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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled mom demands fifteen hundred dollars after i give her a puppy so this happened around a month ago i have two golden retrievers and they recently had a puppy not one pup they had seven and i wrote that because we'll be focusing on this dog i gave the rest of friends and family members it's already pretty difficult to look after my two dogs and a third one was driving me crazy so i decided to give the dog to someone for free i asked a couple of friends and family members and my mom said that she had a friend who was looking for a dog for months now so i messaged her and as she said she would take it great we planned on meeting in a park so the dog would run around and such when i head there i see entitled mom and her son i walk up to them with my pup in my arms they look at the dog the kid plays with her while we talk the following is what happened entitled mom to their son did you like the dog honey the kid nods while he's playing with a dog me alright so can i give you some dog food and a leash for giving this puppy a good home entitled mom that's it i mean i looked up what dogs needed to be taken care of and this is a bit too less don't you think me confused yeah this is not enough but i thought you could buy the rest normally when you get a dog from a shelter or anything you gotta get these things with your own money entitled mom well i thought i could get some more things from you since i'm friends with your mom i looked at a dog products on ebay and i thought you could give me around fifteen hundred dollars so we could get the products me what no that's not how this works i have two dogs in my house and i need my money for rent entitled mom says that she doesn't have that much money so she won't get the dog and i thought that was it then entitled mom walks over to their son and tells him that they're not gonna get the dog the brats started screaming and rolling on the floor entitled mom is angry now and walks over to me see you made him cry if you had just given me the dog this wouldn't have happened me are you kidding me you're the one who asked for fifteen hundred dollars i'm not gonna give you fifteen hundred dollars just because you took my dog everyone can hear us now after a while of this a policeman came and asked what happened i had the dog in my arms entitled mom he's trying to steal my dog he stole her from my son she pointed at the kid who was still crying me are you kidding me i was trying to give this dog to you but you wanted money for taking her me speaking to the policemen explaining everything the cop was confused as there was no proof of our stories until i showed him a picture where my dog was pregnant and another where the puppy was born he believed me and i left the woman was screaming at me when i was leaving i immediately called my mom to tell her everything and that was that edit everyone's asking so i'm just gonna type it here i gave away the pup to a college friend a few days ago she's at a good home and i plan on visiting her every couple of weeks speaking of dogs have you ever had a dog and if so what kind please let us know teacup chihuahuas for the win entitled dad wants a one-year-old to go on a fast roller coaster we've got entitled dad we've got worker one and worker two so for a little backstory this happened before all the craziness started on my birthday and i went to funhaven it's kind of like chuck e cheese but in canada there's a small roller coaster in there called crazy eight that is four plus and goes super fast in a figure eight and i decided to go on it now to the actual story i was waiting in line and in front of me was entitled dad holding his barely one-year-old when it was entitled dad's turn to go on this this is how the conversation between them went down worker one excuse me sir how old is your son entitled dad he's one year old worker one sorry he has to be at least four years old to ride this roller coaster points to the sign entitled dad no no i said he's four years old worker one sir you can't just change his age entitled dad's kid looks nothing close to four anyways entitled dad please let me on worker one sir i'm gonna have to ask you to go to a different game or ride that you can do with your kid as it's not safe for him to go on this ride and title dad says with impatience what do you mean let me on he starts trying to get onto the roller coaster at this point everyone in line including myself is getting impatient worker one sir leave right now or i'm gonna have to call security entitled dad walks away forget you worker one goodbye sir have a nice day entitled dad excuse me why are you telling me goodbye and have a nice day literally said this word for word and it was the funniest thing i've ever heard my friend and i were cracking up but he wasn't fully english so maybe he didn't understand sarcasm slash being nice to the customer no matter what worker one ignores entitled debt at this point and is letting me and other people on the roller coaster after a little while i decide to go on it again and there's a new worker at the roller coaster and i was in line for it and coincidentally look who's there right in front of me entitled dad worker two how old is your son entitled dad four years old worker too okay step right ahead this is where i come in most likely stopping that kid from getting flown off the roller coaster because of him being way too small and not fitting in the restraint properly me excuse me that kid that you let on is only one his dad lied about his age then i continued to explain what happened before with the other worker worker too okay thanks for letting me know it wouldn't be my fault if he got hurt though as he lied about his age after letting me on the roller coaster i see her talking in a walkie-talkie probably calling security and confirming what i said has actually happened with her co-worker worker 2 walks up to untitled dad sir you have to get off this roller coaster as your son is too young to ride it what the heck do you mean he's 4 years old worker two we have security coming right now so if you don't get off you will be escorted off the property no i don't wanna move okay you will be in a second entitled dad yeah sure start the roller coaster security shows up the security didn't even have to say a word and entitled dad just bolts out of there speaking of roller coasters have you ever been on a roller coaster and if so which one please let us know six flags for the win ma'am how'd you even get in here it's my first time on here so bear with me and i think this fits here this takes place about eight or so years ago but i can tell this story every so often and it's still fresh to me i worked as a contract it consultant basically i worked for an it group that got contracts to help with it projects that were too large for the in-house id department we were the boots on the ground while they continued day-to-day operations most of the time we worked with a library in a major city that had multiple locations they would send one or two of their in-house texts with us to let us in the locations branches to show us where stuff was and what was being upgraded or replaced then let us have at it i should note that the in-house tanks only work on the computers and not for any of the branches themselves thus they can't check out books or anything else for people about halfway through this one project we're going to a branch that was under construction the outside was being completely redone with scaffolding and tools all over the place it was surrounded by a chain link fencing and several barriers of rope construction tape to allow workers in but keep the general public out along with lots of signs posting caution construction the inside of the building had been painted recently so there were no tables no chairs and the bookshelves were completely empty with thin clear plastic painters tarps over them not a book computer or dvd in sight this will come into play in a bit we've got me we've got craig the in-house tech we've got fred the construction crew foreman and the old bat early in the morning craig and our five techs including me showed up at the branch before the construction crews got there we met outside then we all went into the building together craig had an odd look when we all walked in to our surprise there were no computers or furniture to be seen anywhere in the building craig not wanting to tell us to go home contacted his boss by phone who said to wait maybe they would show up in an hour or so as sometimes deliveries were laid plus if they sent us home they would have to reschedule this branch and pay us for another day's work to come back so we waited then fred the foreman showed up vest hard hat and all along with his crew fred talked to craig saying he told the library contact that the furniture wasn't finished yet and maybe it would be done by today but he'd get a couple guys right on it another call to the boss wait some more maybe they'll be quick okay but still no computers while craig is on the phone and before fred walks off fred let craig and your guys know if you need to leave let me know i'll get hard hats for you so you can go out through the site since it's the only way in or out me okay cool thanks fred if a delivery truck gets here it might be our computers let us know if those get here then we might need them fred with a friendly smile yep no problem after a couple hours of just us twiddling our thumbs waiting for the furniture and computers craig and i were talking about video games as guys do and he stops mid-sentence and looks to his left with a face stranger than this morning's grimace i'm sure mine wasn't any better this little old lady had walked right through the open front doors of the building walking past all of the workers outside like they weren't even there i'd have thought she just came from church with the way she was dressed dark cotton open front sweater with a white undershirt and chin length skirt with her gray hair all done up i'm sure both craig and me had the same thought of what the heck we both walk up to her conversation as follows craig um ma'am can i help you old bad gruffly yes i just want dvd pointing to the back of the room at an empty bookshelf craig ma'am there's nothing back there this library branch is closed all bad oh it's fine i just want a dvd they're right back there pointing again craig ma'am the shelves are empty look around there's nothing here well you work here pointing a crooked finger and slightly poking at his id badge on a lanyard that has the library logo on it so show me where they're at craig ma'am we are id we don't work at this branch we only work on the computers and this is a general employee badge even the administrators have them see you do work here i want a dvd craig frankly none of us work here ma'am there aren't even any computers here to check you out look as he gestures to the empty space where the checkout would normally be there's no furniture no staff didn't you read the multiple signs on the way in this branch is closed ma'am you need to leave i know they are back there i just want a dvd they are right over there points to the empty shelves again and starts to walk in that direction craig puts his arm out to block her path me how'd you even get in here ma'am there's a construction site out front there are times when i have perfect timing as this is the same moment when fred comes strolling by and waves at us stops and then looks at the old lady i should mention fred is about average height but built with thick cable-like arms not bulging muscles but looks like he could carry 250 pounds of anything without worry and could intimidate just about anyone if he needed to fred to craig is she with you craig no she just walked in from the street old lady i just want a dvd i know right where they are i've been here before craig not in a while you haven't this branch has been closed for three months fred in a stern voice ma'am how'd you get in here this is an active construction site you had to pass by at least two or three of our roped and taped off areas that boldly say do not cross did you just waltz pass all of them you can't be here i just want dvd and i know they're here fred first off this building is closed and under construction second no they don't have any dvds here they're all out today please follow me ma'am she looks like she wants to say more but fred puts out his hand towards the door and starts to walk her out he then grabs a nearby hard hat and puts it on her don't put that on me i just had my hair done fred puts it on her anyway and walks her out to the street they walked off the site the way that she had come in they passed by the barriers that looked partially taken down or just knocked over fred's face went from stern to sour in about half a second when he saw them by the time they walked out the building doors i couldn't hear the conversation fred and her were having but the large windows on that side of the building gave me a prime view of the entire chain of events the lady and friends started having a long and argumentative conversation just outside the chain fence they were apparently loud enough that the cops from the precinct across the street came over to see what was the matter she was yelling and pointing at fred the building and then at the cops fred looked like he was explaining the situation pointing to the construction and the multiple do not cross tape and signs that she had taken down on her trek in five minutes later old lady is being walked over to the precinct when she turns around about halfway there and gives fred the finger the cop lightly puts his hand on her back and gently but firmly turns her back around and into the precinct about 30 minutes later we were sent home a month later i saw craig at another location he said he found out that old lady was arrested for trespassing and was banned from any library branch for a year i've said this many times during my tenure as one of their consultants how do you come to the library and not read the closed signs they still haven't figured it out i worked in bars and restaurants for years during that time i developed too many pet peeves to count and left the industry with a huge chip on my shoulder and enough trauma that i still have server nightmares years later i miss liking humans this is the story of how i served a table very very badly because they were stupid and jerks and because i didn't work there despite no longer working as a server i guess i still look like one i went through a phase where i only owned one pair of black converse two pair of black jeans and seven black t-shirts i called it my batman wardrobe it made getting dressed in the morning very easy but it made walking through a restaurant very difficult with this outfit in mind i will absolutely concede that in some restaurant settings i might have been bringing this on myself but as common as this outfit is among server staff it certainly isn't what most servers in most restaurants wear it's also a very normal outfit to see on the street most of the time if i'm just trying to walk to the bathroom and someone at a table tries to order from me i'll just quickly let them know i don't work there but one time i'm tempted to try and justify this by outlining for you the laundry list of crappy behaviors i had already witnessed from this table in the interest of saving time i'll just assure you that this table of six absolutely knew who their server was and had absolutely been treating her poorly they were one of those groups where the first guy orders his beer and by the time the other five finally tell the server their orders the first guy is already complaining that his beer is taking too long when the server hasn't even left the table side yeah that actually happens a lot while returning to my table from the bathroom one of these winners stops me with a hey get me a crappy beer because i'm an amateur with bad taste i give him a cheerful sure and proceed toward my table quickly his repulsive girlfriend pipes up with a whiny and i want another one of this gesturing towards some pink sludge in a cup because of course that's her taste in beverages i decided to stick around and let the whole table place orders with me before returning to my table and waiting for them to notice me sitting there with my friends i really didn't think this would go on long i'm seated in plain sight about two tables away they don't notice their server is table side again within moments and their round is promptly ordered again since they're definitely the type to double order items from different staff so my prank goes unnoticed later i go to visit the bartender have a brief chat and grab a couple drinks i'm walking back to my table with two beers in hand is that mine a voice asks as he reaches to snatch it nope i reply and carry on my actions had the potential to make life harder for the staff and i'd feel bad about it if i wasn't friends with all of them and if they hadn't been in on it this table is so badly behaved and have been determined to have a bad time since before they arrived they're really a lost cause any attempt to clear things up for them wouldn't be worth missing out on the entertainment of messing with them so i start looking for excuses to innocently walk past their table i take a few more bathroom visits than i really need and go visit my friend at the bar a couple more times i never initiate contact with these clowns but if they take the bait i'll take the order they're becoming increasingly agitated with each encounter they tell me how bad i am at my job and i just cheerfully correct them no i'm actually really good at my job they are more infuriated at how unfazed i am at what they're saying to me and the several drink orders i failed to bring them remember my friends and i have been seated in plain sight a few feet away drinking and laughing it up all night anyhow they drink three rounds despite having ordered about nine and decide to leave naturally when their bill arrives they try to contest it arguing that we didn't actually get most of the drinks we ordered so they shouldn't be on the bill the manager informs them that the bill represents only the drinks they did receive they try to argue the point and i just can't stand to watch my prank escalate too far so i pipe up your bill represents the drinks you ordered from your server i don't even have to say it that loudly since i am seated so close to them they all turn to look at me and i want to say they realize what's going on but that's giving them too much credit since one of them immediately lays in with the threats to call my boss i offer them my boss's phone number and dare him to try and get a jeweler to fire their assistant for being bad at table service he then tries to accuse me of putting items on his bill that shouldn't be there you know with the access card i used to log into the pos at the restaurant where i am a customer he still hasn't figured it out edit don't worry these people wouldn't have tipped well anyway and my table more than made up for it speaking of restaurants what's your favorite restaurant to go to of all time please let us know i could really go for some chilies right now do they still have that two for twenty deal karen decides that she can just pick my plants out of my garden a while back in march i made a post about how some entitled parents let their kids play in my cactus garden i thought that would be my only garden related incident but lo and behold apparently people think our fenced in garden is land they can just do whatever they want on our block has many houses on it and they all have iron black fences that are around five to six feet high with gates behind each fence most people have some plants or a little garden or a tree you get the idea it's clear that these belong to each of the respective houses as most people will also put their garbage cans or other stuff out there as well in front of my family's house we have a small cactus garden and then we have some tall planters with some succulents in them and then we have a little vegetable garden with some tomatoes basil etc my grandmother is really into plants and it gives her something to do the two tall plants with the succulents are closest to the fence so someone could stick their hand in and take plants out if they wanted to