r/EntitledParents - Woman RAGES in a Chinese Restaurant because they aren't American...

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this entitled mum has traveled all the way to singapore on holiday but she expects everyone around her to accommodate her western lifestyle so she's about to get the shock of her life when this restaurant doesn't have any forks happy birthday if today's your birthday and on with the show some context i live in germany folks and i work at the public health administration it's basically the german pendant to the cdc although organized differently on that particular day only a co-worker and me were left in the office in the late afternoon and a family of four who all tested positive came in so my coworker took care of it to explain my work on that special afternoon this is what usually happens behind the scenes in germany and happened on that day too if you were showing symptoms like coughing headaches or sore throat you naturally go to a doctor the doctor then runs a test real time pcr for those interested to determine if you have the spiky virus or not since you literally cannot distinguish the virus and a bad flu from symptoms alone trust me we've had enough troubles in the past with doctors who thought they could in germany we have a special category of illness called diseases with the duty to report and when a doctor does a test for them because they suspect someone may have it they have to report it to us on a form and guess which disease has been added to this list just this year everyone's favorite pandemic causer and holiday ruiner hence we get about 20 form sheets of that kind in every day in most cases they turn out to be negative but the times they don't matter in any case sometimes doctors write an extremely detailed report of the patient's health on the form sheet but on that fateful day they literally wrote the patient contact details and virus underneath that's it so i had to ring every patient and ask them what in the world was going on for them to get a test one detail i should mention is that if you call us you get left in a waiting loop and have to listen to some pretty peculiar music i've heard it described as cheap techno awful rock and my personal favorite obnoxious sci-fi music trust me it sounds like herbie hancock overdosed and decided to compose something on garageband only using his right ear brow or while hanging upside down from the ceiling the encounter when i get to my second to last cheat i noticed that i have a father and his daughter both in front of me great less work for me or so i naively thought so i call the number and wait for them to answer i only spoke to ef so no necessity for a detailed cast telephone doot doot doot e f schmidt name redacted and it's pretty common to answer the phone like this in germany this is me speaking ah finally it's you that took forever i have no idea what he's talking about so i just continue my usual protocol i'm calling you because you took a test for the virus today may i ask you why ef in a ranting voice no i did not i took it yesterday because my daughter has a sore throat and a dry cough and i tested too because i might have got it from her i'm glad that you're calling since we're under immense stress and need to be released from quarantine immediately do you have the test results in yet excuse me i thought you were calling me to tell me that you have them this is absurd why is it taking so long to get these results this is a good time to mention that tests for the look like flu but is almost six times as contagious virus usually takes about one to two days to be processed and sent to us and ef had chosen the worst possible setup to get tested it was already friday and labs don't work on the weekend the clinic he opted to get tested at was absolutely crowded and he did not leave any information behind to quickly get results so naturally we would get his result on monday or tuesday sometimes doctors call their patients first to notify them of their test results however we haven't got any results from the lab so far this is ridiculous i have to work every day it is urgent that i can get back as fast as possible to working in a comical twist he felt that it was so important to tell me that he had to work he neglected to tell me where he worked and my daughter writes three exams next week will she miss him will she sir i can only speak from statistics and given by them you will get the test results by tuesday this is too late and i interrupt him because i know what would follow and i know our antidote against it if you need documentation that you are currently in quarantine then i can fill out a form and send it to you at the end of quarantine quarantine indeed since your test is still being processed i have to formally put you and your daughter under quarantine you are ordered not to leave the house at any time and to separate from each other and the rest of the family avoid contact and if absolutely necessary only speak with masks on and at least 3 meters if not 5 distance this sounds like ef is taking a lot of crap from some 19 year old dude who has no experience in the medical field whatsoever but the style of talking is quite usual for german quarantine and for how long should we sit here while we miss one appointment after another until we have the test results in then i or a co-worker will call you to officially release you from quarantine if your doctor gets to you first and your test result turns out to be positive please call immediately now that you mention it i have called today and hung in the waiting loop for 45 minutes while having to listen to this awful techno mix that you have going on and no one would pick up that was because we had five positive cases in our county that morning two turned out to be false positive i'm an important person he still neglected to tell me why and need to be at work asap i listen to his rant a bit and then interrupt him because we are told not to discuss crap with people my co-worker once said we are not the secretaries of mr spahn the german health minister we don't make or influence decisions on the virus regulations do you have any other questions yes what happens if we test positive does that shenanigans with being quarantined for 14 days happen we will miss so many appointments meetings my daughter will miss her exams and we'll have to retake them and we'll have so much homework and classwork piled up i exactly what you have described will exactly happen okay i'm glad to hear that apparently he found my blunt sarcasm so funny that he decided to drop his attitude which i