🐴 r/EntitledParents ENTITLED FAMILY STORIES EP 20 | r/EntitledParents Top Posts of All Time

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pay there mister read it here welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way Karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak twenty ones manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the RER me today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video our slash entitled parents you've sold something at your yard sale to someone else choosing begger entitled parent cross over this story is from a few years back so there is some paraphrasing but so much of this was so crazy it stuck clearly in my mind this is a yardsale story and yard sales really do bring out the choosing Beggar's this is also a crossover choosing beggar and entitled parents cast we've got me the person constantly singing the glade commercial in her head for the last 13 years we've got choosing beggar entitled parent we've got entitled kid we've got a nice kid and we've got the yard sale er set up I'm having a yard sale trying to make some money for textbooks for the upcoming semester that stuff's expensive I had a ton of stuff a lot of variety for some reason I had some toys and kids stuff I'm just a kid at heart so this was midday at a decent turnout so far doing well everything that didn't sell was going to go to Goodwill so I was open to negotiating this one woman shows up with her kid maybe 6 or 7 there are a number of people there but she comes up and is negotiating every price things were already really cheap she picks up a bunch of clothes some are new with tags most are really nice name and rarely worn etc so I have like three four five dollars on tops she had this pile of clothes maybe ten things and asks what's the best I can do this is the conversation that followed me instead of 15 dollars how about ten dollars choosing beggar I was thinking eight dollars me sure she comes back since I'm buying so much can you throw in these jewelry items and how about one dollar extra for all of it fifty cents not a question a demand sure she comes back these chance keys are for for one dollar can I get 7 $4 sure she comes back how much for this penguin toy there should be a price tag on it it says $2 can I give you 50 cents sure I'm just wanting this lady to go at this point so I'm not fighting her prices this goes on a few more times in between all of this I've been selling things to other people our kid had run up to this expandable ball toy it's like a ball made of plastic pieces that you pull and it expands to be about the size of a toddler it's really big fully expanded entitled kid was playing with it for a bit then he set it down and ran to play with something else at this point nice kid comes up and starts playing with it nice kid is playing with this ball for 10 minutes while his mom yard sailor looks around the ball had a price tag of $2 for reference this new toy is currently $35 so $2 wasn't a bad price yard sailor comes up to me with three clothes items and gives me the money on the tag no negotiating she sees nice kid playing with the ball and asks how much it is she paid full price she's really nice and her kid clearly loves the toy so I just tell her she can have it she so appreciative and thankful such a nice lady she tells a nice kid that he can have the ball and he is so happy he's literally jumping it was really cute they start walking back to their car that's when choosing beggar comes running up in a huff red in the face what do you think you're doing I'm sorry you saw entitled kid picked that up I was going to give you a quarter for it it wasn't marked at a quarter and I'm sorry but I didn't know you wanted it he had been playing with it for a while so you gave it to those people yard sale or a nice kid were just at their car but this lady was yelling so loud and pointing right at them they knew what was happening yard sailor seemed really uncomfortable and scared and just quickly got nice kids situated so they could get out of this angry situation I'm also going to point out yard sailor and nice kid or Hispanic and yard sailor didn't speak much English but we were able to understand each other in this limited interaction choosing beggar and entitled kid were white her those people coming was just an appropriate choosing beggar was so mad she had already paid the 11 dollars or so for the armful of stuff paying as she went well fine I'm done here then you lost a customer she grabs the entitled kid by the arm and drags him to the car she mumbled to him the mean lady sold your toy so you can't have it he is bawling and screaming about his toy I would much rather donate this stuff she bought then sell to her anyway but hey I probably lost a whopping 75 cents for $100 worth of stuff next we've got no I will not give you a refund for the food your son just took a bite out of to preface this I'm from the UK and work in a pastry shop in a relatively small tourist town I'm a bloke with long hair dark skin and a bit of a weird nose so I don't look like the most British person in the world and I get some odd questions from customers a lot of the time about where I'm from despite speaking perfectly regular English regardless it's a fun gig that I'm working in my gap year before I'm off to uni most of the people that come in are either regulars that live locally or tourists in the UK there's a law that affects our shop and means that for goods that are heated to order we have to charge an extra 20% VAT our goods have no VAT charges otherwise and are made fresh every day meaning that while we keep food on an enclosed trace oh it's protected we aren't actually allowed to keep food warm if we want to sell goods without the vet included our pastries are normally warm for about an hour - after they're baked and since it's a stupid law that really shouldn't be in place we normally don't bother charging to reheat products along with that we serve paninis wraps and baguettes with the paninis bread being partially under cooked and cooked whenever a customer orders it in a hot press fast forward to January of 2019 it's a busy Thursday afternoon about two ish and the last tray of pastries we baked was about 30 to 40 minutes ago supervisors gone off on his break and managers not working on that day so it's just me working during the lunchtime rush for now as I said it's busy so I give customers the usual hi how can I help what can I get for you talk and a quick smile and try to keep things moving quickly as I don't want to get too backed up so I can go on my break when my supervisor gets back inter entitled Brad who we shall call EB it looks to be about 16 to 17 ish judging by his height and what he looks like entitled brat doesn't say much else other than his order in which he orders three pastries and a panini to go I give him his pastries and explained that the panini will take five minutes to cook properly upon which entitle Brad gives me a dumbfounded look and titled Brad I'm on break from work and only have a few minutes left can't you just give it to me as is a bit curious as to how entitled brat thinks his stomach will deal with undercooked bread I explained to him that we keep the paninis uncooked so that we can cook them to order so they're hot and actually you know pressed like a panini should be entitled brat Huff's and asks for a refund which under normal circumstances I would be able to do but thanks to my supervisor being on break and me not having the privileges on the till machine to do refunds I can't until he gets back which I explained to entitled Brad he grumbles and simply waits for the panini to be cooked stepping outside and starting to talk on the phone as I'm cooking it now I have other customers at this point so I quickly serve them but seeing entitled Brad on his phone should have been a dead giveaway but it was about to go down supervisor gets back from his break and I call entitled brat in to pick up his panini which he does but then goes back outside to keep talking on the phone at this point entitled Brad takes out one of the pastries I had served him and takes a bite out of it then immediately comes back into the shop this is cold he says waving around the pastry as if I could tell from sight alone I frown the pastries at this point were only cooked about 40 minutes ago as I said so they shouldn't be that cold which it isn't it's about middling in temperature I begin to say that I can reheat it in the microwave but as I talk entitled Brett interrupts me why are you serving cold pastries my supervisor calls over from the back of the shop as he was cleaning near the ovens it was clear that he was having none of this kids grab will shorten his name too supervisor it's the law maid we can't keep things heated or we'd have to charge 20% VAT with every order can heat it back up for you though entitled Bret scales at my supervisor from the general demeanor of this kid it looked like he wasn't used to being talked back to which supervisor was very much doing and rightfully so he mumbled something about not wanting a reheated pastry and I want a warm pastry before walking back out of the shop in a huff and getting back on his phone about five minutes after this things have calmed down and my supervisor and I both want to get started on cleaning up the shop but then in comes none other than entitled dad as I'm polishing the glass on the display cases I overhear entitled dad asking entitled brat what was taking so long - which entitled brat states that we had been cooking his panini and refusing to give him a refund so he couldn't make it back in time bearing in mind this idiot chose to stand around talking on the phone - who I can only assume was either entitled dad himself or somebody else instead of getting back to whatever he had been doing so entitled dad and entitled Bret both Stormin at this point and I can feel my stomach drop this was the first time I had dealt with customers like this so in all honesty I was a bit nervous as I get a bit socially anxious at the best and worst of times me hi can I help you I can still see the half-eaten Cornish pastry and entitled brats hand as entitled dad starts to speak entitled dad yes you can I'd like a bloody refund for the cold pastries you sold this one he says referring to the bag of now definitely called pastries that entitled Bret had been holding out in the street the bags we serve them in are made of paper so they aren't the best at protecting against the wind or retaining heat me I'm sorry sir when I sold him those pastries they were warm to middling which is the general temperature that we keep our products q me rambling on about the laws that we have to follow yadda yadda I can however reheat them for you if you'd like entitled dad looks shocked that a shop would indeed follow the laws that govern the land and I watch entitled brat scoff at this point my supervisor who had stopped his cleaning to listen to these idiots comes over he'd been working at the store for about two years and so had dealt with plenty of these types of people supervisor Sorry mate but the best I can do is a reheat he did take a bite out of the pastry he points towards entitled bread boo scoffs and tries to hide the pastry that he had been waving around previously entitled dad can't you just give us a refund this is awful customer service now if you know anything about working in retail the absolute last thing you want to say to the person who is serving you is that you're giving them awful customer service my supervisor was a particular stickler for this sort of stuff and he rarely takes crap from anyone even sending out the typical school kid pranksters if they wind him up for too long I can see his eye too which slightly supervisor no sir we are actually giving you great customer service as normally to heat things up we'd have to charge the 20% VAT that the law actually requires us to charge so I can either reheat the product for you now or you can both leave entitled dad and entitled brat were both taken off-guard by this and didn't immediately respond as my supervisor was right we didn't have to give them a refund as entitled brat had ate half of the pastry that we had sold him and we were in fact going out of our way to be nice when it came to reheat charges then entitled brat opens his mouth again and it hits the fan eight points to me and says I don't want anything really hit it I want this weirdo to give me a refund my supervisor immediately told the entitled brat to leave the store and wait outside they then asked me to wait in the back room behind the ovens which I did I didn't at all want to deal with this stuff entitled dad why can't you just give us the refund did you even know the meaning of customer service I stood and watched from afar as the back room is only about ten feet back behind the counter and has an open doorway leading to it supervisor I've already told you why your kid ate half a pastry which means that even if I wanted to give a refund we are not allowed to entitled dad was fuming at this point and looked like he wanted to start a fight given my supervisor short temper part of me actually worried that he had rise to it entitled dad god you're a bellend fine he did back up my supervisor snap and immediately interrupted him supervisor oh you know what no if you want your food reheated you can pay the VAT entitled brat started shouting at my supervisor at this to which my supervisor asked entitled Brett to in his words f off already entitled dad began screeching at supervisor as well what the heck you said it didn't cost anything supervisor no I said that heating products up came with a 20% VAT which we don't normally charge but since I'm such a Belle and I am charging you it now as I am required to by law this argument continues for a few minutes with entitled dad practically talking in circles about how we were offering such utterly garbage customer service despite him and his son being entirely in the wrong eventually he sees that my supervisor isn't going to give in anytime soon and simply takes the bag of pastries and leaves as a note later on that afternoon my supervisor saw entitled dad an entitled brat again working at whatever job entitled brat was supposedly late to get back on shift or they are builders which have a hilariously bad reputation for giving awful customer service around the UK which made their earlier comments all the more funny to me and our final story of the day I gave pocket change for your daughter's happy meal now you owe me dinner hello mr. reddit I've been listening to your videos for a while now I'm a delivery driver and listening to your videos helps get me through the work week and if you should choose to you have my full permission to use this in a video back story my wife was hospitalized due to complications in her second pregnancy and my mother-in-law came into town and stayed with me to help out with our other child and such since I work full-time the cast we've got me we've got the one and only entitled mother-in-law we've got the awesome best friend we've got the waitress and my daughter only in mentioning the story it was finally my day off and I had been looking for something to go do to de-stress a bit and we decided to go to the lake took my daughter and awesome best friend with me entitled mother-in-law wanted to tag along too so we all headed out together I knew I needed to get my daughter