r/EntitledParents - She wanted a FOREVER Discount...

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hey everyone and welcome back to another video on the good night reddit channel and the ah slash from title parents subreddit where today and em demands a discount because she didn't understand the rules of an establishment it gets pretty hectic so if you guys want to know what happens to him please stay tuned before this video starts guys i'd just like to let you know if you want an update on my situation with my voice because it has something to do with covid please stick to the end of the video but for now let's get into this video so about 10 years ago i worked for a popular chain sandwich shop the way it worked was you could choose the type of bread size 6 foot or 12 foot meat cheese sauce veggies everything to your liking and we charged you based on the size and meat type now common practice for us was if two people were getting two six foot sandwiches and they were the same type of meat and they were paying together we would bring it up to a single 12 foot sandwich because it was cheaper that way usually saving people about a dollar fifty people really like that because we would save the money without them having to ask her anything and it was just good customer service enter iam the entire mother and yg young girl she had come in a few times and i guess someone had rang her in her order that way previously she comes in and orders two six foot sandwiches for her and her daughter and requested that they go on the same type of bread sure no problem then she selects the meats hers was him one of the least expensive ones and her daughter was chicken the priciest so we going down the line assemble their sandwiches and then it comes time to pay i bring in the two sandwiches and immediately she becomes haughty and says um excuse me but why are you charging me for two sandwiches me i'm sorry i don't understand what you mean one is ham and one is chicken right em well they're on the same type of bread last time you charged me for a 12 foot and it was cheaper me oh i see there is a misunderstanding here then we can do that if the meat is the same because i have to ring it in according to the type of the meat on the sandwich unfortunately i can't ring in these two types of sandwiches as one because they have different prices and we have to track the inventory em i will pay for a 12-foot hem sandwich and that's it me okay well even if that's how it worked we would have to charge you for a 12 foot of one of the more expensive items not the cheaper otherwise everyone would do that and we'd always lose money on the more expensive meat but honestly a 12 foot chicken has more than a six foot chicken and a six foot ham so you're better off just paying for them separately em i wanna see the manager this is ridiculous and unacceptable me well i am the shift supervisor tonight but what i can do is offer you a free drink and a side for the misunderstanding this is a 250 value more than you would have saved on the sandwiches i am screaming listen you can't just give us the discount once we change your mind later that's a bait in a switch i refuse to pay for two sandwiches me noticing the lineup and getting longer behind her okay since there seems to be some misunderstanding here i will discount one of your sandwiches by a dollar fifty would that be acceptable em yes thank you super sarcastically rolling her eyes at a daughter who looked away in total embarrassment a few days later i was working a shift but it was cooler during the inventory and the two co-workers were out front working with customers at one point i hear the familiar screech of em why are you charging me for two sandwiches they are on the same type of bread see this is not what you did for me last time you people are so incompetent i come out front and em seems surprised to see me i look her in the eye and ask if she remembers our encounter from just a few days ago she says well you gave me the discount then so you should give it now too me absolutely not i did that as a one-time goodwill gesture that is not our policy and this time i am sure you know that i turn to the cashier void the order and throw the sandwiches away this transaction is over and this customer is no longer welcome she left screeching at us about how stupid we were and how we were trying to trick customers etc etc and hey i never saw her again but from time to time i send out positive vibes to that daughter of hers who i'm sure had to suffer through many many encounters like this with that woman i mean in the end you did kick around even if it was during the second encounter you still proved yourself as a great subway employee or a subway employee more importantly this is your quick overview warning make sure to stay inside as much as possible guys and wear a mask if you go out or you'll end up like me because i'm an idiot and forgot my mask once anyway more importantly make sure to stay inside as much as possible and only go out if it's an absolute requirement but what is a requirement is wearing a goddamn mask when you go out trust me you want one covered freaking sucks so my mother 51 females and em to the max toxic family members question mark no problem just forgive them constantly bug stuff when i 24 female was younger and would call the school whenever she got the chance to complain about something and finally she needs everything to go her way also constantly making