r/EntitledParents | Mother CUTS Line in Hospital

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hospital waiting rooms are never fun do you know what is even less fun being stuck in a hospital waiting room with an entitled parent that's what this woman discovers when she ends up having to wait at a hospital you'll feel frustrated hearing about her encounter with this entitled parent just because you're smart doesn't mean others will be this couple makes a wise decision to get into an event that is sold out but this entitled woman is determined she deserves to get in as well even though she didn't plan ahead of time what's more annoying than being hungry and having nothing to eat being hungry and having something to wait and then it mysteriously disappears where did this man's food go you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and title parents this story was called e/m loses it when Edie's broken leg isn't as severe as three-year-olds 105 Fahrenheit fever this happened a few years ago for some background there were at this time three other ers within 10 to 20 minutes of this particular Hospital which was undergoing a remodel for a few years it was a maze to get to the ER from the parking lot so most people opted for one of the other yars instead we chose this hospital because it was the only one in the area with a pediatric ICU and when she was an infant my oldest daughter spent a lot of time in this hospital in the ER and PICU the ER staff knew our family pretty well because of this this particular day it was my youngest daughter who made a trip to the hospital she woken up that morning with a mild fever and kind of lethargic and spent most of the day laying on the couch sleeping the fever kept rising by 3:00 p.m. it was over 103 Fahrenheit over-the-counter meds weren't bringing it down I called the pediatrician who told us if it got higher than 104 to take her to the ER by 5 or 6 we were packing up to the hospital daughter wasn't very responsive and her fever had reached 105 40.5 Celsius we went to the ER we were familiar with even though it was a few minutes away we get to triage and the nurses are obsessively apologetic but there are no beds available in the ER my daughter's fever is high so they lay her across chairs in the waiting room and bring out ice packs to try cooling her down at some point in the middle of this entitled mum an entitled daughter walk in and sit across from us oh dear what's wrong with her eye fever oh my daughter has a broken leg now I wasn't completely lost in my concern to realize one thing entitled daughter was sitting cross-legged on the chair some broken leg well it looks like it's going to be a wait for everyone today the triage nurse comes out again and takes my kids temperature excuse me yes ma'am my daughter needs attention ma'am I told you before that our beds are full and we go in order of severity well you haven't even come to check on my daughter since we've been here that girl pointing to my daughter doesn't need any more help my baby is in so much pain we have policies if you don't like them you're welcome to go to another hospital and this the nurse leaves the entitled mom is seething I don't see why your daughter is getting so much attention I shrug and ignore her I asked you a question oh sorry distracted by my kids brain literally cooking in her head you dimwit oops what did you call me a dimwit now shut up she went red and stood up to loom over me I smile at her do you have a problem I should call security on you sure go ahead she walked over to the nurse's station complaining loudly the nurses were having none of it and called security while waiting her thinking she's being vindicated I'm sure a resident comes out this guy knew us pretty well having treated my oldest daughter during several of our previous visits to the hospital he and I speak briefly and he tells me they're clearing a place for my daughter now entitled mum over here's my daughter needs to be seen first excuse me she clearly had a broken leg the kid is still cross-legged on the chair and hiding her face behind an iPad she doesn't appear to have any pain this child is running a dangerously high fever in order of severity your daughter doesn't rank on the list wait your turn or feel free to leave the entitled mum loses it and swings a punch at the resident needless to say security subdued her I'm not sure what happened next but the resident did press charges against her my daughter ended up having a severe summer flu after a round of saline and an ice bath her temperature finally began to drop now I've never seen any drama like this happen at a hospital but you do hear stories and whenever you go there are signs everywhere saying how they will not tolerate any abuse towards the staff which is kind of sad to realize that it happens frequently enough that they need to put signs up so to all the medical staff out there especially those in the emergency departments voice veteran Cellucci this story was called the hell of being a baker so I've recently really gotten into this subreddit along with others and I'm in love especially when it comes to the post about cooking or baking those just hit home for me so hard as I've worked in a bakery for years now some of the events I've seen or have had happen to me have stuck with me since day one on the job mostly when it's coming from family now remember when I said family sticks with me the most this actually happened to last year back in October my manager thought I'd shown so much growth over the years that he chose me to make one of the new display cakes for customers to see we changed them every few months so people can get an idea of what we can do since it was close to Halloween I decided to do something in that