r/EntitledParents | "BUT I'M DEAF"

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what's up guys welcome to voic-- here this is your about five foot ten on a good day host captain Zach and before we begin I'd like to ask you guys a question has anyone lost a large roll of $20 bills in a rubber band because we found the rubber band if you can tell me where that's from I'll give you a admiration that you won't directly see but it will exist anyways today's subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called my entitled aunt thinks I work at a store I worked at four years ago in demands a discount okay first off my aunt is a real bench she uses our family for her gain and gives zero FS about anyone but herself and her image and her friends she will only talk to us if we have something that she wants she lives in one of the most expensive parts of Sacramento while our immediate family all lives and has lived in the same area nearly all my mom and aunts entire lives she's very entitled in thinks highly of herself she and her husband and children are the type of people who were always keeping up with the Joneses she has to be admired and loved from strangers she scams money out of whoever she can especially my grandma which is how she's able to live in such an expensive area and claim back issues and not work or she'll work and immediately quit if someone doesn't like her she smokes weed and hangs out all day while her husband gets drunk and acts like a schlong with that out of the way let me tell you what happened Friday afternoon I'm the semi black sheep of the family I'm not mean I'm not rude I don't talk crap nor do I socialize much with my family because I know they don't really like having me around so no one ever calls or talks about me in regards of how I am or what I'm doing which is usually nothing so I was surprised to get a phone call from my aunt the entitled punt I don't know the number didn't know at the time how she got my number but I was waiting on a call for my doctor so I answered without a second thought so I answer hoping it's my doctor but I hear my aunt's voice she and I have never been close I don't like her I don't think I've ever liked her I burned myself as a child because she wouldn't let me have a bath since she was entertaining her friends and getting high so I went and made myself a bath and burn most of the skin on my legs thighs and butts off that's how much I hated her and her daughter would steal my dolls toys whatever she could get her hands on and she never gave them back nor would anyone believe me when I'd find my stuff destroyed at their house anyway my answered and I am extremely confused when I hear the puns voice she tries to sound all sweet and nice hey how you doing grandma says you're sick yeah I am I absolutely hate talking especially to a punt on the phone okay she's quiet before she gets to the point as to why she's calling me the one nice she hasn't or couldn't steal or come from well you still work at party town right my grandson needs a costume for Halloween I want a discount or you can sneak one out for me he I kind of just sat there thinking is this bimbo serious did she really just say that did she ask me for something I cannot do even if I wanted to without asking nicely with a please then did she not know what day was the store would be packed to hell with parents who couldn't make more time to get a Halloween costume six days before Halloween what are you high I don't work there I worked there for years ago for like two months who said I worked there and why would you think I'd give you a discount or steal for you of all people I was annoyed to hell and back by being told what someone tells me I'm going to do and it's a week before Halloween there's no costumes left my aunts let out this weird sound and starts saying something like don't be selfish your thieving cousin needs a costume for her son he's only three years old are you really gonna be a jerk and not get him a costume after her little rage all I can do is laugh I had taken some pain meds for my knee so I'm kind of like loopy and tired and thinking I'm dreaming in two all I do is laugh I could hear my sticky-fingered cousin chime in calling me a selfish bimbo and how she's going to get me fired for stealing somehow they came up with the idea that I steal costumes rent teenage nephews and a job I don't work at because my grandma told them I worked there once four years ago during Halloween she and my cousin are still yelling at me on the phone until I stop laughing my eyes are closed and I'm on the edge of sleep and I tell them I don't work there I haven't worked there in four years I was working with my mom until two years ago you stupid benches gosh darn you guys can't stop coming up with scams and schemes long enough to get facts straight before you call in harass people you don't listen to grandma tell you about us when you come down asking for money step off you ingrates that's all I remember before I passed out I woke up Saturday morning with a stiff leg and missed calls and texts for my grandma and aunt my grandma was apologizing and said she set my aunt straight but an hour later my aunt calls and said you can get grandma out alive for you but I know you're a selfish bimbo like your mom and won't even help out your family I just listened to her tired as Frick trying to stretch my leg and let her go on I'm gonna be in later today for my grandson's costume and it better be half off or free yeah I would love to see that but even if I could stand to walk or be in public I don't care enough to watch her humiliate herself for trying belittle seasonal employees and the bench didn't even tell me what costume she was looking for anyway if I worked there was I just supposed to grab any toddler costume for her Punk booty I feel bad for the kid but my aunt is such a freaking jerk and she's hurt my grandma too much for me to even consider helping her or my cousins I'm insanely thankful that like at least in my experience you know how people act with me I don't have anyone in my family at all like this but I can imagine how tiring it would be to deal with people like that especially if they're in your family but you know you guys are champs if you have to deal with that and if you do have to deal with family like that then let us know in the comments below I'm interested in hearing about it this story's called entitled mother ruins our schools Halloween fundraiser here's the cast entitled mother entitled kid me girl from class ok so lately in preparation