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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled mom betrays the whole family and ruins my dad financially well where do i start i can't really complain about my childhood but behind the facade some things went wrong there were some money and trust incidents that have caused me not to keep in touch with my mother for 12 years context my father always went to work while my mother raised me and my two younger siblings my father was a simple construction worker and has always worked hard for his money we're talking about herniated discs and artros hard my father officially earned 30 000 a year after taxes and insurance unofficially probably a little more my grandfather had a small construction company 20 employees and a large house with generous property which my parents inherited the house was worth about 350 000 at that time fully paid off the story when i was about 12 years old my grandfather had already passed away we had to sell the house no one could tell us kids why we probably would not have understood it anyways we moved into a small house for rent and took a vacation which costs a fraction of the house worth that's what we thought at least but as it turned out the holiday costs were all that was left from selling the house of course we liked the holiday very much and we wanted to go there again next year my father said that was no problem and started to save for the holiday the next year day of the flight luggage packed flight tickets and an envelope on the table we thought my mother gone my father visibly nervous because my mother isn't there the flight leaves without us my father opens the envelope inside a letter my mom's handwriting hey listen up we weren't able to pay for the holiday and i am leaving you we were devastated a few weeks passed my parents somehow got back together again everything seemed to become normal again my father was mistrustful open a savings account without my mother's knowledge my siblings and i wanted a game console the decision was between n64 and sega dreamcast because the games were cheaper we opted for the dreamcast my father took us to the flea market so we could sell all our toys to earn money for the dreamcast we owned it for about six months until it disappeared in a mystical way a few years later after my confirmation age of 13 or 14. to my confirmation i got about 500 euro it was not much but enough to buy me a shirt that i wanted unconditionally a nokia 3310 and there were still about 350 euro left i keep these in my room one day i forgot my mobile phone at home when i came home i couldn't find it anymore it has disappeared until today at the time the nintendo gamecube was released i wanted to buy it with my money so i went to my hiding place empty i asked my siblings if they had taken it they would never do such a thing but i asked anyway they didn't have it of course but they didn't make any purchases that could have been made with that money so i asked my parents my father was completely astonished my mother was very angry the money has not reappeared until today i started delivering newspapers to earn money for gamecube some years later i'm in the age of 16 now we move again this time an even smaller flight life is ok ish we don't have money for fun things like cinema but we don't need to starve summer holidays my last year of high school age 16 to 17. my father wants to go with us to the amusement park my mother has no desire she loves amusement parks so my dad drives us kids alone he stops at the bank wants to withdraw money from the savings account empty he asks the bank how that can be they tell him that married couples despite password protection always have access to savings accounts first of the month plus euro third of the month negative euro my dad's upset we kids are disappointed we go home my mother is gone her answering machine don't even try i'm dead for you my father changes the door lock i accompany him to the authorities and bank because he can often be hot-headed when he is nervous and we need solutions we get many things under control i learned to cook to wash the laundry properly to actually throw the whole household i'm good with numbers and i'm going to take care of the finances it doesn't look good but we can do it my youth is over i don't blame my dad for that one night it's still holidays i hear a cough in the garden i think nothing of it then again the cough then again i go out follow the cough there lies my mother sleeping in the shed covered with a towel she wakes up sees me and leaves that was the last time i saw her in the following months we get many letters from lawyers and courts about unpaid bills my father has to file for bankruptcy one evening men dressed in black are standing in front of our door armed with clubs my 12 year old sister was in huge fear reminder my father worked on construction site he didn't let himself be intimidated my dad was okay i didn't see what happened exactly if he tells the truth he jumped out of the car the second he saw them grabbing a tool from work and being a behemoth he had quite a good position to bargain perhaps the guys were the first warning with no intention of physical harm we paid the debt we owed the guys my mom tried to get in contact with me and my siblings for some time my sister even moved in with her at one point i can even understand why my sister did that living with men can be rough especially when money is tight and you're a young girl with problems sometimes i think i am way too hard for not wanting contact because she is my mom and on the other hand i think forget her she betrayed you your dad and your siblings some more info the money probably went to gambling we can't tell for sure but some people reported seeing her leaving casinos i didn't talk to my mom in the past 12 years my dad my siblings and myself are all good we've really bonded over that story my dad could have an easier life he is retired now it's hard sometimes without savings we help as much as we can i had slash have some trust issues i don't believe in marriage anymore my beloved girlfriend suffers from that here and there i am sorry for her some more info legal charges we thought about suing her when the worst part was over my dad and i visited a lawyer to get some vision about our chances turns out we had zero chances where i live married couples own everything together if there is no contract so my dad's money is my mom's money and the other way around everyone can spend the money on whatever they like it gets worse because my dad worked and my mom was a stay-at-home mom she can legally demand some of his annuity when she retires next we've got entitled mom tries to take my suitcase fails horribly last weekend i decided to take a little break from my routine and fly over to bali for the short weekend i was in the airport lining up to check in when someone screamed in indonesian someone stop her i look and she has my suitcase but she fell over hard now here's the thing i'm not a regular guy to carry small stuff especially for a weekend and just to note my suitcase was about 18 kilograms so there's a woman screaming clenching in pain and i go over there and grab my suitcase back and she screams at me characters we've got entitled mom entitled mom's son he was not entitled we've got bystanders one two and three we've got security and me note this is all translated from indonesian to english entitled mom ew stay away from my suitcase me this is mine ma'am no it's not it's my son's i was getting it back for him me miss i highly doubt this is no it does belong to him you inbred pig bystander one miss there is no need for the rough language bystander two i saw him carrying it out of the taxi bystander three i saw him next to it entitled mom gets up and straight up slaps me hard entitled mom you big you stole my son's bag and you're claiming it's yours she grabs my suitcase give it give it to me now i demand you give it this instant okay i let go and she falls over i sold assault you saw him right points at a kid who is no older than three some bystanders tried to help her up but she kicked one of them in the shin get off me then a teenager comes up to her and says mommy what are you doing sweetie me internally sweetie i was fetching your suitcase it's this one right entitled mom's son no mine is here i accidentally left it in the bathroom oh okay then let's go then a man grabs her shoulders whoa there missy you aren't going anywhere it was the airport security and coincidentally he is my uncle security heyop how's it going ma'am i need you to come with me what what did i do well you just assaulted verbally and physically towards op as well as other bystanders come with me and let's not make this harder but i did nothing wrong several bystanders went against entitled mom telling her to go with security entitled mom son oh man mom again i'm sorry sweetie entitled mom leaves and that was the last time i saw her i checked in and enjoyed my weekend next we've got are you color blind so i live within walking distance of a ski resort that has a village i ski i eat i have friends there so i am usually a few times a day at minimum even when not skiing one very busy saturday morning i was walking through the village saying hi to friends and employees while walking so i can meet a friend for breakfast don't ski on a saturday unless that is the only day you can and i'm just avoiding the rental line when i hear an excuse me behind me thinking nothing of it i just keep walking along until someone grabs my shoulder i spin around to see this really upset looking karen now as skiers usually know at most mountains all employees wear the same brand of clothing sometimes all the same color sometimes two to three different colors depending on which department you work in i am wearing the same brand of clothing but not in a color at this resort karen i need you to help me get my kids past this stupid rental line they have a lesson in 20 minutes me i don't work here just walking to meet a friend for breakfast you obviously do i saw you talking to other people who work here me i am here a lot so obviously i know people here but i do not work here i know you do you are wearing the same clothing brand just like everyone else grabs me come help my kids me pulling away get your hands off me i do not work here find someone who does but i doubt anyone would want to help a jerk like you it's your fault that you got here so late no one else is walking away i am going to find a manager and get you fired you jack good luck with that i'll be at this restaurant if you want to humiliate yourself further everyone in line was looking at her i walk off towards my destination and run into a friend who works at the mountain rushing in that direction me hey friend friend what's going on over there sounds like someone was upset yeah some woman thought i worked here and went off on how she was going to get me fired because i won't help her i'm sure she will be looking for a manager i would avoid her at all costs friend probably a good idea let a boss deal friend heads back to where he is supposed to be handing out trail maps and answering questions about 300 feet from the lady i head in and get two bar stools for me and my buddy we get coffee and breakfast in our catching up about 30 minutes after sitting down while we are eating breakfast i hear over there that's him karen comes over grabs my shoulder again and spins my barstool spilling the coffee i'm drinking all over me and my friend's breakfasts she is there with the manager of security manager of security whose kid happens to be besties with my middle kid karen this is the rude jerk who wouldn't help me you need to get him fired me staring daggers straight into her eyes wait for it i did actually say this security he doesn't work here he lives here well you should ban him for being so rude and calling me a jerk me if the shoe fits you are the one who should be banned from here you have grabbed me three times now the third time you ruined mine and my friend's breakfast you really are a jerk that totally set her off she was spouting that she was here on vacation and deserved respect for all the money she was spending for her family security now we don't like to ban people here this is a place where everyone should be having fun now if you pay to replace the breakfasts and calmly leave we can all just go about our days this guy is super chill karen there is no way i am paying anything for someone who called me a jerk okay i'm going to have to ask you to leave our property immediately i can't do that i have to wait for my husband and kids to finish skiing security that is not an option you need to leave now this is private property this is not private property and i am not leaving security moves dial on radio i need you to come to the restaurant oh are you calling some buddies i see how all of this works you all just friends here aren't you and you just hate all the tourists i pay your salary in walk two of the local sheriff deputies they always have a couple at the mountain on the weekends in case of accidents drunks etc they're not usually needed this early in the morning they walk up to security and he begins explaining the story karen they are all lying they're all friends and just protecting each other bartender i saw her grab him you can also watch it on the security camera if you want please you grabbed him i only grabbed his shoulder to get his attention me three times with a total grin on my face police grabbing someone with intent is assault would you like to press charges me actually yes i would karen starts screeching as they grab her and cuff her up luckily she didn't put up too much of a fuss i was going to decide to drop the charges after i watched her get perp walked through the village so with bartender holding our seats and the kitchen remaking our breakfast which would be 15 to 20 minutes my buddy and i followed the two sheriffs and karen getting walked in cuffs through the village with thousands of people watching busy weekends we would get at least ten thousand skiers and boarders the restaurant and where the sheriff's park are on almost opposite ends so we had to pass the rental shop cue new character cool dad cool dad you were the guy from earlier what happened i explained the situation and told him i was waiting until she was in the sheriff's suv to tell the sheriff i had changed my mind on pressing charges i told him she really needed a lesson and hopefully this would be a good one he asked where i was going to be after he got his kids to their lesson late we told him i walked over and let the sheriff know i changed my mind about not pressing charges and anything else is between him and security buddy and i headed back to the restaurant and shortly afterwards cool dad shows up cool dad i cannot apologize enough for my wife i remember this verbatim when one little thing does not go right the world has to pay not just me and my kids but the whole world do you guys want a drink or a shot i sure as heck need one so a couple of bloodies and shots later my buddy and i have become friends with cool dad turns out karen doesn't even like skiing and just sits reading a book while he and his two kids ski but always insists on coming to the mountain and wearing her really expensive ski clothing to look the part the reason kieran was on the warpath and they were late to the mountain she couldn't find her favorite hat at the condo that morning ran into him and his kids later that week and did some laps with them and they took me and two of my kids to lunch whole family was cool except for karen next we've got we aren't a bookstore background i work at a warehouse store that requires a membership to shop we have a table in the middle of the store that holds books anything from novels to kids picture books this section isn't huge but that's not our primary focus as a business so it's not a big deal cast we've got me we've got co-worker one she's in her twenties co-worker two she's in her 50s we've got asset protection manager happen to be manager on duty on the night this story takes place and we've got angry old guy the story this happens over the course of two nights a tuesday and a thursday starting when i got back from my break on tuesday co-worker 2 hanging up the phone wow me what happened co-worker 2 this guy wants to know why we don't sell a certain book telling me that it's on the new york times bestseller list so we should sell it and he's mad that we don't me he knows that hourly employees don't control ordering right i guess not i tried to tell him that but he wasn't having it we left a note for anyone else at the desk with his name and what he was looking for in case one of us wasn't there and if he decided to call back we assumed that was the end of it until thursday night i'm at the customer service desk again with someone else this time a man angry old man walks in and goes up to co-worker one the following is a piece of the conversation i heard between helping other customers angry old guy this book is on the new york times bestseller list why don't you guys carry it co-worker one wasn't on the night that he called the first time so this was our first interaction with him i was helping another customer at this point but i can only assume that he demanded to speak to the manager because manager came down from her office about a minute later she used to work in receiving so she's probably more knowledgeable about the ordering process than most of the other managers manager hi how can i help you angry old guy pulling out a sheet of paper look at this this is the best seller list you guys carry number nine on that list but this book is number four and you don't have it why is that manager unfortunately i don't really have an answer we don't handle ordering at the store level not even the general manager can control that that's all processed through our home office angry old guy repeats himself again clearly very angry that we don't sell this book it went back and forth with manager