definitely our most winningest hot Indian Rider of all time probably the goats [Music] the Young Guns have got a couple of years to beat that uh and he's uh that table of wins really cool to see too in his time in between training spends a lot of time doing Graham Jarvis riding clinics so kind of that that close connection with fans and you know true enthusiasts of Enduro and Hard Enduro riding yeah he's traveled all over the world with his tours and it's nice to see also you know giving back to to the rest of the world teaching guys how to how to ride over over this kind of terrain interesting uh interesting day here Graham's take of what he had to work through we'll get some get some words Rob be sure to track him down in the Corral I mean the one year went around to Graham and daima just chilling sitting at a deck deck chair at the back of the van and it's like super chilled and then I just went and won the race and I was like always just so relaxed you were you were to cry in Wisconsin yeah and in the scene I stopped racing nine years ago and Graham's still giving it uh full full tongues it's incredible checkpoint 27. I mean that's model in the face says it all Graham Jarvis finishes yet another Red Bull airsburg Rodeo [Music] [Applause] yeah I can see that small rod through that helmet pets he's no stranger to the challenges this mountain possesses [Music] [Applause] I think that feels like a win for Graham coming from the second row and uh yeah what he's up against I think that's like a win yeah [Applause] 48 years young and still in the hunt incredible resilience from Jarvis yeah I think anybody can still ride like that at 48th and they're doing okay so 45 minutes remain on the clock as we take an aerial view of just the sheer vastness as we look at Lazy noon on this front side back over to Dynamite machine and to remind everyone the rest of the pack they will have to hit the Finish Line before that four hour mark So 45 minutes for all of these competitors back at machine the brutality of the roots I mean they're three hours in and they're stuck at machines so these guys honestly just trying to get as far make through the courses they can desperately trying to reach the next checkpoint but for sure they know they're not going to make the finish line [Music] [Music] so fifth place with shakas from Wade Young rounding out the top five Wade young as you pointed out Daryl in Peak Physical shape coming in facing the challenges of this daunting course Carl flick before then and then Johnny Walker just outside of the top three climbing back from last year's injury and coming awfully close finding the top spot but but for Walker just shy of that third place finish they're both with Rob okay here we are then we're fourth and fifth place finishes will you start with you Johnny been a while since we've seen you outdoor you've got to be pretty happy with it I know you've won it five times but still a big strong result today mate three times three times excuse me you're right no I'm so happy uh I came here thinking top five I'd have been happy with because I've watched the guys racing all last year and the first round this year and you know they're all on fire Manny and Billy are just like they're on another level at the moment especially at this stuff so yeah to be even close to the podium a couple of minutes off Tristan I think we were at the end and I was close to him so yeah super happy with that brilliant ride man and of course you know we do see you more focusing on the indoor stuff at the moment has it been our transition and when you last were here in what 2019 you were injured last year in the commentary box yeah it's been it's been a while and I think it hurt me a bit in Carl's diner because I could I couldn't remember you can remember where everything is from year to year and obviously not being able to walk it this year I've really got stuck in a few holes but hey I'm super happy and uh this is probably the only race I'll do in the championship this year with aberstone being canceled um so yeah go to TKO in America and just do some race out there and then get ready for the Enduro Cross all right well congratulations a good come back to the outdoor and fifth place for you today Wade I mean to me the fact that you don't come from a trials background and can perform at this level here on the most technical art in general of them all incredible you're happy enough with that yeah look I had a lot of fun out there the beginning uh obviously everyone's about 10 so I had a bit of stones off the start but yeah got into Rhythm got going and struggled in some sections but overall it's uh it's an amazing race you know it's so much of adrenaline rush and pretty stoked with both obviously I would have liked to be on the podium like everyone else but yeah we'll take we'll take it and looking forward to the rest of the series you're in for the whole lot yeah for sure um Race by race and yeah just train and focus and uh enjoy the journey as well you've got a big fan in Coventry Daryl he's saying that you're the strongest Rider out there by far physically the fittest I mean that definitely goes into play today right yeah for sure now you need it through calls Donna but yeah just want to say how's the TV run in South Africa I know there's a lot of guys watching at home and uh thanks for the support um yeah we'll try again next year great to see you up there mate thanks very much cheers man back to Pat hey Rob wow uh so good to hear from Wade and uh it's good to know that he's kind of focused on just moving onward and forward as