r/ChoosingBeggars | The WORST Neighbor EVER!!

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careful when doing anything free for choosing beggar because once they've got a taste of it they'll only want more this animator learned this the hard way when he helped out with a video for a festival neighbors that uncomfortable forced proximity with people who sometimes aren't half-bad but sometimes well sometimes they're choosing beggars this man tries to be generous but nothing is good enough for his new neighbor and our fan submitted story this man shows that you don't have to be poor to be a choosing beggar in fact some of the worst beggars are those that drive BMWs what will our heroes do when faced with such villainy you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears choosing beggars this story was called you're not good enough to create the branding for our event but you should do some of it for free in this story is me choosing beggar and the experienced designer so a little backstory this happened over seven years ago every year in the city where I live the student capital of the country there is this three-day event for students to get to know each other get in a fraternity or sorority and party a lot this event is organized by students doing a board year they have a minimal budget this means they require a lot of volunteers the year before this happened I was one of the volunteers in the media team I got mixed up in it because a few friends of mine that were volunteers needed my help with some of the animations and I stuck around in the end I made a lot of the animations and the introduction video for the festival promotion and worked in a team as cameraman and editor throughout the event it was really fun but I was also really glad it was over a month later the organizers send us a mail her million dollars we are still recovering from the event but what did you know when you guys can start on the after movie none of us knew they wanted this and we never agreed to it all so we started uni and had no time so we answered hey choosing beggar sorry but we all started our uni and we're really busy you understand that right also we never heard of this after movie being a thing before anyway I hope you'll find someone else to make it this didn't stop them from sending basically the same mail every week for three months till they got replaced with the new board now comes the next year around and I see on Facebook an ad for a designer to create the branding and promotional work for the event I did not react on it because I was kind of busy at that moment now a week later I get a mail from the new organization board hey we are preparing the event and we're wondering when you could make the after movie of last year also we want a new intro for this year if you could make that that would be great at this point I'm thinking well they want me to make all the things so why don't I just ask them if I could be the designer they were searching for and get something back for the work I'm doing so I did hey choosing beggar I saw your ad on Facebook for a designer and I thought maybe I could do that that way I can also make the after movie an intro a few days later I got a mail back hey sorry to say but we really need someone with the proper experience and knowledge to make all the branding we decided to go with Edie since he has the experience so your help will not be necessary now I was not just some rookie I had already worked for some big companies but they saw a kid that was still in school and I get that plus I didn't really want to do it so I let it go now a few weeks later I get an email from them hey we're wondering when you can start on making that after movie and intro video we are thinking of a deadline around next week I got a bit surprised seeing as they wanted a real designer and not me so I asked them hey choosing Vega I'm sorry but I was under the impression that edu hired would be making the after movie and intro since he was a better match in experience and a week would be way too short either way Hey well Edie doesn't edit or animate and he never agreed to it so you will do it I found this sir hilarious that the person who was more experienced was actually less experienced his graphic designs were really good though so I sent back a mail that's too bad but I can't help you I'm sorry but I'm really busy with my uni work a few minutes later I get a reply you already agreed to make the after movie and introduction video we needed ready next week for promotions I never agreed to anything I would have done it if I got the design job but you wanted someone else so I'm sorry but good luck you can't do that we really need you to make that after movie and intro could you just make a few changes to the original intro sorry bit no maybe ask your new media team to do that the message is stopped for a while but a few months later I get a mail hey we wanted to say that we really did not like the way you communicated with us last time we have a media team that will make the intro and after movie so if you could just send us the footage and project files we can leave this behind this was a few weeks before the event would begin and I wasn't really interested in giving away my work so someone could change it and buy that damaging my work also I didn't have the footage of the festivals they did hey C be sorry but I don't have the footage we used the HD the last team provided us and gave it back as for the project files I'm sorry but that's my artistic work and I won't give that away no that is for our vent so its powers you need to hand it over at this moment I was so done with all of this so I told them I was on vacation and I would give them back the files after I go back and I never did I got some mails of threats and stuff but after the festival came closer they stopped now part of the problem here seems like there was miscommunication between the