for five minutes about this despite her trying to explain that she couldn't decide what we ordered eventually she's had enough manager if i talk to the regional manager i'll try to find out what the ordering process is and mention that we have customers looking for this book as of right now all i'm able to do is mention it to them and hope that they decide to order it angry old guy finally leaves manager stays and talks to co-worker one and i for a little while i explained that he's the same person who called and screamed at co-worker 2 over the phone two days prior what i really don't get is that we aren't a bookstore nor do we claim to be some people will just never be happy i guess entitled mom goes abroad but demands american starbucks order important background information this happened whilst i was a barista for starbucks in germany it was in a smallish city but we're within two hours of major hubs like paris frankfurt dusseldorf and brussels which means there is a lot of foot traffic from people just transiting through the city another thing to know european starbucks is very different from the states because it's licensed to a spanish company called amrest anyways on with the story i was working a morning shift and i was in the back doing a couple of things when one of my co-workers comes to grab me and says in german that they were having difficulty understanding a customer because of her accent since i'm the only native english speaker in the store i came up to the front to see what i could do as i walk i see entitled mom with a stereotypical karen haircut and grown internally she was full-on screaming at my co-worker and i could see my colleague was about to cry unfortunately there was an issue with our delivery that day so our store manager was on the phone dealing with it when i got to the counter this is what happened me ma'am i'm so sorry for all the trouble you've been having what can i get for you entitled mom i want a trent a pink drink plus a trenta coconut milk latte and that stupid girl doesn't understand she had the thickest southern accent i've ever heard and even though i've lived in atlanta i had a hard time understanding me i'm sorry starbucks in germany doesn't serve trinta drink sizes but i can't get you a venti also we don't have coconut milk but i can put in almond or soy instead without coconut milk we also can't make a pink drink but i can make you a lemonade refresher and add berries strawberry syrup and almond milk if you'd like to try that entitled mom i don't think you understand me when i say i want a pink drink i mean i want a pink drink and a trenta coconut milk latte how stupid can you all be me neither i nor my coworkers are stupid while i'd love to make you a pink drink or the coconut latte we simply don't carry the same ingredient line as the u.s and canada could i maybe interest you in one of the german specialties entitled mom are you really going to be a jerk that's my daughter there points to a girl who looks like she's ready to crawl into a hole and ruin her day kid mom it's okay i'll get something else me whoa whoa ma'am i'm trying to work with you here but please don't call me that at this point a long line was starting to snake around the store and people were watching entitled mom i'd like to speak to your manager how dare you treat me like this don't you know the customer is always right manager is finally done and walks out of his office manager may i ask what the problem is keep in mind both my co-worker and manager speak english with a german accent it isn't strong but it's obvious entitled mom yes you need to hire better staff that girl pointing to my coworker speaks english with an accent and that girl pointing at me refuses to make my drink manager i'm so sorry ma'am we'll make your drinks right away what is it you'd like entitled mom a trenta pink drink an entrenta coconut milk latte manager unfortunately that isn't available in germany i'm sure my staff have explained this may i ask what happened entitled mom explodes with rage what the heck is wrong with y'all here are you all stupid i ordered and those two bimbos won't make it i demand a free drink after all this trouble stop looking at me and start making my gosh darn drinks now manager turning to me speaks in german what is going on here are americans always this aggressive i thought that was a stereotype only in cartoons me in german oh god no it's just her maybe she's sick in the head it was a very petty thing to say at this point i was just frustrated entitled mom getting frustrated at the manager in me for switching languages you're in starbucks this is an american company speak english or go find another job manager ma'am you're in germany and at least here most people in this country speak two languages if not more i'm going to ask you nicely to leave now please and to not come back wait until i get back to america i'm going to contact the head office to get you all fired manager good luck with that just to make it a little easier for you starbucks germany is franchised by a company based in madrid the u.s head office won't give a crap about us at this point entitled mom's face gets red and she turns around to leave our store is designed in a way when you come in you see the drink counter first and then the cashier as entitled mom was leaving she tries to grab someone else's drink this guy quickly realized what was happening so grabbed it and they ended up playing a game of tug of war which ended when the coffee ended up spilling all over entitled mom's white blouse people actually clapped when this happened and she left in a puff this girl who looked like she was about 16 ish came back to the store with her dad to apologize later that day apparently this isn't the first time and by the looks of things the last time this has happened next we've got i was harassed and then entitled mom demanded my crutches to cut in line to start things off i should explain why i needed my crutches i was born with a couple of different medical conditions one of which caused my bones to be weak and another causing me to lose sight in one eye after lots of treatment and therapy i was strong enough to walk on my own with crutches but i still needed assistance with some things i'm a-ok now with the exception of my vision this happened literally the day after i was discharged i was 8 at the time my family decided to take me on a week-long trip to a place about three hours from our home because it was very beautiful and not very crowded so it was the perfect place to relax and get used to being outside my mom had to leave for an emergency at her job the morning of our trip and took the car this left me and my dad figuring that the most efficient way to get there would be by bus we got to the bus terminal really early and hung around for a bit about an hour before our bus was to board my dad asked if i needed to go to the restroom being a little kid i said no but we went anyway going to the restroom happened to be one of the tasks i needed help with so my dad took me upon seeing my crutches nobody had any objections and understood what was going on we were just about to enter the doorway when i was suddenly shoved on my blind side and fell into my dad my dad helped me stand up and glared at who shoved me it was a girl a bit taller than me standing in front of a lady who was staring me and my dad down she had a scowl on her face i will never forget the following conversation went something like this excuse me why are you bringing a girl into the men's room she should be in the women's room dad well she needs help as she is too weak to do some tasks on her own if she can't do something so simple then send her to the hospital for them to take care of her i was shocked and beginning to get angry at that comment dad instead of worrying about how i take care of my daughter why don't you take care of your kid and teach her some basic manners and not the shelf people your kid could have easily dodged it or is she just that weak that a tap sends her falling dad she is unable to see well and clearly is very weak so that's not my fault she is a blind and handicapped burden to society if you're bringing a girl to the men's room then my daughter and i will be going in there too here the man behind and in front of us step in man one he needs to be with his kid to ensure her safety you have no right to be here or to say anything about him and his kid man too you and your kid need to leave these two alone and go to where you belong if it's the restroom you need you both are old enough to understand that you don't belong in this one after leaving in a huff with her kid my dad and i thought it was over he thanked the two men for stepping in and they said they couldn't stand by and just watch what was going on fast forward a couple days and we are enjoying ourselves on a trip this location also has a small carousel that i was waiting in line for the operator saw me at the back and kindly allowed me to cut the pretty short line once off the ride guess who comes jogging up to me and my dad entitled mom hi i know we kind of got off to a rough start but i hope it's all good now my dad chose to ignore her hey come on please hear me out i saw your daughter got to cut the line and get on the carousel because of her crutches can you let my kid borrow your crutches so she can cut the line too i was shocked and replied i need these to stand i can't give them to you didn't your parents ever teach you not to be so selfish and to share we will give them back i promise she tried to snatch them from under me before my dad stepped in front of me to block her dad after what you did to us last time what gives you the right to even come near us again let alone ask for the very thing you ridiculed my daughter for please as a fellow parent you should know how hard it is to give kids a happy life please linda yes i know that better than you and you surely aren't applying that idea to my kid back off now she tried to say something else but the ride operator saw what was going on and called security they escorted her and her kid away and that's the last i've seen of them next we've got entitled lady hates the store set up context i used to work at a big pet store where the pets go when i was in college i was a dog trainer but a lot of my responsibilities still included regular store stuff like stocking cleaning and running the register also the store had just finished being remodeled so some stuff was in a different place i was running the register during a pretty easy day not many people coming in but not empty enough to get bored fellow retailers you'll recognize this as the sweet spot when your day flies by without giving you an aneurysm cue in our cast we've got me we've got entitled parent crazy lady with a poodle and a baby we've got co-worker we've got nice family mom dad and their kid we've got crazy kid not entitled parents kid but nice family's kid and we've got the store manager entitled parent comes to the register completely empty-handed this is absolutely ridiculous me what is it ma'am what's the problem i have come here every week for my dog and i love walking in grabbing what i need and walking out but for some reason you all decided to move everything me i'm really sorry ma'am the store has been remodeled recently and we did move some stuff around what are you looking for i'd be glad to help you find it so you know where it is next time do you even have to ask of course i got x brand of food for my baby the funny thing here is that x-brand was one of the things that didn't get moved in the remodel me actually that brand is in the same spot would you like me to go get it for you entitled parent silently walks away without saying a word since i couldn't leave the register i paged someone for help in the dog food area and one of my co-workers showed up to help her and what felt like 30 seconds he came straight for me and said that lady wants you to help her why me i'm not sure she said she wanted the brown girl at the front yes i happen to be mexican co-workers stayed at the register and i walk over there and find her huffing and puffing entitled parent why didn't you come get it like you said you would me i'm sorry ma'am i asked you if you wanted help and since you just walked away silently i didn't think you wanted the help i did page a coworker to come help you if you needed it i am looking at this shelf that you apparently didn't change and i can't find the flavor i want she wanted turkey or something well ma'am x-brand doesn't carry a turkey brand but why bran does the brands were next to each other on the shelf this is it why did you guys move it funny enough again also not one of the brands that was moved in the remodel me this whole section didn't move ma'am it has always been chilled this way maybe you were just looking in the wrong spot either way i am here and i can take this to the front for you if you need help i offered this seeing as her baby started to cry shortly after the baby started to cry her poodle started to bark and i figured she would rather calm them down without worrying about carrying a bag of dog food entitled parent no i don't need your help if all you're going to do is argue with me i take the cue and i walk away she said she didn't need my help right nah i get a couple aisles down back towards the register when i see a family with a nine-year-old picking out toys for their new puppy the mom in that family flags me down and asks where the kongs are if you don't know what a kong is and you have a puppy with chewing problems google it and buy one they're a revelation i told her where they were nice mom that lady over there sounds a little crazy me for some reason still on the good customer service train having a puppy and a baby can be stressful i'm not too worried about it nice dad that's why we waited until kidd was nine to get one we had a few laughs i talked to them about training and sold them on a class cha-ching and i went back to the register the store had a policy that when you buy a class for a puppy you get a booklet with coupons for all the necessities now entitled parent gets in line at the register right behind nice family since nice family was buying a class and all the other fixings for the new puppy i went ahead and pulled out the booklet before ringing them up so they could use some of the coupons they ended up saving a ton somewhere along the lines of 75 they spent at least 500 with my class and all the other stuff they got mice family was still hanging out by the register while i was ringing entitled parent up it sounded like they were making arrangements to move their truck closer to the entrance to load everything up entitled parent where is my coupon book me ma'am those are reserved for those who buy a training class for their new puppy if you're interested i am one of the dog trainers she cuts me off i am not buying a stupid class for you to spend an hour playing with my dog for free give me the coupons now no matter how much i tried to explain it she wouldn't budge and wanted the dang coupons i called in my manager to see how we would deal with the situation manager sorry ma'am the coupons are only for training classes but op here is one of our dog trainers she cut him off too first you move my stuff around now you're preventing me from wanting to shop here at hall i am a consumer this is asinine she continues to yell at full power while holding her baby and you guessed it baby and poodle start singing the song of their people once more nice family was still there watching the show without any of us grown-ups watching kid from nice family walked over to entitled parent and straight up kicked her shin it took so much for me not to laugh at the top of my lungs entitled parent what the heck this monster attacked me and my baby arrest them me sorry ma'am we do not have we do not have any police officers on staff i get that it was bad customer service but man it felt so good to say it nice family starts busting up laughing crazy kid included an entitled parent walked out in disbelief my favorite part of this was when i asked crazykid on his way out why he kicked entitled parent he said that lady was crazy and crazy people require crazy solutions nice family's mom and dad patted him on the back and walked out they became regulars and their puppy ended up getting the puppy victorian title next we've got a karen yelled at me for not doing my job at a place i don't work at i worked in a mall food court restaurant for a little over two years i knew most people who worked in that mall from other stores our food place had a special system where we deliver paid food to other employees around the mall so they don't need to waste their break time going all the way to the food court for food i was delivery coordinator for busy days so it was my job to check organize and send out the deliveries with the runners about three to four of them but during the holidays we run out of runners and i had to go make a quick delivery i am used to being mistaken for an employee i wear a uniform with a name tag that looks similar to what you would expect out of a jcpenney and a macy's even though they don't really wear uniforms i'm headed to the store's break room to drop off the food before i'm stopped by the caring of this story it's the holidays i've been there for eight hours already coordinating 15 year olds and was in a hurry to get back i'm a good employee excuse me i'm in a hurry and need to be helped i'm sorry ma'am i don't work here but the service desk is right there if you need to be assisted i replied polite as usual that's a big lie if you don't work here why are you in uniform i'm currently on the clock and need to get this food to the guests before it gets cold eating on the clock she yelled like she didn't hear what i said it's not for me ma'am and i'm sorry for the confusion i want your manager she yelled thankfully the buyer of the order hears the commotion and came out to see what was going on and lo and behold the buyer was the manager manager this employee has