r/EntitledParents | Mom RUINS Wedding

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what's worse than being stuck on an airplane and your child getting sick an entitled parent being stuck on the airplane with you fasten your seat belts this plane is definitely going to experience some turbulence a sister cares about her brother and wants the best for her nephews but he tries to manipulate the love she has for her nephews for his own material gain just wait until she finds out the truth and our fans submitted story a couple plan an amazing surprise for their relatives a few weeks before their big day that surprise turned sour when one relative refuses to play by the rules what did she do to ruin the party you'll only find out by watching this episode of voice he hears and tidal parents don't forget to like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode and let's get straight into it this story was called you can look after my kids and give them all your stuff - this is my first post here and I hope you guys like it air travel drama is the worst some background info I am an immigrant in one of the most remote countries on earth two years ago when my daughter was 2 she was suffering through some allergies that no one seemed to diagnose correctly and it was exhausting to constantly have her either sick or in hospital I felt drained and depressed a lot of the time then stuff really hit the fan my sister called at 5:00 a.m. one day and as tactfully as possible she told me my father was dying for real he had no time left I wasn't completely shocked as his health had been declining for years but I had to make a frantic dash to the other side of the world with a sickly toddler he had gone completely blind and requested to hold her and listen to her laughing one last time I couldn't refuse my partner couldn't take off work due to commitments so after the initial panic of trying to find any flight we were set to go on a 21 hour trip just baby and me as soon as the plane had taken off I heard two little kids whining and screaming somewhere behind us the lady sitting right in front of us turned around about to make some jerk early to realize there was a toddler right behind her husband too I heard her say boy this is gonna be hell the little fighting entitled siblings occasionally ran down the aisle screeching as if they were in a playground no adult in sight this was the first time the little boy laid eyes on my daughters only carry on her stuffed chameleons he made a weak attempt to grab it but decided running was more important and went on a couple of hours later I noticed my daughter was getting squirmish and a bright red rash was starting to cover her face Oh No she's having a reaction to something I gave her all her antihistamines and set her down for a nap she couldn't sleep because of the kids still screaming behind us but the medication made her very sleepy and she quietly hugged my arm as she watched some cartoon the lady in front of us turned again and said oh wow your daughter is doing so well you are such a sweetie I smiled to her but I really didn't feel like having a conversation I was drowning in my exhaustion and all the emotions by this point other passengers had started complaining about the seemingly endless tantrum coming from the back flight attendants came and went for nothing changed the entitled siblings ran around screaming and climbing on seats the husband in front of us got up and went to have a word he looked so fed up he takes some time back there and comes back frustrated those people were an unpleasant lot my daughter finally falls asleep and I let go and start crying what if we don't make it there on time suddenly there is shouting and I hear a woman furiously stomping while she screams that's it I've had it with you out of nowhere the entitled mum stops holding an entitled brat by the wrist in each hand has one look at me and shouts you beg your pardon you can help me with them for a while sorry if you want to tell the whole plane how you think you're much better than me and your kid is perfect you can help me out she says to her kids now you scoot along and sit here with this nice lady you can play with the baby they cannot sit here there is only one seat babies don't count pick her up she's sleeping she will want to play as she said this the boy reached straight across my lap and snatched the chameleon out of my daughter's hand which work her with a start and she started crying you cannot take that it's hers give it back he poked his tongue out at me and started taunting his sister with the toy but not letting her reach it he said she was sleeping so he can have it this had already turned into a loud hell of baby crying boy shouting Nana and little girl whining I don't want anything to do with your children please leave us alone don't be rude I thought you were good with kids she gave me this smirk like she had just defeated me or something out of nowhere the men in front of us turned around and told her loudly to get lost and take your little brats with you before more words were had the little girl reached under my leg and tugged at the backpack on the floor hey stop oh she loves my little pony in three seconds she had tips the entire contents into the aisle and a mix of crayons coloring books finger puppets diapers and medicine bottles go all over the floor she screams repeatedly mummy I want paint miraculously the flight attendants reach house and demand everyone go back to their seats we just wanted our bag back your bag this woman took my kids toys and they were just so upset right