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g'day there guys it's humane man Maki back at it again with another episode of our /mi the a-hole now if you loved this video like I love you I want you to sit back relax Chuck a prawn on the barbie and enjoy the bloody good contents posted by user rigvir titled am I the a-hole for not saying anything about the underwear my 20 year old daughter and her fiance are currently staying with us I love my daughter but she is very difficult and I can't stand her fiance I gave them a deadline to move out because I can't take this anymore they got into a massive fight the other day while my wife was out I guess a pair of my wife's underwear got in their laundry and she thought he was cheating I think the fact she immediately jumped a cheating shows how bad their relationship is she was waving the underwear around and I recognized them because they had a floral prints but I just let this ridiculous fight to go on my wife came home after about 30 minutes and said they were hers my wife asked if I didn't realize they were hers and I accidentally laughed my daughter burst into tears and weren't talk to me her fiance said we're screwed and left the house but my wife thought it was funny come on you know you're an a-hole for doing that but it's hilarious oh my god you're just taunting they're crumbling relationship IP stop poking the bear it's not funny you're the a-hole but it's funny Herbst JPEG says you might be the a-hole but I am living for it edits my personal verdict is you're the a-hole but I'd like to invoke crap man versus freak boy which states that in times of outlandish or otherwise infantile behavior a whole array may subject to scrutiny be permitted priceless you're the a-hole but not as bad as it sounds your daughter's relationship might be doomed but not over the underwear there were some underlying problems there that are manifesting by the day you're the a-hole but in that fatherly way like the guy who's looking out for his daughter and having a good laugh at the boyfriends expense everyone sucks yeah including me because I laughed too everyone sucks here everyone but the mum mum took ownership of the floral panties right away but she didn't confess to the cheating hmm hmm not the a-hole if your first thought is cheating not the other woman that lives in this house you've got issues my sister's undies ended up in my load once worse since I had the same pair I tried to put them on she's a size negative 14 and I'm a size 14 so we're lucky the universe did not tear in half well at least your load didn't end up in your sister's undies God reddit is sick he says edit dole you're a female as well dammit my joke isn't funny now not the a-hole it's not your fight either also it's wild that your daughter would think that her fiance was bringing girls into your house he owned parents to cheat on and accidentally leave underwear there that's hilarious and I would have probably laughed too if I lived with another woman and the same thing happened to me I feel like I would assume they were hers before anything else my significant other and I keep our laundry separate and stuff of his still ends up in mine he forgot to add these cherry on top of the absurdity Sunday that he added his trophy to their laundry yeah like his daughter either has major trust issues with her fiance or she's nuts although at 20 years old I wasn't exactly the most rational girl in the world either that's a young age to commit to a marriage posted by user not adopting her baby titled am I the a-hole for not adopting my wife's child i-27 mail used to have a wonderful relationship with the woman I love 26 female however five years ago she got drunk and had a one-night stand and got pregnant from it's can't be mine because I can't have kids dude a horseback riding injury when I was a teen didn't get the guy's name and no way to find him so he's out of the picture my wife decided to keep its and we almost went through a divorce but couples therapy made us decide to try again we're still in therapy now since I still have a hard time trusting her so she had her son we talked about it a lot and I made it clear that I'm okay taking on a stepparent role but I wasn't willing to fully be his dad I wouldn't adopt him but I would help raise him and get him off to college my wife agreed to this became a stay-at-home mum so she could take care of him with help from her parents and I've pretty much been the fun uncle like guy I play with him by him games try my best not to resent him and I'm in therapy for this and mostly just stay out of the way of my wife's parenting he even calls me uncle instead of dad he knows I'm not his father and is just happy to play video games with me and chill well recently my wife has started talking about me adopting him something I'm not willing to do I made it clear that if anything happened he would go live with her parents and I'd send child supports if they couldn't take him I wouldn't put him in the foster care or anything but I also wasn't willing to take on the responsibility of being his father what I'm not I'm happy being an uncle to another man's kid since that's what life threw at me this has greatly upset her and she's trying