for Halloween our school is selling these little packages of a pencil eraser and a sticker that you can give to your friends with a little note on them it isn't too appealing for the higher grades but a lot of little kids want them there a dollar each and being part of my school student council I volunteered to sell them a few days basically selling is going as usual every once in a while a kid comes up and buys one so we work hard by getting them to the correct class organizing them etc what happens is when the lower grades come out we suddenly get a ton of customers lining up so we open multiple counters for selling with three people in each my mainly in the corner helping record profits etc when a kindergartner or a first grader comes up to us and asked to buy now I'm normally not the best with kids so I asked a girl for my class the only other person from my class there to deal with them the conversation sort of goes like this hi would you like to buy yes I want to buy one from my friend okay how much money do you have I have no money I'm sorry but you need money to buy maybe you can ask your mom or dad when they come now after this the kid seems to leave to call his mom or something but then his eye catches on the register where I'm keeping the money until now I'm kind of oblivious to the conversation I mean I can hear it in all but I'm not really participating then entitled kid comes and asks is that a $20 now me being sort of startled and not paying attention but yeah can I have it no so like he didn't hear me say no or thought I said yes he just freaking grabs the note from the counter literally ripping it out of the fork thing that's used to hold him straight down now I'm at first startled and reply with can I have it back please it's our money and you're not allowed to have it sorry kid but I need that back this isn't a game at this point he just starts thinking it's a game or something and starts running away from me now since he's a kindergartner he has relatively small legs and at the speed he's going he's bound to collapse and then BAM that's exactly what happened I yanked the $20 note from him who was now falling down and he burst into tears and starts screaming his head off either cuz he lost the money or he got hurt from the fall or maybe even both and though I'm not the best with kids I pull him back up and ask if he's okay he's crying his head off and points to his knee so I roll up his trouser and it's legit not even scratched I tell him he's fine at this point I just let him go and return to selling friend 1 says she'll deal with him and takes care of him she having seen the whole incident and also chasing him then entitled mother approaches with her kid clothes in hand the kid points at me in friend one entitled mother gives me a death stare and stomps over to me asking oh why did you steal money from my son you have no right to do that ma'am I apologize but we didn't steal money from him he had no money and tried stealing our $20 note impossible my son would never do such a thing he has such great morals whatever you say ma'am but I'm just telling you what happened and I'm telling you what's right returned me that $20 note right now or I will dissolve your counsel I am part of the Parents Association ma'am the Parents Association has no power over us we are operated by the students and faculty of the school stop calling me ma'am and return that notes literally trying to yank the entire freaking register and friend resists friend 1 is now in tears because she's sensitive ha please just stop I'm now getting mad listen miss leave us alone we do not owe you anything and stop harassing us and trying to steal from us we will not be giving you anything understand I will not take orders from you young man call a teacher right now the racket gets the attention of the council supervisor who has a talk with her basically the same talk is repeated except this time the supervisor gets mad and shouts at her threatening to get her kicked off the Parents Association she threatens to take her child out of the school that takes advantage of people some money the supervisor tells her to go ahead she shuts up ah yes victory a pretty crazy and unusual day to be honest poor friend one was completely spooked after that just in time for Halloween first of all shout-out to friend one for being that sweet sensitive honey she be I'm kidding of course and what would be the opposite of a shout-out like a whisper in whisper into the entitled mother because she's crazy and rude the kid can't really hate on the kid too much it was probably just farting around but then again he's what kindergarten you probably know not to steal money at that age right well then again he probably didn't because the mother was trying to steal as well because I feel like if a kindergartner has twenty dollars the parents usually know about it you know because where are they gonna get it this story is called speak English or green tea fresh orange background I'm severely hard of hearing but consider myself deaf when your hearing is that shot you might as well be I also operate a very small local deaf meetup group in my local area which includes a hearing person one of my roommates who just seems to enjoy hanging out with us and we're fine with that when with the group I don't wear my hearing aids as that roommates is usually fine with handling things if and when hearing is needed he's a trooper at this particular meetup which happened this morning at Shoney's for their breakfast we came across an entitled parent the story everyone was seated casually nomming their favorite breakfast I from the breakfast bar at Shoney's everyone signing and giggling back and forth with one another and enjoying our time together but we did notice a kid that was nearby bugging my roommate about something I wouldn't know what's being said until after we arrived home after the Meetup and will include the conversational bits where relevant why aren't any of you talking I can talk they're deaf and can't hear speech so we use sign language to talk that's cool kid runs off and roommate didn't think anything more of it it's not uncommon for someone to ask about sign language here or there or ask us how to say something or get advice on where they can learn the language life print comm if you are personally interested it's free and is where we typically send folks sounds like nothing spectacular so far I know but it wasn't until we were ending our a little Meetup and starts saying our goodbyes when the kids mother approaches our