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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r slash entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents how i helped someone get revenge on their gold digging significant other this happened some years ago but i was just reminded of it so here you go reddit i worked as a front desk agent in a large luxury hotel chain for years one particular hotel i worked at was located really close to the downtown area and so we got a large number of young very wealthy business people who loved to party i usually worked the second and third shifts which meant i got to see loads of drunks breakups cheating and more this particular one though this is one i will never forget i was working at the front desk when a group of young well-dressed men come walking in they've all clearly been drinking but aren't so drunk that they can't walk right or hold a conversation one of them comes up to me and tells me that while he and his friends were at the bar a woman was hitting on him and even though he told her no multiple times she wouldn't stop so he and his friends left and it wasn't until they got in the uber that he realized he didn't have his room key anymore he thinks she took it and he's concerned that she may come up to his room he asked that i deactivate his keys and if she does come up to the hotel to not let her in when he was telling me all of this it didn't sit right with me he and his friends were all grinning about it and snickering amongst one another then he gave a clear description of her without being asked told me her height body shape hair color and style the kind of dress she was wearing all while saying it in a mocking tone now this could have easily been because he thought the whole thing was ridiculous or he was too drunk to take it seriously but it really didn't sound right to me either way i did as i was trained in that situation i pulled up his reservation deactivated the keys as requested made him a new set when he showed me his id and even offered to move him to a new room if that would make him feel more comfortable he and his buddies all laughed a little at that and he declined took the keys and they went to their room about an hour or so later the woman he described showed up now by this point my relief for the night had also shown up and was sitting at the front desk while i was in the back office counting down my cash drawer i hadn't had a chance to tell him about the lady just as i'm walking out of the back office with my bag and about to leave i see my co-worker buzz the doors open and the lady comes rushing in cuts through the lobby and down the hall to the elevators she was barefoot holding her heels in her hands and knew exactly where she was going i rushed up to him and told him what the man from before had told me about her my co-worker looked at me confused he then pointed to the screen that had the reservation pulled up and told me that when the woman arrived she went to use the room key and it didn't work so he asked for her room number and last name she gave both and her name is on the reservation i looked at the reservation and down in the notes there was a woman's name listed the man from before was listed as the primary but her name was listed as secondary with his consent to be in the room i was confused i thought maybe she wasn't the same woman he was talking about but to be on the safe side i called the man in his room and told him the situation and that we allowed a woman fitting that description he gave to enter the building because she confirmed her name was on the room he laughed said he forgot her name was on the room and asked that i remove it i was now super confused i asked to make sure me sir just to be clear the woman you met at the bar tonight was with you at check-in hours ago and was allowed keys then but now she's not him laughing to all of his friends in the room oh guys i confused the poor girl gets back on the phone with me yeah sweetheart she's banned from the room don't worry about the other details just take her name off me i see then if she isn't going to be in the room anymore would you like us to call the police and have her removed from the property him whoa that's too far there don't worry she'll get the hint soon enough we ended the call there and i got really suspicious of this i told my co-worker to not do anything and that i was going to stick around for a bit to see if anything happened a short time later the woman came off the elevator pouring tears sobbing while on the phone with someone she sat down in our lobby and my co-worker and i tried to look busy while eavesdropping hard on her phone call she was sobbing on the phone to her mom and sister from what she told them she was invited out to spend the week with her boyfriend meeting all of his old college buddies this being their first night they all met up for dinner and drinks after a bit she went to the restroom and when she came back she caught her boyfriend hitting on another woman his friends all bet that he wouldn't do it when she confronted him about it he called her a bunch of names and humiliated her in front of his friends in the entire bar all of his friends joined in on mocking her and he threw in her face that she was nothing without him and dumped her right there he and his friends then took an uber back and left her stranded at the bar with no money and no way back she then had to use her phone's gps and walk back to the hotel from the bar barefoot she had heels and walking two miles in those was not going to cut it she was asking her mom and sister for help as he wouldn't let her in the room to get her luggage or her wallet my heart broke i felt horrible i helped this guy treat this poor woman like crap and now he and all his friends were up there laughing at her while she's sitting in our lobby sobbing and with nothing i went over to our snacks area in the lobby grabbed her in bottled water and brought it to her i told her that i couldn't help but overhear the conversation and was very sorry for her situation and asked if she would like us to help i informed her that if he was keeping her from getting to her things we could call the police and have them force him to hand over her stuff so she could leave if she'd like or if she wanted to let her mom or sister pay for a room we'd be happy to give her a very low rate in a room far from him she thanked me took the water and tried to calm down and talked to me about what all was happening and what her options were eventually we decided on her staying in the hotel for the night and figuring out the rest in the morning as we make it to the desk she asks me to try and run her credit card to see if it has enough on it for another room i ask her what she means by another room and she tells me that she's actually paying for the room he's in that his name is on the room because he booked it but it's her card paying for everything this intrigued me i asked why she was paying for the room if it was in his name she told me that she's the one with a job not him that he hasn't been able to find a job in his field since graduating from college and is essentially living off of his parents money but just after they started dating his parents cut him off so he's been living off of her money that's why she was so upset and confused by how he had been acting all night he was sweet and doing everything for her back home but since he met up with his friends he did a 180 and hasn't been the same guy the entire time i wanted to tell her that it was obvious he was using her for the money and that he would probably blame his friends for all of this and try to get back with her later on but i doubted she would have listened to me or cared for a complete stranger to butt in on her personal life like that so instead i offered up a sweet piece of revenge i informed her that considering she's the one paying for the room if she can confirm that it's her card on file with some sort of photo id and verify the last four digits of the card number that's honestly all this hotel company required then she could if she wanted to kick him out of the room and keep it all to herself but considering how poorly her night had been if she were indeed able to prove she is the one paying for the room then i'd be more than happy to provide her the biggest luxury upgrade we offered at our property largest suite we had full hotel amenity access i'd even have my co-worker fish out a bottle of champagne and some fresh strawberries for her to have sent to her room all free of charge she was taken aback by the offer and was very sincerely tempted she looked like she was about to say no then i told her that since she would be upgrading her room that would require moving her things from that room into her new one which meant the room that she is currently listed in would need to be vacated immediately if anyone were to remain in that room after we have demanded it be vacated we are required to have them escorted off the property or they pay for the room their choice she then thought about it pulled up her card's banking app and showed me the screen it had a photo of her her full name the card's full number and the hole from our hotel for the room she asked if that worked it was good enough for me i quickly upgraded her moved everything over in this system and before i could say a word to my co-worker he was already grabbing a set of master keys a bell cart and was asking her what her luggage looked like since he would be the one retrieving it for her to deliver to her room he didn't want her to have to deal with her ex again she smiled and told him which ones were hers and that she hadn't unpacked yet my co-worker runs down to the elevators and over to fetch her things while i make her a new set of keys and send her off to her new room once she's on the elevator my phone at the desk starts ringing it's the ex-boyfriend and he's very angry about why my co-worker has entered the room and is taking her things i calmly explain that i cannot give out the private information of any of our guests and that if he would like to remain in his room he will need to pay for it as there is no longer a method of payment on his room he blew up he's making a ton of demands and at the same time yelling at my co-worker to stop what he's doing but it's obvious from the way he's yelling at him that my co-worker isn't listening to him i can even hear the guy's friends telling him to chill out and to just pay for the room i then explain that we will give him a courtesy 10 minutes to make a decision at which point if he doesn't have payment ready then he must vacate the building or we will be forced to call the authorities and have him evicted he continues to yell at me he screams and threatens and yells for a solid minute before taking a breath i then tell him he has nine minutes remaining and ask if he has come to a decision yet he hangs up on me nine minutes later i call the room and he doesn't answer i call again no answer i call a third time and he picks up then immediately hangs up i call the police and tell them what's going on and they say they're on their way the officers arrive and i tell them what's going on we go up to the room together and the man and his friends are all white as ghosts when they see the cops the cops explain to the ex-boyfriend and his friends that they're being evicted the ex-boyfriend starts trying to talk to me but the cop stops him and tells him to only talk to them i told him about his attitude on the phone before the friends are all offering to pay for the room at this point and the cops look to me and ask if that would be acceptable i smile very sweetly and say no and the cops nod and start rushing all of the guys to grab their things and leave the room the ex-boyfriend is the last one out the door carrying his two bags and complaining that he isn't even given a luggage card and he has to carry his own things his friends all look upset with him i go with the officers to escort all of them out of the building and run into my co-worker in the lobby he waits until they're all outside in the parking lot to tell me that the woman is in her new room loves it and said no to the champagne she just wanted to sleep i didn't get to see her before she left town the next day but the ex-boyfriend did try calling our hotel to complain a number of times and even tried leaving some bad reviews of us online and lied through all of it i hope she doesn't have to ever deal with him again speaking of hotels what's your favorite hotel you've ever stayed at please let us know bellagio for the win am i the jerk for giving my macbook to my cat and not my sister okay so i know this sounds a little ridiculous so bear with me just last week i purchased a new macbook for myself my old one lasted me five years and it's still technically working but due to some water damage the speakers are completely done for the screen flickers quite a bit when not charging and overall it's just slow i have no use for it anymore regarding my cat so i live in a fairly small apartment and although it has windows there really isn't much to see besides a few trees in the parking lot really i got my cat a few months ago and i have a cat tree by the window shelves and spaces so she can climb up high and quite a few toys to play with at first my cat had no problem hanging by the window but eventually i noticed she started to get bored and while i'm in the middle of working she would constantly meow or do mischievous things i put on cat tv a few times for her and noticed she really enjoyed it and would stare at it for hours however i would put this on my new tv as this was really the only free screen i had she would at times pounce at the tv once almost knocking it back after i got my brand new laptop i figured i'll barely get anything for selling my old one i might as well use it for my cat it works great i put on cat tv on youtube and have the back of the laptop screen against the wall beside me so while i'm working she just sits there looking at the screen occasionally pawing at it and then falling asleep of course i still play with her and give her plenty of pets but i've found this is a great way to keep her mentally stimulated this also prevents any concern of her damaging my electronics or hurting herself i took a photo of her sitting and looking at the laptop because it looked like she was hard at work and thought it was funny and send it to my family my brother and mom laughed but my sister messaged me sister hey you gave your macbook to the cat me yes mine was pretty banged up and i needed a new one and this keeps her occupied okay well if you're no longer using it can i have it me well there really is no point considering there are so many issues with it it's not like the cat owns it i just use it for her to keep her occupied when i feel like she needs to see more than just the parking lot sister so you're gonna keep it for your cat rather than give it to me who needs it for school macbooks aren't cheap me i'm aware they aren't cheap but there are other companies this basically went on for a bit until she said i was being an inconsiderate jerk if the macbook was in better condition i would totally give it to her but fixing the screen and speakers and replacing the battery will cost about the same or more as a mid-range windows laptop my mom and brother just kind of laughed at it and said not to worry but my sister is being pretty cold with me am i the jerk well who do you agree with op or their sister please let us know we can solve this whole thing by just giving it to me and give me that new one too while you're at it sir this can take as long as you need i'm paid by the hour i do feel kind of bad about this one now but it happened a few years ago and it's a funny story to tell so what the heck i used to be a shift manager at a collectible store where we sold a lot of used movies games figurines etc the kind of place that old school collectors drool over so we saw our fair share of enthusiasts coming and going a lot of them were really nice passionate people that were just jazzed as heck that they had a local place to look for rarities often chatty often not super aware of how much time they were taking from staff by striking up a conversation but it was both good for business and pretty fun to oblige these people when they came in so we often did we had a guy who for a period of a few months would come in about once a week to look at the cartridge games the thing to know about our cartridge games is that they were all on display in this large glass case which if you wanted to sift through them required an employee to wait with you to prevent theft some stuff in those cases was worth hundreds of dollars not typically a big problem but this guy often bought items in bulk and had very particular tastes i'm not sure if he was a reseller which we sometimes saw or an honest-to-goodness collector but he'd only ever buy bags of our cheapest stock every week he'd come in and request someone open each case one by one and he could spend 45 minutes to an hour just browsing through titles this wouldn't have been the biggest deal but we typically only had three or four people working and the store could get pretty busy on evenings and weekends going from two cashiers to one cashier made a big difference we would end up getting swallowed by the late day rush without one of our staff members so consistently that we started making a policy just for this guy where he could leave his id at the counter with us as collateral and browse through the games unattended however this didn't stop other people from nabbing stuff while he wasn't looking so it wasn't a sustainable option along with spending forever browsing this guy also took an eternity to check out he would group the games up by price type his estimated cost into a calculator add tax then when you rang it up he'd argue with you about how no no this isn't what i got look at this and show you the calculator and explain the math as if any of this was manually calculated by us which was basically always wrong to his credit sometimes discounts had to be manually added to certain items that i know at least one newbie forgot to do but in general most of the time the computer would generate the correct price and he'd argue it i didn't like him coming in and causing backups especially because he was rude to my staff when he did it so i decided to take matters into my own hands on a day when i was shift leader i saw him enter the store i pulled aside one of my cashiers and told him to just help the guy as usual then let me ring him up my employee got the idea and did as i asked walking our regular to the cabinets and babysitting him for nearly an hour luckily it was early afternoon and we weren't terribly busy when the customer finally got to the counter he had a basket full of items stacked them up and i hopped in front of the computer he started punching all of his values into the calculator and got right to work telling me about how much each thing should be and what the total should come to i put on my best customer service smile and said of course sir i want to make sure that you're getting everything exactly as calculated so we can go down the items together and make sure everything rings up correctly our computers ran on a system that would automatically scan a price and generate the number but for things like specialty sales and discounts for items that didn't have their own product entry it was possible for a manager to key in a manual price for any item scanned even if it was the same price so that's exactly what i did for each item reading the price out slowly to him to make sure he heard it and he had 118 items i went down each old cartridge clearly stating and typing them 199 299 199 and he followed along with me by the time i got to the end of the list it must have been 15 to 20 minutes of just scanning items and i gave him his total of course he countered it he told me that that's not what he got on his calculator and showed me the math and explained how everything should have been applied my mistake sir let's go through it again to make sure we have everything right i cleared the transaction and started over one more time all 118 items reading each price as slowly and clearly as i could plunking the number keys loudly as i type them in again another 15 to 20 minutes of just scanning and typing the customer was looking slightly agitated but followed along on his calculator and when i got to the end of the list the total was exactly the same as before he shook his head saying no that's not right there's something wrong with the computer i watched him go through the math again retyping everything in then after a moment he paused surprised oh i added one of these in wrong okay you had the right price i did my best to keep my face as calm and apologetic as possible i'm sorry sir but after you said the math was wrong i cleared the transaction again no worries we can scan the items back in so there we went round three 118 items me typing in each price manually and reading it out loud nice and slow so he could be sure i was doing it right at this point he had definitely caught on to what i was doing he quietly said could we hurry it up a little and so i started reading and plunking a bit faster still took a nice 15 minutes to get through the list again and lo and behold same price as before he paid the total without another word and left with his items i never saw him back in the store again at least not while i was working boss makes major changes to the schedule and gets me fired this happened way back in the 90s when i had a night job as a computer operator on a mainframe big computer that windows 3.1 is more powerful or so it seemed our company relocated to a neighboring state over a weekend and i was scheduled to work saturday and sunday nights 12 hours each and have all friday but was told to call friday at 6 pm for directions to the new place while i was there i didn't know how to get there from where i lived since i wasn't scheduled i ran the errands that i would do over the rest of the weekend because of the schedule and at six i called conversation went like this me hello boss i'm calling to get directions to the new building boss good he gave me directions and said he'll see me in an hour me what i'm not scheduled and i haven't been to sleep yet as i wasn't supposed to be there boss plans changed sorry i forgot to call this meant i wasn't going to get any sleep for basically two days and i told him that he didn't care i said i've got a crash for a couple and would be there when i could i grabbed a two-hour nap and drove the hour there needless to say i crashed out at 3am and was caught the next day by boss i did get everything done i was supposed to get but things happen well i got threatened with being fired but wasn't but i was written up for it and everyone else that was involved told him he was wrong he didn't care so five or six months of bs happened and he decided to demote me to distribution clerk this meant i had to separate thousands of pages of reports and get them to the right person of course i wasn't trained to do this and mistakes happened so here's where the fun begins he called me into his office left the door open and just yelled at me he told me that i wasn't to separate or distribute the reports just pull them off the printer and let someone that wasn't a mess up do it i realized something then and i smiled to myself and said for him to put that in writing the idiot did the letter with the company logo stated that under no circumstances was i to distribute the reports i said okay and happily went on my way he was going on vacation that night and i knew the crap storm that was going to happen since that night a thursday on the last day of the month was the night the paychecks were printed well the difference with paychecks is that they were run through a special machine that separated them there were about 500 or so and then they would be placed in envelopes by the payroll department they picked up first thing in the morning so about 10 minutes before they were to arrive i got my coffee and danish and waited payroll clerk where are the checks me over there i pointed to a two foot pile of papers clerk i need them separated me can't do it clerk why not me boss ordered me not to i showed her a copy of the letter as i took the original home clerk we'll see about that me okay clerk got boss's underling who is actually a decent person underling op what's going on me boss told me in no uncertain terms that under any conditions am i to separate or distribute