been refusing me service and i demand they be written up by this point i'm tapping my foot impatiently i get very nervous when i am late as we can have about 60 deliveries per hour during the holidays the manager sees my look and understands what's going on she doesn't work here she works in the food court and has brought me food for my break the service desk has the manager currently working the karen went silent and i gave a bow and dismissed myself from the situation sadly karen followed me and like usual no one took over coordinating the orders so the runners were just standing there waiting to be sent on a delivery so i immediately got back to work and started sending the kids on deliveries and asked them to be quick because we fell behind right as i was explaining to my manager what happened karen shows up demanding that i be fired for stealing food to give to my friend and roaming around while i'm on the clock i gave my manager a that's her look and he sighed and explained the situation to her she continued to complain and everything was falling behind until i had an idea i gave an expired promo card for a free item to my manager to give to her and i dished out the usual apologies until she left with her expired card did you really give her a free meal nope never feed a bear they'll always come back next we've got best mate gets fired and blamed for theft i end my boss's business bit of backstory my boss owns two bakeries one earns more than the other and the other has essentially been disowned it makes a small amount of bread and i'll get to that later so i work as a baker and a well-known baking franchise chain in australia i thoroughly enjoyed it until fairly recently when a co-worker leaves after having a kid and a replacement is brought in oh boy this replacement this guy is king jerk the biggest knob i've ever had the displeasure of working with and within about two months i've been essentially exiled to the crap store i've never worked there before so i was honestly dreading it for a while this new guy had been running everyone into the ground and dug his roots into the place so hard and gotten into the boss's ear fairly well i get to the sister store and i was honestly dumbfounded the production was small and it was generally a joke at the main store and it wasn't hard to figure out why half of the oven didn't even have power or simply had busted elements not allowing it to heat up the mixing bowl screamed whenever it was turned on signaling it needed its bearings replaced urgently the provers had gigantic gaping holes in them and pooled with water on the daily and the other baker that was there who we'll call steve had had enough steve had been there for about three years and wasn't even aware that king jerk had even been hired but we knew him well it turned out that steve and king jerk were both apprentices at the same store before king jerk was fired for theft you can all see where this is going from here i worked at the sister store for about six months doing the easter season with steve and it was gruesome trays weren't replaced some had breaks in them i don't even know how it's possible provers leaked constantly requiring mopping halfway through a shift and because the non-slip floor which was so old it was dangerously slippery had so many breaks in it the place smelled of dirty moldy water that nobody could get to because it would get under the non-slip floor covering it was foul about three months ago i got some bad news josh a good friend of mine at the main store had been sacked money had been missing from the store and it was in an upwards of three thousand dollars over the course of a few months there was no evidence that it was josh but it didn't matter king jerk got into the boss's head and slowly but surely josh was warned for the most trivial of things all of which weren't even his doing he was fired after the third unfair strike he would be taking this to fair work australia but i had bigger plans first step was to walk inside the provers with my phone take it out of my pocket and take a nice photograph of the floor photo can be shown upon request my next step was to make a fake complaint during a hot day to head office about the store i was currently working at pretending to be a customer i demanded to know how a place could be so filthy and not anything be done about it for so long i told them it reeked of damp mold which it did in the hot days we kept fans and an air conditioner blowing towards the customers constantly so they wouldn't smell it they said they'd get back to me i told them not to bother i wasn't shopping there again the third step was to report them to worksafe the government safety board for workers i requested to remain anonymous and attached the photo i told them all about the faulty ovens the dodgy mixing bowl and also told them there were other problems in the main store but as i hadn't been there for months at this point i couldn't say what there was but i did mention the drain cover in the back that had come loose one week and the boss informed us to just put it back so nobody breaks their ankle never actually fixing the problem so it still came out from time to time if you stepped on or rolled over it wrong with the bin they came into the sister store and shut it down within 20 minutes there was a slew of problems probably more than i reported the place was a disaster zone and it was clear they weren't messing around i had a couple days off and found out during those that the main store was also shut down as they found rust around the inside of and mold growing inside the fans of the prover effectively throwing mold spores all over the products meant for the next day both places were shut down it's going to cost the boss tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in replacing machinery flooring and fines the boss blamed josh for all of this mostly because king jerk shoved it all onto him but if he got his facts right he wouldn't have lost his business everyone working there was paid a severance package including king jerk but at least i know i won't be working with him again i'd rather crap in my hands and clap entitled mom calls police on me because i refuse to pay to fix her car cast we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got innocent kid assistant manager and the police i worked at a truck stop and on this particular day i was working the front which is mostly car drivers kit comes in and says she wants to fill up on pump 16 and leaves me her card i asked if she was getting diesel and she said yes she comes back in a few minutes later and pays i thought that would be the end of it nope enter entitled mom this is probably where i should drop some knowledge pumps 14 15 and 16 are different from the other pumps on that side they are meant for vehicles bigger than cars but not as big as tractor trailers if you don't know most of those vehicles have two tanks as such there are nozzles on each side think a little less space between pumps and turn one around so they're facing each other there's only one parking space for all the pumps there are three standalone pumps on each side spaced very close together they look like ones you'd see in a mom and pop store one is regular gas one is premium one is diesel respectively on each side it sounds confusing but it's beneficial for the vehicles needing more space and various fuel types sorry if i explained this wrong i don't always do well when describing things the majority of people using those pumps are well-versed on how to use them occasionally other people would pull up when we were slammed and it was usually these people who would mess it up each pump is vastly detailed to prevent errors if only the diesel pump is pretty much plastered with the word diesel everywhere including the handle of the nozzle i kept more than a few people from putting the wrong fuel type in their vehicle i was always vigilant about asking because i know how i'd feel to make a costly mistake like this if someone were to say they wanted diesel on pump 14 i'd tell them the diesel pump was 16. now back to our entitled mom this lady is furious when she walks in she immediately asks who rang up her daughter and i said me then she's all my daughter just gave me the receipt and this is not what i paid for your advertised gas price is insert 2012 gas price here and i was charged a lot more can i speak to your manager me yes ma'am i'll go get her just an fyi though that's the diesel price which is what you purchased what i asked for gas not diesel are you telling me that there is diesel in my car this is your fault me ma'am i just asked your daughter if she was buying diesel and she assured me she was she's just a child you should know better my car is a whatever brand i don't remember and i know you can look at it and see it takes gas me ma'am i don't have a view of that side of the lot so i had no idea what you were driving that's irrelevant anyway because some cars do take diesel at this point my manager came up because entitled mom was making a scene basically she reiterated everything that i told entitled mom entitled mom was having none of it she was convinced it was my fault and nothing was going to deter her from that way of thinking this isn't right i'm calling the police and filing a complaint you are going to pay for the damage to my car from the diesel i just avoided her because i had other customers enter the police they get a rundown of everything and explain that neither me nor the store were liable entitled mom but my daughter didn't know she is an innocent girl and because of this lady my car is ruined can't you do anything please it seems that if you had not sent your daughter in this probably wouldn't have happened as you said she didn't know the difference in gasoline and diesel yet you still put that responsibility on her by sending her in but that's not fair who is your supervisor i am going to speak to them about all of you and your unwillingness to help and to blame an innocent kid literally none of us blamed the girl at all i actually felt really bad for her and even told her before she left she wasn't to blame ultimately it was her mom's fault for sending her in there with no idea what she was doing entitled mom finally realized that what she wanted wasn't going to happen but she was not happy about it she wanted me to pay and or lose my job she ended up being there my entire shift waiting for someone to come pump out the diesel she came back in several times throughout that day and stared daggers at me every time i actually left before she did and laughed my butt off as i walked by her i never saw her again but she made good on her promise to complain to my company exaggeratedly might i add she made it sound as if i intentionally and maliciously made her pump diesel in her car as if that's even plausible to begin with thankfully my manager was there and told the actual story and nothing happened to me i know it sucks when this crap happens and you want someone to blame but we literally can't pay for your gas i can't give you money out of my register that would be stealing people would tell me the wrong pump number or forget to pump their gas and come back surprised that someone else had pumped their gas almost all of them expected for us to reimburse them for their mistake you could literally get fired for being five dollars short much less filling up someone's gas tank because they messed up next we've got guy decides he needs handicap parking spot more than my mom a few years ago in the middle of good old canadian winter in january my mom was heading to her car to go to work now no one knows what exactly happened but she probably slipped on some ice but she fell and hit her head hard my step-dad saw her outside and called an ambulance in time though she had no memory for weeks on end and her body wasn't working right for a long while after fingers and toes going limp slash numb are just not strong or working right basically she was recovering for months i'm also very protective of her and my siblings all right context rant over on to the story we've got me we've got entitled dad we've got my mom and we've got awesome police officer so this takes place a few weeks after my mom got out of the hospital she was using a cane to walk as her arms and legs were still pretty weak at times and so she had a handicapped placard i don't know what you call it where you're from but that's what it's called in canada she needed to get her prescriptions from the store and i had nothing to do that day so i volunteered to take her she lived in a small town at the time with only one major pharmacy so we of course went there and as the title suggests both handicapped spots were taken so i dropped my mom off as close to the door as possible and went to find a different spot but as i went by the other cars in the handicapped spots i noticed one of them didn't have the placard this definitely rubbed me the wrong way of course since my mom who really needed the spot had to walk further so i did something extremely petty i decided to park directly behind that car and block them in and wait for them to come out not really thinking of how it all looked a little extra contact since i know we all enjoy that i'm a huge metalhead so i kind of dress the part even in early spring black jeans high top shoes five finger death punch shirt metal militia hat spiked earrings big red slash black flannel jacket and i have a bad case of resting jerkface so thinking back it looks bad seeing that blocking your car into its spot with your kids in the car continuing with the story this guy comes out and sees me and immediately tears into me this was a while ago so dialogue isn't 100 exact entitled dad hey what the heck do you think you're doing me i'm just here waiting for my mom to get her prescription well you can't just park there and block me in i need to leave so move i mean if you can park wherever you want then so can i right considering you took the only other handicap spot and my mom needs it so i think i'll be staying right where i am at this point he's in my face and there's some yelling back and forth he tries to take my keys and i threaten to knock him out i know jerk move but again i'm upset and my adrenaline is firing then he decides he's calling the cops it's a super small town so there's not a lot going on and an officer is there in two minutes officer alright gentlemen what's the issue this kid is blocking my car for no reason arrest him or make him move me yeah i'm blocking him but only because my mom needed this spot and he's parked here illegally he starts to get the other guy's side of the story and looks at our vehicles when my mom finally comes out mom erin what's going on police officer hello ma'am how are you feeling been a while since i've seen you how's your head doing i heard you were in the hospital for a while when entitled dad hears this and sees my mom he goes white turns out that was one of the officers that came and checked on things when my dad called for an ambulance and he knew without a doubt she needed that spot and of course when she told him about the parking issue i was told to move and given a warning but i'm pretty sure he handed the other guy a ticket and gave him a serious talking tool next we've got karen tries to get me fired over free pickles so some of you might know that i used to work at a certain fast food restaurant and just like every other customer service rep have dealt with my fair share of entitled people and their kids though the kids usually weren't entitled to bratty and overall just sweet normal kids having to deal with our bratty parents coming into work every day felt like walking through tall grass and a wild carrot could always appear i've got a treasure chest full of stories but this one is by far my favorite on normal days i was usually made to work in the drive-through window handing out bags of food instead of taking orders mostly because i was garbage at trying to take orders since i couldn't hear all that well with all the background noise good morning here's your burger and fries with a coke have a good day and today was no different it's halfway through the lunch hours when karen's order pops up on my screen five double cheeseburger meals with extra pickles and a couple cokes i don't think too hard about it get her drinks ready and wait for her to roll up so i can just hand her order off and wait for the next customer karen rolls up her hair as messy as the car she drove and a cigarette in her hand she's got two girls sitting in the back of her car texting on their phones and paying me no mind me hi did you order the five double cheeseburgers karen nods her head and responds in her deep southern drawl yes with extra pickles me yes ma'am here's your order and you have a good day karen just sneers and rolls her eyes at me as she takes the food and speeds off and i think that's the end of our interaction boy was i wrong not five minutes later i hear a banging on the window and i turn around to see karen red in the face and her two daughters looking pitifully up at me aware of what's about to happen next she goes off the second i open my window excuse me but i said i wanted extra pickles on my cheeseburger and look how many i got she basically crawls out of the driver's side window to shove that burger into my hands showing not two but four pickles on the pitifully made sandwich oh the humanity on a quick side note we don't up charge for any extra pickles that they request for our cheaper menu options so these are still free pickles she's got on her sandwich i have my receipt you charged me for these extra pickles and i only get four on each burger i want my order remade me shaking because i do not like confrontation okay ma'am i'll talk to my manager and try to get your order remade for you i close my window and take the rejected cheeseburger to my manager who's standing four feet away from me thinking i resolved the issue apparently not i hear something hit the window followed shortly by tires screeching as this woman hits the