something to eat before we went out to the lake since it's an hour-and-a-half drive and she loves Happy Meals so you know where I had to go now I pull up to the drive-through window me I'd like one chicken nugget happy meal please entitled mother-in-law get me a large tea and a large fry - I tell entitled mother-in-law I'm not even getting anything for me entitled mother-in-law I'll give you a five and you can use the change towards the happy meal I was okay with this knowing that entitled mother-in-law's meal would be around four and changed awesome best friend gets an ice-water I give them the five pay the overage and we're on our way we all have a good time down at the lake but it was starting to get near dinner time and we were hungry after her little deliberation we decided on Mexican food entitled mother-in-law since I helped you pay for the happy meal you owe me this dinner but if it's over $15 I'll help pitch in awesome best friend and I can't figure out how she comes - and I owe her $15 conclusion but we're all hungry so instead of arguing we just go we get to the restaurant and we're ordering our food awesome best friend ordered his food which he was paying for himself and I look at the menu and order the cheapest thing on there that I think I'll like then it's entitled mother-in-law's turn to order entitled mother-in-law tells the waitress I was at a different Mexican restaurant where they had some sort of a chicken breast with peppers meal but I don't see it here did you guys have it waitress well ma'am it's not on our menu but we can have a special order for it if you like entitled mother-in-law without any regard for the price yes that would be great dinner goes along with normal conversation and everything was going fine but then the bill came and they gave awesome best friend his bill and then me the one for entitled mother-in-law and myself and her meal was twenty-five dollars before I could say anything she had excused herself to my car and I had to go and pay the bill and leave the tip when I get back out to the car I bring it up to her remember how you said if your meal was over 15 you'd pay on it well it was twenty-five dollars Wow I wouldn't have guessed it would be that much so are you going to give me the money for it I will get it to you later as you would guess I never have seen any of that money and probably never will new manager makes working stressful enjoy working alone with no staff hello again ready I have been reading these stories a lot and while I did post a story about my great-grandfather a while back because I recently heard it from my mother and grandmother a new story that I had almost forgotten about came flooding back to me recently the main reason I am remembering this is because of a recent phone call that I took in from my current job this is a long story with some backstory so bear with me this story happened over 20 years ago during the late 90s I was 17 and had just recently gotten a job as a dishwasher at a local summer camp this was a large camp that was run by a corporation I won't say the name of the corporation but there is a very famous song named after them I had been to this summer camp before as a kid so I knew the layout of the camp my job started up the first week of summer mid-june so the kids were already there I had my interview with the acting kitchen manager who we will call Susan the original manager had just recently left the company and put Susan in charge this didn't seem to bother Susan as she was eyeing for the kitchen manager job that had recently opened Susan was a sweetheart she was nice and helped me out with everything I also interviewed with Bob the camp director as Susan did not have any hiring or firing power as she was just an acting manager the majority of the kitchen staff were also nice and helpful I made friends with them during the time I worked there while there was way more than these people I remember there being around 10 to 15 kitchen staff members during the summer I am only going to bring up ones that are important to this story there was Todd an older guy who lived only a few blocks from the camp and didn't have a car so he rode his bike in the morning it was also a dishwasher he was my supervisor but also really nice Dale the head cook had been there for a long time and used to be a cook for the local middle school Debbie another cook Ellie a kitchen server later girlfriend and Boris a and dishwasher who had a sponsorship with a camp as part of their worldview program there were three other dishwashers dumb dumber and dumbest who I will call the dummies but they are not part of revenge just that there were three dishwashers that were the worst nobody got along with them and they couldn't get fired because susan was acting manager now due to the fact that we were located at a camp the staff had full access to the facilities of the camp this means that during my breaks or off work if the camp was open I was allowed to go to the swimming pool go horseback riding or even boating as long as I didn't get in the way of the kids who had a set schedule it was full access Susan told me this along with the director of the camp Bob during my interview bob was also a nice man but also kind of weird this is important later on during the summer this place was wonderful I would typically start working the lunch shift then have an hour lunch break between lunch and dinner while I was required by state law for a half hour lunch Susan gave me an hour which she did for everyone typically during this hour I would go swimming or play with the horses one time Bob and I went jet boating around the lake or Ellie and I would make out in the pool just typical stuff a teenage boy would do most everyone in the kitchen staff loved me as I was a model employee and helped with just about everything they loved that they had someone who they could get help with as the dummies would always mess up in August we got the news the corporation had picked a new kitchen manager and it was someone from outside of the company susan was really upset she had worked so hard for years for this job and the higher-ups picked someone outside of the company the new manager was named Karen the first time we met Karen she gave a speech how new changes are coming and we will now work as a team and was condescending at Susan's work the first thing she did was a massive cleanup to the large walk-in fridges the strange thing was she didn't have the staff do it but it was later on we found out her family cleaning it out she also hired her husband Dan to be the assistant manager pretty much forcing Susan out during this time the camp was starting to transition from a summer camp to an event camp so the large staff would be cut in half this wasn't a problem normally as people would be leaving for school and other seasonal jobs start opening up the first people she cut were the dummies everyone was happy on that and that was the only good thing she did but in the end all that was left was Ellie Dale Todd Debbie Boris a few others and me I asked Karen if I could work the weekend as I had high school and she agreed since everyone else had wanted to keep me on staff Karen then begins her terror it only took a week but it happened her fangs started to shell and the power got to her each person felt the wrath of her she was one of those people who thinks their farts don't smell she would come in late leave early but yell at everyone for doing the same thing everyone had problems with her but here are a few that I remember Todd was starting to get written warnings about coming in late Karen placed him on the morning shift but he told her that he couldn't do the morning shift or he would be late as he doesn't have a car and bikes into work as the camp is located in a rural area it doesn't have streetlights and biking in the morning is dangerous this isn't a problem during the summer as the Sun is up earlier but during the fall and winter time is not acceptable she called him lazy for not having a car and it didn't matter she needed him in here Dale the head cook was starting to get fed up with Karen ordering too little of the food and the wrong food having cheaper products and being forced to work with a broken stove one time he asked her when the stove would be fixed and her response was fix it yourself you are a big boy so oftentimes we would run out of food for the night and had to make sandwiches for the people Ellie got the worst of it since we were dating I found out that she had an eating disorder a few years earlier she was 2 years older than me and used to be anorexic Karen kept calling her picky and fat and how she shouldn't eat all the food in the kitchen she was upset and crying the whole time when this happened I confronted Karen about it and she said she shouldn't be a sheltered college bread and she'd just grow up and if she has a problem she should talk to me not you I also felt the wrath of her too she would change my schedule around randomly after posting it on Friday we would get our schedules for the week I typically worked Friday night Saturday and Sunday because of high school during the week she would change my schedule so I was working on Friday night she changed it to Wednesday night and then would call me saying I missed Wednesday night unlucky for her Dale had my number and called me whenever he found a schedule change but it was getting old quickly she would also tell me to do a job then change what to do for example one time she told me to clean the oven and when I was near finishing up on the job she asks why I didn't clean the stove and would get mad when I said she told me to do the oven another example was that she would tell me to mop the floor and Boris would come over and help me out because he had nothing to do and then get on me for Boris finishing my job even though Boris spoke up and said that he asked her if he could help me and she said yes another example was that she cut my break from an hour to half hour and not allowing me to use the facilities during my break since I was only on break to eat not play after a few weeks of this late September I went to Bob about her and told him everything about what she was doing to us I found out from Bob that Dale also went to him earlier that week with the same thing however having the spine of a jellyfish he said I'll talk with Karen then a day later Karen starts getting on us for going to Bob and not her saying if you have a problem with me you come to me not Bob this was the last straw for us so I talked with the rest of the kitchen staff and we decided that she needed to leave during one of my breaks that she wasn't in the office that day when we were still trying to think of a way to get rid of her I was eating my dinner in her office the manager's office was the only one with AC in it and it was a hot day we all had permission to be in her office as it had the keys to the large fridge tools the private restroom and whatnot I'm eating dinner with Ellie when Boris comes looking for a pen he was trying to fill out information so he could go home to Russia I don't remember what just that he was planning on leaving in three weeks and sits down at her desk he is opening up the desk to find a black pin when he finds a check it was a paycheck to one of the dummies who left a month earlier it was his final paycheck highly legal to withhold a paycheck Boris showed us the paycheck and then he started to look at the computer that was on her desk while Karen was a jerk she was also stupid and left everything unlocked there he saw the orders she was ordering things that we never got into the kitchen or ordering extra stuff it turns out that she was ordering more food than we thought stealing the food and using it for her own personal use I told Boris that he was looking through her personal files and he said what are they going to do deport me we also found out that bob was getting a kickback from the extra food that Karen was getting in to keep quiet so it explained why Bob had the spine of a jellyfish towards Karen Morris printed out the information and held on to it this is important later on the three of us told Dale about it and he wanted to confront Karen but Debbie pointed out that she would just deny it and Bob would cover up we thought about corporate but we had no connections to corporate and Susan had left the company who used to have the connections it then hit on us in about three weeks mid October corporate was going to be having a retreat using the camp all the bigwigs and high ups were going to be there and we were all scheduled to be at work that day because there was going to be a huge feast for dinner while lunch corporate was going to have grilled burgers and hot dogs I remember that corporate brought in an outside vendor for the grilled stuff since they were preparing a big feast Karen was also going to be there to impress the bigwigs we decided to act on that day but also knew what to do beforehand it was also going to be Boris's last day as he was leaving for Russia that night so on the day of the feast all of us show up on time at around noon the dinner feast wasn't going to be until 5:00 p.m. so we had plenty of time to prepare or at least that's what Karen thought we got there and just sat down around the kitchen and did no work we locked the freezer with a different lock it was only locked with a normal deadbolt locked you can get at the hardware store the janitor wasn't going to be in until later in the evening thanks to Dale telling him about the plan and not to answer the phone so he couldn't use his tools to break into the fridge so we waited Karen didn't get in until 4:00 p.m. with her husband she looked as if she was ready for a major interview when she saw all of us just standing around the stove wasn't on and cold the fridge was locked and we were just sitting around Karen started to yell and talk about how today is important for her and that she would have our heads for this so Dale comes up to her and says we quit Karen went full-on deer-in-headlights and her mouth was so wide open that you could throw peanuts into it all of us walked out on her into our cars and drove away before she could get a word we decided to just quit after we quit all of us started to look for jobs while some had security lined up since we knew that this was going to happen but knew that a major shake-up like this would grab the attention of the bigwigs I found out a month later when I got a call from Susan the original acting manager before Karen asking me if I wanted my old job back it turns out that Karen called Bob and said her whole kitchen staff just left and they needed to tell the bigwigs that the feast was going to be canceled she couldn't get into the fridge with all the food since her key didn't work and nobody was picking up to help her she tried to call others that left or were fired but since she was so toxic nobody wanted to work with her the big waves were not happy they went right to the kitchen to find out what was wrong and saw that nobody but Bob Karen and Dan were there without any food cooking Boris walks in and Karen starts yelling at him saying how could he do this to her Boris then hands the bigwigs the printed information he got from Karen's computer earlier and had made copies of it gave it to everyone in the room Boris told me through email that he wasn't sure who was in charge so he gave everyone in the room the