r/EntitledPeople - SCAMMER Brags Online About His 'Hustle'...

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getting there guys it's your Z hubby Maki back at it again with another episode of our slash entitled people now I know you love this one and I know you hate Karen's so with that said tackle the like button like you would tackle the Karen and if you want to chuck an aussie flag chuck an American flag chuck whatever flag you went down to the comments with that said I want you to sit back relax prepare to yell at the absurdity of these situations and just have a good day enjoy the contents posted by user Connor tada titled guy steals money from me and boasts about it being a hard worker so this happened back in March for some context I'm a 19 year old 18 then female and I work at a job I absolutely hate though my work ethic won't allow me to half-asses in March I wanted to buy a piano for myself since my birthday was a month away I don't like spending my money all that often so I went to Facebook marketplace the best place to find something a little cheaper first mistake I found a cool cashier from her college students asked for shorts I spoke with him about buying the piano and delivery because I live quite a ways away the piano itself was 350 bucks spent I paid an additional 80 bucks for him going through the trouble of delivering it to me second mistake here's the lesson kiddos never send money through PayPal without it being through a market section after sending the money and then waiting until Thursday sitting in the park that we agreed to meet at for two hours and then driving around aimlessly while waiting for a reply from ass I'd been blocked so I was out four hundred and thirty dollars and have to continuously make it up at a job that causes me an abhorrent amount of stress for what I do and the police won't do anything due to everything that is going on and that's no fault of their own I tried to look for other means of contact so I could reason with him rather than immediately going to the police I wound up finding a lots but what struck me most was a post on his Instagram boasting about how hard he worked and that his boss gave him a piano the same piano that he was selling the reason I put this into our site entitled people is because people like this think they're entitled to your hard don't be stupid like me use your brain even if you're trusting I know that this has definitely shifted my faith in people people who do this are not hard workers they're crooks and cowards he mentioned money makes the world go round but that doesn't make you any less of an a-hole Jesus Christ that really is a despicable thing to do but don't understand why they paid for it before hands don't these transactions usually go cash in hand I don't understand people have seen so many examples of being script scammed by frauds these days why would you not just take cash and hence you can absolutely ensure that you're not being scammed you know it just takes the complete incentive away but I guess people learn from mistakes like this so we can't blame Opie entirely for this happening and I really hope that's they make that money back or can get some justice in this situation posted by user Conner tada he stole my money from me updated heller sir my previous purse was about how this guy on facebook marketplace stole four hundred and thirty dollars from me for a piano that i never got and then I saw him boasting about his hard work on Instagram but a Bing but a bum but there is an update my good lads a few days after this incident I had contacted his mother I told the tale of the thief that stole my wits and money I figured that this wouldn't work because people don't usually reply to messages from strangers however I received a message this morning from her we had a conversation and she was very formal and asked a lot of questions I provided proof to every question and for about an hour everything was silence and she said she would keep in touch I received all of my money back plus tax I could only assume that the guy who stole it was torn in fifteen pieces by his mum and by golly what a god mom's the best my case was very abnormal but let's take a moment to praise mrs. B thank you Miss B very cool I'm glad that Miss B was able to fix this situation for ope it's not every day it's obviously not every year either that we have situations like this get fixed and I'm very glad that Opie was able to get this way now fixed as well as it was get that man torn asunder fifteen pieces splay him across the room that's the comma that we deserve in this world also it's very rare to get an update post for art slash entitled people so this is a once-in-a-lifetime post isn't it posted by user cinnamon which are titled entitled art tries to get into the house gets denied gonna make this short because if I told all the details it would make three posts at least my grandmother broke her leg and for five years my mother cared for her everyday despite my grandmother treating her like crap mom has four other siblings one entitled aunt lived ten minutes from grandmother and refused to help because it was just too far to drive etc entitled aunty was constantly taking money from grandmother and when mum would call her on her crap