gas and pulls into a parking space in front of the store slamming her car doors i kid you not someone's kid started screaming and wailing as this woman storms into the restaurant her face red with the fury she was about to unleash my manager shoes me back to the window before i can get caught up in the crossfire karen hello manager yes ma'am is there an issue yes there's an issue she points her finger at me that jerk charged me for extra pickles and i only get the same amount of pickles they put the same amount of pickles they made on any other burger manager ma'am you ordered the double cheeseburger we normally make these with two pickles instead of four and we didn't up charge you for any extra well i wanted more pickles i'm so sorry about the inconvenience ma'am we'll remake your order free of charge what about her she points at me again what about her i want her fired for being so rude and inconsiderate this is not good customer service manager oh i'm sorry how was she rude she took my burger from me me cutting in ma'am you handed me your burger so i just took it so i could get it fixed well i didn't want the old burgers fixed i wanted to get a whole new order to make up for this one being messed up manager i'm sorry about this ma'am can we have your old bag of food we'll just throw it out and make your order from scratch no i just want my new correct order this goes on for a few minutes with my manager trying to be as calm as she can be while this woman just goes back and forth with her if i had to make a guess she was just trying to pill for extra food from them one of her daughters who came in the store with her tried to get karen to calm down and leave obviously having dealt with this sort of thing before i start ignoring her and go back to handing out food the woman in the car behind karen pulled up and started apologizing for her behavior apparently when i turned around karen had gotten upset and lobbed a couple of the burgers at the window screaming and yelling the lady in the car behind her was appalled and before she screeched off threw one of her old drinks at karen's car she was so sweet compared to the screeching banshee behind me as the story goes karen eventually breaks down and hands her rejected order back to the manager gets her order remade with 8 pickles per sandwich and leaves in a huff with her daughter apologizing behind her as they leave next we've got apparently anyone who's in a halloween costume works here our cast we've got me eclipse frozen food employee dressed as han solo we've got leo co-worker and dungeons and dragons buddy dressed as chewbacca we've got matt metal head and dungeons and dragons friend dressed in full plate mail and we've got random co-worker and our antagonist karen background matt enjoys larping and ended up building his own suit of plate mail after following a few video tutorials he thought it looked cool and wanted to show off to some of his larp friends leo and i work at a certain blue store that sells just about everything rhymes with malwared anyways we were working the evening shift last halloween and let matt know so we could all go grab dinner at the same time he finished work much earlier than expected and decided to swing by his place and grab his costume then show up at our malware and pretend to be a statue leo and i pulling a pallet of ice to the front to start stalking the icebox all the while i'm quoting han and leo is just making wookie noises we're up near the front stalking ice when we see none other than matt doing his best impression of a statue then suddenly moving startling folks near him we both snicker at his antics as he surprises a few kids while speaking in ye old english after unloading the whole palette we decided to move on to drop off our empty palette and clock for lunch i go over to matt to let him know me hey matt you okay in there we'll be dropping off this palette then go clock out to lunch and head right back okay matt could thou acquire a flask of water tis quite hot in here me sure i have a spare i carry hand him a water bottle i keep handy thinketh thou me rolling eyes internally see ya we'll be right back we head off to go clock for lunch and chat with a few co-workers who are just now coming back from their lunch about four to five minutes later when we are heading back we hear the oh so familiar line karen with a voice like nails on a chalkboard what do you mean you don't work here you're just wanting to be a lazy employee matt no longer speaking in ye old english no ma'am i don't work here i just finished my actual job a little over two hours ago i'm just here to go grab dinner with my friends karen look at all the employees here they're dressed up in their costumes not really only a handful of us were now get me your manager i want your rude butt fired me now arriving on the scene what's going on here karen seen my uniform ah a manager note i did not have a manager's badge on just my uniform your rude employee here wouldn't do his job he's such a lazy jerk also do you know where the eggnog is that's what i'm here to get me yes ma'am the eggnog is give specific location gallon sized is in the middle shelf bottom shelf has half gallons and quart size is on the second to top shelf thanks in an irritated tone what you're not going to walk me there me sorry ma'am but i've got a rude employee here i need to discipline leo here's going with me as my witness leo that's right me just in case he tries to stir up trouble with corporate by claiming wrongful termination ah one sec to rc hey rc can you show this customer where the eggnog is i gotta handle this rc playing along sure thing boss right this way ma'am leads her off to the eggnog knee just to keep up the charade pulls matt along outside come on man acting like you don't work here and i told you that costume goes against dress code seriously man you know this will cost you your job i check behind me no karen you owe me for this and i think i'll cash in that favor for a bacon temptation omelette at ihop and thus our intrepid trio escaped that encounter and we went forth to the local house of pancakes where we ate parting ways leo and i returned to see karen stomping out of there i had my window down and could hear a bit of her loudly ranting about lazy workers these days and need to report them all to that manager so we walk back in and i ask rc so i guess that was a great a karen rc knowing what i mean i think you mean tropical storm karen she yelled at a couple of kids in halloween costumes me glad i wasn't here rc she kept asking where you went i just told her that after terminating that guy you went to lunch she only got angrier about that leo good thing you aren't a manager light elbowing me well here's hoping nothing comes of this oh yeah rc we got you something hand him a take-home box with some pancakes think of it as i'm sorry you had to deal with a karen pancakes told matt about the aftermath he laughed and told me she also yelled at someone in the parking lot thinking they were the cart pusher it was just some dude getting a cart lastly it seems like she didn't file a complaint or if she did it got ignored or management hasn't told anyone so far no sign of her and i'm glad go on timmy it's perfectly okay to nearly break a violin that you didn't even ask to touch yikes for context we just finished our first high school orchestra concert of the year and there's always a reception after it with cakes and cookies to celebrate the start of concert season due to this lots of the younger siblings come to the concert so they can have cake after it it seems perfectly normal until you realize that one of the orchestras unpacks in the room with the reception tiny sugar fueled children in a room with a few unsupervised orchestra instruments scattered around now usually the kids behave themselves because their parents keep them in check and make sure they don't touch the violins violas cellos and bases that are at the edges of the room because most parents understand that musical instruments are very expensive and should only be used by the player of said instrument however not this parent it started when i was hanging out with my friends at another end of the room when we heard something fall and heard a kid say oh man the bow fell naturally a few of the orchestra members checked on this and saw a small kid who was maybe eight struggling to hold a full-sized violin a very familiar looking violin in fact i looked over at my case and saw that this kid straight up took my violin out of the case and was messing around with it like no big deal due to the nature of orchestra kids there were already a few kids telling him to put the violin away and leave it alone the kid didn't stop and i showed up to tell him that the violin was mine and for him to please hand it over to me this was when his dad showed up entitled dad are you telling my son to put away that viola he's pursuing his musical interests let him be a kid don't you need more members anyway me i'm really sorry sir but that's my violin i really care for it and my parents say that if i break it i'll have to pay out of pocket to get it repaired so i really don't want your son to break it can you tell him to give it back no since that's your violin and he chose it you should teach it to him i won't be paying you since he chose your violin out of all the ones in here you should be honored besides you probably don't understand the value of money anyways me i'm not qualified to teach music lessons even then that violin is too big for him if he wants to play violin you should start him off with a one-fourth or a one-half violin entitled kid hey dude look what i can do the kid proceeds to play a string and then let go of the fingerboard for a second having him almost drop the instrument me kid i appreciate you trying to be creative but please don't do that you can have the violin fall and i'll have to pay for it don't you know how much violin costs the bow alone costs 500 entitled dad no it doesn't that whole set of the case violin and bow cost 200 max how about this he has your violin now and i'll give you 75 bucks to get a new one me are you insane no i've had that violin since sixth grade that specific violin holds lots of moral value to me i'm sick of reasoning with you i'm going to take the violin now entitled kid okay here's the violin the kid holds out the violin with a suspicious grin on his face i reached my arm out to take it back and the kid just drops it in front of my face i grabbed it just before it fell to the ground me are you out of your mind what gives you the right as a parent to allow your kid to go around handling fragile objects that you don't even own or know how to handle what is wrong with you ah let's just hope your goblin didn't mess with the strings i checked the strings and sure enough the kid had messed with a lot of the fine tuners i tried to retune it and the e string snaps entitled dad your poor violin broke now pay your five hundred dollars to get it fixed have fun bye he starts to leave me breaking a string is extremely different than dropping it and shattering the wood like your kid was about to do so okay boomer and he just left no comments or anything luckily for me apart from the e string snapping and the other strings being a bit out of tune nothing bad happened i actually am mildly hoping that the guy and his kid are there at the band concert on sunday because it would be absolutely hilarious to see a bunch of band kids chaotically attacking this guy for even touching their instruments rather than just trying to talk the kid out of it next we've got entitled mom tries to justify a kid trying to take my wii background during summer of 2016 my family decided to let my mom's brother live with us with his family most likely due to money problems my uncle was a very nice guy and he deserved to get help from us enter my aunt and 10 year old cousin cast we've got entitled mom my aunt we've got entitled kid my cousin we've got my poor uncle and we've got me beginning the way this story begins is when i got back home from school and i go up to my room to play on my wii entitled kid what are you doing oh i'm just playing on my wii can i play sure why not i handed another controller to entitled kid and we continue to play super smash brothers brawl we play on for about 30 minutes when i have to end up using the bathroom when i finish and come back into my room i found entitled kid unplugging my wii and stuffing it in his bag when i see this i obviously ran up to him snatched the wii out of his hands and knock him down to the floor this obviously makes him start bawling and he calls his mom off enter entitled mom what the heck is happening entitled kid ope pushed me entitled mom glares at me sharply why did you do that i caught entitled kid trying to steal my wii i think he kind of deserved that trying to keep calm at this moment entitled mom glance is over at my setup oh that stupid old thing don't you think that was kind of an over exaggeration all he wants to do is play on the wii me no he wanted the wii more than actually wanting to play on it what's the problem exactly he wanted to use it for his own personal use it's not like he meant to steal it me you'd call pulling out all the cables taking it off the stand and shoving it into one's bag without my consent isn't considered stealing how dare you call my kid a stealing jerk you know what just for that you should just give us that we as compensation so how about you just hand that to us just hand it over i'll even pay you at this point i have officially lost my patience with this person so i just take my wii and start walking downstairs when entitled mom starts shouting at me and then it gets real entitled mom hold on where exactly are you going i'm leaving i'm not coming back until you clean up your attitude like that entitled kid mummy i want that still in tears don't worry sweetie mommy's taking care of it looks at me hey we still want that give it to us me pretty much snaps no get away from me you crazy entitled jerk you better man up and give us that you spoiled little jerk when she said that that is what got the attention of my uncle from downstairs poor uncle what the heck is going on in here entitled mom he tried to assault me uncle looks at me what is she talking about i explain everything to my poor uncle from the start and he understands whilst also taking my side as apparently entitled mom has tried to pull this stuff multiple times from others and poor uncle offers me to go somewhere else this sends entitled mom into full-on karen what the heck uncle he was being rude to me an entitled kid and i'm trying to give him what he deserves poor uncle op told me that entitled kid tried to steal his video game console and that you kept supporting entitled kid trying to steal his video game console you think i'm the bad guy here op was rude to entitled kid that sort of behavior cannot go unpunished poor uncle but trying to steal someone's 250 dollar system should go unpunished entitled mom starts babbling incoherent nonsense that i couldn't make out poor uncle uh i can't deal with this tonight entitled mom continues to babble incoherent nonsense that i'm not even bothering to make out at this point my uncle gets fed up and takes me to his truck and we drive off to somewhere else resolution it has been about three years since this has happened from what i can recall poor uncle and entitled mom had actually divorced apparently poor uncle had gotten so fed up with entitled mom's bs that he actually couldn't stand her anymore no i don't think i was the main cause of their divorce but a small part of me thinks that maybe just maybe i was a contributing factor next we've got sleeping brett needs more urgent attention than lady with kane cast we've got me disabled lady with cane we've got ablest employee and we've got karen entitled mother if you want an entitled parent story of your own let me tell you where to find some airports there is nobody more likely to be entitled than a parent with a stroller in an airport despite needing a cane they constantly cut past me when walking by nearly knocking me over they also like to push their way past me to get on the elevator even if doing so means i have to wait for the next elevator any attempt to board first will be met with heavy size and shoving me into a corner of the elevator despite there being room elsewhere as you may have guessed from the cane i'm disabled as is my mother the airport we use is huge and for most terminals we can't walk the distance without seriously hurting ourselves as such we try to make arrangements with the airport ahead of time basically they'll get a wheelchair and someone to push it or bring around a go-cartesque thing to get you there this time was no different while i was having issues walking my mom was having issues standing as such we decided it would make more sense for me to be the one to go up to the counter to tell them we were there and ready for the accommodations this is where the ableist employee comes in i'll spare you the finer details on just how much disdain that lady had for me but some of it is important a bit of it has to stay in also worth noting that my illness is totally invisible to the naked eye other than double jointedness me hi my name is ocarinalink24 we called ahead about wheelchairs employee wheelchairs looks me up and down well where is it me what where's the wheelchair i don't know employee snootily well if you don't have the wheelchair i can't help you me you're supposed to have it we called ahead to let you know we would need assistance we don't do that yes you do like i said we set it up on the phone we go back and forth like this for a while before i finally got firm with her me look my mom needs this too she can hardly stand right now we already set this up and most airports do this i know this one does too because i've done it before employee huffs i'll call someone to maybe see if i can get one for your mom and me too employee stares incredulously i thought maybe she couldn't see my cane so