i'm walking home and i see a woman sticking her hand through the fins i think she's taking our tomatoes so i speed walk up to her and ask what she's doing me hi this is my garden what are you doing i'd appreciate it if you didn't take things out of my garden lady oh hi you have a lovely garden i'm not damaging anything i'm just taking some of these hen and chicks it's a succulent and then some of these plants i look and while she did take some succulents she also just picked weeds out of our garden me i'd appreciate it if you gave those succulents back there are plants but you realize you just took weeds out too right lady oh i took some pictures of these for my photography class and everyone loved the pictures so i thought i'd take some me uh i guess you can have the weeds but i'd like my other plants back um okay goodbye she just kind of got flustered and left after that i did get my succulents back then she was more embarrassed about taking weeds than stealing plants out of my garden and this whole photography class thing was really weird to me but whatever she can keep the random weeds weirdest experience ever and i'll never get how people think they can just stick their hands into someone else's garden and take their stuff edit after reading through all your comments man i had no idea there were this many plant thieves or plant damagers sorry to everyone that's had this happen to them as well am i the jerk for not letting a woman sit next to me because she had her baby with her i'm 25 male not usually for these kinds of trips especially right now but it was a family emergency i purchased a bus ticket and took a six hour ride to the city my mom lives in for a few days and i needed to get back home for work i purchased the bus ticket again but going back home this time around i decided to also purchase the seat next to me because i didn't want any strangers sitting so close to me for obvious reasons also because i wanted to have extra room to put my backpack and do some homework on my laptop today i had to turn in an assignment before deadline and i decided i'd work on it during the bus trip and submitted before i got home when everyone else was getting on this lady came up to me and asked if i could move my stuff i thought maybe she mixed up her seat number and told her i purchased both these seats for myself and she goes i know but my husband is sitting right here and we'd like to sit together if you don't mind her husband was right across from me so they would only be a few inches apart since i'm sitting by the window and she'd be in the aisle seat i saw her holding a baby no less than a year old i'm guessing and my brain automatically went nope i was not about to deal with a screaming baby glued right next to me the whole six hours back home i told her i'm sorry but i need the space to do some work and i already purchased this seat she kept asking me because their seats were all the way at the front and she won't be close to her husband again i repeated my reasons and she got mad and brought the driver in on this he politely asked if i would consider allowing her to sit there and again i said no well he looked at her like there's nothing else he can do so she walked away all upset an hour later all you hear is her baby screaming his head off nowhere near me which i was grateful for but her husband still kept throwing me dirty looks the whole ride which i tried to ignore by focusing on my work a few times she walked to the back to go to the bathroom and she'd glare at me when we got off again they were giving me dirty looks and she asked me was it really all necessary to be a jerk over a seat when she needed her husband's help with the baby i told her i was sorry but yes it was necessary i'm home already but i still keep thinking about it was i the jerk for not letting her sit there well what do you think was opie a jerk for this or not please let us know no but her and her husband most definitely are sorry i have to speak with the account holder another post on here reminded me of this story that actually happened to my sister we'll call her amanda a few years ago there was a big sporting event my family all wanted to get together and watch we decided to all get together at my sister's house to watch it she needed to upgrade her tv package to include more sports channels which she was able to do online great we had a great day watched the big event and ate and drank far too much the issue started when my sister went to cancel the subscription so as to not keep paying the higher rate for future months apparently while you can upgrade your package and give the company more money online removing the package was much more difficult of course they said the only way to cancel the package was over the phone my sister is deaf so needless to say this was an issue my sister had been emailing and complaining to no avail at the time this happened my brother was temporarily staying with my sister and he called the company for her the exchange apparently went like this i'm relaying what my sister and brother told me brother hi i need to cancel the subscription to extra sports for amanda's second name lady i will need to speak with amanda brother my sister is deaf she can't speak with you over the phone lady there's nothing i can do i have to speak with the account holder if you want to cancel your subscription brother you need to speak with a deaf person on the phone yes and you don't see anything wrong with your current system all changes have to be done by the account holder brother yes exactly and the only reason this was set up was because she was able to make changes online you're saying she can't reverse the changes all i can tell you is i have to speak with amanda at this point my brother was telling my sister what was being said and they come up with the perfect solution brother okay one second this is amanda my brother continued speaking and it's worth noting he has quite a deep husky voice the lady doesn't say anything brother i need to cancel my sports subscription i think you're the person i was just speaking to no i'm amanda you said you needed to speak with me but i thought you were deaf and yet you insisted on speaking with me on the phone so here i am please cancel my subscription i have all the information you need to verify my identity the subscription got cancelled would i be the jerk if i reported my daughter's teacher for not pronouncing her name correctly my daughter's english teacher refuses to pronounce her name correctly she has a japanese name and we live in japan her name is kanai pronounced kana a recently kanai told me that her english teacher an expat from america at school calls her kanai she told me that she told the teacher my name is kanae it's three claps syllables but the english teacher told kanai that she was incorrect and that grammatically speaking that she her teacher was correct during my daughter's sports day i confronted the teacher i explained that my daughter would like to be called kanae but she laughed and said she was pronouncing it the way it's supposed to be but will try her best to remember today my daughter told me the teacher still calls her kanai my daughter is very shy and it took a lot of effort for her to correct her teacher the first time i'm considering going to the school in the morning but is that an overreaction for some clarity i'm not japanese my wife is so our kids are mixed race our kids are fluent in english and japanese not like kanye west but kha plus nai like bill nye oh wow i wrote this late at night and went to sleep i didn't expect it to get this much attention thank you for all of the responses i can't reply to them all but this morning we couldn't go sun had an earache but we are going there after school ends we asked our daughter if she wanted us to tell she said that she didn't care we don't want the teacher fired we just want our daughter respected in our classroom update i'm not sure where else to place it but my wife and i went to this school today around 3 45 pm by then the english teacher in question had gone home we told the principal everything that i've told you all and he was extremely apologetic he did say that maybe it was a language barrier but i reminded him that my daughter and i both told the teacher in english how to pronounce kanai so then the principal called her dispatch company interac it turns out the same thing happened the company apologized but tried to pass it off as a language barrier thing more apologies were issued when we told them we spoke english we were told that interact would speak to the teacher and that they would handle it the principal asked us to come to the school monday morning i'm hoping to talk to the teacher face to face on that day you shut down my credit card i work at a clothing store in a mall entitled customers don't frequent us but unfortunately that doesn't mean they never come i had the displeasure of dealing with this wonderful lady a while back during the holidays i do want to note we do not have a store credit card we've got the crazy lady we've got our first manager and our second manager i was in the front of the store when this lady walks in remember the cool mom from mean girls that should give you an image of what she looked like except she was on her phone i welcome her in and she just stares daggers at me then storms off to my co-worker i need to speak to a big manager like a general manager or district manager someone in charge manager one our general manager is on break but uh i'm an assistant manager what can i help you with lady now you hesitated which leads me to believe you're not a manager no i need your real manager manager 2 walks over yes ma'am is there anything i can do for you you shut down my credit card manager 2 i'm sorry i'm not sure how we could have done that do you know what a fraudulent transaction is because when i inserted my card into your point of sale terminal your point of sale machine read it has a fraudulent transaction and caused my credit card to be cancelled manager too i don't think that i know what a fraudulent transaction is i have a degree in technology do you have a degree in technology i didn't think so that's probably why you work in retail manager can you settle down please i will not settle down you shut down my credit card while she yells at my manager she's also on the phone with her bank her bank asks her to validate her information which the lady replies with i will not give you any of my information that is mine and mine only not yours i get moved to the back of the store and miss the rest of crazy ladies tirade another customer told me that she claimed we embarrassed her in front of everyone in the store and that she exclaimed that she would be filing a formal complaint with corporate i did hear her shout i won't be here ever again as she left but she did come back when we allegedly sold her the wrong size my entitled mom thinks she should live for free background three years ago i 24 female decided to move my mom who's 61 and with me when she was diagnosed with breast cancer she had multiple surgeries coming up and was not physically capable of taking care of herself she is cancer-free now but is not in great health she can't work and draws disability the first year to year and a half wasn't bad but the last year and a half to two years has been a nightmare she constantly trashes the house leaves food laying around for days destroys things such as my washer and dryer has sketchy characters coming in and out that are on drugs yells and cusses at me tells me i'm a bad person i could keep going forever a few weeks ago i told her i was done and she needed to move out she pays me 300 out of her check which takes care of her rent cell phone house insurance electric cable water and some food i told her starting in october i was going to start taking the 300 and put it in a savings account until there was enough money for her to move when she got paid in october she gave me the money today she calls me at work and demands her 300 bucks stating it is her money to do as she pleases with i asked why she needed the money so bad and she says it's because she wants to go on vacation to miami i explained to her that the 300 she gave me is rent money as in a bill that i just happen to be saving it rather than using it she goes on to tell me that i'm stealing from her that it's her money and i have to give it back to her when i continue to say no she said starting next month she is going to save the money herself me knowing that she will just blow the money rather than saving it i tell her that either she gives me the 300 a month to put in savings or she has to move out by the end of the month since she would no longer be paying rent at that point at this point she starts telling me i'm a bad person and a horrible kid that no other kid would treat their mother the way i treat her that since she is my mother she deserves to live with me for free and shouldn't have to pay for anything that the money she gets should strictly only be for her and what she wants that she would save money to move when she is ready to i had to contact my landlord and explain the situation when she gets her next check if she doesn't pay me my landlord and i will be getting her evicted it just dumbfounds me that she thinks that her 24 year old daughter who works full time and goes to school full time should supply her with a place to live and accessories for free i make good money for my age but she acts like i'm a money tree what would you do in this situation would you let karen keep living with you or not please let us know reminds me of the time you tried to kick me out mr reddit burglar calls the cops on the homeowner this story was actually told to me by a friend of mine and is a quick tale about how she turned the tables on a home invader at the time this happened my friend was raising her kid by herself in the suburbs of texas the area they lived in wasn't particularly safe with wild beasts of both human and animal kinds so friend armed herself and took some safety classes to protect her small family the years go by her kid is now five and there was a series of break-ins in the neighborhood so friend hired a security company to install security cameras around her home one day while reviewing footage friend noticed a strange man lurking around the house he seemed to wander around a bit and then wandered away so friend shrugged and carried on with her day nothing to worry about right turns out she was wrong a few days later friend was working in her home office and saw the same guy walking down her driveway opened the gate and entered her backyard friend realized the kitchen door was open her kid was playing in the living room friend grabbed her weapon from her purse and ran to the kitchen and got there as the guy calmly walked through her back door guys sauntered in looked around the room to see friends standing there with her weapon guy froze friend who the heck are you and why are you in my house the guy gulped grabbed his phone and dialed 9-1-1 help i'm standing in this kitchen and some crazy lady has a gun pointed at me friend was stunned but didn't put her weapon down while calmly telling her kid to go play in the other room and they stood there not moving while staring the guy down who refused to leave guy you're gonna get it when the cops show up jerk friend you're in my house now get out guy actually stayed standing there until the police came into the kitchen guy saw the cops and started screaming arrest her she's crazy look she has a gun on me friend put it down and started shaking this is my house you broke in cops stopped and stared looked at the guy you broke in guy well her door was open and then she pulled that on me that's not how it works arrest her for having that friend i have a license and this is texas you idiot cops arrested the guy who was still howling how friend didn't do it right apparently she wasn't a proper victim friend gave the cops a copy of the video of him sniffing around earlier in the week she never heard anything back from them so she figured he went to jail am i the jerk for setting up my ex-husband to look like a bad father when mai and my ex's daughter megan was turning 13 she wanted a tiered harry potter cake she loves the movies she was very specific in what she wanted i told her as gently as i could that i didn't think we'd be able to afford that and my ex took what opportunity to be the fun parent and said in a doting voice oh baby don't worry daddy will get you your cake she was all smiles and ran off to get her bags i told him if he was going to promise this to order it early because bakeries require advance order he got all huffy and said he knew what the heck he was doing and i should mind my own business i said anything involving our daughter is my business he said he didn't need my help and i should just handle the birthday party and he'd get the cake i said okay then they left for the weekend i know my ex he puts things off that aren't about him i knew he was going to forget about the order usually i'd pester him so he wouldn't forget but he said he didn't need my help so i decided not to bring it up unless he did but i did call a friend i have who started decorating cakes to order the cake from her it cost a bit more than i'd have liked but not as much as i'd been worried it would well he never brought the cake up again at least not until the day before her birthday where he called me frantic he forgot to order the cake and now none of the bakeries will take his order without tacking on a massive fee because there's no way they can have the cake ready unless they focus their full staff on one cake i was going to tell him not to worry i ordered the cake for him but then he says why didn't you remind me i just snapped and said he needed to figure this out and he better have a cake tomorrow then i hung up he brought a cake a plain white sheet cake with red trim and one of those print out sugar decals on the front of harry potter and his two friends and a wax 11 candle she was turning 13. he revealed the cake during her party so everyone was sitting quiet and megan looked heartbroken and tried to be nice but she asked what happened to the cake she wanted x floundered and i let him for a few seconds before laughing haha just kidding and then i went and pulled the cake i ordered from the kitchen megan lit up and everyone laughed and it was just one huge joke and the rest of the party went great but after everyone went home and megan was in her room x tried to lay into me about humiliating him and letting him look like a bad father and i told him the only one who made him look bad was him i think i was justified but some mutual friends think i should have just told him i got the cake to keep things civil between us am i the jerk edit i never told megan or even planned to tell her not until she was older maybe but she started acting very chilly to ex for a long while after her birthday party and when he asked her why she admitted to almost walking into the kitchen when he and i were whisper arguing the night of her birthday she found out he had completely forgotten to order the cake and the joke cake was actually the real cake he got her so she was very cross with him for a long time afterwards edit too to everyone thinking i purposefully waited to have him reveal the joke cake before showing the cake i ordered i didn't i had planned on pulling him aside before the party and letting him know i just went ahead and ordered a cake for him then we'd take in the big cake and leave whatever he brought in the kitchen but he showed up after all the guests had arrived so i didn't have time to grab him before he set the sheet cake box on the dining room table where everyone saw it and i knew everyone would notice us taking his short pink box into the kitchen and coming back out with a taller white one i thought on my toes well who do you think is the jerk op or her ex please let us know i can see why he's the x the guy sounds like a real piece of work do the work exactly how you want it done even though it's ridiculously wrong fine by me some background before we start i worked as a drone pilot slash mind surveyor for a man child using drones to take pictures of the mines creating a 3d model out of those pictures and then calculating all sorts of goodies for the clients like their gold yield and the amount of crap they have