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hey there mr reddit here welcome back to another episode of r entitled parents stories today we have a very special episode for you a compilation of some of the greatest entitled parent stories we've read over the past year so sit back relax and enjoy a few hours of the most entitled parents you've ever heard of and by the way karen assured me that if this video gets 1000 likes she won't try to speak to anyone's manager for an entire week so please smash that like button and if you're new subscribe and turn on notifications for new stories from reddit every single day and become an official member of the re-army today and i'll give you a shout out in an upcoming video r slash entitled parents entitled ant claims adult child has to obey her because it's the law another post about a parent volunteering their adult child reminded me of this it happened to my cousin but i was there for the majority of the story i remember it so clearly for a couple of reasons in addition to just having a good memory it was the first trip after my father had passed and it was sadly the last trip i took with my mother she passed less than a year later my aunt was always playing the big shot of solving people's problems but using my cousin as the actual person to take on the problem always for free if someone insisted on paying entitled aunt kept the money need a babysitter a ride house cleaned yard mode errands run oh my daughter can do it as far as my aunt was concerned the only reason emily existed was to cater to her emily was her ultimate trophy and titled ant was entitled long before it became a huge thing cast we've got entitled and we've got emily my cousin we've got mike emily's boyfriend we've got me we've got police officers one and two and the judge my aunt has always been entitled it's her personality type my mother couldn't stand her little sister so we tried to avoid her while still maintaining contact with her husband and child my uncle their brother lived further south in the state so we always tried to avoid entitled ant knowing when we were visiting on this trip i was staying with my cousin for a couple of weeks in the summer and we were going to do the tourist things entitled anne thought that the university not being in session meant that cousin was slave labor one day emily decided that enough was enough she was supposed to run errands for a friend of entitled ant and had told her mother she had plans her mother as usual acted as though emily had agreed and expected her to comply emily just didn't run the errand for the friend as demanded it was that simple my mother and i had arrived about 10 minutes before the phone rang and titled aunt called and though this was back during landlines she was screaming so loudly that both my mother and i could hear both sides clearly entitled and how dare you embarrass me with my friends you called mrs no-name and apologize immediately you are grounded for a month and you may not drive the car at all now you make that call and go run those errands now if anyone can explain how she was supposed to do this without using the car i'd like to know emily mom i'm 22. i do not live in your house you do not pay my bills and you do not own my car run the errands yourself i have plans my mom was a little nervous leaving us at that point it's a mom thing and a she has met her sister thing even though we were both fine she left just after meeting emily's boyfriend we left and went to a water park and a few other things we got back to the house and were talking about where to have dinner mom insisted on paying for us to go someplace really nice for dinner that night we get back and emily's car is gone she called and asked where it was emily mom do you have my car entitled dad yes i do your father brought me over so i could check and see if you had obeyed me i told you that you were grounded and you were not there when i arrived i'm keeping the car for a month but i'm going to let mrs no-name borrow it because you've been so horrible to her emily mom that's stealing i want my car back now or i'm going to report it stolen no mrs no name can't drive my car i'm your mother what i say goes missy you need to learn some respect and to get it through your head that i'm in charge and you are the child you don't own anything it's mine because i am your mother the police will likely arrest you for wasting their time emily hangs up and looks at me she is so angry she is crying in rage emily hey sir if i call the police she's going to know you are here me i can live with that that fallout is a whole nother story she picks up the phone and calls the police tells them the car has been taken without her permission and where it is mike drives us over there we do not want to miss the show officer one knocks on the door an entitled ant answers hello officers do you need something officer one ma'am the vehicle in the drive matches the description and location of a vehicle reported stolen it's my car i took it from my daughter because she is grounded from using it for being disobedient and disrespectful officer too i see may we have a word with her please entitled ant looking very smug she doesn't live here officer one who had noticed us across the street you three come over here please did one of you call us emily i did it's my car officer my mother seems to think that she has control over it and me entitled hand it's my car i'm your mother and you have to obey me it's the law tell her officers officer too actually ma'am there is no such law your daughter is an adult there most certainly is such a law i'm going to report you to your chief for not knowing it i may even sue officer 1 to cousin may i see the car registration and your license please emily hands them to him ma'am this car is registered in the name of your daughter and only your daughter it's her car and you have no right to drive it entitled ant looks at the registration the officer is showing her and then snatches emily's license from him and slams the door the police officers look at each other for a moment and then shrug and ring the bell again entitled ant answers it looking very smug officer one ma'am i'm going to need you to return the license now entitled ant hands him the license that she has cut into several pieces now she can't drive because she doesn't have a license she looks at emily as though she just scored some odd victory then she finally notices me a sir what are you doing here me just trying to have a nice visit with my cousin she has hated me for years you need to leave i didn't give you permission to visit where is your mother i don't need your permission my mother is not here i can travel without her officer 1 ma'am you are under arrest for destruction of government property apparently cutting up a valid license is a felony in some places who knew and grand theft of this car you can't arrest me i'm her mother i have rights officer two yes you do he then reads them to her the officer explains to us that until she destroyed the license he had been willing to issue an appearance ticket then instead of being arrested she would just have had to appear in front of the judge and get a fine this was a much bigger deal emily ran into the house to tell her father what had happened we all chatted for a little bit until the phone rang it was entitled ant telling him to call their attorney we left i drove the car back to emily's and took her to get her license replaced the next morning the attorney called by my uncle apparently didn't know my aunt and he showed up at the first hearing a week later to try and get it dismissed it looked to be going her way at first entitled ants attorney your honor this is a family matter it's simply a case of a mother disciplining her child and the child calling the police because her mother grounded her from using the car judge so she got mad and called the police and she not knowing that it was a crime to destroy the license did so attorney yes your honor that's pretty much it judge prosecutor do you have nothing better to do today prosecutor know your honor i don't i consider it rather important when a 22 year old woman has her car stolen it doesn't matter who stole it she has just as much of a right to justice as someone who has their car stolen by a stranger judge 22 the victim is 22 prosecutor yes your honor the victim is a 22 year old woman who is the sole owner of the vehicle in question her mother became enraged at her daughter she then went to her daughter's home stole her car and later destroyed her license and title dance attorney your honor i was not aware of the age or living situation of the victim i was under the impression that the child was a minor who resides with her parents entitled aunt was sitting there still looking smog her attorney was sweating bullets judge entitled and do you realize that these are very serious charges and if convicted you face up to eight years in prison for what i have the right to discipline my child as i see fit she disobeyed me she will think twice before doing it again judge no you don't you have the right to discipline your child within the confines of the law you have stepped outside of that parameter you stole your daughter's car i'm a mother it's my right it isn't really theft because she is my child and her property belongs to me by law judge where did you get your law degree i don't have one then let me be the first to explain to you that your child is a legal adult period you have no right to anything of hers without her expressed consent period you may not take her car without her permission period you may not enter her home without her permission period do you understand that you don't know what you are talking about i'm her mother that gives me the right i'm in charge no ma'am i'm in charge this case will be held over for trial i went home a week later entitled dan eventually took a plea deal where she had two years probation and had to take parenting classes the parenting classes were mike's idea and the prosecutor thought it was great we laughed hysterically over that because my cousin is an only child emily and mike married a year later and moved the heck away from there this took place about 30 years ago entitled aunt maintained for the rest of her life that the judges there were five for different status hearings didn't know what the heck they were doing and that she was right next we've got two bullies in my spin class mock me on social media i get them banned from the studio and fired on new year's day of 2018 i resolved to get in shape i was never overweight but growing up in russia and spending my very early adulthood there i smoked like a chimney and my cardio was garbage going to college in america didn't help matters because i started drinking to go along with my smoking i decided to start going to spin class i work at a marketing firm and choose a particular spin class because i received a free year-long membership as a holiday office party present that year it was a generous gift because it was a trendy pricey boutique spin studio i've ridden bikes my whole life so i thought how hard can it be to ride a bike that doesn't go anywhere but my first day in class was a rude awakening it was clear that the class that i was attending an early morning class for people to attend before work was an advanced one where a majority seemed to already be part of the culture and very fit it was obvious i couldn't keep up the instructor was really nice and told me that since i'm new it's a good idea for me to ride up front so that i can watch him and copy what he does more accurately or alternatively he can easily see what i'm doing and offer alternatives if i'm not doing things right i thought what a great guy and what a great class there were these two other students in the class though who gradually made my morning spin classes suck valerie was obviously very fit she looked like a model and obviously worked hard to look as good as she did boris was her male equivalent they were both about my age maybe a few years older but it was clear that they were far more fit than me they were obviously very interested in that particular gym's culture and that they were always checked out in the store brand athletic wear i'm not going to lie they looked good wearing it they weren't a couple but it was obvious that boris had a thing for valerie and valerie was aware of it and not reciprocating whatever they were doing it wasn't my business that thing about both of them being more fit than me they never let me forget it for some reason they seem to take offense to the fact that i was writing up front i can see why the front two rows were filled with the very strongest fittest people the let's take a selfie sort of gym people except these ones seemed actually fit at the same time all the other super hot girls and guys especially the guys were very nice to me and didn't seem to care that i wrote up front whereas valerie and boris would always shoot these sideward disgusted glances at me or smirk i'm not a confrontational person so i wouldn't do the thing most would do in that situation such as say the heck is your problem jerk i always got to class super early to dress up and adjust my bike the gym has a policy first come first serve when it comes to choosing one of 30 bikes in the studio i noticed a lot of other people show up early who were also clearly less fit than the stars that occupied the first couple of rows but they seemed to self-segregate into the very back i was still new as it was my first couple of weeks so i set up front because i was still finding my rhythm i'd sit right up front where the instructor told me so that i could watch him and he could watch me every time he would come in he would greet me enthusiastically and praise me for my commitment to fitness it was little wonder his class was so popular everyone held him in high regard sometimes in class he would shout encouragements to the class as a whole but also give personal shoutouts to certain students despite the darkness of the room when the instructor said great job there op you're killing it i noticed both boris and valerie give each other a look and shake their heads laughing i never knew for sure why valerie hated me but i think it might be because we were both russian and no one else who went to that early class seemed to be and she wanted to be the only east euro girl who knows as for boris he followed valerie because he wanted to get with her boris and valerie usually showed up right when class was starting and the whole place was packed and yet they were so entitled that there were always two bikes up front right next to each other reserved for them despite the crowd at 5 30 a.m there were still a couple of empty bikes in the middle or back but that wasn't good enough for them i'd be right in the front row too i got there early and it was my right to sit wherever i please and yet despite them showing up at the last second they shake their heads at me like i'm the one who's got a lot of nerve well this goes on day after day for a whole month and despite the fact that i'm no longer new and i'm starting to get more fit and don't really need the instructor so much just to survive the hour on the bike i still sit right up front i thought maybe the particular bike that i was selecting had some significance to valerie or boris and that's why they caught such an attitude all the time i always rode on the same bike by this time i was a bit chummy with a lot of the other women and knew their names and we'd hug in the morning i thought i should make peace with valerie if not boris who always sort of gave me a i hate you because valerie hates you but if there was no valerie i'd totally go out with you vibe so when i saw valerie that morning as usual she showed up right when the class started and sat next to me i politely asked was this your bike before and you were used to it we can trade if you like she rolls her eyes at me and gives boris a look and like a donkey he smirks too she actually says you should sit in the back we're motivating people up here and you're hogging the mirror space there was a whole wall of mirror in front of the classroom i'm thinking what is this high school what the actual heck you've got to be 30 something years old and you're acting like this and seriously you may be fitter than me but i'm just as tall and don't weigh any more than you do or take up any more space in the mirror and it wouldn't matter even if i did we're adults or at least i am ah that's what i wish i said instead i just put my head down and went on with my class eventually i got so familiar with the other students because the same regulars would come to class every day that we all became social media friends i even became social media friends with the instructor i don't post much on social media i don't show where i work or every single thing i do or my random brain farts i just post the occasional photo on one of these rare photos where i was admittedly begging for approval because i was proud of developing abs the spin instructor himself commented how proud he was of me a lot of people from spin class also said nice things i was friends neither with valerie nor boris on social media but they both liked the instructor's comment on my photo and my guess is it's because they both liked to kiss his butt they certainly never showed me any kindness in class unlike everyone else who was supportive of me i clicked on their names and my suspicions were confirmed both of them practically lived on social media and took endless selfies showed off their bodies humble bragged non-stop they also made no secret of who their employers were valerie tried to claim she was a model even though it was clear her only real job was being a sales rep for a beauty brand valerie was only a model in the take a picture of yourself using your iphone in front of the bathroom mirror since so valerie i guess that makes me a model too these two were such idiots that they'd post really dumb things on each other's walls it didn't seem like they really had lives other than to talk trash against people i saw that they had one exchange where they were clearly talking about me how do i know because they actually said my name and said that i was ugly and they want to be skinny fat and all this other horrible stuff they also talked a lot about other people in the class and said horrible things and actually named names it doesn't seem like they were very friendly with the other people even the very fit people who in the same class were even fitter in terms of the class they were social media friends with the instructor and some of the other teachers on the schedule and with each other but not with anyone else anyway i actually confirmed my suspicion that boris was low-key thirsty after the spin instructor made a nice comment on my picture and boris saw that i existed online