r/EntitledParents | SHE POISONED ME!

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welcome back guys to voic-- here and another are slash entitled parents entitle parents are always in denial my kid didn't get bad grades it's the teacher who sucks my kid didn't steal your switch it was mine all along and in today's episode my kid isn't misbehaving they're just a genius with a high IQ that's bored well reality's about to slap her in the face don't forget voiced veterans to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story was called how my sister-in-law Nellie killed me on Christmas this story is as the title says how my sister-in-law Nellie killed me during Christmas dinner No before you ask the woman isn't a horrible cook quite the opposite in fact but the problem is I have a serious allergy to liver two minutes to be stabbed in the thigh with an EpiPen before I pass out from not being able to breathe we found out after I was forced to eat liver at my grandfather's when I was seven and had to be rushed to the hospital now my family was well aware of this allergy and it was something my brother told his wife now don't get me wrong I do love my sister-in-law but she does crap that irritates me and seldom thinks things through before she does something now the cost me bro an idiot sister-in-law anyways the first Christmas I went to their place for dinner my brother mentioned to me that his wife had put liverwurst in the stuffing but had cooked it in a pot separate from everything else so when we sat down to dinner idiot sister keeps watching me aren't you having this stuffing no sorry I'm allergic to liver that's not a real allergy you just don't like the taste eat some or the kids won't touch it no it's true she nearly died once when we were kids after being forced to eat it is didn't argue further and the night went well basically the same thing happened to Thanksgiving she put the liverwurst in the stuffing and I didn't eat it that Christmas she told me that she couldn't find liverwurst and wasn't able to add it to the stuffing so a few bites into dinner I feel it my throat starting to close I don't really remember what happened next I panicked big-time I barely felt it when my EpiPen was being stabbed into my thigh and my youngest nephew bawling his eyes out my brother had got my EpiPen from my purse and used it while one of our mutual friends was calling 9-1-1 I was lying on the floor and my head was killing me my brother ran into the kitchen and started digging through the trash and yep you guessed it she had put the liverwurst in the freaking stuffing he was ticked the ambulance arrived and took me to the ER I had hit my head on the windowsill when I fell and needed stitches and ended up staying overnight for observation Merry Christmas am i right a few days later my idiot sister-in-law drops by my apartment unannounced wanting to speak with me I had just finished cleaning and was running the dishwasher she didn't come to apologize really she just said she thought I was fibbing about my allergy and wanted to prove it I was still ticked with her and doubly sad because the stitches in the scalp made washing my hair insanely difficult she also wanted me to talk to my brother who was still furious that she sent his big sister to the hospital over something childish what kind of person lies about being allergic to something also I'm in my freakin 30s if I chose not to eat something that's my choice to make she didn't have anything to say on that but notice is my dishwasher running why is your dishwasher running I'm baking a freaking cake in there what do you think I'm doing you're a single person how do you use enough dishes to weren't using a dishwasher me with zero frisch's given at this point you're a stay-at-home mom why is your house always a freaking pig pen I know a little mean but I wanted her to leave she left at that and didn't speak to me for two or three months after that how and you just know she's gonna play the victim can you believe what she said to me doesn't really equate to you basically almost killing her I mean how is it different from poisoning someone if somebody has an allergy which means it could kill them if they don't get treatment and you put that in their food especially if you deceive them and like not none of that in there just feels like there's no justice in this story this story was called EP loses it over her child's IQ test results I'm a psychology student currently trying to get my master's degree and in my country in order to validate your degree you have to do a six month long internship in a practice where you get to treat your first patients under supervision this means after each session you do a briefing with your supervisor where you discuss the case and how to proceed next I'm doing my internship in a children's clinic as my specialization is in children's of teenagers psychology it's also important to know that in my country a lot of children are diagnosed with ADHD or high-potential basically a really high IQ and this represents a fair share of the children we see at my clinic and therefore since a few years it has become a vicious circle every time a kid acts out a little bit in class the parents immediately think they must be diagnosed either with ADHD or high potential although in my opinion most of the time they're just children being children you can't expect to be calm and quiet all the time sometimes all they need is a bit of discipline when they really do something wrong I don't know if it's much of a problem in other countries so I thought it was better to make that clear so it was just a regular day at the clinic I already had two or three appointments and they were all pretty great at least according to the great supervisor my next patient was ek and they were the last one I was going to see before my lunch break they were scheduled for 11:00 a.m. and from what I could gather by what they told the receptionist on the phone eeehm wanted ek to take an IQ test because they've been acting out in school apparently because they're too smart and get bored because it's too easy for them the school wants me to prove it to them so that ek can go directly to the next grade she was not the first parent to ask for that and I always try and keep an open non-judgmental state of mind