she'd get mad and leave well auntie decided to move out of states and didn't tell anyone she was going which brought grandma's Heights because entitled auntie was her favorites so entitled auntie makes no effort to call check up anything on grandmother and when grandma gets put in hospice actually says my granddaughter isn't getting married third time so I'll see mom then said granddaughter wasn't getting married for a month anyway grandma holds on aunt keeps calling other aunt and uncle never mum and asking for updates and when they don't have any she tells other aunts okay you need to tell me when she's close because we need to go through the house and really searched because I know there's money in that house this gets relayed to my up mother through non entitled aunts so when grandma actually died we weren't expecting her to show up guess what she was on her way ASAP so aunt is hauling ass to the house because we all know entitled ours is on it way entitled aunt gets there with entitled cousin and I very politely greet them and inform them that entitled aunt can not come into the house this starts a massive fights because cousin is the type to a blow crap out of proportion and be literally push our way into the house like what we say means nothing I shut her down right there preparing to be attacked mom eventually comes out and it continues the fight where aren't is screaming why can't I come in mom yells back because you didn't give a crap about mum when she was alive so you sure as hell don't get to come around now that she's dead aunts calls me scum tells mum she raised scum and cousin gets back into the car threatening me by saying when other aunt arrives she will let them in newsflash she didn't they called uncle he told them he didn't give a crap and hung up on them so now cousin is threatening to call a lawyer and have us sued for what she claims is her mother's rightful inheritance which she was given but threw back at me like a little brats didn't hurt much she was only five bucks Jesus Christ the pettiness on some people in these situations Hey five bucks whoa-ho that's all she got inherited from the mum she deserves half of that for not being present when her mum was still alive how I've seen situations like this throughout my own life where families will fight over the stupidest of things and it is honestly scary how much people turn when money gets involved in these scenarios so I really feel for Opie in this situation they didn't deserve to have crazy come at them like this posted by user sad cosplayers titles entitled neighbor expects us to pay 800 pounds vent bill after a Straley feed and her cats got into a fight we've been feeding a random stray cat for the last 10 years however it never enters our home and we believe that it may have been abandoned by a previous owner today a neighbor came to our door and said that our cat scratched up their cat and that we have to pay them 800 pound for the vet bill we tell her that it's a stray and she says that she saw it enter our home however it only goes onto the patio so she is incorrect then after we say this she says that she saw it go inside our house which we once again deny we me and my dad are pretty frustrated by this points we're currently trying to renovate our home so we don't to have 800 pounds to spend on a vet bill which we are not responsible for this woman continues rambling on about how her cat is purebred and expensive and whatever and we tell her that if she doesn't want it getting into fights then she should try to keep it inside the house as it is natural for cats to fight for territory after a bit more back and forth she leaves after saying that she will mail the bill to us which causes my dad to tell her that he will not pay for its updates my dad contacted a lawyer who said that she has no right to force the charges onto us as the cat is not legally ours also I just found out that the woman also said that she has a friend who is our neighbor from behind our garden who has a camera recording us we are an immigrant family and moved the UK 20 years ago which is illegal we did not give permission for the camera to be placed there I will update if anything else happens updates apparently the cat that had our neighbor's cat isn't actually a different cat my take on this is if it's a purebred and expensive cat like she's saying why is it not being kept inside the house if you don't want it getting in fights don't even run the risk of having it outside why are they being filmed in their own backyard when they've been living in the UK for 20 years how racist can some people be also with people like this you've got to start recording every instance of communication or anything you have with them because who knows what they're going to turn on you who knows if they're going to be violence people are unpredictable and scary screw that person and isn't it great that they are the immigrant family is the one that gets turned on with the cat being theirs when it wasn't even the stray cat in the end of this story really makes you think doesn't it really activates those almonds posted by user har called Canada titled give me a chunk of your daughter's hair look I know the title sounds crazy and fake but my mum says the story really happened