we take a look at Michael wachner the top sitting Austrian right now will end up in seventh place and I expect a little extra raucous Roar at the Finish Line as Austria's finest for Hard Enduro in Austria the 25 year old Michael wachner he'll work his way in yo what a great effort I mean he pushed really hard last year he blew out last year it looks like he's been able to Pace himself a little bit better today and I'm sure he'll be happy with the seventh here and just even with this finish too currently coming into this second event currently fifth and if I am standings so highly highly coveted points looking for that overall title at the culmination of six stops on the fim Hard Enduro World Championship tour and and macalusa finished sixth in the um the 2022 hot Enduro World Championship Series so that's nothing to be sneezed at you know he's he's in that conversation which is such a difficult place to be nowadays well he's one position down from last year he finished sixth here last year he got a fifth at romaniacs last year so um yeah I think he's more or less where he wants to be and just racking up those points it's a long season slowly inching his way up [Music] and as anticipated we watch these gaps going through as we go farther and deeper in the pack those bottlenecks a bottlenecks it just they add up and they just accrue so much more time for those that are a little deeper and you've got to be a guy like Graham Jarvis who was so aggressive in getting past all those guys I mean to make a pass here you know it's it's not hard you can't just pass anywhere um so some of those lines you would have had to take some sketchy lines to get up past some of the guys in front of him although we've seen Graham do it in sections through Carl's dinner that don't even make sense it's exactly what I'm talking about some good moves through uh through Carl's dinner yeah and that's where that broad Talent of Graham comes through that deep that skill that he's got is like none other [Music] so the big question I think with any errors Beard Road is how many people will actually finish thank you of course still under the 10 count [Music] well we should get a fairly decent finish right this year but there's not much left we've got 38 minutes left on the clock so Tick Tock that clock doesn't wait for anybody there it is Austrian Michael wachner across the finish line and there's his mom on the left-hand side his brother's here as well so they'll be super stoked with that finish [Applause] double Jordan I'm getting some [Music] good words of encouragement from event founder karaoke talk and a good perspective of The Iron Giant here going past lazy noon so we wake our make our way over pass Dynamite Carl's dinner and Verona we said the fastest competitor here this week 64 done on this course just working his way through Carl's dinner there he is Jen behind that rock with a Red Bull helmet on I mean what an effort you know you can see his head's back he's gutted yeah the body language tells the tale honestly for him to get this far I think is incredible you know I mean a world GP Enduro Champion to come this far on in the race in a hot Enduro races brutally he really did probably choose the hardest one of the lot and our own Allah caught up with Verona just moments ago so we're here with him you've made it to Carl's dinner it's your first time at erzberg did you expect to make it this far I pass in places that I never thought with a bike would be possible but yeah keep pushy now that you're in this section how tough is it really a lot I never done something like this well good luck on your the rest of the race not every day you get a take some time out and hear from them right in the middle that just shows you as uh another competitor Gomez comes across previous winner finding some challenges here today [Applause] and did the same as what I did yesterday because he's left his Peak so he did some flick flicking down one of the clubs but yeah super stoked without finish physically fatiguing technically tormenting course of heirsberg and I think Alfredo Gomez his face says it all Alfredo is definitely pushing for a higher finish than eight we know that um I spoke to him yesterday he was he was this Theodore kobachia coming in in Ninth Place [Music] the top 10 here already is a one pets oh it's a lot of excitement around Theodore and what he's been able to generate in this year's season as well as last really starting to get some momentum he's definitely going to be that name that we're going to be hearing more and more on the fim Hard Enduro World Championship tour he finished flipping the uh in last year season in the hot enjoyable championship and uh yeah he's got a good start he's also lying fourth after no where is he finishing off the extras extras so he was second at x-ras kibachi have just under the 10th 10th Place mark 326 on the clock so time ticking down four hours that is the allotment to make your way through such a brutal course looking back on machine checkpoint 11 of 27. so every Rock every moment every line add three and a half hours onto it just to get to this point trying to think of what the last time what last time you did anything for three and a half hours Daryl well every Saturday when I ride with my mates yeah we do this but not not quite like this yeah but I just love uh Andrea Barona you know he said Andrea he said I've never ridden a motorbike over stuff like this you could really you could really hear and it it just that's what's so great though the the what airsberg has become how it's attracting Riders from