information since he figured one of them had to be a head guy then got into a taxi and went back to Russia corporate started on investigation as soon as that happened Bob Karen and Dan were fired almost right on the spot and not only did they find out about the withholding checks and backdoor deals with Bob but also bob was stealing money from the camp to support a drug habit Karen and Bob were arrested for fraud and most likely other things it has been over 20 years I don't remember everything but that one stuck out at me pretty much the whole camp had a shake of Susan took over as the manager got the job she wanted with a pay raise she did leave after they gave the job to Karen but her new job wasn't working out and about half of the staff came back I did come back to during the two months I was out of work my parents were helping me out with bills they forced me to pay for my own car insurance and gas my grades were never the best in high school while this was happening I came back but only for a month since by that point it was the middle of winter and it was costing me more in gas to get to work than work was paying me Dale came back to the job along with Debbie but Ellie and I broke up it was a summer love anyway as she moved away for college Todd never came back and works at a local liquor store at least last I saw him I haven't been in that store in about seven years so what happened now in my current job that caused me to remember this well I got a call from Dan about a month ago recently wanting me to do some work for him however he lived in another state that we aren't licensed to do work in and that was pretty much the end of the conversation I decided to Google search her name but didn't find much information except some court records about the original case from years ago dan and Karen do not appear to have any social media page or anything that I can find I honestly don't care anymore as it has been over 20 years since this happened and I'm much happier at my current job edit just to be a bit more clear I'm almost 100% sure that Dan had no clue who I was when he called I only typically give out my first name on the phone unless someone asks for my last name both Karen and Dan's last name were very unusual and is something I remember from all those years ago due to the unusual name next we've got garage manager tries to screw over a loyal customer customer gets revenge garage owner is awesome mechanics are notorious for not maintaining their personal daily drivers but the significant others car will always be well-maintained because you don't want a broken car and an angry wife mall though the Volvo may be a little old but it gets all of its service done at one garage and has for the last 60,000 miles all on-time with the owners manual on the last oil change the cartridge filter cap was tightened too much fusing the cap to the block with the force of 1000 gods the service writer tried to sell me a new cap and repair has two air chisel the plastic cap off I laughed and asked to talk to the GM general manager or owner I told the GM that this shop has done all my services for the last 60 thousand miles if this was improperly installed the fault is on them of course the manager still tried to say it wasn't their fault and refused to fix the problem this got me mad I said it is obvious that you are not going to make this right and walked over to the wall with the business license bureau of auto repair certifications etc I started writing all the business information down on the back of the estimate sheet I was given by the service writer so I can contact the owner while doing this I told general manager to get my car out of the bay and give me my keys the tech had drained the oil but refilled it to the proper level before letting the vehicle leave the shop the manager then walks up with my keys and a bill for 15 minutes of shop time and five quarts of oil I looked at him and said really you want to be like this and the general manager replied yeah I didn't charge the one hour minimum so field lucky what a jerk so Mulville the Volvo and I go to the dealership I explained what happened at my regular garage and tell the Volvo mechanic to fix it proper about four hundred dollars now that maldo is fixed I get to work I did some digging and found the owner of the shops phone number I explained to the owner that I would have no choice but to bring a lawsuit against the company to reclaim damages and legal fees because the general manager was not willing to fix the problem that was caused by a technician at the shop after legal fees and costs this $400 fix could cost the shop thousands in court the owner cooled me down and was on my side I meet him for lunch the next day and walk him through what happened he apologized for the problem and we went to the garage after lunch the moment we walked in the general manager walks up and greets the owner hey boss how are he gets cut off by the owner saying I'm not your boss anymore go in the office wait and I will tell you why the owner writes me a check for the dealership bill refunds the repair bill and hands me a ticket book full of free oil changes a transmission flush tire rotations etc he says I have been in this business in this town for 40 years I take great pride in my company's reputation and hope you keep doing business with us I reply you got my business for life because you made things right on the way out I stopped and arranged a service appointment for my other car and can hear the owner ripping in - general manager general manager walks out of the office and as he passes me mumbles something I could in here the next time I brought a car in the service rider told me that the general manager had to move away from this town because nobody would hire him local business owners here talk a lot and the shop owners let everyone know that general manager was dishonest to customers and could possibly damage their reputation with his not my fault attitude edit I chopped down the story a bit because I didn't want to write a novel let me fill some stuff in I was an automotive tech for almost 10 years but recently changed to a less physically demanding job I know my way around a car and keep my old beater alive with duct tape and hope Malvo the Volvo is maintained by the garage wife's orders it ensures that maintenance is done on time and keeps me from sleeping on the couch I also know my shop liabilities and how the process works to legally recover money from a bad repair job since I have helped customers with cars that other mechanics have messed up motivation for general manager to not eat the repair was commissioned pay for services if the shop messes up it comes out of the bonus pay that and he is a jerk I admit I was very unprofessional with the owner on the phone should have calmed down more before calling I threatened a legal action because if general manager told me to buzz I expected the same from the owner Owner told me general manager was a problem employee but wouldn't go into it so we already had two strikes the owner met me for lunch because if I caused a scene it wouldn't be at his shop that and around lunch half the cops in the area are in or near the place owner is a smart guy I have apologized to him a few times already for how I acted I was mad but that is no excuse if anyone in this story is a hero it's the shop owner and our final story of the day make my life at work miserable you'll never work with me again I used to work at a medium-sized IT services company and had recently been moved to a smaller branch office with a nice pay raise I was basically my own team and got to do interesting work on a large project since they were satisfied with the work but needed it done in a larger scale the company hired another person to help me meet Fred I knew Fred from outside work through common relationships and I didn't find him any weirder than other nerdy people in the business oh boy fred was good at technical work very good when it came to human interactions though it was something else Fred thought of me as his only friend in the workplace and would complain all day long about all other colleagues who are equally incompetent weird evil and generally deserving of his scorn Fred had a terrible tendency of telling other people we had to work with that they were doing things wrong and that their software was crap which was often technically right but completely forgetting the constraints and which other people had to work and that there might have been reasons for things that now sounded awful which is basically always the case in IT people resented both of us as a team for things he said and some situations became entrenched it was getting harder every day for me to get to work eventually he made a lot of enemies and he got a meeting with the division director it only lasted for a few minutes during which he told the boss of 800 people that he is an evildoer it was his last day in the company I worked alone from that time and managed to finish most of the project soothing things over with other teams a few months later I got an offer for the job of my dreams and a huge utility company after starting the work guess who I discover working right here as a contractor under my direct supervision Fred Fred looked so happy to find a friend again they spent most of my first day at work telling me how the company was awful everyone was dumb and everything was insufferable I went home that night feeling horrible wondering how much of what he told me was true and how bad it would be to work there turns out after a few hard starting days it really was the job of my dreams acting now with Fred as a client and not a colleague I managed to keep him in check and to improve a lot of the perceived quality of the team's work prior to my hiring Fred was basically telling people to buzz off whenever they were asking him things he didn't want to work on having someone who could see through his BS to manage him got the roadmap back on track eventually I learned that my colleagues had been very wary about working with me at the beginning because Fred had been bad-mouthing me from the day he learned I had been hired to manage him this had made the first weeks difficult until they understood he had been lying about it all about two years later I was now the team manager and my boss comes in my office and asks me about a hiring issue there's a new position in the team and the recruiter asked him about someone with excellent technical skills but who sounded very arrogant guess who wanted to work as my colleague again if you follow the story you've got it right I did not let out to my boss the slightest bit of resentment I explained to him how he was a very competent person but that he might just lack a bit of the skills required for our company's teamwork I knew exactly what I had to say you for my boss to never want to hire him ever without making it about our personal history I only told what happened to a close co-worker and he sounded very thing fault to hear that he would not have to work with Fred as a colleague a few months later his company lost the contract and Fred was hired by the new contractor however they were not as lenient with him as the previous company was and another few months later I was finally Fred free last I heard of him he was working at a Silicon Valley giants on a project that was in a worldwide media crapstorm / technical issues I keep wondering whether he was telling everyone else in his team how bad at their job they were and how much he contributed to that massive failure mom freaks out after I tell her I an intern living by myself can't really afford to buy gourmet cat food every month for her some background info and drama for y'all my mother has been at least for as long as I've been alive on a cycle of employment and unemployment and she kind of believes no job is good enough for her so she's always quitting I have referred to her as a narcissist for therapists and they have agreed but it doesn't feel really appropriate to stick a personality disorder label to her like that anyway this on-off employment status has created a really rough and unstable childhood for me financially however as far as I remember I was a pretty happy kid with some issues of course but happy my mom was basically my hero as I grew older however I learned how money is earned how much things cost and the like the comfy bubble my mom had created eventually burst mom always tried to maintain a very high standard of living despite her frequent unemployment status and she's been successful for the most part by borrowing money from relatives then eventually from me when I was old enough to work because she can't even have a credit card or take a loan because she owes a fortune to the bank's borrowing because she usually never gives the money back of so about high standards of living she always wanted the best stuff and she thinks expensive is better so yeah always the most expensive soap toothpaste shampoo toilet paper food products in general rent etc she has two cats and recently she got a job last year had lasted six months and asked for me to use my credit card to buy cat food for her since she has no credit so the pet food she buys for the cats is approximately fifty dollars I don't know about other countries but where I live Latin America that's really expensive it's some gourmet cat food organic even has blueberries in it but ok she had a job and I never complained she paid me back and things were fine as for myself I'm a grad student control engineering major 22 living by myself and currently on an internship on a pretty big company which pays me almost $350 a month that's a little more than average for engineering internships but I still don't lead a super comfortable life as the cost of living in my city is unusually high rent is about $200 I live on a rented bedroom located on a shady neighborhood and eat frozen lasagna every day so yeah I started working when I was 16 in order to try and pay rent and all of that expensive stuff for my mom when we used to live together since she would rarely be employed and when I suggested her to take simpler jobs such as cleaning cashier jobs maybe fast food she would go absolutely nuts scream at me and verbally abuse me in the worst ways possible so yeah I've given up on that she will only take roles such as manager well high status jobs you know she thinks other jobs are for people who beneath her and humiliating I still remember it when I got my first paycheck and we basically had nothing to eat at home other than instant ramen so I withdrew all my money and told her let's buy groceries she bought Nutella a huge bucket of ice cream and a box of chocolates then took me to McDonald's that made me realize she had a really poor sense of priorities after turning 20 I decided that was too much for me but I deserved better so I moved out mom for the most part was supportive you know as much as she could I could eventually sense she was really bitter about losing her cash cow that was two years ago a year ago she decided to leave this city because she couldn't find a job and go live closer to her relatives again there are jobs here just not the ones she wanted when she moved she immediately got a job my uncle arranged for her that was her last job the one which lasted six months currently she is not paying rent because she is living in an apartment my uncle owns and she is probably