Trump gives exclusive reaction to Biden's 'weak' performance on the world stage

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it's all coming in i think the people understand it i think that in many ways we're stronger now than ever before they understand the deception and the the horror that these people put this country through it's really very sad actually let me go into this double standard issue that i've been discussing here and and that is you we went through three years as a country and i covered it almost every night every major newspaper two cable networks that are nothing but democratic propaganda abc nbc cbs they all got it wrong about trump russia collusion but now we know the truth we know that hillary clinton paid for the dirty russian misinformation dossier that even christopher steele doesn't stand by and the sub source doesn't stand by that dossier she paid for was then used to spy on you as a candidate and a fisa court was lied to and then it was used again to spy on you as in your transition phase and then as a president and we also know that money from russia made it to a prominent political family in america that would be hunter biden's family that would be joe's son now again i ask you that that wasn't the coverage for three years while you were in office actually four if you want to include ukraine um what do you make of the double standard some people even get pulitzers over such phony coverage well they did get pulitzers and it turned out to be they got pulitzers for absolutely incorrect and opposite reporting it was horrible reporting and uh there are many people that should have gotten pulitzers where they had it right but they were not considered and it's a disgrace i think pulitzer is another one that's been disgraced by this whole last four and a half year period five year period but literally from the day of that wonderful ride down the escalator from that moment on uh investigation after investigation and the people that were guilty uh they they just float right through how it wasn't done doj didn't do anything about it i guess they felt they want to be soft this group doesn't feel that way but you know what i left that up to doj i left that up to the people running doj and i wasn't involved i would say that probably maybe less involved than i should have been maybe i should have been forcing it but a lot of very guilty people were uh not in any way prosecuted and i'm talking about very very serious things if you look at comey and mccabe and the two lovers and all of the things that went on and they weren't prosecuted if you read the horowitz report and of course everyone's still waiting for durham what happened to durham how is that allowed to go into another administration by the way is he in the witness protection program i'd like to know where he is too is he in the witness protection program he disappeared and there was so but you didn't even have to go into durham you could have just taken the horowitz report and i have a lot of respect for mr horowitz the ig and he wrote a report that was devastating to comey and devastating to mccabe and they didn't do anything with it it's incredible actually incredible very sad they're very sad for the country but you know i guess they felt they shouldn't and yet this administration feels the exact opposite if people don't do anything wrong they want to go after them big difference and it's uh you know it's a it's a tough standard but hopefully you have an attorney general now that will be uh it will be fair but i will say that the people running uh the justice but and the people in it don't forget you have tens of thousands of people and they were put there by uh by obama they were put there by everybody they were put there by a lot of people that came including clinton but they were also put there by bush and uh you know you see what goes on with that whole group so you have a lot of people put in there by bush and clinton you put there by obama and uh then you put some in yourself and you can't do anything about it i guess i don't know but i think that they were very very soft and maybe rightfully so but they were very very soft and uh probably they wanted to be very fair but a lot of people don't look at it that way it's it's a shame there was such guilt and such a horrible thing happened they were spying on my campaign you know if you think about it all the way back almost at the beginning when i when i made a statement that my campaign was spied on it was one of the biggest moments it was nobody could believe it then it turned out that i wish it was more than spied on much worse than being spied on but they didn't do anything about it and uh to me that's a terrible thing for our country i don't see that biden got anything from putin and i can't believe that american energy workers were were with a stroke of a pen lost their high paying career jobs for the same exact thing the waiver that that that biden gave on nordstrom i can't believe it let me ask you this if you were still president would you have given that waiver and secondly what would you be doing about the cyber attacks that are ongoing colonial pipeline the attacks on our meat industry how would you be handling that with putin well in the waiver nobody really understands that i was the one that stopped it i stopped it from being built and i went to germany and i said listen we protect you with nato at a very low cost and they're very delinquent you know they're only paying half of what they're supposed to be paying and what they're supposed to be paying is very low two percent and they're paying half and so we protect you we have 52 000 soldiers over there which is like a major major city frankly they make a fortune with us and then they go and they pay russia billions and billions of dollars for energy