all different subsets and Specialties and it's taking those genres and it's really opening their eyes to the beauty that is Hard Enduro and that's uh Cody Webb not coming into the finish I'm not being here for a couple of years I don't know do you think cardi were happier I think he'll be happy just to see the Finish Line I think we know that Cody you know has so much so much skill so much ability and advice just discipline and determination all all the components needed to do well at this event and like we said he's he's found success here battled with the injuries but has done so much for the sport especially in North America he's got a two two-time Podium here he's got a second and a third and of course he comes from the Enduro Cross background and he was third in the 2023 World Super Enduro championship [Music] he's got two American trial titles as well such a such a talented Rider and all around NASCAR here his teammate um Cooper Abbott also riding we must have a lookout for him his dad is uh Destry Abbott who's uh yeah an Infamous racer in the US and Cody's dad also used to race so you know growing up as a kid obviously absolutely [Music] high fives for all my friends Cody coming in hot final checkpoint 27. just under the three and a half hour mark for American Cody Webb [Applause] and if you've got one of those flags to put in your garage then you know you've done okay deserves its place in the man cave not many often handed out every year is different and I think as we're starting to see some of the Dust settle here with just now 30 minutes to go with that four hour cutoff I think Carl event founder has to be happy with the challenge that he put before the sports top Riders right now when you look at oh look at that oh that's the snow bank we were looking for earlier yeah some of the challenges and this is on the far side shots from the helicopter just dealing just because another one of the challenges and this is actually we just did that that's triple triple black diamond yeah right there yeah and if you get a runaway you go straight into that stone wall over there if that was an East Coast snow run it'd be a Devil's Backbone right there for sure yeah white winter Heat but [Music] kind of uh [Music] very impressive so been a lot of conversation about just the depth of Talent on the junior side which brings us to our next Rider green yeah all the way from South Africa so all those guys sitting watching at home this one's for you wait a little show up wed young and very green I've done South Africa proud so everybody at home how's it guys thanks for watching some Road talent coming at you Maddie's been living in Italy for three years now and his level I've just seen it Grow from race to race currently leading the world Enduro championship and winning the 2022 series and it's such a solid harbinger of the strength the future of the sport when you see Talent at this age and it's just starting to Bubble Up yeah there's a big wave of Young Guns coming through and uh Clem are helping with the series and Paul Bolton as a mentor for a lot of these guys so it's really happy to see them on board and what they're doing for the juniors South African a well-deserved finish there for Maddie green getting the coveted checker flag and and I have to say this uh currently 30 riders in the junior World Championship so to take the win unbelievable so from the youngest to the oldest 48 years old I know we hammered home but it is truly Testament to the skill set the perseverance the determination of the Silent Assassin Graham Jarvis five airsburg Rodeo wins in his tool belt but still no stranger to find the ability to crack into the top ten be in the podium conversation came back from the second row double met his age plus four years make that sink in purpose he's been at it for quite some time Jarvis [Music] just incredible ability to work his way through and finding the finish line yet again for Jarvis right now let's check in with Rob Warner this area is the five-time winner as you said Graham we've just spoken I said you've got a great start off the second row a day but you told me that wasn't you it's your teammate right yeah teammate I'm happy for him but I was like in 10th or something like that I had a few stones to the face but that's kind of normal but uh yeah once I got going I just had to Pace myself just be patient just try and pass when I can stuck in the queue sometimes what can you do but that's what we're going to say because we know that you know there's Parts where you go so well through Carl's dinner but today it looked like you were a little bit unable to do that we just saw you sat still was it frustrated into those moments to be windy there's literally no route right yeah a little bit frustrating stuck in the queue but I was happy for a rest to be honest I was a little bit getting a bit tired I shouldn't be too hard on myself 48 years old sick place it's not a win but we're happy right you're double the age of the winner plus four years I just heard him say that you've got to be very happy 48 years old you know one more win would see you stand alone as the most successful erzberg Rider of all time you're in tally on five is it on the cars you're gonna keep coming back can you do it I'll keep coming back but you know them guys they're up in the level every year but you know it wasn't I can do better but whether it's I've got another win I don't know it might not get any easier but I'm gonna say that this is not this man's last Rodeo back to you Pat uh thank you Rob and if he ever wants to jump back in the booth