r/EntitledParents - The INSANE reason she wanted me to buy her a new phone...

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this entitled chaperone tries to defend a child's lie about breaking a phone just so op can pay for a new one but fortunately not everyone believes them happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the show so yeah backstory from about 2018 to 2019 i worked at an after-school program with a church that also functioned as a private school i worked mostly with the after-school kids ranging in ages from 5 to 12. i mostly worked with the older kids who were about 10 to 14. this school had a daycare slash nursery i hardly interacted with the daycare but sometimes i would have to sub for a teacher who was running late or couldn't come in this story was one of those rare times i had to sub for a teacher in the daycare and just a combination of everything going wrong when working at the after-school program it was a part-time gig since i was only there from about 1 in the afternoon until the last closing time which is six it was nice since i could sleep in and do my school work it was a great setup and 90 of the kids and parents were great hardly any of them were entitled and not gonna lie i miss my kids a lot now but very rarely i would get called in to work to sub for a teacher in the daycare now a quick note here is that the daycare was run by the church and the after-school program was run by the school they were separate entities but sometimes the daycare would call teachers from the after school to sub for the daycare sometimes it was never a problem since the daycare workers were really nice showed us how to handle toddlers and babies anyway i said i would watch this class of four-year-olds while their teacher was at a doctor's appointment no biggie it shouldn't be more than an hour like at most day cares and my after school program you have to register your child if you want them to attend daycare or the after-school program and that way their name can be added to roll also every time you come to pick up or drop off your child you have to sign them in and out the same applies to visitors so i go in sign in the sub list go to classroom and do a quick roll call i have a total of eight kids cool beans two hours goes by their teacher is still a no-show and i'm doing my best teaching their bible lesson 9 30 the kids are in their stations playing taking a break from their reading lesson the door opens and the devil and her spawn come in like i said earlier i have no clue who these kids are but i do have my role the devil karen walks in ushers in her spawn karen comes in after sun before i even had a chance to speak with him and ask his name karen turns to me and says are you the teacher uh no i miss mary i'm just subbing for miss lily the regular teacher fine when is she going to be back hopefully in a little while i don't normally work here i work in the after school program i was wondering is your son new i don't see his name on the roll oh yes we registered yesterday me a little wary ah okay i'm sure he'll get added to the role in the coming week okay well i'll be back around eight to pick him up i stop as she leaves for the door ma'am you can't leave your son here after six it's state law eighty percent sure this is true okay fine and karen drew out the fine like i just asked her to take out the garbage as she walks out the door spawn is playing with the kids and getting along just fine but a part of me was just wary like something didn't settle right with me i grabbed the walkie-talkie and radioed the supervisor asking if miss lilly's class was expecting a new kid she said no thankfully i'd message her just as karen was walking out the door the supervisor said to bring spawn to the office he was sad but i explained we had to see mama i take him to the office after asking a teacher to step in while i was gone when we got about halfway down the hall i hear what do you mean my son can't be here your son isn't registered without daycare we cannot accept him but this is a daycare i walk in at this point with spawn in hand and she points to me well she let my son in the room i know but she is a sub she has to go by the roll your son was not on the roll nor is he enrolled here i'm sorry miss karen but you and your son have to leave spawn is upset at this point because he was getting along with some of the kids but karen b and karen just started back up this is a daycare you have a no discrimination policy you have to accept my son ma'am you are right we have a no discrimination policy but you have to schedule a tour and interview in case you want to enroll your child here this does not mean it's a walk-in daycare please just leave i'm just standing there with spawn holding my hand she snatches spawn from my hand and swears this will not be the last time you hear from me the supervisor tells me to go back to the classroom and not to worry that i made a good call about the mum the rest of the day goes by smoothly i go to my real job without a worry the next day the supervisor emailed with an update about karen pretty much saying hey mary just wanted to let you know that you did a good job yesterday handling that lady and yes she did call the director of the daycare trying to get us in trouble for discriminating against her because guess what she's italian i mean of all things but i digress the director said that don't worry about anything and that you are more than welcome to sub here more often the kids love you have a good rest of your day i don't officially know what happened to karen but i do know from the email the director told her to shove off i can imagine some childcare places probably have a policy where you could just drop off your kids but it's a bit much to assume that every single place you can just do that if you made some important plans that you can't be