he sent me a private message asking me to go for coffee sometime i ignored the message which is just as well because the next time in class he ignored me and just followed valerie's normal smirk and routine i don't like to start drama but i don't like being bullied and trashed either i screen captured and saved a lot of both valerie's and boris's comments where they trashed at least a dozen people in our class and then made a dummy facebook account i fired off every screen capture to the owner of the studio not just the manager of that particular branch but the owner of the whole company in addition to the branch manager i let them know that these two cretans were trashing many people in the morning class and creating a hostile unwelcome environment i was also nice enough to send the appropriate screen captures where boris and valerie named specific people in the class to those actual people if their accounts weren't set to where only friends could message them or post on their feeds in less than a week boris and valerie were gone both had their memberships revoked and were banned from every one of the brand's studios several of the people that valerie insulted were sufficiently offended that they sent emails to valerie's employer valerie as previously mentioned made no secret of where she worked about what a hateful body shaming person she was and how such a person should not be any kind of brand ambassador from what the other girls in the studio tell me valerie got fired from her job don't worry valerie you still have your modeling career or taking selfies next to your toilet in your apartment i had the pleasure of seeing some of the less patient ripped buff dudes in class who didn't find it amusing that boris was telling valerie on facebook that he could kick anyone's butt in class openly offered to let him test his theory anytime anywhere unfortunately boris was too occupied up front getting his membership cancelled and being refunded and being told to never come back please to make such arrangements see ya jerk boris had a wannabe unlicensed personal training business that he talked about on facebook and several of the men in class who had legit training certificates shut him down with a quickness there's always starbucks maybe i'll go for coffee sometime and buy it from you boris esta as for me i still show up early but i usually find my comfort zone in row 2 now or even further back there's always new students and i like for them to sit right up front so they feel welcome that's what it means to be in a fitness community everyone's welcome this isn't some kind of high school cafeteria you can't sit with us bs i loved the class so much that i kept going into 2019 as a paying member even after my free year was finished in 18 months i've posted three pictures related to the spin class that four pack is coming in nicely from certain lighting angles anyway goals haven't smoked in ages still drink like a fish it's the russian in me i think i honestly hope boris and valerie grow up i low-key hope they marry because they deserve each other though i also hope they don't breed because that much narcissism from two parents would result in a kid with lots of issues no karen my house is not your hotel my neighbors rent out their home while they're in europe it's been a pretty problem-free experience until today yesterday i was studying at home at midday i saw a car pull up in front of my neighbor's house a couple exited and immediately went up to the front door to knock as time passed and no one answered they started exploring the property presumably searching for someone unfortunately for them no one was home this is where things started to get interesting the man growing increasingly agitated decided the sensible thing to do in this situation was to climb over a fence into my neighbor's backyard as i watched perplexed by his decision-making i saw him wandering around knocking on and then trying to forcibly open the back door it was a rather amusing sight that is until he gave up and decided the next thing he'd like to climb is the fence from my neighbor's backyard into mine oh no at the moment our landlord is building an extension to the house and immediately i'm worried that this man might accidentally injure himself on the construction site i rush out to speak to him what i met with is an out of breath red-faced man and a woman whose face looks like a smacked donkey rapidly descending down my driveway towards me knowing a little about my neighbor's arrangement i initially try to help hi are you guests at neighbors airbnb check-in isn't until 3pm i don't think you'll find anyone there at the moment the lady now upon me was unhappy after hearing this you need to let us into the house i'm taking a bag i'm sorry i'm not your airbnb host i just live next door you should get in touch with neighbor as they'll be able to help ignoring the perfectly rational advice i've given them the lady starts turning a deep shade of red her partner silently glaring at me his face beginning to contort with anger they told us we could check in at 10 am you should really contact your host as i've said i'm just the neighbor this only seemed to anger the couple more and the lady immediately started shouting at me you need to let us in or i am calling the police wow at this point i'm getting pretty annoyed i tried to explain the situation to her again but only got so far as i can't let you in before she cut me off let us in or give us our money back now in her increasing anger coherent sentences started to break down which in hindsight was pretty funny to watch it became a series of you told us 10 am give me back my money and more threats to call the police that would apparently get them a refund i've never seen anyone get so belligerently mad in such a short amount of time at this stage i'm done with being polite lady i am not your airbnb host you gesturing to the man climbed over the fence into my backyard which is why i'm out here speaking to you you both need to leave and contact your host i know that their check-in isn't until 3 p.m being forceful at least interrupted her tirade but she was still mad as i watched her i could see her slowly starting to process the situation despite this she wouldn't apologize or admit she was wrong instead what she blurted out next was can we at least store our luggage with you then what she repeats herself this time much louder apparently still under the delusion that yelling is the way to get what she wants nope you're not leaving anything with me after a further brief exchange they left and i immediately let my neighbors know what happened now here's the justice to the story my neighbors were annoyed really really annoyed they tried to contact their guests but they wouldn't answer their phone eventually they let airbnb know what happened airbnb tried to reach out to them too again the guests were uncontactable during our exchange the man let me know his name let's call him bob the jerk as it turns out the booking was made under a completely different name both my neighbors and airbnb tried to verify who was staying but bob wasn't responding to their calls or messages eventually airbnb decided to cancel bob's booking i wrote a note letting bob know he needed to check his airbnb message and that his booking had been cancelled due to the situation this morning at 3 pm the car returned this time filled with four more people apparently bob the jerk was trying to sneak in a few extra unpaid guests i watched the quiet resignation on their faces as they read the note it felt good as an aside my neighbor managed to rebook the dates with a lovely chilean couple and airbnb honored the payout for the insane couple's cancelled booking my neighbors insisted on giving me a portion of the payout for my trouble but honestly knowing that these horrible people were inconvenienced was enough next we've got entitled parent lit sick kid luzon cruz ruins everyone's vacation two or three years ago i went on a cruise with my mother and my friend with his mother we grew up together as our families are really close so we're practically like siblings this was an eight-day cruise departing from new york city going around the caribbean and then going back up the ship was one of the really nice slash famous ones with tons of restaurants pools water slides etc it had a capacity of over 2 000 guests on the second day our parents made friends with another group of families and we decided to head out together that day once the boat pulled into port we met at breakfast to plan the day there were quite a few families there with kids and of course all the little ones were left to their own discretion at open buffets and were wild kinda gross later on i overheard one parent entitled parent complaining to someone about their kid apparently kid wasn't feeling well and hadn't wanted to come but entitled parent didn't want to leave him behind to laze around in their room as they had spent so much money to go out and have fun i didn't think of it as something too serious so we carried on around halfway through the day while hiking in the middle of nowhere on some small mountain i started having serious stomach cramps they got to the point where i would have to stop and breathe every 10 minutes or so my mom and my friend decided to leave the rest of the group to help me back to where our tour bus was waiting as i was clearly in no condition to continue hiking it took us a while since i was in so much pain but eventually we got back on the bus where i could attempt to sleep and wear it off we assumed i had gotten food poisoning or ate something bad what i hadn't known and found out later was that the kid from earlier wasn't just not feeling well he had a serious virus symptoms included severe vomiting diarrhea abdominal pain muscle aches fever and fatigue and lethargy it can last days which didn't seem long but keep in mind that it was an eight-day cruise and it was extremely contagious especially in close quarters well guess what we just happened to be in a closed-off ship with thousands of people with open buffets just waiting to be contaminated by the next day the third i wasn't the only one not feeling well everyone in our room had got it my mom my friend his mom there was a small line in front of the clinic by the time we got there including a couple of the families who went on the hike with us literally everyone suffering from similar symptoms the medical staff gave us some sort of tylenol-esque medication and told us to stay in our room for the next while so we didn't pass it on to anyone else we listened to them entitled pairing did not entitled parent continued to take their kid around the water slides buffets shows despite everyone warning her not to her son was still very much sick but she wanted him to have the best experience on his first ever cruise on the fourth day a word of mouth told me that it was quickly spreading the crews started offering free movies and in-room catering for those who are sick in a futile attempt to keep them in their rooms live shows were cancelled because even the performers were getting sick on the fifth day the crews announced that they could not dock the ship at the stop of the day local authorities had heard of the outbreak and forbade us from entering the port everyone was in a lot of pain i could barely hold down water without throwing up felt dizzy if i did as much as stand up and just in general felt like utter absolute crab i had tylenol and rest though and by around the sixth day both my friend and i were well on the mend we dared to spend a few minutes outside no openable windows in the room made us crave fresh air the population outside was decimated if you've never been on a cruise before it's like a mall on boxing day there are people everywhere talking and laughing and eating and doing whatever you do on a cruise but that day the ship was almost empty other than some employees wearing gloves and face masks and a few lucky stragglers we probably saw around 100 to 200 people in comparison to the 2 000 person capacity in order to have a good time entitled parent let her kids spread the virus to almost everybody on the ship there is no vaccine for this virus so literally nobody could have been safe not to mention cruise ships always have many retired elderly with lower immunity levels she didn't just ruin literally everyone's vacation she put people at genuine risk as well i don't think her son should have been allowed to board the ship in the first place if they had known he was sick as i believe there are some regulations about bringing contagious diseases into the closed environment anyhow moral of the story is don't take your sick kids on vacation if you have to for some reason at least leave them in the room and let them recuperate instead of passing it around it's not only better for everyone else it's better for them too also avoid open cruise ship buffets if possible most have at least one or two free a la carte restaurant options for all three meals next we've got entitled stepmom gave away my ps4 while i was off at college so i rent out her house while she's on honeymoon with new husband i'm an only son my mom passed of ovarian cancer at only 55 years of age it broke my dad's heart they had been together since college and were the same age with my dad being a month older i'm 22 and i'm about to graduate college with my degree in chemistry when the main events start to occur i went to college on a full ride scholarship this is important later my dad met my now stepmom when she was my mom's nurse at the hospital where she spent her final days my stepmom grace played all the right notes to gain my dad's trust she was empathetic towards him nurturing comforting after my mom passed i was 17 and old enough the sense that she was just trying to weasel her way into getting my dad's money but it was up to my dad if he wanted to be in a relationship with her i was in my final year of public school and had just won a scholarship to attend college out of the country the following year my dad mourned my mom for a year and that whole time grace would check in on him by phone every month or so in my opinion to scope out the possibility of sinking her hooks in him after a year passed grace took the gloves off and went hard after my dad grace was only 40 when she and my dad started seeing each other i didn't like her but at the same time my dad at least didn't seem so depressed anymore so i tried to be less pessimistic about her and give her the benefit of the doubt and my god i didn't trust her though but we are scandinavian and at least in my family the son does not tell the father what to do or even offer any opinion grace is from the czech republic if you're wondering my father was a very successful banker during his career amassing quite a portfolio of wealth i'll spare you the details but after six months of dating grace and my father are married my dad never really got over my mom though and he was getting weaker and weaker even though he was only 57 since his health was fading and he called me to him and asked me point blank boy what do you need to set you up in this life i told him i don't need anything i'm a man and can take care of myself but what are you even talking about dad you're going to be around for decades yet i did remind him that he had living sisters with children my aunts and cousins i also reminded him that i had a full scholarship to college so don't worry about giving me any cash he passed only a year later at 59. i of course have seen lots of hollywood movies so i consider the theory that maybe my dad's nurse wife was the cause of this and made him sign over all his money to her but i really honestly do not think that's what happened other relatives didn't like grace either but they knew my dad was totally in love with my mom and that her death utterly broke him well long story short my dad bequeathed his five bedroom house to me even though i wasn't expecting it and didn't ask for it he gave a small endowment to each of his sisters and their kids he left about eighty percent of all his existing money to grace which amounted to several hundreds of thousands of dollars my dad ignored me because he's generous to a fault and still gave me several tens of thousands of dollars which were of course very useful to me grace tried to put on a friendly front but i could tell she was angry as heck that she didn't get my dad's house too that belonged to me and i had the legal papers to prove it she was especially mad because we live in an extremely upscale and trendy location and houses are hard to come by and easily sold for massive profit during the first few months after my dad's passing i had the nauseated creepy experience of knowing that grace was trying to fill me out to see if i might be into a little relationship with her um girls she still stayed at the house though because over the last three years she had gotten used to living there and acting like she owned it and even though i officially owned it i was always away at college and only visited my dad's old house once every couple of months and even then it wasn't to see grace but to see my cousins who lived just a few miles away i downplayed the fact that it was really my house and over the months i think grace gradually forgot that she really had no legal right to the house she probably believed that sooner or later because i never asked her for any of the hundreds of thousands of my dad's dollars that she now had that i was somehow independently wealthy and would just give up my house to her i knew i'd eventually get revenge on her when she started dating some new guy only five months after my dad was gone and one time when i came home from college after graduating she and her new boyfriend some sleazy looking jerk named ivan who was only a few years older than me were acting like i was a guest in my own house and that they owned it i played along grace told me she gave away my playstation 4 to ivan's cousin because i'm too old to play video games i don't even know this jerk and you give him my ps4 to give away to some other guy who i also don't know i quickly changed all my network passwords that same day i smiled but i knew what i had to do eventually she also said that she and ivan were getting married because i just can't mourn your father forever i have to move on with life i tell her that i graduated college and already secured employment with a local firm and will soon find a new place to live she looked thrilled especially the part where it looks like i'll soon have a new place to live then in a patronizing way she tells me you always have a place in our house though you are welcome to stay whenever you please thanks grace really generous of you what i really say is that i will probably have a new place in three months she says that is wonderful because she intends to go to her homeland to have a wedding