we'll gladly take him uh one of my highlights for sure able to commentate with graham Jarvis but definitely prefer to see him right here in the saddle still putting uh putting down some solid Stellar performances from Graham Jarvis what a legend and back on course 335 on the clock and the struggle continues for so many of our competitors Carl's dinner still serving it up Carlton is hungry right now and it's eating those Riders up [Music] carlston is the most brutal that I've ever seen it so I think if you just managed to get this far or get out of Carlton and then you've already done well but we three hours 35 in I do love how Graham was uh very honest you know I actually was enjoying the queue yeah yeah I could I could rest and not look like I was resting also how patient he was there he wasn't like aggressively trying to smash his way past he was quite happy to just chill there and these guys are not going to finish we know that a long way to go they've still got murder X Highway and the forest Dynamite and lazy noon to go so it's just to see how far they can get down the checkpoints she uh Riders able to assist help each other this is the deceiving part maybe you can put it into words you know when you when you do get caught in these holes that's like he's rich now the swing arms wedge between two rocks and he's really struggling to get it out so you need to physically pick that back up two guys can pick it up and put it put it down this episode Oscar customers from Thailand actually saw him at the start of the product the other morning and he was the last guy to start on the front row that's got the name right bet I won't hold you to it that's slow everybody in Poland is thinking like what did he just say yeah that slow tedious technical approach there we go that's the um yeah telling you about and you can see just shaking it off that box probably jammed on the right hand side I think he's just given up he's just like and the other one the subframe is broken there see the Box obviously cartwheel so you won't be able to continue with that back the guy's picking their way through but I think some of them will just be an absolute shock at the at the brutality of this I mean the the halls in between the fact that people weren't able to pack rocks or the legend of Carl's dinner clearly continues it's you know it's establishing itself as that equalizer for so many of these competitors right now it's just wanting to get to the other side of it before that four four hour mark and you see how they bunted it off so so in the past it was like a straight line all the way along the top and back and now they've had to zigzag it all the way [Music] been looking for him he's an Australian number two he's next [Applause] and that is Colton hacker we've been looking for him too Colton qualifying one of the fastest I believe was fastest on the American side out of prologues that's willing picture now so he's also been racing a lot in the US to tell them to the youngster [Music] and he just won the opening round of the Australian super Enduro championship and he races in the US and the GNCC AMA hot Enduro Series so you were anticipating here in motor X Highway it was going to get a little greased out but yeah it looks like it's holding it didn't get maybe as much moisture being deep in the woods exactly I think I think a bit of Alana's form to there's two things that if there's an off-camber then it can wash away and be almost impossible to ride but if the guys managed to carve a Groove in it then it becomes easier to ride so it looks it looks pretty good right now so deceptively challenging it's uh Fabian pero from France [Applause] such a global Showcase of Hard Enduro Riders from around the world have so many countries represented France Spain Poland South Africa Austria Italy Germany the United States of America Canada [Applause] safe to say pretty popular Daryl yeah it's true the International race pets I think there's guys from uh from all over the world every every continent are represented here yeah and if we go back to we got to go back to Cyril Dupree French winner of airsberg rodeo where's that next coming that's a Cyril the prey won the race in 2002 and 2003 and I don't think we've had another way in a sense we're just waiting waiting for the next to give it another guy next year [Music] [Applause] there's Dita Rudolph also attempted earthquake many many times [Music] and it looks like he's almost out of uh he's out of butterick's Highway and he's in the last section uh going up towards killing him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] getting up close and personal some gritty coverage right there and nothing like Tristan hot said earlier there's a lot of matches that have been burnt and I think there's not many matches left not much fear left in the tank by the stage of the race I mean good job nothing out is that off camera after killing leap yourself sorry this is uh wow Buddha playground so her sure I think surprising a lot of fans out there it is playground after yeah so the exit Zone on a playground like he said that off camber Traverse yeah he's doing really well to get that far already so take a look so for her sure just under the 55 complete mark on course with about 15 minutes to go leave should be his based on where he was last year in approaching the snow here foreign last year so her sure no stranger to snow very fast like two skis but when it comes to two wheels whole different story here yeah yeah so so no strangers to snow let's see how he does here pets gonna opt for a dirt where he can