and I trust her plus I remember bits of this encounter I've been to Florida many many times so I have a lot of stories this took place when I was 3 and at the time I had very curly and very very red hair now that it is very long it's not curly but more wavy I've gotten many compliments about my hair but this is the craziest story that I have keep in mind that my hair color cannot be matched and if you want to dye your hair the same as mine it's not possible I don't understand where a claim like that comes from but go off sis we were at Disney World and my aunt's baby cousin and older sister and my mum went to the bathroom my mum was fixing my hair as it was all over the place from the humidity when she felt a tap on her shoulder she turned around to see Karen and her daughter around the same age as me Karen's like Heller I couldn't help but notice your daughter's hair and how pretty it is yes it's very pretty I was wondering if I could have a few strands of it so I can die at the same color hmm I would prefer not to and you can't match this hair color anyways oh no don't worry it shouldn't be too hard and they only want a little bits she sounds like a Disney villain no you can't I'm sorry by now everyone had finished in the washroom and were ready to leave as we were about to leave Karen grabbed my hand yes she actually grabbed my hand and began to reach for my hair by now the daughter had ran out of the bathroom I believe to go find her dad I think because she didn't like the situation my mom went into a full mother bear mode and swiped her hand away from me and told my older sister to go with auntie and baby cousin to wait outside according to my mom she proceeded to yell at Karen for touching me and that even if she has allowed her to take a chunk of my hair but there was no scissors allowed in Disney World the Karen told my mum that she would have just pulled a few hairs since she was sure that I wouldn't mind my mom was dumbfounded and decided that she wasn't worth all of this drama I'm sorry if it's not some huge drama filled story but it's pretty funny how stupid Karen's can be people will think that this story is fake but um it's another part of people fetishizing others for being different and that's another disgusting piece of society I guess don't condone that person's actions at all I think it's completely disgusting you don't assault a child and rip out strands of hair [ __ ] just because you want to match a color like my god as people in Florida that detached from reality I'm not saying all four idioms are the same these Karen's are how do you sleep at night attacking a child like that my golly gosh posted by user Urania 615 titled seven bucks for a sandwich I want to see a manager it finally happens I witnessed my first Karen boyfriend 30 male and i 27 female went to the local mini mart to get some pizza dough thankfully there's not much of a line so get on and wait our turn suddenly we see and hear this lady henceforth known as Karen unfortunately does not have the haircuts go off on this poor cashier go complaining about the sandwich from the deli I'm guessing she didn't know the price until it was rung up because we suddenly hear $7 are you kidding my boyfriend and I look at each other like oh god I want to see the manager this is ridiculous the cashier goes and comes backs with the manager within two seconds it's a small store I got to give credits this guy doesn't back down karen is complaining about the price of the sandwich and manager is explaining that the weight of meat in the sandwich equals to the price she is not having it Karen says I can get it for much cheaper at the deli down the street in my head I'm like then why are you here I'm still gonna buy it but just to look at it there isn't much meat I'm sorry you don't like our prices Karen but that's how much it is with the weight of the meat cheese and spread but that's far too high let me show you the sandwich miss if you open the container you have to buy it I'll still pay for it but I'm never coming here again lady proceeds to open the container and show him the contents of the sandwich there's plenty of meat and cheese but not worth seven dollars I don't make the prices I'm sorry miss manager rolls his eyes and leaves this lady is now parading this cashier who has nothing to do with the pricing my first job when I was 17 was a cashier for a supermarket so I immediately empathized with this girl there is so much you want to say but can't because you have to keep that customer service smile in order to get that paycheck the other cashier calls for me and boyfriend to ring us up then I hear this ridiculousness what happened to the people who used to own this place they never would have priced it like this I'm not sure I was hired after the new ownership took over even sir they no longer earned this store I'm gonna make a complaint this is ridiculous seven bucks for a tiny sandwich okay sir I've been to this store many many times the sandwiches are not big but there's a decent amount of meat in there and it depends on said and it depends on what kind of sandwich you get at this point I've had enough answer has boyfriend's we don't want to make a scene and I'm not very good with confrontation boyfriend and I pay the exit is right