with ivan and afterwards have her honeymoon she assures me it's a local affair otherwise i'd invite you honey and anyway i know you're so busy i congratulate her she asks me if i can watch the house for her watch my own house sure what i really say is of course i will take care of the house i am careful to not say your house she and her jerk fiance who i am 100 sure is only there for grace's money go on their trip and i immediately put out advertisements and rental websites offering to lease my house i hire movers and have all of grace's furniture and possessions boxed up and put into a storage rental facility i retain all of my parents furniture that they had before my dad met grace locks changed all of them within days i am inundated with dozens of inquiries regarding my amazing furnished house with fantastic views i rent it to a wonderful young family they pay me their first and last month's rent and sign a lease for a year i warned them about my crazy stepmom who thinks this is her house but i present them with contact information to my lawyer the same lawyer my dad retained in case they need any assurance that i'm on the level i also give my lawyer the information about the storage facility including the fact that i generously paid four months of storage in advance which is a whole month longer than grace's czech honeymoon adventure i then found a great apartment in the city near my new place of work there i met a woman in a restaurant i frequent at night after a long work day we've been dating six months now and are engaged to be married grace of course tried to shriek and cause trouble when she realized she got kicked out of my house but my lawyer quickly shut her mouth without my having to ever speak to her garbage face again from what i hear her and her jerk husband left the country and i assume they're blowing through my dad's money and will soon be broke like people usually become when they taste a little bit of what they think is the good life so maybe grace will go and try to trick some other lonely person into giving her his money speaking of money the house that i rent out is generating so much money that i not only am able to help pay for my cousin's college but i moved into a larger apartment of my own together with my fiance i love my job but really i could survive solely on renting my dad's old house and to think if grace had only been cooler and nicer i might have let her stay at the house just to be a good sport and definitely if she stayed the heck out of my room but no she had to act all proprietary so i had to make her homeless as a wedding gift i bought another ps4 even though i didn't even use my old one that much it didn't matter it wasn't for grace to give away you don't give away other people's things you give away your own things which is why i chose to get grace out of my house because it's mine and i decide who stays there entitled grandmother tells me to quit my job and find a new line of work i'm male 17 but look a lot older i've been working at the movie theater in my hometown for almost two years now it is in a nicer part of town we get a lot of stuck up entitled families story this past summer i was working concessions on a saturday not a very busy day our morning rush had just ended and most of the movies had already started outside of this one kids movie i'm alone at the concession stand with about three small families all about to see this kid's movie you are entitled parent entitled grandparent in this case she looks like she's in her 60s very skinny with short white hair and clearly holds herself to high standards judging by the amount of makeup and the expensive looking outfit she was wearing she's standing in line behind a mom which i am in the process of helping she is almost done with her transaction which totals out to be almost 100 i asked if she is a rewards member and she says she didn't know we had one the inner salesman in me decides to try to sell her a membership which doesn't take long pitching all hoping i can savor a few bucks though before i can start entitled parent can you please hurry up i'm missing my movie for this and you're taking forever me i'm sorry ma'am i'll be done with you as soon as i can well you better hurry i told my grandson i'd get him a drink and you are taking way too long me i understand i promise i'll be with you shortly i look back down at the lady i was helping quietly apologize and give her a quick sales pitch before finalizing the transaction she tells me that she wants to sign up for the rewards program and to start filling it out for her this all takes about a minute total after i go get all the things she ordered which was a lot i call up the entitled parent omg finally could you take any longer i'm so sorry about the weight ma'am what can i get for you no you're not sorry after i told you to hurry up you decided to go on some big unnecessary sales pitch if you ever wanted to know the best way to lose customers you found it me i didn't realize i don't even know why you work here you are so bad at your job i'd highly recommend you find another place to work because this clearly doesn't suit you very well i don't know how long you've worked here but you should just quit your job and find a new line of work better suited for someone as lazy as you at this point i look at her very confused and internally halting back any laughter that wants to come out because not only have i been working here longer than almost every other person at that location but i'm a minor working a part-time job so i can save up for college entitled parent then proceeds to hold up some fancy looking ring and starts to shove it in my face you see this yeah that's real and that's what hard work gets you guess you'll never see anything like it in your life because you clearly didn't even know what hard work is you know what don't worry i'll talk to your manager and get you fired that way you won't be inconveniencing anybody else in the building like you did to me today me so what can i get for you i would like a bottle of apple juice and don't even bother with that rewards crap i don't want to hear you trying to sell me anything else i go grab the bottle of apple juice for her specifically walking extra slow me okay that'll be five dollars and eighteen cents oh and do you have a rewards membership with us no i told you i don't want to buy that stupid rewards thing here is my card just swipe it and let me go back to my movie me would you like your receipt entitled parent didn't answer me she then dramatically grabbed the five dollar bottle of apple juice and stormed off into her theater afterward i had not only the entire line that was waiting to order but the lady that already ordered come up to me and apologize for entitled parents rude behavior entitled parent did go talk to my manager after her movie was over but not before i told him what happened he told her to leave and that if he ever saw her again he'd be calling the police to have her escorted off the premises i haven't seen her since next we've got how dare you work retail no daughter of mine will work at such a place this wasn't me but my friend slash roommate this just happened the other day and she's still upset about it said i could share context she's a pre-law student aiming to get a degree in business law her parents are pretty successful people living in a nice house in a nice neighborhood etc her dad is a straight-up helicopter dad aka controlling he controls her bank account and calls her to yell at her whenever she buys pretty much anything why did you spend eight dollars at starbucks why did you get subway twice this week why did you spend fifty dollars at a target additionally since he pays her rent she pays her own utilities which will be important later he believes he can set all the rules for both of us i told him straight up he doesn't get to dictate my life in any way and he can just buzz right off with that my friend said that i apparently impressed him because he's not used to people standing up to him but he still doesn't like me one rule is no guys are allowed in the apartment ever he seems to think that if there are guys in the apartment his daughter can't help but get into trouble with them good things my cats are girls i guess no standards nothing although he has lightened up a bit after freaking out that my friend has a boyfriend and that he has stayed over before he also demanded she come home every weekend a two-hour drive without traffic because he doesn't want her to party luckily she and her level-headed mother have gotten him to lower it to once a month as a result she keeps a lot of stuff from him which makes him more angry and less trusting of her so he tightens the leash and it just goes around and around for example he doesn't know that two boys sub leased from our previous roommates for the summer they were in the dorms but taking summer classes so they needed a place to stay for the summer they were my old roommate's brother and his friend he also doesn't know that her boyfriend has been living with us since may since he graduated and is staying with us until he finds work he just got his cpa she also didn't tell her dad that she took a part-time job over the summer now the last two bits are important see because her boyfriend has been staying with us he's also been paying utilities i think he should also pay rent or at least half of her rent but whatever she also wanted to have some fun money to go out over the summer she was taking summer classes but had a light workload she got a job at the liquor store a block from us and worked there all summer and left after the fall semester started so because her father can see her bank account and he'd apparently lose his crap if he found out his daughter dared to work and try to be a responsible adult she never told him and never deposited her checks she cashed them out additionally because her boyfriend is also paying utilities we've been splitting it three ways instead of half which was showing in her bank account since she has to pay the full bill because it's in her name fast forward to yesterday my friend ended up depositing some of her cash from her job this summer in order to pay for last month's utilities because her boyfriend forgot to pay her he pay pals her the money so her dad can't see it and the check i gave her bounced because at the time i didn't have any money in my account i had told her to wait until i got paid but she deposited it the day before i would the bounce check and the sudden 100 deposit in the account caught the attention of her dad what resulted was an hour-long screaming match on the phone she told me later some of the things he said he called her a liar and demanded that she report me to the police for fraud dude it's just a balanced check it's all good now he dug into her because she admitted the 100 came from her job this summer because he was accusing her of committing crimes that's where he lost his crap apparently dear old dad was livid that his daughter would dare to work at such a lowly place his words specifically he was mad that she didn't tell him she had a job and that she should have been focusing on schoolwork but he was most upset about where she was working it wasn't so much that it was a liquor store but that it was retail why the heck would you work retail he screamed because it's just a block away and it was easy work dad my roommate screamed back how dare you you shouldn't have been working you needed to focus on school i didn't have much schoolwork dad so i got a job to have some extra money how dare you work at such a lowly place we didn't work this hard to have our daughter work retail you should be above that if you wanted a job you should have gotten that office job marie told you about she told me later that her dad has a real issue with retail workers he seems to think that the only people who work at retail or as waitresses are failures and high school dropouts so he doesn't want his daughter to work with them i just wanted something easy and within walking distance dad i didn't want to drive two hours just for a summer job you shouldn't be working with low lives you should have talked to me first i didn't talk to you because i knew you'd do this this is why we can't trust you you've always done crap like this then he proceeds to bring up her past screw-ups from middle school and high school he doesn't seem to understand that she's changed quite a bit since then she then digs into him over his bs she then hangs up on him telling him that she won't talk about the past with him and that she's more than happy to talk about her screw-ups when he can talk to her like an adult so proud of her for saying that she hasn't talked to him since yesterday her level-headed mom calling saying she was sorry he yelled at her and that he's just upset because his mother's in feeling health and then he saw the bounce check so he turned his stress towards her i took her out to breakfast my treat since her dad would have lost his crap if he saw that she spent money at a diner while she vented about her dad i finally convinced her to get her own bank account where she can at least put her fun money and the cash she gets from her boyfriend for utilities luckily he still doesn't know about him staying with her we also decided to split the utilities by half so her dad doesn't lose his crap again and her boyfriend would pay us back the difference for his share since she was still hopping mad we ended up using that energy to clean the apartment and bake bread since she was too upset to focus on schoolwork her dad has approved of her getting some groceries today so she said she'd buy me some to pay me back and monday i'm going to help her set up her own account with the one bank this town has i feel so bad since this all happened because my check bounced i'ma buy her a cake or something to apologize edit update this morning he called her to apologize which is just another red flag to add to the pile in my opinion berate someone then say you're sorry and that it's because xyz but as she keeps telling me she's used to it can't wait to help her get that bank account next we've got boss treated me like trash so i showed him what i can do we've got k run my store we've got tyler k runs half owner and we've got our dragon k runs direct competition backstory i work at a local game store that sells nerd hobby stuff like magic the gathering and warhammer i had been a customer of k-run for many years before an employee through luck and perseverance an opening came through and i was able to wiggle my way into the event planner role in charge of planning and running all our nightly and large tournaments for various games i work 4 p.m to 10 p.m five nights a week as the only employee from 7pm on with the customers over time i became friends with all the regular customers that i'm not already friends with the things to come skip forward a few months the manager who usually moderates the stupidity of the owners goes on a much deserved month-long vacation so now tyler steps up to the plate and is doing all the orders for the store tyler doesn't play any of these games and frankly i don't understand why he even owns a stake in the store tyler thinks he knows better than his staff of which i am one of three who actually all play these games and know what products are popular and which are trash he is constantly wasting money on products that don't sell for example he will buy two core games and two of each expansion assuming that everyone who buys the base game will sink hundreds into all of the expansions the reactants the bad orders are frustrating but tolerable then he starts messing with the event schedule we had another local game store open in our area our dragon and up until this point i personally had a soft arrangement with the owner of our dragon to not conflict on our events so we can both be healthy well now tyler changes up our event schedule to conflict with our dragon and tries to increase price support the result of that was regular customers getting confused and missing their regular events that had been the same time and day for years every night i am personally apologizing for the mistakes of the owner and that i'm doing everything i can to help the customers the catalyst where i live if you work 6 hours the government says you must have a 30-minute break in there up until now my co-worker would take their break when i get in at 4. usually earlier when i come in early off the clock for them and i would take my break at 6 30 right before they leave well now tyler has decided to cut costs and get rid of that overlap but i'm still working six hour shifts with nobody else around to watch the store while i'm on break so i tell him about this issue and he just shrugs it off like it's no big deal then he beats around the bush for a while until i ask him clearly are you asking me to skip my break to which he says no but gets very testy with me problem goes unresolved until i'm at work alone and i tell him i'm going to take my break and if that means i leave the store unintended for 30 minutes that's my legal right i wasn't going to i just wanted to see how he would respond so he ends up driving 30 minutes each way at dinner time to sit at the cash register for 30 minutes while i go get a pizza he doesn't like that i've done this so he drops 12 hours off of my schedule which i can financially survive short term but if this is how he responds to his own mistakes then so be it the betrayal a few days later nothing is resolved yet i walk to our competitor our dragon and asked the owner there for a full-time job as an event planner no resume just my name that was enough we talked for a bit and i walk out with a job offer for more hours and a better work environment once i get an official letter of offer i give my two weeks notice at k-run tyler had a history of firing employees via text while he was on vacation it just so happened that he was on vacation for a weekend so i quit to him via text i expected him to fire me on the spot as he had done to other employees instead he didn't and that was almost more satisfying as him firing me because it acknowledges that i'm important to him at that point while i'm at it i asked for him to restore me to the hours i had before because at this point i had nothing to lose here it gives me back most of my hours tyler isn't liked in the community by anyone he's directly driven away customers before by being aggressive towards them the setup i'm entrenched in the local gaming communities i have unintentionally built the brand of the trustful employee who is looking out for the players as best he can while balancing business interests i am well liked by most players so over the next two weeks of my time at k run i stopped doing all the extra work i had been doing to help keep the story in order i stopped managing the social media because that was just