theme but also not as Halloweenish per se anyway fast forward past all the hours of fondant work me cursing myself for choosing this design and just generally problems as a whole my cake was finally done my boss and co-workers said it looked beautiful and I was so happy with myself later that same day after work I went to my mom's because there was a family gathering and because I've literally been avoiding them for years yep she was nagging me to go so I figured I'd drop by for an hour talk and get the heck out of there while there I talk with my mom and tell her about my day showing her a picture of my display cake I also texted her the picture as she wanted to show others and brag about her son you know typical mum stuff an hour later I'm sitting in my old room that's turned into a game room for my two younger brothers glad to see those two did something with this great space enter the untitled parent their dad walks into the room yes their dad because I'm not his son or related to him he's not even married to my mum important information for later he comes up to me sitting on the couch and this is the conversation so inserts my mom's name showed everyone that cake you did at work I was trying to ignore this man because I hate him yep that was all me I told my daughter you'll be making her wedding cake now this putt chopped me I was expecting him to ask for a cake why else would he come find me but to in my opinion essentially tell me what I'm going to do no please or are you able to or without even talking to me beforehand no I'm not going to do that come on it's already been promised besides you made your brother's cake last month that was a simple Jersey cake that I made it work and my manager comps then make it at work she's already expecting it that's not my problem for one I didn't agree to anything and second I already heard she was trying to get a wedding cake for under $100 there's no way my manager will let it go for that much what get it comped like your brother's cake this is where annoyance left me and pure rage set in not only was I expected to make a wedding cake without being asked beforehand but was expected to make a free wedding cake I seriously lost it at that point because he had nothing to do with my life but was quick to claim me anytime my mom shared one of my accomplishments with the family on top of that I didn't even want to be here I was tired after work and wanted to rest but nope I'm here dealing with this crap I inhale deeply then exhale so let me get this straight you expect me to make you a wedding cake in my job absolutely free what's your problem she's family no she's your family and as for my problem it's you number one my brother's cake was a simple jersey that we sell for $25 at most so because I did all the work my boss didn't bother charging me so don't compare that to what I can expect to be at the very least a $300 plus cake for your daughter number two you come in here and tell me I'm going to be making this cake didn't even bother to ask me three you want my dad so don't go thinking you can order me around and even if you were I'm an adult number four I straight-up hate the both of you so leave me alone apparently my little outburst can be heard throughout the house and outside because my mom then comes into the room and asks what's going on I said nothing and just excuse myself and head to my car to go home I get a few stares along the way as I do so yeah that's one of the many entitled parents encounters I've had no matter what job it is you work in everyone's gonna try and get free packs out of you so if you're a doctor people will ask for a free medical advice if you're an electrician people get you to look at that fridge or something like that and in this case if you're a baker people are going to want free cakes what work is it that you do that people ask for free stuff from you all the time let me know in the comments below this story was called give me your pre booked seats because I got to the arena first so this happened about a year ago so the conversations aren't exact but they give the general idea I live in a country where ice hockey is really small time averaged game attendance is around only 3,000 people usually if you want to see a game you can show up buy tickets at the desk on the night and have no problems this particular game was an exception because it was right at the end-of-the-season between the top two teams and the winner was likely to decide who won the league to add to this it was also during a school break knowing all of this me and my partner decided it would be a smart move to call and book tickets in advance and we were right to do so as I rang the day after they went on sale and they were almost all booked in the story is an entitled mum ticket desk lady and my girlfriend come the night me and my partner are waiting in the line for the ticket desk to collect the tickets we booked over the phone in front of us is the entitled mum and her child she gets to the front of the line and the conversation goes something like this - please I'm sorry but we're all sold out what how can you be all sold out you're never sold out honey tickets for this game it's my son's birthday sorry but there's nothing I can do this is a popular match and it's first-come first-serve there are just no empty seats left at all this conversation continued for a while entitled mom in complete disbelief that the game is sold out and demanding something be done because it's her son's birthday eventually the ticket desk lady had enough and told the entitled mom there was nothing she could do and the line was getting long so she would call security if she didn't leave entitled mum slammed her hand on the counter turned around and stormed off we got to