to find a way to force me into adopting him she's even been manipulating the poor kid saying he should start calling me dead instead of uncle like he has his entire life which is upsetting and confusing the poor boy this situation has worked for the last five years and I don't know why she's trying to change something that isn't broken or forced me into a role that I told her years ago I wasn't willing to accept which she was fine with until just recently updates after hearing everything I told my wife I was leaving and pursuing that divorce I think I've been ready to do so for a while but just needed the push this has led to a complete meltdown but I stayed firm packed everything up and moved in with my brother across town I have already contacted the landlord to tell him I would pay for two more months rents after that everything needs to be switched to her talking to my lawyer it was verified that due to the process I went through after the birth to establish I wasn't the father I would not have to pay child support or alimony which is something very rare and uncommon anyway where I live he's already working on the paperwork no idea when it'll happen but once it does I'll can't fall contacts my wife has tried to call and text multiple times but I have refused to talk I'll post another update when I know more everyone sucks here everything about this is pretty terrible her cheating you're purposefully distancing yourself from the child who is not yours through no fault of his own not to mention you being the only father figure he's ever known dad's don't need to be blood you all sound like a-holes except the little one obviously who I just feel sorry for sort your crap out for his sake exactly if RP couldn't grow past his resentment of the kid not being his then he never should have agreed to stay in the relationship it's not fair to the child's either he needs to be all in or all out it's not that easy to just not resents he's doing something better than being all outs he's still contributing to his life it is sad he hasn't come along more but he's still not a total a-hole everyone sucks here I wholeheartedly disagree yes on the surface his acts are noble and with good intentions and if anything are impressive and very admirable but it's not really he's a sort of dad figure with huge strings attached if things go pear-shaped he's out of there and he's made that much clear he doesn't see this child as his own how confusing is it for a child to have a technical father figure in his life one who is literally married to his mother yet he refers to him as an uncle the reason being RP is keeping this poor little boy at an arm's length for a reason he made the active choice to stay with his wife after a huge betrayal but has not processed the realities of this clearly has he if he was all in which he should be if he actively made the decision to stay then he'd happily let this little one call him dad he'd consider adopting him because he's all in sir why not but he isn't he wanted to stay in the relationship due to whatever benefits or positives for himself but doesn't forgive his wife and doesn't fully accept this boy into his life that's not fair it is extremely selfish when you break it down in which case this little boy would have far more mental clarity if RP just decided to cut his losses and leave the relationship it would at least give the boy consistency in his life and who the parental roles are for him one parent who is a solid and consistent parents is better than two whereby one is wishy-washy RP and his wife are both selfish a-holes poor little one he didn't ask for any of this pressured by user acceptable to nine to one titled am i the a-hole for telling a friend of mine not to give my wife his business after she insulted me earlier this year my wife started her own design business it has been a dream of hers for some time she automatically assumed I would help her with the legal documents drafting review but no big deal I was happy to do it even though I already have a full-time job that takes up a lot of my time and it requires some extra research on my parts because this was not my regular job sometimes I had to put work for her on the back burner any reasonable person should be able to understand this I think but not my wife she felt entitled to be first priority even though I explained to her that I had to prioritize the job that was actually paying our bills which only upset her more we had several arguments about this and during one of them she accused me of being lazy she said that my job is easy and anyone could do it I just didn't want to help her because I didn't believe in her never mind that I'd been spending my free nights and weekends doing work for her that upset me so I told her I was done if she wanted someone to review her legal documents then she should find a local firm and hire them that upset her too because her margins were already thin so the extra expense didn't help and she didn't mind letting me know how she felt about that decision a friend of mine was recently looking for someone to do some interior design work for him he had already talked to my wife but I told him that if I was in his position I would use someone more