me 20 minutes late to field trips and demanded that they wait because she had to get ready at my sister's wedding she said she would help at 11am to set up and didn't get there until about five gift opening at 10 30. she got mad when they started without her so yesterday she asked me to call my work number four times my boss i don't know how she even got her number she doesn't exactly know where i work two times and finally send me a text message asking if i ever wanted a relationship with her to which i responded with the following mom i would love to have a relationship with you however some things have to change i can't be answering these questions when you know i'm at work you can't continue to gas like me because i want a relationship with my father my dad is my dad and just because he left you as a wife does not mean he left me as his daughter like you made me believe when i was younger which was completely wrong of you to take your emotions and to put them on me i got to read all the paperwork i know both sides divorces of parents with kids are never one-sided you can have a relationship with me when i hear an apology for the things ex-step dad put our family through including taking my door letting my step row get away with using my bras as his boy time rag ex-step dad and you're constantly making fun of me in my personal life asking what i was wearing or if i had drank when i told both of you i was sexually assaulted and finally saying you're lying when i came out to you was bisexual the teasing and the bullying has got to stop and that means all of it you do not get to play the sympathy card if i react badly to years of that crap from my siblings that you also contributed to stepdad and yes from you as well that means no more making fun of me my sexual past on my current partner including making fun of our relationship none of it you need to seek professional help for your narcissistic tendencies i am under no obligation to keep my hair blonde give you grandkids or to not donate my eggs to get a tattoo that i had to say in or to visit you you have no right to make me feel bad when i do things and you don't like them i don't want to visit a toxic household when i know that will happen so until you get professional help for your past i will see you on a major holidays and special occasions only and now i finally have some peace and quiet look man if i were you i just cut all forms of contact with her immediately it doesn't sound that you know nice or healthy to be in a household like that especially because of all the things and everything that they disregarded including your past life like that's just this is ridiculous like i said if i were you i'd cut all forms of ties with them as much as physically possible but if that doesn't want to be your only option then hey you do whatever the hell you want you're your own damn person so me and two of my friends f1 and f2 love doing stunts with our bikes but because we are in the city we have to perform our stunts and parks near our houses so just like every saturday and sunday i went ahead to meet my friends and do stunts the problem was that half an hour before i left at the house a little visit from my aunt em had just ended as i left em and her son ass who was 9 years old were getting into the car to go to a park as well so es could ride his bike which they had on the back of the car iam didn't know the way to any park nearby and since she didn't tell me either her plans nor she asked for my family about it i just left the house riding my bike towards the park with em following me without my knowledge when i arrived at the park i met my friends and so we started doing our stunts while being away from other kids to avoid accidents unfortunately when em and s arrived as well after a while they noticed what we me and f1 and f2 were performing she didn't look too happy about it far in the distance but we didn't really care until s came to us and it went something like this s hey um how do you do these things me we've been practicing but how were you here weren't you going home yes no ian was about to drive me to a park to ride my bike after i visit but she didn't know the way so she followed you i was fuming at this point but didn't want to blame a nine-year-old me alright alright and now what s i've been a little jealous of you doing these stunts and i was wondering if you could show me how to do some of them at this point em overheard this conversation and wasn't happy about it am s you did what s i was jealous i couldn't do what they were doing so i asked them if they could show me now before we continue i want to say that in our gathering with em i mentioned that i am an atheist she went on a little bit off but since my parents respect my decisions she couldn't do anything i'm 13 years old by the way and i'm telling you that so you can have a clearer image of me em no no no i'm not allowing you to be jealous to an atheist brad like him me and what's your problem with me being an atheist am my problem is that you must be christian or else you mustn't be allowed to do anything in your life blah blah blah blah me and who do you think you ought to judge my decisions i said in a hierarchic voice i am i'm part of your damn family and your elder so you must do as i say me because you're my family doesn't mean that you're right and it doesn't mean i have to do what you want either f1 yeah he's right frick off f2 gives her a death glare em you you f2 oh