the front and I explained that I booked tickets ticket desk lady finds them and hands them over entitled mum must have seen this because as we were walking towards the door entitled mum was pushing her way back to the front of the line we stopped and pretended to talk so he could listen to what was going on you just gave them tickets you said it was first-come first-serve yes but that couple booked their tickets over the phone that's not fair we were here first they shouldn't be allowed to do that sorry but those are the rules if you book over the phone next time you can guarantee yourself tickets when you arrive here on game night I don't care about next time we need to see this game can't you make that couple just give their tickets to me since they technically cheated the first come first rule absolutely not it's not cheating anything pre-booking is something we always offer that couple booked and paid for their tickets well in advance and they rightfully belong to them eventually this conversation settles an entitled mum is walking towards us excuse me I don't know if you were told but this game is actually first-come first-serve and I was here before you so you have to give us those tickets sorry but these tickets arouse we books them in advance because we knew it would be busy it's my son's birthday and you've cheated the system so you can steal our tickets give them to us now I haven't cheated any system I paid for these tickets weeks ago you can't have them I can sense that this is getting a little out of hand so me and my girlfriend decide to move towards the door to get away from the situation as she can't follow us inside she didn't like that so she started following us yelling that we're stealing her precious son's birthday present and stuff like that when we got to the door she started yelling to the security guards to stop us because we'd stolen her tickets after she bought them at the desk he didn't take long for us to prove we bought the tickets and this lady was just acting crazy I couldn't believe the audacity of this lady to ask us to hand over our tickets we paid for months ago just because she got there first and to then try and get us kicked out for stealing our own tickets anyway we enjoyed the game we won the league and I haven't seen the entitled months since entitled people never take personal responsibility if she didn't book in advance and she got there late that's on her that there's no tickets left but of course she has to blame everybody else try and use her son's birthday as an excuse and even supposedly use the first-come first-serve rules to take advantage of someone else fortunately the hero of the story stood up for themselves this story was called you're starving my child I'm a teenage nerd going to an IT magnet school where the workload rivals a nine-to-five job I go to McDonald's to spend my limited allowance money my family has a policy where allowance money spent on good thing self-improvement projects etc is refunded plus a doula so if I buy a book on how to cook and then learn from it I get the money I spent on it and a dollar back I'm sitting here at a table close to the entrance enter the entitle parents and entitled child they enter the store look at the board and then look at me now I'm here and I sat down a minute ago my burger is untouched I ate only a few fries that I'm browsing through reddit the parent comes up to me I'm sorry to bother you but my family is running short on money my little boy is hungry ok ma'am can you spare with some food now I'm here thinking I can get myself a dollar out of this so I say sure I go up in order a happy meal for the kid apple slices and milk I get the meal and turn around entitled kid has taken bites out of my burger one of the eight dollar signature meal ones and entitled parent is downing my fries what the heck we are hungry I bought your son a happy meal you were supposed to get that don't eat my meal mommy I want the happy meal well we'll take the happy meal know where you be just ate my savings for the month what the heck did you just call me at this point the employees notice one says something to the manager is there a problem here yes these two just ate my meal he stole my little boys happy meal I bought this because you said your boy was starving I didn't mean for you to put your grubby hands on it he verbally abused my son here I'm standing dumbfounded entitled kid continues to devour my burger I take it from his hands that he started whining mommy you said he wouldn't notice ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the parent and her kid storms out the manager reimburses me for the happy meal and a signature meal I go home and my parents refund me the money and a doula despite the fact the manager already reimbursed me yay for double money some entire people don't care about who they take advantage of perhaps they thought because this kid was going to a nice school that he could afford it but considering the allowance money he saved up was a month's worth for one McDonald's meal this was obviously going to be like a really special treat for them and then to be willing to do something nice for them but have this kids stop munching down on your burger food is important you don't mess with someone's food if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit ha slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one well you haven't even come to check on my daughter since we've been here that girl pointing to my daughter doesn't need any more help
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 569,946
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 44
Id: ob4XUp_Oh-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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