on cue the girl whined my crayons which made my daughter start crying loudly again the man in front of us gets up and roars out you stop it now none of this is yours and you are harassing this lady and her baby don't talk to my babies like that they love their toys and this woman just wants everything for her darn baby because it is hers please stop shouting it upsets her wasn't she a good sleeping baby she's unwell please give her her toy back and leave the flight attendant pointed out half the contents of the bag were diapers and labelled medicines so they can see who it belongs to so this entitled mother stutters and grumbles all right as she tries to walk away but flight attendant to firmly asks she picks up all of the stuff she bends down and her kids run away still holding the stuffed animal and a handful of crayons and as soon as she collects a bottle from the floor she shouts at me again you maniac you're evil woman you drugged up your baby I could not process what was happening she just kept saying that I was going to overdose this precious baby just to get some sleep hadn't anyone noticed this was probably not even my baby I was furious but in such shock I couldn't say anything luckily the copilot came around and warned the woman to immediately take her seat and calm down or they would be arrested upon landing for causing such a disturbance and harassing other passengers it took me about 20 minutes to completely calm my daughter down I was on the brink of crying myself the man in front of us got up again coming back with the stuffed chameleons and the crayons he took me completely by surprise I'm ever so sorry for causing this I told that woman to control her kids but when she said she couldn't do it I also told her another mother flying on her own was managing to keep a toddler calm and quiet so she could try with her own kids too I didn't know that this would happen I'm so terribly sorry I hope your daughter feels better soon the rest of the flight was remarkably uneventful 11 hours later we landed and one of the flight attendants apologized profusely she had also mentioned better behaved kids to this woman I thought that'd be it but no when the woman was escorted for questioning she stuck to her claims about me sedating my child possibly for illegal purposes since we look nothing alike us security took us into a room and demanded detailed explanation as to why my child looks nothing like me we don't share the same last name our passports are from different countries and her father is not traveling with our I provided as much as I could but they still held us until immigration New Zealand got back to them and confirmed it all we lost our connection but fortunately still made it on time to spend the last day with my dad see this has to be one of the least intelligent EPS we've seen so far most of the EPS at least have the common sense that the lies that they make up earn an environment that they can run away in this situation she's stuck on a plane so there's her running away exactly it seems like most of them imagine themselves to be masters of manipulation perhaps because they can do it with their family members however when they encounter just normal everyday human beings they're unable to pull the wool over their eyes this story was called don't you dare use my kids as a means to swindle me out of money circa 2004 entitled brother calls me and he seems to be in a state Circe I need some help hmm sup well money's really tight it always is and always will be and after paying rent I have like zero cash for groceries the boys won't have anything for school lunches or even decent suppers can you help me out now I'm fiercely protective of my nephews and he knows I'd do anything for them but for himself and his wife not so much and he knows that too I'll see what I can do how much do you think you'll need would you be able to swing $300 I can pay you back when payday comes in two weeks considering $300 for a family of five would barely cover essentials I thought this was reasonable okay I think I can swing it I can pick you up and we'll hit up the grocery store I don't have time tonight I was planning to go tomorrow morning would you be able to drop off a check or cash he had no working vehicle and I lived a good 30-minute drive away besides I had to work in the morning and I knew he worked afternoon shifts all right give me an hour I Drive the 30 minutes drop off the check to a seemingly very grateful entitled brother everything seemed fine it was about 10:00 p.m. by the time I got home and crashed at work the next day I decided to call my brother and remind him to deposit the check right away my sister-in-law answered the phone and I was shocked during the following conversation hey sis is my brother home no he's out of town oh did work send him off for something um no he's on that road trip remember I was curious what road trip he's gone to Chicago for that DMD tournament are you backing out now you told him you'd give him money for that he and his three buddies decided to carpool and apparently he needed the $300 for his share of gas food and other travel expenses ah no I told him I'd give him money for groceries for your kids you're telling me he's gone cross-country for a gaming tournament calm down it's not like you're hurting for money you can afford it rented my husband and I make decent money enough to be comfortable but we work hard for it and not once did we ever flaunt our perceived wealth in their faces and I assure you I never offered to pay for a road trip if he can afford to go to a freakin D&D tournament