to move etc it's really technical and can easily go completely to crap if you don't know what you're doing and even if you know what you're doing it can still very easily go to complete crap i'm licensed and certified i've been playing the game for a long time now and i know how it works most of the time my ex-boss on the other hand didn't see he got his surveyor's license during the 80s by complete chance he was a simple miner who just happened to be in the right place at the right time getting a free university scholarship to become a surveyor because they had a few grants left over and called out who wanted it his hand was one of the ones they picked the second he got his license he quit his job and convinced an old retiree surveyor to throw in his retirement all cards on the table to start up their own surveying business he spent the entire time at the golf course and the bar making a fat amount of cash out of his newly founded self-milking cash cow not once did he carry out an actual survey heck i doubt he's even stepped foot on a mine since then he just invoiced the clients told the retirees where to go and collected a paycheck so time moves on work slowly filters in and as one does when they reach the ripe old age of 80 something the retiree decides forget this and kicks the bucket my boss's cash cow just died on him and no matter how hard he squeezed the only thing coming out of it now was dust the only other employee was this other guy who acted as his assistant and basically just carried heavy things for him he didn't have a backup so of course he hired me i was pretty fresh into the game at this point starving and basically homeless and in my eyes this guardian angel just descended from the heavens and offered me a way out he basically told me that we have to survey xcite and get the data to ex-client didn't tell me how didn't tell me what data exactly they want heck he didn't even tell me when they needed to buy it he just pointed to the place on google told me to get there and to get it done somehow i did it i scraped by and eventually figured out just what the heck to do at some point we were kicked off of the mine for reasons that my boss didn't disclose to me and had to open up our own offices my boss graciously dug deep into his pockets kicked out his eldest son and dedicated that room in his house to our use now i was spending every day with the man since if he wasn't at the golf course he was at home we started butting heads he had this illusion in his head of how things work and how you're supposed to do things and i had practical experience and qualifications to tell me otherwise every single day was a fight and every single day he'd tell me how he wanted it to be done and i just turn around and do it the way it's meant to be done i started passing out my cv everywhere my timing was perfect though because a little blip and crash of the 2020 job economy happened right as i started searching the interviews i had lined up all got cancelled the people who i already interviewed with and who seemed ecstatic to have me suddenly didn't answer my calls i felt like a scorned lover waiting on the curb in the rain and my socks soaking wet i was considering maybe going back to i.t i felt hopeless and dejected doomed to a life of taking care of a disgusting man child and his fat wallet eventually though a second angel descended from the heavens once again saving me finally i could leave this place i was waiting on the contract not really willing to commit to anything without it being in writing when my boss and i got into another massive screaming fight after hour three something inside me snapped you want it done your way fine i'll do it your way i committed hard to following his procedures every step of the way surveys were taken three times longer to do the drone crashed four times my first ever crash and all of them were near write-offs the 3d models stopped looking like mines and started resembling potato chips and twizzlers he had clients calling him day and night non-stop asking him just what the heck was he doing eventually he gave my number to them so they could call me directly and i started getting calls day and night non-stop until i just turned off my phone outside of office hours clients were threatening to drop the contracts clients were threatening to sue my contract came in from my new company and i signed the dotted line with a smile on my face one client stopped calling and stopped paying word got out as it always does that his company is not legit and is just being run out of someone's home another client canceled the contract completely and threatened legal action i handed in my resignation my boss looked at me pleadingly offering me a ton of cash to stay i told him no he begged me to write him a manual on how to do the work to show him how to process the data to fly the pits to set up the instruments i spent the last two weeks there writing out every procedure he ever told me i needed to follow sent it through to him and walked away a few weeks later when he was scheduled to do a survey i was suddenly spammed with calls and emails and messages from him asking how to do this or how to fly that or where to find this data his manual wasn't working surprise surprise i don't know just read the manual my new company is currently picking up all the contracts he's dropped if we manage to get the last one i'm going to ask them for a bonus karen did you just assault me this story just happened about three days ago with me my godson newborn and my so close best friend we could be sisters let's set the scene paris target kind of chilly outside and somehow it's a bit cloudy so i thought we were gonna get cold rain during the time my bff came to visit i was in the midst of getting my god baby together to take him home his poor mom had to work that whole weekend so i told my bff to come with me on the way my god baby's mom asked if we could pick up some things for them from target sure why not we see target before we get to her house anyway plus i needed to get some stuff afterwards so why not get it all while we're there right plus one of my favorite cousins works there so i could see her and finally let her see my god baby from a distance might want to remember this for later on so my friend cash apt me and we go off to target so we get in target and i have my god baby in his little carrier unfortunately my friend brought the one that's too big for the front of the shopping cart so i had to put it directly inside of the cart since cj is only one month he's too young for a mask so i cover the carrier in a thick enough blanket i asked my bff to get another cart for the shopping and now we're set now to describe what we're wearing everyone knows target's uniform is a basic red shirt with nothing on it and khaki pants bff wore a navy blue top with black flare pants and flats i wore a v-neck burgundy top with flare sleeves and strings to tie in a bow in the front with black flare jeans with some sneakers so we're shopping checking off things on her list and mine then i'm looking over on the list and on the side of the walking area so i wouldn't be in anyone's way and feeding cj at the same time through the blanket my little nugget got fussy and i noticed i forgot something for him a few aisles back so i asked my bff to put on a glove and hold his bottle and finish feeding him while i go get the item i go to the aisle looking hard because my glasses tend to slide and fall off a lot keep this in mind too and then i hear that classic sound that irritates everyone so bad it makes them want to bang their head on the floor that classic karen i turn my head and there she is pixie haircut sunglasses on top of her head with no sun inside tight tank top short shorts knowing darn well it's chilly outside and flip-flops i'm thinking to myself is this the caring uniform or something but i digress so i move out of the way thinking i'm in her way and continue looking for my item and she sighs and i can feel her staring burn through my skin but i wasn't letting up then she says it's hard finding good health these days everyone wants to be lazy i roll my eyes and put my head down saying not today please just not today i find my item and leave out the aisle now she's mad did i care nope and i think she could sense that then she starts y'all know how this goes karen so you're not going to help me me nope karen fake gasp and why not me okay i'ma try to say this in a nice way because i see you're one of those ma'am i don't work here i give you no indication that i work here no i'm not on break and no it's not my day off i generally do not work here now i'm going to leave and put this in my shopping cart so i can pay and leave the store karen stops me as i'm backing up don't you dare walk away from me i know you're lying i've seen you here before working you can't fool me you just don't want to work you will be fired when i'm done with you i'm getting the manager me looks her up and down yeah you do that i go back to the carts and my bff asks me what was taking so long i tell her everything from a to z and she chuckles i see she's trying to burp cj so i tell her to let me try i place the towelette on my shoulder and give him a good try i'm two minutes in and he burps and when i lay him down baby boy is asleep good shot so now we can leave but then i hear screaming and screeching my eyes widen and my head slowly turns to the right when i see karen coming down the wall area with a manager bff says is that her yes that's her so karen gets to us still screaming and screeching karen this is her she should be fired for not helping a customer and lying about not working here i'm a loyal customer i have rights me sir can you please tell her to keep it down i just put my son to sleep second i've already told the wicked witch of the northeast that i don't work here what part of my clothes say i work here and even if i did and was on my day off customers are not entitled to get help from them if they are not working but as i have told her i don't work here manager ma'am she really does not work here all of this could have been avoided do you want me to help you karen yes i want you to fire her i know you're covering for her i've seen her plenty of times working if something doesn't happen right now i'm calling corporate then from all of that hollering my god baby starts crying so i pick him up and i'm trying to calm him down now i'm mad i don't like when people disturb my son so i snapped me lady i told you to keep the noise down because i just put my son to sleep now look i got a hollering oswald and a crying baby shut up and move on somewhere like wow how hard is it for you to comprehend that i don't work here you're that embarrassed at the fact that you were wrong that you got to keep up this image just so you can try to be right get away from us so i can calm my son down i guess all of that set her off and she paid absolutely no attention to the fact that i still had my god baby in my arms because she lunged at me with her arm in the air and when it came down it looked like she got me because i moved my face quick enough for her not to by that time my glasses slid off and fell on the floor and broke yep now i'm really upset those were the only glasses i had too and i had just tried to make an eye doctor appointment this week prior they're full this month and next month and don't have appointments to book yet i'm beyond upset then the ultimate happened my cousin so my cousin comes around the corner being nosy as heck and when she noticed it was me now she wants to know what's going on the manager wants to know what this had to do with her and she said she was my big cousin both he and karen looked at us and saw we looked so much alike it was no wonder karen had mixed us up we are two sister kids my momma is the third oldest daughter and her mama is the baby so the manager tells my cousin to calm me down because he sees i'm about ready to fight while he goes to call the police he didn't ask me if i wanted the police call he just said he was gonna call the police oh that said karen all the way off she's kicking and screaming while he's pulling her to his office my cousin calms me down while i'm gently bouncing to put my god baby back to sleep the police came i gave them my statement my bff gave her statement cousin gave her statement because even though she didn't see it she heard it and she's a family member manager paid for the baby stuff and the police said they'll get back in touch with me over karen after he put her in handcuffs and put her in the back of a police car now letting everyone know yes we did have our masks on and only took them off to talk to the manager during the time i was burping my god baby i had the blanket over him i still don't trust germs i told my mom everything and she was laughing i'm just surprised my bff didn't say anything this whole time because knowing her she would have jumped in sorry for the long story am i the jerk for telling my mother-in-law it's weird that she thinks she gets a say on things relating to my daughter my mother-in-law is mostly a person who's easy to get along with but for some reason the lady has snapped after we announced that i'm pregnant we let her get out all of her excitement but didn't really encourage it she keeps doing this weird thing where she refers to the baby as her baby if i can be honest i'm sure it'll change as time goes on but i find the whole thing rather boring congrats someone who i just so happened to be married to got me pregnant it's really not that exciting or interesting and i cannot relate to women who never shut up about it it's like the only thing anyone wants to talk to me about anyway mother-in-law was over a few weeks ago and started talking names she told me to give her a list and she'd go through and let us know which one she liked or didn't like i asked her why that was necessary and she said oh you know just making sure we're on the same page i asked for clarification to that why we'd need to be on the same page and she started getting a bit cagey about it oh you know just one of those things gotta make sure everyone's on board with the name at that point i cleared my throat and said very kindly but firmly there's no reason for anyone else to be on board with the names we've chosen she got a bit upset at that and said well it's my grandchild my baby i said no she's not your baby grandchild yes but you don't think you get a say in anything involving her do you like you don't think you get any say in her name how she's raised what school she goes to how she dresses any of it right you know you're not the parent here right well she blew up calling me ungrateful for what you aren't doing anything snobby snooty the whole shebang i just got up and said i was bored with the conversation and went to the backyard to go read in the sun while she melted down to my husband about how i'm stealing all the joy from her and that don't i get that grandma is the most important role she'll ever play my husband told her to knock off the theatrics and go home and now she's going all over social media playing up what a victim she is because i guess now we're keeping her baby away which isn't true they haven't even been born yet i've had so many pushbacks for my family telling us we need to just get over it and learn to accept that grandma is going to be around and that yeah maybe she should get a say in some things after all it's her grandchild i'm at a loss here maybe this is some weird cultural thing we're in the south west u.s everyone is some bland mix of white no religious stuff other than the usual fake catholic stuff am i the jerk edit well this was certainly a post i'm glad i'm generally not the jerk the claims that i'm trying to be edgy and not like the other girls are honestly depressing i didn't expect people to get so upset because a woman would dare not think having a baby is the most omg sacred beautiful lovely thing or whatever i hope those of you who think that it's a not like the other girl's thing can maybe get out there and explore what different women are actually like and not just the ones in your immediate lives women come in all shapes and sizes attitudes and personalities being one way is not a condemnation of how other women are being bored by childbirth and all of that isn't a condemnation for those who think it's a big deal or a miracle calling me edgy or tryhard is such a very reddit thing to say about a woman who doesn't behave the way you think she should best of luck to everyone and thanks for the kind words well who do you think is the jerk op or her mother-in-law please let us know i think grandma's overstepping her boundaries but it's just because she's so excited i do work here but not for you i work in it contracting and specializing quality control and software testing and this happened about 10 years ago i was hired by a company client as a member of their governance team basically we were to assess the company they hired big tech to create their software and their testing standards and plans governance teams are hard to utilize correctly and only any good if the person you report to understands client was my customer and alan was my boss from the company so they decided to change our role to working directly with big tech on their test teams to watch what they were doing and bringing up any issues to allen i am packing up to leave one day and big tech project manager appears out of nowhere and asks to have a meeting never spoke to the guy before but i knew who he was a bit surprised i asked if i could wait till tomorrow as the day was over and he said that it's one of the things i need to discuss a bit miffed i agree so we're going into a meeting room with windows where you can still see the office floor he asks me to look out on the office and tell him what i see no idea what he wanted me to say i was a bit dumbfounded so i said people working he nods his head repeating it and then asks why i am not with them and was going home and why i was not dressed appropriately for a client site and so unprofessional now i see the issue he obviously thinks i work for him and not the client directly i explained that i've done my work for the day and ask if he expects me to stay in the office doing nothing he goes into a long-winded explanation of how the longer we are in the office the more they have to pay intrigued i ask does that mean i would get paid more or is it that i should do unpaid overtime so big tech makes more money he explained i was a salaried employee and should be grateful for the experience i was getting with their world-class company i ask again that if i have no more work should i stay to charge the client more and what should i do while i have nothing to do he's getting a little frustrated with me and his tone is getting more aggressive and he said i should just look busy while i stay late that is when i said you aren't my boss i work for client and alan is my boss not you allen was the person he reported progress and billing to i was hired to make sure big tech was accurately creating the software and not overcharging the client you have just outlined how you are over charging and try to reprimand me for not taking part you accused me of being unprofessional and not dressing professionally my belief is that you are acting unprofessionally and it doesn't matter what you look like and your insistence of the appearance of being busy to hide in action illustrates this you also appear to be taking advantage of your employees and importantly you do not know who does and doesn't work for you he freaked out completely and started asking if we could keep this among ourselves and if i bad mouth the company i would affect my chances of getting work in the future as they are so big explained it would not be very professional of me and that i would be accurately reporting on what was said i asked if there was anything more he wanted to discuss as he had called this meeting and i normally charge for overtime because i don't like being taken advantage of then i left the room laughing telling him he may have some things to explain tomorrow when i arrived the next day he wasn't in his office which was very unusual as he was there first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening i open up the calendar and look up big tech meetings and see pm has cancelled all of his meetings for the day i ring my boss