something i took the initiative on instead of it being my job description tyler ended up changing the times of events for no apparent reason but that kept rubbing players the wrong way and i'm there at night with them alone still so i can slide all the blame towards tyler and off myself i spend my time doing the work that needs to be done and no more i spend the rest of my time socializing with players as i always have but now i have another motive i make sure tyler's personal reputation is nothing but ashes i up the prize support for some games to build better relations with the players i do everything i can except actual sabotage to the business tyler now starts his morning by reviewing all the security footage from the previous night to watch me for anything he can try to use against me but i've done nothing and he cannot record audio due to local laws the first week of notice goes by mostly fine tyler really can't do anything to me because he has nothing and i have nothing to lose if he tries anything with me i just leave early and started our dragon early i had begun to spend a lot of time in the store i would come in and open to paint miniatures and keep my presents in the store while the owners were there listening to everything they say at first they just didn't say anything related to me but they gave up and just talked about me and everything while i was there i never gave them an opportunity to talk in the store without me being in the building the contract on saturday night the other owner sends me an employment contract to sign now's a good point to mention that i had been working without a written contract which is fine where i live because pay stubs are enough to prove employment verbal and handshake agreements are fine definitely not the normal but fine i take my time to read the contract and note all the problem areas of it a few sections like non-competition clauses and non-solicitation clauses were in there and i told him i would not sign these while these sections are in the contract either way i've given my notice a week prior it's completely stupid to give me this and even dumber for me to sign it so i don't i send the contract to my partner's father who happens to be a small business lawyer and he gives it a look and just tells me not to sign it and get confirmation that my employers see that i reject their contract the best part i had asked for a contract when i started and the owners dragged their feet about it now that i'm leaving to work at their competitor they are terrified that there's no contract and no rules on what i can do the last week the owners take their sweet time getting the schedule up i was in while they were working on it and finished it this was a monday morning and i was supposed to be working that night but i was told previously i wouldn't be working that night when they were done i asked to see the schedule so i can plan my week out tyler says he'll post it online in an hour but it's right in front of him he doesn't want me to see it while i'm there in person not good a few hours later he posts the schedule i was supposed to work three more days that week instead i was only scheduled on the last day they could and outside of my normal hours too so i just say forget that until the manager who i love very much and appreciate dearly that i wouldn't be there for that shift and he would have my key the next day he was supportive and understanding of the garbage i dealt with the revenge i start early at our dragon they gave me seamless employment so that it wouldn't hurt my finances and it's very appreciated now i'm properly able to enact my revenge i first had all my closest friends stop going to k-run in favor of our dragon then i got the largest community and highest paying community that i was also a large member of and a community organizer of outside of my job to move to our dragon all at the same time immediately after i left k runs largest communities up and left to move to our dragon on support of me i then moved the second largest community and the third largest community suddenly in a month i have taken the majority of k-runs customers and moved them to be customers of our dragon i came up with plans and schemes to help players move easier while also taking k-run's best stock for ourselves aftermath k-run still exists though it's only been a month they had to shift their entire business model because i took their primary business with me our dragon is thriving and my new bosses are ecstatic with how well i've done for their store i'm currently the only employee at our dragon who specifically works there we have a few people who come from other stores the owner's own to cover times we aren't available i've become an almost partner with the two owners of our dragon deciding which way each of them uses is best for each scenario i am setting up our dragon to be a powerhouse in the community and to take on more employees down the road next we've got the traffic tickets became the least of his problems a few years back my old car was on its last legs my mechanic said it wouldn't last much longer and the best thing to do was sell it cheap and move on before it gave out and was ready to be scrapped i loved that little car but i put it up on craigslist for five hundred dollars and got a bite the guy buying it was in his 20s with a pregnant wife and his dad was footing the bill i was clear with him that it was sold as is and i couldn't make any promises about its longevity the buyer said that if it lasted six months he'd be happy with the purchase so he signed the bill of sale and i handed over the title i immediately went to the dmv website and registered it as a sale and assumed he would finish the process by transferring the title turns out i was wrong about two things the car lasted much longer than six months and he didn't bother to pay the 77 dollars to transfer the title i discovered this when i received a photo radar ticket for running a red light i was confused because the street was way across town in an area i rarely visit when i went online to view the high-res traffic cam photos i found it was the buyer in my old car but my name was still attached to the blades after some serious yelling i copied all of the records dates bill of sale etc and mailed copies off to the courthouse it was his citation but i had to prove it to the court two weeks later i got another letter from the fuzz another ticket this time for speeding same driver same car same plates with my name still attached again i had to copy all the paperwork write a long letter to the clerk and mail it all off to the courthouse the third ticket really makes me mad i start making calls and discovered that this scam is pretty common some folks buy a junker and rack up fines until they wreck or abandon the car and their name was never on it so nobody bothers to punish them for it it's all on the previous owner to clean up the mess and prove who was at fault this time i wrote an extra long letter to the court clerk and did a little research to include the guy's picture address and listed phone number a few months went by and i thought it was over heck the car should have given out by now anyway then the fourth ticket arrived showing him in high-res zipping past a radar cam in my old car with my old bumper sticker still on the back and all his kids piled into the backseat the fifth and sixth tickets felt like groundhog's day i didn't even bother to put the paperwork away i kept it out on my desk ready to copy by the time the seventh ticket arrived we were well over a year beyond the sale and enough was enough this wasn't just some dude for getting to do some paperwork or not knowing the right way to go about buying a car this was intentional it was time for some pro revenge first i called the police and after a week of back and forth finally spoke with a traffic cop who said enough is enough and went to pay the guy a visit he said he couldn't disclose what would happen during that discussion but the total amount of the likely unpaid traffic tickets was enough to get his attention the tickets and late fees were several times the value of the car that wasn't enough just having to pay his tickets wasn't appropriate for the seven times i had to copy that bill of sale for the court clerk so i started going back through my records of every ticket and every photo and i found an interesting theme in every photo his kids were in the car including the infant all packed into the backseat i called cps anonymously i didn't provide any information that was not 100 factual and verifiable the tickets showed that this guy was operating an identity fraud scheme out of his home essentially stealing my identity and who knows how many others his kids were present throughout furthermore he regularly violated traffic rules and put his kids in danger by speeding running red lights and committing other traffic violations if he was doing this stuff so often in front of a big white camera how do you think he was driving when he wasn't being watched i declined to provide my name or number as i had nothing more to offer and didn't want to be involved in the case any longer i gave them all the evidence i had after that i stopped getting traffic tickets from him maybe the car finally gave out entitled parents on an airplane hello everyone a few weeks ago i got to experience my own entitled parent on an airplane moment so i thought i might share it here i live in a medium-sized western european city with only a small domestic flights kind of airport so when i fly international i usually go to the closest big city with one of the biggest airports in europe i often take the bus to go there because it's way cheaper than the trains the connections are not always well timed so sometimes i have to spend a few hours waiting for boarding a few years ago i discovered that lufthansa often offers business class tickets for almost the same price as the economy tickets there are also first class tickets which are much more expensive but that's another story the difference between the business and economy tickets is that you get priority boarding almost twice as much luggage allowed and you are seated in business class the middle seat is empty and the food is way better but for me the biggest perk the one which makes me pay 50 euros more is that it gives you access to the business lounge at the airport there is free food and most importantly coffee there and you can enjoy a comfy seat so when i have to wait 5 hours at the airport i go the extra mile and take a business class ticket whenever possible now the story a few weeks ago i was going home to moscow and had to wait four hours at the airport i dropped off my luggage and went to the business lounge to wait when you enter you have to pass a security check showing your boarding pass to the lady at the reception here i have to say that i'm in my early thirties but look younger and when i travel i try to be comfortable so jeans and sweaters mostly no fancy attire i waited in line to get inside and just in front of me there was karen the suit the bag the hair everything screamed look at me and along with her was her little goblin just screaming nonsense kids at airports are generally insufferable the line didn't move for a few minutes so i took off my headphones and listened in karen screaming something along the lines of i've been flying with your company for years let me in the lady at the reception had to call security to help her explain that the lounge was only for people with business class tickets mind you often not much more expensive than the regular ones karen finally gave up and stepped aside but she stood close by and when she saw that i was allowed inside yelled something about how unfair it was i was clearly cheating as i was not rich enough to be there i went inside and ignored her fast forward a few hours i'm at my gate waiting for boarding and then the horror i spot karen in the goblin waiting for the same flight great the priority boarding is announced i go inside and i can feel karen's glare on the back of my head i ignore it once again go to my seat sit down and wait for the plane to take off i don't like the takeoffs so i close my eyes and try to relax listening to some music about 10 minutes or so later i feel someone pop on the seat next to mine i must have dozed off because everything didn't immediately register to me but i knew it was weird because the middle seat is always empty in business class i reluctantly take off my sleeping mask and oh no it's the goblin and karen taking the seats that's weird i know they're not supposed to be here but i don't see anything maybe they got an upgrade a few minutes later however an older gentleman arrives apologizing to the flight attendant for being laid and just as i suspected karen was at the man's seat and goblin was just taking the empty seat the gentleman tried explaining that it was his seat and they must have made a mistake the following exchange followed karen yes because this young lady has stolen my seat pointing at me me um no i did not i show them my boarding pass then to my [ __ ] the goblin grabs my boarding pass and rips it with his little goblin hands i'm not a shy person and i'm not easily rattled but man i was shocked and did not know how to react to this blatant display of entitlement the commotion made the flight attendant come to us mind you the gentleman was standing as his seat was taken by karen flight attendant what's going on karen this jerk has taken my seat please remove her so i can sit next to my kid man um it's her seat points at me the kid just tore her boarding pass the pieces are still in his hand karen nonsense flights attendant please change my seat i don't want to sit next to this liar karen screeched the goblin cried the engines were rolling so lots of noise the flight attendant finally had enough and very politely but loudly said lady this is clearly not your seat there is always an empty seat in business class please go to your seats and stop bothering the passengers or i will remove you from the flight karen feeling she was losing the battle made a final attempt i'm a frequent flyer the least you can do is bring me some complimentary wine with that she yanked her kid and stormed to her seats in economy this was the last i saw of them the whole flight was uneventful afterwards but i did get to know the old gentleman and turns out he's often on reddit too so if you're reading this thank you for standing up for me next we've got entitled ant ripped off my grandma for years so i ruined her financially this happened about five years ago my grandma was getting old late 80s early 90s she had one wish to not live in a senior home easily done as my grandpa sold some assets way back when then invested the money and let it ride for over 30 years he never touched it and collected a pension way back when my grandpa passed about 10 years before this my grandma appointed my dad this crappy aunt and my uncle as the trustees of the trust basically the trusted advisors for her and her care for the foreseeable future all was well in the beginning then my dad willie moved further away and couldn't take care of the day-to-day upkeep as the trustee and to see that my grandma was okay my aunt rebecca told her that she and my uncle fred who lived in arizona could take over and all would be fine it was fine for a while a few times my dad went back to visit and noticed my grandma didn't always have overnight care or that her mail wasn't picked up and the driveway wasn't plowed she also lost her cable tv and newspaper subscription my dad figured it just lapsed so he had the services put back on my dad also noticed my grandma was eating malty food at times because her truck was sold and she had no transportation she drove up to 90 years old she basically just chilled at the house alone and did crossword puzzles the craziest part of this is that my aunt only lived two miles from my grandma but my grandma told my dad she saw aunt rebecca once a week on saturday for about one hour as with the elderly and age my grandma passed away she did get her wish and was able to stay in her own home after this things started to get real interesting once the probate lawyer got her kids my dad and uncle and other estranged dad becky around the table some shady business started to come out my aunt rebecca asked that everyone just forego any audit or paperwork and they just sell the house for around four hundred thousand dollars and divide up the remaining bank account balance of roughly four hundred thousand dollars so just signing on the line each sibling was to get a check for two hundred thousand dollars not too bad of an inheritance my dad thought that was somewhat a little rushed he said at the time that he wanted to wait because my grandma's house was easily in the 600 000 range based on size and location my aunt exploded in his face yelling at him and calling him all kinds of names because he was unwilling to sign the assets then and there she basically wanted a quick close while everyone looked the other way my dad ended up leaving the room after the screaming and the deal wasn't signed that day it took nearly six months before another appointment and they were all back at the table the thing is though when you are a trustee and the person passes away the funds and access to financial accounts are all under heavy scrutiny until all beneficiaries are made aware and signed the final papers at the next meeting my dad went in there with no intention to sign the deal he got his brother my uncle fred to agree that they audit the entire accounts going back five years when they demanded this again at the meeting with the lawyer my aunt ended up arguing that a forensic audit would cost them five thousand dollars and it's a waste like what difference does it make two beneficiaries requested it so it was what was going to happen the audit report showed up about three months later here's where it gets good my dad began looking over the audit report and saw it was full of holes like excessive monthly food costs for a 90 year old lady payments made for car services for a car my grandma no longer had many different things in there that just didn't add up my dad asked me to give the audit a second look so i spent a saturday night going over it and here's some crazy stuff i found and alerted my dad about costco monthly food costs of eleven hundred to two thousand dollars for the last four years telephone bills for sick cell phones grandma has a home phone only gasoline for a truck my grandma didn't have for like four years and easily 400 a month house repairs paid to my aunt's husband who owned a construction business some of the house repairs were like thousand dollars for a new roof new garage doors home security system which she didn't have etc all inflated prices grandma paid for my aunt to go to europe twice on vacation my grandma