he could darn well afford groceries you'd let your nephew starve I hung up I was so furious but not as furious as I was several weeks later when I got another call from my entitled brother with the same sob story no money kids are hungry can just barely make rent blah blah blah can you spare another $300 until I get my work bonus show bro when were you planning to go get the groceries I was going to go tomorrow morning before going to work what a coincidence I have tomorrow off I'll swing by around 9:00 no it's okay it would be easier for you to just drop off cash or a check so you can go on another effing road trip I don't think so he said nothing see you at 9:00 he tries to protest and I laid it out for him you get sweet F all unless I pick you up take to Kroger and buy you groceries and groceries are all you're gonna get if your kids are starving you'll find far more value in that and take me up on my offer it's what you needed after all by your own admission I picked him up and took him to the store where he proceeded to get maybe twenty dollars worth of food dropped him off at home where he left my vehicle without a word not even a thank you but my satisfaction and confirming my suspicions was its own reward for the record I called my nephews that evening to make sure they had eaten whoo excitedly told me they had take-out pizza for dinner bless their hearts they really had no idea what kind of manipulator their dad could be at least they're now at the age where they can see and understand what their parents are doing is wrong I hope they continue to be the good boys that they are this is the other tactic we see entitled parents use if they don't flat out try and use physical force to steal and take property of someone else or flat-out assault their person they'll use fraud they'll try and make an arrangement with someone but the whole time they're lying about their situation this story was called my daughter didn't win the talent show so I'm going to break your trophy some background my friends my brother and I had the great idea of making a band just for fun the talent sure came up and not a lot of kids were entering so it was practically first-come first-serve for anyone who wanted to come in you could practically make fart noises into the mic and you would get in so we were like let's do this for fun and not try too hard it consisted of five people I was on vocals this really nice girl who was awesome at drums she was on the school band team my other friend at the electric guitar he was going to do the electric guitar solo my brother on the acoustic guitar and the last friend who did the electric piano the entitled mom in this is apparently the superintendent secretarial of something I don't know so the characters in this wild anime my brother the electric guitar guy entitled mother's kid but she's actually really kind and the entitled mother you can guess what me stands for me anyways we were the last people to play before the talent show ended so you could say the talent show went out with a bang the first one was kg and her friends doing some ballet thing it was impressive enter the entitled mother the school had a specific rule as to no loud noises so the kids didn't get distracted from their acts anyways she was being really loud and cheering for her daughter after kgs act was done a couple of other acts went through like a boy telling jerks that fell flat and a girl singing and some others during all of this the entitled mother was shouting not the nicest things to the kids who were trying to perform he was saying stuff like you suck and get off the stage it was pretty hard not to be distracted anyways our turn is up and we set up the electric guitar in the drums how plans were to play the acoustic version of send me a signed by gamma ray so we start off and everything is going well acoustic guitar friend is doing well and the drum girl was being awesome as always and I was getting the lyrics and pitched just right so far so good the mother starts yelling at us that our song is bad and all that stuff it's hard to decipher what she was saying over the sound of the instruments but some of the parents in the audience were looking visibly uncomfortable we finish our song and elg shredded the guitar like he was playing guitar hero after every act is complete my school has a voting system on who should be the winner and the placements after like 20 minutes the votes are in and a teacher reads the placements third was the singing girl I mentioned before second was the entitled kid in her group and first was me my brother and my friends we were excited that we won especially since we did it for fun and we didn't take it super serious we got these plastic little trophies as an award here's the dialogue portion of this from what I remember nice job on winning you really rocked out there yeah thanks it was fun and you did a really good job to your ad sucked and my daughter should have won instead of your stupid band whoa slow you don't tell me what to do I know you cheated to win miss we won fair and square and to be honest your daughter did really well out there I know she did well but she should have won I'm calling the principal for cheating you losers be steps in front of her and be is a solid six foot one varsity football lineman he's a senior and we're only sophomores excuse me what did you just call my brother and his friends you and your band are cheating little Punk's at this time kg is really flustered like her face is more red than Mars the entitled mother with her sausage fingers in the force of a Boeing 747 