and by the way i don't remember the bible writing it's acceptable to be racist does it em s come on we're leaving f1 oh no looks like you fricked up f1 said in a ironic voice while laughing me and f2 start laughing as well and at this point she's furious she took ass and left defeated but the whole park was looking at this point so there wasn't any point on staying there anymore we went to another park and then after i got home i told my parents and they were just furious they phoned em and fought with her for a while turns out she tried to sue us but she didn't exactly end up doing so so you know i mean it's quite like the other story you got away from this one pretty easily huh you won the day eventually and your mother and father or your parents supposedly took your side so i see this as an absolute win iam lost everyone else win hey just finished work and had to tell this story as soon as possible i work as a chef in a pub kitchen so this didn't happen to me directly but i did hear it from said kitchen i was given the full details by my colleague after and my colleague will be called c for colleague and title mother will be henceforth known as karen because why not and she had two kids below the age of eight so it's late into our shift and we've been doing a lot of meals for the past few hours the reason for this is because most food places in the uk right now are doing a fifty percent off deal per person to try and get people back into the rhythm of using public services due to worldwide events the weather was also blisteringly hot a normal cold surface in our kitchen was hitting 40 degrees celsius so that was also drawing people in and then it changed within 5-10 minutes the sky broke open and a massive torrent of water came down absolutely huge a pub even became a little bit flooded by our entrance now most people were happy to sit it out watching the rain and the lightning no thunder for some reason i have no idea why that was all except karen she had her two kids with her and they had just finished their meals and were about to head out when one of the two kids sees the lightning and freaks out no matter young kid it happens the kid was fine about the first few flashes it's at this point c heads over to the carron to ask if her kid is all right she says it's fine and the kid gets scared easily as a sign of courtesy she offers both kids a free drink very small fruit drinks that were allowed to give to young children normally below the age of five but you know c made an exception karen upon hearing the word free then says excuse me do i get anything see i'm sorry karen do i get anything for free where's my free drink see sorry miss those drinks are for young kids only i can't exactly give them out to adults karen well c tells me she hesitated for about 10 seconds here i assumed to try and think of something could we get desserts then see of course what would you like to order karen order i thought we would get them for free see now realizing what she's doing decides to not humor her miss we don't give out free food to anyone karen now getting angry and this is what i heard from the kitchen but you made my child cry how could you do that to a child and not compensate us see says nothing to this and just stares at her clearly not amused i actually saw c's face through the kitchen door and trust me they were not happy we get some obnoxious stuff all the time and see is one of our best at handling them karen answer me why did you make my child cry i demand a discount on our food see miss you already got 50 off food and i've already paid for it can i ask that you leave now karen how dare you you little piece of crap i want to speak see i am the manager karen's yelling at frozen most of the kitchen had paused to hear what was happening having dealt with these people before c knew when most karens would ask for the manager so they knew when to cut them off and since i'm the manager i must ask that you leave you're disturbing the pub without another sound karen left stunned she seemed to not have the energy to even argue back once she left with her kids into the reins he came into the kitchen and needless to say when we're all caught up see now had a story about one of the funnier encounters with the karen i know this has nothing to do with the story but i have a sudden like uh feeling just to listen to 115 from black ops 1 so uh you know i'll be back in like 20 minutes so two years ago i was at a local shopping center with my mum and we were getting something to eat but since the place was also really busy all the tables were full and there was barely anywhere to sit without having to sit with a bunch of strangers cast mm my mom em entitled mother uk quiet kid me a tree obviously so cut to about 10 minutes later when we get our food my mom and i had to go find a place to sit but like i explained mildly before the place was full but behold there were two seats empty just opposite you guessed it em and our child mm is it okay if we sit here i am yeah we're almost done anyways my mom and i had sat down and i went on my phone to answer my dad who would text me em ugh teenagers are always on their phones my mom's seeing i'm texting my dad and probably didn't want to cause trouble yep em i hope my daughter doesn't grow up to be like this i ate some of my popcorn chicken and chips as she said this since i got the hint that em didn't want me on my phone mm my name i've forgotten your straw i looked at my