was surprised by since usually no one thinks i'm funny which i tried to deny do you have any questions regarding the test or quarantine no thank you for your call get well soon goodbye goodbye i hung up and went over to my co-worker who was stressed out of his tight shirt because the positive family was causing him headaches i tell the story of the encounter we both laugh and i go register ef in our system okay the real crime here is the horrible hold music i swear so many companies and organizations put the most horrible music at the loudest possible volume so it gets all distorted and really grates on your ears i swear it's just to make you want to hang up it's almost like a tolerance test like oh how long can you bear being on hold because i suppose the more people who hang up the less people they have to talk to if you're someone who's a decision maker on the hold music that goes on the phones let me know in the comments below if this is true or just a coincidence i don't think the ef's frustration is completely unreasonable here they don't know if he's tested positive or not and so it would be frustrating to be quarantined when you're like well i might not actually be contagious the problem is that resources are limited so unless they know that you aren't positive there's still a chance that you could be yes it sucks and there should be more resources so that people shouldn't be unfairly held up from doing their normal lives but these are the conditions people live with in times of uncertainty they want to take the safest and most cautious action possible the backstory i live in a southeast asian country called singapore which happens to be rather popular tourist destination because of british colonization and trade routes and whatnot so every time it is summer break in europe america there is a huge influx of tourists from the region my friend not going to say his name works in a chinese restaurant in singapore's most prominent tourist area orchard road singapore is mostly chinese so of course chinese restaurants would be super popular in the country and em made it a point to visit the restaurant my friend was working in in the cast f my friend em the star of the story ek em's eight-year-old dh em's decent husband cw f's co-worker cs another one of f's co-workers but he only knows chinese lf a large family that reserved em's table the encounter em barges into the store and immediately plops herself down on the huge circular 12-seater table towards the right of the restaurant co-worker rather exasperated excuse me madam but you cannot sit at this table as it is reserved for yeah can i have a menu please madam you can't sit here no can you give me a menu not a table this exchange continues for a while before cw gives up and gives them a menu a few minutes later the family calls f the waiter on duty she then proceeds to butcher the pronunciation of every item she orders causing even more delays while the chefs try to figure out what the family wanted em calls f again when is my food gonna be ready ma'am we're cooking your food right now and it's all mom i'm hungry see he's hungry where's our food no honey okay okay i'll tell the chefs to hurry up finally their food comes this would usually be when this ends but em kept harassing my friend further hey hey you how are we supposed to eat sorry don't you sorry me give me my utensils ek then proceeds to try and pick up his noodles with his hands and put them in his mouth but gets scolded mom i can't eat this friends taking em's chopsticks madam you're supposed to eat these with chopsticks and takes em spoon this soup spoon to eat dh fumbling with his utensils see i told you you were doing it wrong em and dh start arguing drawing stairs from everyone else in the restaurant look i don't care just give us forks and spoons we don't have for give us the utensils f shouting towards cs hey can you check if we have the western utensils see us shouting back we don't i am basically throwing a tantrum at this point don't you freaking crap talk me where's your freaking manager this is unacceptable a.k.a somewhat embarrassed mom shut up ek and you points toward dh this is your fault you jerk i didn't want to come to this restaurant full of racist craps but you forced me anyway dh makes some confused stuttering at this point everyone had stopped eating and the entire restaurant had their eyes fixed on em's table and as if to make this worse the family that originally reserved the 12-seater table came into the restaurant the large family to cw hey i thought you said that this was our table i just wanted to have dinner and here you all are screwing it all up according to my friend this was when him cw and several members of the cooking staff had to actually carry em out of the store while she kicked and screamed slurs at them the branch manager or someone ended up giving most of the staff a day off and most of those staff members took said day off the very next day dh ended up apologizing to lf and from what my friend heard actually gave them 100 on his way out you would think that if you travel to a foreign country you might expect some i don't know foreign culture perhaps what you're eating and the way you eat it usually people travel to embrace that sort of thing why would you travel all the way across the world only to have things exactly how you normally have them in your hometown and she's blaming everyone else like it's somehow their fault i'm sure that there are restaurants there that are designed to accommodate tourists so if you really desperately need those utensils i'm sure you could find the right ones but don't blame the other restaurants that are just doing things like they normally do first let's add some context i live in a small city in romania nowadays the center of the virus epidemic in europe because of that everyone needs masks and usually gloves when they go somewhere this story took place a few days ago it is a funny story and every time i tell it people seem to enjoy it the story on a monday i wake up with a call from my grandma asking me to go to the family doctor to get some tickets for her and my grandpa to get them some meds i take a shower i take my mask and i was ready to go i reached the clinic and went inside the hallway was empty which was quite strange usually it's quite full and you have to make an appointment to enter i knock on the door and enter the nurse's cabinet the doctor's cabinet is actually made up of two cabinets connected by a door you can't enter in the doctor's cabinet without going through the nurse's cabinet she was expecting me i gave to the nurse