i lifted it to show her me yes i'm young and still need one my condition is actually worse than my mom's but i'm more able to stand in front of you right now we need two wheelchairs just like we arranged for in advance employee just scoffed this is when i see the karen with her stroller headed in our direction this just frustrated me more because i can't imagine how hellacious it must be to try to navigate the airport with a toddler like that employee talks to someone on the phone before getting up and leaving without saying anything to me it was at this time the mother pulled up behind me she was there for maybe three seconds before she started huffing that didn't bother me heck she saw how bad the customer service was as she was coming up i was annoyed too it was getting difficult for me to continue standing however those huffs and puffs turned into entitlement pretty quickly i caught her giving me nasty looks when i glanced over my shoulder the kid was sleeping soundly and sweetly her behavior from there would have been excusable if the kid had been awake screaming and yelling but they were blissfully unaware of everything around them the next thing karen started to do was mumble about how long it was taking again an understandable reaction here's where things took a turn she started to complain about having to wait in line i thought that was a little weird since it was just me and her but whatever the complaints about the line got louder and devolved into her complaining that she had a child and she had a stroller i turned around and gave her a look started a fiddle with my kane to passive aggressively make a point i'm from the south it's what we do she saw it but kept talking to herself about how she needed help right this instant she even tried to slowly creep forward with her stroller to push her way between me and the counter despite clearly seeing that i was in the middle of being helped already finally she decided to complain to me karen this is taking forever me yeah i know they were supposed to have the wheelchairs ready for my disabled mom and i before we got here i put extra emphasis on wheelchairs and disabled hoping that would stop her from trying to inch in front of me in a two-person line yes she was still trying that like i wouldn't notice or something but alas that did not work out she looked ready to explode because there was no way for her to demand a manager she went back to mumbling to herself about how she had a stroller and shouldn't have to wait in line the end of the story is she ended up making me feel so uncomfortable i left to find another employee who said wheelchairs would be no problem and i saw him having a talk with employee who was on her way back as he was leaving to get the wheelchairs she looked super upset during it and based on body language i think she got in a little bit of trouble so i guess that's something next we've got called a creep because i don't work at the school i work at so i work as an i.t consultant under a long-term contract for a school thus making me not an employee i've been working at this school for many months now so all the staff and a few parents know me none of the regularly employed staff require uniforms or have any identification except being on the website staff list which i am not a part of tuesday of this week i'm walking back onto school grounds after getting some food a good hour after school got out when one of the parents i saw earlier bee lines towards me from the parking lot we've got me we've got parent we've got awesome office person parent i've seen you around here creeping you need to go away before i report you to the staff and the police i'm caught really off guard because i almost never interact with parents except through email or the occasional one chatting with other staff me uh sorry i actually work here i'm an i've looked at the website list and you aren't anywhere on there i've even spoken to other parents and they're concerned for their kids safety you need to leave right now before i call the police look we can go into the office and talk to a b or possibly see if she's still in yeah then they can call the police themselves and you won't be able to run okay don't follow the logic train with that one regardless we walk over and into the office luckily someone is still working the front office the lady is about to speak but i immediately chime in and say hey b can you please verify that i work here as i.t support be really confused says yes he works here he's been here for a couple of months now parent then why isn't he on the website and why doesn't he have a badge well we didn't feel like a badge was necessary as everyone here knows him and he was introduced at the school assembly then send out an email to all the parents because many of us have been concerned do you actually think we would just let some random guy walk onto our campus like that you're fine op you can go i left while they were still talking because i had a lot of work to do i can see where much of the confusion was and i'm not offended but considering there are dozens of parents and staff unmarked on a campus a day also the fact that no one is initially allowed on campus without first verifying their identity at least once me showing up many times should have been a hint next we've got lime green equals red once upon a time i used to work at the subway our shirts for those months was when they decided lime green should be their color with big ol subway and big white and yellow letters across the chest so with my way of subs lime green shirt and blue jeans i made my way to the big box store of red shirts and khaki pants this is about the time that the greatest showman came out so i finally found a store with the cd said big box because my husband loved it the music was catchy and i wanted to surprise him i did need a couple other things too so i grabbed a buggy cart and went about getting those couple things made my way to where cds and dvds were i've noticed i'm being followed since the seasonal section and because it was so close to electronics i didn't think anything of it why would you i mean seasonal an outdoor aisle or two away from the pharmacy my eyes go wide because no one else is around not even an employee who steals along and pops up out of nowhere me can i help you her yes i've been trying to get your attention since toys lazy kid me i'm about 26 at the time and look 15. sorry but i'm not a teenager and i'm a shopper her liar legacy i need a manager me okay then grabs my cd and my buggy and tries to leave her screaming at this point get back here you thief how dare you steal that cd i literally just put the cd in the kid's seat so it didn't fall out of the buggy her i am going to get you fired from here and box of stars okay i don't work it either with everything going on a manager and an officer comes in after pharmacy reported the yelling manager what's going on here she started this tale how i was rude mean how i hit her and i'm stealing etc i only had my keys and my way of payment on me no bag or anything i tell them both what was going on and how she mixed up a lime green subway shirt with the retail red and starbucks green though i think they had black shirts that year by the way starbucks was inside of target me i mean we are in electronics and there are more cameras here than the rest of the store and our whole confrontation this whole time is in the electronics section also can we speed this up i need to go pick up my husband at work after a fun 20 or so minutes i got to pay for my stuff and leave with a nifty 10 off so yay no tax made it in time to pick up the husband she was promptly removed from the store by the police because she was actually trying to steal entitled dad wants to trade a happy meal toy for my son's 40 toy characters we've got entitled boy entitled girl and entitled dad let me preface this with my son loves to share if he has one piece of candy left and you ask him for it say it's your favorite he will either give it to you or split it in half so you can have some he enjoys things much more if he shares them so you can enjoy it too that's just how he is also we are on a pretty strict budget so he doesn't receive rewards or presents except on special occasions my son is six and we just came home from parent teachers conference and were told he was doing great so we stopped at the store on the way home and let him pick out a toy as a reward he picks out a 40 iron man toy this toy would light up was about up to his knee just a cool fun iron man upon arriving home he sees entitled boy and entitled girl outside playing so he immediately wants to go outside and show them his new toy and play with them i'm watching them from the window i see entitled girl go to her house and come back with one of the iron man toys that came from a mcdonald's happy meal entitled girl gives the happy meal iron man to my son grabs his iron man and entitled boy and run back to the house i run outside and i met by my son who is crying he tells me that they took his iron man and gave him the happy meal one as a trade i am livid i march over to their house an entitled dad comes to the door i explained what happened and tell him that i want my son's toy back he tries to tell me that my son agreed to the trade and they are both iron man so what's the difference meanwhile i see the entitled kids behind him playing roughly with my son's toy after about 15 minutes of arguing with a very sad six-year-old by my side i finally threatened to call the cops an entitled dad tells the entitled kids to give back the toy they tell him no we like this iron man better entitled dad tells the kids he will get them the same iron man next week when he gets paid and the kids still told him no entitled dad then tells me that they can keep it but have to give it back when he gets them one i interrupt him saying no they cannot keep my son's toy that was his reward for doing good in school entitled girl then smashed iron man into the floor breaking the arm off of him my son starts bawling entitled dad and entitled kids start laughing an entitled girl just says oops he can have it back now i take my devastated son home with his broken iron man it's getting late at this point and i tell my son that i'll take iron man to the hospital when he's sleeping so his arm can get fixed but he has to get to sleep so i can take him about an hour after my son is asleep there's a knock on our door it's another neighbor she tells me she saw a part of it an entitled dad bragged to her husband about it she also tells me that she does care for the entitled kids and they often act like that our awesome neighbor proceeds to hand me a brand new iron man just like my sons i thank her but tell her i couldn't accept that she laughs and said that she's putting the cost on entitled dad's daycare bill so he's actually paying for it i accept and invite her in for a glass of wine needless to say iron man came out of the hospital looking brand new and my son was ecstatic he also stopped playing with the entitled kids edit for clarification this all happened two years ago a lot of people commented about calling the cops several reasons why we didn't some of y'all might not understand this but others will although i'm wide my family is native american and cops around here are sketchy next this got settled albeit in a very roundabout way karma will finish the rest i'm not sure what happened to the dad and kids although i like to think that their last name was oh doyle and their car went off a cliff after slipping on a banana peel again this was not what happened just my happy fantasy of what did next we've got entitled mom that's entitled daughter take easter eggs from other kids basket this is the same entitled daughter who woke me and my twin sister up when we had the flu the baby hadn't started walking yet so she was not participating in the egg hunt not to mention she couldn't eat half the candies anyway so mom gave her some baby food fruit as a special treat as a general rule an adult or older kid who is not participating in the egg hunt has to be with the kids who are participating in the egg hunt because there are deadly snakes in my area this was to be the last time my twin and i could do the egg hunt so by this time i had about 15 eggs i had been down to get another one in some grass when i felt something in my basket i looked behind me and saw entitled daughter holding one of my eggs older niece one saw her too older niece won entitled daughter give me back her easter egg entitled daughter well she has tons i only have three alderneys if op wants to give you an egg you have to ask first no okay then you can't have the egg if you can't be nice older niece one then took the egg back as well as my basket so that entitled daughter couldn't reach it haha shorty brat we continued to collect eggs when i saw entitled daughter over by twin sister trying to take her eggs but older niece too had noticed as well and was preventing her from taking them entitled daughter gave up on them and of course she tried to get eggs from the kid that was my most fiery tempered sister that ended with her getting yelled at but who did entitled daughter run to entitled mom enter the battle between older sister and entitled mom but of course she goes after me first it's well known that i'm the pushover twin entitled mom you give my precious angel your eggs you spoiled little brat mind you i never get candy unless it's a holiday and i only get presents on my birthday my gotcha day the day you were adopted and christmas so how the heck was i spoiled compared to her little brat who ate ice cream for all three meals and she got a present every time she came home from school unless she was with my mom who made her do homework entitled mom did entitled daughter's homework for most of the time older niece won leave her alone entitled daughter can either ask for an egg or she can collect them on her own but she's not going to take them from other kids baskets entitled mom then tries to grab my basket from her but older niece merely took a step back grabbed my hand and told me i could collect four more they had a limit on how many you could collect so that all kids had an equal amount that's when entitled mom shoved older niece one causing both of us to fall and my eggs to go everywhere entitled daughter then started picking them up and i began to cry because i had landed on my arm breaking it older niece glared at it entitled mom and entitled daughter before telling her one simple sentence hold her knees you'll pay for that older sister entitled mom broke opi's arm older niece picked me up before heading toward where my mom dad and little sister were older knees entitled mom pushed opie and i opie landed on her arm and i think it's broken mom and dad took me to the hospital so the rest of this is what i was told happened older sister punched entitled mom in the face that went to court but she was cleared because of what happened so it was seen as self-defense and my brother ended up breaking up with her not to mention the church where we were doing the egg hunt took back my eggs and entitled daughters and told entitled mom that she was not welcome back and that her daughter was not allowed any eggs now next we've got this is ridiculous the battle cry of difficult customers i work at a resale store people bring in their clothes we look through it and offer them cash on the spot for whatever it is we reckon is good enough for the store we also send a text after we're done looking through people's stuff the cast we've got me we've got keyholder and mrs angry i get a phone call mrs angry hi i just got a text from y'all saying that my stuff is ready me yes ma'am that's correct well could you tell me what all you took and how much money i'd be getting for it i actually can't give you those details over the phone but we'll hold your things at this point she interrupts me but i was gonna say that we'll hold our stuff for three days at which point we'll just throw it in a donation bin across the parking lot if they're not back for it oh and we can't give any info she wanted over the phone because we've had issues with people just not showing up to pick up their crap if they're not happy with the amount of money they're getting mrs angry what this is ridiculous i'm home with a plumber right now me okay mrs angry i read your little contract there were no stipulations like this in there me hold on just one second mrs angry suddenly syrupy sweet okay thank you it's worth noting that i could just glance over my shoulder and read off her receipt that she was getting about 25 dollars i bring the phone to keyholder and say hey this lady is yelling at me because i won't tell her how much we're giving her for clothes and then i head off back to the front counter because i have reasonable people who need help over the next 20 minutes keyholder is in the back room dealing with mrs angry keyholder texts the district manager who straight up tells us to stop talking to mrs angry over the phone a couple times mrs angry calls the store and keyholder hangs up on her after a while key holder comes up to the front and canceled mrs angry's transaction saying we don't deal with people like that she says she's coming in tomorrow i'll handle her great i'm not working tomorrow fast forward to two days later a day i am working mrs angry comes in she's a day later than she said she'd be she comes to the counter all pleasant that's my stuff right there i had a time of it over the phone with you guys you know me oh mrs angry yeah and i would never yell at anyone i wasn't yelling i was just trying to understand the situation you know right she doesn't recognize my voice so what did it all come out to me we cancelled your transaction you did what we're right at the front counter a different key holder is ringing up a customer both keyholder and customer turn to watch why we just did this is ridiculous i can't believe you treat people this way i just wanted to know the details of my own order over the phone why can't i have the