was paying my estranged aunt becky a stipend of two thousand dollars a month for the last five years as well as her deadbeat son for twenty five hundred dollars every month they were paid all grandkids were to be paid a lump sum of ten thousand dollars upon their 30th birthday as that is when the fifty dollar check from grandma stopped for all grandkids guess who was paid out her kids and my estranged aunts kids but not me are my siblings my grandma gave loans to my aunt rebecca for her husband's construction business and returned for equity in the company which amounted to nothing these loans totaled about two hundred thousand dollars over three years right around when the housing bust happened they also sold her assets like jewelry and whatnot for cash because some big ticket items simply vanished from her house armed with all of this the next probate meeting was interesting in the time between my grandma's passing and the third probate meeting my aunt's construction business filed for bankruptcy so that two hundred thousand dollars in equity grandma had simply vanished the probate lawyer was also somewhat concerned and makes it obvious that this was fraud and breach of fiduciary duty where my aunt could actually get real prison time after this the negotiations were much more favorable my aunt got nothing literally zero my other aunt only received 25 000 after all the stipend payments my father and uncle shared the rest after all grandkids received the ten thousand dollar payout the house sold to the first offer for five hundred twenty thousand dollars that was the regular revenge for any treacherous jerk that ripped off grandma and had her eat moldy food here is the pro my aunt probably felt pretty bad that she couldn't supplement her lifestyle with grandma's money anymore but that was the least of her worries since she tried to personally rip me off for ten thousand dollars i took it personally i don't care how tough you are the irs is the scariest thing that can happen to a person nobody wants to have their money forcibly removed i did a little research and found the 3949-a i also had the audit and the legal office that would provide the full trust if requested or demanded by the irs i don't know if it ever was so i photocopied my documents had them notarized and sent off the info to the irs i felt like it went nowhere then maybe 18 months later i was notified and asked to come to the irs building for an appointment in my city the agent went over all the details what they found in their research and then they asked for a sworn statement it turns out my aunt didn't declare something like 1.2 million in additional income over 5 years and as such she owed the irs around 420 000 plus penalties there was no way she was going to pay that on a teacher's pension and after her husband has bankrupted his business her house was sold her vehicle sold and they left the state now aunt and uncle live in a depressing desert town in the southwest the irs paid me around sixty thousand dollars about three months after the appointment she should have paid that ten thousand next we've got entitled dad ruins a marvel premiere at the theater hey guys this is my first post here so i hope i don't mess up it's also a pretty old story and i don't think i can disclose which movie i'm talking about but it's one of 2019's mcu movies that was premiering in the theater where i work so let's start with this the theater where i work is small it's situated in the meek town so nothing happens here most people who really cared about this film went to see it in the city so there wasn't that much movement and we played it in our smallest screening room 30 to 40 people came in mostly teens are parents with their kids and walks entitled dad balding guy in a black jacket with a little kid 10 at best i'm not gonna lie i have no idea how this started i didn't serve the man and his son i completely missed them coming in and only caught on to the situation later but basically they bought tickets and went to their assigned screen after buying some snacks the audience took their seats one of us workers checked the screen for temperature and phones and all was well now we check the screens a few times per screening we have signs on all the doors and by the steps leading to the screens that ask audiences to turn off their phones there's also an announcement before every film that asks you the same thing turn off the phones if you care to read one of those countless signs you'll know that if you are caught using your phone in the screening room you will be asked to leave entitled dad apparently couldn't read or couldn't care less we're strict on this because phones are really distracting when we workers step into the dark room the first thing we see from the door is the person's phone because it's so bright in the theater lighting they're really visible and annoying to other spectators silenced or not next time the screening was checked entitled dad was on his phone he was asked to turn it off he instead grumbled and stuck it in his pocket then we checked the screen again after a few minutes and again asked entitled dad to turn it off that's when entitled dad decides to argue the worker dealing with him was almost brought to tears because he was so rude and she went to get the manager now our manager is a big guy buff as heck tall and dangerous looking he's a teddy bear though but the worker who was almost brought to tears was his sister and he wasn't nice to the person who was mean to her our manager goes to untitled dad and asks him to leave entitled dad throws a fid he starts to yell at the manager angry that he has to watch this stupid movie and that he should be allowed on his phone because he's only there so his son can see it we don't let kids under 12 in without their parent or guardian so yes he had to be there if he wanted to sit with his son still phones were prohibited he claimed we should let him be on his phone and distract all the other audience members because he would be bored otherwise all while shouting at the staff and disrupting the movie which was already running one of our workers had to run upstairs to the control room to pause the movie six months of working in that theater and that's the only time this had happened our manager finally won the argument and got entitled dad to leave and take his poor son with him i'm still sorry for the kid because i'm sure he wanted to watch that movie the manager apologized profusely to the remaining audience and the newest mcu movie continued to play i had people coming out to grab some more snacks mid premiere and they asked me about entitled dad and offered us support because they were worried about the staff we also apologized again for the inconvenience and they said it wasn't our fault they were glad entitled dad was gone my manager mostly laughed about it he said it wasn't a big deal these things happen his sister was shaken but fine we went ahead with our daily duties then it turned out entitled dad wasn't gone after all in he marches all alone this time maybe he didn't want to scare his kid anymore but i don't think he deserves the credit for thoughtfulness so maybe his son was simply too shaken to return with him anyway entitled dad walks up to the tickets booth and asks i kid you not for a refund the manager laughed and told him no way in heck is he getting a refund we're usually really understanding and refunds aren't difficult to do but my manager wasn't willing to cooperate with entitled dad after he made the manager's sister and his own son cry and disrupted the premiere for a few dozen people besides he broke the rules knowing he would be asked to leave and the movie was more than half an hour in he had no right to ask for a refund he called my manager rude and demanded again that he gets a refund because he was kicked out of the cinema and his son's day was ruined duh you ruined it entitled dad the manager said no and told entitled dad to leave entitled dad started yelling and insulting our manager but he was halfway out the door when he yelled at my manager that he was a brainless piece of testosterone-injected meat and that he thinks he's so scary with all that muscle but he won't be so scary when his butt is sued so yeah dude threatened my manager with a lawsuit while my manager was laughing his head off the lawsuit never came neither did the dude return next we've got demand a raise when you can't even do your job karen you're fired for context i work in the family business without going into specifics because it'd definitely be easy to find we make things in a niche industry and sell those online i manage production while my dad manages admin and customer relations due to some medical issues that cropped up for myself we found ourselves a little short-handed it's a small business after all apart from immediate family we're generally pretty reluctant to hire friends or acquaintances because of the circumstances we made an exception here as my mother knew a capable admin person who was looking for a new job for the sake of simplicity this new hire will call karen she interviewed well had loads of experience on paper and seemed pretty switched on we thought it would be a good fit and after checking her references gave her a job now it's important to note a few details that were explicitly stated in the interview it's a casual position with the opportunity for part-time in the future in my country casual means a bump and hourly rate but no paid sick leave or annually the inflated hourly rate is there to compensate for not having those the pay rate was stated as x amount of dollars which was well above the industry standard but a little less than her previous position the job was not at the same level as a previous position where i live there's government guidelines on pay scale and there's levels for positions this was essentially a level 2 admin position her previous one was a level 3. she accepted these conditions in the interview and seemed keen to start right away from the start we started seeing issues she was very slow to pick things up she got confused if you gave her anything other than simple task instructions we couldn't give her a bunch of jobs to work through as she'd start on all of them at the same time get confused start doing tasks for one job and documenting them in another job even the most basic task we assigned her filing was a complete mess at some point she must have given up and chose a new filing method where if it's not visible it's been filed six months after the fact we're still finding income receipts and shipping folders invoices to be paid and receivables you get the idea she was also extremely rude to anyone younger than her basically 90 of the staff we kept getting whiffs of a sense of extreme entitlement anyone other than myself and my dad was obviously beneath her to the point where she would refuse instructions from anyone other than us anyway this obviously couldn't continue we stuck it out for her trial period witnessing a true comedy of errors on a daily basis the final nail in the coffin happened a couple days before her trial concluded on a friday afternoon she walked into my dad's office the abridged conversation which i could slightly overhear when something like this please note she had only been working with us for a little over a month karen i'd like to take three weeks of annual leave dad what you're casual you don't get annual leave karen shocked face that's not what you told me in the interview you're not paying me enough she storms out so on a friday night i was instructed to go over the pay scales and position requirements to make sure we were paying her correctly i didn't think it would be an issue because we were above industry standard but i was forced to double check print off this information as well as average wages for the industry she was on the right side of the bell curve unsurprisingly monday rolls around and my dad had a commitment that took him out of the office so i was instructed to sit down with karen and figure out what the heck she was on about and eventually show her the door i remained respectful during the encounter as i had a feeling she was the kind of person to seek legal recourse and go to industry watch dogs if she was given half a chance me so karen i heard you had a bit of a disagreement with dad karen yes you're not paying me enough if i'm casual well i spent most of friday night going through government pay scales well if you did you'd know that i'm not getting paid for the position i'm entitled to we were pretty clear in the interview no you weren't you said this was a part-time position i'm a level 3 super secretary that's not the position you interviewed for look to be honest the quality of your work really doesn't match that level anyway we've noticed that you're struggling to pick things up and there's a fair few mistakes that are costing us quite a bit of time garen is fuming to be clear this is the pay rate it's a casual position i'm sorry that both myself and dad may not have explained it in a way that was clear to you but this is it if you're not happy with that you can go karen yeah i'm going to go i'm done okay karen walks out 10 seconds later slams open the door and another thing you need to train your staff properly how am i supposed to do work when you don't show me what i need to do okay i'm the only one who did any work in this place okay how did you expect me to do my job if you're using the main workstation all the time okay workstation is my primary desk i'd vacated it for the hours she was in only using it if i needed to print something for production the tasks that she needed the workstation for was primarily checking emails which she didn't do and booking and transport for goods which she couldn't do without my help oh the irony me i'm sorry this hasn't worked out motion to the door karen storms out in a huff stopping to take a notebook with her that had a crapload of proprietary information i had to contact her later to make sure it was destroyed karen's stated secretary level the one she believed she was entitled to was an executive level you know those guys and girls that managed the entire schedule for a ceo or philanthropist we later found out that she basically set herself at that level along with a ridiculous salary at her previous position because it was a non-profit that her sister was the treasurer of her references were all people that were involved in basically a scam to defraud money from a non-profit they were all promptly fired once it came to light in a fairly flat manner they didn't do anything strictly illegal as the salaries had to be voted on by committee which her sister pushed through but i really don't see any difference between her and some big wig making a suck fund it's just a different degree of fraud the level of incompetence she displayed doing her job is as i previously mentioned still being felt we found and still find emails with incorrect invoices sent out glitches in our database that we struggle to untangle and financially reconcile random bits of paperwork everywhere we even found an invoice that needed to be paid stashed behind one of our printers this was a utility bill that only sends out paper invoices we didn't even know about it until we were well overdue on payment to conclude forget you karen you made more work for us than you saved with your incompetent entitled attitude ps i don't know how but this is the second time this has happened on hiring admin staff i don't know what it is about this position but it seems to attract some of the worst people on the planet my son is a professional gamer so he must get this for free so i'll tell a little bit of backstory in finland we have this thing called ted which is like a work experience thing in the eighth grade it lasts a week i was 14 and i had taken a job in a tech store it was good i am somewhat nerdy and i know about technology and computers this is all translated from the finished conversation i am a high school student and my english might have some mistakes we've got entitled kid esports kid we've got entitled mom we've got me we've got this store manager pekka change name so i had been working there for a few days and it was thursday around 2pm i had about an hour left of work time since the tet rule said that the work time was six hours i was behind a cash register desk filling the cabinets with some phones that had arrived in a shipment that day then the entitled mom and entitled kid entered in the store manager was in the storage the mom was in her 40s and the kid was about 11 to 13. me hello welcome to the tech store how can i help you entitled mom good afternoon my son is looking for a keyboard i point to my left where the gaming products were and they were mostly razor products available the others were sold out and the store didn't have much of the accessories me on that shelf feel free to look around thanks the entitled mom and the entitled kid walked over and i kept on filling the cabinet i heard some discussion from behind me but i didn't bother to listen to it some time later i was done and looked over to them they were looking at the prices and thinking about it me need some help entitled mom yeah i don't understand the difference between this black widow ultimate chroma and this or not a chroma they look alike can you please tell me the difference entitled kid mom the black widow is better it's mechanical like i told you the kid had this high pitched voice a really irritating one me your son is right the difference is that the black widow is mechanical and has faster response times than the ornata which is memcanical the black widow is also more expensive but that is logical since it was mechanical the entitled mom looked over to the entitled kid who was smiling entitled mom we will take this one then the entitled mom walked to the register and i scanned the barcode the keyboard was 129 euros me all right ma'am that will be 129 euros what 130 euros for a piece of plastic what the heck me calm down ma'am it's the normal price my son plays competitively he needs this me really well what does he play the untitled kid looked at me i play cs go in a professional team i just looked at him holding my laughter this kid just told me that he plays a k-16 game professionally it was hilarious k-16 is the equivalent of the esrb rating teen me sarcastic tone oh really what is the team name the kid smiled more his smile kinda looked like a troll face entitled kid our team is called killer bee esports i just bursted into laughter this kid had just told me a group that i didn't know of i laugh hold on i'll check i looked up the team on my phone and found a steam group and looked at it the members had ridiculous names i was laughing so hard because the kid was so serious about being professionals me i'm sorry kid but this gaming group is far from being professional even if you