any reports so i'm not underling he knows the reasons i'll authorize it me i'm not letting you take the heat for it call him and get permission once that's done it'll take five to ten minutes to do it underling okay he reaches for the phone tries to call him and no response he went hunting and there were no phones i said sorry won't do it finished my coffee put my coat on and went home told him i'd see a monday as i don't work friday i handed him the copy of his letter and left they did manage to separate the checks eventually and everyone got paid i had direct deposit so i didn't care nothing they could do to me as i followed my instructions to the letter but i knew i was done there and i didn't care boss got in trouble for that and made it his goal to get me to quit but i wanted unemployment so that wasn't happening i got fired a month later and was told my goodbyes were talked about for months when i saw him by my now former workmates i let him have it last thing i said to him was that his boss needed him under his desk now run along and bring tissues you'll need some about a month or so later i wanted to say hello to the guys i worked with for 10 years and who answers the phone boss except now he was demoted to what was my position and had to work third shift and weekends he didn't last long i found out later where he went to and realized a dear friend of mine worked there too got him fired i ran into him at a street fair a year later and the only reason i didn't rip him a new one was that he had his son with him i'm too nice you won't accept my card okay see you soon yesterday i had to go get my diploma at college yay 2020 class what's up on the way there i remembered my spoiled six-year-old brother demands sweets every time someone comes home so to avoid his tantrum and my mom yelling at me for not getting him anything i decided to stop on my way back and buy him some candy by the time i was back everywhere was closed except for a walmart and a little deli owned by an old neighborhood couple whom i'll call boomer and karen so i decided to support our local community and whatnot after standing on the socially distant line for a single chocolate bar i finally got to the cashier karen who refused to accept my card because the chocolate was like two dollars and they only accepted 30 plus on debit both her and boomer with an old farts thinking their smart smirk then suggested i buy more stuff to match the value i refused so she started yelling at me for wasting her time and messing with the store remember i got a single chocolate bar while she yelled i saw a stand saying they were taking delivery orders through x app and little photos of different debit and credit cards i had used it a few times already i just looked at her said okay and left when i was outside i looked up their store no minimum value and no delivery fee so it was my time to smirk now i waited a few minutes ordered the dang chocolate put the delivery address at a house a few numbers away and waited there seeing boomer trotting down the street in full protection gear with a single chocolate in a bag look at me right under the delivery number he was looking for and stop in his tracks the visible parts of his face getting redder and redder lovely i extended my hand and said thanks he handed me the bag without a word i watched as he walked back to his deli taking mental notes to never go there again then walked back home with a smile under my mask this little game took almost 30 minutes but the feeling of owning greedy boomers was worth it so much for supporting the locals i'm sorry i don't work next door so i work for a martial arts studio my husband is the instructor and i answer phones sell contracts and do the marketing we're in a nice plaza with a very popular restaurant on one side and a tutoring center on the other due to everything that's been going on we leave the doors locked and only allow people in if they have a reservation for the class students are only allowed in five minutes before their scheduled class there's a large sign on the door that states our business name with a large logo the text on the sign is large enough to be read by parents attempting to drop off on the curb it states no reservation no mask no entry no one will be permitted inside until five minutes before scheduled class today my husband went to the back to check stock on uniforms and get an inventory together for me and left me up front alone to sanitize between classes i'm massed up spraying the air and all surfaces when someone tugs on the door a lady and her son i don't recognize were standing on the sidewalk looking at me expectantly i figured they wanted information so i grabbed my keys walked outside and greeted them me hello welcome to our martial arts studio how can i help you lady we have an appointment for my son to take a placement test me realizing they want the tutoring center oh i'm sorry this is martial arts studio i think you're looking for the place next door lady their door is locked let me in so my son can take his test we have an appointment she then tugs on the door to our place me i am very sorry without a reservation to one of our classes i cannot let you or your son in we are a martial arts studio and not a tutoring center you want the next door down let me show you i walked to the next door down and knocked on the glass to get the people inside's attention lady just use your keys and let me in or i'll take my business elsewhere this is horrible customer service me again i don't work for that company i can't let you in or help you with that i knocked again as the tutoring center is quite large the girl that works the front desk came out of the back and smiled at me and opened the door lady it's about time this woman would not let me in she has the worst customer service i've ever experienced i have an appointment tutoring girl she doesn't work here but yes come in and i'll get you situated i went back to work and told my husband who was wondering where i had gone anticlimactic i know but it gave me a chuckle so i thought i'd share the mcdonald's screeching lady i typically bring my lunch to work however on occasion i will go to the nearby mcdonald's this probably happens about once a month or so it was a weekday and i was eating in the seating area i was wearing my uniform which is a black blouse and black slacks but i had taken off my name tag for my break i had my coat and my purse with me in the booth beside me but i will give the entitled lady a benefit by saying she probably didn't notice it as i was eating the actual manager came over to my table she had to teach a new hire how to make an ice cream cone so she was giving it to me as no one had ordered one don't blame them this was december but free ice cream so i accepted side note i do know the manager from a previous encounter where i had to call 9-1-1 for an elderly lady in medical distress i had to write out my version of events in a report for the manager as i guess she had reported to the head office i wasn't surprised when she approached me because we do tend to say hello to one another when i go there so i'm seated eating when an entitled lady approaches me i work in customer service and immediately can tell that this lady is upset unfortunately i was still in work mode so i didn't immediately tell her to buzz off basically the lady started to complain about the wait time for her food and that her son wasn't happy with his burger i smiled said it's lunch hour so you probably should expect a wait time the lady's son was not with her i have no idea what his complaint actually was the lady said i should hire more people so the lunch wait isn't so long i realize she isn't just complaining to me randomly and i told her i don't work here this is when she said i clearly work here as i'm in uniform and the worker was just talking to me still polite i laughed a little and simply said i do know the manager but i don't work here she stormed off in a huff and i went back to eating thinking that was that nope i then hear her screeching from the counter area i couldn't see her but i could hear her berating the workers for ignoring her then yell about how the manager was lazy and she demanded a corporate number something else must have happened because it was quiet when i packed up my things to leave the entitled lady was still there fuming while the actual manager was talking to her calmly i wish i could say the lady was kicked out of the store but i left to return to work and prayed she didn't come over to my store where i would actually need to deal with her she didn't come over and i hope i never see her again my entitled mom was afraid of doctors and it almost cost me big time my mother the entitled mom of our tale grew up in a household that didn't believe in doctors or going to the hospital this translated to an irrational fear of hospitals for my entitled mom at the time of this story i was 14 in high school and about to have a very bad day i should start by saying that my entitled mom lives exactly one mile away from the closest emergency room also my siblings and father were out of town for a competition that weekend i didn't feel like going to another cheerleading competition so i stayed home i get home from school on a friday around 4 pm and call entitled mom to tell her that i don't feel good and i think i need to see a doctor entitled mom says that she has a one-hour workout with her personal trainer pt who happens to train the whole family for our sports teams entitled mom tells me that she will come home right after and take me to the pediatrician 4 40 pm i call entitled mom saying that something is seriously wrong with me and i really think i need to go to the hospital she tells me that personal trainer just had a cancellation and she's staying for another hour workout then she will take me to the doctor 5 10 pm i call my entitled mom and beg her to come home because i'm in a lot of pain and i feel terrible she gives the phone over to personal trainer who says i kid you not it sounds like a muscle cramp from our workout last week you'll be fine buddy she says she will call our friendly neighbor across the street to check on me ten minutes later i hear friendly neighbor walk in through the door and come to my room to check me out i'm on the floor because i fell after going in the bathroom and couldn't get up she helps me into bed and immediately calls entitled mom conversation goes something like this friendly neighbor hey entitled mom i think you need to get here asap your son is white as a sheet and sweating bullets also he's in so much pain he can barely move entitled mom oh i'm sure he's fine probably just overreacting from a muscle cramp like personal trainer says neighbor this isn't just a muscle cram he needs to see a doctor i can put him in my car and meet you at the hospital er that's just one mile away entitled mom no need for that i'll finish up here and head home to take him to the doctor click 5 45 pm friendly neighbor calls entitled mom again an entitled mom says she's changing and will be home in 10 minutes the gym is pretty close 6 20 p.m and title mom finally gets home friendly neighbor tells her what i've been going through and says i need to go to the er entitled mom says she's taking me to see our pediatrician entitled mom does take me to our pediatrician who also runs a pediatric er the problem is that the doctor's office is 25 minutes drive away with zero traffic and we are in a rush hour 7 15ish pm we get to the pediatric er and they immediately take me into the back to see what's wrong turns out i have an acute appendicitis and it's close to bursting so they need to send me over to the hospital that's one mile from my house to get it removed the entire time my entitled mom is murmuring about needing to get ready for a trial the next day she's a divorce lawyer and how i'll probably be fine and just need to sleep it off then there comes a moment when entitled mom is out of the room but i have a doctor and a nurse in the room alone with me i tell them the whole story about how i've been trying to get her to take me to the er since 4. how we lived only a mile away from the hospital they wanted to send me to but my entitled mom decided to go here because she hates big hospitals the doctor didn't really believe me until i told him the map quest old school i know my address relative to the hospital i managed to convince them to call for an ambulance to transport me to the hospital to make sure i got there after my surgery the nurse told me that the appendix burst as they began the surgery so they had to be quick to this day i still tease personal trainer every time i see him by grabbing my side and saying i think i have a muscle cramp i've never heard him use those words together since have you ever had to go to an er for anything if so what was it please let us know hippity hoppity this is no longer your property after graduating college my girlfriend and i moved to a new state where she was accepted into an engineering program we found a lovely garden apartment style complex that advertised 100 megabytes per second internet speed included in the price among a few other amenities when we met the property manager he seemed strict but well-mannered nothing out of the ordinary until we signed the lease the first problem suddenly walking into his office was not allowed without an appointment i had come by to ask a question saw him browsing social media and figured he was as available as he made himself to us when we first came by unannounced to view a model apartment nope he refused to answer my question and asked me to make an appointment via email the second problem the terms of our lease included an attachment to complete within 48 hours of accepting the keys that details all discrepancies within the unit we submitted the attachment via email around the 40th hour the property manager responded that the terms recently changed from 48 to 24 hours and since we had passed 24 hours we would be held liable for all found damages when citing our copy of the lease which explicitly stated 48 hours he informs us that we signed an outdated copy and would need to make an appointment to come by the office and sign a new lease the third problem the internet speed was not 100 megabytes per second as advertised it was less than 15 off peak and about five on peak we again contacted the property manager to complain but we were referred to make an appointment the fourth problem we made an appointment to address the previous three problems during this meeting and after i finished voicing our issues the property manager leans forward and says there are other communities in this neighborhood that may be more accepting of people like you and your girlfriend you're welcome to break the lease and leave people like you and your girlfriend i had thought he was referencing our no-nonsense response to his nonsense daily communication scheduling multiple meetings to address these issues etc but my girlfriend believed he was speaking towards colors her a black woman and myself a white man my girlfriend jokingly told me to check my privilege before getting serious and explaining to me that we were experiencing discrimination at the very least the solution i did some research and discovered the property manager worked for a larger organization that owned several complexes throughout the country i found their director of human resources on linkedin and made a connection i then emailed her copies of all email correspondence screenshots of the lease pictures of the internet speed flags advertised by the road and more screenshots of online speed tests we further noted his comment and the implications behind it the human resources director replied within a few hours and promised us she would look into the issue about two days later the property manager called and asked us to come by his office at our convenience we showed up near the end of the day and sat down across from him he then proceeded to ask us if we would be willing to write a letter stating we accepted his apology despite not yet offering said apology and in return he would credit us a month's rent except our damages attachment and promised to have the isp on site within a week to assess the internet issues we declined he got personal with us and revealed his job maybe at stake and asked us to reconsider my girlfriend leaned forward a bit and said there are other communities in this neighborhood that may be more accepting of people like you you're welcome to leave the property manager was replaced in a week with a super sweet older lady who not only gave us all the things the original property manager had promised the one-month rent credit accepting the damages attachment and then further scheduling maintenance to fix said damages having the isp assess and upgrade the internet to promise speeds but she also made it clear that her office was always open for anything we may need i looked up the old property manager about a few months later on linkedin still unemployed what would you have done in this situation would you have accepted the property manager's apology or not please let us know of course not sounds like he got what he deserved am i the jerk for being grossed out by my girlfriend rarely washing her hair and not brushing it since quarantine started my girlfriend has gotten very into a new hair care routine i guess one of her friends was trying it and she wanted to see if it would work for her hair it's wavy and curly since starting it her hair is definitely way more curly and it does look nice however as we were talking about it she mentioned that she only washes her hair every three to four days and i tried not to say anything but i definitely had a shocked looked on my face so when she asked what was wrong i said i thought that was unhygienic she said it's healthier for it and said it's not a big deal because it's not like her hair smells or anything which of course it's not going to smell bad when you're loading it up with a bunch of hair products every day on top of this i realized yesterday she didn't even brush her hair anymore she was cooking and i came up and rubbed her back a bit and my fingers ran through her hair a bit she said ow and pulled back a bit and asked if i'd please be careful since it hurts when her hair is tugged on like that i said sure fine don't want to cause her pain but i was also like what do you do when you need to brush it then and she said she never brushes it only uses a comb in the shower when her hair is wet meaning she only ever combs through it every three to four days i was like what are you trying to grow dreads to which she just said that wouldn't ever happen i'm white which wasn't even my point but whatever she was like what is wrong and i said i just found it gross that she doesn't take basic care of her hair she just laughed and said i don't know what i'm talking about so don't be a jerk about it am i the jerk i don't think it's that ridiculous to be put off by someone not practicing regular hygiene but she is very proud of her hair lately edit thank you for your comments everyone i accept that i'm the jerk here i looked up the curly girl method some of you posted about and apologized to my girlfriend she said that tomorrow after she washes her hair i can watch her put the products in and see specifically how she maintains the hair so i'm going to do that all is well here again edit two wow this blew up again i fully accept i was being the jerk and i completely understand why to give some more context with the permission of my girlfriend my girlfriend also lives with bipolar type 2 and in the past changes in hygiene have always been an indicator of a mood swing obviously that wasn't the case this time around but after talking it through i realized that this past experience is part of what informed my own concern obviously that doesn't excuse my judginess but i was just glad that after talking it through i was able to figure out for myself what was actually poking at me not the hair but rather me worrying that something else was going on i'm really glad i know about the cgm now and i'm actually really excited for my girlfriend to show me her routine tomorrow also my girlfriend is having a fun time reading through the comments and we're both laughing about how much of a jerk i was about this she also now wants to make a reddit account to join the curly girls subreddit so thank you to everyone who suggested that well what do you think was opie a jerk or not please let us know maybe he's bold and he's just jealous of her you need to check all of our food fine so this happened like seven or eight years ago when i was jobbing at a driving service while i was a student the driving service was one for people with disabilities that could not drive or walk on their own our main office was in the building of a housing working facility for disabled people the two companies our driver's service and the housing facility were loosely connected as they were both financed by the same organization however management wise they were clearly separated we were about 15 drivers at this location and we shared our lunch social room with about 10 caretakers since our schedules were horribly organized the drivers often had idle time so the social room was where everyone hung out waiting for work one day my boss let's call him tom brought cake to work because he turned 60. the cake was enormous like a wedding cake could hide behind it twice i can only imagine how expensive it must have been at nine every driver had eaten some pieces and there were still like 80 percent left so tom told the caretakers they should feel free to take some then karen happened she was something like the security inspector of the facility so she had authority over the caretakers but no dealings with the driving service her job was to watch for potential hazards organize the caretaker's schedule and generally having an eye on everything happening when she heard there was cake she was furious she and tom couldn't stand each other so she was always trying to ruin his day in this particular instance she claimed the cake was a health hazard as it contained cream and she could not verify whether the cooling chain was broken during transport so she threw it all away roughly 400 euros worth of food just thrown away needless to say tom was less than amused he went extremely mad he was usually a very calm and gentle man and this was the only time that i had heard him shouting at someone still there was nothing he could do karen could basically declare anything a hazard and take action how she saw fit and her higher ups didn't really care to make matters worse she doubled down and demanded that any food that was brought into the social room had to be inspected by her first cue malicious compliance obviously all the drivers were mad at karen for upsetting tom and for throwing away a perfectly fine cake so the next day first thing in the morning 15 drivers went to her office everyone with his lunch demanding she inspected it took her roughly 10 minutes looking at sandwiches and answering questions whether mayonnaise was too hazardous to be brought in this went on for the whole week each day are questions about hazardous food becoming more and more dumb on friday it took her more than two hours to inspect our lunches as we would collectively steal her time afternoon she said she got the message and that sandwiches got a general okay and not to bother her with it anymore fine the following week we went out of our way to eat anything but sandwiches salads cake pretzels normal lunch stuff every day there was a line in front of her office having their lunch checked asking stupid questions whether this food was or was not too dangerous to enter the social room karen was losing her patience becoming increasingly aggressive towards us but still refused to apologize to tom then at the end of week two of food checking tom brought a bucket for lunch when he entered karen's office to have his lunch checked like he did every day and opened the lid of his lunch pot the smell hit everyone in the vicinity like a brick to the face apparently he had made some unholy mix of garlic cream pickles and herring which he called fish soup it looked like what happens if you leave something dead in the sun for too long all brownish and sluggy with some green specks in it and reeked twice as bad as it looked karen looked as if she would puke any moment commanding him to remove this monstrosity from her office tom asked if she didn't want to check it since he could imagine the cooling chain could have been broken during transport or