I want to see if he yeah the ski technique that he uses to get done that's what I want to see two two-time gold medalist yeah from somebody that loves snow so much he's taking making a pretty good job of avoiding it into the snow Marcel hersher tapping into a little downhill approach you can see a little Super G oh and he's gone down it's a little loose on the bottom uh uh yeah I think it's a little bit different without skis though I have to be honest motorbike and rubber on snow doesn't quite behave the same just a tour de force when it comes to All Things ski and great to see his passion a zealot when it comes to Enduro it actually is really impressing me he did that really well well he's clearly not scared back into the dinner Carnage ensues I could just see a whole lot of suffering here and a lot of these guys that are so far into Carl's dinner when time runs out they're still going to get back out and it's not like you can just hop on the road from here we've got 16 minutes left and there's five possible writers I don't think we're going to see 20 finishes here today Pat not not a chance uh in terms of the rest of the pack and how many we've seen come through motor X Highway [Music] but it just speaks to the challenge of errorsberg year after year just humbles yeah he's also one of our Juniors Austrian writer the in the junior Championship and I think in the finish next we're going to expect probably Sonny grazia maybe alzawi Jack price Dan peace Mitch Bradmore so those are the next guys we can hopefully get um to the finish line but it's gonna be tight 15 minutes left and in fact are trouble too still stuck wedged in [Music] so that line looks pretty blocked up there I'm not sure what's going to happen there as you can see the Husky on the left there obviously uh taking some serious damage there with a broken subframe yeah so a few austrians Marcel hersher one of them still in the hunt looking for the Finish but the most successful Austrian Rider of the day no surprise Michael lochner 25 year old game six in the fim 2022 season foreign ER was in that top ten contention for that first half of the race and then things started to separate but a big finish for Michael walkner [Music] and right now let's hear from Michael walkner who's with Rob here he is so congratulations another top 10 finish how was that for you today Marco thank you very much yeah it was a tough day I started quite good so I had a good start was quite in the leading group but then in the in the forest after I think checkpoint five or six I did a big mistake I lost my front wheel and went down one on big step and I nearly couldn't make it up again so it was struggling quite a lot I saw all the guys passing me and I was losing so much so much time and also fighting I was also quite exhausted so it was so hard for me to go back on the bike and find a good rhythm again and then I caught up Rider by Rider again and now I'm more than happy to be in the finish and to be with the Seventh Place well yeah an incredible result for you and an incredible result for Austria as well I mean what what does this mean to the country to see you know Austria isn't really known for motorcycle trials or Hard Enduro until now but is it starting to take shape here yeah for sure it means quite a lot for for for our sport because this is the biggest event in the world and everybody comes here from America from all the countries they come here because they want to race here because it's yeah the biggest and hardest race in the world and and I am really really happy that we have it in Austria and yeah as an Austrian Rider all the the crowd is crying to you and knowing you so it's so cool and I'm so stuck to be here yeah it's absolutely amazing there is no location like this the Earth Burger the iron John it all fits and of course you're not the only well-known Austrian in the race today you know Marcel Herschel work well he's a two-time Olympic gold medalist in Alpine skin eight times a World Cup winner I've got to ask you why on Earth is he now addicted to the erzberg rodeo what's he doing here it could be in a ski resort what's that what's up with him yeah this guy is crazy he lost his spot and he was also doing some training with me and yeah and he says that he likes the spot he wants to go to Redwood let's go a good deal and that's crazy that a legend like Marcel here show is joining our sport so that's so cool and I'm really looking forward to see him again and yeah let's see which checkpoint he will achieve yeah it's incredible to see him apparently Arnold Schwarzenegger is having a go next year okay thank you very much back to you Pat thank you rob uh so incredible to hear you know he he definitely picks up on that that Hometown that Austrian push there is a definite difference when you enter the arena and you feel that Austrian love and pets I think Sunny Garcia has just made it into the arena now so hopefully we're going to get a shot of him there standing um under the Red Bull Arch on the Finish Line in the arena and just 10 just under 10 minutes left to go with the four hours of allotted time there so our Portuguese ride on the gas gas a few established sponsored pro riders still in the hunt to finish but the real story of any Red Bull Harrisburg Rodeo is the passion the amateurs the amateurs slogging it out even farther back on course [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Kevin Gates there looks like the matches are burnt gone so far he's just got killing leap but in 10 minutes yeah it's stretched too far he's not going to make the finish line