established and who wasn't a wreck 24/7 basically told him about our fights and that based on how she's treated me lately I questioned her mental fitness to do a project like this he was surprised by that but decided to take my advice and go with someone else when my wife asked me to help her talk to him I told her no because I'd already told him not to use her this became another big fight and we are still fighting about it she told me that this could have been a big step forward for her business and because of what I did it may mean she doesn't make it I don't know if that's true or not but I stand by my advice to him she is an emotional wreck and did no frame of mind to help anyone am I the a-hole this again is just another one of those messy marriage fights you know you guys aren't looking out for each other's best interests right now it's very clear by how you're portraying this if she's not in a like emotionally well-off place why wouldn't you just help her like go to counseling with her get her some help I think Opie realizes by doing this by cutting off work opportunities that he could find for her he's putting her any much worse off place and that's not helping the mental fortitude now is it the wife is definitely being an a-hole too by refusing to compromise and have her work be put on the back burner sometimes it's very unrealistic for your hobby to take precedence over someone's main job I'm sorry chief everyone sucks here Jesus Christ just get a divorce already unless your vows included making each other intentionally miserable till death do us part and Opie replies we may be headed down that path I don't know it seems like she's difficult to be around all the time to be clear it doesn't sound like you're a delightful daily companion either by a longshot you sound difficult to be around she brings that out in me if he bring out the worst of each other why are you married it wasn't always that way everyone sucks here you're trash-talking your wife behind her back to your friend classy I don't condone her lack of understanding with the legal documents and putting a giant burden on you but I'd say you escalated it's and you are the bigger a-hole I didn't trash her I told him how she'd been acting and said that I didn't think she was in the frame of mind to do it to his standards you said she was a wreck 24/7 in what world is that not trashing it's one thing to say she's a bit overworked right now can you give it a bit of time it's another thing to say she is incapable that is what I honestly believed she is a nervous wreck I don't see how she can take on a project this size the way things are right now you do know that you can be angry with someone but still respect them rights ie I think she's got a lot on her plate and suggests seeking someone else your lack of respect for her at all and your apparent delight in that makes me think you're more than the a-hole you sound well hideously unkind it's hard to respect her when she clearly has no respect for me then leave your the a-hole posted by user cage sim titled am I the a-hole for being upset my wife didn't make me a quesadilla okay just to make sure we're clear my wife and I get along great it's a great marriage this happened about a month ago and it wasn't even a big deal but it's one of those we both think we're right situations this in no way affects our marriage now I just want to know who was right here is the scenario I work from home so every morning I wake up at around 6:45 and start work around 7:15 my wife will sleep in usually til around 8:00 and then she will wake up and make breakfast for the both of us she does this every day and she always cooks a great breakfast and I am super appreciative so one morning my wife comes to my office and says I just really don't feel like cooking this morning would you be okay to eat cereal I said something along the lines of of course baby that's totally fine haha my wife brings me a bowl of cereal and I happily start to eat maybe three minutes later I get the chance to take a short break from work and I think to myself oh I'll go eat my breakfast with my wife when I go to the kitchen my wife is eating a freshly cooked quesadilla now did I truly care not really but years of listening to my mom guilt trip my dad must have kicked in I said it's not that you didn't feel like cooking he just didn't feel like cooking for me now my wife felt bad and like she had been caught and got up and made me a quesadilla even though I said I was happy to eat cereal her point of view was this making a quesadilla isn't really cooking for her that was the same as cereal my point of view is this it is cooking and the fact that she felt bad kinda shows that I was a little bit right again it doesn't matter and I love my wife very much she makes a wonderful breakfast for me every day and I have no reason to complain we are both super overage what are your thoughts edit for everyone saying I'm a bad husband and that you feel bad for my wife I just want to reiterate that our marriage is great yes my wife enjoys cooking and does a majority of the cooking but I also do a lot around the house it is definitely a partnership with both of us working together as to why am i bringing this up a