and ask if he knows why pm is not in today and we should have a meeting he's up for the meeting but said pm has had some family emergency and the new person was going to the pm in a few days we have our meeting and i explained what happened he was furious he wanted the names of the people who were staying late and just surfing the net now i worked side by side with these people and knew they didn't have any choice explained that they weren't the issue but being forced to stay by big tech made them stay and that they were actually good at the work and realistically replacing them would stall the project so he decided to get the time sheets and billing together suddenly all the billing reports were password protected and they couldn't get in touch with pm due to the family emergency a lot of reports gone missing from the sharp point with all of the pm's name showing very late hours he asked me to try and find the information while he contacted big tech to explain what's going on as i'm looking through sharepoint i notice that pm is still logged in and actively deleting files so i contact the security section to kick him out of the system and get backups of sharepoint go to my boss's office and he's on the phone with bigtech and he puts it on speakerphone and tells them i'm on the call he explains that big tech can't contact pm due to the family issue so i point out he was just on our network deleting files 20 minutes ago silence is deafening from the other end tell them the files deleted and password protected now are all being restored and we would have them in a couple of hours more silence my boss then says are they concerned about the content of these files and why is pm logging onto their servers deleting files more silence i could go into the whole thing but basically piles of documentation proving overcharging the pm had been too stupid to understand the client's sharepoint was not his big tech sharepoint because you know they have the same name he was not having a family emergency shocker right and they were hiding him and letting him resign with a package now everyone knew what happened and you would think the staff of big tech would hate me but the opposite happened they were told not to do any more over time without three signatures for approval from the client it effectively stopped all over time and made them all very happy i've met many of them since on other projects they still thank me for getting pm out of the way he did get other jobs but was let go several times because of all of his talk of being able to get projects over the deadline he had no ability and would just tell people to work longer hours that is not sustainable and doesn't address problems with specification and design issues my grandma called the cops on me for refusing to cut the neighbor's yard my cousin was reminding me of this story and finds it hilarious i was repressing it so well for seven years a little background is i lived with my grandmother shortly after i graduated college and my mom passed my grandmother has a tendency for treating anyone living with her like her personal help she comes to me one morning while i'm on my laptop asking if i'll trim the neighbor's bush this is so she can see down the street and it's currently blocking her view i explained multiple times that it's on their property and she needs to talk to them about it she tells me they won't mind and i asked to get them on the phone to confirm but she doesn't want to disturb them one could argue a loud power tool would also do that we go back and forth for a good bit while she calls me lazy and entitled after about 30 minutes she threatens to call the cops and i wish her the best of luck and go outside to clean my car and breathe since i'm obviously not getting anything done inside what got me nervous was she said something along the lines of i can tell the police anything and they'll believe a little old lady over a young punk i planned on leaving but didn't want to look like i was fleeing in case she actually did call them about 15 minutes later two cop cars show up and i just roll my eyes two officers go immediately inside and one is standing outside talking to me i calmly explain my side of the story apparently she's inside giving them a tale claiming she's being mistreated by me i asked the police to explain the accusations and was told she claims i'm mistreating her because i'm quiet and i keep to myself and that i gave her a small bruise on the back of her arm above the elbow the cop talking to me laughed it off saying how that looks like she bumped into something and this is the first time he's gotten a call for someone being too quiet what's wrong with me i think the cop who talked to me first could tell what i was dealing with and remarked how exhausted i looked he told me they're writing it off and advised i stay somewhere else for a few days he's dealt with calls like this before explaining its people who want to complain and others up in the crosshairs ends up she hasn't even mentioned the bush her list of grievances hasn't gotten there yet the other two cops had left and the one who talked to me gave her a big lecture on how she's only allowed to trim things on her property and some stories about serious altercations he's dealt with i'm sure he was giving me ample time to pack while also probably venting about this non-issue i walk out with the officer and she seems to think they're taking me to jail i guess she thinks you get to take a duffle bag with you he's making sure i have everything including my car keys and a safe place to go he also gives me his card in case i need any help in the future or just need to talk as i leave i hear her asking the officer if they'll let me out monday as she'll need me to run errands and he's like um i don't know when he'll return but you wanted him out so we're working on that he's smiling but giving off a very lady that's your problem vibe i stayed with my girlfriend for at least a week while getting voicemails each day from my grandmother asking if and when i'm coming home have you ever had a relative call the cops on you if so why please let us know i'm calling the cups on you if you don't hurry up and get to the next story karen slapped me because i was ignoring her i am an 18 year old male born completely deaf and mute also i am partially blind in my left eye i live with my sister who's 28 who had been taking care of me since our parents have passed recently she got married and went on her honeymoon so i'm on my own for a few weeks this happened yesterday usually whenever i go out i am accompanied by my sister due to my disability but now since she is on her honeymoon i had to go out alone there was a new supermarket opened in our area and i needed some items so decided to go there and grab them my bad for wearing a red colored shirt almost similar to the employees working there but if you look closely you could see that it was not the uniform i was at the electronics section looking for some batteries when i see an old man struggling to get some dvds on the top shelf since i'm tall i helped him he thanked me i can do lip reading and went on his way then i began looking for the batteries that's when i felt someone grab my left wrist i turned around and a woman in her late 40s slapped me she was speaking something but i couldn't follow her lips as she spoke too fast however i was able to catch some words like you ignore job etc so i signed to her that i am deaf apparently this was a wrong move because she became more irate towards the signs again she was yelling something but i couldn't catch anything so i took my notebook and started writing that i am deaf and mute before i could finish she grabbed my notebook and pin and threw them away then she slapped me again and pushed me to the ground luckily by this time a store employee came to see what the commotion was about he saw me on the ground and helped me up then he asked me what happened before i can sign to him karen starts to yell at the employee i don't know what she said as she was not facing me after she finished i signed to the employee that i cannot hear or speak fortunately he understood and explained this to the lady but she is still not convinced she tries to give me again but i moved away then i wrote and showed the employee to call the cops on her the employee nodded and called the cops karen tried to run away but the security caught her the police arrived in about 10 minutes they first talked to the employee who explained the situation about how karen had assaulted me because she mistook me for a store employee one police officer comes and speaks to me i understood that he wanted my version of events so i wrote everything down and showed it to the officer then they went to check the cctv footage then they came back and asked me if i wanted to press charges i gladly said yes karen was then placed in handcuffs and given a free ride in the back of a police cruiser the manager then explained to me that karen thought i worked there and she became angry that i ignored her she had been standing on my left side so obviously i couldn't see her the store manager then offered me a 50 discount on the products i texted my sister about the events that happened and she was livid oh did i mention that my sister is a lawyer she told me that she herself will be handling the case and would see that karen would get maximum time court date isn't around 40 days i will update about it after court edit i noticed many were asking about masks she was indeed wearing one but during that encounter she had it on under her chin and was not covering the nose or her mouth also lawyers in india can represent their family in court as long as they are not directly involved in it and the judge is not a relative to the lawyer if this happened to you would you press charges on karen or not please let us know i dare you to press charges on me am i the jerk for not giving my brother and his wife the bigger room my brother's wife lost her job which has caused them to lose the house they were renting my brother asked if they could stay with me i talked to my boyfriend and he said sure so i told my brother yes but he can't bring any of their furniture with them we don't have any room for any of it our spare room has a bed and dressers in it already he'll have to find a place to store their things he wasn't happy about it but said okay and that was that when they started moving their clothes and whatnot in they started complaining about how small the room was i ignored it because they were used to a rather large house and i was sympathetic because i know how it feels to go from having everything to nothing i apologized and told them that this was the best we had issue my son was in his room and started crying i went in there to check on him and my brother got mad i usually keep his door closed when he's napping i have a baby monitor and i guess my brother saw how large his room is it's not big at all by any means it's just bigger than the spare room he asked why the heck we gave him the small room when we can just move our son into the spare room i told him i'm not moving my son and all of his things into a different room when the spare bedroom is perfectly fine for the two of them as long as they don't try to move their entire house into one room he got mad she got mad and they threw a fit then my brother asked why we don't move my son into our room i told them that my son's crib won't fit in our room and again i'm not moving him just to accommodate them the last week or so has been very tense small comments here cold shoulder there petty shoulder checks from his wife if we cross close together i've kept my mouth shut because i love my brother and i don't want to cause trouble plus if they weren't so petty they wouldn't be that hard to live with they've started to complain that my son's crying at night is keeping them awake which i get but he's a baby he only wakes once a night to eat and that's not even all the time this morning it all came to a head when my brother told me i should move into the spare room and let them have mine in my boyfriend's room so that they don't get woken up by the baby when i told him no he started yelling calling me selfish and entitled told me that i should let them have my room because my son is an annoying little jerk that keeps them up every night all night where i may be the jerk i saw red let me start this by saying i did not yell at my brother as he yelled at me i said if you can't appreciate the room you were given you can go elsewhere my boyfriend and i have been more than accommodating to you you constantly complain you're ungrateful and rude get over yourself or get out of my house eta i'm asking if i'm the jerk because my mother called and told me i'm the jerk for not giving the married couple the big bedroom with the connected bathroom and apparently my other siblings agree eta2 they do not pay rent my boyfriend and i own our home and don't pay anything on it they pay the difference on the electricity bill and buy some of their own groceries i do the majority of the cooking and all the cleaning eta3 boyfriend and i are going to talk about kicking them out tonight when he gets off work eta4 i will update y'all tomorrow well what do you think is op the jerk or is there brother the jerk please let us know appease the jerk for not kicking them out sooner have the students build it i am a technology education teacher who always went above and beyond for my school students and administrators i spent countless hours designing and building things for the school signs murals wall art games etc i really didn't mind because i enjoy the design challenges that go along with these builds that was until i received a pink slip for those of you who are not aware a pink slip basically means that i may be losing my job the following school year this really upsets me because i had received great observations become a role model for our students and put in dozens of unpaid hours to create these side projects for the school i had a meeting with my assistant superintendent who basically told me that she appreciated all of my hard work but didn't see much value in my program and with budget cuts coming down the pike i would most likely be losing my job now it needs to be mentioned that tech ed is not like the traditional shop classes of the 70s where students would build birdhouses and ashtrays my curriculum focused primarily on stem with heavily involved hands-on applications i related otherwise dry material to awesome projects that all the students enjoyed kids actually liked their schoolwork and she knew it it's also worth noting that both the valedictorian and salutatorian were going to ivy league colleges to pursue stem degrees needless to say i was beyond livid the week following the meeting my principal asked me if i was interested in building some new games for the cafeteria that students could play when they finished eating easy table games like mini hockey checkerboards etc to alleviate students from getting out of control i explained that i could not complete the project and that was that until the assistant superintendent caught me in the hallway and told me just have the students build it so that is exactly what i did i tasked my laziest and most unqualified students for a special project the result of which was glorious checkerboards that didn't even have squares hockey boards with splinters or uneven goals laser-engraved puzzles that did not fit together i thanked the students and asked the assistant superintendent to come on down to my lab because the students projects were done and they were excited to show them off and she walks and upon seeing the projects looks made dead in the eye she now has a decision to make one ask me what the heck happened or two tell the students to their faces what a great job they did she opted for choice too going on and on about how great everything looks and how proud she was of the students while i had the biggest smile on my face knowing how crappy they turned out i thanked her for suggesting to have the students build it as she left with essentially a pile of scrap wood the projects never made it to the cafeteria i resigned from that school and took a job that paid twelve thousand dollars more at a place where i was valued they ended up keeping the position and begged me to stay on board i realized resigning was my best option because i could get an early jump on all of the new openings as opposed to being let go at the end of summer which would leave me with the worst schools that could not find a teacher am i the jerk for telling my sister that just because she recently became a foster parent does not mean she's a super mom buckle up ladies and gents i'm probably the jerk or at least i feel like a dumb jerk currently so i'm 26 female and i have a seven year old daughter my sister my twin has chosen to never have her own kids and to be a foster mom she was approved for this going on a month and a half ago and as of three and a half weeks later she was chosen to foster a ten-year-old sweetheart of a boy she has only had him for around two weeks i have always been supportive of this decision now my issue is that since she has had this boy in her care she's become overbearing mommy mode kicked in full force which is great but she is now overstepping everyone else with their own kids for instance she recently read a book that stated kids ages 10 and under should have no more than 30 minutes of screen time a day as it stuns mental growth so now every time she's over she will flip off my tv which i use for music as my daughter doesn't really watch tv or she read somewhere that if you even so much as speak loudly even while laughing it triggers kids minds and upsets them so now whenever she is at any of our homes she instantly slaps her hands over our mouths if we're too loud because she doesn't want to upset the boy the final straw was her coming over yesterday and saying she needed to talk to my daughter alone when my daughter came back in she was crying i asked her what was going on and she said auntie told me i'm not being nice because i wouldn't let christopher play with my special doll and that i made him upset because he doesn't have anything special so i need to share she said i need to let christopher play with it her special doll is kept on her shelf and not even played with by her as her deceased grandfather gave it to her it's a collectible my sister was sitting there with a smile on her face and said see all taken care of and then proceeded to walk to my daughter's room to grab the doll i lost it i told her to leave and just because she has been a mom for two weeks does not make her a super mom and that her actions are making it harder to deal with her i told her that once she learned to act like an adult and stop forcing all of us to follow her pathetic rules she would be allowed back but not a moment before i also told her that the doll is staying on the shelf and i don't give a darn who that offends she's saying that i'm an insensitive jerk and will not be allowed to be around my nephew until i apologize well who do you think is the jerk op or her sister please let us know i think her sister needs to stop reading all those books give her good manga instead man gets his car crushed by not paying his repair bill not my story but my father's took place in the early 2000s he's a master mechanic who can literally work on any car foreign or domestic he's teaching me right now and it's an honor to learn from him he's always run his own independent repair shop almost as long as i can remember and he told me this story recently and it just seems perfect for this sub so this guy comes in with a pretty nice chrysler convertible to get his transmission fixed he had to remove the transmission disassemble and rebuild it pretty long process but it's no problem after a day's work he calls the customer up and says his car is ready and reminds him of the agreed price of about twelve hundred dollars the guy said he could only pay 600 then and he'd have to get back to him on the rest now this isn't out of the ordinary where we live most people aren't exactly wealthy and my dad's a nice guy he single-handedly supported four kids and a wife so we weren't exactly rich it's not uncommon for people to pay in installments he doesn't charge interest or fees or anything just tries to do what's right the guy pays