yeah but still realizing smiles and all a little Grimace thrown in for good measure this point just about four hours on your bike the most challenging conditions one can muster up okay [Applause] so we made mention of it froze aside as we watch the rest of the field work their way through this event so much about the amateurs we were lucky enough to catch up with some of them earlier [Applause] I'm from Mongolia my name is turbot in Mongolia Motorsport not big sport but I are interesting at Hard Enduro and Enduros and this is my first Hardware World Championship race and it's really exciting my name is Ryan I'm from Japan I hear it's so different to Brazil the mountains the the terrain is different so we came to the Iron Giant Rebel at the rodeo to try and Conquer it so I'm here to do that I got to the end of course that I know last year and hopefully we try to get to the Finish and here because it's the biggest part in drawer in the world these huge mountains we don't really get too many of them in Australia I've never really ridden into mine the goal is to finish normally there's not many people that finish so goal is to be the first Australian to finish yeah I try to go to the first roll not possible but I am going the second row I I am feeling Mr Hayes it's possible I hope so that's right to finish this race is our biggest goal for me and I just wanted to trying to good position it's really big experience for me so many of the amateurs Rising Stars we talk about Reardon brightmore so hopeful what the future holds and down to the last just over six minutes to go before bet we've got 14 finish the sofa we've got sunny at gojias gone in we've got Dominic or zawi and we've got Jack Frost all in the arena at the moment so it'll be great to switch back to the arena just now and see them at the finish line but right now I mean the suffering continues it doesn't stop plantless five minutes left on the clock little over five minutes [Applause] how many are gonna make the Finish we're 14 at the moment [Applause] and that's always the sad part when you're watching that clock countdown and you've got like a minute to go and you see somebody coming down the the Sand Road well I think matches the birds this image says airsberg Rodeo all over it still trying Valentine rail from Germany East Rand in the town he's done no more matches left [Music] finishing his day 13th Place here at Red Ball airsburg Rodeo and the elite few it's a good mix 1500 starters you got 500 qualifiers and you've got less than 20 finishes year after year the hardest one day race in the world it's lived up to its name once again all right we're just back to motor X Highway you just jump back into the woods and you're reminded oh there's there's pains still being dealt out here from the Czech Republic [Applause] but a super good super great effort looks like Mario Ramen no it's not [Music] [Applause] so Carl handing out the coveted checker flag that's then peace yeah I mixed up my circles once again oh good the goodness could Mount twice today I'm not paying attention yeah second finisher from row number two so a huge huge Herculean effort on his part can uh join the ranks of Graham Jarvis and there's honor in that the fact that you left the second row along the likes of Graham Jarvis and made it to the Finish Line under that four hour mark [Music] [Applause] s yeah guaranteed we'll we'll be back to tackle Iron Giant again what a great effort coming here I mean almost making it out but said you're not going to make the Finish he's still got just too far to go this is where the face is the facial expressions at this point they become so much more communicative and they tell a story of just pain Conquest defeat Agony all the above wrapped into one and you know you don't have a truck or a watch and you normally side anywhere that you'll know that you asked is if you get your checkpoints and it's close and they simply not going to scan you and then so Jack Price 14th Austrian beer good on you Jack okay this is going to be our last finish and now with little minutes on the clock that last 27 checkpoint Mitch bruntmore brightmore so much excitement and hype about this young Rider one of the Rising Stars brightmore gives it one last rev Mitch brightmore finishing just under three hours 59 minutes tears of joy [Applause] told me about Mitch Bradmore and his brother Ash he says they are telling to be reckoned with and they are going to be the next uh Billy bolt in this in the scene and notable mention too the third Rider from the second row Mitch brightmore we got one last rider in the last minute of our four hour race [Music] either way getting a little no that's got to be our last finisher and there's will a what a great effort well of course he missed the checkpoint last year by a couple of minutes and this year he could proudly hold his head up high and say I've conquered the Iron Giant with 30 seconds to spare and the nine second Cal will wait five seconds to go four three two one zero and it's over waiting for the horns [Music] the ominous blast [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Red Bull Motorsports
Views: 791,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull motorsports, motorsports, motorsports videos, redbull, Red Bull Erzbergrodeo, Erzbergrodeo, Erzbergrodeo 2023, Erzbergrodeo Full Replay, Hard Enduro, FIM Hard Enduro World Championship
Id: x2aC85lKc8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 241min 27sec (14487 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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