with your kids with you better be 100 sure that they're going to be able to take your kids during that time but can you really expect an entitled parent to do that kind of critical thinking this happened five to six years in the second largest country in the world by land canada canadians you rock i'm from thailand i will have to include the nationalities for context i speak english and thai fluently and a bit of mandarin chinese this is important later i went to a summer camp which was basically english classes in the morning and activities in the afternoon i chose to just go for the sake of a new experience and it was really really fun except for these two days which really sound my mood for the following week before that i need to point out that i bought a new bag for my figure skates which was this solid steel suitcase which you can sit on tried and tested it can take the weight of two women as some ice rinks don't provide you with seats to put your skates on it is only two wheels but is cleverly designed so that it can climb stairs while about to leave school on the way to vancouver aquarium i was wheeling my bag behind me when i felt a tug on the handle i look back and it was obvious from the way he was walking entitled kid 10 year old chinese boy was more focused on talking to his friend than actually looking at where he was going and going the wrong way he flips over my bag which tried to pull to minimize the damage don't want him to impale his rib cage or my steel bag which will hurt and his hip takes most of the fall i ask him if he's all right in english and he laughs and completely ignores me continues to talk to his friend in chinese looks like he's okay i go about my day oh i forgot to introduce the entitled chaperone she's this complete mess of a woman going through her mid-life crisis who is just yelling at kids causing a scene and also never brushed her teeth or bothered to use perfume she came with a language school from china which had the most percentage of students in that school most of the kids barely spoke english by the way the savior of this story is the headmistress who is a 50ish canadian lady in a wheelchair who is super super calm and approved my bag for the use in school anyways let's get on with the story ec approaches me the next day speaking in a calm voice and tells me to follow her i follow her and see ek weeping his eyes out having an outburst which is a mixture of sadness anger and a whole bunch of other negative emotions i end up thinking what did i do to this kid i asked the question what happened the response you broke his phone what how are you deaf something along those lines excuse me you broke his phone yesterday you broke his phone c tells ek to show phone in chinese ek continues crying and making a scene can you tell me how exactly i broke his phone you tripped him are you so careless wheeling your stupid bag around look at him now look at him he can't get his phone repaired here it's a crappy chinese phone she didn't say crappy but it was like some brand i'd never heard of before and haven't heard of since stop shouting at me i won't speak to you anymore i'm going to the headmistress if you won't let me explain myself i'll let somebody else be the judge silently screw you hi there rupee what's up ec is saying i broke ek's phone when tells exactly what happened and there were many witnesses around me including staff at this point ec found me what are you doing the only students who allowed jurisdiction over is the chinese i'm thai what happened dc this thai jerk broke ek's phone the whole time i was looking at ec in her eyes and i knew that if i said i'll pay for the cost of a new phone she would shut up that was the look she gave me luckily i was in canada if this was mainland china i'd be pretty screwed because of the culture over there and me being a foreigner i'm the scapegoat ek what happened he didn't even speak english ec had to translate ek in chinese he broke my phone it hurts all over he broke my phone i can't play my game anymore i can't play i can't play ec goes on a ridiculous tirade towards me which sounds barely believable look if you're going to keep on insulting him just go op follow me to my office and we'll discuss i follow her to her office and she says opie i'll try to find the best solution i think the insurance will pay the cost for it i'll call them and give you an answer tomorrow we do not condone that sort of behavior ec was showing that sounds great i hope i don't have to pay since it was clearly either an accident or his fault i was thinking of lending my ipad to him but i wouldn't trust him if he's being that careless i think it was just bad timing but you're still okay to wheel your bag around just be careful for the next couple of days he can still contact his parents through us i go back the next day and receive good news the insurance will pay they say it covers damage to personal possessions so you're cool all i want you to do though is just apologize to ek it's just a canadian custom she literally said that i think i can do that i go over to ek still crying looking completely dead inside i say a short apology to him which i can't remember what i said but i said it all in mandarin he was so angry at me i think he tried to strike me anyways i lost a bit of time happiness and a bit of light damage to my bag one thing i couldn't believe even from rewriting this story is the fact that this kid is completely addicted to his phone like it was as if his parent died or something okay so maybe when the kid fell he broke his phone at the same time but there's just this sneaking suspicion that something else happened and he wants to blame it on her especially the way that ec is so determined that op should pay for it in either case it wasn't opie's fault in the first place it's just weird that there's no recognition of that the backstory