so i said so let's get this straight to angela i said we protect you and the people that we protect you from the country you're paying billions of dollars how does that work and there are others so i got nato to pay 430 billion dollars more than they were paying because the united states was paying for almost all of it i mean think of it we pay for their protection and they excuse the word they screw us on trade that's the only word that's really descriptive enough because they are in many ways worse than china or as bad as china on trade how many chevrolets are being sold in berlin not too many how many chevrolets are being sold in paris not too many maybe none and yet we sell their products their wines and their cars and their mercedes and their bmws and everything else we sell it all over our country and all of that was stopping we were ready to go and then we got hit by the pandemic and nobody did as good a job with the pandemic as we did and that's why we're leading the world in terms of coming back and that was all set long before biden came in including the fact that we came up with vaccines in less than nine months when a lot of people everybody said it was going to take three to five years and you probably wouldn't be successful and if we weren't successful sean i'll tell you this you would have another 1917 tragedy where almost 100 million people died but we were successful so it was a great thing let me ask you in your summits and in your conversations with putin while president um what did you learn about him have you spoken to him since you left office and was it a mistake for biden not to hold that joint press conference with putin i got along really well with him nobody was tougher in russia he would say that but nobody would was tougher in russia you never heard of nordstrom you never heard of all of the things that we did with in terms of sanctions so many sanctions and i would i was loving the idea of taking them off i would have loved to have taken them off as soon as they got their act together i think we had you know a great shot at having an unbelievable relationship with russia it could have been fantastic it could have been really beneficial to both countries you know they need economics and we need things that they have where they have very valuable land in terms of mineral rights and many other things and a lot of good things could have happened i had a very good relationship with putin but nobody treated him tougher he understands nobody ever heard of the pipeline until i got involved and i said wait a minute the pipeline's going to germany and all over europe what's going on why are we protecting you people you know again and i just it was just unbelievable i got so much for that and to give up the stoppage i mean we i stopped it and to give it up and then if you you see what they did and the number is really forty eight 000 not 8 000. but you see what they did with the keystone xl pipeline where they stopped it almost on the first day and that was never mentioned during the debate i kept saying you know you're not going to be energy independent you're not going to do for pennsylvania for texas for all of these places where we're doing so well with energy we're not going to be energy independent in two months from now they're making windmills all over the place to ruin our land and kill our birds to kill everything we're not going to be and they're very intermittent as you learn from watching over the last four months it's intermittent energy it's not good it's not going to power our great factories and it's the real what did you make yeah there was a question of what there was a question of whether ukraine would join nato and biden's answer is they have to clean up corruption and okay so they can't join nato because they got to clean up corruption but his son made a fortune and he leveraged a billion dollars and bragged about it of u.s tax dollars and this is a big issue to you because you went over an impeachment over this leveraged a billion dollars to get a prosecutor in ukraine fired he's got six hours to do it and son of a b they did it now i'm just imagining if they're too corrupt to join nato how come it's okay then for hunter to make all that money when he admitted on good morning america he had no experience in energy gas uh ukraine and got millions of dollars what if your sons got millions of dollars for that with no experience well when he said that i was very surprised that he said it because he said basically ukraine is corrupt and that was the whole purpose of what was going on and frankly we had an obligation even a legal obligation and we have an agreement signed with ukraine and that agreement says you got to be honest you got to run a straight country and they don't do that and when i saw that slap and i was surprised because i guess you hear different numbers but it's 183 000 a month for his son to consult on energy from an energy company in ukraine to consult on energy but he admits that he knows nothing about energy the whole thing is just terrible the money from russia three and a half million dollars from the wife of the mayor of moscow the former mayor of moscow we no longer have a fair and free press whether you like it or not and i hate to say it to you because you're a big believer in the press despite what you go through but we no longer have a free and fair press i i said in 2007 sir i didn't i wish i came up with fake news but i did say journalism in america is dead and i don't think i was wrong i think i probably understated it let me ask this um because two weeks last week joe biden said to our military that global warming was the biggest threat they faced the week before he had said white supremacy is the biggest threat to america um i don't know i think china russia north korea the iranian