so I was like yeah maybe that's exactly what's happening maybe ek really is bored in class because they're too smart it happens you know boy was I wrong first of all the Wisc V police that's what I'm gonna call it which is the test we used to test the IQ with children takes quite a long time to run through entirely and it is really not recommended to stop at the middle of the tests to do the rest later because you'll not be in the same state the first time in the next and that can really affect your results in the end so when a parent wants us to test their child's IQ we want them to be on time and that the process can take quite the time too so they should be prepared for that since I'm still supervised we also have to film the room where the happens just to see if I do it right as some of the test items must be put in a certain way and not another and I have to say some instructions in some exact words so it's just to check that how the test was done was not unbiased this will be important later we also warned the parents about that on the phone and asked them to come a bit earlier than the time scheduled so that they can sign the consent form for the film so as you can understand being on time or early is something that we really put a focus on the first time we speak with the parents entitled parents and entitled kid show up 30 minutes late my opened non-judgmental state of mind kind of started to be tested EP went through the consent forms with the receptionist and after that she just wait for the receptionist until ek is done with their IQ test I told her that she might want to wait at the cafe right next to our clinic that she will be way more comfortable waiting there as it will take some time for ek to take the whole test she responded something like what are you sponsored by this cafe I don't want to pay anything I just want to wait the IQ test cost a lot already I looked at her and just shrug and took ek to the testing room I tried really hard to forget about this interaction with e/m she was the one that annoyed me not ek so let's not redirect my anger for her towards them I thought but they quickly proved that the Apple had not fallen far from the tree before we arrived in the room while we were walking in the hallways they kept telling how they were going to Ace this test how they're so intelligent and how they can't wait to skip a grade sure bud whatever during the test they start all the answers by well obviously the right answer is or some kind of similar phrases they really wanted to show you that they were smart once the test is done I walked them back to their mom who was shouting at the receptionist asking what took so long she saw us and said finally I've been waiting for like an hour to which I responded well I did tell you it would take some time she stared at me for a few seconds sighed and rolled her eyes like I just said the most annoying thing in the world and asked me when they could get the results I told her I had to get them checked by my supervisor before telling her anything she then said Oh so he didn't have to wait again I said yes I told her that we would call them in the afternoon for the results she raised her arms grabbed DK and left during lunch I go through the results with my supervisor and we discovered that DK has an IQ of 104 which is clearly average and far from the IQ you need to be diagnosed as high potential my supervisor watches the video of the testing and says I've done everything right and that I can call eeehm to tell her this is exactly what I do and she is furious she says she doesn't believe me and just hangs up 20 minutes later or so she barges in the clinic and demands to see me I was just finished with another patient so I tell the receptionist to tell her to come to my office which she does she yells at me for about 10 minutes how dare you say my child is not smart this is not what I said then how do you explain how they get bored in school well maybe it's because you're just a student you're not an actual psychologist I want a real psychologist to test my child actually my child is the smartest in the world how dare you at this point everyone in the clinic can hear her rant even my supervisor so great supervisor comes into my office and asks if everything is okay no not everything is okay this dumb student here says my child isn't smart you need to test him again Jesus looks at me and tells me to leave and that he'll handle it from what I've heard Jesus stayed very calm while explaining to e/m that no 104 i q-- is not high potential and maybe she should see the problem from another angle that he watched the videos of the testing and that I didn't do anything wrong he stayed so calm during his explanations I was really impressed I don't think I could have kept my cool like that you know they warned you about intitle parents in psychology classes but geez I did not expect that every parent wants to believe that their child's the most smartest child in the world and of course if they're causing trouble at school it's not because that they have behavioral issues no it's because they're a genius that's the obvious explanation they're just too bored cuz they're too smart you know what let's bump him up a grade that'll solve everything you know 104 I believe he's technically just above average because I in the average 100 so she'll probably be telling people that he's super smart anyway this story was called asked not to return to church one of my aunts had kids about the same time I did we lived near her for a while but stopped getting our kids together because her oldest kid was extremely entitled her daughter could be a reasonable human being but my aunt did her best to make her son the most entitled child on the planet I swear she thought she was competing for the most entitled mom and who can make the most entitled child Awards as a result of her actions her kids were horribly behaved in public one day we were over for some relatives birthday my aunt starts talking about how horrible the church is being about her kids in about 10 seconds the entire backyard full of adults is dead silent my aunt was furious because the priest asked her to come to the church office earlier in the week aunt was taking her oldest child to Mass with her because at 4:00 he was old enough their particular