month later and I must be so Petty and immature ah we had quesadillas for breakfast today I had forgotten about it until this morning I thought it would be an interesting discussion lastly I love and appreciate my wife very much on my 15-minute break this morning we hugged and talked and even danced in the living room while our dog watched on the couch as much as you may want to turn this one incident into what must be a miserable experience for my poor abused why if that is just not an accurate depiction of our marriage now all that being said in this case I am the a-hole if my wife decided she didn't want cereal and instead cooked herself a full-course meal she can do that and I shouldn't feel butthurt about it my comment showed that my first instinct was to be Petty and make her feel guilty even if I didn't intend that that's what I did thank you for everyone's comments yeah I do feel like he was being Petty and trying to guilt-trip her there and of course he justified it with he was thinking back to what his father did and you know it's understandable why he did that it doesn't make it okay and he should feel bad for doing that I know I'd feel like a terrible person if I was the wife in this situation he's making a huge deal out of something that really isn't a big deal but at the end of the day it is communication he was communicating albeit in the wrong way so while I'm torn it's I still agree that he is the a-hole but obviously it didn't ruin anything it was just one interaction you're the a-hole heaven help she just feel like making herself food I mean it sounds like she brought you your cereal anyways she cooks every day she wanted one day to just to make herself a little bite to eat and know her feeling bad doesn't mean you're a tiny bit right it proves you guilt tripped her for something minor would have not killed you to make your own breakfast also reading the edits shows that Opie understands how he's the a-hole and why nice to see someone who truly accepts their judgement and understands what they did wrong absolutely definitely and I feel like there is so many stupid and petty arguments going on right now because we're all cooped up there's a lot of stressful world events happening and I don't think most of us understand the psychological toll we're all universally experiencing to some degree I'm 26 and I've been living with my parents for the duration of quarantine and I probably will be here for a while more but when Rp said he reverted to his mum's guilting behavior I felt that I have definitely reverted to my teenage antics multiple times and my parents reverted to treating me like a teenager just the other day my dad was annoying me for whatever reason and he was like because I am the adult that's why huh and I was like oh crap you're right without even thinking twice you're the a-hole but you're also rights let me explain she totally did say she didn't feel like cooking this morning what she meant to say was she didn't feel like making the usual two-person breakfast production I feel like you recognized this but still felt the need to guilt-trip her about it that's kind of a dick move she's not entirely blameless like she totally could have just said what she meant but that doesn't quite make her an a-hole all things considered the scale tips towards your a-hole ninja edits I love that this is like the biggest problem y'all seem to have in an otherwise great marriage and opieop liars we really do have an awesome marriage we both work from home so we're together all day every day we got married in March 2020 so our whole marriage has been during quarantine that being said we still have yet to have any kind of fight edits to add some clarification this is not out of character for either of us I've lived with multiple roommates and my family I never fought with any of them except for Taylor he knows what he did and my wife only lived with her family but she never really fought with her family either we just are not the super-sensitive type to get hurt feelings and we talk things out and if you want to know what happened to Taylor he says we had three guys living in a small one-bedroom apartment he started dating and basically his girlfriend was always at our apartments like she would be there when we went to sleep at 10:00 p.m. and then she would go home and come back at like 7:00 a.m. to hang out with him my other roommate and I gave him the bedroom but the only closet was in the room so we all shared the closets well he got to where he would yell at us for knocking on the door to go in and grab our clothes or whatever to get ready for bed basically our kindness of offering him the room turned into claiming the only closet space was also his this went on for several days after several peaceful attempts to work this out and be peacemakers but he just kept getting more and more entitled one day I yelled at him in front of his girlfriend and went into the closet to get my pyjamas at like 11:30 p.m. so did he stop being an ass after that it got a little better but he moved out pretty soon after our new roommate was the absolute best he was the best man at my wedding and I was in his aswell posted by user Marcellus titled am I the a-hole for pushing my