r/EntitledParents | He PEED into the bottle...

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this places managers about to get destroyed let's just four of them sitting there they're just sitting there guys it's just terrifying somebody hold me hey guys welcome to Boise here we've got a great show for you today so sit back relax happy birthday today's your birthday and enjoy the show my wife used to be an English teacher at a middle school with a German name in a school district with a German name in a North Houston suburb if I remember correctly this happened back in January of 2012 we got married in February 2012 as I said my wife was a middle school English teacher and she had this kid in her class that will call Dale as in the Disney characters Chip and Dale he was in her class right after lunch one day right after lunch Dale is sitting at his desk with a bottle of water out on his desk my wife tells him to put it away because it is against the rules Texas schools are strict I guess some kids have brought in vodka pretending it is water instead of putting the bottle away Dale chugs all of the water and puts the bottle under the desk pretty soon after he asks if he can go to the bathroom my wife tells him that he should have gone during lunch or during the passing period a few minutes passed before he asks to go again again my wife says no he then asks if he can just pee in the bottle my wife says absolutely not if you need to go that bad you can go but it won't be excused he won't get a whole pass but he could still go if he needed to that badly the kids stops asking towards the end of the class there is a lot of chatter going on then my wife asks what is going on someone says it smells like pee another kid blurts out that Dale peed in the water bottle sure enough Dale produces the water bottle now full of pee my wife sends him to the principal's office at first Dale is in big trouble the principal and the district are talking about suspension alternative school and possibly involving the police because he was wearing regular cut jeans and obviously pulled his and the desk to be into the bottle Dale's parents send they kids to a urologist to try and claim that Nora excusing him to use the restroom has caused physical damage and threatened to sue the school Dale's scumbag parents the father had thrown a water bottle at the principal before and they've had other incidents by this lie and that he somehow worked the bottle up his leg pants all the way to his crotch so he could be into the bottle without exposing himself and miraculously didn't spill any on his pants all while sitting at his desk the parents have their lawyer go on the air on local shock jock Michael Berry's radio show once again spreading the lie of how this innocent kid was amazing for peeing in a bottle completely within his pants and how horrible my wife they're they didn't name her on the radio was for not excusing him to leave class they also blatantly lied and claimed my wife said she hoped he would pee in his pants other students confirmed to the principal that she never said this the school district does a complete 180 and starts turning the screws on my wife they call her in to meet with the superintendent and refused to allow her to bring up any union representation unions are powerless in Texas she was given the choice to resign and run out the rest of the year and teacher purgatory they report to a roomful of other teachers and basically sit there all day or to be fired she signed whatever NDA and took the resignation option he was a major downer right before our wedding but she ended up teaching an IB school with expat kids for a year or two before our oldest was born I got a new job making more money to make up the difference and now my wife has given up ever going back to teaching she's earned her master's in the hope of becoming a principal one day I think the parents ended up transferring Dale to another school we looked into suing the parents in Dale for libel and slander but they had already gone to basically every lawyer in town and discussed the case which barred them from being able to represent my wife also it's not cheap to get a decent lawyer to sue one for libel and slander wow it really shows you the power of the media doesn't it everyone was on the teachers side until the media blew it up and made the kids seem like the biggest victim in the world the teacher even said if he really had to go he could leave the classroom just that he wouldn't have her permission he totally seems like one of those kids that just does this sort of thing for attention but how the heck could somebody get a bottle up their pants and then not pay their pants at all during that process I just it doesn't seem possible my mom mm and I were going to get supplies early to find that the toilet paper section has been picked clean not a big deal we didn't have high hopes anyway we wander over to the checkpoint when we suddenly spot am/pm and son have two two shopping carts absolutely filled with toilet paper one hand pushing the cart and the other holding her iphone gossiping away now it is important to mention that my mother is unusually an anxious quiet woman living as a Chinese speaking immigrant in a white American neighborhood she has gotten even more nervous due to the virus however realizing that the woman is also jabbering on the phone in Chinese her face lights up my mum in Chinese hello miss I wish you a Happy New Year's it's so nice to see you in our community I'm sure you didn't get a chance to see but there