details of my own order it's store policy do you have a manager or a manager's number i can call we taped the customer service email to your bag she rips the paper off the bag and crumples it up never mind whatever she throws it over the counter and snatches her bags off the counter i can't believe this i'm never coming back here i can tell you that okay she yanks her bag towards her one of them hits a display of bracelets we have on the edge of the counter a few of the bracelets fall onto the floor oops oh no oops i'm so sorry clumsy me she walks to the door fumbling with her huge bags and then stops at the doorway other customers are now staring at her mrs angry and i just wanted to know you know just to see how much it'd be because actually i was never going to give you a shred of my clothing me have a good day she gets out to the parking lot drops her bags on the ground by accident flips off the store and then spends 15 minutes at least gathering up her bags and some loose change that had fallen out of her purse customer what the heck was her problem on the bright side this place has had my back more than any other place i've worked the district manager backed us up on upholding store policy and she actually said you guys are just doing your jobs you don't deserve this i'd rather lose customers next we've got coach ruins my shoulder my dad ruins her career so back when i was in high school i went to a charter school that didn't have any sports teams because of this i was allowed to compete on the high school's teams that i lived closest to my sport was swimming i wasn't the best at it but i was consistently in the top four to five swimmers on the team this was something i was very proud of since i learned how to swim when i was just 14 after my brother forced me to join the team with him the issue that i had with learning how to swim when i was older was that i didn't know anything about swimming my coach on the first swim team was an all right coach not the one the story is about but was a total jerk about workouts and could not teach technique worth a darn because of this i developed a lot of bad habits with my strokes and as i swam more and more they became harder for me to change one of these involved breathing on only one side when i swam front crawl this led to one side of my body being more muscular and developed than the other my weaker side lagged behind to the point i had developed issues with my shoulder it would become inflamed and even pop out of socket occasionally luckily i was able to join a year-round club with a fantastic coach who will call christy helped me fix my strokes and get me better than i had been before the issue was that some damage was already done to my shoulder so strokes like butterfly were harder for me to do because of the amount of stress that it puts on your shoulders i made sure that all my coaches knew that i couldn't do butterfly consistently in competition because of my shoulder things went great for my freshman and sophomore years i even went to the state championships my sophomore year in my junior year i got a variance on a team that i could swim on since i had some mental health issues so i was able to swim on the same high school team that christy ran things were great until the head coach of that high school retired after coaching the team for over 30 years and a new head coach was hired this is the one the story is about we'll call this coach kim the coaching staff changed my senior year and i was ready to drop some killer times and kick butt to qualify for the state championship in my favorite event the 500 yard freestyle practice begins for the year and within the first week i could tell that kim had no idea what the heck she was doing kim had fired christy from the high school team and brought her own staff that consisted of her personal friends it came to my knowledge that the only swimming experience kim had was with triathlons and not competitive swimming these are two different worlds kim didn't know that each swimmer has usually one or two strokes they are better at than the others mine was freestyle and backstroke my best times were in races with these two strokes kim thought that since i had a good looking butterfly stroke that that was what i should swim at every meet big no no since i had a bad shoulder kim all but ignored this because i'm the coach i know what's best for the team all while she screwed most of the relay teams over with horrible orders and wrong swimmers and even caused swimmers to quit because she was such a jerk as i had with every coach before her i told kim that i can't do butterfly at every meet like she wanted me to since i had a bad shoulder she acknowledged what i said but proceeded to put me in the butterfly position of the relay every meet of that year this was taking a toll on my shoulder and was hurting my other times at our regional championships i was assigned to the butterfly position in a relay yet again i was upset because this would likely be my last meet ever and i didn't want to hurt my shoulder i asked kim if she could take me out of that relay and put me in a different one because i wanted to focus on my other races mainly my 500 freestyle kim shot me at death glare and basically shouted at me for questioning her coaching decisions i just said forget it i'll swim the race but i'm not trying at all i went over to the starting blocks with my relay team and we started the race i jumped in and swam my portion and i was even petty enough to send a quick middle finger to kim as i passed her sitting on the side of the pool when the race was over i walked over to cool down and relax until i needed to get ready for my 500 free after i'm all relaxed and ready to get ready i hop back in the pool and get ready to swim my 500 free during my warm-up my bad shoulder was feeling a little different and caused some pain i wasn't about to withdraw from my race so i shrugged it off as being sore from the butterfly and went to the starting blocks again i started my 500 free fantastically my shoulder felt great and i was keeping a faster pace than i planned without a problem after the 150 yard mark my bad shoulder decided now was the time to shine because i swam butterfly had a pretty good speed earlier and had been all season and gave out i felt a horrible pop and i couldn't move it i floated into the wall where my counter was and just sat there holding my shoulder knowing that i was done swimming for good i even lost a scholarship to swim at a good college because of this i was upset but it wasn't anything with how upset my dad was he had hated kim since day one my life went on but my little brother from now on called connor was still on the swim team and having issues with kim since he didn't go to the high school we swam for little brother went to the charter school with me since many of the people who are my age carried our swim team and were already good the year before the team sucked after we graduated connor's junior year was horrible he started his senior year after trying to just shut up and ignore kim as best he could here's where kim started to screw everything up for herself she fired conor from being a captain of the swim team because he knew people egged the house of another team member it had nothing to do with the swim team other than it was someone's house connor wasn't even involved he just knew about it kim's next mess up was when she was in a particularly jerky mood one practice she pulled out all the swimmers for what she always called a come to jesus talk basically it was a profanity written rant about how the team sucked and everyone was lazy other than her favorite swimmers who were saints and did nothing wrong connor finally had enough and pulled his phone out and recorded the entire rant just a few of the things said were things like you're all lazy it's about time you got your crap together and why the heck are you guys here anyways now remember she was the coach of a high school swimming team she was also a teacher at the high school at the same time i should also point out that in her class syllabus at school it says swearing will not be tolerated grades can suffer if it persists the irony was too thick and this is where the revenge starts out my dad had finally had enough of kim being a jerk to everyone who she didn't like he took the recording and sent it to the school principal the principal met with my dad and basically told him that they would look into it and let him know but gave the impression that he was on kim's side and my dad could buzz off so once the principal was about as helpful as general ward's my dad went to the school district and filed a complaint against her again the district was just about as useful in disciplining her as gandhi at a potluck and told my dad to not worry about it this is where my dad went to take the revenge to the next level little did i know he recorded a conversation with kim from my senior year about why i wasn't on the varsity relay for an event despite being faster than one of the swimmers she had made up lies about me saying that i disrespected other teams harmed to the other swimmers during the practice and was rude to her in explicit ways my dad had ways of verifying all of this was false and kept digging not only did he have enough to do kim over but also half of her coaching staff her strength coach would regularly shout at me and curse at the swimmers during practice if they weren't doing things right dad found evidence that kim knew about my shoulder injury and blatantly ignored it she also told different people she didn't like me or conor and that we shouldn't be on the team since we didn't attend the high school my dad found a whole laundry list of things on kim and compiled it all since the school and school district did nothing my dad went straight to a friend he had on the state board of education he showed his friend everything after hearing and seeing everything that kim did my dad's friend was livid she immediately filed all the paperwork and made all the calls to get kim's teaching license suspended her coaching certifications revoked and fired from working at the school it gets better from here my dad's friend also sent out a memo to the whole school district telling them that she was fired for gross misconduct of an employee while working this all but blacklisted her from finding a job anywhere in the country it was so satisfying and i love knowing that she can't coach anymore so no one will deal with her being a horrible person like that again entitled mom tries to take my brand new bowling ball our cast we've got me we've got nice kid the bowling quasi noob probably like eight or nine we've got entitled mom story wouldn't be complete without her and we've got desk staff member a great friend of mine so i recently got into bowling and wouldn't you know i love it a lot i recently changed my ball from a roto grip hustle inc to a brand new brunswick quantum bias pearl ran me 210 dollars that's 150 dollars for the ball 50 for getting the finger holes drilled with pro balls you need the holes drilled for your precise hand size they aren't pre-drilled and ten dollars for inserts rubber grips it's a saturday night and i'm with my three friends whose names will not be revealed due to privacy reasons this bowling alley is in my town in kansas which name will again not be revealed in comes the karen and her kid who couldn't have been older than aid i brush it off saying no big deal but big shock they get the lane next to me we're on the first game eighth frame and i've got a 161. and the kid goes up to our ball return and tries to take my bowling ball but he couldn't lift it cute dialogue me in a sweet non-confrontational tone hey there kid why are you touching my ball nice kid well you're doing good so i thought using your ball would help me do well me well i would let you use it but it's brand new and you probably can't even carry it it's 14 pounds plus the holes are drilled to fit my hand so it won't work for you nice kid okay sorry for interrupting sir me it's okay have a good one so i continue on ninth frame second ball and a 110 split has veered its head on my lane i have to pick it up to break 170. i grab the ball and i hear the entitled mom say hey sorry to interrupt but can my son use your ball me huh oh that well i would if he could carry it and if it would fit his hand plus it's brand new this ran me over two hundred dollars i mean it wouldn't kill to let him try he already did though he can't use it he is literally physically unable to use it the ball is too heavy did you just say that my son is weak my friends look on and stifle laughter me what makes you think that i never said that i'm saying that it's too heavy 14 pounds well then i'll just have to take it to him to make it easier don't do that miss please i snagged the ball from the return rack before she can get it what the heck are you doing you were about to take my bowling ball from me after i said no the dsm enters our lane dsm what's happening here me hey dsm how are you this man just tried to take my kids bowling ball me ah kerins anyway that's my ball she tried to take it from me after her kid so i was doing well dsm yeah i've seen him come in with this before this is his and given that it's on his ball return i find that really hard to believe that's not true i demand this man be removed from this lane me i'm 15 years old lady don't call me a man you don't look a day over 23. dsm i'll go check the security footage at this i see the entitled mom's ears go bright red as i say you really shouldn't have done that and my friends burst out laughing nice kid looks at me with a dumbfounded look and shrugs the dsm comes back after two minutes well from what i saw your kid did try to take his ball but he apologized so he did nothing serious but you tried to do it as well so i am going to ask that you leave as the entitled mom and her kid pack up she says you city jerks go back to blame your games me raising my voice listen here lady i was born in colorado country and i will die kansas country obviously you're not country because you literally carrying around a hydro flask and an iphone x with a pop socket you disrespectful jerk you need to learn to respect your elders or someday the world will hand your butt to you me was that a threat because dsm can easily forward your statements and the security footage to the police entitled mom goes silent and she and her kid leave the kid apologized the night was rather uneventful after that and yes i did get the 110 split got a 180 new high score next we've got entitled mother makes my painful commute 10 times worse had a run-in with an entitled middle-aged mother on my afternoon bus commute returning home from high school what ensued was the most unnecessary rant by a person in the history of the universe ever probably let us set the scene in true australian fashion mother nature gives us a 36 degree celsius day right in the middle of november 100 degrees fahrenheit for all you americans i've just gotten off my first bus to transfer but unfortunately the next one doesn't arrive for another 30 minutes now this bus stop is horrible it has a covered bench seat for two people three if you're lucky and standing room for two beside it but again unfortunately due to the earth's rotation and all that bs the sun is glaring directly into the covered part of the shelter this means zero shade for the seat this means the only shade at this relatively major bus stop is behind it to add i am the whitest person you could ever meet as ginger as they come with the palest skin you are ever likely to come across my family's heritage is a mixture of northern english scottish and welsh living in australia you can imagine what this is a recipe for if you can't imagine what this is a recipe for it is sunburn lots of sunburn enter the entitled mother of this cautionary tale another bus arrives at the stop and drops off another four people two high school kids who saw that there was no room in the shade so sucked it up and stood in the sun and are entitled mother who henceforth shall be referred to as karen for consistency's sake with her toddler in a stroller this stroller had a sun shade which i'm sure the toddler greatly appreciated on a day like this unluckily for me karen did no such sucking up and stood there in her stupid wide brim hat and fly-inspired sunglasses eyeing up the poor souls who dared stand in the spot she was most rightfully entitled to of these poor souls there was an elderly couple two primary elementary school kids and myself karen you kid move now me sorry i said move are you deaf you stupid brat me taken aback from the aggression from this woman what why why do you think i don't want me and my baby getting burned are you that thick in the head me with great confusion still unable to conjure up anything longer than a one-word answer no karen summoning her inner toddler whines but i don't want to ruin my perfect skin at this point everyone is just stunned in disbelief at the immaturity of this 50-something-year-old looking mother there is a long silence which only seemed to upset karen even more she began to go redder and redder she then yells at me move you stupid kid i have a child with me it's my right to stand in the shade i am way more important than you you stupid hooligan how the heck can you be so rude to your elders you little jerk keep in mind present our two kids and her toddler none of us were prepared to waste any of our brain cells trying to argue with this absolute doorknob so we just watched her like an exotic animal at the zoo amazed at how this majestic creature could somehow come from the same planet as the rest of us karen gestures towards the elderly couple looking for some sympathy can you believe how rude this child is didn't their parents ever tell them to respect their elders projectile spit came with the emphasis on apparently the golden rule of existence they were having none of her bs the elderly woman of the couple called her out on the aforementioned bs are you kidding me you