where Karen in the cashier ah we get to the exit and just before we leave I shout bye Karen Karen turns her head up to look at me with bewildered eyes I walk off boyfriend looks at this lady with an annoyed and disapproving look it may have been a bit cowardly but I'm still kind of proud of it especially when I heard one of the cashiers let out a laugh boyfriend and I laugh all the way back to the car I don't know what happened after we left but from the look at that lady's face I think she realized just how she looked not very dramatic no cops no racist rants just an entitled lady complaining about a sandwich oh and boyfriend and I made an awesome pizza if you want cheap food make it yourself you're in a supermarkets surrounded by cheap products what are you doing buying a sandwich in there you stupid Karen go home and make your own sandwich if you wanted that badly why go off at people like are you that bored are you that sad of an individual that you need to yell at people whose responsibility it is not to make a sandwich are they really reaching that hard at straws my god what has the world become I am cringing on the inside for this woman posted by user two teacups titles entitled old woman wants me to give her my seats I'm on crutches a little bit of backstory two weeks ago I 18 female fell down the stairs in my house and broke my ankle owl and a couple of bones in my foot my foot rolled off one stair and landed on the next at a 90-degree angle and then managed to get caught in the banister are coupled aah ow a topple tumbles later all this to say it was very broken I've been on crutches and my foot slash ankle is in a huge neon green cast since then I was on the train coming back from a doctor's appointment unrelated to the foots my mom dropped me off on her way to work but obviously wasn't able to drive me back home the bus I take after the train stops half a block from my house so I'm able to make it home pretty easily it was about 4:30 p.m. on a Tuesday so the train has no empty seats a kind stranger KSR had given me the seat closest to the train doors these seats are typically reserved for the disabled pregnant or elderly and I think me and my leg fit into that category they have a little sticker above them that shows a pregnant woman an elderly person and someone missing a leg this will be relevant later the train stopped at the busiest stop on our line the dreaded mall stop it's one stop before my station a couple people clear out a bunch more push on enter entitled old lady she's 78 and I know that because she yells it a little while later no obvious mobility issues for context the doors opened on the left side of the train I was sitting on the right side she power walks over to me ignoring the priority seating on the left side and says I need that seat I'm an elderly citizen I say oh I'm sorry ma'am I'm actually on crutches and can't properly stand on the train my crutches are stood in between my legs so there's no way she didn't see them it doesn't matter these seats are for the elderly disabled and pregnant you're injured not disabled so you need to give the seat to me I'm sorry if I broke my freaking legs am I not disabled for a while stupid stupid at this point the Train starts up does a little jolts which she manages just fine the KS from earlier who has a new seat about five seats down from me says ma'am she needs that seat can't you see the crutches in cost you can have my seats no no no no that's fine this girl is a child and does not need this seat she can take yours the trains moving so I won't be able to safely get down there plus it's too far from the doors so I won't be able to get up and out when my station comes I don't want to miss my stop I'm 78 you're a child the sign clearly doesn't show kids on crutches it shows old women I need that seat at this point people all around you're listening in and offering their seats the person to seats down gets up and walks away old lady keeps yelling that I don't respect my elders and need to move she moves to grab at my crutches but is pulled back by KS who was now standing between me and old lady old lady is now yelling at KS for grabbing her the person from two seats down has come back with a transit officer who was checking tickets on the opposite side of the train car oh thank god officer thank God this child refuses to give up her seat for me and this man just grabbed me and pushed me across the train man this young lady clearly needs the seat more than you because you've been standing and yelling for two minutes now I saw you go to grab it her crutches and KS was simply protecting the young woman I'm gonna have to ask you to leave at the next stop if you continue harassing them older lady dejectedly walks down from the opposite side of the train and death glares everyone else after another minutes the train stops at my station I asked the ticket guy if I could leave and he helped me off the train I thanked ticket guy KS and the woman who went to get t/o anti-climactic ending but oh well I very obviously had the crutches and was wearing a knee-length dress so the neon green cast was very visible I don't get why someone that age does not have the foresight and the years behind them to be like whoa I've seen situations that are messed