r/EntitledParents - GIVE MY SON YOUR ACCOUNT!!!

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hey everyone and welcome back to another video on the goodnight reddit channel and the r slash entitled parents subreddit where today an em actually tries to kick out their own daughter over a spoon i'm back again with another entitled parents story about my mother you guys like reading about my lunatic mum so hey here's another one for you i was 12 when this happened 2002 and i lived in a small town with one grocery store which my choosing beggar mother hated shopping at because they were way overpriced apparently only a dollar more here and there by the way i was the child she disliked so for many years i naively tried to gain her approval by doing things i didn't really want to do helping her at the grocery store being one of them so one saturday morning when mum went shopping i went with her this was early 2000s and loyalty cards weren't as common as they are today at least in that town they weren't a grocery store had only recently introduced a loyalty card system so naturally not everyone understood it right away after finishing our shopping we were waiting in line as the customer in front of us was finishing this was back in the stone age before self-serve and begun placing our items on the conveyor belt server to the customer in front of us that'll be 85 customer hands over their loyalty card and server scans it with your loyalty card discount that will be 78 that word discount was my mother's trigger mom to the server after her total was rung up um what about my discount server do you have a loyalty card mum why would i need one server ma'am you can only get discounts on certain products if you have a loyalty card and if you get enough points you can get money off if you build up enough points would you like a loyalty card today they are free mum you don't need any information i'm not going to be a part of whatever scam you're running just give me my discount server i'm sorry but that's not how it works now is that all for you today ma'am i could tell that he was trying to get her to leave so he didn't have to deal with her mum can i speak to the manager then server i'm the on duty manager today the store manager will be in tomorrow if you want to speak to him then mum fine then but i'll be speaking with him so don't expect to have a job after tomorrow i wanted to sing into the wall out of pure embarrassment even at 12 i understood the loyalty card system but obviously my mother didn't she reluctantly paid for her stuff and dragged me out of the store as far as i know she didn't speak to the store manager but even if she did she didn't have any power over anyone's employment i always found it amusing that she acted more like a child than her own children nice why do entitled moms or parents always think that they can get away with like hey guess what you don't you don't work here anymore because i don't like your shirt it's just so dumb so i was talking to my mum who isn't usually an em but she has her moments of irrationality when i was growing up with her and for some reason i'm reminded back to a story that happened when i was 17. we always had a rocky relationship and i have some more stories if you like i'm 25 now but here's the story of how i got kicked out at 17 over a spoon cast am my entitled mother sd my stepfather bf my boyfriend who was currently hanging out at their house at the time and me me obviously so to set the scene it was around early afternoon i went into the kitchen to make myself some coffee as one does and i scooped the sugar into my coffee with a metal spoon relevant later and since the spoon had not actually gone into my coffee and was still dry i put it back into the sugar container for future use big mistake on my behalf an hour or two goes by and my sd calls me into the kitchen sd op come in here right now i need to talk to you me thinking oh jeez what have i done now i go into the kitchen to see both my em and sd standing in the kitchen next to the container of sugar they had opened i asked hey what's up sd do you know what's in this container me well sugar i assume still confused as to why i'm about to be lectured em look closer what's in the sugar me looks a spoon am a metal spoon you could have killed us all me completely dumbfounded and confused wait what do you mean by that sd are you trying to give us metal poisonings poisonings excuse me still confused you mean metal poisoning what do you even mean by that how does that even work em you clearly don't understand or care that you could have killed the entire family me uh but how am i get out me what em i said get out you're not welcome here you clearly don't understand how you basically just tried to murder us she then proceeded to push me out of the house and i sat in the hallway stairs we lived in a condo and called my boyfriend at the time who told his mum the situation i stayed there for a day or two before they apologized for the outbursts and wanted me back home i haven't had any issues after until i moved out a year later and now that she doesn't have any power over me she's become to me the mother she always portrayed in front of people and i'm liking the arrangement ah so she's become less of a female dog thanks for reading and i hope you got as much enjoyment out of this as i did recalling the events lol hmm uh what kind of disease were they talking about metal disease did they mean like i don't even know what disease they could be talking about leaving a metal spoon inside a sugar container i don't know i'm gonna look into that though so unfortunately i am the offspring of the entire one here and it brings me great shame to consider him family he's the type of person who is so set in his ways that he refuses to listen to reason a stereotypical boomer and because of that my relationship with him is strained so i had to wake him up for work since he'd broken his phone yesterday six times in a year by the way so i was his alarm he asked me where his face mask was which i told him where and he began to complain about having to wear it at work and how when he goes out he doesn't wear one now it's worth noting that in my state it's mandatory to wear a mask in any establishment i called him out on it big mistake and i knew it and he began to complain about his freedoms