have a giant hat and sunglasses and your stroller has a sun shade stop moaning and just wait like the rest of us now this happens over the span of maybe three minutes and all of the commotion what pulls into the bus stop but this lady's bus all of this conflict was over three minutes in the shade she turns to head to the bus yelling back at us expect to see a fine in the mail you selfish jerks my husband is a policeman you know i'll tell him all about what you did to me get a grip lady yells one of the high school kids as she walks onto the bus she parts ways with us with a complimentary middle finger and a feeling of confusion on our end next we've got i don't work here anymore so this happened a few months ago and friends said i should post it when i was telling the story the other day i used to work for a large bargain chain in the uk i hated it i liked the people i worked with and a few of the managers but the company and the majority of the customers were slash r awful the pay was rubbish and the way the company treated us was just crap but i needed a job as you know i like to eat and pay my bills so i stuck it out for a few years while applying for other jobs and finally the gods saw fit to get me a better job out of retail i've been working on my new job over a year now but i still go into my old work because a i like to catch up with the people i like who still work there and b i love a good bargain now on to our story i was pushing my trolley around just browsing shelves when i hear a cough behind me i ignore it and continue on my way then i hear an excuse me i continue to ignore it as it's not a voice i recognize and it has nothing to do with me then comes the sharp tap on the shoulder and allowed her excuse me i turn around and see a former regular customer she was always a nightmare and was one of the many reasons i was glad to get out of retail she will be in c for nightmare customer i will be me and fm will be former manager me i beg your pardon don't think you can ignore me i want you to get me this item sorry i don't work here yes you do i've seen you behind the tills you served me last week no i didn't i used to work here but haven't in nearly a year so i don't work here get someone else to help you well you're here now so you can help me nope what do you mean no i don't work here now kindly buzz off and let me finish my shopping you can't talk to me like that i'll have you sacked where's your manager no idea and i walked off while she was screeching like a banshee and finished my shopping i get to the tills and i'm loading my shopping onto the belt chatting to my former manager when she comes charging over and starts yelling ew points at former manager i want her sacked point at me she was rude and swore at me former manager sorry mad ma i can't fire her she doesn't work here don't you lie to me i know she works here no she doesn't she used to but left for another job shut up she slow at me and was rude so you need to sack her i can't sack her she's a customer me i don't work here this is ridiculous i want the manager i am the manager and she does not work here me nope i'm free i'm free and i'm also leaving bye former manager bye redheads why is she leaving because i can you belligerent old bat and i pushed my trolley out of the shop and went on with my day next time i went in my former manager had a story to tell me apparently nightmare customer was so awful after i left she swore through things and generally behaved like a toddler throwing a massive tantrum that the deputy manager banned her from the store so former manager has said if i see any other nightmare customers to see if i can rile them up into getting banned i said i make no promises next we've got landlord is jealous of my income raises my rent five hundred dollars i get him years later for twenty thousand in the late nineties wife and i were just married just getting started and we decided to dink double income no kids it for a few years to save up for a down payment on a house the dot-com bubble was still rising and i was a newly minted software developer i had an entry-level job for a while and then got recruited to a new city and a new job that paid three times what i was making before it was an offer too good to pass up i ran the numbers and it was a no-brainer by living frugally and saving my entire salary living off just her income we would easily have enough in a year to put 20 down payment on a new house we rented an apartment in the new city that was listed for 950 a month the landlord was a real estate agent who owned a two-bedroom condo as an investment property let's call him hank wazowski hank was a thin gray no-nonsense guy he was pleasant enough but perfunctory dry and had no sense of humor he made a point of explaining that under no circumstances was he responsible for maintaining the garbage disposal and that it was not included in the rental agreement and he would not be responsible for fixing it if it were to break um okay he seemed slightly amused by us a clueless young newlywed couple but i could tell he wanted to rent to us because we were very obviously a safe choice as renters we filled out the rental agreement and the credit check and this is where my troubles began hank looked hard at the credit application where i listed my job title software developer and my income 75k for a 23 year old in his second year out of college in the late 90s this is a small fortune throw in my wife's salary and we were over six figures in income renting an apartment far beneath our means like i said dink is the way to go when starting out i can't believe how much money you make hank must have said half a dozen times muttering under his breath i explained we were saving to buy a house and that we were only going to stay in the apartment a year we might stay a few months after the term is over would month the month be okay after a year hank assured us that would be fine we saw hank only once during the year and he again mentioned my salary and how he couldn't believe that's what software developers were making it was awkward and i gave a vague reply anyway a year later we had found a house to buy signed all the papers and were making plans to move the new house wasn't going to be ready until two months after our rental lease was up so i called hank to see if we could as discussed simply extend the lease by two months before moving out hank assured me on the phone it would be no problem and he would send over an extension for us to sign the extension arrived in the mail and it included a month-to-month clause and a 500 increase in the rent i flipped out and called him hank why are you increasing the rent over 50 percent that's too much that's more than my new mortgage is going to be he was super condescending to me ricky moose it's what the apartment goes for now i would be losing money by renting it for less i tried to reason with him but it was very clear he knew we could afford the 500 had no choice in the matter and he was going to do us over as best he could he got angry with me for arguing my point and i'll never forget his parting words you don't have to like it rocky moose you just have to pay it my wife and i tried to figure out a way to move out early by putting our furniture in storage for a couple months and crashing with friends but it just wasn't going to work out i swallowed my pride and wrote out the check for 14.50 for the extra month a month later i wrote a similar check and then we moved out i made sure the apartment was spotless before moving but still hank withheld three hundred dollars from our security deposit for bs things that were just a way for him to squeeze a few more dollars from the kids who made too much money one hundred dollars for cleaning sure but three hundred dollars was obscene in my mind he had done me over for twelve hundred dollars and there was nothing i could do about it what made it even more infuriating is that i saw the ad hank put in the paper after we moved out and he listed the apartment for rent at only 150 dollars more than we had been paying originally not the grossly inflated 500 increase and it didn't rent a month later i saw the same ad and he had lowered the price to 75 dollars more than we had been paying and i assume it got rented since the ads stopped appearing fast forward about five years life is good the house is good we have a baby and even though the dot-com bubble has burst i'm still employed one day out of the blue i overhear one of my co-workers phil a senior developer talking to the guy working the reception desk hey mike i'm expecting someone to drop off some paperwork for me if a hank wazowski asks for me tell him i'll be right out i freeze and get a taste of bile in my mouth remembering how i had to write out that name on those checks all those years ago there's no way it's the same guy right i walk over to phil who is still by the reception desk phil i say how do you know that name hank wazowski phil explains that hank is the real estate agent i bought my condo through him several years ago i'm selling my condo now so i can buy a house so i'm going to ask him to be my agent again and do you know him i tell phil that i used to rent an apartment from hank and described what he looks like phil confirms the description it's the same guy wow small world right and on cue right then the front door to the office opens and in walks hank wazowski i stare in disbelief he's carrying a folder of papers and doesn't recognize me phil and hank shake hands and they talk for a few moments i stand there silently wondering what to do phil finally says pink this is my friend rocky moose i think you may have already met yes hello hank good to see you again my wife and i were tenants of yours a few years ago remember the software developer who rented for a year saving to buy a house well this is where i work here with phil hank's eyes indicate he now remembers me and he's starting to put it all together we shake hands and he says yes of course he remembers and asks how we are doing oh we're just fine thanks for asking phil says that you're his real estate agent small world isn't it hank nods pleasantly he still doesn't remember the details of our last conversation i do some quick math in my head this is the early slash mid-2000s the real estate market is very strong and easy money for any agent the crash of 2008 is still a few years in the future i start to think out loud selling the condo for around 150 to 200 000 and you're looking at houses in the 500 000 range so that's 650 to 700 000 in total transactions an agent getting three percent on the sale and the purchase is getting around 20 000 for his trouble that's a good commission for the agent isn't it hank's eyes flash and i can tell he remembers everything about me now phil is surprised at my passive aggressive tone i am enjoying the uncomfortable silence hank deflects my question saying it's complicated and tells phil to send back the papers as soon as possible he shakes hands with phil looks at me nods and goes to leave it was really good to see you again hank i call behind him he exits the building as the door is shutting i say a bit too loudly so that hank can hear phil don't sign anything just yet i have a story to tell you phil looks at me and says rocky what the heck was that all about he looks upset and confused at my behavior i tell phil the whole story the rent the 500 increase the security deposit you don't have to like it you just have to pay it everything phil you can't use this guy to sell your condo and buy a house i hate him he's evil i'll help you find another real estate agent just use anyone but hank so the great thing about phil is that well he's a great guy he says he's a little surprised at my story and has always known hank as a straightforward guy but i totally see him doing that to you he admits there's no way i could use him now but what a jerk then phil's eyes lit up a bit what do you want me to say to him when i fire him i have special feelings for phil now we come up with a plan and i made sure there were some key phrases in phil's repertoire we planned it all out together in advance my only regret is that i didn't get to see hank's reaction in person a day later when phil made the following phone call while i stood behind him listening hi hank it's phil calling yeah about that i've decided to get some other quotes from other agents i'm not going to sign up with you pause no no you shouldn't give a discount you'd be losing money if you did that pause no this is just a decision i've made no it has nothing to do with rocky moose pause well you don't have to like it hank you just have to accept it goodbye click and it was the greatest revenge i could have ever imagined through a chance meeting years later hank lost out on twenty thousand dollars in easy commissions and the best part is hank absolutely knew it had everything to do with rocky moose good dog defends her home from the evil forces of a halloween entitled mom this story is thankfully not quite as extreme as some others here but i got wind of it recently and felt i just had to share it so here goes i'll preface by saying that i was sadly not actually present for any of this but it was just relayed to me by my little sister so dialogue is obviously going to be inferred paraphrased but the basic gist is the same halloween this year was frigid at home so my family didn't see a whole lot of trick-or-treaters but for the few kids who were willing to brave the icy night there was great reward awaiting them at my family home my parents always buy a lot of candy and since there were fewer kids this year that meant the portion sizes ended up being greater for those who did show up alongside the extra candy though there was another great surprise for kids who came to the door ted's for those who don't know so probably everyone ted's is my squishy-faced 100 plus pound mastiff puppy who is still growing and still seemingly unaware that she can't fit into anyone's lap anymore my other dog clover was upstairs with wendy one of my little sisters as she's a sweet girl but tends to lose her mind whenever anybody knocks on the door wendy's twin sister aaron however who loves doing special effect makeup had put on some pretty cool gore effects and stayed down to answer the door so any kids who came up got a good look at both aaron with a face full of fake staples and stitches and ted's with a face full of cute with that scene set let's get to what actually happened about an hour or so into the night only a handful of kids have shown up and aaron has decided screw it i'm going for it and has begun handing out massive fistfuls of candy to the kids obviously this makes her pretty popular even if some kids were initially freaked out by the whole zombie girl with a massive dog thing going on a knock comes at the door aaron answers it on the other side of the door stands a little boy with chubby cheeks and messy hair wearing a spiderman suit sans mask that was apparently a bit hard to see under the gigantic winter coat he had over it he's shivering but still smiling as he holds out a plastic pumpkin bucket and says trick-or-treat aaron estimated him to be around the upper end of toddlerhood and was absolutely delighted by him she adores kids when they're not being brats and she's a huge fan of spider-man so she was instantly rather fond of this kid the kid who we'll just call danny because why not looked a bit startled by her face at first but she quickly explained it was just makeup so which he perked back up and seemed really excited further cementing aaron's love for this kid suddenly as she's busy heaping candy into this kid's bucket a big blocky head squeezes out from behind aaron's legs snuffling curiously danny's jaw drops and aaron swears she could see literal stars in his eyes is that a doggie danny asks yup aaron replied giving ted's a quick pat on her big old knockin wow dany exclaims he's so big that she is aaron laughs stepping aside a little so ted's isn't squashed between her and the door can i pet her danny asks aaron is beaming because a little kid who understands and follows dog etiquette is a godsend unto itself sure you can buddy erin says lightly grabbing hold of ted's collar so she won't try to jump or anything dany pets teds with a level of reverence not normally found in kids he is utterly awe struck at the size of this big baby all of a sudden from down the driveway there comes an awful shriek startling everyone present what are you doing lo and behold it's danny's mother who up until this point had been standing at the end of the driveway playing on her phone without so much as a glance in our direction apparently the fact that her son was spending so long on our doorstep was enough to pry her away from candy crush or whatever because she had finally decided to look up she must not have liked what she saw as she was now bolting up the driveway with vengeance dany's mother henceforth known as deborah grabs her son by the shoulder and yanks him backwards nearly knocking the poor kid over ted's being a guard dog is naturally put off by having this thing come charging loudly towards her house and her people she squares her muscley shoulders settles her fist-sized paws firmly on the ground draws herself up and lets out a jowl flapping woof now would probably be a good time to mention that tedderton the tank taxi vader has a very powerful bark it's deep resonating and absolutely crap your pants terrifying if you aren't expecting it when this dog barks the earth beneath her trembles deborah shrieks in fear darting back dany seems startled for a second but then starts clapping his little toddler hands in obvious delight good kid what is that thing deborah screeches reeling away in a combination of terror and repulsion um a dog aaron replies not at all politely i may have accidentally rubbed my take no crap give no hoots attitude onto her oops what debra yells but it's huge dogs aren't supposed to be that big good ones are aaron says blandly she's always been of the ronald swanson opinion on dogs as have