half his bill and with the promise of paying the remaining amount in a few weeks he leaves with his car about two months pass however and the guy hasn't paid hasn't even contacted my dad about any issues or to say something like he lost his job or something so my dad calls him up and asks when he thinks he'll be able to pay the rest of his bill and i kid you not this is how the conversation went dad hi i was wondering when you'll be able to pay the rest of your bill guy oh yeah about that i'm not paying it dad surprised what is something wrong with the car if something went wrong i'll take care of it guy no no the car runs great i'm just not gonna pay you dad what why well i have the car now so i don't see any reason to pay you they went back and forth a bit before my dad realized it was pointless and decided to enact some sweet sweet revenge he calls up a local towing company and gives them the guy's address license plate and car description and tells them to tow the vehicle to the county recycling center he then calls up the recycling center and says hey you're going to be getting a chrysler convertible here's the license plate from this towing company when it gets there i want you guys to crush and recycle it and so they do carr was crushed and recycled the next day the guy shows up in my dad's business furious with the state patrol my dad explains the entire story and the cops tell the guy that technically the vehicle was moved not stolen the recycling center received recyclable goods and not stolen property and now the car no longer exists as it's been recycled and thus was not a criminal matter but a civil one so the guy sues my dad and once again my dad explains the entire story and amazingly the judge says the same thing as the troopers and dismissed it it sounds almost unbelievable because it just seems so illegal but if a judge rules in his favor it's gotta have some merit by a technicality or something granted this was maybe 15 years ago so the laws could have changed since but wow this guy gets his car crushed simply because he chose not to pay the remaining repair bill and wanted to take advantage of someone's kindness am i the jerk for telling my boyfriend sister in front of the entire family that i don't care about her opinion she is 43 and i'm 29 female i've been with my boyfriend for two and a half years i have a three almost four-year-old daughter from a previous relationship i only just met my boyfriend's sister this past year because my boyfriend and i both live out of state now within the first week of moving back to this state is when i met her my daughter obviously came with me and she's not a fan of strangers at all she clung to me the entire time and refused to be put down this is the first encounter with this woman and it really sets me off her one and only reaction to seeing my kid and obvious discomfort around strangers was to tell me i needed to put my kid down and let her scream because she needed to learn she wasn't going to get her own way my boyfriend who is a godsend took my daughter upon hearing this and brought her outdoors to play and basically told her sister that it was none of her business for a while she toned it down though the comments did come often there were more passive aggressive comments that weren't spoken to me such as everyone babies their kids today or when i was growing up i was lucky to get any attention if i acted the way some of these kids act because of these comments we do not go over there often and i'm far from close with her fast forward to last weekend she had a small birthday party for her niece she tends to go all out during these events because she has no kids of her own and cannot have them she invited over 20 people and we didn't know any of them including my boyfriend who collectively knew like six people my daughter was super overwhelmed and again wouldn't let me set her down my boyfriend's sister took this as a moment to call me out in front of everyone while having a conversation with her sister-in-law my boyfriend's brother's wife who is pregnant with their first kid she said see you need to nip that in the bud early on or you will have a klingon and end up going to college with them a lot of people laughed my face was beat red i was embarrassed overwhelmed and i raid my boyfriend immediately jumped to my defense and his sister put her hands up and said i'm just saying this is what i responded with and we don't give a darn about your opinion on how i should and shouldn't raise my daughter we then took leave my boyfriend is now getting messages from people that were there who have never heard how terrible his sister can be to me and my daughter stating that i acted disrespectful and that i need to drop my attitude but since i am now a part of this family that i need to start taking people's opinions and applying them and that calling her out in front of everyone was a jerk move they also tried saying that the sister started crying in front of everyone after we left and said i feel so hurt and disrespected that i need to go have a moment by myself and apparently went upstairs to her room for 20 plus minutes am i the jerk well who do you think is the jerk op or her sister-in-law please let us know am i the jerk for not sharing my kids college funds with my sister's kids me 36 female and my twin sister amanda 36 female were the stereotypical daddy's girls we were very attached to our dad who was a super dad the most present dad possible without being controlling or annoying dad's family came from old money he is filthy rich close to billions growing up he spoiled me amanda and my two other brothers a lot we come from a very privileged family one thing about dad is that he really loves weddings he's a bit of a romantic and very traditional in that sense and growing up we always remember him saying that he couldn't wait for the day to walk his little princesses down the aisle it was a pretty huge thing for him when my older brother 41 got married on his one-year anniversary in 2011 dad gave him a house as a wedding anniversary gift it was a pretty huge and expensive house close to 3 million dollars and started a tradition in our family my younger brothers got the same thing when i got married in 2018 my dad was really thrilled about the whole thing and he gave me a blank check for the ceremony my brothers got the same deal and it was beautiful he walked me down the aisle and was really emotional about it one of the few times i saw him cry i receive a house and my first wedding anniversary when amy got engaged dad was really excited too one week before the wedding amy drops the bomb she was going to walk down the aisle alone dad was really sad with this whole thing but she said that she wasn't anyone's property to be given away that she was independent and a grown woman true she is more independent than i will ever be that this was an inappropriate tradition that she wouldn't want to participate in despite dad begging her she didn't kneel dad paid for the whole wedding she offered him the traditional father-daughter dance but he refused his logic was that if you don't want me to act like your father in a traditional way i won't skipped a one year after the wedding dad didn't give amy anything when she confronted him about it he gave her a receipt for a donation of 3 million to the national women's law center amy is a lawyer and her name and she tried to argue but couldn't really say anything when my and my other brother's kids were born that started a college fund for each one of them it's supposed to achieve 2 million when they reach 18. last week amy discovered about the funds and asked dad about it she has three kids one who's seven one who's five and one who's two apparently dad has been giving the money that was supposed to go to her daughters to the nwlc to help other independent grown women like her amy is furious at our dad and they currently are not speaking right now she asked us me and our other brothers to share our kids college funds with her kids because dad is a mean jerk and is punishing her kids we refused because it's not like our kids are getting the money that was supposed to go to her kids she's giving us the silent treatment since then i'm having doubts right now reddit am i the jerk here well what do you think should opie and her brothers share their kids college funds with her sister or not please let us know i wish i could have had a dad like that you're too old to play video games you creep so i recently went to walmart i don't generally go to walmart because i don't like the atmosphere but been stuck at home for a while i needed to get some social interaction and wanted to grab some stuff to work on the outside area just some plants and soil and whatnot while walking through walmart i decided i would look at the video game section i was looking at the nintendo section when i noticed that they have one new nintendo 2ds xl left not only is this the last one it's the last nintendo console they have i was blown away recently i had been doing some doordash to earn some extra cash so i decided to splurge i grabbed a person and was asking about honoring the gamestop price walmart still offers the price match guarantee and gamestop had theirs 50 dollars cheaper the person agrees and says he needs to go find someone with keys to open the case i stand there waiting and flipping through reddit for about 10 minutes or so when a woman entitled parent and her son the brat and a walmart associate comes up i look up nod my head and look back at my phone out of the blue i hear the kid shout that one right there the shouting had startled me so i looked up to see the walmart associate getting ready to unlock the case i then stop him and say excuse me i've been here for about 10 minutes waiting for someone to unlock the case to grab that item keep in mind that the only item in the case is the nintendo ds entitled parent well sorry but we beat you to it better luck next time maybe you should grow up instead of wasting your time on stuff made for kids i kid you not those were her words no exaggeration i was immediately furious and it takes a lot to push me over the edge how could you talk to a total stranger like that i wasn't rude in the slightest just mentioned i had been waiting for someone already now i understand am i really such a jerk that i'm going to deprive a kid maybe about 10 of the only ds they have well yes merely because i had been waiting and she was rude about it me ma'am that was uncalled for there is no need to be rude i have been waiting for an associate for almost 15 minutes to get this item and unless you've been waiting longer i'm going to stand firm that i have the right to it that's total bs i've been here for almost an hour and have been waiting for an associate for almost that whole time to unlock the case walmart associate secretly my hero wait you just came up to me a few minutes ago if this guy has been waiting longer it's his discretion on what he wants to do entitled mom i had asked someone before you duh not a joke she said duh where is the manager this is ridiculous i'm not going to tell my son who has wanted this for over a year he can't get one because some creep wants to play with toys i would like to reiterate that few will believe this but this story is true and there is very little to no exaggeration at all this woman really was this crazy brad mom tell him to get it tell him to get it at this point the kid keeps chanting this because the associate has stopped until the manager arrives wow you are really going to make a child cry over your selfishness you really are a piece of work you know that do you know how sad it is to let a kid cry because you literally are taking the toy right out of his hand associate ma'am please calm down there is no need to be nasty the manager will come and we will see who inquired first this whole time i kept completely quiet associate the first one i had asked to open the case comes up we'll call him associate 2. associate 2. sorry that took so long i couldn't find a key is there a problem at this point the two associates are discussing the situation i'm texting the insanity of this to my wife and the kid is crying really loudly finally the manager arrives manager goes and talks to associates for a few minutes an entitled mom answers her phone i know i'm taking too long some creep is trying to take the last toy and the [ __ ] at walmart is actually trying to let a grown man take a toy away from a kid i know what a joke it's okay the manager is here manager then signals for me to walk over away from the kid and the mother manager so based on what i know of the situation you were here first now that means it's up to you what you want to do i understand this lady has been very rude but i just wanted to talk with you for a second i am keen to keep things calm over here so what i can do for you is give you the original discount plus 20 off when the next round comes in if you're okay with waiting me i'll admit i'm not stoked about it but i appreciate your help manager thank you this entire time entitled parent went off on the associate claiming that this was by far the most insane thing she's ever seen walmart supports creeps like me and then calling the news and informing them that they let a creep by all the toys manager okay this gentleman has decided to wait for them to come back in stock if you want to take this one entitled parent this is for real are you kidding me this jerk kept me here for over 20 minutes it was more like 10 tops just to finally agree to let my son have it forget him manager i spoke with him and we came to an agreement on terms that worked best for everyone involved entitled mom wait he was the person who caused all this bs and you offered him free crap that's bs i was the one that was subject to sitting here while he played this stupid game what are you going to do for me for my time and letting this make my son so upset manager ma'am you are getting the item i'm sorry that this took a second but i had to get all of the information that doesn't answer my question you're letting this loser get all kinds of discounts for literally being a creep and a jerk and making my son cry but i get nothing but what i deserve in the first place god this is insane and walmart corporate we'll be hearing about this at this point i walked away and chuckled to myself a week later i got the call that they had another one in and i went to pick it up wow just wow update so a few of you had some questions about missing details 1. i didn't change my mind as a favor to the manager he was trying to work with me and i didn't want to disrespect him that lady i didn't care about much at all 2. i understand that walmart doesn't offer the price match guarantee any longer i assumed that's why they had offered to price match it but truth is i asked them and they honored it plain and simple that is a minor insignificant part of the story so not sure why so many people are offended by this three we exchanged information phone numbers when we had our conversation didn't really see it necessary to add to the story karen loses it over my t-shirt never thought i would need to post here but here we go in the mood of the spooky season i bought a t-shirt from a souvenir shop that says let's summon demons it's dark for some people i get it but it's halloween season so i didn't care i just moved to this area and anything that i wear that's too different i get stared down i'm a pretty big girl so normally they just look in disgust but go back to what they were doing but no not yesterday my fiance and i were in the mall near my new apartment i was wearing my shirt while my fiance was wearing his usual polo and jeans as we are in the mall i get my fair share of what the heck is she wearing looks from employees i wanted to go to a well-known body wash place to buy hand soap my fiance knows how long i would possibly take so he left to go to a game shop while i'm in the store i find the hand soap and start reading which one is which as i'm looking i see maybe four more people come into this empty store a mom and her daughter i only know that because of the rest of the story and two older women which i assume to be an aunt and a grandmother the daughter was about 17 ish she runs directly to body wash set behind me on the display table i find my soap and put it in the bag and walk to the other side of the store then i hear excuse me i look behind me and it's the daughter oh my bad you don't work here i thought you were stalking the store i was in no way dressed like the employee but whatever yeah sorry no i don't work here but since i love this store i probably can't help you she then asks me for a certain scent and since i could see it from where i was standing i showed her she looked at my shirt and started asking me where she could buy one and blah blah blah i gave her all the details and even told her where the store was in the mall she starts laughing about how i must know them all very well i guess her mom heard her talking and walked towards us come on daughter i found your scent entitled mom grabs the daughter's arm wait mom look at her shirt i really want one it's so cool i smile and look at the mom as she reads my shirt her face starts to turn into a look of disgust like if she had just seen roadkill splatter on the windshield it was very awkward and she didn't even try to hide it this is not word for word but this is basically what happened entitled mom no you don't need a shirt like that grabs her daughter daughter pulls back no mom i'm talking i just stand there confused entitled mom listen i know that it's halloween but my sweet baby does not need to see this crap when going to the mall what's wrong with you are you possessed me listen i don't care if you like it and girl if you want this shirt you can afford it without your mom being in the way i start to walk away entitled mom starts to follow me around the entire store calling me names and saying how i shouldn't be welcomed at my college i go to a well-known private catholic university nearby she knows because my keychain is hanging out of my pocket that says the school she starts yelling and asking for my name so she can call the school i literally tried my best to finish my shopping and to leave but none of the workers helped me i checked out with her still behind me yelling i get done and she yells that i'm stealing and that the police need to be called luckily the workers didn't do it she continued to block me from leaving the store and she grabbed my arm trying to drag me back in the store so i slapped her entitled mom starts crying her daughter grabs her and she looks at me with the most apologetic look my fiance was standing outside the door thank god and grabbed my hand and rushed me to the food court to get me to calm down i thought that was the end but nope entitled mom literally must have called the store security and they were looking for me around the mall they eventually found me security searches my bags and looks at the receipts then asks me about why i smacked her i told them i can explain everything entitled mom is yelling at the other security guards saying don't let her get away with putting her hands on me to sum up the rest basically i got set free entitled mom was let go without security calling the police or letting me figure out who she was because i want to press charges i can't believe this even happened over his shirt i'm really upset about the whole thing my fiance has been calming me down my university takes things like this very seriously they are currently doing an investigation of their own to find out who that lady was and why the mall didn't do anything to really help me a lot of people have asked why no one did anything i don't know about the employees but for the sake of the customers the mall was only allowing 25 percent of people in plus there was like maybe 20ish people from what i saw in the mall to clear up on why my university is involved a couple of years ago a guy was basically hunted down from a convenience store all the way back to the campus they were bothering him at the store and chased him back calling him names and threatening him parents and students asked what the school was going to do so they made up a little task force of law people to help students figure out the green light for situations that need to be dealt with by the law the task force holds people from the