hits my hand and the plastic trophy hits the floor and splits in half excuse my language but what the f is your deal I'm calling the principal for your bad language and she trudges out the door I went back to my house and my legend of a mom managed to superglue the trophy together and it looked almost good as new it's been one school day and I haven't been called to the principal's yet it's pretty telling that if the hero of this story didn't win he would have been pretty chill about it he can tell that the entitled Mother has such an emotional investment into the success of her child like it somehow reflects on her that the threat of her child not winning somehow impacts her very identity and that's the problem with staking your value or your identity to either your success or even worse the external success of someone else because it's always going to fluctuate and you can see she just can't handle it it's like she has an existential crisis this fan submitted story was called entitled parent ruins brothers wedding back story for some backstory at the time of this story which was around three months ago my brother had recently graduated and got a stable job he decided to propose to his girlfriend of three years and she agreed okay let's get into this so after the wedding was over we were happy and it was generally great now my brother invited some of our relatives and our relatives only a few weeks before the wedding to come to their house to show them around the house and spend the night together fast-forward and all of our relatives are their aunts cousins and many more and when we got home we saw that my art let's call her ei was sitting next to her two children one about 7 and the other 8 and before we go forward I would like to mention that my brother specifically asked anyone who would bring children to tell us and let us know their favorite video game beforehand because we had a big surprise for the children it was so secret that even I didn't know about it now our art didn't tell us she was bringing any children but obviously she did so the conversation between my brother and her goes a bit like this hello there aren't oh hey Bea congratulations for the wedding thanks art are these two your children yes they are is there a problem yes we told everyone to tell us if they are bringing their children because there is a surprise for them you didn't tell us you were bringing your children she's faced to him in an unpleasant way no one told me but it's alright my children aren't going to care about surprises anyway are you sure it's a good surprise yeah I'm sure all right then my brother kind of ignores this and continues on and when it comes time to show the kids the surprise my brother and his wife excitedly open a door and holy crap it was insane it was a huge gaming room decked out with lights TVs and every kind of console and arcade you could think of we were all in shock turns out my brother's wife was a huge gamer like him and they agreed to make this room together all the kids were ecstatic and was super happy now the reason we asked for the number of kids and their favorite games was because my brother had not only bought the games that the kids said they liked he was going to buy them anyways but he also set up a table full of cupcakes and many desserts now he bought them to total the number of kids exactly all the kids were super happy and went to play and eat now here comes the entitled art she starts heading her kids to the room but my brother didn't say anything thinking that the entire art would understand why there wasn't any desserts but oh boy was he wrong my aunt was practically screaming bee come here now my brother was shocked for replied back what is it aunt why aren't there any desserts for my kids because you didn't tell us they were coming and we didn't include them in she starts rambling and shouting at how we should have included extras and my brother is still trying to explain to her that the reason we didn't have extras was because we asked for the number of kids and the desserts were expensive but my aunt was having none of it my kids need to have desserts after a loss of back and forth my brother was so sick of it that he gave her kids his own desserts that was special for the husband and wife when people are so selfish and self-absorbed in their greed they're completely oblivious to the situation that they're in this was a special occasion to celebrate the wedding but her entitlement was so demanding that the groom even had to sacrifice something that was special to him let me know if you've had a family member that was so entitled on a special day for you that it almost ruined your day because I know there are definitely gonna be more stories out there if you'd like your story to be narrated by me don't forget to visit the subreddit ah slash Boise here linked below don't forget to like this video and subscribe if you'd like to see more all right I'll see you in the next one
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 1,059,747
Rating: 4.8393102 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, daily reddit, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents fresh, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents sorrow tv, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, story time, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, entitled parents owned, top posts of all time, rSlash, cringe compilation, compilation, r/entitledparents 13
Id: droLuAEJyVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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