sometime in the last two weeks a lot of us drivers laughed so hard i swear some nearly choked from laughter this was roughly the time that karen had to admit defeat food checking stopped immediately and the following week tom brought another cake speaking of cake what's your favorite flavor of cake please let us know i could go for some carrot cake right now am i the jerk for calling my brother-in-law an idiot after he got himself fired my brother-in-law recently got fired from his job as a high school physical education teacher for posts he made on social media he has been warned by the school in the past that some students and parents have complained about some of the things he posts on social media so this wasn't a one strike in your out thing i won't say exactly what he was posting about but he has a habit of posting things from questionable sources because the school he worked for was doing mostly distance learning his phys ed class basically became an online physical health class during one of his classes a student of his was acting up and brother-in-law tried to keep him in line an argument started and the kid ended up bringing up brother-in-law's facebook page on his phone and started reading off posts to the whole class and basically chaos ensued as the whole class erupted into a zoo meeting melee of course the school administration got involved and brother-in-law ended up being let go he's currently trying to challenge the firing through his union but they apparently aren't being as helpful as he would like brother-in-law and his wife were over at my house the other weekend so our kids could get together and i asked him how he was doing he started going off about how people are too sensitive and can't handle anyone with disagreeing opinions he then said that the school had infringed on his freedom of speech and he was thinking about suing them i stopped him and told him that's not how freedom of speech works since the school isn't the government trying to censor him they said he should be free to say whatever he wants i told him that he's right he can say whatever he wants but that doesn't mean he's free from consequences when he says stupid things i asked him why he didn't just set his social media to private after the school warned him about it previously he said he didn't think he needed to do that because nothing he was posting was false or offensive and it was just another way for the school to try and censor him i dropped it after that and went to play with the kids but an hour or so later he brought it up again and asked if i agreed with him that he was in the right i asked him if he wanted me to be honest with him and he said yes so i told him i think he's an idiot and that he had been warned and didn't take any steps to prevent it from getting worse he got mad and said he always knew i was one of those types and that i was part of the reason our country's freedoms are being taken away from us i told him none of his freedoms are being taken away but that we should just drop it for now he stood silently for the rest of their visit and after they left my wife asked me what happened since she didn't hear our conversation i told her what we talked about and she said it was kind of a jerk move on my end because of how fresh everything is for them well who do you agree with op or his brother please let us know and that's why you can't get too woke it usually doesn't turn out well no microwaves allowed you say another post reminded me of this this story is most of two decades old so details are not precise when i was in college as many people do i lived in a dorm now my college had three different groups of dorms one that was in the main set of buildings that was mostly seniors one that was mostly sophomores and juniors and one that was almost all freshmen the freshman dorm area had beds that were fixed to the walls desks fixed to the walls and built-in bookcases and also had one common room for about 150 students paired two to a room and only one microwave in the common room we weren't ostensibly allowed microwaves in the rooms it makes sense there were false fire alarms frequently from burnt popcorn in the lounge area i can only imagine what horrors a bunch of 18 year olds would concord in their rooms if they were blindly allowed microwaves most people just went along with it while grumbling but oh no not me i was complaining one day about the rule and how those of us who weren't idiots could handle a simple microwave the ra overheard laughed and said i was welcome to try and find a way around it but she had never found one being the nerd i am though i went and read the handbook in detail on page 59 it said no microwaves but literally page 60 it said any appliance under 1000 watts is allowed so i found a microwave that was under that pathetic little thing at 500 watts granted and a walmart ad took the ad and handbook to her boss the residence life director to her chagrin she had to admit that any appliance under 1000 watts was allowed and the handbook did say any appliance after all she agreed to let me have my microwave as long as i didn't let the rest of the students in on this little trick i agreed you are fine go back to class i was 14 maybe two months into high school and in gym class teacher had us doing an exercise where you run forward and then backwards and then forward and then backwards when i tripped running backwards and threw my hands back to catch myself since we were doing this exercise on the rubber cement track i feel instant pain and i let out a cry teacher without looking says to go to the nurse while i sobbed in pain i walk by myself up to the school doors and try to open the door and i can't even move my fingers since i was sent back by myself i sit on the ground and sob some more a fedex driver pulls up sees me asks what's wrong and instantly goes into panic mode he opened every door from the front door to the nurse he explains how he found me and she asked what happened after explaining she briefly looks at me and says the bell is about to ring you're fine go back to class when i asked her to just call my mom she said no she opens the door after me faking about not being able to move my fingers and i make my way back to gym i decided even though i had a phone and could have asked someone to call my mom that if i was fine i would go back to class i managed to convince a friend of my cousins to take my binder and books to my next class where i couldn't take notes or participate because i was getting dizzy from pain and wanted to puke had one of my friends take my books from that class to the next one my second to last class of the day and my cousin is in there she sees me silently sobbing trying to pay attention and asks what happened and once i explained she called my mom in the middle of class not even 15 minutes later my name is called from the speaker to go to the nurse my cousin takes my stuff and puts it in my locker once i get to my mom she explodes when she sees my wrists yes you read that right my wrists are twice the size and purple she's screaming asking why she wasn't called and why i went back to class i turned to the nurse and said she told me there was nothing wrong and that she wouldn't call you and to go back to class my mom lost it she screamed at the nurse who only said i don't have x-ray vision how would i have known screamed at the principal and took me to an emergency doctor appointment family doctor did x-rays and said i would have to go to the specialist in the morning because it was so swollen it looked like multiple fractures in both wrists so he could not cast them i had to endure another ride home and all night with tylenol as my only pain meds and bags of veggies on my wrist throughout the night go to this specialist who looked at both wrists took more x-rays and came in asking what color i wanted my casts since both wrists were broken and along the growth plane so maybe permanent weakness and or pain for the rest of my life mother raised heck sued the school they refused to pay any expenses and said to sue them demanded the nurse be fired she was and when the school was going to make me retake jim the next year and fail this year she said no way was i being punished for their ineptitude so that's the story of how i owned my school because of a stupid nurse and the refusal to call my mother just another customer who refuses to take no for an answer i had the pleasure of fielding a phone call from a customer who refused to understand that what he was asking for simply wasn't possible customer hi i was in your store yesterday and saw this hat i liked but you didn't have it in black i was wondering if you could order it into the store so i could buy it me let me check our inventory system right now if we have it in one of our distribution centers or another store we could absolutely place an order for you and have you pick it up at our store i checked and we didn't carry the hat in black at all to be clear it wasn't that it was sold out or currently unavailable or anything like that we just didn't carry that product in black never had and had no plans to do so me hi there i just checked and it looks like we don't carry that style in black so unfortunately i can't order it into the store for you hem really but black is such a popular color why don't you have it in black me i agree it is a very popular color but we just don't sell that style in black at all very sorry about that m but the company that makes the hat sells it in black on their website me i understand we don't sell that hat in black but if you want to you could buy it from that company directly him your store had a better price for it i'd really prefer to buy it from you if you could order it in so not only does he want us to order this item in for him and him alone he also wants us to sell it to him at a discounted price me right the thing is if we as a store were out of stock but we carried it as a chain i could order it in for you but since we don't carry it at all i have no way to order it for you him you couldn't just order one in for me i'm a loyal customer i bought something the last time i was in me unfortunately we just don't have that style in black in our system at all there's no way to order it in and in terms of distribution we can't place orders for just one item here's where i started getting really frustrated with his refusal to accept that what he was asking for just wasn't possible him well what if you order a few in me i'm sorry there's nothing i can do for you i don't control our distribution or what products we stock em well then can i speak to your manager i'm sure he'd be happy to order in a product for a loyal customer at this point i'm happy to have an out from this conversation even if it means potentially annoying my manager with a frivolous phone call me sure thing i'll put your call through to him it'll just be a moment him actually can you put me on hold and lay some groundwork with your manager let him know i'm a loyal customer i just bought something recently i really want to buy this hat through you and then when you have him on my side then can you put the call through me i'm going to connect you to my manager now what i didn't tell him was this i'm definitely going to lay some groundwork with my manager in terms of apologizing for sending him this call and letting him know how persistent and annoying you've been up until now my manager took the call came up a few minutes later and just said don't worry about it he understands he's not getting the hat through us if i had to do over i would have been more brief and just let him know it wasn't possible and then hung up on him it's still crazy just how far people will push it to get things exactly how they want them entitled dad takes my 3 000 euro guitar march 2019 i used to play guitar for many years i started when i was about six or seven and had to quit after my third year of university since italian law school is extremely hard now that i finally graduated i decided to start playing again when i quit i sold or gave away many of my guitars keeping just my first one as a memory of my grandad who i lost two years ago so first things first i looked for a good instrument since i couldn't find one i wanted an eight string guitar since i usually play really heavy stuff i ended up with a luthier custom made beast since i also found a really well paying job i decided to treat myself as i never had good instruments and this is the very first one i've ever bought that cost more than 200 or 300 it was a dream come true fast forward a bit january 2020 i was at the shop which is also renowned for being really good with setups and of course i brought my guitar with me so that they could take a closer look and inspect it i was at the shop's counter for maybe over an hour since most of the employees are my friends and we started talking about stuff like how we were doing news albums etc also it took them some time to give me an answer about my setup since i had really specific requests introduce poor kid and entitled dad while the kid started looking around with his eyes shining his dad immediately started complaining about where the heck is everyone here i have a job and i can't waste my time like this i was minding my own business on my phone when i felt someone tapping at my back it was poor kid excuse me sir can i look at your guitar i put away my phone and said of course and took a step back he was amazed and started asking questions about it like why does it have eight strings what do i play what's my favorite band etc he then thanks me and gets back to the guitars he was looking at as the kid goes away his father comes to me with an annoyed face hey there that's a nice guitar you have thanks sir so is your son buying his first one his son was probably about 10. yeah but these ones cost too much and i saw he liked yours how much did you pay for it well i won't be suggesting you to buy an instrument like this as his first one this guitar is a custom handmade one it was pretty expensive like 400 euro no actually i paid a bit more like 3 000 euro don't lie there is no way a piece of wood can cost that much money i'll give you 90 for it i'm sorry what you heard me i said 90 euro for your guitar i was shocked i never had to face an entitled dad before and i was literally speechless okay i'll give you 100 euro but nothing more than that sorry but it's not for sale and even if it was i could never sell it for what 1 30 of its price now you're just being mean it's for my kid can't you do something nice and sell it to him no this is my first good guitar and there are literally hundreds of them here i'm sure you can find something he likes that you can afford but he likes yours and as he said that he started trying to reach for it i blocked his arm without hurting him my guitar has a really thin neck and it can be damaged or even snapped if handled carelessly what are you doing come on be a grown man if you bought it once you can buy it another time absolutely no please sir stop harassing me or i'll call the owners he burst into a laugh before starting screaming how i was supposed to give it to him that he knew the owner of the shop who was one of his closest friends and that he would call the police because i assaulted him when i grabbed his arm the poor kid came close to us looking deluded at his father saying that he was embarrassing him and stopped doing what he was trying to do and that he always did that the entitled dad looked at his son with anger and yelled to him go away and look at those stupid guitars by that time the cashier and the owner were back since they probably heard the commotion is there something wrong here as i was saying no the entitled father started ranting about me being mean to both him and his son that i had assaulted him and that now he demanded me give him my instrument otherwise he would have to call the cops on both me and the owner i was so confused that i couldn't even understand how furious i was at that point the owner looked at him and when entitled dad finally finished with his nonsense turned to me was he really trying to take your instrument op well yes but i stopped him because i was worried he would have taken it from the neck damaging it sir we have cameras everywhere i know op and he would never do such things i ask you and your son to leave or we'll have to call the police you can't do that i was assaulted the owner clearly had enough of that so he took out his phone and started dialing for help the dad went to grab his kid and stormed out of the shop yelling how incompetent the owner was how i had been a horrible person and many other funny things i can't report i felt bad for his son though he was really kind and i saw how he would have liked a brand new guitar to start playing so i run after them and ignoring the father i asked the kid if he wanted an instrument he was crying but as i asked him that he gave me a smile as bright as the sun he went back spent a good hour while his dad was waiting by the entrance trying different guitars and he ended up choosing a fender all in one pack since he would have needed an amp as well i understood that his father was not going to be able to afford it and i decided to buy it for him myself he was the happiest kid i've ever seen he and his dad got out of the shop and i was finally able to get all the details about the work i wanted to be done on my rig paid my deposit and of course bought some picks when i finally got out from the shop 10 minutes later i noticed that the dad was waiting outside his eyes were red and he started apologizing for his behavior he explained to me how he used to work for a construction company but he eventually got fired as the company declared bankruptcy my granddad runs his own construction company so i knew the one he was talking about pretty nasty stuff manager caught stealing profits unpaid shifts and work days forced closure no liquidation whatsoever judges even took some money from the workers to pay for the debts the managers made there were no doubts why this man was having his way more than fair share of bs he kept thanking me for what i had done but he was feeling horrible and how his son was absolutely loving his brand new instrument the three of us went to a bar and had a coffee and chatted for a bit at the end of the day the entitled dad was really just a parent struggling to get by month to month i know what it feels like i've been through some stuff myself and i know how you can end up being a total jerk when you see no way out of your situation i'm glad that it all sorted itself out in the end they were genuine and good people just having a rough time and i couldn't be happier knowing that maybe i bought the next steve vi's first guitar my grandma started nasty rumors about me in school my grandma is an interesting individual one may place her in the karen category she's from a small town where you're either very well-off and waspy or you do drugs and live in an old school made into an apartment building she's on the waspy side knows everything and everyone always will find something about you to nitpick at fun times the best time was 8th grade she was a math teacher in my school for junior high oh boy was that a dandy time because i was her granddaughter she put a huge target on me every day she would watch me like a hawk and wait for the split second that i would look away then shout op pay attention don't make me tell your mother you're goofing off in my class and the whole class would giggle she would grin and her ego would inflate like swimming shorts when you first walk into the water one time i accidentally wore slippers to school and for the rest of the year she would bring it up like can you not remember the equation like you couldn't remember your shoes cue malicious grins and laughter but the straw that broke the camel's back was when i got a boyfriend bit of backstory here i was held back in kindergarten so i'm a year older than everyone in my eighth grade class i was dating a guy in 10th grade but he skipped ahead of grade so he was actually a year younger than his 10th grade class this made our age difference to be only about a year apart however from an outside perspective when you first hear about the age difference i'm sure your first reaction would be like ew and boy did my grandma eat that up like it was her very last meal anytime we would visit she would make side comments like we knew op prefers older men right opie or if it was my kid i certainly wouldn't approve but i guess times are a little different it was annoying but it wasn't interfering with my life that is until she started to gossip about me to other teachers she would tell them that i was sneaking around with my boyfriend that i was going into teachers lounges and bathrooms with him she also heavily implied my parents were against all of this for context my parents knew how old we both were and actually aren't crazy also my boyfriend was the quietest nerdiest kid in his grade it took us both two weeks of holding hands before we even kissed so none of this was true but that didn't stop the rumors during lunch i'd get asked by girls if it was true i had done these things if i was in class and i would ask a teacher to use the restroom they would refuse if they did let me go they would interrogate me for several minutes first to make sure i wasn't sneaking off to do anything with my boyfriend before any of this i was literally a fly on the wall and i was completely fine with that now i was miserable and felt completely helpless after coming home crying for who knows how many days in a row my mom got fed up i remember her screaming that's it grabbing her keys and storming out the door when she returned she said that grandma wouldn't be bothering me anymore once i got older she told me a brief summary of what had happened basically my mom arrived and approached her calmly explaining to her that i was her child and she has control of the situation she even explained the age difference after asking her politely to back off and stop telling lies to co-workers my teachers grandma scoffed and said you don't know what she could be doing behind closed doors i'm just keeping an eye out for her this set my mom off she told me that she started yelling at my grandma about the shaming she was doing of her own granddaughter and how miserable i was because of it she said she has no right to say or do any of this and what she was doing was cruel and inappropriate my grandma's response how dare you into my home and accuse me of this get out of my house so my mom left the next day my grandma avoided eye contact with me she didn't even try to call on me for answers or point out what kind of clothes i was wearing she just averted her gaze and did her job finally rumors continued just for a little bit but then people caught on that it really wasn't as scandalous as the rumors portrayed and we were left alone how did all this end like you would expect grandma acts like it never happened never brings it up avoids the conversations if they're around the time when she taught me it's irritating but at the same time it's expected now that i'm an adult and we are all aware of her silly ways we can just smile and nod until we go home where we then rant about her and how mean she was during dinner i have so many more karen-like stories involving her if anyone is interested have you ever had someone spreading rumors about you if so what did you do about it please let us know hey mr reddit i heard the person watching this didn't even smash that like button refuse to upgrade my pc to properly do my job okay i'll make you watch me work i run the parts room at an independently owned auto body and collision repair shop we'll call the owners mr and mrs boss man we do mostly insurance repairs and always have between 20 to 50 vehicles on property and various states of repair depending on how busy we are once the estimate for a specific vehicle is approved my job is primarily to order all the parts for the repair track and receive and organize all the parts for all ongoing repairs as they arrive input the invoicing and process any returns for wrong slash damage slash unnecessary parts and such plus it work because i'm apparently the only person there who knows that you can just google a problem and someone has usually already posted the answer on a message board from six years ago i complain a lot but in actuality i very much like my job and i've become exceedingly good at it over the years my coworkers are generally pretty great there's almost no office drama i don't usually deal with the general public and the