parish had a cry room where children who are too small to sit still and be quiet during Mass were able to sit with their parents of course her child had no need of the cry room so she insisted they sit in the second pew so he can have a good view I honestly could not figure out what he needed a view of but I only spent six years in Catholic school so what did I know it seems her son would not sit in the Pew he stood in it he yelled things at the priest at various times he got out into the aisle and laid down with a race car making loud room drum noises he wandered away and cut up to the altar and trying to grab the entire plate of communion wafers when people were lined up for communion he stood next to the line with the wine and tried to just all people's arms said the wine would spill over all he behaved exactly the way you do not behave during Mass when my aunt was called in to talk to the priest she was sure he was going to praise her for raising such a wonderful perfect child I saw the look between the two of the great aunts when she told us this during the party it was she had disbelief that she could ever think this the nerve of the priest to criticize her son or her parenting my aunt told us that the priest clearly needed to not be at the church he needed to retire to acquire to parish because he cannot tell the good children from their bad ones the priest was 35 at the time she was incredibly insulted that he thought she could teach her child to not behave like a hooligan in church her son was perfect then she said the line that maybe not have my kids around hers any longer if God wanted my kids to behave a certain way Church he would make them he clearly wanted my perfect time to talk to everyone and to answer the questions the priest asked God is all-powerful and he will make entitled son sit still if that's what he wants of course we didn't sit in a cry room entitled son had so much to the service and everyone should have the privilege of spending mess with entitled son even her mostly oblivious husband was stunned at that statement the party ended shortly after that those of us who had kids didn't really want them to pick up bad habits from entitled son the older relatives all left with excuses of early mornings the next day then entitled aren't an entitled son wondered why no one showed up for entitled songs birthday it seems we all sent gifts with our regrets because we all had some crisis or another that kept us from being there the next son her child was at Mass was during his first year at Catholic school one of the teachers had to sit right next to him so that he would behave with some semblance of appropriate behavior imagine having so much arrogance thinking your son is perfect that you say that God will make him sit still if he wanted him to be yes it's not like God gives us personal responsibility for ourselves for how we raise our kids nothing like that this story was called e/m tried to treat my Dungeons & Dragons game like a daycare some context here I host a weekly D&D game at a game store near my hometown I'm friends with the owner and employees at the store and have been doing this for several months now I run a fairly beginner friendly game and we advertised it on the website and on signs around the store to get people interested this is all gone pretty well so far and I've made some good friends of regular players while having a large rotating cast of newbies that drop in and out of the game well I am setting up for a game last week and in comes e/m and her three children all aged between 4 & 8 if I had to guess well eeehm has a quick chat with the owner as he points in my direction and she comes over to me she asks if I'm in charge of the game night and I say yes I am she then tells me doesn't ask that her kids will be participating I explained that I'm at table capacity for my game that night so I wouldn't be able to accommodate three more players she says that's okay they'll just watch them I say that is fine I explained the rough start and end times of the session and she nods absent-mindedly while she Scrolls away on her phone before sitting down at the table next to me with her kids well about 20 minutes later my players are all here and taking their places at the table I'm not even halfway through my typical greeting and explanation of the game for that night before eeehm has gotten halfway to the door of the game store this is the exchange once I notice this ma'am aren't you forgetting something cue me pointing to her three kids just sitting at the table half-asleep at this point I'll be back at 10:00 to pick them up just make sure they behave all right she's not even looking up from her phone still walking away I'm not a babysitter you need to take your children with you if you're leaving I have things to do just don't let them get into any trouble and they'll be fine the urna noticing what is happening now no ma'am we are not going to be responsible for watching your children for you please take them with you when you leave fine I guess I'll just have to tell their father that date night is ruined because a bunch of freaking nerds couldn't keep an eye on three kids for a few hours pathetic man there are children in the store pointing to some of the younger players and I'd appreciate you not using that language in here I'm gonna have to ask you to leave now I am turning bright red and grabbing her children rushing out Oh get lost you jerk eeehm then leaves and I spend the next few minutes talking with my players about the whole situation before we get back into the game how did she even think of this as an idea her husband's just like honey you want to go on a date night that would be so nice but what do we do about the kids well we could ask friends or family or we can pay a babysitter like a normal person would know I think I got a better idea there's this D&D meetup like just down the road you can't think it Baker just watch them for a while I'm sure it'll be fine first your stories means fan on at our /yc here don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 133,640
Rating: 4.9366322 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 117, best of reddit, ask reddit
Id: BmpzCafyNIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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