school's law team and campus police update i just got off the phone with my school's lawyer they said i definitely have a case that she's willing to help me with she said that i had a meeting with them tomorrow and that all i need to do is work with them what would you do in this situation would you press charges on karen or not please let us know next time wear a live laugh love shirt instead crazy roommate's mom hates me okay this happened when i was about 20 years old and i had already been living on my own for about two years at this point i was talking to a good friend of mine let's call her e telling her about how i was looking into finding a new apartment that was a better distance from college and work maybe something a little cheaper too she kind of perked up and eventually brought up the idea that we get a place together we were both great friends we liked the same food music movies we loved art and writing too so i thought it would be a great idea and i would cut the cost of the bill not long after we found a place that was perfect for roommates the only drawback was that there was no fireplace my old place had one but that certainly wasn't a deal breaker so we put down the payment and began to move in the following day as it was move-in ready i should have known her mother was going to be a problem before we had even finished moving in but i just didn't realize how much of a problem she was until later i had brought along my mom dad sister and my sister's husband to help me move i brought a washer and dryer queen bed couch and kitchen table to the mix after all i had been on my own for a while so i pretty much had the whole shebang and all she had was her bedroom stuff as this was her first time living away from home anyway i had promised to buy pizza for everyone and already had some soda cooling in the fridge so after moving day i could feed my helpful family e's mom was there too but she only helped bring in ease stuff and once my couch was moved in she just sat on it and watched as we did everything else when he was helping us out her mom griped that my daughter is not your slave she whined he had offered to help but we didn't ask or make her do anything besides this was her place too i can promise she'll eat at our table sometime eventually everything was inside and i decided to order the pizza and her mom spoke again i want veggie supreme on my pizza she said i frowned at this i'm okay with veggie pizza but i know what the rest of my family likes and i was only ordering four pizzas um no one here really likes all veggie pizza i guess i could do one that is half veggie i offered what you mean i do all this work and i don't get my own pizza she was literally shrieking of course not we're all sharing these thankfully ee intervened and offered to get her mom her own pizza although i could hear her grumbling the whole time that her precious daughter is so generous and i'm so selfish by the way her and e shared that pizza i was exhausted by the time everyone had left and it was pretty late when i had finally set up at least half my bedroom so i crashed and went to sleep i didn't have work for the next two days and it was a weekend so no college either so i was looking into a nice long sleep and using days to set things up and make our apartment into a home unfortunately the next day i was rudely awakened by a loud banging on our front door it was 5 30 am i was about to get up but i heard e answering it and unsurprisingly it was e's mom i knew e and her mother were close and i think she secretly hated me for stealing her daughter when moving together was not my idea but whatever i grumbled but went back to sleep waking up again a few hours later i made myself something to eat and not a moment later he and her mom walked in with bags of groceries apparently they had went shopping in the earlier hours as she set the bags down she looked at me with that familiar tinge of disgust which i will become accustomed to listen we just spent over 100 at the store today getting things that you can both use i expect at least half of what i bought to be reimbursed right now she demanded she made sure e was out of earshot before saying this to me excuse me you can't be serious i'm not giving you any money you went out shopping with e and bought a bunch of stuff that i had no say in whatsoever if i went along i would have gotten these things myself but it was choice to buy things without at least consulting me and now you want my money no way i said firmly she was used to her daughter pretty much doing whatever she asked and i'm fairly certain she was shocked that i talked back to her considering she just opened and closed her mouth like a gaping fish these encounters happened often her mom coming over at ungodly hours and coming over a lot too at least four to five times a week if she knew i was home she always tried to watch tv loudly to wake me but he shut her down completely on doing that he would stand up to her sometimes she would often take e-shopping and demanded money from me until i told e about it and that finally stopped too she always praised her daughter and thought of me as a selfish jerk but i couldn't care less about what she thought i still remember one day i was in my bathroom we had separate personal bathrooms taking a shower before work and when i walked out there was ea's mother sitting on my bed actually sitting on my work clothes i had laid out her arms folded across her we need to talk she said snootily but i went ballistic you crazy jerk get out of my room i never invited you ever to come in here i'm in a towel for goodness sake and you wanna talk she stood up about to speak but i cut her off get out i screamed at her she seemed upset but left my room and i had to re-iron my clothes since she apparently had no decency or sense of others privacy when i saw her again i told her flat out if she ever went into my room again and i wasn't there and didn't invite her i'd slap her in the next week i was done being anything but mean to this woman because she treated me with nothing but hatred so i even try thankfully about three months later she mellowed a little she stopped showing up so early and stopped stopping by so often and when she did visit she would make a snide comment about not feeling welcomed but honestly as far as i was concerned she wasn't welcomed her and e would leave as soon as she arrived one weekend me and e held a small get-together a few guys a couple of girls and of course me and e we were having snacks and playing guitar hero full-on mic drums guitars it was a blast and we were having a great time all of a sudden a loud banging was on our front door and i mentally groaned only e's mother knocks like that e-side and open the door and as soon as her mother saw the group she gave this fake gasp in horror oh my lord why are there boys over here it's already 7 p.m it's too late for them to be here she said extremely overreacting keep in mind i'm 20 at this point and e is 22. we're just having fun mom besides it's not a big deal we have guys over all the time these guys are our friends he said seeming to be just as confused as i was she acted like our apartment was her house and her rules were no boys allowed i expect this kind of behavior from her her mom said pointing at me accusingly i know she's nothing but a jerk and i know you are a good girl and would never let these boys over without talking to me about it first she said i was upset thankfully before i lost it he actually yelled at her mom which probably had a more lasting effect than me mom how dare you say such a thing about my friend she has been extremely patient with you about how rude and terrible you are whenever she's around you are horrible to her and yet she still has never asked you to get out of the house or to stop coming over but to call her such a terrible thing it's my turn get out she said firmly oh you can't be serious i'm your mother she was whining now like she was ready to cry i'm serious get out go home and unless you call first don't come over here we won't be opening the door for you also next time you call i'm handing the phone directly to jay me and if the first words out of your mouth are not a sincere apology we won't be talking again he said you can't make me apologize for the truth she said tears starting to fall get out already i swear i will call the police he screamed at her and her mom stormed out sobbing as she did so i was so proud of e i hugged her and after all was calmed down our friends included we resumed our fun guitar hero games it took almost three weeks before finally after hundreds of calls not being an apology to me she finally relented and said she was sorry for all the name calling and being so rude towards me i'm sure she didn't mean it but i accepted the apology anyway she was better after and did call before coming over but she was still rude whenever she thought she could get away with it when it was time to renew our lease i had to tell e i couldn't live with her anymore honestly because she came with her mom and i was kind of through with living with my parents and much less living with hers thankfully she understood i got my own place and she moved back home we're still friends to this day and still close to one another so thankfully this didn't ruin our relationship thanks for reading have you ever dealt with someone like e's mom and if so what did you do about it please let us know she's just trying to protect her daughter am i the jerk for leaving my zoom class because my teacher didn't care that i was in the hospital so i 13 female i'm in the hospital because i was having some pretty bad seizures i'm epileptic at my school we have pe every other day yesterday i emailed my pe teacher i'll call her miss r and said i'm in the hospital and i can't come to pe that day i had done all my other classes but my teachers usually let us keep our camera off also my parents work during the day so i was alone other than the nurses she emailed back and said that i still had to come even if i couldn't do anything she didn't ask if i was okay or anything the way our zoom pe works is we take attendance then we fill out a sheet on the healthy things we've eaten that day and then we exercise i usually ride my station bike at home when i got into the class the teacher made me put my camera on when i turned it on she didn't acknowledge the fact that i was hooked up to ivs and had a wrap on my head that made me look like an egg though i could tell all the other kids were curious well then it was time for the exercise part didn't get up from the camera because i couldn't really exercise then she asked why i wasn't exercising i replied that i'm not supposed to get up from the bed she asked why and i didn't want to say it in front of the whole class so i said i don't know she didn't like that and said we should brainstorm things i could do i thought it would be something like my homework for other classes but she was suggesting things like jumping jacks or burpees she was saying it right in front of everyone and i was really uncomfortable she started getting mad that i wasn't willing to work with her or being cooperative she said if i didn't know why i couldn't get out of bed then i probably could and just didn't know it i just left the meeting and was so embarrassed i almost cried then after school some girl that had been in my class messaged me on instagram and asked why i left the meeting i told her that i was uncomfortable and she kept saying i could have just told my teacher why i was in the hospital but i didn't want to say it in front of everyone the teacher gave me an f for the day even though i filled out the sheet bang she also marked me absent from the class and emailed my mom that i wasn't participating in class i explained what really happened to my mom but she doesn't speak english so there isn't much she can do but most people seem to think i should have just said in front of the entire class while i was in the hospital so am i the jerk for not edit since someone in my dms were curious my mom only speaks americ edit two my doctors wrote a note to the school saying what was going on and it was my guidance counselor's decision if i had to go to classes or not my guidance counselor said i did have to because she didn't want to do the extra work edit i'm taking a break from reading replies for the rest of the night i will catch up in the morning my inbox currently has over 200 replies and it's kind of overwhelming it's not a taxi but i'll take the cake this happened in the early 2000s 0203 a small background is needed at that point in my life i'm a third year nursing student in the capital i'm sharing my apartment with a good friend and he is sharing his car the alleged car was the major factor of the story it was a brand cherished by taxi drivers and also yellow the color of taxis in the capital the major differences from a taxi were the lack of the taxi sign and that it was a hatchback taxis are sedans it was common for someone to flag us down thinking it was a taxi until we came closer anyway it was summer and my friend was island hopping with his fiancee and had left the car behind i had woken up to almost an empty fridge and since i was paid the day before i decided to forgo the small convenience store in my neighborhood and drive to the big supermarket i jumped in the car and took a major road artery to the store i'm stopped in front of a bus stop waiting for the light to turn green when the back door opens and closes and i hear a woman's voice saying the name of a hospital i turn around to say it's not a taxi but i stopped in my tracks a sweet old lady had entered the car she was around 65 to 70. she's clutching her purse so hard her knuckles turning white she's clearly panicked she keeps mumbling please hurry she went into labor please hurry i put the car into gear and start driving towards the hospital nurse training kicks in and i start to talk to her to calm her down she starts to calm and i get the whole story her granddaughter 19 at the time was pregnant and had a rough pregnancy an hour ago she went into a premature labor and the grandma was panicking we reached the hospital 20 minutes later the guard at the entrance knows me because of hospital rotation i drive up to the entrance and drop her as she's trying to pay me i tell her it's on the house at that point she realized it wasn't a taxi and got a bit embarrassed and tried to give me the money again i advise that if everything went well send me a cake little did i know two weeks later my roommate is back and receives a call from the police they wanted to find out if he was the owner of the car and if he could go to the station my roommate asked me if anything had happened with the car while he was gone i said no having almost forgotten the incident i decided to tag along and go to the station we're met by an officer who guides us to an office inside is the sweet old lady with a box she jumps up shouting that's him and hugs me the officer is smiling he's the father of the granddaughter and now a proud grandfather apparently the lady told him about the incident and how helpful i was he used his status as a police officer to get the plate from the cctv and find the owner and thank me the baby would have to spend some time in the hospital due to being almost two months early but otherwise all right so i got the cake on a final note i met the girl by coincidence a couple of years ago she has turned out fine and is studying to be a nurse change our expenditure accounts the food bank will have a feast this happened about 10 years ago when i worked for a company doing community nursing we were provided with company cars and a prepaid card for expenditure fuel and food the card had a limit of 400 euros per week the card resetting to the 400 limit every monday morning despite the 400 euros limit the usual amount any of us spent each week was around 150 to 200 euros depending on travel the usual was to get a full tank once a week which was around 55 to 60 euros and the rest was coffee and lunch enter chad he was the financial officer and had some pretty unique ideas about changing the finances of the company one of the ideas he instituted was a change to our prepaid cards he dropped the limit to 50 euros a day with the card resetting every day as you can understand this was a problem especially if you consider that a full tank cost 55 euros minimum if you use the car for fuel then the rest was paid out of pocket we couldn't be reimbursed for the money because you have a company card learn to use it more efficiently initially most coworkers were spending 30 euros on fuel and refueled two or three times a week but not me while my malicious compliance tendencies were natural during my navy service were home to perfection by a couple of master chiefs so enter malicious compliance i decided to spend each day 20 euros for fuel some days less pay for my own coffee out of pocket and spend the rest at lunch i used to patron a grill and barbecue place that had a catering side they also volunteered for a local food bank and kitchen the owner had grew up dirt poor and liked to help a lot of clients would buy something and add a little extra to an open tab for the food bank then the catering will go each sunday and provide food for the homeless and the poor using the tab and funds from the owner so i went there every day got something to eat and the rest of the amount until 50 euros would go to the tab i started raising at least 90 euros a week for the food bank i hit the limit every day costing the company 250 euros a week from 150. chad was furious he was trying to save money and i was costing him more he asked me to explain my expenses food and fuel he asked for receipts i provided them the receipt said food nothing else he finally said i should eat cheaper i told him the company couldn't force me not to eat whatever i wanted after that meeting a couple of workers saw me coming out smiling and inquired about it i explained what i was doing the smiles on their faces soon afterwards six nurses spent all their expenses the same way the aftermath this went on for two months chad was livid because now he was losing even more money the solution came unexpectedly unbeknownst to all of us the owner of the company was a major contributor to the food bank he knew about the restaurant helping out and had seen the richer buffets he asked the owner at the restaurant about it and he said a few nurses had started coming raising the tab at that point 600 euros minimum the owner put two and two together i was called in for a meeting with the owner i was anxious because i didn't know what it was about when i got there chad was there also during the meeting chad explained how he was losing money but he couldn't do anything about it i explained what our grievance was and how we took advantage of it chad replied we shouldn't game the system for something so stupid as a food bank the owner stopped the meeting right there he reinstated the old system for expenditure he reprimanded both of us for the whole mess me a bit less and informed me that if i make a donation for the food bank to notify him and he will match it the final result was getting our old system back a weekly donation to the food bank and a major easter sunday barbecue for the food bank sponsored by the company chad lasted only another three months because his penny saving ways dropped the quality of care we could provide i stayed with the company until it was sold to new owners who were more like chad but that's a story for another subreddit am i the jerk for canceling dinner plans to celebrate with my daughter because my stepson was upset my daughter 13 and stepson 11 have not gotten along well since my daughter moved in she had previously lived with her mother but i got default custody after her mother turned one of her 24 hour disappearing acts into a never coming back one my daughter and stepson go to the same middle school and were both running for student council vp there was tension in the house and my wife told my stepson that if he won we could go out to celebrate my daughter asked if this applied to her as well since he wasn't her only competitor and my wife said of course the campaign got pretty stressful for the both of them then the votes come in and my daughter wins by four votes however because somehow the one person who ran for treasurer this year dropped out because