old team and the new team that came on board I could imagine that if you're part of the new team and you heard that there was this person who had the old files and they said they were gonna do the after video why you would chase them up a little bit initially but basically what it came down to is they wanted this person to do work for them for free but at what point does it become more of a hassle trying to chase this one person down than trying to find someone else and they had the solution right there in front of them just hire them as the design out but oh well some people just make life more difficult for themselves than it needs to be this story was called be a good neighbor this incident occurred a few years ago I still haven't figured out seabees logic I was looking for my first apartment and came across a 500-foot one bed one bathroom apartment for only $760 I didn't have the files I needed or any checks on me so I made plans to come back the next day and do the paperwork sadly someone else beat me to it but I really liked the location and perks of the place so I ended up getting an 800-foot 1-bed 1-bath $860 instead it even had a fireplace which I knew the small unit didn't have so I was still happy with it I ended up moving in a few days before the guy across the hall who got the apartment that I originally wanted you know the one that was $100 cheaper a month on the day the guy moved in I got a knock on the door sorry to bother ye but I'm having trouble getting a table up the stairs can you lend me a hand I wasn't really doing anything so I agreed I helped him unpack a table several chairs a couch a bed and even a pretty big TV then I started back to my apartment and he stopped me I didn't want to come across as a bad neighbor but I need to go online to check on work I have people coming out this weekend to hook up Wi-Fi for me do you mind if I use yours at this point I figured it was just for a few days and agreed so I typed my password into his computer and went back to my apartment now as I said earlier I had moved in early a few days prior so I ordered a pizza as my kitchen had no completely been set up I had just put the pizza on the counter when there was a knock on the door there was no people in the door so I just opened it figuring maybe the delivery driver needed something nope it was CB I didn't get a chance to go grocery shopping yet and I saw you got a pizza I'd hate to intrude but can I have a slice okay I still wanted to be a good neighbor so I let him in to get some food çb walks in and immediately starts looking around your apartment he's bigger than mine instead of going to the kitchen literally eight steps from the door he decides to give himself a tour of my apartment I'm still getting things together so could you not go into my room even your room is bigger than mine he walks through the apartment opening every door pizzas in the kitchen by the door over here I'm motioning towards the counter as he gives himself a tour finally see be satisfied with his tour walks over to the counter grabs a slice and leans against the counter well I think I have an idea okay I did not like the sound of that just the way he said it seemed wrong you should move across the hall and let me live here since you're still unpacking it shouldn't be too hard my mind went to okay so I'd get the cheaper apartment sounds okay to me make you go to the office and get the lease switched well I can't really go anytime soon I don't think we really need to this apartment costs 100 more than yours if we're swapping I don't want to pay that me neither so when we swap you keep your name on this lease and I'll keep my name on that one so we just keep paying the amount we originally are he explains it very matter-of-factly then no oh come on be a good neighbor he grabs another slice of the pizza or I bought ice I grabbed out a plate put a few slices of pizza on it and push him out the door with the box to this he doesn't complain I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the neighbor situation about an hour later I get my answer I hear a knock on the door and look out to see the choosing beggar holding a box so I open the door hey figured I'd go ahead and bring over my small stuff I sigh and rub my nose choosing beggar I'm not moving to a smaller apartment so I can pay your rent on a larger one the choosing beggar clenches the box and tried to push past me in the doorway you're being a pretty bad neighbor choosing beggar I can be a bad neighbor don't make me choosing beggar decides they don't like this response and yells at me you haven't done one freaking neighborly thing since I moved in I slammed the door lock it and proceeded to change my Wi-Fi password choosing beggar spends 15 minutes pounding on the door before he gives up and goes back to his apartment you see this is where he went wrong he moved in an apartment with other people it's a classic mistake we all fall for I have actually had some good neighbors before and when you get one you never want them to move away that's the problem with a bad neighbor chances are you're going to see them pretty much every day and the worst kind are always going to be the entitled choosing beggars this fan submitted story was called I paid for regular let me use premium so a little background for you I work in a petrol station we have a deli and a convenience store this story happened this weekend so I remember very clearly I was scheduled to work in the deli that morning but I didn't want to work it I would have if I had to but thankfully one of my co-workers had agreed to swap shifts with me we both worked the same day but I came in when she was supposed to and vice-versa so we've had too many issues with customers doing Drive offs getting fuel and leaving the site without paying so to combat this we made it shop policy that all station pumps are paid before use after a certain time of day some people understand