which peeved me off people are dying and being permanently affected by this yet he refuses to act like it's a big deal eventually things went south and he brought up how experts are always changing opinions saying how masks are 100 effective and he's not exactly wrong but he pretends that it's not helpful and that 99 of people are like him and he refuses to acknowledge his actions risked the lives of others then he tries gaslighting me about how there were news stories about a newborn who died in an ambulance since the hospital was saving beds for covert patients and asked me if i thought that was right implying i wouldn't feel bad for any injustice like that so i told him about a case where an eight-year-old caught the virus and died after her mum brought her to the park and traveled and he just kept saying deaths were going to happen i tried to get it through to his stupid thick skulled idiot but the conversation went nowhere except for circles i made sure to bring up how childish he was acting and how he went into an active duty combat for his country and yet still refused to mildly inconvenience himself to protect others innocent people he made sure to say that only my generation thinks the way i do like he usually does saying that all this generation thinks like him and it's just frustrating i'm just so fed up with being almost 40 years younger than him and still being the only adult in my household he has no consideration for others and i can't wait to be free from this hell all things considered i think every state or everywhere in the world everyone should be wearing a mask if they're out in public just due to safety precautions and it's never too hard to be safe and with that being said here's your daily reminder to wear a mask outside and stay safe from covert because i don't want y'all dying on me by the way i wrote this story some time ago but i didn't exactly have enough karma to post it so i just put it in my notes so maybe i missed a few things i don't know okay so here's the cast em ed f1 friend one f2 friend two me donkey lffa a little fat frickin butt otherwise known as the daughter okay so this happened in summer 2015 during the craze of segways in dubai i was at a park can't tell you the name but me and two of my friends came with our families and we brought our segways i was 8 at the time so i couldn't go alone but my other two friends were 12 and 14. em in a thick indian accent i'm not doing that because it could come off as really racist hello yes hello can we try this motorbike she actually called it that f1 i think i was too short and playing with a bird i found so i didn't exactly listen sorry no these are ours and we're just leaving anyway em no no just give us then and and we can play with them and give them back tomorrow me what how are you gonna do that f2 it's okay my name you can play and we're gonna talk to the lady and then race em no abby yeah that was hindu i'm half pakistan so i understand again i'm sorry uh i'm not indian so i don't know if i said that right but oh well just give nah yours for not respecting lffa yes stupid dumbhead give i know it sounds exaggerated but these people did not speak english very well so some of it is translated me can you leave us alone please this is the only place around that has grass em shut up you frick i knew that was a bad word but i didn't react when i was eight f1 very angry okay listen you overweight piece of crap we want to go so don't be a piece of crap we're miners and can sue you by the way i had no idea what that meant so i just nodded and tried looking tough which was hard because i wore a toy story shirt i remember because it got wet later on but that's another story em okay well i'm gonna call security and i'll find out where you live and steal it me yeah right em tell me where you live your name and where you come from me lying i'm here on vacation i live in italy and i'm from poland and my name is joshua lffa i will take your segue and my dad is very rich and in the london government where you live that was hard to believe because they both wore small shirts and were very worn out and the tips of their toes were gone f2 picked up my segway told me to go back to the family i saw and i kicked the in the shin and run with f1 fast forward about an hour later and i'm in the grass and notice lffa trying to take the segway from my parents but this lock on the switch that turned the segway on the idiot didn't even turn it jumped and yes jumped on it and fell and there was a crack and her arm was bleeding then ed came to me very angrily edie you freaked you just had my daughter me stuttering because i was eight no she did that i was looking at her and she took it and fell then i did the perfect thing to prove my innocence i ran i saw a group of people so i followed them looking at them and pretended they were my family i saw the ed coming and i hid in the buggy area where you could rent one i saw the ed yelling at the confused people who were mad at him with lots of swearing and a security guard came and banned ed and i don't know about lfa but the mum came to slap f1 and was kicked too then i told everyone who laughed and blah blah blah the end haven't seen any of them since i mean hey calm is a piece of crap in this situation you tried to steal the thingy and then you fell off the thingy and hurt yourself and you got your parents banned so nice job ek but hey that's pretty good to me i've got the pleasure of having a karen as a mother and you guys seem to like these stories so hey here's another one a little bit of backstory before i begin my mum hated me my whole life favoring my little sister over me and mentally and physically abusing me most of my life until i left to live with my dad i spent a lot of my young life trying to win her affection by doing the same things my sister did like going to pony club when i didn't really want to until i eventually gave up and didn't care what she thought anymore my mom is five foot eight broad shouldered and a bit overweight but strung from doing farm work most of her life needless to say i was scared of her back then this happened when i was about 10 years old in 2000 my mom is a huge choosing beggar and hates spending money when she doesn't have to this included going to a hairdresser my sister was seven at the time so i was her next option for this