of grades my stepson was offered that position he saw it as a really pitiful consolation prize and was angry that he had to take orders from my daughter i felt very bad for my stepson and he and his mother who is very type a was very upset even though of course my wife congratulated my daughter my stepson refused to be comforted by the fact that older kids get more easily elected because they know more people and his mother even offered to take her to law office and give him some responsibilities saying that was better experience than student council would ever be my stepson then said please tell me you're not going to rub it in my face by taking us to dinner now my wife also looks really reluctant to go to dinner i finally tell my daughter that we weren't going to be going to dinner because our stepbrother was very upset by the turn of events and we need to take his feelings into consideration and that it was impolite to gloat that all happened friday my daughter ended up crying and even now sunday night she's still mad at all of us am i the jerk well what do you think is opie the jerk for canceling the dinner with his daughter or not please let us know oh he's wrong for that bruh am i the jerk for no longer inviting my brother to my house last weekend i had a small get-together for immediate family only they're in our social bubble for my son's birthday my brother bought my nephew eight to our house he has a history of being destructive to people's homes and my brother and sister-in-law do not discipline him according to them he just doesn't listen so they just give him whatever he wants this is not the first time my nephew has destroyed my house or other relatives for that matter and i finally had enough the last time they were over my son 17 caught him mistreating our cat after they left we saw that he had dumped out all of our soap and shampoo in the bathroom on the floor and my daughter who's 15 slipped on the tiles the last visit he drew all over a brand new couch with the markers sister-in-law bought him to color with i had asked her not to let him color on the couch instead he should color at the kitchen table so it could be washed off when i confronted my sister-in-law about it she told me it's just a couch you can get slip covers i told her that wasn't the point that once again he has come to my house and destroyed something and i was tired of having to pay to clean slash replace the things he destroyed my brother intervened and said that i was being overdramatic and that he was just a kid i told my brother that they needed to leave the next day i called him and told him they weren't welcomed back into my house and that they could either pay for someone to come clean the couch or for the cost of a replacement my brother told me that it was never going to happen an hour later i got a call from my other sister who congratulated me for sticking to my guns and she plans to do the same my mom got wind of this and called me and told me that i was being out of line and that nephew didn't mean to do this and it was just an accident that according to sister-in-law you can barely see it and i was just trying to get a free couch so i sent my mom a picture of the doodles on my couch that nephew made she now agrees my brother should absolutely pay to clean the couch or replace it but that i'm going too far by banning them from my home i told her i disagreed and that he can always go to her house and destroy her stuff if she wants to see us all together am i the jerk for not inviting them to my house anymore well who do you agree with op or his brother please let us know a brief encounter with a karen at the ikea restaurant so today my husband took me shopping at ikea for some random items we needed but were unable to get due to previous public gathering restrictions we decided to make a day out of it and grab some lunch at the ikea restaurant while we're at it now for clarification due to what's going on there's certain rules and procedures to be followed in ikea meaning that now you stand in queue first to get your table number then move forward to order and go take your designated seed and one of the server wheels your food to you all fine and dandy we stand in line to get our table number though the queue is kind of long and we're considering scrapping this idea and just go eat elsewhere right next to the window is a giant menu with items offered in the ikea restaurant the usual meatballs salmon salads and the like in front of us stands a karen with a kid in a stroller which looked to be around four karen stares at the menu and looks over at the restaurant employee handing out table numbers karen do you have any chicken mcnuggets silence the employee is staring at her we are staring at her god and evolution are arguing in the background about whose fault this brain fart is given that they are usually not served here at all and the giant picture menu is quite clear on that subject not to mention that mcnuggets are kind of a different restaurant chain's gig employee no no we don't i'm sorry karen you don't what kind of a kid unfriendly restaurant is this my kid doesn't want to eat anything on your menu employee i'm sorry madam the menu you see to your left is all that is offered karen huffs grabs the table number and moves forward the employee glances over at us gives us a table number and goes oh pardon me madam is pregnant you don't wait please just step here to the side and follow my colleague he'll take you to the register so you can order karen head whips around so fast i thought it might fall off her face is a picture of shock at the unjust treatment she glares at my eight-month pregnant belly then at the employee and screeches i have a child as well the employee now with another one on toe stares at her blankly and goes yes but your madame here is pregnant i can sense him struggling not to say well you pushed yours out a while ago didn't you as we leave with the other server i can still hear her in the background arguing that she has a kid and should be given the same treatment as a pregnant woman while the ikea employee is still patiently trying to explain to her that it's company policy that disabled people and pregnant women have the right to cut q and unless she or her son is disabled or she herself is pregnant she can't cut in 20 minutes later we're done with our food and we stand up to leave i spot karen still in queue third in line from the register glaring at us i resist the urge to wave and just pat my belly happily then waddle away with my husband i have no doubts that ikea is getting a bad review on yelp or something due to not serving mcnuggets and not letting her entitled self cut in line even though she played the kid card fairly early on karen demands shopper dress more appropriately this happened this morning between 9 and 10 a.m i went to the supermarket to grab a few things for lunch and dinner it's early and slow so the store only had the self-checkout and one register open as i got to the register i see a young woman early 20s with a sleeping baby in her arms and a basket with formula diapers over-the-counter baby items for rashes and several prescriptions that were paid for at the pharmacy the girl gets to the register before me and then i saw the rampaging karen come out of the aisle right in front of me i knew there would be trouble from the oversized sunglasses caring haircut yoga pants three sizes smaller than they should have been that i'll bet have never seen the inside of a gym or yoga studio and the very low cut top that showed off a lot of skin that no one i knew wanted to see she has maybe a dozen items in her card with the current situation the clerk the 20-something-year-old and i are wearing the required masks but of course karen can't be bothered the store has markings on the floor for social distancing but of course that doesn't apply to the wild karen the young mother is holding the sleeping baby and trying to fish her wallet out of her small purse while also holding the diaper bag and the usual baby accessories the cashier hasn't even finished ringing the girl up when the wild karen starts in a loud voice complaining about unprepared shoppers not even having their money ready karen's cart is almost touching the 20-somethings lag naturally karen's complaint at full volume had the unfortunate effect of waking the sleeping infant who registered his displeasure by letting anyone within hearing distance no the mother was attempting to calm him down and get her wallet out of her purse the fact that karen had to wait and now had to listen to the infant she woke up caused another nasty tirade i'm in line behind karen at this point and then she gets on my last nerve she's been breathing the cashier for not being fast enough and then god only knows what lack of brain cells cause her to do this but snaps at the young mother that she should make the brat be quiet and then decided to tell the girl while snapping that if she didn't dress like that she wouldn't have gotten knocked up since it was obvious that her jeans were too tight as was her top for goodness sake she had a baby a couple of months before the young mother was beat red the cashier was in shock the infant not liking the noise was letting it be known that he wasn't happy and karen had gotten on my last nerve and being old sick and in a bad mood and with worst temper i let loose i slipped up past karen and tossed my card to the cashier and told them the young lady's bill is on me that got karen to start again only for me to loudly say shut up i'm as tired of your mouth as the little man is that stunned karen who only sputters the young mother thanked me and gave the infant her full attention karen is fuming and starts heaving her items onto the belt but apparently her mouth recovered before her brain as soon as the cashier finished ringing her up and asked for payment karen turns towards me and sneered well aren't you going to pay for mine as well i was done with her and responded no i don't like people who wake up sleeping infants with their big mouths she huffed and stormed out i was hoping friend i demand to speak to the manager but you can't have everything i headed to my car and was pulling out of the parking lot when i saw the young mother sitting at the bus stop holding the infant buses out where i live run every hour so i decided to offer her a ride turns out she lived only a couple of miles away under five minutes by car but a couple of hours on foot carrying a baby in supplies she took the risk that i could have been crazy since i snapped karen's tirade i learned that she and her husband were new to the area moved here for his job i asked her about the little man and learned that as her husband got paid they bought more of the stuff the baby needed but right now they were making do with what they had i wrote an address down and told her that if her husband was off saturday she should have him bring them to the address for a yard sale with tons of baby stuff my niece was getting rid of as she had had all the babies she's having and she has everything an infant could need she told me that she'd do that and thanked me again for everything i dropped them off and made it home and gave my niece a call describing the girl an infant and telling her to give the couple anything they liked and i'll cover whatever they couldn't afford i like babies and have no tolerance for karen's how dare anyone be in front of her or not dress according to your standards you're nuts speaking of groceries where do you get your groceries from please let us know walmart all day bruh try to steal my kids stuffed bear yeah i don't think so this happened earlier today and i'm still livid about the whole ordeal a little background we have an almost three-year-old son who always has his stuffed bear boo and a binky with him we just had our daughter a couple of weeks ago and i'm currently on paternity leave i'm unshaven and my clothes are pretty wrinkled i do not look good we head to our local freddie meyer to do some shopping and give mama a break from an excitable three-year-old on our way into the store my son spots one of those shopping carts that's made up to look like a race car well not grabbing it isn't an option so we snag it and i dry it off the best i can with a spare blanket as it's been raining all day my first experience with entitled mom took place as we were entering the store itself can i have that my son really wants it gesturing to the cart and to her maybe four or five-year-old son to which i just say sorry i already told my son he can have it as she walks away i clearly hear her mud or something about how my son is much too old to still have a binky whatever it keeps him calm almost immediately he demands to walk instead of ride in the cart cool with me the store is pretty empty and he usually stays pretty close so we leave boo in the cart so he doesn't get misplaced and continue shopping well this time he decided not to stay close again as the store is basically empty so we play a little chase and we end up a couple of miles away before i catch him i carry him back to our card but when i get to the aisle the card is just gone okay i'm running on little sleep and an excessive amount of caffeine i probably just mistook the aisle nope after walking another couple aisles we see entitled mom and her brat in our cart our groceries are mysteriously gone i'm sure for some minimum wage stalker to find abandon on a shelf immediately my son starts screaming boo back boo stuck took me a second to realize that the brat was holding boo i am pretty annoyed about the cart but it doesn't matter anymore we are going to have to go home this tantrum will last for quite some time so i walk up and reach out for boo and entitled mom shrieks what are you doing my son's outburst has already caused quite a commotion and before i can say anything a staff of some sort is already here staff is there anything i can help you with me yeah this woman took my cart which had my son's toy in it and i just want the toy back and to get this guy home entitled mom liar this is our cart and i got my breath this teddy for being well behaved something he gestures at my son could learn something about me lady that's his favorite toy turning to staff can we just look at the cameras we need this back and i don't have the energy to fight about this at this point entitled mom gets her brat to hand over the toy and i turned ahead out as i'm walking away she says something to the tune of i'm sorry i gave away your toy but sometimes it is better to just help those less fortunate than us i assume she was trying to save face and i knew that if i turned around and said anything it would come out as a yell which wouldn't help my son's situation she isn't worth the effort i've never been this angry in my life took a good 45 minutes to calm the little guy down am i the jerk for telling my husband that i'll never invite his family again after he said i embarrassed him with my cooking title sounds horrible but hear me out please so i'm 35 female and my husband who's 37 male his family recently moved to our town to live close to us and my brother-in-law who got married a few months ago my in-laws like to gather twice a month for dinner and they'd have me and my husband visit three-hour drive once a month my mother-in-law wouldn't accept any excuses that i work and have kids to take care of she always wants the family gathered at her house last week while we were visiting their new house my husband made me spend x amount of money for a gift that he didn't help with also had me carry boxes to help them move stuff into their house while my brother-in-law's new wife sat on the couch and was served with coffee and sweets he told them that he wanted to invite them over for dinner the next day and he didn't even consult with me first so i had to take the day off so i could prepare meals i made the main dishes appetizers salad and pound cake they arrived at 7 pm mother-in-law and brother-in-law's wife didn't move a finger they were busy criticizing my table setting and giving advice i put dinner on the table and my mother-in-law started asking why i used x ingredient instead of this ingredient saying that she would have liked it then said that my salad was not necessary because no one liked this type of salad my husband just agreed with her telling me why i didn't do it this way or that way i was getting mad and lost my appetite mother-in-law said the pound cake was not complete and didn't look delicious my husband told her that he wanted to get one from the bakery but i didn't allow him the cake stayed the same while they ate what brother-in-law's wife brought and flattered her after they left i told my husband that his mom was being rude and mean to me the whole time that he should have stopped her instead of agreeing with her he said that he didn't defend me because i was in the wrong and what i cooked was not so great and that i embarrassed him in front of his family after having them try my cooking for the first time i just got mad at him and told him i will no longer invite his family for dinners and he didn't like that since he told his mom that we will regularly invite them for dinner he called me too sensitive and that i should just focus on cooking what they like instead he thinks i'm overreacting but i'm so angry and feel like i've been insulted and disrespected in my own house well who do you agree with op or her husband please let us know i wouldn't know if there's anything actually good about him i kind of doubt it to be honest am i the jerk for not letting my ex off the hook on child support so he can afford his new life my ex-husband had a four year long affair i only came to learn about this because he got the other woman pregnant we are now divorced they are married and they have a two-year-old together x and i share an 11 and a 12 year old as of last year i have primary custody because he and his wife and their kid moved four hours away which the courts considered too far to maintain 50 50 timeshare the business x worked for collapsed due to everything that happened back in april and x was out of work for several weeks in that time he asked me to take him off the hook for child support which meant no back pay for the weeks and because i said no he brought me back to court all the court did was readjust the amount he owed me because of their lost income x's wife has since got a job and he says they're still struggling because neither makes good money he asked me again to let him off the hook he said their daughter is suffering because between keeping the roof over their head and paying child support there isn't much left to provide for her i told him that's not my problem my concern will always be our children he claims if i can afford to provide for them without him for a period of time it is the right thing to do because his other daughter is their half-sister and as such it is my role to make sure she is cared for too or at least it should be if i am a good mother and a caring person i told him the discussion was over and i want the child support for my kids am i the jerk since everyone's asking i get less than 300 a month in child support from him i make enough where i can't cover things myself some months are a little more rough than others but i'm not a rich woman i don't have a fancy house car or lavish lifestyle i am a single mother working hard to provide for my kids i rarely spend any of the child support i do everything in my power to put money into my kids savings but sometimes when the money comes especially in winter i need it for something i did not make my kids alone i am not the only person responsible for providing for them he hasn't seen them since last year and now wants to not provide for them i pay medical expenses school supplies food clothes keeping a roof over their head i buy christmas and birthday gifts even from him some years because if they aren't with them he sends nothing i do my darn best to make sure my kids are taken care of well what would you do in this situation would you let him off the hook or not please let us know never let a deadbeat off the hook few things disgust me more than one who refuses to provide for their kids can i get a man entitled friends have hard set on a baby shower my sister is pregnant great fun big belly the works after the first wave they had the gender reveal it was great balloons cake didn't