my grandparents medical cards so she can make their tickets i waited an hour and the nurse tells me to go the next day to take the cards and the tickets because the database was busy at the moment the next day i am called by my family doctor to go get the cards i went there and as i expected the hallway was full as i was going to the door passing by the seats i see many people giving me weird looks some normal and peaceful and others angry and quite stressed out next to the door was seated a woman who looked about 40 to 50 years old giving me dirty looks as i'm reaching the doorknob i hear excuse me i was the one in line young man oh it's alright i'm just going inside to get some tickets and i'll be gone in less than a minute no no i was in line you have to wait here like all of us well i waited here yesterday and the nurse told me to come today she just called me 10 minutes ago alright fine but you should know that an old woman is being consulted right now i told myself well if it's an old woman inside and she is naked i shouldn't barge in i go in the back of the hallway and stay on foot because all the seats are occupied after two minutes to everyone's surprise an old woman gets out from the cabinet i tried to go and reach for the door when i see karen rising from her seat and rushing to the door she turned a bit around and gave me a grinch smile probably thinking hehe i outsmarted you but our entitled female dog forgot to close the door and it remained half open the nurse gets out of the doc's cabinet and sees karen sitting on the chair next to her desk normally you can't enter inside until you're called by the nurse we could hear everything well from outside finally i thought no one will come to help me who are you ma'am why are you here i'm here to transfer my medical file to your clinic i also need to get a letter to make some blood analysis ma'am you can't barge in here like it's your house you have to make an appointment the nurse gets out on the hallway and sees me at the end of the hallway pretty annoyed hi you here for the tickets right come when karen sees me at the door she turns red what are you doing how are you allowing other patients to get inside nowadays don't you know there is a pandemic going on ma'am you have no business here if you want to transfer your file you'll have to wait until the appointments for the day end or you can make an appointment for tomorrow how dare you disrespect me like this i'll make sure you lose your license her next words i think are the definition of cringe and entitlement you should respect elders in this period yeah this period after this pandemic is over we can start making fun of elders everyone i heard giggles from the hallway he showing towards me has an unfinished appointment he came now to finish it so again i ask you to leave mr dr mr doctor the door from the doctor's cabinet opens and mrs doctor exits the door scared and confused because this idiot was screaming i don't know but when karen saw that the doctor was a lady i think i never saw such a fast transition from red to white in my life what's going on who's screaming karen started to think the doctor was on her side your nurse has been very disrespectful towards me and even let another person inside during this pandemic i believe who are you i don't recognize you do you have an appointment the nurse goes into the doctor's cabinet to bring my tickets and to bring the sign book to mark my appointment well no but i waited in line i need to transfer my file and get a letter but the nurse let him in and i sign myself and leave listen you have no right to be here this young gentleman i felt flattered needed to come now to finish his appointment from yesterday so now leave i exit the door and karen follows the nurse calls the next patient inside i'm going to the end of the hallway when i hear karen you there stand still i turn around to see a karen and her red face fuming with anger what's wrong why did you enter the cabinet while i was there well the nurse called me i told you it takes less than a minute why did you listen to her i wanted to face by myself when i heard it giggles from the witnesses again i thought at this point it is pointless to fight her i hope you're happy now i have to wait to this line again do you have anything to say in your defense well i'm sorry for those waiting laughs and giggles from the crowd and why haven't you said anything while in there i thought i should respect the elders during this period i turned around and went to the door i'm not done with you i opened the hallway door and right in front of it was the guard from the permanent cab at the first floor what's going on is there a problem here yes this lady has emotional problems the guard starts to argue with karen but i heard none of it i straight up left when i reached the first floor exit i hear behind me you pig let go of me i can walk for myself you don't have the right to touch me i ended up eventually holding the door for the person who made my day 100 more hilarious and fun i wish her a nice day as she stormed off i know that for some people cairns might get frustrating and annoying but for me this experience made my day this one's a little confusing because why was she still waiting there did she just rock up didn't tell the reception and then just thought she was gonna be next in line because surely the reception would have told her no we can't do that right now we're seeing patience we'll do the administrative stuff at the end of the day i mean she must have thought that because even when they flat out told her no we can't do that until later she still somehow thought she has to line up again and then she'll be seen so even if she didn't get kicked out of there she would have lined up waited for probably what half an hour an hour only to be told look we already told you we're not going to deal with that till the end of the day the best thing with an entitled person like this is when they think they've outsmarted someone only to be met seconds later with a defeat because for some reason their whole world revolves around little things like being first in line or making sure other people don't get the thing that they wanted they must live very petty lives submit your story to be read on the channel at voiceyherestories gmail.com and join our voice veteran community at voicey here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 19,516
Rating: 4.9361277 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera
Id: t3ufy7EoeQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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