muellers might be bigger threats radical islamic terrorism what's your reaction to that answer well he said that the military told him and the generals that which was i can't believe that but uh maybe but they shouldn't be working as generals any longer that uh global warming is the our biggest threat now when you look at china and you look at the military apparatus which i was really doing a big job on i have a very good relationship there too it was a fantastic relationship until kovit where the china virus came in and after that you know we made a great trade deal where the farmers of this country and the manufacturers are doing fantastically because of that trade your farmers are doing better than they've ever done now and that's because of what i did not because of what these guys did and we did a fantastic thing but when you look at it and when you look at what happened sean and you you see that horrible that horrible thing that came at us from china and came at us from the wuhan the wuhan lab it changed my whole line of thinking and and you just i i really hope and i believe it was an accident it was incompetence i guess some people don't necessarily agree with that they think maybe there was purpose to it which would be uh absolutely terrible but we have to find out more about it why did it happen how did it happen how could anybody be so incompetent and that is not a group of incompetent people so president can i add one thing here i believe it i believe it was a terrible accident but i believe it came from the lab and why would you think it's an accident we all we we knew there was actually video out now of bats in the wuhan virology lab we knew that they studied coronaviruses and we now know from the emails from the great dr fauci flip-flopper that that gain of function research was being done there so it seems like the most logical conclusion the only question is is there a possibility that u.s tax dollars help pay for the gain of function leading to covert 19. well we ended that john and when we heard about it i ended that but that started in 2014 under obama and when i heard about it we ended it very rapidly i said can you imagine and it wasn't even wuhan it was just that we were paying china on top of everything else we're now paying for their research and other things ridiculous so we ended that as soon as we heard about it and we did a lot of things against china not that i want to be against china because i had a great relationship with president xi a lot of respect for him but uh i banned china from coming into the country very early before anybody fauci nancy pelosi was dancing in the streets of china francisco and they were all saying what i did was xenophobic and horrible and racist and then they said four months later i saved thousands and thousands of lives but i banned china from coming in and it's lucky i did and then i banned europe from coming in because you saw what was happening especially in certain countries in europe and i banned europe from coming in and everybody said that was terrible but we saved tens of thousands of lives and now we have to get back and the schools have to get open and frankly uh we're lucky we have the vaccine but the vaccine on very young people is something that you gotta really stop you have to get back to running your country i mean i don't see reasons and i am a big believer in what we did with the vex it's incredible what we did you see the results but to have every school child where it's 99.99 they just don't you know they're just not affected or affected badly having to receive a vaccine i think is something that you should start thinking about because i think it's unnecessary you want china to pay 10 trillion dollars don't you well the number is much higher than that but there's only so much they can pay and that's to us and the world is the number is bigger throughout the world look countries have been destroyed over what they did and whether by accident or not and i would hope that it was accident i hope that it was through incompetence or an accident but when you look whether it was by an accident whether it was whatever it is this you look at these countries they'll never ever be the same our country was hit so hard but other countries were hit much harder look at what's going on in india now you know they used to say oh look how well india is doing because they're always looking for an excuse look how well india's doing the fact is that india has just been devastated now and virtually every country has been devastated no i think i think that's one of the reasons that i feel it's very important to find out where it came from how it came i think i know i mean i feel certain about it but certainly china should help right now their economy and our economy are the two economies that come that are coming back the fastest i mean if you think about it uh in certain ways maybe they were they benefited very greatly i mean very very greatly and i can tell you they benefited with the us because we were in a process of doing things where we caught up to china at a level that nobody thought was possible and once the china virus came in we had to take a very different look you know the world changed the whole world changed you didn't think about the economics you think you thought about saving people and saving lives so the world changed it was a different whole different ballgame we did we did the great trade deal a big piece of it but we did the great trade deal and it helped a lot of people manufacturers and farmers in particular but but you know after after that horrible disease floated in from china however it came in and it came in through numerous ways once that disease came in from china i had a whole different attitude it was a terrible thing let me ask you about let me go back to the