up like this I'm old enough I can do what you know I can be the bigger person here why does your age and ego have to just way over this woman who's in a cast it's obvious that she can't move why are you being such an a-hole in this situation old lady I would feel bad if this old lady just started beating up that person the crutches like you know it happens it does happen people lose their tempers or they have mental illnesses you never know lady was lucky she didn't get her foot kicked posted by user sword taster titled Karen tries to police the Internet this is indeed as weird as it sounds apparently I'm not allowed to have an opinion two days ago second of June I received in the post mail to the Americans out there a letter from my work a letter with a first-class stamp a letter that had the words private and confidential written upon it one does not receive such letters from where I work unless you have done something either very very right or very very wrong as far as I'm aware I had done neither so I was unsure - what I heard the privilege of receiving such correspondence I opened the letter to try and discern its purpose and what I done to receive it it was a letter telling me I had a disciplinary hearing today fourth of June due to a social media comments what the heck they wall they merged an exclamation in a question I've never seen that I hadn't mentioned anything about my job in literal months before Christmas I think and they didn't specify in the letter what it was that I said so I had to wait I get anxiety bed and I have a heart condition I got to deal with not eating properly and chest pains for two whole days from the stress of this letter and since I lived with my mother she also knew I was allowed to bring her to the meeting with me - but she's as anxious as me so she barely slept since the letter arrived today at 10 a.m. is when the meeting room place took place I imagine that supposed to be we started work at 4 a.m. so I had to survive six hours at work with the chest pains and the not knowing I got there in my manager was absolutely lovely the comment that got me dragged into the office I stated that I find a rainbow shirt designed by Harvey Price disgraced glamour model Katie Price's disabled son is hideous and some [ __ ] took offense to this this entitled patty cow decided to find my profile check my place of work and to make a complaint to head office in an attempt to get me fired because I hold a different opinion to her I'm sorry for not bowing and scraping at the feet of Harvey price but I'm not going to call his design beautiful just because he's disabled my manager basically laughed told me to take my workplace off my profile and said the words to the effect of had she complains in our branch instead of to head office she'd have been laughed out of the building fudging Karen what is it with canceled culture I can understand where people are coming from when people say disgraceful things online but when it's something with a small opinion that you don't agree with ooh I don't like that to me that looks ugly but I don't like their work I don't like this shirts what's wrong with having an opinion why do people feel so enraged and entitled they're like gonna go after this person sponsors gonna go after this person's entire income shut their life down because I don't agree with this one thing they did but hey they you know they did some good stuff on the side but they made one mistake and shut them down stupid cancel culture I hope I sincerely hope that we can put an end to that and give criminal convictions against these people that make false reports and allegations I'm serious that's the only way we shut this down I believe that a level of entitlement has been allowed to go on for too long and I think they're not entitled to strike people like that tell me what you guys think I'm gonna put you guys two out Rumaki now g'day there guys outro marquee here just wanted to say thank you so much for watching today's episode I hope you really enjoyed it I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it now with that said we have some special mentions everyone that's signed up for my patreon everyone that's a channel member you guys all know who you are I'm gonna start putting you on screen in the near future sorry I'm very lazy but I do love each and every one you and you all know that if you want to join there is links down in the description below if you want to be a channel member there's a join button next to subscribe it helps me out immensely also I have a second channel that does memes it's called marquee too it should be on screen here now if you like memes and you want to laugh with me it's some not so politically correct content all the time hope you enjoy it click on the screen subscribe and enjoy the memes that's all I have for today and I'll see in the next episode bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 14,624
Rating: 4.9370461 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledpeople, r/entitled people, entitledpeople, entitled people, entitled, people, entitledpeople markee, markee, markee entitledpeople, reddit, r/entitled
Id: whzOYJfToWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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