living off some other uncle or aunt's money because she definitely has no savings never had she doesn't have any possessions she could sell either very tough situation and I've always been really worried about her button I've been going to therapy and I'm trying to detach myself from this reality that causes me so much suffering and focus on my own life because I have a lot on my plate already I'm a student and I barely make enough to live dude also I really doubt the food lasts three months it's seven kilograms for two cats that means about 40 grams a day for each so what that's starvation dude now I wonder if she's starving the cats in order not to lower her standards I'm still a little shaken because even though I did nothing wrong it feels bad to read stuff like that from your own mom she really feels entitled to a lot of stuff I feel bad for her living like that the worst part is knowing she'll never change edit I've seen some recurring questions and would like to address them mom does refer to the cat says being brought home by me well I told her I really wanted to adopt a kitty when I was 12 we looked at adoption ads and got our first kitty then three months later we adopted another one she was the one who signed the adoption papers I understand that I have some moral responsibility for bringing it up on the first place but well I was 12 she was the one who made the decision anyway when she moved out of town I paid two airplane tickets for the cats yeah when you take your pets with you on an airplane you kinda have to pay for an airplane ticket for them plus some other stuff she kind of freaked out about the possibility of being separated from them and hinted at possibly ending her life if they didn't come with her since my mom is kind of crazy I took it seriously I don't mind helping with their expenses I just wish I could choose stuff that fits my budget but apparently for Mom that's too much to ask for when I first made this post I had no idea of the price of rent around the world and how crazy different it can be i legit thought that by converting my currency to US dollars it would be fine and everyone would understand I've seen some people saying they paid $2,000 a month what the heck well turns out you have to consider wages purchasing power etc next we've got entitled guy claims to work at my bar ends up getting tased backstory I used to be a bouncer in a small town Midwest bar for about four years and while I have a wealth of entitled jerk stories this one is my favorite cast we've got the door guy me we've got the huge guy we've got big fellas girlfriend and we've got DJ the drunk jerk star of the show let's begin so it was a pretty smooth Thursday night not too busy not too slow I'm working the door and clearing empties from nearby tables when this mountain of a man comes up to me with a woman about half his size and tall enter huge guy and big fellows girlfriend and in a booming voice huge guy says hey door guy we got a problem me thinking well this can't be good yeah what's up his girlfriend there's this guy over there and well it came up to our table and at first he was nice so we were talking and stuff but now he's getting pretty creepy and started grabbing me huge guy I made it clear he needs to stop but now he's doing the same thing to another table in points across the bar I looked to where he's pointing and see a man who is easily in his late 40s at a table with three women who are half his age his arm around one and all three looking very uncomfortable seeing this I decide it's definitely time to go on the clock and get involved huge guy and his girlfriend are regulars so I asked them to watch the door for me and I make my way over to the table just in time to catch DJ saying something too inappropriate to post here let's just say he was talking about a party but none of the women looked interested in going to and this is where the story begins I stopped about five feet from the table and say hey man I need to talk to you quick come here DJ looking very annoyed gets up from the table and walks up to me and you can see the relief wash over the poor girl's DJ what can't you see I'm busy me well man you're making a lot of people uncomfortable I'm gonna need you to find your own table and leave folks alone that's bull do you know who I am me thinking well this is gonna end well not a clue but you can either leave them alone or you're leaving those are the options you can't kick me out I'm the gambling manager of this bar if you bug me again I'll get you fired I know John three things you should know bar is allowed to sell pull tabs as long as the proceeds go to charity - there's nine employees we were a tight-knit group who regularly hung out and he wasn't one of them and three the bar was called John's place not real name John is the owners dog back to the story me I don't really care who you are those are the options you choose or I'll choose for you forget you I'll leave will not want me still calm that's not how this works out now DJ while jabbing a sausage finger into my chest you're flipping fire jerk I'm not going anywhere I'm a manager you can't kick me out me getting pretty fed up dude don't touch me you can either walk out or I can carry you out your choice if you touch me again I'm gonna ruin you at this time my patients pretty much ran out so I cut him off by putting him in a headlock and dragging him out the door and placing him firmly on the sidewalk and going back to my post you'd think this is where the story ends but oh no entitlement was strong with this one ten minutes go by and who do I see sneaking into the bar that's right DJ at this point DJ is trespassing so I pull out my phone and call the cops give them a quick rundown and then I go and grab DJ again who had already latched on to another woman and dragged him outside to wait for the cops while outside DJ is throwing a temper tantrum that would put any dollar to shame cops arrived in about two minutes small town DJ seen the cops decides to pull out his phone and starts filming like he's the victim here so the cop comes to me and I tell him what was up and that he was removed before and came back and that I needed a no trespass order essentially banning him from the bar and if he ever came back he would get arrested so cop steps up and tells DJ what's going on and that he needs to leave DJ still refuses so the cop begins to do his job cop sir can I see your ID no I didn't do anything I'm the gambling manager cop is he me nope cop takes a deep breath and asks again sir give me your ID DJ now shoving the camera in the cops face while talking in a condescending voice a mug being detained cop leans directly into the camera yes now on DJ somehow is in total surprise for what cop trespassing and drunk and disorderly I'm not trespassing he's lying he attacked me arrest him sir you were told to leave and you're still on their property that's trespassing DJ looking down realizes he's still on the bars patio and takes a quick step out of the gate DJ smugly not anymore now you can't arrest me all while still filming by this time a few more cops showed up and they are clearly done with the situation and out comes the cuffs at this point DJ decides to go for broke and starts trying to fight the cops all while screaming about how important he is and how he's going to get them fired - I will say he put up a decent fight for about five seconds then I heard it the pop tick tick tick tick tick DJ rode the lightning and went down like a sack of potatoes cops slammed the cuffs on him and off he goes I go back to my post and have a good laugh and finished the night it turns out DJ worked for the pull-tab company as a delivery boy and it was against company policy to drink at any of their customers establishments he also thanks to his own cell phone video got charged with assaulting a police officer as for me after a milk-bone and some belly rubs John decided to let me keep my job he's the goodest boy next we've got entitled dad shamed by restaurant hostess so this happened a few years ago but reading others stories got me thinking about the entitled parents I've come across over the years and there's been a few I lived and worked in a ritzy Beach tourist town most my life made up of people who work there and people who vacation there the tourists were basically all entitled parents but this one is by far the most stubborn I encountered but had the most satisfied feeling when he walked away backstory one of the summers I was hostessing at a rather pricey and popular restaurant the kind of place that you need a reservation for especially on weekends this night I was working with two of the owners and the manager our cast we've got owner one an elderly woman who just likes greeting her guests and we've got owner - we've got manager we've got the hostess me we've got entitled dead an older but not elderly man and we've got embarrassed adult daughter so here we go it's a Saturday night at the height of the season about 6 p.m. so just about to get hit with our non-stop completely full reservation blog over the next few hours we don't have any tables available for walk-ins the only tables that are empty are reserved for their upcoming reservations so I'm at the hostess station in front with owner one and manager and walks in title dead and embarrassed daughter manager welcome to our restaurant what was the name of your reservation entitled dad we don't have one manager oh I'm sorry sir unfortunately we are completely booked tonight the next open table won't be available for about two and a half hours entitled dad scoffs what do you mean you don't have a table I count ten empty ones right in there manager smiles understandingly sir those tables are reserved the guests will be showing up soon well how soon we can eat quick that won't be possible I'm sorry sir embarrassed daughter dad it's fine I thought this might happen we should have called we will next time let's go to another restaurant no this is ridiculous they're biessing me I want to talk to the owner at this point owner one went to get owner to owner one would rather not deal with this nonsense no one can blame her she's paid her dues so owner two comes out owner - hi there what seems to be the problem here this man keeps telling me he doesn't have any tables available for two hours that's crazy I see empty tables most annoying line to a hostess owner - hmm let me look at the reservations and tables here manager and I both try not to snicker owner - is a back of the house manager he doesn't know much about seating charts but he's appeasing the man I'm sorry sir looks like the next table won't be available for another two and a half hours fine if that's really the case then we'll wait I'll stand right here the whole time I know it won't be two hours embarrass daughter come on can we please go somewhere else no I'm proving a point they won't fill up like they claim they will embarrass daughter separated fine dad you stay I'm leaving as she left he was a little shocked but not enough to follow her so we took his name and he proceeded to stand in our small entry way as people poured in we were full within 20 minutes but this stubborn entitled dad held his ground it was going to stay wait and glare at us he kept mumbling to himself and every now and then you'd hear make my point we turned countless other families away in that time and every single one understood behind the scene his owner - and manager were stressing that if and when he eventually got a table he was going to get worse just out of spite so they were trying to think of ways to get him to leave without outright throwing him out for no reason after about 90 minutes manager was sick of this guy's presence and went back to talk to owner - again our next reservation wouldn't be for another 20 minutes I was at the stand now entitled dad walked up to me I guess he thought and going after the manager and owner didn't work so maybe he could kill the ditzy hostess how much longer me giving my best customer service smile only about 30 minutes sir and titled dad snorts and rolls his eyes sure that got me I couldn't hold it in any longer I had a lot of feelings about what he was doing but not ones he was expecting so in my sweetest voice sir that woman you came in with she was your daughter entitled dad proudly yes she is I dropped my smile and purposely let myself look confused and upset in all honesty I genuinely was I'm sorry sir it's just I lost my dad when I was a little girl I would have loved the chance to have a father-daughter dinner with him to see you just throw that away to prove a point as heartbreaking I can't imagine how your daughter must feel you guys they shook him I wasn't expecting that he didn't say anything just looked ashamed stood there for a minute then turned around and walked out my eyes literally went wide as I turned to look at owner one it was giving the same luck I thought I was in trouble for a second but then she started laughing and told me that's how you do it that's how you put him in their place manager and owner too should have seen that it was incredibly satisfying and even though we didn't get one for his awful behavior I hope he apologized to his daughter and our final story of the day entitled father almost attacked me over a shirt I'm 26 now and I still remember this vividly also this is my first post ever so please correct any mistakes obligatory I'm on mobile etc etc our cast we've got entitled dad we've got me make a man's ear law and we've got embarrassed kids they didn't say anything just looked sorry for how their father acted one time I worked at a retail store that had a lot of merchandise and various knickknacks next to the store was a tea shop and on the other side was a stuffed animal store I worked at this place for a few years and I absolutely loved my job so I was very cordial with all the guests and all the customers and I did everything to the best of my ability now there was one moment that I will never forget because it was the scariest moment of my entire life scarier than the time I went on a rollercoaster for the first time scarier than all the times I've walked in the dark by myself because I'm terrified of the dark this was a terrifying time now I had just gotten the money into my till because I was working swing shift we were just now changing cashiers this plays an important part in this story now be aware this was in 2014 so I do not remember everything word-for-word I will do my best to be as accurate as possible the entitled father came to my register me hello sir if you give me one second I will be right with you entitled dad no I'm not going to wait they told me the same thing over at the other registers I'm sorry sir but we just started to change shifts and it takes us a minute to get everything set up I don't care this is what the other people told me and I'm tired of it I'm sorry I will hurry as fast as I can I hurried to get the change out while my hands were shaking meanwhile entitled dad kept yelling do you know that the average man is a 2x2 3xl and you have none in stock how are you not going to have the most common size in stock now I know for certain the average man is not a 2 X or a 3 X but that's besides the point I thought to myself if it was a common shirt size why in the heck does it shock you that it sold out I did not say this out loud but boy was I yelling it in my head I apologized to him and