owners are mostly solid bosses a husband and wife team mr bossman runs the day-to-day shop and he is there on site pretty much every day while mrs bossman comes in periodically to do the books which she watches like a hawk mr boss man is a decent guy so far as bosses go but mrs bossman is great she's just one of those high personality types who's all peaches and sunshine and rainbows 90 of the time right up until the moment something doesn't go entirely her way at which point she drops the smile and becomes the stubbornest immovable object you've ever butted heads against may god help you if you actually anger her she's not a karen in the slightest she's just an elemental force of nature and you can bend like the reed or break like the twig so i deal with mr boss man on a daily basis and only deal with mrs boss man a few times a week when she needs something for accounting my default work ethic used to be set to sacko potatoes but that doesn't fly with the boss man's and especially not mrs boss man i have learned the hard way to be very very proactive in my duties which is directly why i'm now a great parts guy didn't take long to find out that it's just far easier and safer to be able to redirect the coming storm with knowledge and paper trails than it is to face the fury head-on with laziness and ignorance she always says the three most important rules to follow in the industry are one cover yourself two cover yourself and three cover yourself to which i'd add a fourth rule always send an email beginning with per hour phone call i'd just like to remind you always have an email saved me so many times becomes relevant later and she loves me because i have become exceedingly excellent at making her job easier through diligent bookkeeping as you also might imagine doing all this ordering and invoicing and emailing and such demands heavy use of a computer and for years i had to make do with one that was never built nor intended for the task it wasn't even very old just an underpowered tablet style budget computer originally only meant for the shop foreman to occasionally check estimates at any given time i had to run our estimating software plus two to four price matching programs and their accompanying background scanning programs plus multiple chrome windows for email and parts vendors and part finder websites plus image software to view repair photos or edit diagrams to email back and forth the budget computer had two gigs of ram and a dual core 1.3 gigahertz processor it could barely handle running notepad if you had the main estimating software running and it made my job painfully slow even at the best of times for four years i'd mentioned it to mrs bossman and it was always oh right i keep meaning to look into that and then nothing but that was better than bringing it up with mr boss man mr bossman was a former repair technician before they opened their own shop together so anything on the office end is already good enough until it breaks and is not worth wasting any more money on in his eyes all his upgrades should be on the production side of the shop since that's what he knows well she's much more practical about office upgrades thankfully anytime i'd mention how slow my computer was and how much it was slowing down my work he'd just laugh it off and say it does the job don't it and walk away far too pleased with himself mrs boss man had been going back and forth with a specific vendor that was arguing against some outstanding credits and unpaid invoices that didn't match our numbers which means they don't match my numbers so she came into my office to ask me to look into them as normal but today is not normal it's especially busy and i'm already a day behind where i should be cue malicious compliance this time i decided that unlike normal my workload was light enough ha that i totally had the time right then and there and could look them up for her right on the spot instead of bringing her the files later that day this seemed urgent after all so i began searching our database for the problem invoices and very deliberately and thoroughly went through every program i possibly could opening every estimate and reconciliation and digital footprint to pull up any scrap of even slightly relevant information for her so that she had all the relevant info to argue with the vendor each new screen freezing and pausing and loading anew each new refresh taking more of those long form time dilated seconds to complete those seconds that drag on and on and on like waiting for a traffic light to turn i was just being properly diligent you must understand oh here it is i'd say in the most matter of fact perfectly normal everything is fine and standard in typical voice yeah that part was returned back on oh let me pull up the credit memo oh you know actually that just shows when i generated the return but not when the vendor actually took it back actually i remember this one now the driver didn't leave a return confirmation slip so i think i sent the vendor a reminder email about this let me pull that up oh yes i told them about this issue two months ago and oh this is a follow-up email that was part of another chain let me forward you both of these and actually i think i can still pull up the estimate here since it has the full reconciliation uh oh i hope it didn't freeze completely just wait a second it usually catches back off she kept her smile up but i could tell it had shifted and she was getting annoyed does it always take you this long to look up the invoices i could tell she was getting really impatient but she couldn't say anything about it since i was doing exactly what she had asked of me and she does normally love that i'm this thorough as long as she's not waiting in real time huh oh yeah this is normally like this i said casually it's kind of frustrating sometimes but mr bossman doesn't want to buy another computer since this one does technically do everything i need it to do perfectly innocent moon eyes it doesn't slow me down too much not usually blink blink puppy dog face i continued doing this for all five or so problem invoices and honestly it was a 100 typical thing to look up and really only took maybe 15 minutes total in the end the only difference was making a big show of it while intentionally making it look like i wasn't making a show of it but that was enough well i really think we need to look into getting you a new computer this can't be good for production turnarounds if it's always been this slow huge success storm of theory successfully redirected from self to vendor armed with time stamped acknowledgements for every rogue charge and finally knowing the crap i have to sit through each and every time i double click with all the invoices and credits properly tracked on our end vendor's accounting had to admit the mistake had been on their end and we had been billed in the error i'm not always right but even when i'm wrong i can usually pull up a time dated email to make it look like i wasn't wrong bend a little and the hurricane may just pass you by for a less prepared target she waited a few weeks to find a good deal but sure enough i had a new computer shortly thereafter that is much more capable of running everything i need to run without derping out on me and it's been an absolute champion decided to write this because it's been almost exactly two years working on the new machine that's still going strong and i just today got an unrequested raise for good performance so i'm feeling overly pleased with myself speaking of computers do you have a fast computer or a slow one please let us know my windows 95 works just fine entitled sister talks crap behind my back throws a fit when i won't buy her stuff anymore my sister smokes not great to start with on top of this she smokes very expensive cigarettes each pack is almost ten dollars which i didn't really care about before when she had a job because how she spends her paycheck the parts not being used to care for her kids anyways isn't really my business but she quit her job yeah during everything going on right now a month or so ago because she and i quote doesn't want to deal with that crappy boss of mine anymore and was coasting on the money she had saved well now she's run out of money shocker and instead of looking for another job she's instead going to try selling her car but in the meantime she's broke with no way to buy cigarettes i don't smoke so she can't bum anything off of me but our mom does so sis could technically bum a couple off of her but she doesn't because my mom smokes those cheap crappy ones no she wants her brand she's never heard the term beggars can't be choosers it seems so she's been in a crappy mood for a full week because she can't afford her expensive cigarettes won't accept any cheap ones and none of us are coughing up 10 bucks to buy her a pack she'll blow through in maybe a week but today i'd had enough of her crappy attitude and decided to do her a favor i said if she would go through the place a drive-through for me so i could get us all some food her kids included then i'd help her get some gas and a pack of cigarettes she eagerly agreed but rejected my offer to get her any food and place a wasn't open yet it was like 9 30 am and they opened after 10 so she'd have to wait till they opened then she sort of paused and asked if i really wanted food from place a and not place b which is closer place b is legit right next to the gas station while place a is maybe two buildings down so still very close i say no i've been craving something specific from place a so she relents and says okay and that she's gonna be sitting outside drinking coffee until then so maybe 20 minutes go by and i go out to give sis a written list of what to get because she has a not great memory and will forget stuff and i get close to the side porch door which is open and hear her complaining about having to go through the drive-through for me to our mom just how i'm so rude for asking her to drive so far and how food from place a is just so gross and how she didn't even want to do this anyways well i heard our mom tell her to be grateful because nobody else was offering to buy her food gas and her fancy cigs well sis scoffed and started saying something else but i walked outside and she shut up mom and her had wide-eyed looks but i reached down and plucked my card which she was gonna use to get everything from her hand and just said never mind i don't want to burden you i'll order through doordash instead then walked back inside she tried to call me back and say she was just messing around but i ignored her and when it was made clear i wasn't buying her crap or coming back i heard her throwing a huge baby fit and our mom laughing and telling her that she did this to herself by being ungrateful so yeah sis threw her fit and wore herself out before going and sitting in her car for a few hours to pout i really had no issue helping her if she did a little favor for me in return but i'm not going to help anyone who complains about said help behind my back have you ever tried to help someone and they ended up being completely ungrateful please let us know office thermostat must be left at 16 celsius my boss was brought up in a household where the solution to being cold was putting another jumper on to the extent the inside of the house used to freeze lord knows how many times i've heard that story unfortunately instead of reveling in the marvel that is central heating my boss feels it necessary to impose the same draconian rules straight from the 18th century on all of us in the office in a word it gets cold at work for context i work in a converted barn which is both poorly insulated and has a tall vaulted roof this means any heat dissipates upwards and the building generally needs a lot of heat to stay comfortable it's not uncommon to be sat indoors wearing my small down jacket and thermal base layers to keep warm if i was working outside i could accept this but in an office environment it's unnecessary to make matters worse i suffer from rain ons which has been getting worse for the last few years my condition makes it really rather miserable to sit at work for eight hours with numb fingers and toes all because of the lack of proper heating in the middle of winter i am a long-standing employee but in all my time working for my company there's always been another colleague with a far more vocal opinion about how warm the office should be for the last few years for instance a colleague of mine would make a big parade about cranking the heating up to 24 celsius multiple times a day this resulted in a daily problem between my colleagues and boss typically my boss will see the thermostat exclaim it's too hot and switch the boiler off at the mains no heat i tried in vain to convince my colleague to leave the heating at a reasonable level say 19 or 20 degrees celsius as i was certain my boss was unable to actually tell the heating was set higher than his preferred 15 celsius unless he could visually see the stat set higher i was ignored and it continued and so did the cold roll forward a few years i'm now the only person left in the office other than my boss his son and an administrator who works part-time the temperature has started to drop and the cold has been drawing in the heating was switched on by monday this week and like clockwork it was set on 15 degrees celsius i decided enough was enough and sat down with my boss to discuss the heating i explained how cold temperatures affect my raynon's and asked if he would be willing to increase the thermostat surprisingly my boss was pretty compassionate and promised to increase the heating starting the very next day true to his word my boss did increase the thermostat by one degree apparently 16 degrees celsius was his limit to say i was livid was an understatement but more disheartening was looking towards another winner shivering at my keyboard i couldn't stand the thought so i decided to take matters into my own hands two really important bits of information popped into my head that morning that formed the perfect plot in an instant 1. the thermostat was old school analog not digital 2. my boss and his son were out at a meeting for the whole afternoon and the admin wasn't doing it all roll onto lunch time i took it upon myself to research the model of thermostat i found an archived manual online page three calibration i couldn't believe how simple it was to adjust the unit there was one screw to remove the outer casing which exposed the dial the dial then simply lifts off the spindle and is rotated and reinserted onto the spindle to calibrate the unit armed with my swiss army knife once i was alone in the office i got to work disassembling the unit i rotated the spinal clockwise by 4 degrees so now when set at 16 celsius the thermostat would actually measure 20 celsius i replace the casing and using a relative humidity meter we use for work i tested the switching point of the stat the office measured at 16.2 celsius and the stat clicked on at around 12. the office measured at 16.2 degrees celsius and the stack clicked on around 12 celsius hearing the boiler fire in the kitchen gave me the biggest grin i've had in ages that was on tuesday the remainder of the week has been glorious for the first time in eight years the office is actually at a constant comfortable temperature i had been waiting to post this in line with the rules as no fallout had occurred however this afternoon my boss asked if i was warm enough again unusually compassionate while i felt kind of bad to go behind his back it does give me a scope to increase the heating even more when it starts getting really cold in the next few months i was also pretty ecstatic as it proved the hunch i've had for years my boss has had no idea if the heating is set warmer other than the number shown on the stat so an all-out win for my bit of malicious compliance speaking of thermostats what do you like to set your thermostat on please let us know i leave it on 60 all year round so nice am i the jerk for refusing to let my sister-in-law move into my home temporarily my husband is deployed and has been gone for almost 11 months we have a three-year-old daughter and a 14 month old son my sister-in-law 43 has an 11 year old daughter who she allows to run amok last month she asked her best friend to move in with her to help her pay bills and this sparked an affair between her husband and said friend i feel bad for her i really do but there are many reasons why i don't want her to move in the biggest one she now calls me to tell me all the time that men are pigs and that my husband is probably cheating on me mind you this is her brother she doesn't have a job and refuses to get one she has not worked in 16 years her daughter has literally no discipline and every time they have visited she's left my home in complete shambles with my kids toys broken and damaged her daughter also lies like a rug and she just laughs it off and says that it isn't a big deal example her daughter drew all over my spreadsheet for work that was completely finished and due the very next morning i didn't have time to make another one and had to spend several hours trying to use whiteout she even wrote her name on it the kid outright denied it and tried blaming my oldest who only scribbles her mom said she said she didn't do it and i'm not going to break her spirits simply because she drew on something put your stuff up for safe keeping next time you invite us for a visit i did not invite her she showed up unannounced she always says things like what are you getting your favorite sister-in-law for her birthday or since you love me so much you should buy me this anyways i just can't do it so she asked last week or rather told me well it's final greg and i are over teresa and i are going to come crash at your place literally like an outright demand as if i owe her so i said no you're not she freaked out and asked me why and i was completely honest with her down to every last detail i simply don't have enough patience and i don't want her in my house while i'm not there to make sure her daughter doesn't destroy my house my husband called and i told him what happened he said you told her no right so he's 100 behind me on this but my brother-in-law is saying that i'm a stupid jerk for not being more understanding because her husband cheated and staying in the house with him and his mistress is going to cause a mental plummet am i the jerk she can't afford to go anywhere else and no one has room to house her well what do you think should opie let her sister-in-law move in or not please let us know i'd put a doghouse in the back for them entitled parent wants free classes when his son messed up cast we've got me my mom entitled dad an entitled kid backstory my mom runs a learning center similar to kumon where every week a kid would get a booklet to fill out however the parents of these kids are very much grade driven and also very very cheap this leads to a lot of entitled dad and entitled mom encounters story and title dad comes in with entitled kid into my mom's office and i'm sitting there trying to finish some school work entitled dad why are entitled kids greats not improving huh we've been coming here for months and still no improvement mom cooley well let's sort this out one by one mom pulls out entitled kid's file to see what's happening mom while reading the file so have you been having any difficulties in school or while completing your assigned booklets entitled kid no mom well that is interesting because my file shows that when we access you on each booklet after you have completed it it shows that you've been getting multiple questions wrong and many parts of your booklet are not even completed and title dad interjects so what it's your job to make sure entitled kid completes his booklet not mine mom well when you enrolled entitled kid into this program you signed a form saying that you and entitled kid would have a responsibility to make sure that you complete the booklet entitled dad ignoring what was just said in order to not take responsibility well why is he doing so bad huh if this is not fixed i will start dropping entitled kid off at this learning center mom we are happy to tutor him more but you will have to pay extra pay why should we pay like heck we're going to pay mom well you will either have to pay for extra classes or you will have to get to the bottom of this however i did notice that it seems that he's forgetting what he has previously learned according to his new file now do you still have the previous booklets because the form you signed says that entitled kids should review the previous booklets even if he has completed in order to make sure he doesn't forget anything entitled kid well i threw them out because i don't need them anymore and title dad realizes he's in the wrong and just leaves with entitled kid without saying anything me what an idiot mom the one thing i don't miss for my days as a computer scientist is not having to deal with the customers entitled parents cancel my health insurance out of spied so when i was a teenager in my first year of college i was still under my father's insurance provided through his employer the plan covered my stepmom himself and up to five kids at no additional cost i have confirmed this with my mother who was on the same insurance until their divorce my dad and stepmom had both worked for this company for over 10 years this was not an entry-level insurance plan during my freshman year of college which i am still paying for i suffered a violent snowboarding accident which left my clavicle in many pieces the injury required three surgeries the first of which i had to wait around a week clavicle still shattered for the next available surgeon near the small college town my father lived 45 minutes away freshmen were not allowed to have cars on campus and the hospital was three miles away from the school this town did not have ubers back in the day and the average temperature in the town was around 25 degrees fahrenheit for most of the winter feels like zero degrees once the wind kicks up i had just recently turned 18 so i had to sign a few forms at the hospital giving my dad permission to access my medical records i told him that it wasn't a problem and i would sign them the next time i had an appointment i knew one friend with a car who would sometimes drive me or my mother would make the 45-minute drive to bring me to the hospital if my friend could not my dad calls me one night irae because i had not yet signed the forms i explained to him that my clavicle was in seven plus pieces and with the sub freezing temperatures walking six miles round trip while shivering would be excruciatingly painful at this point just getting out of a chair sent pain shooting through my shoulder my father thought that waiting until i had a ride to the hospital was the utmost sign of disrespect my friend with the car ended up not being around this week so i didn't have any transportation to the hospital my dad calls me yelling about how i have no respect for what he's doing for me filling out paperwork was all he had done my mother had picked me up from the emergency room and had brought me to both previous doctor's appointments even with the drive he threatens to cancel my health insurance if i don't get the form signed before my next appointment i told my mom he was going to cancel my insurance and she once again drove me to sign the papers my father never offered to drive call me a cab nor asked how i was feeling fast forward three months and i should be recovered from my injury unfortunately the surgeon my father picked because he was the closest to the university did not do a good job on the surgery this led to a bloodborne infection and two subsequent surgeries the infection required me to be hooked up to an iv machine for six hours a day on antibiotics prescribed to mrsa patients one day months after the final surgery while still on daily iv antibiotics i get an email while i'm in the car with my mother the email yes an email is from my dad and although i don't remember the exact wording it is along the lines of due to your disrespect and attitude when i asked you to sign the insurance papers we my father and stepmother are taking you off of our insurance policy the changes will take effect at the end of the calendar year my mother did not have insurance through her work at this time and i still had three follow-up appointments with the second surgeon which would go into the following year neither my mother nor father are wealthy both barely cracked 40k salaries while i was a kid while