is a one toilet paper package per customer easy mistake but let us band together to work hard for our community we must take care of each other I am not bothering to put down the phone just basically yells huh you're talking to me mind your own business be if you're too stupid to take advantage don't whine don't pretend we're friends just because you're too fat to well your way over to the toilet paper aisle eeehm proceeds to gently shove our cart with hers and cut in front of us in line at this point my mom is flushed with embarrassment and quietly shuffles into the long checkout line approximately 45 minutes later he M reaches checkout the overworked clerk just sighs ma'am there's a two per people rule I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to put them all back and get to the back of the line what says who there aren't any signs anywhere no one says anything if you have a rule tell people don't just make it up and cheat your pain Demers kashi adjusts eyes and begins to take her cards away much to e/m squawking he starts waving the customers in line over to scavenge from the pile my mom shuffles over a bit she looks am dead in the eye and without blinking plucks the shiniest toilet paper roll of the bunch in a stroke of either pettiness or awkward politeness my mum says as a common Chinese New Year's phrase may peace bring wealth to you we quickly scuttle away from EMS Rath with her prized toilet paper to this day my mum denies any sort of pettiness sentiment and simply states she was being polite to a neighbor you know what they say kill him with kindness boys kill him with kindness I think that can be so true though with an entitled parent if you respond really emotionally and angrily yeah you're gonna feed the troll they're only gonna get stronger and that's playing their game sometimes the best course of action is just to be polite and kind back if you can't just ignore them completely this story takes place during my freshman year of high school here's the cast ek guess s1 senior one guy was in senior during my freshman year as two senior - the only other percussion is senior that year BD Banda rector EP again no brainer here so when I was in high school I was in the school band and was a percussionist this is important because unlike the rest of the band BD recognized that the percussion section had probably the best group of people for learning on their own so we got to practice at our own usually much faster pace in the choir room which was attached to the band room and had a thing set up that was essentially a 7-foot long practice pad a plank of wood wrapped in a carpet what can I say that's Kentucky for you that we could play and learn our parts on however there was one kid who was in my year we thought he could get away with freaking anything because his mother was one of the two vice principals of the school he was also a complete piece of crap that I hated dealing with as he insulted my then-girlfriend constantly made fun of other people of their weight despite him being rounded in the gosh-darn burrito boy and one time straight-up sucker punched me in the back of the head after a science class for having the gall to tell him off and saying I was done with his crap and this is ek and my luck being what it is ek was also a percussionist in the band what made it worse though is that he was terrible at it and never freakin practiced and this this one detail is what really got on the nerves of the two seniors that year who both acted as crew section leaders for us percussionists getting the right parts in the right number of parts for us from BD legitimately helping those who needed it with their parts because of complicated things that would sometimes show up in our sheet music and we're honestly pretty darn good percussionist overall to boot this is notable because how school was known for its band ever since the director who was there when I got hired we had always been one of the top school bands in the region and these two seniors they were some of the best percussionist to come out of that program at the time so one day about halfway through our semester senior one had gotten completely fed up with his kids refusal to practice his pots it gets to the point where he almost yelling after trying to get him to learn and plays actually very easy parts for our winter concert looked at this kid and said why are you even here in this band if you aren't going to practice your Don para an ek just chooses the exact freakin wrong thing to say he looks s won a very talented and skilled percussionist in the eye and says I took pain because I wanted an easy a and I chose percussion because it doesn't take any actual skill or talent now it's a common jerk that percussion is the easiest group of musical instruments to learn and that all percussionists and drummers are the dumb ones of any band but intrinsically every musician who makes those jerks no they don't mean them as while it is the easiest family of instruments to learn and to start playing it also has one of the highest differences between a novice and someone with even middling skill let alone high level percussionist like those who play in orchestras professionally and s1 well s1 was absolutely freakin done with his kids crap and was definitely the most skilled percussionist in that room and he goes the Frick off for about the next 20 minutes he ranted and yelled at ek there's no way in heck I could even try to reconstruct the full amount of what was said but there are a few notable moments from it that are burned into