my younger sister has always been entitled and my dad has always hated me and my older brother my sister was always his favorite and would treat her with insane leniency and she grasped that behavior from him my dad has always wanted arguments to go his way as far as literally smashing the entire living room to bits and throwing the tv on my older brother simply because my mum said i don't want to speak to someone who acts like a [ __ ] prior to this he had been cursing at her over and over as well as her family without her retaliating my sister had a big habit to leave stuff dirty and messy this is in just about everything but we're gonna focus on dishes for now majority of the time the food my sister eats is just instant noodles and spaghetti primarily because she can't cook she leaves her dirty dishes either in the sink or in her room so this mostly revolves around my sister with my dad being her bodyguard now that you've grasped the basics on my dad and sister's behavior onto the story about two or three weeks ago sister making noodles leaves dirty dish in the sink hey sis can you clean your dishes i want to use them why should i clean them you want to use them you clean them remember what she said here because you would use them you should clean them this lasts for quite a bit with back and forth arguing for a couple minutes until my brother takes her phone he was given permission from mum to do so if she acts up which she often does sister goes into a full tantrum trying to tackle my brother which she fails to do she's a stick and he's a bulky guy over and over eventually leading to my brother just holding her down and telling her to calm down eventually sister gets a massive knife and threatens both me and my brother she's crying at this point in a tantrum so we give her the phone knife in hand walks to the stairs and we command her to put the knife down over and over till she finally obeys and throws the knife down the knife pierced the carpet just eight centimeters away from my foot we run after her and hold her down and kept her upstairs where she had no access eventually parents come home they were already alerted of the situation from my younger brother mom begins shouting at my sister for being stupid enough to raise a knife over something so petty entitled dad was outside smoking a cigarette then eventually comes in while everything is calming down and gets in me and my brother's face cursing at us over and over he was talking about how she's a girl what's she gonna do with the knife stop trying to be big and tough by treating a girl like that you get it he then tries to ground us to put it lightly essentially asking for me and my brother's phone to break except it wasn't going to happen me and my brother are of similar stature and 17 18 year old eventually my mum stepped in and warned my dad essentially my dad would eyeball us the entire day and whenever out the view of my mum he would start saying some bs about being useless children and stupid and just more overall attempts to agitate us knowing we won't do anything that carries on for approximately a week skipping to yesterday similar situation happened i was eating a nice watermelon to cool off and i was getting ready to clean the knife and this wide dish to catch drops and literally as i'm picking everything up my sister tells me to leave it and she wants to use it so i leave the stuff there and tell her over and over at least seven times you're going to clean it after and she would either ignore it or do a quiet hum that sounded like a yes just to get me to stop talking so she cuts it up puts in a new bowl with a new fork and takes it upstairs as she's going up the stairs i verify one more time you're going to clean this stuff right remember what i told you to remember earlier no why should i clean it you used it first you should clean it without missing a heartbeat i go after her grab the bowl of watermelon and give it to my younger brother and what he didn't want went to my parrot she obviously complained and threw a hissy fit but my dad eventually came home her guardian angel and he tried to punish me wagging his finger in my face and breathing on me with a taste of seven malboro cigarettes i also want to say by this time my mom had left the country to see and care for her severely ill and dying parents i don't follow along with his rules and just contact my mum instead and she sorts it out so i decided any dirty dish i see that she produced i would just pick up and leave in her room skipping to today she cuts up watermelon again in a bowl i see it there so take it up to her room and leave it there she throws a hissy fit and takes it downstairs and leaves it by this time my dad was about to get into bed gets up and goes straight to me asks what the problem is i tell him i saw this bowl that sister used and i wanted to use it so i brought it up to her as a reminder my dad also throws a hissy fit grabs the bowl out of my hand and smashes it onto the ground in the kitchen i decided just to take pictures of it and send it to my mum as well as the cut of my foot my dad failed to apologize or show any regret or care and it isn't the first time he has done this type of stuff i know sometimes parents can choose favorites but i don't know how you could defend such bad behavior constantly maybe it's because he has the same personality type and he's like well i don't want to be judged for those things so i'm going to defend her submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our boise veteran community at voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright boise veterans i'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 17,529
Rating: 4.9075146 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: nItF-b4j67E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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