asked if I could call a different store in the area to see if they had any shirts in that size now they of course didn't want to do this it was a hot day and he was rather cheesed now he bought whatever items he was getting for his kids who looked positively embarrassed by this they could have been no older than 12 and 10 now when we were taught to count money it was always told that we have to count it four times to make sure that it's correct we counted twice to ourselves out loud and then we counted twice in front of the guests to make sure they know that it was the correct amount of change most people were okay with this and had no problems whatsoever because they knew I was just doing my job this entitled individual this entitled father didn't care one bit now usually I have a little bit of banter between me and the customer or the guests that's in my queue and usually if they joke around and they playfully say hurry up and count the money you know I need to get out of here but it was a complete joke and they wanted me to do my job to the best of my abilities the entitled father in this story had that same banter about him I was looking down trying to count his money to the best of my ability and he said hurry up and I laughed and okay sir just give me one second no I'm serious hurry up and give me my change now I looked up at his face he was wearing black sunglasses and a Hawaiian print swimsuit and he said I'm serious he squared up in front of me as if he was going to tackle me if it wasn't for the desk in between me I would have been in serious trouble now I'm not a small dude I'm a fairly large individual but this man was also a good size and I also didn't like confrontation his kids looked positively mortified at their father's behavior they looked like they wanted to be anywhere but here the kids gave me a look as if to say I'm sorry for this and meanwhile I'm trying hard not to cry this man got his change and walked off I immediately called security and told them what happened because I felt threatened I was crying and I was upset and my manager told me to go to the back office and cool off actually told me to go to an outside bench that said next to a security station slash police station that was in the area for that particular place I knew all of the security guards and all of the police officers and they knew I was a very good employee and I was a very kind person it made them so mad that this happened I was trying to calm down and I was having a panic attack I forget whether or not they sent me to the places medical facility all I know from that experience was that was the first time I had ever been threatened and almost attacked from anyone that wasn't my family because brothers fight all the time being mortified the security calmed me down my supervisors calmed me down and I was I believe able to go home early they at least gave me the option to I'm not sure if I took it the security guards asked me about what the man looked like and I told them I gave them as detailed of a description as I possibly could and they went to look for him I'm not sure what happened to the entitled father but it was something that I will never forget I never want that type of interaction with a person again I'm a very friendly and very outgoing person and I try my best to make people feel comfortable when they're around me my only problem is if that man is acting like this to an adult imagine how he treats his kids those kids were more mature than he was and that at the end of the day is what's really sad I want to say it's been several years and I'm able to laugh at this now it's still something that I will never forget but at the same time it's rather funny that this man got all worked up over a stupid t-shirt that he could have gotten anywhere else in the area entitled mom yells at me for beating her kid in a football game I've mentioned this particular entitled kid and other posts on our slash entitled kids because he was at the same school as me for four years and in almost every class of mine however I only encountered his mother a few times and those few times sucked didn't really matter but his dad was quite nice so I don't know how entitled kid turned out the way he did the first time I dealt with his mother was a few years ago so memory is a bit blurry apologies upfront just to make it easier for you guys to read I'll give everyone fake names our cast we've got entitled mother Karen we've got entitled kid Ben me Opie just so I don't have to refer to myself as me anymore we've got friend one Anna she only intervenes a few times and we've got friend to Jake for context it was last period that day and I had B e physical education sadly Ben was in that class also which gave him more opportunities to be a jerk than normal because our teacher couldn't always keep an eye on him my PE teacher was being nice and just let us have a relaxed game of football for our last lesson he split the class in half and set a match between us Ben was on the opposite team and so was Anna while me and Jake were on the other long story short my team beat Ben's by one goal I don't want to elaborate but he was a goalkeeper and instead of watching the ball he kept making comments to his teammates and dragging them down he was annoying all of them and insulting them so it wasn't exactly hard for me to shoot the last goal in I'm a girl and I play football regularly or I used to and so did Ben thing is he had practice at other places while I just stayed with my school's football team so in reality we've only played with or against each other during school time in PE he was really frustrated when he realized the game was over and that my team won it didn't say anything to me only glared into my soul until we left the pitch and went inside to get changed because we had PE uniforms after that went down I was walking out of school with Anna and Jake and we just spot Ben whining to a lady that I assumed was his mom he looked like a five-year-old because of the way he puffed his cheeks and agitation and how he folded his arms grumpily his mother Karen was listening very intently and at some points he points at us and her eyes shoot upwards to find us man I have never seen the devil incarnate like I did that day she comes stomping over to us with your typical Karen haircut and sunglasses on top seeming more annoyed than her kid excuse me can I help you ma'am I was pretty respectful for my age because my parents wouldn't deal with me otherwise however that didn't stop her from throwing her storm on to us my child points at Ben it was still where he was five minutes ago told me you cheated in a game of football he took part in and that's why you won I I didn't really know how the heck I should respond to that ma'am it's not like I picked the ball up and ran across the field with it in my arms I wouldn't have any fun while playing if I did any sort of cheating her face turns bright red but she's an entitled mother and I'll be darned if they don't always have something to say back don't lie to me kids these days are so disrespectful you're just saying you didn't cheat to get out of the consequences at this point Jake joins in Jake actually I was on her team and she played by the rules our PE teacher was watching the whole game so she would have been pulled out or something if she did anything like that Ben comes over with his attitude stroll and nose up hi Karen that doesn't prove anything turns to Ben is this the girl that cheated sweetie Ben nods yeah when our teacher wasn't looking it's not fair when I was trying so hard Anna you were in the goal screaming at your teammates because they were mentally impaired Karen's the Eagle like eyes immediately went to her don't talk back to us sub disrespectful well your parents we usually walk home alone because we lived in a small town and our school was five minutes away from our homes maybe less at work Karen what how can your parents allow you children to go around town unsupervised Jake just leave us alone out of all of us is usually the rudest to people like entitled moms no you will listen to me young man I am an adult turns to me and you you should apologize to Ben for cheating if you don't want me to involve the school district or your parents you want me to apologize it's the right thing to do no I didn't do anything wrong she started screaming all over again but I was done with a conversation and just walked away with my friends we thought she would come after us but she didn't and just stayed there and yelled I saw her a few more times after that event unfortunately the next week everyday Ben was giving me all the death stares and I've ignored him Anna eventually told me the reason he was so upset it wasn't just because he lost before the game started Ben was talking to his friends he doesn't really have any friends because no one can stand him and Anna overheard their conversation I knew one of the boys that then hanged out with pretty well and he was on the school's team as well so he knew I was quite good at playing he made a comment saying something like Oh P is good quite good we should step our game up if we want to win since they have her after a few others agreed Ben said something along the lines of because I didn't actually hear it and Anna just told me everything Oh P isn't that good she doesn't work well with others and is constantly tripping over her fee and besides she's a girl girls aren't as good at football as guys so the others made a bet with him that meant if my team won he would have to give them five lei 1.5 pounds it's a lot more expensive in Romania which is where I lived and vice versa he agreed after I won the match he had to give his money to his friends and was laughed at for the rest of the week he was pretty mad because of that I found that hilarious to be honest and even though it wasn't that big of a deal for me that I won that game because it was just a normal game not the Nationals or anything a few kids came up to me and congratulated me for winning and for setting Ben in the right again no one was really his number one fan I didn't hear anything from the school district about Karen so I don't know if she actually went and complained that's the first time I met an entitled mom I was used to entitled kids but I didn't know adults were in on this as well I was uncomfortable during the whole thing thanks for reading guys next we've got more money than brains you don't want to save 4,000 pounds because you'll have to spend two pounds hey rearm II don't really know where to put this story because I still can't get my head around the stupidity of this guy back story I was working for a multimedia company doing customer service for phone TV and broadband part of my job is to recommend a better service to customers to help save customers money here's where our story begins cast we've got me the Great and Powerful oz we've got dumb customer call comes in hello my name is me how can I help you dumb customer yes I'd like to pay my phone bill okay let me check I always check the customers bill first before I do anything else oh my god this has to be a mistake what's the problem it says here that your bill is over four thousand pounds that's right same as last time he says this so casually like he was commenting on the weather sure enough his bills for the last six months were the same or even higher I had to find out why he did have other services such as the broadband and TV but they were standard charges me do you mind if I take a look at your call log to see if I can get your bill down for the next month okay but it's really not a problem when I check the call logs I see dozens of calls to do by all over two hours long charged at the premium rate okay what I'm seeing here is a lot of international calls lasting well over an hour so you're being charged at full rate after the first hour expired but even then it shouldn't be this high when you have international number features applied no I don't have any of those that they're just a waste of money no sir if you had the international call on your phone plan it would have saved you thousands but my bill would go up if I did that talking about his basic bill of his service which was about 40 pounds adding the international call plan would only be an extra two pounds I spent the next half hour trying to convince this numbskull that two pounds was less than four thousand pounds sir if you add the international call plan and keep your calls under an hour your international calls would be greatly reduced to the same price as a local call what I'll still have to pay two pounds more on my bill I really can't afford to pay extra for this listening in sheer disbelief at how stupid this statement was I persisted just so I get this right you would rather pay 4000 pounds per month for your phone bill instead of paying 42 pounds per month for all your services that's right the international call plan just costs too much it's cheaper to be without it I'm not joking you've really said that his argument was that he didn't call to buy very often so it was an unnecessary expense despite the fact that he called the buy three times a month in the last six months even when I tell him this he still won't accept it some people have more money than brains edit this guy was in his teens and calling his mother it was also a student in the UK and Dubai native so this wasn't a business phone line they were charged at a different rate and our final story of the day Geron upgrades herself from IDIA straw hello mr. Reddit and RER me I would like to share a story with you of my adventure at the local wally world so i am doing my grocery shopping minding my own business and someone taps me on my shoulder hard while i was wearing a black t-shirt and black cargo pants at a wally world i was missing but cheerful blue or yellow vest given my lack of said vest and a nametag i thought most people would be smart enough to realize i was not a store employee apparently I was wrong anyway I turn and here is a woman five foot nothing at least 200 pounds with the get me your manager haircut Karen where are the spices heck if I know they've moved them around you work here you should know where they are and drop the snotty tone you little jerk or I'll get you fired I'm just a customer lady find a staffer to help you okay and I turn back to my cart vine I try to ask nicely but you fat Walley world slobs don't know how to treat your betters give me your manager so I turned back to this woman listen you hideous troll I do not work here buzz off she sputtered for a minute stormed off and left her card I went back to my shopping ten minutes and three aisles later here she comes again with a duty manager in tow there he is that's the obnoxious Lord but that called me an ugly woman of ill virtue I want him fired me actually lady I called you a hideous draw manager he doesn't work here ma'am at this point dear Karen did the most amazing impression of a nuclear reactor in full meltdown she started screaming at the manager cussing and yelling and throwing a tantrum that would make my six-year-old son think someone was carrying on a bit too much she even started hyperventilating toward the end of it that was when the manager finally had enough of a break to clearly say you should leave ma'am and don't come back to this store I don't know what happened to her after that but the manager was very apologetic to me for having to