were professionals i couldn't give you this keyboard for free since you aren't sponsored by us the store was a part of a chain the mom was looking at me being very angry what are you laughing at he is a professional gamer he is good i have watched him play we need to get this for free you are so rude young man me i'm sorry but he's not a professional i see no awards or anything to reference some sort of esport activity entitled kid i used to play for the 3d max juniors that doesn't exist and that isn't even finnish i just laughed even harder i couldn't help it this kid was so bad at lying are you kidding me look at you you're not old enough to play cs go not professionally his age that's your best argument how old are you i'm 14. you're 14 and you call my son young shame on you it's my chat week so it's part time entitled mom was looking at her son with a weird smile and the kid smiled back she turned to me we'll make a compromise i will pay the full price i was getting suspicious from the tone of her voice which had turned to a kind and soft voice and and i get those headphones from the shelf points to a pair of razer kraken 7.1 s 110 euros i looked at her with an annoyed gaze and stayed quiet for a moment are you kidding me you're asking for a keyboard and a headset for the price of one i explained to her that we have some bundles sometimes but she just can't make one out of thin air she just looked at me annoyed let me talk to your manager okay points to some security cameras don't think of trying to leave you have cameras watching you i walked to the warehouse and called for the store manager pekka to come and help me with a customer surprisingly the entitled mom and entitled kid hadn't left manager hello ma'am i'm pekka what seems to be the problem your part-time employee is rude to me and makes fun of my son that's not entirely true she claimed her son is a professional gamer on a team and they are trying to get equipment for free manager ma'am is this true no he's lying the manager just stood there looking at the angry mom her kid and me i'll check the camera recordings he said that and went into the security room some time later he came out ma'am i have to ask you to pay for the keyboard and leave what the heck he's rude to me and my son we need these for free my son is traumatized after your behavior manager the other option is for you to not pay and leave without the keyboard entitled mom just looked at us and hesitantly paid for the keyboard and was about to leave until she yelled from the front door you lost the customer for life i'm not coming back here ever again despite her actions my work experience went well i got good points for the work sometimes when i go to the store i talk with pekka about the pro player kid and we laugh surprisingly the entitled mom or the kid never visited the store anymore next we've got karen drops her phone down the elevator shaft i work for a company that services elevators this includes calls from our clients as well as answering the emergency phones inside the elevators if people become stuck 95 of the time that we get a call from inside an elevator it's just kids or someone who hit the button by accident four percent of the time we actually have someone stuck and the other one percent of the time it's karen my phone rings so i glance over to check which language i need to answer in and see that it's actually from inside an elevator i pick it up thinking it's another prank call find the address in my system and prepare to say hello is there anyone there for about 30 seconds then go back to playing stardew valley on my phone not today today karen had other plans i quickly get out the standard intro and to my surprise there's actually someone on the other end of the line karen hi i need to speak to a manager or something yes she actually said or something with the inflection of a question now there is so much stupid packed into that one question that i am almost speechless let's unpack the stupid shall we stupid point one she's using an emergency elevator phone and wasting an emergency response line's time to try and make a complaint i know i said i was playing stardew valley but you're on reddit don't judge me two her question doesn't make sense does she want my manager we have thousands of employees and dozens of offices does she want the account rep for her building does she want the supervisor or the technician who handles her building does she want the manager of her local branch is this about a bill i don't know what karen wants and i'm pretty sure i left my nintendo switch at home so it can't be that 3. we cannot give or share any information to anyone who is not with building management in fact anyone who is not with building management should not even know our phone number at the time i had no idea but karen has already been told this by building management and does not know our number which is why she is calling from the emergency phone me can i ask what this is regarding no give me a manager well karen the problem is we have hundreds of managers who manage different things i need to know what type of thing you're having trouble with so i know which manager to transfer you to uh the manager in charge of elevators by now my spider sense is tingling and i'm opening up the building history something stinks and it's the all too familiar smell of karen's bs me please hold while i get the manager of elevators i place karen on hold to get her good and wound up before i make her feel stupid me hi karen thank you for holding before i put you through to the manager of elevators i just need to confirm did you call us this morning to request a technician come to retrieve a phone dropped down the crack beneath the elevator door on the ninth floor karen no she knows she's busted and at the time you were told to contact building management as we cannot dispatch a technician unless building management requests it or we have someone trapped in an elevator no she knows what's coming next and after that did you call again pretending to be trapped in the elevator with a baby in an effort to bypass building maintenance and get us to send a technician to the site i can hear her starting to tear up i was trapped in the elevator and there was no ventilation and my baby was getting very hot and i needed to get him to the doctor i understand did you try dialing 9-1-1 while you were trapped no because i dropped she was about to say she dropped it down the elevator and was realizing she was about to get caught in the lie it was out of batteries me please hold i put her on mute to get her even more wound up go to the bathroom and come back me hi karen thanks for holding she doesn't say anything hi karen are you still there i'm here okay great i was worried i'd lost you now when the technician arrived he found that the elevator was still working and diagnostic showed no errors in fact in the 35 minutes between your call and the technician arriving the elevator was used eight times and that there is no record of anyone being trapped yes that's what he said but he wasn't there i was trapped for over an hour with my baby who has a fever please hold eat my sandwich chicken salad i love my life me hi karen thanks for holding i just need to confirm when our technician arrived to have you released from the elevator were you waiting in the lobby and did you demand he retrieve your phone from the elevator shaft yes and when he told you to contact building management to get the 900 elevator pit retrieval fee approved did you begin screaming at him to retrieve your phone immediately or you would get him fired well i wasn't screaming and when this happened who was watching the baby what baby the one you were stuck in the elevator with that had a fever oh she was upstairs i put her down so you left an infant alone so you could yell at the technician are you telling me how to parent my please hold water my blueberries in stardew valley okay karen what i am doing right now i'm putting a note in the system to have your phone retrieved free of charge from the elevator shaft oh thank you thank you so much you're very welcome we will be retrieving it for you on the next scheduled maintenance day which will be within the next three to six weeks three to six weeks you can't send someone today sure but first you need to contact building management to call us and approve the 900 elevator shaft retrieval fee in addition to the 500 fine for faking an emergency that you'll be receiving from your landlord karen hung up before i was able to transfer her to the manager of elevators i later spoke with building management who was livid karen had originally spoken to them about the phone however she refused to be billed for it so management refused to make the call her baby wasn't sick in fact and didn't exist unless her baby is four cats i hope she isn't too surprised in three to six weeks when she gets the shattered pieces of her phone back next we've got in my 35 years of being in sales and management this was by far the most interesting performance review i have ever witnessed guys i know this is long but i assure you this is a juicy one i was working with the b2b sales company we sold services to companies basically after this company had managed to hire the most incompetent lazy and jealous sales manager i have ever come across we were a team of five salespeople and a sales manager all five of us salespeople hated our sales manager for various reasons but we liked her personally i was the top salesperson on the team i was sitting at 170 percent of my yearly objective and was well on my way to president's club this is largely because i was the only salesperson on the team with real sales experience and the sales manager was too incompetent to train a team so my vp came down for our yearly performance reviews and i was called in first it was my vp and mrs b short for jerk i was expecting a positive performance review right off the bat mrs b hits me with steam you know our location hasn't been performing at objective for a number of years and we suspect this is because salespeople are misrepresenting their daily work i'm a taken back sting i don't think you are actually doing what you say you are doing in your crm this is something you could get fired for i looked at mrs b and i said really she said yeah i hit her back with i'm shocked you decided to go this route mrs b with a confident smile said we gotta do what it takes to get this location on objective i said alright let's play a game mrs b pick a day any day in the crm and let me prove to you that i went to all my appointments and did all my stops as recorded well sting i'm not saying you never go in the field i just think some days you stay at home and put in bs notes in the crm i said mrs b pick a day any day pick a day you think i lied about my sales activities so mrs b picks a day now i'm smiling ear to ear and i am heated i notice the vp is smiling at me and his head is slanted to one side i suspected he knew mrs b was about to get absolutely owned and he was right so she gives me the day and i turn to the vp mr vp are you aware of how android phones work vp responds enlighten me i said by default android has location services turned on and in fact google will track where you went and when naturally i carry my phone everywhere so let's compare what google says i did that day to what my crm says so i pull out my google location services for that day and surprise surprise it's a match mrs b is obviously very concerned at this point i said i'm actually quite enjoying this performance review let's pick another day mrs b mrs b fires back we don't need to do that i turn to the vp mr vp would you mind picking a day he says sure what about xyz he pulls up my crm i pull my location services for that day guess what it's a match i then get ready to pull out the big guns mr vp do you remember company xyz with a contract value of excess 1 million dollars that we lost recently yes ding i remember apparently our competitor won them over on price we can't win them all mr vp here is an email from their vb basically stating that they've decided not to go with us for our failure to provide three samples for them to decide on which product worked best for them sting can you forward that to me sure not a problem mr vp forward it over mr vp while i'm at this let me forward you over several email chains before this where i clearly asked mrs b to order those samples in fact in those very same email chains she confirmed that she had in fact ordered the sample he asked me to forward those emails to him so i did now mr vp i had our service department look to see if any orders had been placed for these samples no orders were actually placed he said i'm going to look into this mrs b is sweating bullets at this point my performance review has just turned into her performance review and it's not going right mr vp i have one more thing i'd like to bring to your attention do you mind if i step outside for a minute so i can show you he said sure i need to have a talk with mrs b anyway now i need to mention that several years prior to this a general manager at another location hurt someone the company was sued and lost a lot of money because of this since this incident the company put in a very clear-cut policy no relationships between management and people who work for them it's immediate termination for the manager now another sales consultant in the office was named joe joe was a married man with a family and mrs b had the huts for him she tried to get with him multiple times twice on text joe and i had talked about if he should report this transgression i walked into the sales office and said joe i think it's time we get a new sales manager you got those texts he looks at me and goes is today going to be the day i said today is going to be the day all the sales staff knew what was going on the mood in the office was lifted joe and i began walking back to the conference room when the location manager who was not a part of the performance review saw joe and i he asked what's going on and joe said you're going to need to hire a new sales manager soon location manager was confused he said he's coming into the meeting we said fine i knocked on the door mr vp said come on in so i did there we stood joe myself and the location manager mrs b knew exactly what was about to happen we all took our seats and i asked the vp mr vp i just want to clarify a company policy sure is it true that if a manager tried to engage in a relationship with a direct report that it's immediate termination for that manager mr vp sits up straight takes a moment and goes yes if something like that came to my attention my hands would be tied i'd have to fire the manager i said well joe has something he wants to show you mrs b got up and walked out of the conference room she was about to cry you could tell her world her career had just completely wrecked and i don't think she wanted to be around for the end joe went on to tell the vp how he's a happily married man with a family and mrs b kept hitting on him in fact she had sent him numerous unwanted texts and on two occasions openly invited him to get with her once in the office and once at his home even after he made it clear he wasn't going to get with her mr vp asked to see the texts and joe provided them the vp asked him to screenshot those and email those over joe said he would then the vp said i'm going to need both of you to go back to the sales office the location manager and i have some talking to do we walk back into the sales office i noticed the sales manager office looked cleaned out apparently mrs b was bawling she was a wreck and crying and said she was going home joe laughed and said yeah she won't be coming back it was about 20 to 25 minutes when the vp came into the sales office and asked me to come to the conference room again so i did i sat down and the vp said well i would like to inform you that mrs b has been terminated effectively immediately with this being said after your performance review and looking over your numbers you are a top sales rep in this location and deserve nothing short of stellar remarks on your review and you'll be getting that i said thank you i do have one question he said sure anything how do i apply for a new sales manager job that just opened up mr vp laughed and said you sure do like to strike while the iron is hot don't you i said i do and he said he would let the location manager know and i'd be able to put in my application i thanked him and he said no thank you in my 35 years of being in sales and sales management this was by far the most interesting performance review i have ever witnessed i did not end up getting promoted i ended up quitting shortly after this because they decided to not promote me and instead hired a guy with no sales experience to be our sales manager and this rubbed me the wrong way also our service department sucked and couldn't deliver on what i was selling and another company offered me more money he took twenty five thousand 000 from me it ended up costing him half a million i was married to a very ocd and pragmatic man for example for him a big romantic gesture had been to leave me alone for 24 hours at the hospital right after i had our son so he could go pay bills and mow the lawn twenty years later i do understand he really did express love this way but that's another story so i divorced him not just for what's above mind you i felt alone and unloved in this relationship i just wrote about it to explain the state of mind i was in when i met this other person that we'll call ps ps was the total opposite he was very in tune with his emotions he was very very intense this will be important later he expressed his love like i thought i needed on our first date the waitress asked how long we had been together since he was so into me he made me feel amazing he had a huge house and a rather flashy lifestyle so i assumed he was really well off he told me he owned a car wash and a phone marketing company fast forward a bit at this point we had been dating for about a year and he just asked me and my son to move in with him i wasn't 100 sure but he prepared the room for my son nonetheless as i started spending more time in his house still keeping mine i also started to see strange behavior he'd be up all night but sleep all day i also overheard a few phone calls where he was telling people they owed money and needed to pay but the conversations didn't fit with a car wash or phone marketing business at some point he told me he was having money problems he said huge clients were late in pain and that this was jeopardizing his house payments so i stupid me offered to help i'm missing a part of this story because it started as me offering help with the house since we were there a lot still had my house though but it ended up with me lending him twenty five thousand dollars i cannot for the