maltese as crucial if you've had one before you know exactly what i'm talking about i didn't want to take off the lid and drink it that way since i referred to straws since it meant not accidentally getting the crucian on the table and causing more mess for the cleaners so my mum got up and went to get me one the counter with the straws wasn't too far and she was still an eye shot but this is where em talks to me em ugh can you eat your dinner and not text your boyfriend i'm sure you can go five minutes without sending a love text me i'm texting my dad and i'll eat when i'm ready truth be behold i wasn't that hungry so that's why i didn't exactly eat much but i had finished most of my food when she then turned a direction to her daughter em are you almost done qk just nodded she didn't seem too happy and i could tell why anyways my mom came back just after iam and her kid left and i told her what had happened and i drank my crucian after that i bought some lego and went home this was my first encounter with an entitled parent but definitely not my last i have more stories to tell and i'll post the next one maybe tomorrow at it sure it's not ideal to go on your phone during meal times but my main family parents grandparents and aunt are quite okay with me going on my phone when eating as they know i'm not going on it for long and they know i'm always eating my food anyways honestly if i were you in the situation i would have just told the em to back off and mind her own damn business because in the end it has nothing to do with her what i choose to do in my spare time and yeah i guess you're right it is table manners to you know not pull your phone out while you're eating but you're in public who the hell is gonna care oh wait entitled people okay so this happened a few days ago but this is the first time that i have ever had a good time to tell this story for some backstory i live in wisconsin and a lot of my family on my dad's side live in colorado we travel to colorado two to three times a year and we always go for about two weeks in august this year my dad still wanted to do that so we drove 15 hours and we didn't stop for food because my dad packs some and we arrived at our grandparents house they had been self-quarantined since this started so they were healthy obviously we couldn't do a lot of stuff because we usually do you know covered so we did a lot of fishing hiking boating swimming and stuff like that as opposed to going to museums and stuff we decided to go fishing in rocky mountain national park which is where our story begins the fishing had been pretty good and we were getting ready to leave i was eating a snack my grandma had packed on a park bench and i was at least 20 feet away from the parking lot if anyone came by sadly an entitled mother and her family soon noticed me now before i get to the dialogue i should mention that i am a baseball fan this is important because on this day i was wearing a milwaukee brewers hat and sweatshirt which is how ian was able to identify i wasn't local em what are you doing kid you're gonna give us covered me i'm just eating some food em don't talk back to me brad you aren't even wearing a mask to be fair neither was she me yes because i'm eating i have one right iam it's unbelievable her kids disrespect adults these days em starts to approach me me hey what are you doing i am gonna teach you a lesson as soon as she gets within six feet of me she's not screaming for help em help help this kid attacked me and coughed in my damn face me silence em's poor family silence my family silence one of em's poor kids mom can we just go em fine turns to me em i don't know what you were thinking coming here from out of state and approaching me like that you could have given us all clothed em continues yelling at me until she's back at her car with a north carolina license plate by the way and drives away legend has it she's still yelling about it to this day it's funny because i don't actually doubt that and i feel like she's 100 still talking about it till this day now for all of those who are curious this is the end of the video and if you want to know about my uh situation with covert then here it goes as of seeing this video for you guys yesterday i was given a covert test and i haven't gotten my results back yet i've been really sick for the past few days and it has been preventing me from making good content for you guys so i hope i really do hope that this content has been good enough for you all and that you're able to forgive me because let's hope it shouldn't happen for much longer and that the results come back as negative so i can get back to making top-notch performance quality for you guys on to the outro and that's it for today's video if you guys did enjoy please do hit that like button and if you haven't already hit the subscribe button for more videos just like this one and if you want to be the first to see those videos the bell notification thingamajigo generally helps with that don't forget to tell me your thoughts in the comments below and i'll see you all in the next video bye everyone
Channel: Good Night Reddit
Views: 2,612
Rating: 4.9340658 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, good night reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps, goodnight reddit, good, night, redditor, rslash, voiceyhere
Id: 1L10w2cHbX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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