endure such vitriol and I commiserated with him given my 20-plus years in the customer service industry entitled mother throws a fit over a chess game cast of our story we've got entitled mom we've got entitled kid aka poor sport we've got me aka friends friend and helper we've got my friend aka chess master 3000 okay he might not be that good but he's good and we've got the game admin for chess tournament I don't know what else to call him tournament rules important no talking only whispering no cheating duh listen to staff duh write down your moves in your notebook there was a lot more but this is more of a simplified version with that junk out of the way let us begin our story so me and friend are at a chess tournament at a hotel today was day one and friend won all of his games leading up to Game three we walked down to the lobby checked the rankings and lined up at the door we waited until the doors were open once they did me friend and everyone else assured into the room Frank got to our assigned seats and I decided to help set up the board the pieces etc enter entitled kid and entitled mom entitled kid has a big I'm gonna crush you into the ground grand and entitled mom is your basic Karen but fat with brown hair friend decides to introduce himself like he usually does friend hi I'm friend and you are entitled kid I'm entitled kid let's get this over with please oh okay entitled mom yeah it shouldn't take too long huh this is a chess tournament you guys have been here all day yeah well entitled kid has won all his matches so far and nothing's going to stop him alrighty best of luck to your son then friend turns to me and rolls his eyes I chuckle and finish setting the board soon game admin announced that round 3 will start soon we take our places me an entitled mom sit on the side and watch the game unfold entitled kid was a pawn grabber and took pawns wherever he could which is a very bad strategy so friend used this to his advantage and dragged the game out as long as he could but eventually defeated entitled kid entitled kid was shocked that he actually lost and then got mad they both started whispering what how did you win easy you kept going for pawns so I used it to my advantage how did you know I like to grab pawns it sounds like you are stalking me what no it's just reading your moves and tactics entitled mom then chimes in and she gives zero darns to the no-talking rule entitled kid did he cheat we can call game add manova me no he didn't he was just reading his moves reading his moves what does that mean friend just watching his play style so you were watching him yes so you were stalking my kid huh are you stalking my kid you told me you were watching him me no he was watching his play style know you guys were stalking him before this in fact you both kept walking around near others friend that's because we finished the games early and look at other games game admin comes over to address entitled mom's loud behavior game admin ma'am why are you being so loud I'm asking these kids note we are both 15 if they cheated or not game had minute uh okay here let me see your notebook you two entitled kid both hand their notes in and game at Ben checks them over everything lines up and game admin hands the notebooks back admin there doesn't seem to be any signs of cheating but if you want to make a complaint then talk to me in about 15 minutes when everyone else is done no I swear they cheated they smoked him what me my friend just read entitled kids moves he was being a pawn grabber Oh anyways I want them kicked out for stalking my kid game admin ma'am he was just reading the moves on the board it's a very common thing in chess entitled mom looking at me and my friend whatever we are going to talk about this in private my friend um okay we clean up very fast and head into the hallway okay don't listen to the game admin you guys cheated and therefore lost the match be sure to add a loss in your rankings friend okay are you now trying to say that we cheated because if so you are actually dumb don't be so viewed Wow kids these days whatever we're listening to the game admin and going to market as a win no you guys lost sorry Opie let's go we start to walk to the ranking board but entitled mom is a right on our heels following this friend why are you following us I'm trying to tell you that you cheated and you keep running away from me I already said that I don't care get lost they get you then jack whoa you better shut your mouth it's hurting my ears entitled mom flips us off and goes back to entitled kid who seems a bit sad after getting a snack from the lobby we headed back up to our room and friend told his parents the story they didn't believe us which I guess it does sound a bit far-fetched however we convinced them that it happened now we get the chill back and get ready for Round four and hopefully we don't see that jerk again Update entitled kid is back he's playing against some other kid he's kind of losing at the moment I will be watching him along with my friend update to entitled kid tied with the other kid friend is still playing update three friend one he's going to the finals and is playing for a lot of money update for friend lost round five but he got fifty bucks next we've got the teacher that didn't know what a high five was hello mister reddit and the re are me I know I know three stories from me in a short time it is just I am so happy that they are getting read by mister edit it makes me happy to know that they are good stories worthy of being read on YouTube so thanks again mister reddit for reading my stories you are awesome normal warnings apply my brain is evil let's start anyways have I got a stupid teacher story for you this one is a bit shorter than my other stories but is ridiculous nonetheless here's some backstory when I was in Middle School there was this teacher that was well known for being a jerk not the word I really use but got to keep it clean to the kids she was very strict and would yell at you for the smallest things she yelled at me once for blocking a door for too long when I was just taking two seconds to tell a friend something and she yelled at me for injuring a hostage when I only flicked them lightly the student also overreacted anyways moving on let's meet the cast we've got the jerk teacher we've got HG the wonderful banana and we've got friend so this happened when I was in eighth grade I was waiting outside my last class of the day which was my 8th grade science class my teacher had not opened the door yet well I had a friend that was in the class opposite mine the doors of the room faced one another my friend had jerk teacher for his seventh science class and I felt very sorry he had her too now jerk teacher was this stout old lady that looked to be in her 60s or something and always had the attitude of I am the boss and you're dumb anyways me and friend were fooling around outside our classes while I was waiting for my teacher to open up the door I don't really remember what me and friend were doing but at one point we high-five one another this is what took place just as I high-fived my friend jerk teacher walks up and asks me with a straight face why'd you hit him I am very confused and caught off guard at this question like how am I meant to answer so I reply I didn't hit him it was a high-five or something like that this happened years ago as I am 21 when typing this jerk teacher still looked at me with the face of you have committed the world's greatest sin ray and had the nerve to tell me don't do it again like what the heck really how do you a middle school teacher not know what a high-five is both me and my friend were confused beyond belief he just ended up going into his classroom while I stayed outside to wait for mine there were two girls also waiting outside as they were in my class too they asked me you just high-fived him right to which I said yes they just rolled their eyes I swear I'm not making this up it is too stupid to make up I know this is short but that's really all there was to it thanks for reading sug to Mister read it he is awesome so do it and our final story of the day entitled grandmother does not understand BBFC rules or math hey there mr. Reddy I have spent the last year and a bit providing admin to the school system and your videos have been keeping me amused during the summer holidays I'm multilingual but British English is my mother tongue I'll try to explain anything relevant but if I miss anything that isn't understood by other Anglophone regions I do apologize I was torn between this story and one involving an entitled new mother but I'll see how this one goes this was all the way back in 2010 I was working my first job as a cinema lusher Asst the year is relevant to the story as well as being easy to remember now a few things I need to explain before I get to the meat of the story for reasons unknown to me Fred the movie was in the cinema in the UK it was direct-to-video in the States and the staff who had seen portions of it during the piracy checks were in unison about it being terrible and was rated 12a by the British Board of Film classification BBFC which meant that it was ill-advised for kids under 12 without someone over 18 unlike the US and the UK 12 is the only certificate where an accompanying adult rule applies cinemas have to get special licenses from the local authority to show films to the public and one of the terms and ours was to enforce these certifications at the time breaking this and being caught led to a 1,000 pound fine and or up to three months behind bars after an incident at another branch where kids were sent in and not checked once the higher-ups really clamped down with that done here is the cast we've got me then lost soul trying to find the way forward we've got the entitled grandmother we've got SG one of the two girls with entitled granny and we've got the manager on duty I'm working the concessions counter one entitled grandma comes along with SG and another girl who says nothing through the whole thing entitled grandma - Jo tickets for Fred please the chain I was working for it has kid tickets going up to 12 and teen tickets for 13 to 18 so I turned to the girls could you tell me your date of birth please SG and that voice good kids have 1999 remember this was 2010 she was 11 according to her I'm sorry ma'am this film is rated 12 a they cannot go to the film by themselves but they're 12 she just said she was born in 99 it's 2010 she can't be older than 11 with those facts she started high school this year of course she's 12 high school is not the typical British term but our area had a company that brought employees from arms in the US so I was used to this terminology ma'am I started secondary school when I was 11 and didn't turn 12 until the following July the next line sticks with me verbatim to this day I'm a teacher how dare you contradict me it took all I had not to just laugh in her face at that to any Potterheads out there my mother teaches math at the level equivalent to the noot tests I'm sorry but unless you have a photo ID stating Michi's 12 I'll have to take her word and assume she's 11 you're more than welcome to look for a film that is a U or PG certificate or going with them to see the film I want to see your manager I fetched the manager who moves in titled granny and the kids to another till so I can serve customers who were waiting while this all unfolded as I was working through the customers I wind up having to go to the same popcorn hopper as my manager who was preparing a get tray for entitled granny she didn't look at me but she was determined to have the last word do you need to teach your staff how to talk to their customers the customer is always right manager not missing a bead unfortunately ma'am that's not always true I got my popcorn and was gone before I got to hear her reply but while I was nearby she had successfully been shut up it's pretty mild compared to some entitled parent stories you've got but I spent quite some time working for the cinema and I have more stories of the parents lying about their kids ages than the kids themselves the year made this one feel especially dumb also if anyone is interested yeah I did tell my mother this story she answered with one line she can't have paid much attention to her pupils dates of birth entitled American mom underestimates a lack of dams British people give during a heatwave hey mr. reddit I've got a good one for you that happened three weeks ago strap in prepare your Rees and enjoy the ride this year has had awful heat waves British people don't often get Sun you see so we enjoy the little we get the key word is little when we get too much Sun we aren't exactly in the best of moods unlike most of my fellow Britons I'm not able to register heat by that I mean I can walk around in 35 degree heat with an Eskimo coat a jumper under that and thick woolly pajamas under that without even sweating despite the fact I don't feel hot I still get the heatwave grump most Brits do I've given up that coat and as it was unhealthy for me but I still wear jumpers my absolute favorite is a black one with a white Decepticon emblem on the front all hail Lord megatronus of torn our one true Lord and Master and this is important for the tale I was in the store shopping for junk food like I did before today I bought five different packets of one-pound bags of crisps a pack of six two litre bottles of dr. pepper and kinder chocolate it's unhealthy I know but it's actually a form of self-medication some people who have ADHD like myself become very relaxed after eating a lot of sugar which I call the sugar crash that day I went into that store intending to get such a hard crash I'd need a nap when I got inside I saw a small kid stare at me as if I was missing half my face like Gus only watched Breaking Bad for John de Lancie not apologising I ignored him and went through to the Suites he walked up to me in a style that it impressed penguin and just stood there I have autism so social normalities are as elusive as the unicorn to me basically I wasn't bothered that I was stared at when most of the people in your town chased the purple dragon you'd become numb to steering why it's that he said in the most nasally and irritating way possible I ignored him again so he must have assumed I was listening because he kept opening that hole that made noise what's on you sure it's a jumper I growled out picking up a bag of sour skittles that's from transformers I know but you're a girl I was a little surprised he noticed most people think I'm a boy because of my name voice and face my hair is also short and dyed dark blue adding to the confusion of some people and the sheer amusement of me for noticing I give the little kid credit I know but I like Transformers Prime but Ericka transformers is for boys I want that he ordered me as if I were a dog it was at that moment I realized the kid had an American accent so the few cares that remained were quickly snuffed I know most Americans are good tourists but with everything everyone only thinks about the minority similar to Catholics most of them are ok but we only hear about the bad apples the kid repeated that he wanted my jumper screaming and literally really I didn't think that they actually make that noise because it was horrible it was like listening to my cat screeching at another cat but even more annoying and high-pitched me