supporting three kids this insurance through my father's work was a big deal for our family i was in tears of disbelief over the email my father could be a cold person but never had he done something that felt this cold to me because i didn't want to walk for two hours in the cold with a broken collarbone you're going to take that as disrespect then cancel the free health insurance on your own son it's more important for you to feel respected than for your son to have health insurance you sent an email my own father couldn't even call me to tell me this i called him and asked if we could talk about it as i still had doctor's appointments and my antibiotics and the iv machine could cost thousands of dollars a month without insurance which neither i nor my mother could afford he said you should have thought about that before you gave me attitude about signing those medical papers but agreed to talk about it and invited me to lunch i go to meet him for lunch at a little neighborhood sub shop i sit down across from him and my stepmom who are already eating their meals in front of me i sat down and said hello and they both continued eating in front of me without offering me any food or drink my dad invited me to lunch and picked the location important to note here that while my dad did not come from money my stepmom had a multi-million dollar inheritance from her parents and also a significant life insurance payout from her late husband i asked if there was anything i could do to have them reconsider i explained the cost of the antibiotics an iv machine without insurance and the doctor's appointments i still had scheduled through the next year my stepmom then tells me to my face with the most caring tone ever you know what you should have thought about that before you told your father you wouldn't sign the papers frankly it's just not worth my time to fill out insurance papers for someone this disrespectful i was dumbfounded i looked at my father he said nothing his look echoing my stepmother's words i said i have no problem filling out paperwork i'm happy to come over and fill out the paperwork for you guys you never said anything about it he responds well it's a little too late now i'm with karen on this one it's not about the paperwork it's about the principle of it i was infuriated at this point i stormed out saying i'm sorry my health isn't worth your time i haven't had health insurance in eight or nine years now i eat a lot of vegetables and try and stay active my arm never healed correctly due to the infection and the bone is two inches shorter and will never be fully fused i no longer talk to my father in any way i tried to have a conversation with him several years later and he still stands by the decision of cutting me off his insurance out of spite i'm doing better now for a while i couldn't understand how a person could do that to their child but now i see my father only wanted kids so he could have the social status of being a family man he never wanted anything to do with the responsibilities entitled aunt demanded i give away my 5 000 lego collection because i'm too old to own legos cast we've got me we've got my mom we've got entitled aunt entitled son and uncle a bit of info before we get to the story my parents introduced me to legos when i was five years old it was a lego technique and i successfully built it for the first time my interest in lego technic grew ever since and i started doing the harder lego sets and i really enjoyed it it was in 2018 my grandmother had just passed away and my family held a meeting with our extended family at our house the house was packed since our home is not that huge then my entitled aunt and her entitled son and husband came to our house everyone in my family dislikes her very much because she's never respected her own parents and she has a disgusting attitude everyone avoided her but my mom approached her my mom was confused because she hadn't sent an invitation to her my mom asked her why and she answered i came here for the inheritance the room went silent and my mom was in shock of her reasoning enter entitled son he was seven years old and went to the living room playing with other kids i locked my room because he entered in my room once and he dropped some of my legos to the ground breaking them then i built them back again eventually i didn't trust entitled son to come into my room as these legos took me days to build a single set and i don't want to get them smashed on the ground shouting started in the living room by entitled aunt and my uncle because i deserve to claim all the inheritance and only me this turned into a fight between the siblings and i was scared and not used to hearing shouting and so i went to my room to take a break as i was heading to my room entitled son followed me and i didn't notice at all until i reached for my door he tried to sneak into the room but i was able to stop him he threw a fit and asked why i'm not letting him in i told him my reasoning and he answered back it was just an accident this isn't actually the first time he dropped my legos by accident hearing those words made my blood boil and i told him he will not enter my room his face was filled with anger and he went back to his mom i thought that was the end of it and oh boy was i wrong i heard a knock on my door and guess who it is of course it's entitled and she looks annoyed and looking at me the following conversation is what happened entitled ant why are you not letting my son into your room me he's dropped my legos several times and i don't trust him in my room entitled and oh come on it was just a mistake come on entitled son go in the audacity of my entitled ant is unbelievable when i already told her no to multiple times and she went back to the living room entitled son look legos can you give them to me op me what the heck no i spent a lot of money to buy this and days to build these lego sets and years to collect them i do not trust you with my legos because i know you are not going to take good care of them at this point entitled son was angry and was about to throw a fit he went to his mom again and i cannot believe what he told her entitled ant opie you said you were going to give your legos to entitled son me no everything your son told you is a complete lie entitled dan just give him all your legos besides you're too old to own this anyway me no i will not this is your last warning entitled and get out of my way she then proceeds to push me away i saw in title dance and entitled son trying to grab the bigger lego sets on the shelf i ran to them and took back my legos safely away from them entitled ant began to shout at me telling me how stupid i am and more insults from her apparently her shouting could be heard from the living room and my mom and uncle came in to check i was about to tell them what happened but entitled ant cut me off she told them her story and my mom knew that it was a lie mom knew me that i would not give away my lego sets and told entitled ann to get out of the house this made in title dance so mad that she decided to pull my shelf full of legos to the ground i was shocked but my uncle quickly grabbed the shelf and held it to prevent entitled ant from pulling it my uncle is a huge and tall guy with a long beard and wanted entitled ant to get out of the house and to never come back and title dan was mad and she pulled entitled son to the exit i thanked my uncle for helping me and at the same day he bought me a lego set and i was very happy to this day everyone cut contact with entitled ant and we heard her husband divorced her her husband has a really good paying job and he had enough crap with entitled ant last time i saw her she was living in a small apartment have you ever had a relative that you just couldn't stand if so what did they do please let us know i've got a co-host i can't stand entitled mother became enraged because our food program was cancelled context this woman has been a problem parent at the center for as long as her five-year-old kid molly has been there the girl started as an infant in our baby room so that's five years of this woman this entitled mom is not a good person she would not pack lunches for her daughter she would often send her then 13 year old to bring molly into the daycare because she didn't want to and at least three times a week teachers had to give her kid a bath in the sink and when she was too big for that a sponge bath because she smelled so bad yes we called cps and i'm not sure what came of that but i know molly is still in her custody it was awful but there was one saving grace this girl could look to jenny jenny was the sweetest woman you would ever meet she worked in one of the preschool classrooms but her heart was so big and open that she extended her kindness to all of the kids every time molly came in without a lunch jenny would make sure she had food even if it meant driving to the local walmart or county fair to get her a sandwich eventually jenny began to bring in food personally for molly because molly's entitled mom never packed her lunch jenny passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in 2019 she was young just barely over 30. entitled mom kept bringing molly in without lunches and up until all the craziness started it was an ongoing battle that finally came to a head yesterday molly came in at 10 30 schedule which was too late for breakfast in the preschool classrooms we keep them on a schedule and breakfast ends at 8 30 while they get snack at 10. molly had a snack and lunch started at noon when the teacher opened her lunchbox to prep her food at lunch she noticed there was breakfast in there she decided politely to remind molly's mother that breakfast ends at 8 30 and if she was planning to bring her in later to please have her eat before she comes in because things are already in full swing in the classroom this was done via child care app that we use to communicate with parents well entitled mom did not like that and called the center screaming at our assistant director this lasted for 10 minutes and the pregnant assistant director came into my room the infant room angry about all this she cooled down and went back to her office the offices are right next to my room so i was being somewhat nosy and listening in entitled mom came to pick molly up effectively pulling her away from the center there she got to shouting at the assistant director wouldn't you be upset if they weren't feeding your baby wouldn't you want justice and people held accountable that's when the director stepped in and told the assistant director to check on the other classrooms translation you don't have to listen to this i'll handle it director then followed up with personally i would make sure that my kid ate breakfast before bringing them in assistant director left at that point entitled mom was throwing a fit about how she didn't like the teachers here how she thought tiana the preschool teacher for the four and five-year-olds was a raging jerk and how she didn't like her since the beginning and how a lot of parents pulled their kids because of her thing is she was confusing tiana with tessa the younger preschool teacher for the three and four-year-olds tessa is admittedly a strict woman but her strictness was countered with kindness and positive reinforcement entitled mom is so out of touch with her daughter's providers that she never even got to meet tiana finally she delivered the zinger everyone knew was coming but hoped she had enough class to refrain from saying you stopped doing the food program when jenny died i think you are just too selfish and cheap to honor her memory in continuing it to which director finally stood up and said jenny was the food program she bought that food for molly out of her own pocket with her money that she earned caring for the kids here the reason this so-called food program stopped is because jenny passed away to which entitled mom doubled down and said well why wouldn't you continue to buy food for the kids in her honor director because we do not have the budget to allocate funds for a food program and in addition in our handbook it states we are only to provide snacks we would need a whole other set of clearances and regulations to start serving food here like a cafeteria but you did it when jenny was here the argument continued back and forth like that until finally director basically said that this was the second outburst that entitled mom had and that they could no longer accept molly at the center with this continued behavior entitled mom needing to get in the last word finished with fine i don't want to send my kid to a place that starves her then she left with molly my heart breaks for the kid but there's not much else to do i just can't believe how classless you have to be in one argument to bring up a beloved saintly person like jenny and then basically insinuate that our wonderful assistant director was going to be a bad mother while acting like we are still somehow the jerks for cancelling our non-existent food program entitled mom freaks out because her kid can't pet my dog this happened several years ago and today is the most abrasive interaction i have had with other folks in public regarding my service dog who is now retired we've got entitled mom entitled kid service dog and me i was maybe about 21 at the time and was in the beginning stages of really learning to be an adult on my own at the time i had just moved out of my parents house and into an apartment with a friend before this i still lived at home with my parents and usually just went to school work and didn't often go places alone because i'm kind of a homebody so between school work and the odd outing with my parents or friends everyone usually around me was really respectful and familiar with my service dog and my general rules about her i didn't have issues usually and if i did someone less anxious and more assertive was usually there to help me this was no longer the case after i moved out i was out and about running some errands on my own which i was beginning to enjoy doing with my service dog at my side along the way i realized i hadn't eaten in a while and decided to stop at the food court of the mall i was in right then for something quick and tasty i got my food found a seat and began to get my service dog focused and prepared to go through our usual process so i could get started on my meal i'm not secretive or anything personally and usually i'm down to discuss my dog and educate if i have the time or energy with someone who is polite and well-meaning i have a really intense food allergy so that's what she is for she also knows how to bring me a handful of objects on command like an epipen inhaler or just lay down next to me to give me access to meds carried on her harness it's really important that she not be disturbed while i have her check things because a missed alert can be life or death for me not to be dramatic or anything breathing tends to be important so i'm about to go through the process of having my dog do a check for me when i see a kid making a beeline for my service dog she is harnessed clearly and boldly marked and not facing this kid that doesn't matter though because the kid is clearly too young or excited to read entitled kid puppy i placed a hand out instinctively just in time to keep her from touching my dog who is still set to do her check thankfully i try to be understanding with kids but i have a few hard and fast rules i never reward attempts to touch without asking i will stop and thank polite kids though each situation usually gets a conversation from me about how important working dogs are however even with polite kids i do not stop my dog mid-task for my own safety me oh no honey please don't touch the puppy she has a really important job and she's working right now this is usually a good enough explanation for most kids about two and up not this one though because she immediately starts crying i'm talking full-on pouring tears and a red face as she screams loudly in the busy food court i looked around for a parent and locked eyes with a round blonde woman who was apparently staring icy daggers at me entitled mom why are you touching her entitled kid puppy i want the puppy entitled mom marches over to me from her table and demands that i just let her kid pet my dog i could feel the heat on my neck i was so embarrassed at all the staring faces me i'm sorry i really can't do that this is my service dog and she's working right now if i let her get distracted during her task i can get really sick or even worse entitled mom service dogs are for disabled people you obviously aren't blind and you don't look sick me thanks that means she's doing a good job entitled mom what's wrong with you then just let her pet the dog the kid is carrying on incoherently during this exchange and has now thrown herself on the floor my service dog is not engaging her but is fond of kids so she's looking at her with concern i get more irritated because i will have to wait longer now to eat me that's none of your business nobody is petting the dog can you please leave me alone your kid shouldn't be running at large dogs she doesn't know anyway entitled mom i bet you're just faking it i don't think pit bulls can even be service dogs me any breed can be a service dog lady please go away and take your daughter with you entitled mom looks at me like i just slapped her in the face she could tell i wasn't going to budge she picked up the small screaming brat walked back to her table and put her in a stroller she gathered her stuff and left i breathed a sigh of relief and decided to check my phone for a minute so my service dog could forget the ordeal and reset i figured it was behind me and i could go back to what i was doing oh how wrong i was just a few minutes later i could hear the screech of an entitled mom heading back into battle the kid was still crying and this time she was accompanied by a security officer entitled mom there that animal bit my baby my eyes probably looked like they were just going to fall out of my head i knew people had weird hang-ups about breeds but this lady had just been demanding her kid be allowed to pit my dog i couldn't believe it this particular security guard looked like he didn't want to be mediating between adults at all he asked me if it was true and i said of course it wasn't i told him that the kid had run up to my dog and the mother was mad i wouldn't let my dog be pet he asked if she was a service dog i confirmed she was he asked if she was trained to do a task to mitigate a disability i confirmed she was entitled mom she's lying that mutt bit my daughter and made her cry entitled kid puppy she's visibly reaching for the dog the security guard is clearly having none of her crap at this point my service dog is calmly sitting next to us during the whole ordeal watching me she doesn't exactly look vicious and is actually quite a at this point a girl nice girl around my age chimes in nice girl this lady and her kid were bothering op that kid was never bitten you have cameras right the security guard confirms there are indeed cameras and says we will all need to follow him so he can check the footage due to the severity of the accusation security guard either i have to call animal control or the police harassing a service dog is a felony and a dog biting a kid is a pretty big deal either way someone is in trouble entitled mom looks panicked and started to backpedal and say she's willing to drop it and everyone can go their own way her precious baby is fine after all me i'm not willing to drop it you lied about me let's go three more security guards show up and we all get escorted to the security office sure enough the footage shows that the kid never even got within arm's reach of my dog and entitled mom was harassing us they asked me if i want to press charges and i say that i do police show up within a few minutes and i happen to know one of the officers because he's my ex-boyfriend's dad we split up amicably before we graduated in high school he knows me he knows my dog he loves my dog and has said she's one of the best trained dogs he's ever met i usually wouldn't be petty but i excitedly greet him he smiles and asks if it's okay to pet service dog at the moment i thank him for asking permission and say of course and titled mom looks at me like she could just throw something the other officer takes my statement in the end the officers see the footage entitled mom gets arrested and extra charges thrown on for resisting arrest and assaulting an officer it was pretty wild and my first real experience with entitled people on my own the charge for harassing my service dog ended up getting dropped but the other two charges stuck i didn't care too much about that but hopefully she learned a lesson i also did eventually get to eat speaking of dogs what's your favorite breed of dog of all time please let us know rottweilers for the win yes you bought the house but we can stay in it right so not my story but my brothers my brother and his wife were moving from one state to another and one of those states was texas so it was not a one day move if that makes sense they had gone house hunting found a place one that needed a little tlc updating since the owners were 70 plus years old but since they're both great diy-ers it was worth it for them to buy it cheap and improve it they drive and get into a hotel in town the night before closing late with a u-haul full of all their stuff they arranged with u-haul to have people there to unload at noon the next day after closing this is important the next morning they go to the walkthrough before closing and the house is not packed up as in it looks like people are still living there the realtor drops that the current owner might not be ready to give up possession at closing for brother this was a no-go they didn't have the hotel for another night and they had already arranged and paid for people to help unload so no contractually the current owner needed to be out they go to closing and the realtor for the current owner says that the current owner needs to stay in the house again overnight again from my brother no it's not arranged in our contract we only have the hotel for one night and i have the unloaders scheduled the current owner's realtor well in my day we just sorted this stuff out it didn't need to be in a contract brother okay when were you going to tell us at this point it's too late we made plans based on taking possession today so unless your client will pay to reschedule the unloaders pay for another night in a hotel and with a pet deposit since they have two dogs this won't work this is why it's contracted so that i can do things like not drive down here until the house is move-in ready come to find out that the current owner's realtor is no longer practicing as in was retired but came out of retirement to do this for current owner so closing proceeds and my brother and his wife go to what should be their house current owner and all their kids and kids spouses are there just hanging out not packing not getting things out just chilling brother um so can i help you with anything crew nah we're good they resume chatting repeat this every 15 minutes for about an hour and a half including my brother adding that he has people coming at noon to help him unload at 11 they tell my brother that they're ordering a pizza does he want some brother no i do not want pizza i'm celiac and can't eat pizza however i do need you to get your things out so i can move into my house the pizza arrives and they continue to offer him more at 11 30 he finally loses it brother no i don't want pizza i need your u-haul out of the driveway in half an hour because i will be moving my u-haul into my driveway to unload my things into my house they finally caught a clue cute chickens running with their heads off for the next half hour during which my sister-in-law brings the dogs in wife of formerly current now previous owner you can't bring dogs in here i'm allergic sister-in-law yes i can bring my dogs into my house and you had no problem getting gluten-filled pizza all over my house when my husband told you that it makes him very sick wife well what about the floors sister-in-law yes what about my floors this is our house now you need to leave they finally got their stuff and left but i figured this was a perfect example of very entitled people well at least they offered him pizza speaking of pizza what's your favorite place to get pizza from please let us know little caesars or pizza hut one of those two entitled ex-friend is upset about me getting a job in our