why while others feel it's an inconvenience for them because the act of getting fuel isn't an inconvenience enough this story is one of the latter so it's about half 7:00 in the evening at this point during the day prepay is for the rest of the day at this stage one guy comes into the station to put fuel in his car diesel to be exact however that summer the site has been completely redesigned to include two extra pump nozzles on each pump now premium unleaded and diesel and due to the prepay being active we have signs on our pumps telling customers that they have to pay first this guy came in a nice BMW diesel got out of his car read the sign then picks up the pumps anyway this pump in particular was right outside our night hatch window so I watched him read and ignore a few minutes go by and he starts throwing shapes at me I signal for him to come in he shakes his head no I signal again and he hung the pump up and came in okay disaster averted right nope a couple of people are ahead of him in the line so I served them no problem when he comes up the fun begins we have the choosing beggar the co-worker and me he's something wrong with your pump the pump is fine it's prepay after this time why we've had too many issues with Drive offs so it's shop policy or you don't care turn on the pump I can't do that you need to pay first why because it's prepay fine put 20 in okay premium or regular he mutters something about my weight under their breath regular okay that's 20 Dan please he hands over 50 I give back 30 now it's the plain black pump then the pump will stop automatically at 20 choosing Berger leaves and goes to his car this is where the fun really starts he picks up the premium fuel and puts the nozzle in his tank I refused to release the pump until he puts the right nozzle in I point towards the black nozzle and he starts throwing shapes again my coworker comes over and asks me what's going on I tell her the story she goes outside and explains to the guy he hangs up the pump and comes back to the shop I paid you for the fuel turn on the freakin pump you need to use the other nozzle I do but your nozzle I paid you now release it so you paid for regular there is a volume difference between the two and the pump won't work otherwise order care about the volume difference sir I can't release the pump until you put the right nozzle in your tank I need to speak to your manager keeping in mind that the managers are only here in the morning and it was late evening at this stage and they had gone home leaving the shop to me in the car worker co-worker is a lovely girl who I think deserves the managerial role there the co-worker interrupts me sir I'm the s OD supervisor on duty she was not we can't release the pump when the wrong nozzle has been picked up the pump won't disperse the premium fuel as you prepaid for regular you would think that's that that he understands and goes back to his car nope are you the manager no sir I'm the I said a once speak to the manager sir there's no managers in at the minute didn't call your manager and tell him I want to speak with him now we have two managers site and assistant the site manager doesn't like to be disrupted on her days off so we only call her in the most dire circumstances and the assistant manager had already been in to fix two problems today so we didn't want to disturb him for the third time when it was unnecessary I can't do that sir give me my fuel petty revenge time so go back to your car I'll release the pump for you CB now with the biggest grin goes back to his car coworker comes over to me he's using the premium nozzle it's not going to work and he's going to come back and complain I know nothing's gonna happen he's going to come back in and I'm going to give him his money back and tell him five minutes go by and CB comes back use nothing coming out I already explained that you can't use the premium pump deads not my problem sir we're not the only station on this stretch of road there are at least two more sites in all directions if you're not happy with what you paid for I'll give you your money back and you can go somewhere else my tank is almost empty how am I supposed to get home me being petty now that's not my problem sir come over and I'll give you your money back CB gets his money back looking defeated and asks for the phone number for the shop I hand him his receipt and tell him that the shop number is on the receipt if he has any queries the next day I get a call from my boss asking me to explain the situation choosing beggar had filed a complaint online and our area manager had called her about it telling her she needs to speak to her staff about what happened she asks me what happened and I explained the entire situation she is very understanding and tells me she will speak to my area manager about us and get back to me as I'm off the next day I get a text from her telling me what I had done was against procedure but she commended me for what I did I suppose I could put this under malicious compliance as I did exactly what he passed me to do at one point for these people do they just realize you know what this isn't worth my time being a hassle I mean if he's got a BMW he probably has a decent income right so is it really worth the 20 or 30 minutes he spent there being annoying just for the sake of his pride and I think that's the sad thing is he actually thinks it's worth it if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit ha slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video right if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 282,208
Rating: 4.8370657 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, entitled parents owned, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/ChoosingBeggars, funny reddit stories, r/ChoosingBeggars 19
Id: wC0p6iWZt1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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