life of me remember that progression the loan was supposed to be for three weeks he said i'd have it all back in three weeks three weeks that twenty 25 000 came from my retirement savings slash sun's college money so i had to pay a fine to access it it's also money it took me 10 years to put aside that money was very important to me during those three weeks i went out to have drinks with my friends and found him on a date with another woman i saw him kissing her i said nothing went to his house packed my stuff and left so anyway i thought he'd be an adult and would still reimburse the 25 000 the end of the three weeks a big mistake someone i knew told me he was glad i left and proceeded to tell me about him he said ps was a junkie hence why he was so intense and so into his emotions that also explained the erratic sleep slash night patterns but the final blow was when he told me that ps was also a con man a specialist in defrauding older people by phone his so-called phone marketing company in the beginning i wasn't sure i believed it but then bits of what i had overheard in the last year started to make sense and i realized it was all true back to this later i tried having my money back many different ways none worked i was at the end of my rope and since it was in my years post-divorce and right after the 2008-2009 economic crash as well i was poor as heck so this is what i did first he had given me access to pay bills online not to his bank accounts but to his emails so i was able to investigate all his accounts with the same password i printed and screenshot every little bit of information relating to money i found proof that he was indeed scamming people and found the people he worked with and even the name of the person at western union who facilitated the money transfer i found out he was an organized criminal i also found out he did this between the two countries i started preparing strike one so for strike one i printed his face and the face of everyone working for slash with him from their online profiles and defrauding people and left hundreds of flyers in his neighborhood i also called the hotline for financial crime prevention in both the countries and gave very specific details and names know that even if he had given me the money this goes against my core values and i would have done the same thing either way at this point i was preparing strike two too i was dumb in lending him money but at least i did it the right way i wrote a check i didn't do cash i wanted proof just in case it would turn out to be a great idea on the check i had written that it was alone thank you judge judy for this tip since he didn't pay me back i prepared an invoice and sent it to me from his hacked email when the time came to do my taxes i filed the 25k as an expense using this invoice i have many freelancers i slid him as one of them and it passed don't ask me how i got his social i can't remember but i ended up having access to it so routed him out to the irs for hiding income i found out later on through friends that the irs started investigating him for unpaid taxes i heard he had to pay 38 taxes on that 25k plus a 20 fine for not declaring income at this point i was satisfied i figured ninety five hundred dollars in taxes plus five thousand in fines was fifty percent of what he owed me at least he didn't get away with it all but remember i told you on the check i had written that it was alone so i took about two to three years but i took him to court and won he didn't even show up so he has to reimburse the full 25 000 plus court fees plus what he owes to the irs so it's thirty nine thousand five hundred dollars that he was to pay for not reimbursing twenty five thousand to this day i still haven't seen ascent but the rest of the story makes it worthwhile for a while i thought the financial crime call i made had no effect now the cherry on top what i didn't know at the time is that the irs would team up with wire fraud division and look at everything he did they were not able to catch him on the wire fraud but since the house he had did not fit with the money he was declaring they got him on tax evasion and gave him a certain delay to pay back taxes i heard it was only three months but i don't know if it's accurate they got him so good they ended up freezing his accounts and he lost the house the bank foreclosed it and his debt to the irs is still open we are not in the u.s so he won't go to jail for this however but my 25 000 that he did not want to repay ended up costing him over half a million dollars and since you cannot go bankrupt for a debt you owe to the government i'm happy to tell you that at 40 years old he had to move back with his parents and ask for welfare and will probably be paying this for the rest of his life this story is not finished however i just learned that he now has a job as a concierge in the apartment building of his parents so i'll be contacting the court to have the money he owes me taken directly from his pay the thing is he has no idea i'm the culprit of all his bad fortune and he recently sent me a message telling me he misses me that i was an angel for him and that he regrets what he did well not me loser not me next we've got let me speak to your manager young man i will have you fired the owner and i are good friends first let me explain a few things here this is not my story as such but i got to witness it firsthand a good friend of mine is from a family that owns three very successful italian restaurants with a pizza oven that uses actual wood really top of the line so he learned the business basically from the day he could walk when he was 25 he had a good business idea a place in the middle of the city that sells mostly slices out a window but also whole pizza pasta dishes and salad and does delivery plus a few small tables inside if someone wants to eat there so he created a solid business plan and had his eyes on a prime location it's 50 meters away from the biggest parking area in the city with 400 parking spots where several times a year we have big city fairs and anybody who wants to go in the park strolls right by it so his dad said he would finance him but as a credit to be paid back in a timely manner they agreed on everything and a year later he opened up the story takes place about two years after they have opened and the place is hot he already repaid almost 75 of the credit in a mere two years usually there is a line for the slices which are from a family sized pizza like 60 centimeters across and you get 1 8 for 250 to 350 depending on what is on it we are sitting on a table playing chess while his guys run the shop he had already worked a full 11 hours that day in comes a baby boomer couple and it was clear as day that the lady with the you know witch haircut rules this relationship with an iron fist they sat down on the table next to us and after not even a minute she rudely asked us why she has no menu yet and to get off our lazy butts i already wanted to tell her i do not work here but he winked at me and walked over to their table giving them our menus i'll call her entitled lady and my friend justfriend disclaimer this was nearly 15 years ago so the spoken words are not word for word but represent what was said entitled lady it's about time you get off your lazy butt she has waited a minute you can't play chess when you have people waiting what kind of crappy service is this so he took their drink orders and walked behind the bar to make their drinks right away they had to wait maybe three minutes for their drinks they ordered beer that takes a bit to do correctly half a wisen for you germans this story takes place in germany about time did you have to brew it first or what's it taking so long my friend's patience is starting to wear thin but he still stays friendly you saw me walk to the bar and make your drinks right away then return right away those beers take a bit to pour correctly i'm sorry but there is no way i could have brought those to you any faster we are customers and this is how you talk to us ever heard of the customer is always right how can you be so rude to paying customers now my friend really had enough i was very respectful towards you while you were very rude from the moment you came in here the moment he said that she got this weird grin on her face and you could tell this was exactly what she wanted shut up how dare you i will have you know me and the owner are old friends i will have your job over this now get me your manager friend please i need this job too late you should have thought about this before you treated guests this rude now get me the manager friend went behind the bar and had a short talk to one of the older guys working there let's call him o.g both return to the table oh gee what seems to be the problem ma'am entitled lady suddenly playing the sweet old lady that is so nice when we came in here your server sat there with someone and played chess we waited and waited and finally asked nicely if we could have a menu he rolled his eyes at us and gave us the menu from his table then we ordered drinks and he walked over made our drinks and then just stood there for a good ten minutes before he brought our drinks and when i politely asked him to bring our beer it was really rude to me since i know the owner we eat here all the time and usually the service is excellent i demand you fire him and comp our meals oh gee turning to my friend is that really what happened friend of course not she came entitled ladies suddenly all the mask of friendliness gone start screeching what are you asking him for i just told you what happened are you calling me a liar wait till the owner hears of this at this point my friend and og could no longer hold it back and they started laughing you think this is funny never have i been so insulted friend yeah i know wait till the owner hears of this away the owner already did hear this i am the owner and i have never seen you in my life nor have you ever eaten here you two are just trying to scam a free meal out of me by being impossibly difficult till the server finally snaps or does something wrong so you can ask for a manager and lie to him about what happened now you pay for your beer and then you go and do not even think of coming back you are banned wow i had no idea people could get that red in the face she put 10 euros on the table now get out and they shuffled out to never return boy that was the most entertaining attempt to scam him i have ever witnessed next we've got i do work here and the show is over i'm going home turned out longer than expected happened last night and i'm still chuckling about it i'm a soundtech at a pretty busy venue in a southern college town we have tons of weekly events bands karaoke trivia fundraisers etc and a bar that's open from 4pm to 2am most days i work with about three other soundtanks but i'm the primary tech because i have the most experience slash was dumb enough to get a college degree in audio engineering thinking it would profit me something other than the gratification of polishing audio turds from entitled musicians and patrons but i do love my job and most of the people i work with being close to a fairly well-known college if i told you which one you'd get why this happened we get a lot of kids playing with mommy and daddy's money who come in act super entitled and usually get promptly put in their place this will be a description of one such occasion anyway we had just had these two bands play and i was none too happy with them since they arrived an hour late and gave me the completely wrong input list prompting me to do a ton of extra work routing almost three additional and weird instruments into the mixing desk they had finally finished around midnight and i was making an attempt at coiling cables around a mountain of band gear i was almost done when a gaggle of college-aged girls led by a taller blonde whom i will refer to as kit karen in training stumble in being very loud i hear them start making demands of the bartender who also just wants to go home and he's sorting out their drink order explaining he can only serve them one drink each and they need ids for everyone blah blah blah i continue my work putting microphones away and now i'm packing up the mic stands some of which are mine when kit walks right up on the stage and approaches me directly kid hey so when's the band gonna start what do you guys play actually you guys just missed them i'm just the sound tech and i'm packing up for the night what but why it's only 12 and we just got here well they have already packed up i'm just waiting for them to move some stuff off stage and i'll be out of here as well we have another show tomorrow come back and we she interrupts me grabbing my arm well can you like do me a huge favor and set up karaoke for me and my friends i saw in the events that you guys do karaoke uh no sorry i can't do that karaoke is on thursday if you want to come back then i can't believe you're telling me no we are patrons and brought like 10 people fun fact their group had six to your bar and you're saying you can't accommodate us well sorry i'm a contractor actually and i haven't been approved to do any additional work i'm pretty expensive hourly and i'm pretty sure my boss isn't going to want to pay me to stick around and set the sound system back up just for you and your friends seriously just come back thursday it's a lot of fun this is ridiculous where's your boss i'll talk to him he's not here tonight feel free to email him though i give her a business card hoping it would end the interaction if he's not here can't you just do it how would he know cameras dude it's not worth my job i told you i'm not doing it i apologize for the inconvenience but even if i wanted to i would get in big trouble without approval i have to finish working and get off the clock now bye at this point i turn away to finally finish packing away the mics and stands and she just kind of stands there dumbfounded i ignore her and go about my business i walk back behind a sound booth to cover up the board for the night when i notice kit and one of her friends picking up one of the band guitars and the other mock playing the keyboard literally banging on it at this point i'm mad being a musician nothing makes me angrier than entitled and inexperienced strangers touching my gear and i'm sure the band i mixed for would feel the same way if they weren't out back i marched back to the stage okay you and your friends need to pay your tab and get the heck out now why this isn't even yours why do you care i'm going to ask you one more time pay your tab and get out or i'm going to call the police at this point her friend is looking pretty embarrassed and saying something about how they should just leave whatever you're a jerk we are never coming back here ever again find by me pay then leave now i grab the guitar away from her and she and her friends pay their tab and leave kind of a non-dramatic ending but i did hear them complaining about me loudly to the bartender after they left he slipped me a free shot for making them leave so he didn't have to i clocked out drank it and laughed knowing i'd have a pretty good story for this sub next we've got stormed out after quitting a job i never had this happened to me yesterday and i can't not share it because it's absolutely hilarious to me i was recently hired in a smallish motorcycle garage slash workshop just under three weeks ago as a mechanic yet what i tend to do most of the time is errands for the other people that work there as i'm new and i'm not going to complain normally it's organizing bolts tidying tools up sweeping or grabbing food on the lunch break for everyone they chip in cash wise for it obviously just before lunch myself and one of my colleagues managed to bend a breaker bar a large bar designed to increase torque on another bolt to make stiff bolts easier to loosen and therefore need to replace it i take the company card as it's a company expense take everyone's money and head into the town to do some light shopping thankfully we're situated about a five minute walk from a halfords british store for bicycles car parts tools etc and there's a small coffee shop opposite the work uniform we have is essentially just black overalls and i personally put a hoodie over the top half as it can get quite cold around this time of year this makes me look very similar to the uniform that is worn in the helfered shop i turn up and head to the tools section and find a breaker bar easily enough they're quite large so it's hard to miss them while i'm there i have a general browse at a few other things in the shop and an employee asks if i need a hand i'm juiced up on coffee and am reading the back of an alarmed padlock box when they speak and it makes me jump smacking my head on the shelf above and knocking some things off the shelf nothing heavy or delicate thankfully just a few pairs of heated gloves and some tubs of glue apologizing and able to laugh about it i assist the worker in placing everything back onto the shelf when a buzzer goes off and he says he has to head to the office and thanked me for helping restack the shelf just as i finished restacking the shelf and picking up the item i was looking at a man walks in with a toolbox that the place sells and comes up to me kicking and screaming that he lost a part of it or something i honestly wasn't paying attention to what he was saying i attempted to explain that i don't work here he simply pointed at my legs presuming there are trousers not overalls and calls me a liar and says that if i don't replace what he lost he would fire me on the spot the worker who had headed to the office arrived back at the end of the aisle about this time and asked if there was anything he could help with and i having spotted his name tag before told him by name that i've got this turning back to the clearly irritated gentleman i tell him that he can't fire me because i quit i placed the items i was holding on top of the toolbox straddled across his arms and stormed off being careful not to turn and show the massive grin on my face out the doors i went and off to the coffee shop before returning to work having completely forgotten to return and buy the breaker bar told them the story and another colleague walked over and bought it himself with a card really lightened the mood of a cold dirty workshop for the day you're going to have a kid you don't need video games for a little bit of backstory this happened just today and the circumstances of its occurrence should have screamed that something was going to happen my wife and i are students at the university and the town in which we live and we have a house from which we commute to school every day today however her car happened to be in the shop for routine maintenance and my older sister was borrowing my truck to pick up her kids from their dad lastly