my memory with how freakin funny it was to watch from the outside at one point he takes the drumsticks he had in his hand and says I want you to freakin watch this starts what was a fairly difficult rudiment for most of the people there at a tempo of about 35 to 40 BPM and holds us speed for about 25 seconds for the purposes of demonstration do you really think that didn't take skill or talent of any frickin kind well you just practice that until you could do it what the Frick you think skill is this continued for a little while until s1 finally had to pause to catch his breath a bit so ek who thinks he can get a word in edgewise is just about to speak and tried to appeal to the idea of my mum will hear about this or something to that effect when s to the absolute freaking legend stops him by interjecting his own little tidbit he doesn't give a crap who your mummy is after chewing this kid out for the next few minutes s wankers and has a word with BD turns out this had been a coming storm for about two to three weeks and s1 had arranged with BD to at least get ek out of the percussion section if he disrespected it or the band again suffice to say by the end of that class period he K was no longer a percussionist in our band and by the end of the week band director had talked with the school's principal and had him removed from the band class entirely i later found out that EP initially tried to step in and make the administration play favorites because s1 had yelled at her precious little boy but the principal overrode her Authority and pointed out that ek had disrespected the band which is one of the main enticements for fundraisers for the school thanks to our skill and a1c le gala arranged by the band that was the biggest amount of non government funding brought into the school each year needless to say her idea didn't get much traction outside of that little conversation either man thank goodness that that vice principal isn't the principal can you imagine she would just bring that school completely to the ground that have this amazing music program and it'd all be destroyed simply because of her plea she's lil angel recently I held a game of bingo through zoom for a couple of my college friends I sent them PDFs of their specific sheet so they could print it out while I call out the numbers the cool starts that I'm waiting for one friend let's call them noob sorry bud to join suddenly noobs mom nm joins we all ask her where noob was and she replies that he couldn't make it but asked her to take his place in case they won something keep in mind I had three different prizes one was a $100 steam gift card for a blackout while I had 250 dollar steam gift cards for the four-corners and a row or column filled we started and were all laughing and having a great time after I called a few numbers nm says that she got four corners so I asked her to scan it and send it over to me so I could double-check sure enough it's all good and everyone is just in awe of how she got that lucky we continue onwards and after a couple more numbers and M once again says that she got a complete row every one is incomplete or yet again as it's all good once again it looked a bit different but I just passed it off as me saying things and her being lucky we continue on yet again and as expected around 10 to 20 numbers later nm says she got a blackout at this point everyone is just suspecting foul play because there's literally no freaking way I decided to compare the scans to one another and sure enough they're different she had edited it as I was calling numbers in order to print it out all perfectly in hindsight I should have seen this earlier but I was a bit negligent and failed to notice it I immediately tell her to get the Frick out of the zoom call because I weren't allowed cheaters she starts yelling back that her little angel needs those you should just give him to him he's your friend I kick her out of the call and the zoom call is just exploding I shoot a message to noob telling him what happened since I know he wouldn't have put his mum up to that he tells me he was working on some assignment and couldn't come he had told his mom he had just wanted those cards to get some new games but it was alright his mum had told him she could participate and that she would do her best he thought nothing of it and just worked on his assignment apparently he went up and asked his mom if she cheated she denied it but eventually admitted it and they got into a yelling fest I ended up doing a random picker for the 250 dollar Kurds and the game just continued on I'm honestly surprised people will do all that just for some steam gift cards also her execution was terrible and she didn't even try to hide it what kind of a mom steals steam gift cards from her kids friends what on earth was going on through her mind my kids got this assignment but you know I don't want him to miss out I know I'll just cheat and steal from his friends I'm the best mom in the world except no no you're not because now your son doesn't trust you submit your story to be read on the channel at 40 hear stories at gmail.com and join our voice veteran community at our slash Boise here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right voice veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 27,205
Rating: 4.9219513 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, He PEED into the bottle..., He, PEED, into, the, bottle
Id: kS4SgJf0mwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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