mistake that she only made once she came into my room and asked if i would cut her hair for her i really didn't want to and i practically begged her not to make me but i was still in that last stage of wanting her approval so i reluctantly said yes big mistake on my behalf so not knowing what i was doing i cuda her and big surprise i did a horrible job it was salvageable if she went to the hairdresser to get it fixed but she was too cheap and stubborn to do that i was grounded for the rest of the week except for going to school and was made to do all of my sister's chores with a bit extra such as shoveling the horse crap in the paddocks into a bucket and cutting them to the bin anyone who's ever smelt fresh horse poo will understand why this task was exceptionally bad and any other inventive chores she could come up with for the rest of the week she stomped around the house saying snarky comments like ah why can't she just be like her sister at least she would have done a better job than op i can't go out looking like this if we starve then i know whose fault it is bloody useless kids around here why don't i have enough money oh i know why meaning it was my fault that she didn't have a job and relied on my dad's child support payments for income it was until i was 15 that i finally stood up to her and her bull crap which involved a glass jar to her head she didn't touch me again after that and i moved in with my dad not too long after my life is much better now that i'm not in contact with her i'm mentally stable with no long-lasting issues from her abuse i'm more stable than my mother and i refuse to let her break me my sister and i are good friends now and she hates our poor excuse for her mother just as much as i do keep an eye out for more stories about my entire mother as there are many thanks for reading well now i'm curious about when you use the glass jar to a head like very curious so in with that being said if i find it i'll let you guys know in a future episode first things first first post here i'm on mobile and english isn't my first language so be sure to correct me in the comments with that out of the way let's go this story took place about a month ago so i play fortnite i know you can roast me in the comments and i'm not the best that ever was but still a decent player i was playing some creative phil after being advised to by my brother which it all started with fun nice chat and some zone wars after an hour i was left with one other guy and was preparing to leave when he spoke the participants me guess who ek the little goblin and em entitled mother ek do you wanna 1v1 me first time he spoke sounded like an eight to ten year old me sure we said one so basic rules and started some time later the score was 12 at one for me i was not a good player but this kid was just bad as an idea he was wearing the t1 skin from the battle pass important later while being level one i was over 150 at that time ek you're cheating me no i'm not ek yes you are i'm the best i defeated ninja and tifu me you sure did buddy ek yes i did let's go one more round we went one more in the middle of everything i observed that he broke the rules by taking better weapons but hey i still won ek you're hacking i'm gonna tell you to my mom as i was preparing to leave again i heard a voice em you definitely cheated my angel is the best at every game he plays as compensation buy him that battle pass that this game has i kid you not that was what she said and by the sound of that battle pass i'm pretty sure she doesn't know what she's talking about me ma'am first things first i didn't cheat second thing second i will not buy your son the battle pass and third thing third even if i wanted to buy him the battle pass which i'm not buying he already has it by looking at the skin he has equipped ek then give me your account em good idea sweetie give him your account i'm sure you have many skins me i'm not giving you my account i put enough money in it and it has value to me ek then let's 1v1 for it at first i was skeptical but even if i lost i would have given him another account with no skins seeing as he was not gonna bet his account too me okay but after we play with my rules no healing and the only weapons i choose i want a fair fight if i'm betting my account ek okay em silently but still being able to hear her that's my kid win by any means necessary buddy i understood that he was not going to play fair but i continued three minutes later i was victorious even though he cheated iam you cheated give my son your account you freaking idiot i'll get you banned if you don't do it me i'm not giving you anything i really lost my marbles by now if anything i should be the one getting something you're the ones that cheated i accepted this deal even though your little goblin would not give me anything in return if i won so now i'm going out and hope to not see you ever again em don't you dare leave you're not leaving until i say so stop being a piece of crap and give me me okay karen i just closed the game entirely i'm not even sure why i said that in the end the kid didn't try to friend me so i think that was a win in my book and happily i didn't get banned so in the end i was left with a good story to tell and some angry entitled people with their hands empty after not being able to scam a 17 year old i still find that a good story though that you had to 1v1 for the account and you still came out victorious oh that's amazing but i would have been really curious to see if you had lost then what would have happened would you just turn off your xbox or something i don't know you tell me and that's it for today's video if you guys did enjoy please do hit that like button and if you haven't already hit the subscribe button for more videos just like this one and if you want to be first to see those videos the bell notification thingamajigo generally helps with that don't forget to tell me your thoughts in the comments below and i'll see you all in the next video bye everyone
Channel: Good Night Reddit
Views: 4,181
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, good night reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps, goodnight reddit, good, night, redditor, rslash, voiceyhere
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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