field dave 35 male and i 25 female met in an advanced math class at community college three years ago i had finished my bachelor's and needed to take a couple extra classes to prep for my master's program in cs dave as he came to share had spent ages 18 to 28 playing video games in his childhood bedroom and from 29 to 35 he had had an awakening and decided to start doing something with his life he planned on getting his bachelor's in cs but had somehow managed to spend six plus years of taking part-time classes at the community college the guy was 35 never had a job outside of one summer stocking at a grocery store a decade ago never paid rent in his life either when we met in that math class despite his past i was impressed with dave for trying to turn his life around the guy was smart but over time i started seeing another side of him dave constantly complains about his parents the same parents who pay his every expense including a reloadable starbucks card and an annual disneyland membership the latter of which he uses two to three times each week any time i ever offered to help dave get a good starting job in it or cs hit laugh and say i couldn't possibly work even part-time with my academic schedule or thirty dollars an hour i'll be making three times that when i finish my degree what makes him think that his three months of job market experience from 2005 at the same time he always went around saying he knew more than his professors did he should just teach the class etc he'd tell everyone he's a computer scientist and a true academic well this summer i got an internship turned job into a major tech and entertainment company i am on track to finish my masters next year the sad thing is my friendship with dave was over within two months of me getting this internship he started calling me a sellout and saying things like working students didn't actually care about understanding computer science they just lied and cheated to get through classes random crap like that when i told him that wasn't true and that lots of students work his response was to ignore me for a week and then write a four-page letter saying i don't understand how hard he has it the entitlement is mind-blowing for a near-middle-aged man who has never supported himself to tell someone who worked their way through most college in retail and as a maid who now works full-time and mentors kids in stem while finishing a second degree that she doesn't appreciate how hard he has it mind blown hope he's still having a good time spending 40 hours a week studying and being a computer scientist at starbucks hey speaking of starbucks what's your favorite thing to get when you go there please let us know coconut frappuccino for the wind entitled mom uses my things for college for her advantage my family friend i'll call her my teacher is an ex-cosmetologist and expectation teacher and now owns several highly rated salons spas hair coloring cutting styling manicures pedicures and makeup she knew i wanted to also do those things but i am currently going to college to become a music teacher she decided since she has a salon near my college she would teach me her old lessons slash what was required to be taught on weekends after the shop closed my days off and afternoons in exchange for working reception and as her assistant booking appointments greeting checking people in grabbing things and doing errands if needed she also said when i got my license she would hire me there so i can work during the last years of my college five-year degree my dad gave me a loan to buy the things i would need to be able to do it once he found out over one thousand dollars and i could take out more if needed for only this and make payments whenever no interest charged my teacher gave me her old makeup kit no makeup just something for transporting it easily in that only was dirty and didn't have locks on it and my dad painted it white and painted cherry blossoms with my name and big neon pink letters on it for an easter gift to me i leave my kit in my room in the corner behind my dresses for my musical performances for college now my stepmom is just getting interested in makeup i give her tips and a list of what products would be good for her skin i even told her i'd give her a discount if she wanted me to do her makeup the price of products used only her response was why can't you do it for free we are family my entitled mom alarms were going off i told her i need to pay back the loans i have and left when she started getting mad i already didn't like her nor respect her at this time if i leave for a night i lock my bedroom door and bring the only key to my bedroom in the house with me i went to a family barbecue for memorial day weekend two aunts two uncles my grandfather my teacher her best friend my mom myself and my two cousins one who's six and one who's four and stayed two nights when i came back my bedroom door was unlocked which was a red flag since it's a force of habit to lock it i looked and saw my kit in the middle of the room open that was a red flag factory i just broke down and cried my dad saw me and saw what was in my room he knew that it was all wrong my stepmom comes down wearing the makeup from the kid and wondered what was wrong my dad asked her what she had done and my stepmom told him well i made a copy of her key and borrowed your stuff makeup is cheap you can replace it i almost punched her my dad took her into the garage and tore her a new one she cried said he was overreacting and drove off to her son's slash daughter slash brother's house i calculated how much it would cost for me to sanitize clean and replace the things that couldn't be sanitized eyeliners mascaras broken brushes broken powder products whole pallets that had been completely destroyed etc and shipping for all of it it came out to over seven hundred fifty dollars one of my palettes was forty four dollars alone no shipping and was a personal favorite brand of mine shout out to glam light my dad sold one of her sewing machines returned the build-it-yourself dollhouse that he had bought her and sold things of hers until he got over nine hundred dollars all in cash he used some of that money to replace my locks only one key was made and transferred the rest of the money to my account which i used to get what i needed to replace everything using my code that all beauticians have to get a small discount with certain brands i ended up having about 100 left over and used it to buy my dad's father's day gift and use the rest of the leftover money as loan payment when my stepmom came back she freaked out at my dad and i for destroying her hopes and dreams all i said was you break it you buy it she screamed at both of us said she deserved all of the things she paid for i was petty enough to have left her all the broken and unusable makeup and brushes where her sewing machine used to be with the cost of each product plus shipping taped to it she refuses to look talk or even be in the same room as me now and my dad said that she has one more chance before he kicks her out for good so happy ending but the entitled mom slash my stepmom is still as entitled as before i always lock my room now and keep my personal makeup in my room quick add-on my dad always told me something don't upset or mess with people who handle your food or money and money and time are two things you should never waste so when my stepmom had done that and messed with technically my money he was furious that she was wasting my money so he made sure in the end she only wasted her money and not mine update my dad loves all the comments you guys have made about him he thought he was being a jerk to her and this has made him know that he was in the right update holy my stepmom out of childishness poured and splashed water all over the fridge it froze overnight and now it's having to force things out of the freezer to get it out my dad sent out a group message that something had split and everything was stuck and my stepmom replied you're getting a taste of your own medicine you ruined my life so i'll ruin yours lal my dad might kick her out now update again i fell asleep and when i woke up my stepmom wasn't home yet i asked my dad who's up making guitar amplifiers out of old speakers beside job dm me if you want a custom-made guitar amp and asked where she is he said not looking up from his work she won't be here for a little while i'm going to let her rethink her choices then decide while she's gone if it's better or worse for me while she's away i feel like he's nicely saying that he kicked her out but it also might just be a break also he saved the freezer a big thank you i'm crying you guys are so amazing the ones who offer support are such a happy welcome in my life of being alone and the ones who donate their spare makeup that they don't need anymore thank you so much i love all of you for helping me in this crisis i posted this thinking i'd get verbal support to help my dad realize he needs to leave her in the comments but instead for a support system of kind and caring strangers thank you so much all of you karen follows me into the men's restroom a few weeks ago i was visiting my local big box bookstore looking for some good clearance items before the store closed permanently the dead mall it was attached to is being demolished the store has no dress code but the employees do wear lanyards and i wasn't so i was browsing around my preferred sci-fi section when i realized i needed to use the nearby restroom so i headed in that direction which happened to also be next to the mid-store customer service counter karen noticed me positions herself directly in front of me and blocking my path to my urinary destination i don't know why you don't keep that desk staffed but i really need your help finding my book are you going to help me or not not i say remembering the urgency of my business and i step around her with a variation of i don't work here continuing to my destination thinking that will be the end of the encounter it's not to be i hear her voice rising in pitch and volume on its way to full karen banshee as she literally follows me into the men's room and i'm convinced she was about to grab my arm and pull me around to face her being conscious of social norms about public exposure i made it into a stall and locked the door for privacy that didn't stop her from knocking on the door and threatening to get me fired before she heard the really solid stream hit the water and i'm convinced realized for the first time what it was that she had done i heard her embarrassed sounding squeak slash huff and she hightailed it out of there i finished my thing and washed my hands and came out to witness her being escorted out of the store by a properly lanyarded employee i only caught the tail end of the conversation where karen stated she was never coming here again and the employee had a classic response neither am i we're closing karen thinks she can have free use of my truck a few years ago i had a side hustle on my days off my job had a rotational schedule so i worked two weeks on then got two weeks off i made plenty of money at my job but it didn't hurt to make a little extra cash i was in essence a tour guide but for the region i lived in i didn't have any planned tours but usually just took people out to see neat places that they would not know about or think to go to i was adamant about getting paid up front and customers signed an agreement that made guarantees to protect my truck from messes or damage never had any issues fortunately and people always enjoyed the places i showed them except for one family they seemed friendly enough when i was having them sign a contract and collecting my fee i should mention my fee was fifteen dollars an hour plus seventy five dollars thirty five if it was a half day this covered a tank of fuel plus paid for my time shuttling you around i also kept a cooler with free water and some limited snacks you were paying for my knowledge of the region plus knowledge about the area's history and such plenty of times i had customers tell me i've never seen so much cool stuff in one day you could maybe find something cheaper but i didn't care once money changed hands with this family the attitude changed they began treating me like i was a second class citizen but i had their money so i didn't care i drove them around to some of the most beautiful scenery you can find it's rare people are left speechless by these places and never have i seen someone not be impressed until now every place i showed them they just seemed disappointed one of the places was a ski town popular with a lot of celebrities not aspen and they were just like eh it's okay i can't deny i was a little offended by their indifference but whatever they were never outright rude during the day but were surprised when i didn't buy lunch for them as i said you're paying for my time food is on you but then i got back to town and dropped them off at their hotel and it got interesting the wife says you can just park in the back and leave the keys at the desk tell them they are for the smith family me i'm sorry what wife this truck just pocket in the back we might use it later me this is my truck i'm not leaving it here that's not part of the deal wife oh please there's no way you can own a vehicle like this it obviously belongs to your company me i do this job self-employed on my days off for my regular job i assure you this is my truck i can show you my name on the title young man i had just turned 30. if you don't do as you're told i will be forced to call your boss me you mean me i am my boss okay smartie get your boss on the phone right now i thought about just driving off it's 8 pm but then had a better idea i called my supervisor at my real job we'll call him dan dan has been in the oil field for 14 years and could be quite blunt good supervisor he knew what i did on my days off and even sent people my way a few times he answered and i just said one of my clients is demanding to speak with my boss so here she is and handed her the phone wife sounding smug i tried to tell your driver to leave the truck here so we could use it but he lied and said he owns it i could hear him yelling are you stupid i didn't discern anything else but i know he gave her a good thrashing she just walked to the window handed me my phone and said he wants to talk to you then walked away boss that fix your problem me yeah thanks dan boss anytime brother have you ever been on any tours and if so we're at please let us know bridezilla karen ends up looking like a popper at her own wedding i female48 have known pat female48 for decades as far as i can remember she was fixated on having five kids and a picket fence dream life i slowly cut ties with her in college because she was an opportunist and i didn't trust her she is both manipulative and forceful her idea of cute rubs me the wrong way pat likes to walk like a penguin when she wants to elicit pity and she usually does this when she wants to evoke the underdog narrative i've never seen someone act so despicable and ridiculous at the same time i moved on with my life happily got rid of her for years pat eventually found me on facebook i accepted her friend request out of politeness pat has become the epitome of a permissive mother her five kids do as they please and she never calls them out she tried to force a relationship between me and her daughters and made them call me auntie pat tried to drop them off at my house uninvited her phone calls were insistent she tried to monopolize my time and she began to show up at my job i created some boundaries so she tried to find loopholes it was a nightmare my husband and i hosted a party for the community center not the real name new members the community center is actually a very informal initiative and my husband and i mainly serve the homeless population we prefer to help strangers instead of catering to potentially narcissistic acquaintances we don't mind lending a hand but we have encountered truly dishonest choosing beggars there are other services like one of the members who helps women get their weddings and prom dresses for free the community center location headquarters is actually a farm owned by an elderly couple there's a barn a venue and a very nice green field with an artificial lake and some fowl they charge for the use of their facilities for weddings etc but not for community oriented stuff pat had always been salty at her husband for demanding that she go back to work after baby number three in the meantime he worked three jobs she demanded he get her pregnant to fulfill her dream of having five kids he didn't agree because she was already nearly 45 and felt like he might never be able to retire she got away with bringing new babies into this world anyway her fascination with being pregnant comes from all the attention she gets she had at least one miscarriage in between each kid pat latched on to our group she never missed any of our activities i hated having her in my house but it was an open invitation that included virtually everyone and she was very active as an event organizer i didn't like the way her kids behaved we have a designated area for parties and entertainment but her kids ended up inside my room we ended up having to keep watch on them and enjoyed zero of our own party i called her days later to get my point across regarding their overall behavior but she completely cut me off and began talking about herself and said her kids wanted to come visit again and use our pool i never answered that i didn't want to say no i will not have your brats over she also called me as summer was approaching specifically to let me know her middle daughter was bored and wanted to spend a week at our home i politely declined citing that me and my husband have to work and cannot entertain guests pat paid no heed her kid called me on the weekend calling me auntie and attempted to coax me by saying mom says you invited me to spend summer with you i quickly clarified and offered an explanation to avoid hurting the kid's self-esteem never mind her daughter just hung up on me pat's facebook also showed some red flags some cryptic rants here and there were visible along with friends comments and complaints on how she asked a particular person to watch her kids only for a couple of hours and ended up leaving them all day another of her friends criticized her girls night out because pat had just asked them to be patient and wait until she could pay back some money that she owed them yet she had money to spend on friday night outings i thought those very public comments on private matters or more like a cry of lost patience unpleasant things began to happen like the time she volunteered to wrap the xmas presents for the underprivileged kids we all wanted to create a mix of less costly gifts with really nice ones surprisingly some nice and eye-catching toys and games went missing but turned up under her christmas tree courtesy of her mother-in-law's facebook posts no one could prove anything but it was hate inducing or the time my daughter called me in tears to pick me up after she attended pat's daughter's birthday casey my daughter had been ignored all night because she didn't gift her the expensive gaming stuff casey practically demanded my daughter did ask but i said no we would buy her a very nice and thoughtful present according to her taste so when i went to pick up my daughter she was sitting alone in the living room while casey and her friends stayed outside stories about pat and her family multiplied the owners at the farm community center decided to keep their gates locked unless they had guests or events because pat got in the habit of driving in whenever she pleased and it was either her kids screaming and disturbing ongoing weddings throwing rocks at the koi in the lake or harassing the geese in the yard or how she stiffed another soccer mom with a lunch bill and then pulled the struggling financially card or how other parents hated her because she created unnecessary hostile competition when my daughter turned 13 i allowed her to wear my grandma's ring it's not an expensive piece of jewelry but it's vintage and girls nowadays want to look boho my granny gave it to me when i became a teenager so i passed it on to my kid so she could wear it on her birth week it was weird that she became quiet and distracted after that she also didn't want to go to school and my husband and i became suspicious she never opened up and my other kids had no clue we went to her school but her teachers assured us nothing had changed in her environment my husband and i suspected that she was being bullied but our kid gave us no tools to support her my kid is very sunny and very compassionate she has never had any problems with other kids i called her best friend's mom natalie my kids bff told us what was going on casey pat's eldest and my daughter had become close i knew this and wasn't too thrilled i found the age gap casey was 17 not exactly inappropriate but i'd rather see my daughter spend time with friends in the same age range casey is very beautiful and a gifted student she is also very conceited to make the story short she asked my daughter if she could try on the ring and she refused to give it back she later claimed she had lost it but would look for it so my daughter was distraught my daughter kept asking for her ring and as a result casey shunned her and spread the word that my kid was trying to steal her ring some kids at school took casey's side so now casey just wore my kid's jewelry to school like nothing had happened if that doesn't qualify as taunting i don't know what does my guilt comes from not being able to get my daughter to open up and feel safe telling me the truth i talked to her and she burst into tears i was both pained as a mother and furious that some teenage jerk was doing this under our noses i went straight to pat's car after school i asked to talk as casey was about to get in so i grabbed casey's hand and asked to see her jewelry casey froze and she tried to make a fist so i became relentless casey yelled mom and pat struggled to get out of the car i slid the ring off casey has tiny hands and wore the ring on her index finger first pat yelled at me after i confronted her with the engraving on the band my grandma's maiden name she argued it was loaned to her daughter by my kid then she said she bought it i paid no heed i did warn them that i knew what casey had been doing to my daughter pat called me to tell me off she said she was trying to raise an assertive young woman and i had just messed that up by being overbearing she never apologized for her thief of a kid pat's husband hank is what can be described as a doormat pat wore him down to a knob he had no choice but to obey her to keep the peace she was a bully who actively withdrew affection when he didn't follow her wishes even in public so she got kids number four and five after a relentless campaign that included leaving him for two months her pregnancies were a nuisance because she expected to be treated like the only lady who has ever been pregnant she strolled around in a wheelchair almost immediately after getting pregnant and she would get very sick on weekends so her kids were often sent to friends and family so that she could rest pat systematically bullied hank she would leave town and take the kids with her poor hank would look distraught drinking on his porch or just looking really lonely this is how she got off the hook and was able to leave her job hank had virtually no voice so he struggled to keep the marriage together everyone liked him but hated her equally hank loved to talk to other people but seemed concerned that pat would be upset over time according to my husband hank began to show signs of depression and mental distress our friend lina runs the wedding prom dress initiative it's not complicated dresses are sourced from donations ebay trunk shows etc unusually beautiful dresses are retained so that more than one bride gets to wear them in some cases a bride will pay 50 bucks but most of the time the dresses are donated to the bride pat was involved in this lena kept her in because they never had any issues and her task was limited to just shipping the dresses out pat decided to renew her vows and her bridezilla karenzilla attitude became the icing on the cake for starters she bullied another couple into giving up their wedding date at the farm because she needed to renew her match her exact wedding date they were not impressed with her harassment so they booked another venue as a result the farm owners were upset because