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what is going on everyone and welcome to our slash entitled parents now today's video the title i promise you is not clickbait this really happened let's get straight into the story no messing about here we go karen called the police on a three-year-old so my neighbor is a complete karen which i posted previously about anyways i thought that i might have just gotten off on the wrong foot with this karen not wanting to be the d head i decided to speak with karen's neighbor on the other side i knock explain who i am and say do you find that karen can be difficult the nice neighbor laughed rubbed his hands together and said how long you got a few weeks ago it was my neighbor's three-year-old child's birthday as per the uk's coveted guidance they invited one other household round to have a barbecue in their garden to celebrate a few hours into lunch the police knock on the door karen called the police on a three-year-old they had reports that a ruckus party was happening at this address and breaking covert protocol they explained the situation to the police though and the police apologized for any inconvenience overwrites nope karen reported the family and their friends to the police again stating suspected child abuse she basically stated that because the children were screeching and screaming which was them playing with water pistols and the parents were being drunk and disorderly also absolute nonsense once again when the police arrived my nice neighbor saw red but managed to keep it together the police spoke to the kids all happy and just confused as to why the police keep showing up they also spoke to all the adults sitting around outside with two beers and half a bottle of wine between the four of them my nice neighbor said he has so many other stories like this but is trying his best to avoid karen at all costs from fear of chewing her outs i still think the police should have done something to karen but i don't know the law yeah that's a bit of a weird one in my opinion because i think that you know wasting police officers time in this situation calling them again and again when there is literally nothing that's going on which is against the law is in itself against the law right i'm pretty sure that is a law in the majority of countries so i don't know why the police didn't do anything maybe they were just like oh you know what i can't even be bothered to deal with this karen she is such a karen to the extent that let's just leave and move on with our days and forget she ever existed but yeah overall calling the police on a three-year-old barbecue together that is a new low in my opinion wow now for our second story this one is probably even more mad than the first one really nasty lady tried to hurt my niece it's been a freaking wild day this really started about a week ago when my wife's brother his wife and their daughter came to town my brother-in-law is an engineer and apparently happens to be one of only 100 or so people who actually knows all about some special software for something i know that's not much to go on but he doesn't speak english well enough to accurately explain it i don't speak enough french to understand it and it's not really relevant to the story anyway why did you put it in men he did though get a special visa to come to the us despite the pandemic and it's been a whole process because of isolation requirements related to international travel his company figured it was worth the time to send him here for three months and paid for his family to come too which is nice because my wife has been a bit homesick and having some of her family here has been great for her on with the show so we went grocery shopping today usually this is like a 20 to 30 minute thing but they wanted to see every single american thing in every aisle so we were there for a while mostly my wife and them just strolled through jabbering in french and i walked behind them glassy-eyed and completely checked out towards the end of this cultural adventure i became aware of one particular person who was less than amused let's say by their presence at least twice she would come up behind us and sigh loudly my entourage would usually just apologize for being in the way and move aside she'd walk past muttering to herself the final offense however came when we had the audacity to wait in line to check out at a register it was fairly busy as many grocery stores are on a saturday and we took the shortest line the angry karen was behind us huffing and puffing my wife and in-laws were speaking in french and i can kind of get how it frustrates some people but they were neither loud or obnoxious about it it was though too much for karen can you foreigner shut the heck up my family goes silent and i turn to face the angry woman excuse me i'm sorry if we are bothering you but my family are guests here please try to show some courtesy my slight southern twang apparently struck another called with her you're american what are you doing with them they are my family and we are here getting groceries why do you have foreigners in your family are you a traitor my jaw must have dropped the audacity of that insinuation was unreal mom first off i spent six years in the u.s army and two combat tours overseas second being related to someone from another country doesn't make me a traitor but treating people like garbage just because they are from another country is definitely not how a real american should behave at this point karen is sputtering with rage she looked like she was about to explode and my danger sense was kicking in this woman was unhinged and manager showed up because we were causing quite the ruckus and asked what was going on but before i could say anything karen explodes they're a bunch of foreigners and they were talking a muslim i'm probably planning to blow up the store and you need to call the cops and arrest them and the manager was so shocked by this outburst and it took him a second to get her to calm down he looked at me and i figured i wouldn't get much time to talk so i said quickly these are my wife and in-laws they are french they are here legally don't listen to him he's lying he's a trader and he's helping them arrest them arrest them arrest them she was jabbing her arm and pointing at us she had gotten the attention of a pair of police officers who had wandered into the store they came over and spoke to the manager who told him what happened trying to talk over the streaks of arrest them the officer told her if she didn't stop he could not conduct a proper investigation this seemed to satisfy her and she stood there with this smug look on her face i spoke briefly with the officer telling him what happened and had my wife show her green card and my in-laws showed their passports and visa paperwork i also told him my address and that they were staying with me he decided everything looked good enough i was a little worried he detained my wife and in-laws for some reason or another but then he told the lady she needs to leave us alone and we all have proper documentation and of course she started yelling again they're foreigners arrest them he's a trader they're probably terrorists oh just do your job the officer coolly explained that if she didn't leave us alone and stop making a scene he would escort her out of the store and make sure she went home if she refused to do that he would charge her with disturbing the piece she looked like she was about to completely snap but instead she just calmly said okay i'll stop yelling something went off for me right then but i just knew something was wrong as soon as the police officer was about three steps away the lady gave another shriek yeah and tried to ram her car into the back of ours my niece who was about two years old was sitting in the little seat with her legs sticking out we had moved to the side of the car when the officer was talking to the lady she was about to crush that little girl my brother-in-law from one side grabbed the corner of the lady's cart and pulled while i stepped up from the other side and shoved at