i though i have met plenty of little dogs that i've lied why were you letting it near my son dogs that size shouldn't be anywhere near kids you should know better deborah snaps it could have eaten him in fairness ted's was probably twice the size of the kid easily but that was still obviously a stupid thing to say nah she's already had dinner tonight erin replied she's not hungry debra opens her mouth to retort but then does a little double take her expression twisting back into horror what is wrong with your face she exclaims it's okay mama danny pipes up before aaron can say anything she's not really hurt it's just mack up aaron says he mispronounced it are you out of your mind why would you be answering the door for kids when you look like that debra demands ignoring her son entirely oh i don't know maybe because it's halloween aaron draws now listen here you debra points a finger towards erin and goes to take a step forward when she is stopped by another earth-rattling bark from ted's the harpy yelps and darts back again deborah screams what is wrong with you can't you control that thing well first off she's a guard dog and you came at me yelling so of course she got antsy aaron replies debra opens her mouth to argue but aaron doesn't give her the chance and second off she's still a puppy so we're still working on some of these things that's not a puppy deborah says obviously shaken don't lie to me that's way too big to be a puppy nope puppy erin says she's gonna get even bigger too it's going to get bigger all color has drained from debra's face all color has also drained from danny's face but that's because it's very cold outside and this poor kid has been stuck standing there while his mother yells at my sister yup erin replies popping the p sound with an evil grin on her face maybe another 50 pounds or so if she takes after her dad come on dany deborah says suddenly in a huge hurry we're leaving she seizes dany's arm and begins to walk quickly away bye miss bye big doggie then he says waving his little toddler hand happily at the two of them seeming completely unfazed by his mother's behavior bye erin said waving back happy halloween she then closed the door because again it was cold and watched them leave when debra glanced back over her shoulder aaron grinned ominously at her and waved nearly bursting into hysterics at the speed with which this woman whipped her head back around at the site aaron says she hopes danny turns out all right and that she kinda hopes she runs into deborah again if only so that she can terrorize her with our giant kid eating dog a little more ted's was given many a treat that night next we've got entitled mom rampages ruins our evening and gets me and my family thrown off of a train this happened over the weekend and i'm still reeling from how this whole thing turned out every year i take a weekend off to go spin with my dad on the weekend of his and my late mother's anniversary we always go on a wine train that they would go to every year on their anniversary it's usually a very emotional time whenever we go since my dad has been diagnosed with alzheimer's and he doesn't want to forget but is starting to have real trouble remembering things coincidentally my mother-in-law was going to be having a little get-together for her birthday party on the same day we were going my relationship with my mother-in-law whom from this point will be designated as entitled mom can be described as rocky at the best of times and downright hostile at the worst she's kind of an ultra hippie type and loves to talk about her views and politics every chance she gets and loves to argue so i'm constantly walking on eggshells around her her main reason for not liking me is because of the company i work for when i let her and my fiance know that i wouldn't be able to attend her party entitled mom has the brilliant idea to simply invite herself to this mostly private day with me and my dad my fiance thinks it's a brilliant idea and will allow us to mend fences but i already had a feeling that this was going to end horribly since my entitled mom does not handle alcohol well coming the day of the event and my entitled mom comes up with her husband and i can tell that she's been pre-gaming before she got there my father-in-law looks noticeably uncomfortable and entitled mom is being that overly friendly kind of drunk i introduced them to my dad and as we're in line to get tickets i can see entitled mom taking sips from a water bottle that we later found out had wine in it we finally board the train and the trip was as much of a nightmare as it could have been entitled mom is loud and belligerent the entire night and is making everyone around her uncomfortable she's complaining about the food being too fancy accusing the staff and other passengers of being elitists when they won't engage with her and being just an overall nuisance despite her husband and my fiance's attempts to calm her down when she wasn't drinking from the wine on the menu she was taking sips from her water bottle when the staff discovered that they tried to tell her that she couldn't do that which started a heated argument between her and the staff about how it was her birthday so she could do what she wanted i took the water bottle from her and told her to knock it off but that only caused her to focus her rampage on me she starts screaming at me and she tells me that she doesn't know how i can live with myself how i should feel ashamed of my job when my dad tries to step in she yells at him and tells him to shut up because he won't remember anyways to make a long story short the manager comes over and has us all escorted off the train everyone was varying levels of upset with entitled mom literally crying about how her night was ruined eventually we ended up catching uber back to our vehicles it's been a few days since then and neither my dad my fiance or me have received an apology from her and i've told my fiance that i don't want that woman anywhere near our wedding my fiance has spent the past few days falling over herself apologizing to me and my dad and trying to make it up to us my fiance called entitled mom yesterday to find out what's going on with her but she didn't pick up her cell father-in-law picked up their house phone and apologized for what happened but his tone was very blaze like oh yeah stuff like that happens kind of tone he said she did remember what happened but wouldn't elaborate further so if i had to guess she's just going to pretend like nothing happened next we've got customer harasses me low-key stalks me and is in general the worst background i worked in a small town electronics appliance store when i was in high school 2015. i was only a temporary christmas worker so i wasn't till trained my job was to help with incoming stock stock shelves keep the store tidy and help customers to the best of my ability and then hand them off to the full timers to complete the sale i'm quite tech inclined and could usually help out with what customers are asking but if it got out of my death i'd ask one of the full-time staff to assist okay on to the story we've got me we've got annie full-time co-worker we've got dad maine harass her not my dad we've got mom his wife we've got girl their daughter and boy their son so i was stalking shelves one day when it was pretty quiet and this family came in dad immediately beelines for me and tells me they need a tablet okay no worries we have a tablet station set up with all of the android tablets and then a separate display for the ipads because apples like to be different kid goes off to play on ipads dad wanders off and i ask mom what they need the tablet for etc she says it's for girls schoolwork she says very shyly that she wants the cheapest tablet important for later sweet i show her the cheapest one and it fits all of her requirements okay time to go out the back and get a boxed one dad comes back over and immediately starts asking why we went for that one i try to explain that it's our cheapest option and he starts grilling me on what the difference is between that one and a samsung one well the price for a start samsung was a solid four hundred dollars more it gets super in-depth grilling me about specifics of the tablets i'm not an expert on android i'm better with apple so i say i'm not sure but let me grab someone who will know and signal to annie who is at the counter she comes over dad explodes no you need to finish doing your job to annie nope go away she hasn't finished her job this goes on for a few minutes while i try to get a word in annie who has heard everything says actually she's a trainee her job is to help as much as she can and then get one of us she's done her job dad gets in a huff but finally shuts up annie and mom decide on the cheaper tablet annie goes out back to get the boxed one dad goes to get the kids from ipads and asks me what are these i tell them they're ipads why didn't you show us these because mom asked to see the cheapest option and these start at around 500 dad looks mad and says i want one of these mom and i are dumbfounded dad is insistent and so annie and i get them sorted on which one slash storage size etc they end up spending 500 more than planned mom is not happy but i get the vibe she doesn't want to stand up to dad they head to the counter to buy and annie asks how much they'd like to pay dad puts a lottery ticket on the counter not a winning one just trash he had in his pocket cracks up like it's the funniest joke howling with laughter annie and i are not having it annie asks again and mom reluctantly hands over credit card they pay and finally leave wow nightmare over just kidding they come in the next day they don't know how to set up the ipad our store offered tech solution slash help with tech etc but usually it's a paid service through a separate part of the company where someone books and then a solutions employee will come to the store we don't usually sit there and help out ourselves because we aren't trained for it and we don't get paid for it unless it's a quick fix or you're extra nice family comes in sits at our finance desk asks for help setting up ipad i'm not there yet i didn't start until 11 that day but dad insists they only want me to help them so they hang around as soon as i walk in we entered through front doors and walked to the back room through the store he grabs me and tries to pull me over to them i haven't even clocked in or put my stuff away i'm trying to tell him this but he's breaking out the you need to do your job spiel again never mind that setting up your ipad isn't actually my job it took another employee intervening before he would let me go upstairs i clocked in etc and reluctantly head back out they're still waiting for me luckily i actually know a lot about apple so it's not a huge task for me to set up an ipad though the fact that they didn't have an email address who the heck doesn't have an email address didn't help took me three hours in the end because mom didn't understand a lot of it dad left and came back with food tried to give me a donut i declined not to be rude but mostly because i had already eaten and it seemed wrong to take food from a customer stranger he kept trying to shove it in my face and then eventually decided to eat it himself i was very stoked when i finally saw the home screen of the ipad and i could send them the heck home i won't keep going on here because this is super long already but they came in a few more times bought another tablet that was super expensive what the heck and then there was another time that he accosted me outside the store demanding i sell him a phone and then he had a massive argument with me when i tried to sell him said phone next we've got guy steals 400 of gas but i get the last laugh mobile blah blah back story i used to work at a marina when i was in high school that sold gas and allowed people to dock for free if they wanted to now one day a guy comes in on a pretty big boat comes in and gets a lot of gas like 400 worth of gas he comes to the counter to pay and gives me 400 and 100 dollar bills and i accept them and he goes on his merry way fast forward a week or so and i am told by my boss that the bills he paid in were all counterfeit bills unfortunately as he paid in cash we had no way of tracking him down so we think that he just got away with stealing 400 worth of gas that is until this idiot comes back after about a month and a half thinking he got away with stealing the gas when he comes back in i recognize the guy and tell my coworker to call the police right away however i know that this guy would just leave if i let on that i had recognized him and we had discovered his plot to get free gas so i decide to pretend i don't recognize him luckily for me this guy asks to dock the boat for an hour or so on our dock and i tell him it's not a problem now it is policy to get the name and phone number of customers using free dockage as well as asking that they leave their keys in the boat so that we can move the boat to a different dock if needed he complies to all of the rules and leaves his boat and he leaves his keys with me after probably about 15 minutes of waiting the police show up on the dock and ask my boss where the guy is my boss tells them he just left his boat but we have his number and can get him to come back to the boat and he then instructs me to do just that at this point i was upset at this dude for making me look dumb for basically losing 400 dollars so i call and tell him hey this is me from marina it seems as though there is an issue with your engine and it seems to be smoking for those that don't know boats that well engines are very expensive and this one in particular was a 350 horsepower yamaha engine which is top of the line so that man got back to that boat in a record time when he got back to the boat the look on his face when he saw two cops waiting for him was priceless he tried to play it off and act like he had done nothing wrong and he didn't know why the police were there but that was short-lived as they arrested him and told him why he was being arrested turns out the guy had almost two grand and counterfeit 100 bills on him next we've got don't litter folks you might find yourself at the receiving end of my devious father this was many years ago when i was around 5 23 years ago my house was on a lower class side of town mostly of more poor folks and retirees who had lived there before it went downhill our backyard butted right up against an alleyway that was a constant source of problems as an example we had a 15-foot diameter trampoline stolen from our backyard this thing had been rusted together so i can only figure they popped it up on its side and rolled it away like a big tire anyways back to the story the house across the alley from us was a duplex kind of a thing and the landlord would rent to literally anyone one guy he rented to was a fairly prolific criminal who ran his gig literally out of his kitchen window cars would pull up through the alley into the yard and slash parking hands would move back and forth and the car would drive away this guy legit had a drug drive through it didn't take long for my parents to find all kinds of undesirable trash migrating its way into our yard needles burn spoons broken pipes and who knows what else my parents were worried about my dumb five-year-old self getting into something or hurting myself with something that could decidedly harm me my mother was a nurse before being disabled in a severe car accident and had been infected with hepatitis c while working at the hospital due to a needle that had been missed so she was super worried about this for me as well as a handful of other kids in the neighborhood conversations with a landlord including gathered evidence made no difference he didn't live there why did he care eventually my parents tried to call the cops the local pd was not helpful they said they couldn't investigate or even send out a car on someone's word this wasn't our first problem with the local cops either after having our cars and other things broken into or stolen they told my parents to write down license plate numbers and if any matches a known felon or someone with a warrant they would investigate so my mother sit at the window for a full day and wrote down every plate she could see hiding carefully the whole time she ended the day with over 100 plates that's how busy this guy was we faxed remember 90s the numbers along with a letter explaining what the numbers were for and who we had spoken with to the pd nothing happened after several weeks they called back and were told there were no matches of any kind after another week of the problem simply getting worse my father decided to take matters into his own hands one night with no moon he sneaks into the driveway and throws roofing nails he had bought the previous day all into their area hundreds of them we watched for weeks as seemingly every tweaker in town would stop and almost immediately have to fix flats evidently either business dwindled so much or the renter figured out someone was messing with them both that they finally moved the landlord spent over two weeks of having cleaning crews and the like over throwing out huge mounds of garbage and repair crews to fix damage that i later found out was caused by the renter it seems they trashed and stripped the place before disappearing some night without us noticing the moral here not really one exactly except for maybe the landlord be more selective who you let live in your house maybe edit i should clarify the driveway was dirt gravel and tufts of grass so these nails were not obvious and difficult to see let alone pick up my father specifically bought brown colored ones so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 318,675
Rating: 4.7154775 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: wePUyyWKOt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 29sec (9329 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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