pat was already costing them money after she had successfully negotiated a cut in their raid because she couldn't afford it but will repay by doing maintenance work around the venue she never made good on her word pat became attached to a particular dress that was already assigned to another bride lena made it clear that she would need to pay for her own dress so pat played it cool and shipped the wrong gown instead she was adamant that it was the right dress despite all the notes on leah's agenda the other bride was truly gracious about it she was obviously disappointed but never made a scene what bothered me the most is that i picked that dress and bought it for 40 bucks at a garage sale not my money leah's money it was a vintage dress ankle length white with lots of lace and a huge bargain again when confronted pat did a casey and use the this is mine strategy we felt so bad for the other bride that we did our best to get her something nice to wear the other bride was a true fighter she had pulled out of welfare earned her high school diploma and was working to get on her feet by trying to earn her certificate as an acrylic nail technician so her reward was to have some karen steal her dress pat never admitted to messing up but just by the fact that she claimed it was her dress we knew lena never allowed her in the warehouse again their last phone fight ended with pat bringing up the other bride's past like it mattered and this conversation is over it's my dress and you are mistaken that was weeks before the other bride's wedding pat went all out on her wedding decor she spent way too much she hired a caterer for some of the food mainly mimosas and appetizers but the wedding invitation included a request for specific dishes for her sunday brunch wedding either she ran out of banquet money or was on a completely moocher model i picture the penguin walking upon practically asking everyone to supply her wedding reception grub and i cringe there is nothing wrong with potluck weddings in fact they can be a nice addition to a very cozy and family-oriented wedding reception but don't you need to at least be close to your guests in order to ask for such a thing even i got an invitation i told everyone i wasn't going because i was very uncomfortable being told what to bring and was probably expected to give them a cash gift on top of that some of the older ladies in our group agreed some said they would not decline in advance because she's a bully and they didn't want a confrontation lena called me the night before pat's re-wedding lena was there to close the saturday night bingo and pat was awfully friendly but that's what she does whenever things are going her way lena peeked into the garment bag and saw the exact same dress while pat was caught up supervising the wedding decoration the thing with karen's is that they expect everyone to suck it up or make their dreams come true or they simply underestimate everyone and think we are all fools lina is a very straightforward person with a so sue me attitude she told me that she would just ruin the dress after all it was hers so she could do whatever she wanted if pat wanted to take legal action and should things get ugly she needed to prove ownership however the dress was the same the marks inside the hem and the tags were the same even the tag numbers that were punched to identify each dress for logistics purposes matched pat had the dress altered with some extra beading and died to a deep cream color but it was obviously the same garment lena and i snuck in before the venue was closed for the night all brides are allowed to stay in a small bedroom for a small charge so that they don't need to drive in their own wedding day honestly the makeshift chapel was gorgeous i don't know how she paid for it but it was full of flowers and presumptuous details i naively brought in some ink to spill on the dress but lena said she wanted something more awful like a nasty surprise ink would be too obvious if she saw it ahead so she may be able to snag another gown from somewhere no the ideal thing was to have her trust the dress was fine so lena locked herself in a bathroom stall and completely cut out the back panel she patiently put it back on its hanger and zipped the bag we left through the emergency door with the back of the dress stuffed inside lena's purse i completely hate people who target and steal from anyone they pat and her kid calculate to be in a weaker position the wedding was scheduled at 9am pat called me at 7am but i ignored her calls i picked up by 8am both curious and wondering if she suspected anything pat was frantic she was crying that her dress was missing by half i purposely made her explain being annoyingly dense and continually interrupting like she does and stalling the conversation she asked me if i could lend her my wedding dress i said no sorry then she asked me if i would help her get a dress i was satisfied to remind her that the town's bridal shops were closed on sunday and the others that would open were almost an hour away the farm is already almost one hour away from our town if pat could get a shop to rent a dress she would need to try the dress on and get it steamed even if the dress was ready to wear it would easily take more than two hours round trip she tried to ask me to go pick a dress who would pay for this even if a shop were open and i brought her a dress it would add to the cost also these shops open at 10 or 9 30 at the earliest by the time they got it to her it would be time to wrap up the wedding because she needed to clear the venue by 12 for the next event she broke down and mumbled some stupid stuff i didn't understand so pat hung up on me and called lena instead she asked lena to bring her anything she had available lena and i ended up delivering the most outdated moss-smelling oversized dress pat's disappointment was a mix between angry and emotional she also tried to wear her knee-length silk bridle slip as a wedding dress but it was too obvious and it looked really cheap she tried to get her daughter to give her her own dress to wear with an open back zipper due to fitting issues but casey refused because she was going to wear it to the wedding the dress needed a petticoat to plump up the skirt which wasn't available so it dragged all over the floor and pat had to keep pulling it up pat walked down the aisle with one hand on her bouquet and another one grabbing her dress the dress looked limp and weird with the arrangements of pins they didn't show that caused the sleeves and neckline to pucker into messy rims she spent the ceremony looking uncomfortable and out of place very few people attended but that was not part of any revenge that was just how people reacted to her entitled attitude the dress looked awful the reception portion of the wedding had all this princely decoration a very nice cake and a bridezilla with a dress from heck i didn't stay but i was told she was so disappointed she spent her wedding sulking there was no dance no actual speech she had to change into a shirt and leggings because the dress was too uncomfortable everyone talked about how pat put on her flip-flops and walked around aimlessly until she ordered the ushers to start folding up the chairs within one hour of the reception so she practically kicked everyone out and the cake was never cut pat wasn't the same after this she was not as loud and avoided everyone i think she was disappointed that nobody ran to her rescue not even her family who came from out of town her husband finally cracked under all of the pressure and sought some help he was slaving away and coming home to clean the house while pat used her kids as an excuse to spend like crazy hank also had to do kids homework because pat never had time or never had patience she also refused to get a part-time job so her kids could attend and after school and get help with their school stuff therapy seemed to help hank because the last time pat left with the kids he didn't seem distraught he would be riding his bicycle and could be seen more relaxed while mowing his lawn when pat returned he maintained the routine but was interested in going out by himself and doing things for himself we began to see pat alone all the time hank was seen less and less in the same car and eventually moved in with his parents he filed for divorce on the grounds of emotional cruelty and i don't think he won instead i'm not sure of this because this is what i was told there was some sort of settlement or agreement that she would not get close or interact with him unless it has to do with the kids i also don't know if pat even actually suspected who slash what happened to her dress she slowly pulled away from the community center and became less active in social gatherings pat also removed me from her facebook as well as mostly everyone else from school and the center edit regarding my kid there were no prior incidents pat her family and my family were not friends i did see her often after casey's birthday incident there were no additional situations until what happened with the ring after that casey played the op treated me badly card because i physically removed the ring from her hands but i honestly don't feel i need to protect her emotions have you ever known anyone like pat and if so what did they do please let us know oh come on she doesn't sound that bad i'm just sorry for what happened to her wedding dress do you really want to discuss your grade in front of the class i was working as a long-term sub back in 07. a student who was never on time and never did any work was having a meeting with our guidance counselor this school had them in the classroom because of these meetings the kids were working on bookwork while i was doing grades for said meetings the student told me to tell the guidance counselor that she was passing and could move on to u.s history 2 next spring i told her i didn't want to discuss grades in front of the class but we could go into the hallway and discuss it there i had told every student before here the same thing though in most cases i just wrote their year-to-date grade on a sticky note which was usually enough most students had low b's to high a's the students were offered a time slot to discuss their grade after school if they wished until this student this was working just fine she had skipped the part where she was supposed to get her grade slip was late so didn't get the instructions and didn't listen when told afterwards her classmates reminded her that she needed her sticky note but she waved them off the guidance counselor reminded her she just sat down and the counselor gave a much put upon sigh and started working a few minutes later i get a mister i need you to tell her i'm passing this class well i have your grade right here just pick it up i replied no just tell me i want everyone to know how great my grades are apparently she had been bragging for some reason that she was acing my class also apparently her classmates thought it was a hilarious joke considering several were suppressing laughter by that point i don't want to discuss your grades in front of everyone but she kept insisting rather than coming up and getting the slip a mere 10 feet away from where she was working one of the students shouted out mister she doesn't care just tell her at this point most of the class and the guidance counselor started to get the biggest grins the malicious compliance the counselor added if she wants you to inform everyone that i suggest you inform everyone reluctantly and took another minute or so of me trying to say no i shared her grade me your grade is a two not 2.0 but two percent there is no way you're going to pass this class unless you and i come to an agreement about your schoolwork wait how did i get it too came the confused reply because you signed your name on all of the tests and quizzes and because you came to class on time some of the time but what does that mean mister with continued confusion or a really good attempt to play innocent at this point one of the other students chimed in you got the pity grade and at that point the guidance counselor hung up her phone having unnoticed set up a parent teacher conference in her office for later that week at that point the student was sent back to her desk for the next student to come aftermath it ended up being a long meeting four core subject teachers the counselor the student mom and grandma she had her meeting and was told by each teacher what she had to do to have a chance of passing their classes with only half the time left my plan for her was 100 attendance with no tardies late arrivals without a note making up all the missing assignments and then to complete not get 100s or even passing just complete everything and she would pass anything over that would improve her grade proportionally she agreed and then after two days stopped trying and eventually had to repeat the grade entitled parent tries to rob a coffee shop because of dropped doughnut this happened in 2012 so all details may be a little bit foggy i used to work at a famous coffee shop here in canada it was my first job that i had worked at since i was 17. so at the time i had already been there for two going on three years about one to two hours into the shift this guy comes in orders a coffee for himself and a doughnut and juice for his kid my partner working front cash with me picked up the donut and as he was putting it in the bag dropped it on the floor i did what every normal human being would do working fast food i threw it away while my partner grabbed another apparently this didn't bode well with this entitled parent he lost it calling my partner an idiot for dropping it and began demanding that we fish the donut out of the garbage as it was a waste of food normally i'd agree but after a long shift and no one cleaning the floors by the cash due to how busy it was i wasn't about to give him a floor gunk donut i told him that it is possible it's in the garbage and regardless of it being in there i wasn't allowed to serve four donuts to customers that was fine he paid for his food and left now i was working front cash on evening shift the previous shift was run ragged and couldn't do very much as i said before it was about two hours into our shift and caches were just changed out so i knew exactly what was in the cache now not many people pay for six dollars worth of food with a 20 bill most people that come in only use tens or if it's a super large order they're card why am i saying this well this guy came back about 20 minutes after he had initially left this time not for coffee this time he claimed i had given him the wrong change he said he had given me a 20 and that i'd only given him change for a 10. oh really well let me check quickly sir if i did that's my mistake so i opened the cash remember when i said caches were only recently changed well the way our manager does caches she put a specific amount of money in there based on what we go through most 20s well seeming how we basically never go through them saved the odd time there was only one in the cash i told him that it's impossible for him to have given me a 20 as there was only one in the cash which was the one the manager put in the cash when she changed them over he didn't like this at all and left again normally this would be the end right nope he came back a third time this time without his kid it wasn't busy at this point so we were doing chores while serving the odd customer he walks up to the cash i look at my colleagues and walk up to him what can i help you with sir open your cash register and give me some money it was hard to keep my composure at this guy he was weaponless his kid in the car waiting so i chuckled and said to him sure let me just run that by my manager real quick you'd think he'd leave but no he stayed at this point everyone recognizes the guy my manager is upset because she knows that he got back the right amount of money he was told to get out don't come back if you do the cops will be called and we'll place charges for uttering threats this isn't the only time i deal with entitled parents and karen's though oh no i have plenty more stories about said coffee shop speaking of donuts what are your favorite kind of donuts of all time please let us know cream filled or jelly filled i love doughnuts not my job to clean your patient this was a few years ago but it's still very satisfying to think about backstory i was a 24 year old guy working as a mental health technician at a county hospital in arizona i was specifically trained and certified to work with teens youth adults and elderly who were a danger to themselves or others this included those who were brought in by the police and needed one-on-one supervision 24 hours a day it's generally very boring and easy because the patient is sedated and strapped down this story is about one of these guys a patient had been brought into the er by the cops for whatever reason and had been extremely difficult to deal with i had been requested to go to their wing of the hospital we normally only work in the mental health ward and monitor and restrain if needed for the hospital staff i was chilling in the corner of his room on my phone probably playing games when a nurse came in to check on him the conversation went something like this nurse i'm going to need you to do something more than sitting there in the corner on your phone me excuse me nurse i need you to clean him and empty his urine bag me nope i'm not trained to do that nurse listen i don't have time to deal with this you're going to do this or i'm going to get the doctor me do you see cna certified nurse's aid on my badge anywhere it says mht mental health tech i am not certified to do a cna's job if i did clean him and change his urine bag but something went wrong it would be your job and not mine go ahead you can get the doctor and ask him yourself nurse you have no right to tell me what your job is i will have your job for this she storms out of the room and looks for the doctor after a few minutes i can hear her voice just outside the room i go just to the doorway i'm still able to see my patient to hear her and see the doctor nurse to the doctor he pointing at me is telling me that he won't do what i asked him just because he isn't a cna me to the doctor she's telling me i have to clean him and change his urine bag but i've told her that it would be her job if i did something wrong doctor to nurse he's right he has no responsibility nor is he certified to do it he's supposed to sit with him and watch him to keep you safe do your job and stop trying to find someone else to do your job it turns out there was no cna for her area that night she was trying to push her work off on other people and i was her last attempt until the doctor lost his patience chips aren't that big of a deal so this happened over a year ago but i just remembered it after a friend asked me about work stories we haven't talked in a while when i remembered this i started laughing okay so it's if i remember right saturday morning at the time i didn't usually work weekend mornings but we were short staffed i'll use m1 for manager m2 for me and c1 for the customer c2 for their spouse i was new to being a manager on duty so i'm somewhat nervous and on top of that i usually work the night shift some of the customers we had were ones i'd never seen before here comes customer one change in hand and one bag of chips they hand me the chips i scan them and they freak out customer one um excuse me your ad says those should have been 250 i'm not paying three dollars for one bag you need to adjust the price that's false advertising that price is outrageous me i'm sorry ma'am can you show me where it says this if it's true i'll honor it we go to the aisle where she claimed the ad was the ad actually said two for five she points at the ad grabs it off the shelf and holds it about five inches from my face i have a bit of a temper but trying to be professional i take the ad and explain me ma'am this says two bags for five dollars in order for the bag to cost 250 you need to buy two if you only buy one it's the regular price that's false advertising how was i supposed to know that there's nothing on here that says that i want your manager i know she'll fix it she always fixes stuff like this me yes ma'am i'll have her up here in a minute or two i say calling her up to the front to tell this woman that the ad isn't wrong a minute or two goes by but my manager isn't on her way yet i call her again and she says she's busy with a truck i tell the customer my manager can't get away from the truck as nice as possible realizing my situation her face immediately turns from patiently happy to unyielding rage at this point i just want to change the price so she'll leave but we can't change prices for an ad that isn't wrong she's staring me down demands a price change or my manager and is now holding up my line of three people here's the explosion me excuse me ma'am there are customers waiting behind you would you mind stepping to the side so i can help them i'm sure manager one won't be much longer customer this is ridiculous you're not even finished helping me hold on she pulls out her cell phone and calls customer too her husband baby these people aren't doing their job i need to use the bathroom and i need you to hold my place in line can you please step in here for a bit i guess he agreed because he walked in shortly after she leaves i assume to get manager 1 with a bathroom break as an excuse customer 2 stands there for a few minutes and asks me so what part of your job are you not doing she's been a bit of a jerk lately and i'd like to know i explain how she wants a price change on something that wasn't advertised correctly at store policy to avoid doing so and she won't take no for an answer slash demanding my manager fix it for her customer 2 well how much is she short 45 cents 60 cents if it's not that much of a difference i'll pay it you seem like a nice boy must be new too since i've never seen you here before me i've been here for almost five months now and i usually work the night shift i tell him as i'm ringing up the people behind him we've been short since someone quit so i'm filling in during the day for now long story he laughs and then my store phone rings apparently his wife is now demanding a price cut from my manager in the back manager called me to put her husband on the phone i hand him the phone turn to check a text message since my line was empty and i heard some words that still make me laugh randomly when i think about them customer two woman if you don't get your butt up here and pay this boy for these chips i'ma beat your a until it's a color shrimp can't see if i gotta go back there the boy's getting a lick too you're grown so act like it i'm laughing so hard i dropped my phone luckily she came up front my manager came with her since the truck was checked in now the husband hands me her chips again so i can scan them and tell her the price she's so red at this point i'm just waiting for her to start calling me names she looks truly defeated that we couldn't knock off one dollar and eleven cents i think for some stupid ships she walks to their car but the husband stays he gave me a 20 tip speaking of chips what are your favorite chips of all time please let us know i could really go for some hot cheetos right now am i the jerk for being upset when my husband took my book and refused to give it back until i made him dinner i 24 female study pediatrics and it's been the hardest year of medical school it's physically and mentally exhausting i began working at an outpatient clinic from 8 am to 5 pm i'm currently studying for nbme with little time i try to study during lunch break and in the evening when i get home and after i make my husband a meal i'm 14 weeks pregnant and it's incredibly exhausting studying hard for the upcoming exam and i can barely find the time between the clinic studying and self-care i use the past year papers and learn about the type of topics in those papers and read as much as i can plus going through textbooks and summarizing and taking notes my husband male 27 has been getting a little demanding lately and i noticed that especially after i started preparing my exam i spent time studying in the bedroom he had come in and asked me to take some time to make him dinner i'd make him dinner then go back to studying then after he finishes he'd knock on the door and ask me to do the dishes i'd get frustrated because he won't do the dishes and knows i have no time for washing the dishes and then he'd take a shower and leave the