know that word stunned the entitled kid it was like he had never heard that word ever uttered before because I didn't want to listen to their annoying noises I put on my headphones and listen to some Biggie Smalls I noticed a large man seriously he was like six foot eight gave me a small luck that meant he too wanted the kid to disappear it was a beautiful connection of fed up Ness alas the soothing voice of dear Big E was not enough to block out the screaming of the boy I could still hear him demand that I removed my jumper and give it to him and he was getting angry every time I uttered the recently invented word called no he resorted to taking a packet of crisps out of my basket and stomping on it to get my attention so I just picked up another from the aisle I didn't break it so I don't have to pay for it and my lack of reaction to his antics seemed to be near frightening to the kid eventually he seemed to realize that he wasn't dealing with any old human but one of the most stubborn species to grace this planet second to cats and politicians so he resorted to the only thing he could to try and get what he wanted the earth rumbled the sky quaked yes my fellow Transformers Prime fans that was a pun hell opened its dreadful maw and from the depths of the frozen food aisle just over from us the entitled mom made their arrival queuing the attack on Titan soundtrack because this was a marvel to behold the woman was a paper cutout of a Karen everything down to the acrylic nails the length of the legs the obesity and the awful hair I slowly pulled down my headphones and gripped my basket realizing far too late that I had found myself in a very true entitled parent standoff before she even said a tangible word see how the call of the Karen's possibly in the hopes others of her kind would come and help her like a pride of fashion blind lions why is my angel crying do bear in mind that this kid has been screeching for nearly ten minutes and she didn't notice or more likely didn't care and only came when he called for her truly an example for parents everywhere because I told him no she looked like I had punched her in the face how dare you my little angel can have anything he wants he's been such a good boy in school I somehow doubted that why are you British people so rude apologize to my little angel no apologize now no I will admit this was starting to become amusing to me but then she read again ruining it I want the shirt he got onto his knees and yanked my jumper I bribed his fingers away and moved making him fall flat on his face sure mommy sure you will give my baby your shirt for making him so upset I just stared blankly at her and walked away it was too humid and she was taking up too much cool air with her fish cob the woman wasn't finished with me so she thought it would be a good idea to grab my hood and pull me back as hard as possible I didn't expect this so I slipped and wound up hitting my head on the floor I was fine but I would get a bump in a few hours it also knocked my iPod causing biggie smalls to turn back on obviously I wasn't very happy with this so I glared at her as she screamed for a manager or whatever earlier I mentioned I come in here every three days or so meaning the staff are very familiar with me they're like friends really so the manager walked over and saw me on the floor I got myself up and shot a very nasty glare at mccarran manager cosa why were you on the floor she asked easily concern for me because I didn't even get to finish a word before the entitled mom did an Olympic dive into the conversation this horrible boy stole my baby shirt and asserted me he must be part of some gang with that horrible music in her headphones when I say everyone who was nearby stopped what they were doing to stare at this woman I mean it do these people realize how stupid they sound when they say these things I was confident that most of the people here who knew about reddit were realizing that these humans actually exist in no way did I assault you or your darwin award crotch crab and his jumper belongs to me I didn't yell because when you talk calmly people are more likely to listen to you and if you want to really anger someone don't say anything at all she's lying the man from earlier I've been standing right here since this started she looked at him as if he had just materialized out of thin air woman it is too hard for this leave not until she apologizes I want the shirt I want the shirt they chanted as if it would magically make the jumper vanish from me and appear to him manager miss I know this young lady I know this is her shirt I know that she's too lazy for a gang leave the store after you've paid for the crisps your son spread all over the floor now it's his fault that oh by the one I of shockwave cease your foolery already I'll pay for the crisps if it will make you go away you broccoli panda entitled mom looked at the manager the man and the other people who are just watching Michelle she found no help she picked up her crying brat and hurried out of the store and everyone just casually returned to their business I paid for those crisps bought my other stuff and I slept friend good long 14 hours entitled co-worker ruins my road trip picked the wrong supervisor to mess with hello mr. Reddit and RER me it's me again metallo death with a story that does not involve a Karen but more of getting even English is my first language and I am on PC back story so I was a security guard supervisor for an auto manufacturing plant in Canada a year ago my brother Chris was one of my employees and the most reliable guard as well as another guard will call him awesome guard however with an awesome team there is one guard that is so entitled that he loses his head if he doesn't get his own way and we will call him entitled guard a 74 year old male who thinks he's hot crap who I was tired of his crap so I took four days off so I could take my girlfriend to Niagara Falls for a couple nights and left a reminder to the guards that I will not be available to cover shifts and that if anyone calls in to work for a non legitimate reason that serious action will be taken I'm on the last day of my trip while my girlfriend and I are enjoying the sights and all was going smoothly until I get a call from Chris cast we've got Chris my brother and guard we've got me and we've got the entitled co-worker hey Chris what is it entitled guard called into work because he didn't feel like coming in and said if you did not accept bet then he will quit you're kidding me I'll make a few calls and take care of this okay Chris hangs up I proceeded to phone in titled guard and get his side of the story entitled guard explained to me why you are not coming into your scheduled shift entitled guard I don't feel like going in this evening what will you do about it you know what I'm getting sick and tired of your entitlement remember who you're on the phone with you jerk the person that not only is your supervisor but also who writes your schedule and you also failed to notice the reminder I left I read but good so you are aware that I'll have to end my trip early and drive back get sleep and that I'm taking over your shift well I greatly appreciate I thought I cut him off you shouldn't be grateful see me in my office Monday morning sounds good oh it won't sound good I call Chris and awesome guard who agreed to relieve Chris while I come in at 2:00 a.m. and awesome guard agreed to work the weekend shifts to give me a few days off and now for my revenge entitled guard comes in for the meeting and I perceived to not only ride him up for failure to arrive for duty without a legitimate reason and with permission from my boss suspended for two weeks the usual entitled guards wife calls me after a couple hours of him leaving and I give her the reason he is off for two weeks and not for a vacation and she thanked me for not firing him when I should have and agreed to make those two weeks heck for him book clubs chores and not as much time to relax and mostly running around with her needless to say he was very happy to return to work and picked up a few more shifts and was not as entitled as it used to be next we've got entitled mom-and-daughter tries to steal family dog daughter almost gets bit in the face this story happened a couple months ago my parents were out of town and I was house-sitting for them it was a lovely Saturday morning and the weather was perfect so I decided to take the dog for a walk the dog let's name her Luna was a rescued miniature poodle found by my uncle after the previous owner left her outside for long periods of time even in harsh weather with hopes that she would run off but she never left soon Luna was later passed on to my mom I also should mention that it's clear that when we got Luna that she had abandonment issues despite this Luna really bonded to my family especially me my sister and my mom I also should mention that Luna is very smart well-mannered protective and especially loyal me and my mom could let her off her leash and walk around the park and Luna would always stay within 4 feet of us at all times and never would let us out of her sight Luna is one of the best dogs our family has had the pleasure of owning so onto the story the cast we've got me Oh B we've got entitled mom the Karen and we've got the park officers as I mentioned before I was in a local park walking Luna it was a beautiful morning outside and the park wasn't very crowded yet about 3/4 the way through our walk I notice a park officer make his way towards us he stopped right in front of us and got off his bike officer excuse me sir is that your dog why yes it is sir is everything okay well I got a report of a black guy walking a stolen poodle in the park so I was just doing some investigation well I can assure you this dog is definitely not stolen watch this I hand the officer the leash and slowly start to walk away Luna started to whimper loudly as I get further away and starts to pull at the leash towards me soon the officer lets go of the leash and Luna makes a beeline for me the officer acknowledges that this is in fact my dog and gets back on his bike and tells me to have a good day as we get to the parking lot to get in my car and go home notice in the corner of my eye a minivan not too far away from my car opened its doors and out comes entitled mom and her daughter both are stomping towards me I stopped and turned to face both of them that's not your dog and you know it now this is my family's dog she's been in our family for years bull grabbed my ass with a black man be seen walking around a poodle because it's my dog you crazy lady during this exchange the daughter of entitled mom kneels down in front of Luna being as well-mannered as she is Luna lets the daughter pet her entitled mom holding out her hand give us the poodle so we can find the real owners or I'll report you to the police leave me alone you crazy lady last chance give us the poodle at this point I've had enough and decide to walk away as I'm turning my back the daughter unhooks Lunas leash from her harness picks up the dog and starts to jog towards the minivan this causes Luna to whimper loudly I perceived to go after her but entitled mom blocks my way I brush entitled mama side which caused her to pull on my shirt in an attempt to stop me as the daughter is getting closer to the minivan I see the usually sweet Luna turn into an absolute demon she starts to thrash about in the daughter's arms and then proceeds to try and bite her face barely missing by an inch all this caused her daughter to scream and drop Luna who proceeded to make a beeline for me entitled mom let's go of me and ran to her daughter to see if she was okay at this point I decide to waste no time and open my car door and tell Luna up which she jumps in and sits in the passenger seat I hop in my driver seat immediately start the car and drive away in the rearview mirror I see entitled mom trying to chase after my car on foot but she's way too slow to keep Bob on the way home I pet Luna on the head and tell her good girl I told my mom about the incident and she thanked me for keeping her fur baby safe next we've got entitled mother-in-law gets catfished and disappears to the airport hey mr. reddit my wife and I really enjoy watching and listening to your vids and during one of them I asked her Wow your mom is entitled huh this prompted a whole lot of memories to come back to me with this story being the most impactful just for the disclaimers English is my first language though I'm on mobile so apologies if there are any grammar errors also this story happened a few years ago so dialogue is a bit fuzzy but I will get the main points out there so a bit of backstory my mother-in-law is the kind of person who expects everything to be placed in front of her on a silver plate arguing left and right until she gets her way she also prioritizes herself over anyone else which is the main focus of this story so here's the we've got me of course my wife my entitled mother-in-law and my two sister-in-laws now on to the story my mother-in-law has been having difficulties finding boyfriends always feeling lonely one guy she found seemed alright but it was online he sent her flowers and a few things here and there but always demanded money this was fishy no pun intended so my wife and I looked into it sure enough it sounded like she was being catfished so one day while I was at work my wife mother-in-law and sister-in-laws all had to go to the airport to meet this guy however he never showed up he did apparently insist he was stuck in customs our airport didn't have customs since it wasn't international and needed money to get out mother-in-law repeatedly told him she had no money so my wife finally convinced her to stop talking to him and go home however this was not the end I got home and my wife explained everything I was kind of shocked but expected that for mother-in-law so we went about our evening and went to sleep until about 3:00 a.m. sister-in-law one comes in bawling her eyes out sister-in-law one mommy's not here she's very much a Mama's girl my wife and I promptly went downstairs and sure enough she was gone usually she would say where she was going but this time no so all four of us sister-in-law too was down there as well started to mass text her since she wasn't answering any calls finally mother-in-law responded to one of us I don't remember who and told us she was at the airport again now this might not be a big deal but this is where that priority thing comes in she went alone to an airport and walked half a mile to it in the or in a downtown area we did everything we could to convince her to come back after stating many times that she was being catfished she ignored the pleas saying things such as he has to be here or I'm not leaving without seeing him then I finally snapped knowing how she has been treating my wife and her sisters especially when they were younger I finally fought back this is how the conversation went me mom why haven't you left I'm still trying to find customs leave me alone there is no customs you know that you were here earlier and didn't find it your daughters are worried sick and want you back home what's the big deal what's the big deal you went alone to an airport to find a guy who doesn't exist and you didn't tell anyone it's not like you went to Walmart then treat it like I went to Walmart at this point