campaign and i'm going to play a tape for you here um i've compared joe biden i've shown video of him from 2012 2016. he i called you know he lived in his basement bunker throughout most of the campaign in 2020 i i used to argue he was in the big tech media mob protection program and they let him hide and get away without answering many questions did the bare minimum of anybody campaigning and i have a highlight reel that i put together but i'm i'm saving that for another day but this happened at the g7 joe's had a lot of these um cognitive misfires let's call it that and this is the one that he had because he had called putin a killer then he was asked about it he didn't want to give that answer because he's about to meet with putin and your reaction to joe and and do you think he's up to the job physically mentally let me play this vladimir putin laughed at the suggestion that you had called him a killer is that still your belief sir that he is a killer [Laughter] answer the first question i'm laughing too they actually uh well look i mean he has made clear that uh the answer is i believe he is in the past essentially acknowledged that he was uh there are certain things that he would do or did do you know i do make fun of it but in all seriousness mr president that scares the hell out of me have you noticed the same well maybe the only time i've ever disagreed with you is about the age because i guess joe is going on to be 79 fairly soon and that's not old relatively speaking i know bernie marcus a great gentleman founder of home depot oh bernie sanders 100 i spoke to him he's a hundred percent and other people are in their 90s and 80s and they're doing great so you know his age is not the problem and look i hope he has no problems i want him to do well i want him to go out and do well i think the election was unbelievably unfair but i want this guy to go out and do well for our country i don't want to see a scene like that i watched that yesterday i thought it was terrible it was terrible nobody knew what was happening let me move on to the economy we now have inflation we now have jobs that people aren't taking and businesses now are are turning down the federal government's extended unemployment uh benefits uh the price of lumber through the roof the price of gasoline up an average a dollar ten per gallon the price to heat and cool your home is up the price of meat is skyrocketing lumber skyrocketing every item that you buy in any store that is delivered by a truck you are paying a lot more for and i'm looking at it and and we're getting rid of energy independence which you gave us as president for the first time in 75 years what is your take on the state of the economy and the impact the current border crisis has on it and i want i'll do a follow-up on that so the lumber is really a function of supply and demand we have so much but they're putting environmental restrictions on trees now that are so bad and we're trying to make deals with canada i can tell you from personal experience canada is very very tough canada is uh as tough as anybody they they it's very unfair the way canada treats us and i had it down to a science it was so good it was so we were doing so well everything was coming down we signed the usmca mexico canada but we were not being taken advantage of anymore and i was going to tariff the hell out of their cars coming into the united states if they did and they knew it and as soon as i left they started playing games and now you look at lumber prices because we get a lot from canada and you look at what's going on with milk and the fact that they don't take us but we take them so many things they did the farmer that i straightened out and now it's going back to worse than it was because there's nobody there complaining about it you know canada treats this country very very badly so does europe by the way and china you know about but as i say in many ways europe treats us just as badly as china let me let me ask this question and i want to ask it and i'll ask you about 2022 and 2024 in a minute it seems to me that conservatism and i remember i know maybe you do or you don't when you were thinking about running for president times that i'd interview you and private conversations we'd have at the time i explained what i believed in i really haven't changed much i believe in liberty freedom capitalism our constitution low taxes less government interference bureaucracy a constitutionalist on the bench school choice law and order safety and security so people can pursue happiness free market solutions for health care including protecting pre-existing conditions i want secure borders uh i absolutely positively want energy independence for a lot of reasons and free and fair trade and peace through strength that pretty much sums up sean hannity's philosophy it was talk that you are considering maybe laying out the trump america first make america great again agenda how close is my lifelong hell beliefs to what you would put on paper if you ever considered it and are you considering it well i am and frankly if you think of it that's what i've been doing and talking about for a long time hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: biden G-7, biden performance, biden world stage, donald trump joe biden, trump biden, donald trump hannity, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news hannity, fox news hannity exclusive, fox news hannity interview, fox news hannity trump interview, fox news media, hannity, hannity exclusive, hannity exclusive interview, hannity tonight, hannity trump, hannity trump exclusive, president trump interview, sean hannity, sean hannity donald trump, trump, trump interview
Id: m7ZYy7XxFB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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