the same time it was mostly luck that we put our energy into the same direction we tipped over her cart and my niece luckily didn't get a scratch the officer was quick as lightning and had the lady in cuffs and dragged her out of the store the next hour was fun as we did written statements and press charges what was worse though was the embarrassment of this happening to my in-laws on their first trip to the us oh guys can you imagine that you're living in a different country to the majority of your family they come over you know looking for a great time maybe a holiday maybe they've got some amazing work lined up from their company that's well paid and allows them to bring their entire family over to america for an extended period of time and that is their first encounter with a karen i mean you couldn't write out what you could but you know you couldn't write it ah what a lovely introduction to america guys what a lovely introduction i imagine that this has happened to some of you before where you know your parents or relatives or children come over to your country that maybe they don't live in normally or just your town in general and their first experience there is with somebody like this and you're just like oh god why did it have to be karen why today couldn't have been a nice person that also lives in my country why karen all in all i really hope this woman was charged as she deserves to be how old was your niece your niece is about two years old and she could have seriously hurt her yes it was only a shopping cart but still if you are chucking a shopping cart with full force into a two-year-old's legs that can have some severe repercussions obviously yeah she needs to be charged with quite a serious penalty in my opinion guys let me know if you agree i think you probably do though now moving on to our final story of today's video karen demands shopper dress more appropriately this happened this morning between nine and 10 am i went to the supermarket to grab a few things for lunch and dinner it's early and slow so the store only had the self-checkouts and one register open as i got to the register i see a young woman in her early 20s with a sleeping baby in her arms and a basket with formula diapers over-the-counter baby items for diaper rash and several prescriptions that were paid for at the pharmacy the girl gets to the register before me and then i saw the rampaging karen come out of the aisle right in front of me i knew there'd be trouble from the oversized sunglasses caron haircuts yoga pants three sizes smaller than they should have been that i bet have never seen the inside of a gym or yoga studio and the very low cut top that showed off a lot of skin that no one i knew wanted to see she has maybe a dozen items in her carts with the global situation the clerk the 20-something and i are wearing the required mask but of course karen can't be bothered the still has markings on the floor for social distancing but of course that doesn't apply to the wild karen the young mother is holding the sleeping baby and trying to fish her wallet out of her small purse while also holding the diaper bag and usual baby accessories the cashier hadn't even finished ringing the girl up when the wild karen started in a loud voice to complain about unprepared shoppers not even having their money ready karen's car is almost touching the 20-something's leg at this point by the way naturally karen's complaint at full volume had the unfortunate effects of waking the sleeping infants who registered displeasure by letting anyone within hearing range know the mother was attempting to calm the infants and still get her wallet out of her purse the fact that karen had to wait and now had to listen to the infant she woke up caused another nasty to rage i'm in line behind karen at this point and then she at last gets on my nerve she's been berating the cashier for not being fast enough and then god only knows what lack of brain cells caused her to do this but she snapped at the young mother that she should make that brat be quiet and then decided to attack the girl snapping the if she didn't dress like a blank she wouldn't have gotten knocked up since it was obvious that her jeans were too tight as was her top for christ's sake though she had a baby a couple of months before the young mother was beat red the cashier was in shock the infant was not liking the noise and was letting it be known that he wasn't happy and karen had gotten on my last nerve and being old sick and in a bad mood and with the worst temper i let loose i slipped up past karen and tossed my car to the cashier and told her the young lady's bill is on me that got karen to start again only for me to loudly say shut up i'm as tired of your mouth as the little man is that stunned karen who can only spot her the young mother thanked me and gave the infant her full attention karen is fuming and starts heaving her items onto the belt but apparently her mouth recovered before her brain as soon as the cashier finished ringing her up and after payments karen turned towards me and sneered well aren't you gonna pay for mine as well i was done with her and responded no i don't like people who wake up sleeping infants with their big mouths she huffed and stormed out i was hoping for i demand to speak to the manager but you can't have everything i headed to my car and was pulling out of the parking lot when i saw the young mother sitting at the bus stop holding her infants buses out where i live run every hour so i decided to offer her a ride it turns out she lived only a couple of miles away under five minutes by car but a couple of hours on foot carrying a baby and supplies she took the risk that i was not a murderer since i had snapped karen's to rage i learned that she and her husband were new to the area moved in for his job i asked her about the little man and then that as her husband got paid they bought more of the stuff the baby needed but right now they were making do with what they had i wrote an address down and told her that if her husband was off saturday she should have them bring them to the address for a yard sale with tons of baby stuff my niece was getting rid of it all as she's had the baby she's having and she has everything an infant could need she told me that she'd do that and thanked me again for everything i dropped them off and made it home and gave my niece a cool describing the girl and infants and telling her to give the couple anything they liked and i'll cover whatever they couldn't afford i like babies and i've got no tolerance for carrots how dare anyone be in front of her or not dress according to your standards you're nuts yeah i mean guys come on let's be completely fair now if you are in front of a karen in line it is your duty as a citizen of the world to let that karen go in front of you it's only right and also if you do a young child and they get woken up by a screaming karen then it's the child's fault doesn't matter about the karen screaming it's always the infant's fault guys so if you don't agree with me then you're just wrong nice one um as for this guy opie you're a legend you did go on about yourself a little bit too much if i'm honest i mean yeah you did a few nice things but we don't have the life story but yeah nice guy and overall great story well done anyway guys that is gonna do it for this episode of entitlements do not click off the video um genuinely do not click off it click this instead right because this is an excellent video if i do say so myself but just click it and also if you've already seen it then click this to subscribe for daily reddit content on my channel and i'll see you tomorrow with a brand new video just as good as this one if not better that's a promise
Channel: Redditor
Views: 180,460
Rating: 4.9370432 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, redditor entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitledparents redditor, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps
Id: LILK6ayQkd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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