seventeen year old son for things that aren't his faults my son is 17 years old and over the past few months he's been acting very peculiar and we came to blows over this and he spoke back to me saying that there's not his faults and he doesn't know what to do here is what I noticed from him he's suddenly gone very lethargic very quickly he'll get up sit on his chair for about an hour and be that tired that he'll sleep for another three or four hours but will still be awake all night long I suggested for him to go on walks as simple but effective exercises that will tire him out so he'll sleep at least six to eight hours at nights he declines because he's tired he stopped eating this concerned me he says that it's because he has zero appetite I tried to make sure he was eating right when I first noticed this back around last December time he is obviously thin doubts beyond belief he can see an uncomfortable number of burns I also believe that this might be why he's tired all day he drinks literally all the liquid I buy from my food shop and then some like he'll say that he's thirsty and has a really dry throats and then he drinks a two-liter bottle of coke in literally two or three attempts a literal sip for him is essentially drinking a full pint he complains about having to go to the toilet more often I told him it was because of the amount that he drinks we had to stop twice when I was in the car with him the other day the distance wasn't even two miles is me telling him that he needs to help himself worthy of me being the a-hole made a new account for this post I mean he can help himself for sure but you can also help him by taking to a doctor and seeing that it's not anything else first because this is very quick very fast onset of some serious stuff going on I'm no doctor but if you're peeing that much in a two mile trip you might have something wrong with your kidneys your bladder or something you really might want to get that checked out because even if you're drinking that much water I could skull two or three liters of water right now and I wouldn't be peeing every two minutes that's just not normal so yeah purely saying that he needs to help himself and you're not offering to help him makes you an a-hole high-class cool says you ever think the boy might be you know ill yeah you're the a-hole you've gotten multiple warning signs and all you can think to do is yell at and punish him this sounds like the son might be diabetic and if it is it's very serious please take your son to get some blood work done ASAP before he has organ failure that is my thought when I saw tired thirsty and peeing a lot same this reads like something out of a textbook that and the casual mention of chugging two-liter bottles of coke in one sitting god I'll never forget watching my childhood best friend down two liters of kool-aid in a bout of minutes just before she was diagnosed when we were 12 I hope Opie takes him to the hospital like today this so much my brother-in-law suddenly dropped to weight was tied all the time and was chugging apple juice and root beer like crazy turns out he has diabetes he spent several days in ICU yeah I would run out of breath just trying to put on clothes in the morning and chalked up all the water drinking to wit being July dropped 30 pounds in a month and when I got to the ER and described my symptoms they're like yep you definitely have type one spent five days in the hospital just to get back to know all seeing as this has been going on for literal months I hope the poor kids body doesn't shut down from DKA you're the a-hole for not taking him to a doctor that sons like diabetes and/or depression if it's diabetes not being checked or controlled especially after drinking entire liters of soda he's going to kill himself or damage his body beyond repair he's 17 do something about it or force him to go before he turns 18 and refuses to go to the doctor posted by user Noah car keys titles am I the a-hole for not letting my dad use my car until my parents pay for my broken laptop i male 19 started letting my little brother borrow my laptop when his school switched to online he used it during the day and then I'd pick it up after work I live in the apartment right next door to my parents so it wasn't no trouble after he went on vacation they asked if he could keep using it so he's entertained at home and I let him three weeks ago he broke it going down the stairs that laptop cost me almost $600 and I was mad my parents said they were sorry and I told them as long as they paid me back for a new one it's all right my mom told me they're not gonna spend so much money on a laptop and I should have bought a cheaper one anyways we sort of got into an argument over it but my parents still refused to give me any money a week goes by and they still don't want to pay it's not like they can't afford it they're both still working their regular hours they literally had enough to do a whole barbeque and buy a ton of fireworks for the fourth of July my online classes are supposed to be starting in August and I'm getting impatient because I really don't have enough to buy a new one myself I'm barely keeping up with my bills and I've had to cut back on how much I spend