my wife is currently in the last stages of pregnancy by which i mean no fun time because i'm afraid something might grab onto me which meant that walking or biking like we sometimes do on nice days was out of the question that left us with our final option the luck was on our side in the fact that there was a bus stop only a couple blocks away from our house so we didn't have to walk too far the bus came within a few minutes of us waiting so before long we found ourselves seated and moving typically when we head off to our classes she brings her 3ds with her to play while she waits for her next class it's an original model 3ds that i got her for our second christmas together and she's always taken very good care of it today she had brought ocarina of time to play and she was fighting one of the bosses as young link and that is when the villain of our story enters the scene the bus driver brought the bus to a stop and the doors swung open to give entry to a woman probably in her mid to late 30s and her kid a boy probably seven or eight maybe nine at the most the bus isn't crowded but nonetheless as we're closer to the front the mom decides they're going to sit down with us the kid sits between my wife and his mom and occasionally we catch him staring at the game my wife is playing after a little while she smiles and positions herself so that he can watch a bit better and then a little later hands it over and lets him start playing for his credit the kid was actually really nice very polite and not at all entitled which made me feel even sorrier for him when all was said and done our stop finally arrived and as he saw me stand and help my wife up the kid closed the ds and made sure to hand it back to us my wife thanked him and reached out to take it but then his mom snatched it right out of her kid's hands the ensuing conversation went somewhat closely to what follows wife oh excuse me but that's mine entitled mom but he was having so much fun can't he just play it a little longer i'm sorry but this is our stop and i really need it back i don't want to hold up the bus any more than we have to aren't you a bit old for video games i think giving them up could do you some good as she said that she patted her own stomach did she really think my wife is just fat my wife looked at me and raised her eyebrows like is this lady serious then said i'm pregnant ma'am and what was probably the least enthusiastic tone of voice i've heard her say it in see you won't be needing it anyway so he can have it right me not unless you want to go out and buy one for him that one is very special to us and we'd like it back kid mom just give it back entitled mom rounding on her kid be quiet i've got this turns back to us you're going to have a baby you won't have time for video games so you surely won't miss this the exchange went back and forth for a bit before the bus driver got out of his seat and came over unlike many moms in her position this particular entitled mom relented when faced with someone with some amount of authority and reluctantly relinquished the 3ds the kid looked clearly ashamed of his mom we got off said goodbye to the kid and thanked the bus driver for coming to our rescue in between classes she beat the inside of king jabu-jabu's belly sorry if that was a bit anti-climactic but it's hard to tell who an entitled mom will listen to i'm half disappointed myself but oh well maybe now that i've typed it all out i can sleep next we've got i made my high school chemistry teacher lose his job i went to a bad high school in a poor community but my parents raised me to work my butt off so i could get out of there my parents never went to college but because of this myself and my siblings have all gone to good schools out of state i maintained a 4.0 until the year in question in high school taking five advanced courses a year out of six total with the last six not offering an honors alternative i learned to get very little sleep because of the amount of work these courses required and because my school didn't have tutoring aids or anything of the like didn't understand something tough crap get to googling so in one of my upperclassmen years i signed up for an advanced chemistry course i knew it would be hard but assumed like the rest of my courses that if the class was minimally structured and google came through per usual i would be fine other students warned me not to take the course but since i wanted to go to college for chemistry i knew i had to go through with it the teacher was horrible he was old which is fine and didn't offer after class support which was normal but also didn't even offer in-class support his answer to even basic questions was you should understand that talk to me about it later but later never came he didn't offer lunch hours didn't offer after school hours and in class would just put up the answers which were already available online and in the back of the book my family didn't have fancy tutor money and none were readily available in my community anyways i studied my butt off but when the first test came back i had a d-minus with no notes to even understand what i had done wrong when i went to speak with him about it right after class ended missing part of my next course in the process he simply told me to look more closely at the textbook for help and that he didn't have time for me he was two weeks behind the explanations that he did give because he was constantly distracted all of this is bad but didn't deserve him being fired yet what did was when he got dangerous in an experiment working with hydrochloric acid a plug held the concentrated stuff in a tube with some magnesium and reacted to form hydrogen bubbles well one of the other students in my group didn't plug the thing properly and the plug fell out with the magnesium being stuck in the tube now without the hcl so i asked him how to get the tube back expecting him to tell us to discard the hcl solution rinse with water and start over i'd read the safety section in my textbook which had this approach to working with acids his response he insisted that i stick my ungloved hand in the solution and just grab the plug and then still in the solution plug it back in he wouldn't even put his own hand in to do it so my high school self thought this was an inherently bad idea i took some more magnesium from the workbench and kept adding it to the solution until it stopped reacting eating up all of the hcl to just leave water and it kept getting worse one day he brought what he claimed were illegal fireworks into the classroom and started setting them off he thought it was funny to point them at us wearing no safety equipment or goggles and hoodies that could have easily caught the fiery things he frequently would leave the room while a group of high school kids were playing with bunsen burners and caustic chemicals so in combination with the total lack of education i was getting i didn't feel safe i'm a girl by the way all of the boys got a's on tests with no explanations he even lost one of the other boys tests and straight up said in front of me and the rest of the class that we would just give him an a minus assuming that he had done well later on i had asked the other student for help understanding something and even he didn't know what was going on in the course so i knew it was just bs every other girl i asked was getting the same inexplicable grades as i was this wasn't unusual on its own either as i had several teachers like this just usually they had at least still grade fairly last contextual thing my high school teachers union had negotiated for tenure after coming to college i've learned that this is a very unusual thing and in retrospect it's an idiotic thing this chemistry teacher was tenured which meant that there was basically no way to fire him honestly i felt bad for the bitter old man because after a botched surgery he was constantly in pain he was still teaching because he refused to retire and he had a son going through college that he needed to pay for but at a certain point this was affecting my chances of getting into college i wasn't about to let one man's issues affect prospects for the rest of my life so i looked up recording laws for my state and found that it was a one-party consent state meaning that i could legally record my teacher through audio as long as the campus didn't say anything against it they had no policies and i was one of the parties consenting so for a month with my grade tanking despite hours of studying and three study books on the course i recorded him i recorded his fireworks his yelling at students his crying in the back chemical storage room leaving us unsupervised i recorded the three times he had left campus leaving the front office to send a last minute substitute to open the door and let us in you know the 15 minutes and i'm legally allowed to leave meme that was a constant joke for my class and then i made a throwaway gmail to make a throwaway dropbox account big at the time i uploaded everything and emailed it to my superintendent with the ultimatum that if something wasn't done i would email the recordings to the local news and that i really didn't want to do that within a day i heard back with her assuring me that i wouldn't be punished for ratting him out my parents her and myself met we went over my grades my unmarked tests and homework and the videos they asked me first to talk over my concerns with the teacher and i said i was uncomfortable with that given his treatment of students the superintendent said she wouldn't tell the teacher who had submitted the evidence but that they needed to speak with him about the concerns to hear his side of the story my parents and i said that was completely reasonable as long as my name was never mentioned the next day the teacher said he needed to speak with me after class alone i told him i couldn't as i had another course after that and he said that it was important i turned on my phone's recorder again right before the class ended and as i was packing up he approached me due to the shape of the classroom i was literally backed into a corner and would have had to push him to the side to get out he then started saying that one of the students in the course had brought unfounded concerns and lies to the administration about what was going on in the course and that he knew we hadn't always gotten along well but that he hoped i wouldn't have done that to him i lied through my teeth and said that i didn't know what he was talking about that he was making me uncomfortable by blocking my access to the door and that i was late for my next class he didn't even deny what i was saying just said that since i clearly had a problem with him he'd be willing to stay after class to help me specifically since it seemed like i was struggling so much after that i told him i really needed to get to my next course and he finally moved i emailed the superintendent that recording during my next course and cc'd my parents my parents were furious the superintendent was mad too because while my parents were poor they dressed up nicely my mom was an expert in bluffing about getting a lawyer that we totally couldn't afford so a liability lawsuit was probably ringing through the ladies mind since the district couldn't fire him he was put on immediate permanent medical leave while the district was still paying his full pay they gave us one unqualified substitute after another two months before the national exam for the course they gave us a teacher that they had pulled out of retirement but that had actually taught the advanced chemistry course for years she was a godsend and even held eight-hour saturday classes so that we could catch up with the curriculum at least enough to pass the class in those two months we covered just enough of the tests material that our class had a 50 pass rate according to my upperclassmen friends this was a lot higher than it had been for their years with less than ten percent of the class passing the superintendent also wrote me a thank you college recommendation letter partially to keep me quiet and partially because they had been trying to get rid of this guy for years my little sister took this course a couple of years after me and said that the new teacher was competent and they were still at that 50 percent pass rate next we've got i don't work here karen i live here a few years ago i was a sweet summer child freshly out of college with zero idea what i wanted to do with my life i was a homeowner after maternal unit moved overseas and gave the house to me and i decided to work for a house painting company for one summer while i got my metaphorical ducks in a row the next summer i was out of the painting business and working as an emt which meant sometimes i would have a full day or two off 24 on 48 off i noticed my house was in some need of paint touch-ups so i decided to do them myself i had brushes paint nothing to do and some beer so i went at it one tuesday afternoon so i'm working on the frame of the front door dressed in old painter whites and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and i sit down to let the primer dry and have a beer i'm happily perched on the front step when i notice a can i speak to your manager haircut with a face that looks like she just ate 12 lemons staring at me from the sidewalk my front lawn is decently long and slopes down a hill but i could see an artery pulsing in her neck from my spot she had a dog next to her so i just wave and say cute dog i guess my words broke the floodgates and she unleashed upon me a verbal assault of which i understood about 30 percent how dare you drink on the job on this nice property you don't deserve to sit there and waste the hard-earned money of the well-educated person that owns this place while i'm pondering this she's still spewing frothing condensation at me which culminated in uneducated lazy menial freeloading jerks like you what is wrong with this country she's positively quivering with anger and indignation her dog is pulling at the leash to say hi to me and so i bend down to say hello back when she says well what do you have to say for yourself i raise myself to my full six foot two height which towers over her little five foot nothing self she doesn't back down and the following conversation ensues me hello ma'am what seems to be the problem you sitting there wasting the homeowner's money so you can get paid to be a lazy drunk me oh i'm being paid seems odd i don't feel the need to pay myself for this but i suppose that could be fun to try her gear is turning pay yourself don't make me laugh some deadbeat like you couldn't afford this house you need an education for a real job i'm wondering what her education fixation is all about but not caring all that much i just want to entertain her conversation enough to really get her mad maybe her head will explode me well i didn't buy this house my mother did but she left it to me when she moved overseas after i graduated from college her smirking oh did you go to local community college known for not being that great only someone working as a painter would go there me actually if you look at my shirt you'll see it says ivy league school athletics which is where i attended school and played a sport i am in good shape because of that so i figured i would keep that up by working on improving my own home while having a few beers to cool off in this heat did you attend community college because if so i can see how you might not be able to understand that disclaimer nothing wrong with that community college it's where i got my emt license just wanted to watch her boil and oh boy did she her eyes widen bigger than i thought possible and her mouth starts working like elderly folks do when they've lost a lot of teeth lots of lip twisting this culminates in her reading her ugly head back and spitting on the front of my shirt you probably stole that from someone you ungrateful piece of crap okay wow not sure what i'm ungrateful for and eel germs so i tell her that it's been fun but i'm going to continue working and turn to walk back up the lawn she grabs the back of my shirt and attempts to pull me backwards doesn't work so i spin around and smack her hand off me she flops like a premier league soccer player flinging herself all over my lawn she's let go of the dog's leash so he comes over to me for pets happy as a clam her yodeling has brought some neighbors out of their homes including my cool next-door ones they come over and i give them the story and ask for their phone to call the cops mine was inside charging they laugh and hand it over i let the cops know that some jerk is losing it loudly on my lawn could they please come remove her i returned to my work my cool neighbors probably have started making popcorn a little while later i hear the cops arrive crazy is still singing her opera and starts screaming at the cops a crazy story her talons point to me so i come down and tell the cops the whole story they crack up apparently they know the nutcase by name and so they tell her to call her husband to get the dog again and cuff her for trespassing and disorderly conduct dog hung out with me until the husband apologizing profusely came and got him he also informed me that they are in divorce proceedings so that may have made her crazier than usual never saw that lady again thank god but have developed a neighborly friendship with her ex and the pup all's well that ends well so karen what did you think of today's stories they were horrible horrible how dare you these were some of the best we've ever read oh shut up mr reddit it's ridiculous what people like myself have to go through dealing with stupid people like yourself and your subscribers look karen you can say whatever you want about me but don't you talk about my re-army most of your viewers aren't even subscribed to your channel 70 if i'm correct well i can't argue with that that's true most most of my viewers don't actually subscribe for some reason it's because you're stupid mr reddit no i'm not alright guys let's prove karen wrong by making sure you're subscribed to the channel and turn on notifications they're not going to listen to you and if you'd like me or karen what to record a special message for you come visit me on fiverr link pinned in the comments below never and join as a channel member today and karen will give you a special shout out in the next video like heck i will
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 268,115
Rating: 4.8056469 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rSlash, mr reddit, r/mrreddit, r/, reddit stories, rSlash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, Top Posts of All Time, r/entitledparents
Id: 5zXnS6QBQ8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 30sec (9870 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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