I knew she wasn't gonna listen to us so I wanted to sting her hard you know what I'll say it again you're a horrible mother your daughters are scared because they think he won't come back in any shape or form you hear their pleas yet you still do what you want regardless of what others think I'm tired of talking to you now if you won't listen to me then there's no point talking how dare would you say that I'm a perfectly good mother I took a breath and simply sent a link to her of an article I was reading about what romance skimming is and went to bed that morning I woke up and remembered hearing the front door closing showing that she came back I went downstairs and saw her casually talking to sister-in-law one-in-two she then looked up and started tearing up I think I finally got through to her sorry if this was a bit long and not a typical entitled parent I just Vee that her hardcore self-centered attitude towards things made her feel like she can do whatever she wanted and not get any backlash entitled mom can't fathom why a disabled kid gets priority boarding another day another post about people being jerks about my disability I get it I guess I'm sixteen and look relatively healthy until I pass out or fall down a flight of stairs or can't breathe and end up in the ICU anyways I was going back to school yesterday via plane I was alone for this particular flight a short summary of me I'm 16 and have enough health issues that give me the perks of being disabled that entitled people really wond I made it through the airport so far air travel can be a hassle for me depending on which airport and which TSA agent I have but it was going relatively smoothly I have a carry-on backpack with my phone and stuff and an entire suitcase that is marked with medical equipment please handle with care' inside that and I have my dozens of meds nebulizer Nampa vials oxygen tubing etc etc usually that suitcase and it's little tag keep me from getting jerked around by the general public but apparently not today I'm waiting for my flight which is scheduled to start boarding in 25 minutes exactly this is usually when I go up to the counter and state my need for priority boarding I answer the relevant questions provide documentation if asked and voila I get a new boarding pass that gives me extra time and allows me to sit in the bulkhead seat I'm talking with the agent and she's really sweet so after she wraps everything up for me we chat for a second and I talk about how crazy busy it is I also work in customer service so I can empathize entitled mom is standing behind me waiting to talk to the agent I step aside and go over to wait for my flight I sit down on the ground and pull out my laptop to work on my personal writing I am wearing earbuds but I can kind of feel that weird sensation where someone is staring at you so I take them out and look up to see entitled mom complaining and moaning to the agent at the counter about me getting priority boarding entitled mom is shooting dagger glares at me i infer that she is mad about my priority boarding and therefore must be angry at how a seemingly healthy kid got to board before her and her little spawn I now start to pay attention to the conversation we've got me disabled teenager who gives no hoots we've got entitled mom we've got spawn her nine year old son we've got CL agent at the counter excuse me but why does this teenager get to Boyd before us I'm sorry but that information is private it's not fair she's just a liar and a freeloader she doesn't need to board early this young lady has a very valid reason and is protected by airline policy what exactly is your reasoning for requesting priority boarding my son right he is very young and needs help adjusting to the plane you allow parents and kids extra time to board ma'am your son is nine years old that policy does not apply to him anymore what the heck I was a speak to your manager I step in to intervene because I work in customer service and have dealt with many Karan's it's easier to have another person on your side excuse me ma'am I am allowed early boarding due to federal law and airline policy please do not take it out on the agent right here if you have an issue with my boarding you can speak to me instead exactly why can you poured early you don't meet any of the policies grow up and take some responsibility I don't know where the heck she got that from being I am 16 traveling across the country alone with a disability I'm pretty darn responsible I am disabled I've got plenty more reasons to board early than you and your kid if you so like I will board normally and be unable to inform the flight crew of my disability and proper procedure to help me when I am in distress which means we might have to make an emergency landing I'm sure you'll like that because it will delay your arrival by a day would you like me to do so I'm standing there looking like I give no hoots per usual and have my award-winning face entitled mom looks taken aback and is an epitome of the shocked Pikachu meme but you want old you can't be disabled if you want old well for your information I am going back to school a few days early so that I can spend 3 days in the hospital seeing a variety of specialists having a battery of tests and possibly having a feeding tube placed disability does not discriminate based on age now if you will excuse me I'm going to sit back down before I pass out that shut entitled mom up and she slumped back to her row of chairs to sit and wait for her boarding zone to be called I waited a few minutes and then got up to be at the very front of the priority boarding line I enjoyed a peaceful flight and enjoyed seeing Karen be stuck in the back of the plane waiting to deplane while I was the first one off next we've got entitled student versus justified entitled teacher hi there mister read it I've been watching you for a few weeks now and it reminded me of a personal experience of an entitled student versus a justified entitled teacher I am a native english-speaking person and I am NOT on mobile so if there are any spelling mistakes it is all my fault I give you full permission to use my story for a video now on to our characters we have entitled student our main character we've got miss Karen she's our entitled teacher her actions were justified in this story we've got miss entitlement another entitled teacher who was partially to blame for this we've got innocent heckler one who provoked entitled student we've got guests teacher this took place in 11th grade and was the perfect storm of entitled miss from all sides this started with entitled teacher miss e she assigned a group project and wanted it completed by the end of the school week keep in mind she assigned it on a Wednesday did not let us work on it in her class to finish it our main character entitled student and his entitled partners waited until the very last day and worked on their project throughout the day this leads us to our entitled interaction we were in miss Karen's class two hours before Missy's class and we had a guest teacher Miss Karen brought him in to explore the world of poetry with us and even have a chance to publish our compositions but that's for another story time it was crunch for entitled student than his entitled partners the four had gathered around a table in the back of the room spread out their poster board and went to work while the rest of the class was practicing their rhymes team entitled was busy gluing pictures down and rehearsing their lines for their presentation it's super obvious and distracting we were all wondering why miss Karen didn't stop them guest teacher told us he'd be right back as he needed to go to his car to get some additional supplies and miss Karen told him that was okay and that she'd walk around the room to check everyone's progress as soon as guest teacher left team entitled got even louder you could hear everything from the snipping of scissors to entitled student to practicing her introduction miss Karen made her rounds and when she got to the back of the class and saw the chaos she looked at them put her hand on her hip and said what on earth are you doing and titled partner - we were trying entitled student interrupts we need to finish this project Miss Karen miss Karen no absolutely not not in my classroom we moved to finish this now or else we'll fail first of all we have guest teacher and that's rude secondly I am NOT going to let you work on another teacher's assignment in my class that is your problem not mine entitled partner 1 it's ok entitled student we can work on it later while packing their supplies away entitled student I told you if we do not finish this project we will fail we need to finish this right now and clearly guest teacher has left miss Karen if you and entitled partners weren't so involved in this project you'd know that guest teacher is coming right back now I said it once and I'm not going to say it again get your poem book out and practice your rhymes Ms Karen walked back to her desk as entitled partner to had packed everything away by this point entitled student was furious his face becoming cherry red he stood up slammed his chair in and began to stomp to his assigned seat while cursing under his breath miss Karen what was that speak up entitled student ignored miss Karen and continued trudging back to his seat innocent heckler 1 what's wrong entitled student entitled student fool please I don't need your comment entitled partner 3 bro calm down it's not that serious we can work on it later shut up I'm trying to help you out the rest of his team just watched and the class began first to chuckle then laugh at the scene and this further enraged entitled student however he did get back to his seat but did not pull out his rhyme book to do the assignment at this point yes teacher comes back and walks around the class answering questions and checking on us he finally gets to entitled student yes teacher I need you to write something son just write how you feel I'm not in the mood miss Karen go to the office right now good I didn't want to been here anyway entitled the student walked out of the room slamming the door behind him miss Karen apologized profusely to the nel confused guest teacher and we continued with the lesson you'd think this is the end but as the bell rang and we left to go to the next class entitled student was standing right beside the door glaring at each of us individually as we walked out it didn't say anything but his look still stays with me to this day entitled student than miss Karen never got along after this encounter next we've got entitled motorist meets karma hello mister read it thanks for reading all my posts so far it's really awesome to hear them read and I hope you enjoy this one those who read my posts will be happy to hear that this entitled person's story doesn't include the hotel I work at not all my entitled encounters happen at work this is a short little tale that includes an entitled motorist and some delicious pro revenge there is no dialogue in this story so I apologize but enough rambling it's time to get this story rolling so this happened several years ago when my kids were 2 and 4 we were driving into town to take the kids to go see a movie I forget which one the movie theater is several towns away from us it's a 25 mile drive with a few small towns in between so you have to slow down once in a while so I was driving through one of these towns at a brisk 35 miles per hour at this point I should clarify I drive the speed limit almost exclusively especially when my kids are in the car I was talking with my wife about the latest Kingdom Hearts game dream Drop Distance 3d wondering when Kingdom Hearts 3 would be released this should give you an indication on how long ago it was when I noticed a red car driven by entitled motorists rolling up behind us like we were standing still I pay him no mind and continue driving along at the posted speed limit of 35 and continue my conversation I see entitled motorist getting increasingly frustrated in the rearview mirror but I am in a small town I am NOT speeding up not with my kids in the car tough luck buddy all of a sudden entitled motorist screams past us at over 60 miles per hour in a no passing zone I might add he narrowly missed an incoming car I'm irritated and start complaining how impatient people can be when suddenly without warning entitled motorist slams on his brakes right in front of us I have a DD attention deficit disorder and have learned to use it to my advantage meaning I noticed my surroundings and him always hyper alert and can react on a moment's notice I remember being thankful of this fact because my a DD gave me the Quick Reaction I needed to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting this jerk as my fan came to a stop I notice entitled motorists ranting and raving at me from the driver seat and waving his arms while flipping me the bird I start to get out to confront entitled motorists he just put my kids in danger I was ready to throw down but before I even get a foot out the door he takes off at a fantastic speed but had to be well over 55 squealing his tires as he left I sit there for a few seconds red hot and fuming how dare this jerk put my family in danger because I dared to drive the speed limit and it wasn't fast enough for him but realizing there's nothing I can do I get back in and make sure my family is okay my kids were crying and having been startled by the sudden stop but everyone is fine we continued our drive to the movies now this wouldn't be a pro revenge story if that was the end of it and nowhere near as satisfying Oh No the is not the end of the story kiddies you see we continue driving along for about five miles or so when we notice police slides in the distance as we approach we see the same exact red car that had just harassed us a state trooper had apparently pulled him over for speeding this was just too perfect a wicked smile crept across my face and my wife took one look at me and knew what I was planning instantly state trooper was walking back to his car and looked to be a Belle to let entitled motorists go when I pulled over right behind him entitled motorists noticed us pulling in and began watching us I wave state trooper over and I introduced myself asked him what entitled motorist was pulled over for speeding and then told state trooper what entitled motorists had done to us only a few minutes ago state troopers face hardened he thanked us for the information and sent us on our way as we passed entitled motorists the look on his face as he recognized me and realized I had just talked to state trooper it was delicious as I passed I couldn't resist giving him the one-finger salute smiled and waved by I'm not sure what happened to him but as we drove away I looked in the rearview and could see state trooper putting entitled motorist and handcuffs and shoutouts to our regionals of the day King juggernaut sergeant Mason and fire eyes become tomorrow's regionals by leaving as many reasons you can in the comments below and please listen to my playlist every night
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 517,177
Rating: 4.6236615 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: COznLyAHvZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 56sec (8936 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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