on groceries so I decided to stop letting my dad use my car to go to work in the mornings he's been using it since last year because my mom uses theirs and my job isn't that far it's a 15-minute bus ride away plus I don't like to drive a lot usually I stop by their house before I go to work and you leave the car keys for him by the door since he leaves after me the night before I texted him and said that he's not driving my car anymore until I get my money so he'll have to find another way to get to work in the morning next morning he was banging on my door he started yelling in my face about what an ungrateful spoiled child I was all because of a laptop he ended up taking an uber when he realized I wasn't going to change my mind every day since they both fight with me over the car because he doesn't want to waste his money on uber they've been calling me names and blowing up my phone and it's starting to overwhelm me I have no peace at home because they're always standing right outside my door when I get home and my dad yells at me every morning I've already told him if they give me the money for my laptop I'll let him use my car but they still don't want to they said they shouldn't have to pay because they took care of me my whole life and the least I could do is not make it hard on my dad to get to work it's gotten real hostile here and I don't know what to think anymore am I being an a-hole for going about it this way ah this makes me feel really bad actually because you know it's turning into you being an a-hole because they are self-destructing so much and it's one of those way you don't want to look at it you kind of just want to walk away while everything's exploding around you I don't get why the wife can't just drop him off to work in her car and then go to her work and just leave home an hour early these are sacrifices that are possible to make in a lifetime you know I think they are very lucky to still be working during all this time and still be having an income but it does sound like they can easily fork out $600 to pay back for damaged property that their sibling is not paying for there's too many people dodging paying him $600 when Opie deserves and is entitled to that new laptop that was broken when he was giving it up no one else is entitled to the car or the laptop until that is replaced so I don't think your appease the a hole here $600 is hardly anything for a computer definitely on the cheaper end since your bro is 12 they should pay you for a new one then maybe they could have him do chores or something you have classes coming up into a 100% needed you'll need to save up as much as you can now no reason to put excess wear and tear in your car for the time being Plus what happens if they break the car will they avoid paying for that - I hate when parents hold the fact they raised you over your head we raised you so we're entitled to not pay you back for your broken laptop that you need this is some seriously flawed thinking definitely not the a-hole this in most cases people choose to have children and thus commit to the cost of raising them at least until the age of 18 not the a-hole but I think in your place I'd tell them that since they won't pay for the laptop I'm selling the car then I'd move the car to a friend's house or park it somewhere else until this gets settled or if you think you can trust them to not mess with the car tell them it's not drivable because you've canceled the insurance and stopped buying gas fruits so you can save money up for a new laptop oh crap this is a great idea I need a laptop much more than a car since you won't pay for my laptop I'll have to get the money from selling my car then see what happens and actually do it if they don't budge if you don't need the car you actually do need the laptop all right now I think that's where we're gonna leave today's episode guys I really do hope you enjoyed the content today if you guys loved watching it as much as I loved making it I would love for you to subscribe to the channel already if you haven't tell me what you thought of it down in the comments below maybe you liked the video who knows I'd also like to take this time to thank my awesome patreon and channel members without you guys you know I don't know what I'd do I'd probably be homeless on the streets of Ireland crying Irish dancing all over town it would just be a mess but now for real you guys are up on the screen now thank each and every one of you guys and if you personally want to join the club yourself there are links down in the description below there's also the join button next to the subscribe button small monthly fee but hey it goes a long way to help me create more awesome content with that said guys I hope you do have a lovely day night sleep evening day at work day at school whatever you're up to I hope you keep awesome today you're looking amazing and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: Markee
Views: 22,577
Rating: 4.9232783 out of 5
Keywords: aita, amitheasshole, r/aita, r/amitheasshole, aita reddit, markee, markee reddit, markee aita, markee amitheasshole
Id: 9ZcsdY_mLtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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