bathroom wet causing me to take time to clean it up then he'd tell me to go study elsewhere because he wanted to sleep i study in the kitchen sometimes in the living room when he's sleeping in the morning before i go to work i'd wait for him to wake up to make him coffee and then leave at 8 30 which is a bit late he wanted to invite his family for dinner but i told him i was busy studying he got mad at me for that and said that i needed to do more around the house but i do what i can trying to manage last night he got home at 10 pm he came into the room wanting me to make him dinner he got upset when i told him it was way past dinner time and wanted me to make him something to eat i told him there was leftovers in the fridge that he can eat but he wanted me to cook my exam was approaching and i needed every minute to be able to study as much as i can we started arguing he said he got fed up with my treatment and took my book said i'd get it back once i made him dinner i was so angry with what he did i demanded the book back and told him to stop acting so selfishly and trying to ruin my career he lashed out saying that he had been working all day as well and didn't have a decent meal we argued back and forth he gave it back and went to the other room he made himself a sandwich and went to sleep before leaving for work he said that i was treating him poorly and that i need to take care of him more and not ignore him like that he demanded that i apologize for last night but i didn't just to make things clear and tell his side of the situation he says that i'm neglecting him lately and was upset that i can't do the things i used to do before i started studying he just won't understand that my current circumstances are difficult and that he needs to be supportive during this time instead of behaving like this edit he's in law enforcement he works long hours and isn't always at home the reason i do most of the chores is because i know how hard he works but he should support me and do the same for me when i'm studying and trying to keep everything balanced it makes me sad that this is how he reacted towards me needing time and support well what do you think is o.p the jerk or not please let us know i think he should be the one making her dinner to be honest fired are you sure okay note 1 this story was told to me by a friend and it's about her father it takes place around 2005. no two this happened in sweden where there's no at will employment once an employee is past the initial six-month probation period you can't fire them without a cause which also requires an established paper trail so my friend's father who has since retired was a mechanical engineer he was around 55 when this happened and very experienced in his field in fact he had some skill sets that were so unique to the extent that you might be able to replicate them but at extreme costs we're talking multiple people from multiple companies from multiple countries taking weeks if not months to get up to speed with specific projects to do the same things he was a no bs kind of guy who did his job did it well but also pointed out problems and expected others to point out problems to him he was extremely solution oriented and had no time for office politics or keeping a positive attitude at work basically your everyday grumpy old engineer who really knew his thing and was always ready to help if you asked but not very forthcoming in team building exercises and so on he also ran his own business on the side doing minor projects and so on as was required by his employer he had reported this and was sure to not cause any conflicts of interest so his employer knew and accepted this he was considered a valuable employee and got several awards that he cared little for but anyway during his many years with his employer by all accounts they paid him well respected his knowledge and accommodated his style and he returned the favor by working very hard and making sure to mentor younger and newly employed engineers to make them effective co-workers then his firm was acquired by a larger firm and a new management team installed initially everyone was promised that things would remain the same but with the new management came a new office culture the new management pressured for unpaid overtime for a more american corporate culture with cheering and clapping and so on he considered it extremely cringe and refused to participate his status as a long-standing and knowledgeable employee kept him safe for some time before the new management realized that resistance to the new culture centered around him and started pressuring him to play along when he did not they turned increasingly hostile realizing that he held a lot of soft power in the company having mentored a large percentage of the engineers and resistance to their leadership centering around him they started ordering him to work overtime he answered that he was on time with his projects and that if they had identified an emergency requiring overtime they would have to bring it up with the union to negotiate the overtime and make sure it was an actual emergency the contract with a union said no overtime unless in an emergency they tried to force him to participate in the cheering and clapping by making it mandatory for him to attend and yelling at him to participate and he did but so unenthusiastically that the event turned even more cringe and people started laughing the workday turned more and more hostile and he knew that things would come to a head sooner or later being an experienced engineer and knowing how to document things he already had his ducks in a row then it finally happened they caught him answering an email for his side business on his work laptop brought him in and fired him on the spot for theft of company resources he said at the conference table and looked the three managers in their eyes one after the other and asked are you sure you want to do this they all said yes are you really sure you want to do this he was escorted to his desk by security to leave his phone his badge and his computer at the desk and then escorted out once out of the building he phoned his union representative who immediately canceled the firing claiming there was no just cause which meant that it would go to the labor board for arbitration you see the company had an i.t policy that it was okay to use the company laptop for personal business including a side business as long as you were on a break and compliant with it security protocols and the company was aware of and had approved his side business and he was on a break of course he had his declaration of a side business signed by his former manager and the i.t policy available and sent both to the union representative then he called his lawyer and asked him to send the pre-prepared cease and desist on two patents he had patents that were not that significant and nothing he could make any serious money out of since they were mostly for very specific things used by the solutions he designed and used at his employers but still his that he had brought with him into the employment and allowed the employer to use in exchange for a slightly higher pay all duly documented in his contract of course then he went home for some vacation and tending his side business he was always a man to prepare and had enough money saved up to last him a good time to the extent that he considered retiring entirely my friend said he had two job offers from competitors that had looked to snipe him for some time within the week basically as soon as they learned he was available he was gracious but declined but offered them to consult with his side business now that he had the time which they eagerly accepted at twice the hourly rate that he made at his earlier employers his colleagues started ringing the day after for advice since the projects he had managed could not go on without him he was perfectly polite but denied any information and help saying he had left everything he had with management and to contact them as he was no longer employed there several clients that phoned his private number were told the same thing since his private number was not on a public registry he suspected that both colleagues and clients spent some time and or money to find it it took two weeks before manager phoned him and asked things he politely declined to answer got yelled at and replied with something like i'm sorry you must have mistaken me for someone who works for you and hung up this happened a few times and the next week hr phoned him and stated the firing had been a mistake and he was welcomed back to his job he again politely declined saying that he awaited the labor board's decision but until then he was happy to consult for them at six times his hourly pay after taxes and administrative costs of course after a few days of wrangling and trying to negotiate they had to accept and then he sprung the patent issues on them forcing them to pay for those too less than two and a half weeks after being fired he was back at his desk after roughly three months the firing came to the labor board the employer stated that they believed they had handled the issue correctly but were still willing to offer my friend's father his position back in the interest of goodwill and a reconciliation my friend's father and the union simply stated that he was now employed elsewhere his own company and no longer available the labor board ruled in his and the union's favor and he got the normal damages three months pay damage and 24 months pay severance package including pension and of course the lawyer costs of the union paid by the employer according to my friend her father continued to work there until he retired working 20 hours or so per week and 10 to 15 hours for other companies making a pretty penny continuing to charge them three times what he charged their competitors as a jerk tax the managers were not fired but they were moved into their own group apart from the rest of the department when it came to bonus calculations and the costs of her father's consultancy fees and the costs of the labor board arbitration were budgeted there meaning they were constantly over budget and thus ineligible for bonuses for several years which was a decent percentage of the incentives at that company making at least one of them quit my friend also said her father usually met any management complaints with a big crap-eating grin and what are you gonna do fire me after that entitled mom wants me to take off my mask because it has a logo of the school her son couldn't get into context i recently started as the front desk person at the campus housing office due to the school's policy to minimize the spread and keep us safe they gave all the faculties and employees free masks that could be washed and reused again if you want to know what school it is it's the university in washington that everyone applies to the mask i had was in school color with the school logo on the left side of the mask i honestly didn't care the mascara school logo on it the only reason why i wore it was that they are reusable and it reduces waste no one had any problems with it if anything people jokingly said that they would trade their masks for mine cast we've got me we've got entitled mom we've got her son the story until i met karen at the grocery store i was there to pick up some stuff for dinner i was in the meat section when a lady with a care and haircut was staring at me to her credit she was wearing her mask and her son maybe around 17 or 18 was wearing one as well and i was surprised to see karen wearing a mask and thought maybe she wouldn't be so bad boy was i wrong so i'm looking for a certain pork cut and the lady continues to stare at me i continue to ignore it and then she breaks the silence entitled mom you are so selfish me pardon wearing that mask you are selfish and a jerk me i'm sorry i'm still not following god i thought you people are supposed to be smart can't you see your mask is upsetting my son i look over to her son who looks like he wants to get out of there me and what makes you say that entitled mom that mask is for that school he applied there but was rejected her son mom i told you it was all right i shut up she turns to me now take that mask off me ma'am i'm really sorry that your son couldn't get in but how exactly is me taking my mask off gonna help entitled mom how dare me i'm not finished it's a mask that's it it was a requirement to get into the store i only wore it because it was in my car just go and grab another one and why should i do that we don't even know each other that's when entitled mom tried to charge at me to take mask off my face her son held her back her son you know what i'm done i told you i got into the other school and i just started my first quarter you were the only one who resented me going there because you're weirdly obsessed with this other school if you want the school so much then you go there entitled mom how can you say that you should be defending me i am your mother her son a mother who isn't happy that her son is university student and a mother with a false pride because she only has a high school diploma i can make my own decision thanks entitled mom stormed off and her son apologized on her behalf we had a nice short chat turns out he was a pretty good guy with high hopes in these trying times turns out he had saved up enough money from part-time jobs and his relatives who were actually happy about the acceptance and offered some financial assistance he was in school housing but entitled mom had tricked him the other day to come visit her am i the jerk for uninviting my family for my wedding because they want me to share it with my sister to preface this we only got engaged about 10 weeks ago and have plans for november of 2021 but if there's still issues at the time we'll postpone my sister rosie and i have always had a complex relationship but my bigger problem is her fiance mick who i detest with my entire being mick is a complete jerk one time my daughter age seven painted my son age five and my fiance's nails and mick called my son and fiance sissies because they had nail polish on he's also hit on me in the past and shamed me so yeah hate him fiance also hates him my parents wanted to invite about 40 people to our wedding our guest list only has 20 guests so the agreement we came to was they pay for two-thirds of the wedding as they had two-thirds of the guests so far all we have arranged is a venue and it's a good thing we did too because there's only three venues in the area and november 2021 was the earliest date any of them had available rosie has looked for venues and the first available date is april of 2022 mom and dad told us today that we will now be having a double wedding everyone involved is aware of the issues we have with mick we refused to share the wedding my parents then said they were paying for two-thirds of it so they should have final say i responded that they don't get a say on who is getting married they said i was being immature and should learn to share the spotlight and i said that my issue was seeing mick standing next to my fiance at the altar my parents tried to young lady me i'm nearly 28 saying that rosie can't get anything in the next 18 months and it wasn't fair to make her wait that long plus if they're paying for well over half of the wedding and won't be interfering on anything else we should allow this i then said that we would pay for the entire wedding ourselves and go back to our original guest list minus my parents mick and rosie then hung up i definitely just snapped in the moment but the idea of sharing my wedding with mick gives me a visceral negative reaction since hanging up my fiance says that he's fine with this development though he wasn't expecting it but he supports me however my parents and sister feel i overreacted and called me a jerk for uninviting them over having one thing they wanted at the wedding they're paying for i felt pretty confident in my choice but then my brother who hates make as much as i do said i needed to calm the heck down and that my logical response here would have been to return my parents money and remove their guests not to uninvite my parents for my wedding entirely and said unless i fix it i'd be going full bridezilla am i the jerk edit to be clear i am 100 returning the money the idea of the money was that we add my parents guests which is no longer happening so i'll be returning their money well what do you think is ob a jerk or not please let us know at 17 i got a nurse suspended so in high school i worked as a certified nurse's assistant at a local nursing home i only worked on the weekend because my parents wanted me to focus on school during the week anyone in the health field knows you cannot work with the elderly when you are sick because it wouldn't be safe for them at all when i was 17 i got really really sick i got sick on a tuesday with a light cough and by friday i was going into 10 minute coughing fits the next monday was labor day my regular doctor was closed all weekend my parents decided we couldn't wait until tuesday and went to the er i had a bad case of bacterial pneumonia regular pneumonia usually results from a bad case of the flu or another illness but a perfectly healthy person can be in walmart for example and walk by another person with bp who sneezes and breathes it in it's extremely contagious i was admitted to the hospital and hooked up to tubes turns out i was also dehydrated from being so sick around midnight i realized i needed to call in since i won't be able to work for the next three days so i called the nurse's desk and told the rn on duty that i've been diagnosed with pneumonia and won't be able to work this weekend and most likely the weekend after due to the possibility i could still be contagious she told me if you wanted a three-day weekend you shouldn't have volunteered to work you can't fake a cough to get out of work in the real world sweetheart then she hung up i asked my dad what i should do he took my phone and took a picture of me in the hospital bed then we got a side note from the doctor and took a picture of that he then told me to email those to the director of nursing for the facility i did that and also told her what the rn had told me thing is at this facility any calls through the nurses station are recorded to protect the facility from lawsuits and or protect the residents from negligent caretakers she was on record telling me what she did when i returned two weeks later i learned that she had been suspended for eight weeks without pay for negligence edit there are a lot of people asking how this was malicious compliance during my cna classes we are told to protect the residents no matter what even if it costs our positions i went over many heads directly to the director of nursing which could have gotten me fired the i don't work here that broke my heart this all happened many years ago we're talking mid to late 80s before i begin i should just say that as a child i was very close to my grandmother both my parents worked and when i got out of primary school i went to my grandparents house until my mother picked me up i also stayed with my grandparents during the school holidays my grandmother taught me the basics of cooking gave me a love of literature and showed me the love to be had from music in about 1983 my grandparents immigrated to new zealand to live near their son my mother their daughter sadly died in 1981 and i was well settled in secondary school by then so they felt making a move like that would be good for them it was tough saying goodbye to my grandparents i was very close to both of them but especially my grandmother some years later 1988 or thereabouts i had started university just before the end of my first year my grandparents came back to the uk for a visit they were staying with my dad although he wasn't their son he thought of them as his parents before dad knew about their proposed visit he decided to have some work done to his house he wanted double glazing installed and some work on the roof done so when they arrived there was a lot of activity going on around the house about a week after my grandparents arrived back my college broke up for the summer vacation and i traveled back home i was excited to see dad but i was really excited to see my grandparents again it had been a few years since i last saw them we'd exchanged letters but not seen each other since saying goodbye at the airport when they left for new zealand i got a taxi from the railway station to my dad's house and the first thing i saw when i got home was the building site that was the front of his house complete with builders i didn't even need to open the front door there wasn't one it was being replaced i left my backpack in the hall and went into the kitchen my grandmother always liked being in the kitchen the kitchen was her domain and was the place she felt most at home the kitchen was also at the back of the house and was the farthest away from all of the work at the front of the house so i went straight there i opened the kitchen door and just stood there smiling at my lovely gentle kind grandmother she had aged so much but was still unmistakably my grandmother my smile slowly disintegrated when i saw the reaction on her face it was a look of fear and anger then she grabbed my grandfather's hand and said he's coming in why is he coming in who does he think he is get out my grandmother who i had seen every day of my life for the first 15 years of my life who i loved so much didn't even know who i was she thought i was one of the builders and was terrified of me the fear on her face broke me ripped my heart into edit thank you for the awards and all of your very kind comments some of your stories of your own loved ones experiences with dementia and alzheimer's have been heartbreaking thank you all for sharing am i the jerk for refusing to make a dish because my husband complained my husband was raised by a single mom that worked two jobs so most nights the boys were left to their own devices or one of their much older siblings would drop off fast food sunday was her one day off and she'd make a huge dinner roast potatoes veggies etc she continued this even after they were grown moved out and she no longer had to work two jobs she died 10 years ago and we all miss that roast recently my husband has been talking about it a lot lately so i decided a few sundays ago to make the roast i got the recipe card from his older sister so it would be exactly the same followed it to a tea he and the kids were so excited i was too i think it turned out fine i followed it exactly and the kids and i loved it however my husband found everything to complain about the potatoes weren't right the chicken didn't taste the same etc he was really disappointed and i said maybe part of the roast being so good was that it was the one meal a week his mom cooked so it was special i cook every night and i'm not his mom he looked me in the eye and said or you just suck at making this almost like he was mad at me it was in his tone and voice so i was done i felt really unappreciated and i just packed up the leftovers which he brought to work every day and complained it just wasn't the same and that i wasn't a good cook but he ate them all and we had other stuff that he could bring no one was forcing him to eat it this past saturday he asked why i stopped making the roast i said because apparently i don't make it right he acted like i was crazy so i made it yesterday same dang thing he hated it complained about how i can make anything but his roast so i said i'm never making it again i'm done he got mad and said he wants the kids to have his tradition i said i'm not hearing his whining every week we'll have a sunday dinner but no more roast i also packed up the leftovers for the kids today too and they're remaining for myself he called me a bitter jerk am i being one well what do you think as op being the jerk or is her husband please let us know tell that boy to make his own dang roast this one really irked me mr reddit so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not all right guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr redder
Views: 181,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, entitled parents stories, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, reddit stories, reddit stories funny, karen, r/entitledpeople, entitled people
Id: D32wbJEjCBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 43sec (11563 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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