light the forest on fire somewhere at that time the idea of a baby shower started and a whatsapp group was created now a baby shower is where you surprise the mother to be with a little party i'm explaining this because surprise is the big thing in this story baby is due in december we wanted to do it in november but this month the second wave is hitting hard and we are in a semi lockdown the lockdown restricts us to having only three people over from different households per day when this was announced the shower seemed off the table sister's mother-in-law was devastated she's the sweetest woman i know and she really wanted to shower because it's her first grandchild so in her sadness she informed my sister that they tried to do a shower but with the new rules it wouldn't be possible sister understood this was when the group went berserk how dare she ruin the surprise what surprise you might say well most of the girls wanted the party to go through as planned i think the rest would be better to be done in chat mode so we've got entitled friends we've got me we've got sister entitled friend i think she really deserves it especially in these times other entitled friend if she really doesn't want to shower she would tell somebody that me but how can she tell she doesn't want something if she thinks any other form of shower is off the table entitled friend she just isn't the type to turn down a party me we can do an after birth shower when the wave has cooled down no we have a date now if we cancel this it won't ever happen i decided i would be the scapegoat and just call sister to ask what she would want me dear girls i do believe you want the best for sister however i feel there are too many assumptions made at this point i called sister and asked how she felt about the shower in the upcoming month she says that she really does not want to shower she's limiting her contact with people because she doesn't want to get sick with the baby entitled friend i'm going over there for dinner on sunday with my significant other and another couple is coming as well so that's six people i don't see why we can't do ten people side note i think six people from three households is not the same as ten people from nine households but i had learned that arguing with these ladies was not going to do any good me telling sister they still want to go through and sister sending me an app to screenshot what she does not want me send the screenshot entitled friend but what did you say to her i only screenshotted her response and whatsapp image me just ask yourself if you don't believe me well they did so my sister went on a rant to me that her friends are being extremely selfish and that they should know that if i am her sister they should just believe me etc so that part felt good in the end no party no worries she's gotten a lot of gifts from mother-in-law and i gave her 1 000 diapers and 40 packs of baby wipes so it's not like she's missing out on all the gifts am i the jerk for calling a guy stupid after he made assumptions about my family of 19 so i've seen on other posts this sub isn't a huge fan of big families so i wouldn't say this would be 100 unbiased but please be as neutral as you can before you hear the story okay so i'm 16 female and from a family with 17 kids ages 25 22 22 21 19 18 16 16 14 11 9 9 7 5 3 1 1. but the difference between my family and many other big families is that my parents are amazing first of all my mom 45 who manages people's finances for a living was able to figure out how to balance books or whatever in order to have any amount of kids while she was pregnant with the oldest also she's able to carve out alone time with everyone and she's basically a superhero well the other day i was hanging out with my friends social distance of course and one girl brought her new boyfriend he was a bit weird and was kind of acting like he had always been there and like we were his best friends even though it was everyone's first time meeting him but he was nice at first so i didn't mind then i mentioned having 16 siblings he was like oh that must suck i replied that some parents do a bad job but my parents are pretty good at raising a big family then he started making all these weird assumptions to try and convince me to hate my family like he would say but your parents forced you to raise the younger siblings and he wouldn't even say it like a question i would reply well we do babysit but my parents pay us like they would a babysitter he was getting mad at me for not hating my family and calling me brainwashed and saying i was in a cult blah blah blah after his rant about how my parents don't feed me because i'm so skinny they do i just yelled well i'm very sorry that i love my family and am happy i'm not gonna be depressed and cut off my family just because stupid idiots like you say i should when you meet me for the first time he started telling me to calm down even though he had just been yelling at me him and his girlfriend left and the rest of the day was pretty good and me and the rest of my friend group laughed about it well his girlfriend messaged me and said to apologize for yelling at him i said he should apologize for yelling at me she says he shouldn't have to apologize because he was right this is also more like a friend of a friend like i used to like her but we would never hang out alone or full time or whatever my other friend told me to post it on here i listened to some of the popular reddit stories on youtube but have never used the site itself anyways am i the jerk edit all the kids under 14 aren't my parents biological kids the 14 year old one of the 9 year olds and the 7 seven-year-old are my aunt's biological kids that my mom adopted the rest are adopted from foster care us older kids are biological though am i the jerk for kicking my pregnant niece and her new husband out of my house this sounds awful but hear me out my big sister and i built a house with our income it's designed so we each have separate living arrangements and such but we get to live next to each other without bothering the other so it's like two different apartments with a door that connects them well a couple of years ago i moved to another city and my side of the house was left unoccupied my sister's daughter my niece called me and asked for permission to move there while she was attending college i didn't see an issue and told her she could she didn't pay rent but made sure to keep the place nice and tidy this arrangement lasted for about four years a few weeks ago she announced to the family that she was pregnant and had married her boyfriend i was a bit shocked by the news she was fresh out of college and she had barely mentioned her boyfriend so i'm guessing the baby was unexpected and they decided to get married before having it but what shocked me the most was going back home to visit and finding out that her new husband who i was meeting for the first time is comfortably living in my house and they're already turning one of my rooms into a nursery i must admit that i got upset and had an argument with my niece she had never discussed with me the possibility of extending her stay in my home much less the fact that she wanted to live with her husband in my house it wouldn't have been so upsetting to me if she hadn't altered one of the rooms already my sister her mom is on her side and calling me selfish for asking them to move out and she says that since she's the eldest she has the right to say who can or cannot inhabit the house i reminded her that i paid for my half of the place but she's just not having it this made me feel even angrier so i just told my niece that she had two months to find a new place and it was my final decision after i cooled down i realized that i could have asked my niece to pay rent and called it a day but i feel like she took advantage of my kindness and completely disrespected me and my house by sneaking her husband in and then changing a room in the house she isn't even sorry her argument pretty much mirrors her mother's plus since i'm not living in my own house apparently it's so selfish of me to kick her out when no one is using the place i'm astonished am i the jerk edit thank you for all your replies i'm answering some questions my niece and i had an agreement that she was living in my house just while she attended college no more she had to take an extra course and thus she graduated just a month ago or so so it hasn't been long and i didn't want to kick her out as soon as she was done she's family and i was okay with letting her stay a bit more we didn't have anything in writing about our first deal other than a stupid whatsapp convo because i trusted her and my sister i thought i was being the good and nice aunt by letting her live rent free already i did move to another city but it's not permanent i intend to move back to my old place in a couple of years after i'm done with a project in my current city so i need that house the nursery is now where my studio was they painted the room changed the floor to a carpeted one and moved my furniture out my stuff is conveniently being occupied by my sister and her house now in paper i own my side of the house completely precisely to avoid issues we have a contract that stipulates the size of the property that's completely mine and the part that belongs to just my sister finally we don't live in the u.s i hope this info is helpful to those who had some questions well what do you think should op kick her out or not please let us know i would just charge them rent but make it expensive moving him without even asking and painting your office without asking was extremely rude they need to pay for that inventory discrepancies cause department to tank i was a perishable food buyer for a large grocery store chain that has now been bought out by amazon we did inventory monthly a part of my job was to prep inventory counting sheets with all the barcodes for each and every product i purchased that was used in our deli there were a handful of products that simply did not have upc codes in our discrepit inventory system online out of maybe 1 000 products i had to come across maybe 7 or 8 of these items that mysteriously had no upc codes to make a barcode with i brought this up in an email with my team leader making sure to cc both assistant team leaders and all of the other shift supervisors mainly i just wanted to bring this up with a team leader and ask for guidance on how we should handle these products come inventory night i did not receive a response from her or any of the assistant team leads i should have prefaced this with the fact that our team leader especially and both other assistant leads had a habit of sitting upstairs in their offices running the crew through emails it was a miracle to ever see any of them downstairs especially the team lead she was incredibly lazy and very out of touch with the crew i had my computer downstairs in the kitchen and it was me and the chef who essentially kept the place running come inventory night still no reply on the situation about the missing upc codes so i figured the most generic solution would be to scan the weight of the items under the hot bar upc at 10.99 a pound this made sense to me or so it seemed the next morning after maybe five hours sleep inventory runs until twelve to one am sometimes and i start my next shift at five am i get called up to the store leader's office i had an idea of what it was about so i brought my notes with me about the seven or eight items that had no codes i had them in hand when i walked into the store leader's office there sent my team leader and both her assistants i was scared and very nervous she puts on a terrific show of how i cannot be trusted to do my job on my own and that i was reckless with my inventory counting methods and would need extra supervision when counting she was very obviously covering her own butt this set me off big time because i am the reason inventory even goes as smoothly as it does nobody there even has a clue on how to prep the inventory sheets let alone create the barcodes to make them easy to scan in so quickly that barcode aspect was a luxury i should add because otherwise every code is entered manually on top of this all i was extremely underpaid as well as extremely proficient at my job i even came in one quarter at a whopping zero dollars over slash underspent on my budget this is almost humanly impossible that means i brought in the maximum amount of profit with my budget without going over not even by one penny it was a glorious quarter no one could understand how i pulled it off our department was also number one in the region for our low spoilage numbers as i knew how to properly utilize other departments called food we were killing it and it was no joke because of myself my assistant and our chef anyways team leader is raking me over the coals in front of the store lead they even asked me if i was too prideful to ask for help so i was like hey is this about the list of items i showed them my paper with the exact items in question which took the store leader by surprise then i brought up the email i had sent and had gotten no response to the store lead had no idea about this email and i could see his demeanor had changed so after the meeting i went downstairs and forwarded that email to the store leader and his assistant making sure to add that if my team leader doesn't trust me to do my job then we have a more pressing issue to discuss i later received an apology from the store leader in person seeing as he did not know all of the details and only what the team leader had said to him things got very awkward after that i did not see her speak to my team leader in person for maybe over a week and shortly after she put in her resignation not long after her assistant was promoted to team leader this part is kind of unrelated but i'll tell it anyway the gal who got promoted was friends with another co-worker's mother so this certain co-worker had inside knowledge apparently one night the new team lead and that girl's mother were having beers and the co-worker overheard some gossip apparently the store lead had promised her the promotion if she would find any reason she could to fire the chef and that interviews would merely be a formality and she certainly did find a reason in fact one day i walked into our shift with the chef who had purchased a new stereo speaker for the kitchen with his own money funny enough when we walked in together him having the large speaker in hand our store leader saw us and was vocally excited for the kitchen and thankful chef would even do such a thing see the old speaker had died and the purchase of a new one was deemed not important so the cooks and stuff were working in silence for a long time when chef eventually did get fired that was the reason that was cited that it was inappropriate for him to have gone behind the store's back to purchase the speaker anyways to finish off the story after chef got fired my job became a nightmare they didn't hire a new chef for ages and didn't think it was necessary or important to fill that role asap it was his communication to me that even made my job possible i could not write out prep lists as i had no idea how much of what they needed per day to prep it was kind of nuanced i was just the numbers man and he really helped me out a lot eventually one morning i put my two weeks notice in writing on my new team leads desk this caused a firestorm of chaos see my job allowed our department to take in millions of dollars a year and i was doing great at it nobody in the store had any idea how to do my job not even the grocery buyers i dealt with perishables and a menu that changed every two weeks i had gotten my systems down flawlessly i had created all of the ordering sheets i knew where to get each item from each different vendor when the orders were due when they had come in all of the non-perishables like packaging and stuff plus the local vendors for obscure items since the store made such a huge deal about selling local i'll tell you a secret they don't care about buying local they just know it sells great like i said it was a panic first they offered me a healthy raise to which i told the store leader no amount of money could keep me there they asked why i was leaving and i was totally honest i told him i knew about the little back door deal he had with our new team leader and how chef got fired even throwing in his face that i was there that day he brought the speaker in and how he was super excited for us about it he assured me there was no such conspiracy and that our chef was essentially what he called a dissenter that his attitude did not reflect the store's core values it was all bs they eventually begged me to make it a four week notice so that i could get a new guy as much time as possible to get trained up we did the interviews hired my replacement and i got to training that's when my assistant quit and i had to train a new buyer assistant as well it got interesting because once the new guy officially got my job title he then started treating me as unimportant he was much older than me so i wasn't going to fight him on it and his pride of having his new title his attitude changed and his behavior he felt he could handle it so i gave him the reigns and let him go at it by my last few days he was uninterested in any training i could offer him and because of his reluctance to listen to me orders were either too big or too short a few orders didn't get placed in time things weren't getting put away right stock rotation wasn't happening so a lot of items were getting spoiled etc that's when i left from my friends who worked there still i heard his attitude didn't take him very far and that he was replaced within a few months with a guy who had trained me and last i heard he only stayed maybe a month after inheriting that mess that's about all i can tell you because that's about all i know i don't really talk to anyone who works there anymore get your own dang spoon so i used to work in a really big whiskey bar in my town that also catered for dinner and coffee slash cake sort of things i had worked there for a couple years so i guess i was recognizable to a few people and maybe some that hadn't realized i had moved on i was really good friends with all the staff in there so i used to come in for a pint and a chat occasionally the uniform in the whiskey bar his black shirt slash tea and black bottoms and being a bar person i happen to wear an awful lot of black on a daily basis even in my newer job which is casual dress so this one evening i call in for a drink and i'm sitting at the bar waiting for the bartender to finish serving this woman next to me after about 10 seconds i realized she's absolutely going out of her way to make life a living heck for the server she's trying to pay for a bunch of stuff separately but want specific changes for each thing for reasons unknown and while the guy serving her is doing everything to accommodate her she creates a new problem with every interaction complains that there's too much coins slash not enough coins the cream on the coffee doesn't look nice enough etc and gets quite rude and aggressive sending her server running back and forth a bit bizarre the bartender is a chill guy and does his best to meet her requirements and offers the two irish coffees she just ordered on the house by way of apology for not understanding her she mutters something under her breath along the lines of yeah dang right while outwardly expressing her impatience by helping and tapping her phone loudly on the counter the bartender serves the drinks and smiles apologizing again i'm sitting at the end of the bar near where the sugars spoons and milk for coffee is in my black ensemble the woman turns to me and just says spoon without looking at me excuse me i reply taking a bit back give me a dang spoon she says right in my face i looked her dead in the eye and i responded i don't work here i ordered my beer and she went a marvelous shade of red and scuffled off back into whichever pitch she had ascended from she never got her dang spoon so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 79,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: 56DjDx2yFRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 6sec (9606 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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