table again the deafies are just thinking yet another person with a sign language question the Jiri can handle it apparently the kid's mom was so so offended that we weren't speaking vocally that she intended to make her stupid opinion known you need to stop doing that hand signal stuff and speak English it's very rote I'm sorry what these guys are deaf so entitled mother cuts them off I don't care if they're deaf they could speak English like everyone else in America though they can't literally two of these people were born completely deaf they don't know what English even remotely sounds like it's not my fault that they're intellectually disabled they should still speak English and you to stop messing about with your hands it's very rude it's very rude to insist people with the disability to cater to your sensibilities and honestly I wish I were deaf myself so I wouldn't have to hear the screeching of a heartless bench with less than two brain cells to rub together you can't speak like that around children she ends up huffing and running off at this point though she's gotten the attention of everyone at our Meetup we were all thinking that was the end of it and the roommate signed to us telling us crazy lady thinks were throwing gang signs and other stupid stuff everything's fine well turns out in tight mother ended up getting the manager demanding we be kicked out so enter manager stage left manager arrives at the table with entitled mother into the poor kid in tow entitled mother having looking smug like she just accomplished something huge I've got a complaint that your entire party has been rude and cussing the manager notices sign language being used and asked the entitled mother ma'am do you know what they're saying no not at all let's not speak in English which is very rude when America and in America we speak English roommate swears this is what she said and since we do live in the sticks I wouldn't put it past that someone would say something like this ma'am we can't kick people out for not speaking English but they're insulting me and my kid just look at them and at this point it's worth noting that when we're discussing something or someone if the object of discussion is available they're pointed at at no point in our discussion did we point at the entitled mother nor her kid what we were talking about was various subjects from cats to the gal we got recently invited from Walmart talking about wanting to get a fish tank in a small fighter beta and other places they'd like to go for the next Meetup so nothing involving the entitled parent nor her kid roommate points to one of us actually she's talking about getting a fish tank in getting a betta fish points to me he's getting information on where the next meetup might take place points to the black guy he's talking about a kitten he recently adopted points to the entitled mother then she's being rude insisting deaf people need to stop using sign language to accommodate her stupid sensibilities the manager surprisingly signs to the group asking if we found everything to our liking we all practically say yes to some degree yes okay etc different signs the manager proceeds to inform the entitled mother that she'll need to leave us alone or he will have to ask her to leave she apparently continued to complain about how we continued to sign after all this and was asked to leave she did in two apparently screamed how she's never coming back the manager gave us ten percent off our bills except the roommates who dealt with the brunt of it who gots his meal for free you are bad people you're rude what is wrong with you woman please please stop whatever it is that is making you be this stupid just stop stop huffing paint whatever it is just stop it get some help huh throw back this story's called entitled sixth grade English teacher wants me not to watch Dragon Ball Z at home because she says Galco is a bad influence Little Mac story I am a fan of Dragon Ball Z I watched the anime and have also played a couple of the games but anyways onto the story I was looking for a wallpaper of Goku to use as my wallpaper the teacher comes up behind me and asks what I'm looking at I tell her I was looking for a wallpaper featuring Goku this is where the fun begins though your parents allow you to watch Dragonball Z yes o P it sounds like your parents aren't raising your right why do you say that Dragon Ball Z is a bad show for children to sit and watch unsupervised I would never let my children watch that I would rather them watch Family Guy unsupervised and let them watch Dragonball Z if you Goku as a better character than Stewie Opie Goku is a bad influence on children Dragon Ball Z teaches children that violence is always the answer but it's not I don't care for I care this at Dragon Ball Z is a bad show for children she eventually tells my parents over the phone about it and tells them I need to be supervised while watching TV all because I have a bad taste of shows my parents got a laugh out of it years later I'm still watching Dragon Ball oh honey if you think Dragon Ball Z is bad you need to watch Dragon Ball okay that show is perverted yes heck but I'm not saying it's bad because honestly I think I might like Dragon Ball more than Z because I don't know the writings better and you know Yamcha and krillen they weren't as useless but don't get me wrong Dragon Ball Z is amazing and if watch the show you would know that Goku does enjoy fighting but not necessarily violence you know what I mean he always always always gives his enemies a chance to redeem themselves no matter what no matter what they've done he still gives them a chance to just walk away yes he enjoys fighting but that doesn't mean he's bad okay anyways my completely 100% correct point is that Dragon Ball the franchise is amazing I don't care if you don't like GT I don't care if you don't like super okay Dragon Ball in general is amazing you can't change that okay Goku amazing character one of the best influences in the entire world by Garen freaking tu there is not one Dragon Ball fan out there that has not gotten such a huge like freaking fitness inspiration boost thing after watching it because those guys are jacked and they train hard and they work hard I just love it I'm gushing I'm sorry I'm stopping now don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 60,240
Rating: 4.909483 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 165
Id: d0A1m9HrRXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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