r/EntitledParents | NO REFUNDS

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what's Carl Fredricksen is 78 year old blue and salesman is about to fulfill a lifelong dream tying thousands of balloons to his house he flies away to the South American wilderness but curmudgeonly Carl's worst nightmare comes true when he discovers a little boy named Russell is a stowaway aboard the balloon-powered house that Pixar animation oh my bad what's up I accidentally read the synopsis of the Disney Pixar film up my bad you know brain fart anyways today subreddit is our slashing tidal parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story's called entitled mom tattles on me for doing what's right for me a little backstory entitled mom is a widow I dog sit for because she's lonely and her own son avoids her like the plague and she doesn't have many friends I used to feel bad for her until I realized why she doesn't have many friends and her son is awful to her here's the cast a Dido Bava lawful dog Lady grown son her grown-up son who she always complains is so mean to her he doesn't play a huge part in the story but oh man am i sorry for him me a recovering pushover mom my very awesome into loving mother who understands me I started dog sitting this summer and it went south very fast I can't be around dogs anymore and even seen pictures of them makes me anxious her dogs are one of the main causes of this whenever she leaves they think that she's dead and go into mourning attempted to throw themselves down the stairs drink three times their weight in water and projectile vomited all over me in the furniture which I had to clean and came inside to rub bloody diarrhea all over the floor because they had worms that hadn't been treated they are a horribly trained smell awful and their mouths and teeth are so nasty that it makes me want to gag her dogs are so old that I have to carry them down the stairs so they can pee on the deck because they can't walk far enough to get to the grass she always dismisses my concerns as them just the seeing me every time I watch dogs things get worse and worse I could write a book with my dog sitting horror stories so basically I can't watch any dogs without having a mental breakdown and most of my customers understood this and stopped asking me to dog-sit not entitled mother at the end of September she'd asked me if I could watch over her two very old incredibly sickly little dogs from this Friday up to next Sunday ten days I tried to tell her that I didn't think so and that I was trying to quit dog sitting but she refused to let me give her back her house key just in case she said extremely weirded out I forgot about this and went on with my life I've graduated and him trying to find an actual job and it's really hard to do that when I'm scheduling myself around dogs hence another reason why I quit I'd finally found a temporary job that was four days in a row and 13 hours a day it left me exhausted and drained and I had to miss Thanksgiving with my family so all I wanted to do on Tuesday was relax and take a day to recover because on top of work I had gotten a severe case of strep throat apparently I can't have that I got a text from entitled mother at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday morning Hey just wondering if he is still able to watch my dog starting this Friday and let's just say when I saw this I panicked I cried for nearly an hour because I knew that I couldn't handle watching her awful demon dogs with all this upcoming stress I had actually scheduled for on top of this I don't drive the buses in our city we'll get you about halfway where you need to be and then you have to walk or it's a 45-minute walk straight from my house to hearse and because Canada it's snows and a top it all off I have a hereditary blood disease that is wrecking my niece that I can't walk for more than 20 minutes without one of my legs trying to collapse and it's not a fun life I felt so guilty that I made me physically sick but honestly there was no way I could watch those dogs without doing serious harm to myself mentally and physically so I said no so sorry I'm not available the internet all says to leave it at a simple no at least all the sources I've ever read oh no I guess I'll have to cancel my whole trip now her exact words I felt horrible I knew how bad she wanted to go on this trip and I couldn't believe I was ruining it and then a bell went off in my head that's a somewhat manipulative message I didn't hear anything else from her until Wednesday morning again bright merrily I wake up to a missed call and a text saying God you followed me and friends I haven't felt so much anxiety from a text in literal years as I'm gathering my thoughts she calls again I answer it with shaky hands and instantly regret it what happened Wow no hello well to be honest a number of things I'm emotionally drained and I have strep throat and to be honest dogs make my anxiety spike even seeing my neighbor's dog makes me want to panic recently I found that I need to be taking care of my mental health and focusing on myself and I cannot do that when I'm taking care of anyone's dogs I'm very sorry but I need this trip I've been crying for three weeks my Fred's have already taken off the days look it probably won't even be the full ten days it's hunting so we'll be gone for at least seven but we come home as soon as we catch an animal we could be home on day eight I'm really sorry I need to be focusing on myself and getting myself to a stable place I can't watch your dogs but the better now I put them in the kitchen - they have pee pads they don't even have to go outside I'm stressing out more at this point I understand and I'm very very sorry but I cannot watch your dogs that I don't know what I'm supposed to do that my son already booked these shifts and refuses to watch them what if I pay you up front I can't do it I cannot be around dogs I could watch them for maybe two days before having a breakdown and I can't handle a breakdown right now I'm sorry at this point I'm feeling absolutely gut wrenchingly guilty and I'm desperate to stand my ground well I can you text your friends and see if one of them can do it I will check my friends have to do school still if I find anyone I'll send them your way I bye I text 15 people none of them can do it for various reasons curious I googled city dog sitters 15 different businesses and organizations pop up most within a ten-block radius of her house still feeling bad I send her a text with a link to a popular dog-sitting app where she can choose how many days she'll be gone and how many visits she wants and then it'll give her a list of 25 plus people in town who can watch her dogs if she'd give them a call I don't get a response so I'm thinking she's found a solution and I still feel bad but lesser so at this point I feel like I've done all I can do to help without crossing my personal boundaries that is until my mom gets home did you say that you Doc's it for her so I hey go and explain my side of the story and she's starting to look angry but doesn't stop me I'm worried that she's gonna tell me that it's the nice thing to do when I should just help her out why do you ask because she sent me a text while I was at work complaining that you said you'd do it and now you're canceling on her it didn't sound like you so I decided to talk to you before I answered I'm just not going to now she's being ridiculous jaw drops she decided to tell my mom you and me my mom and I talked about it for a long time and she agrees that I'm in no shape to dog-sit and brings up how miserable it makes me and that entitled mother is being childish it needs to learn to take no for an answer especially because she'd been given four plus weeks to make different accommodations y'all my blood is boiling even more because today my dad brings up some extra good points with an answer saying no I don't think so it would be absurd to assume that I could do it and not plan anything else for four freaking weeks it's not my issue there are plenty of dog sitters in town she can take her dogs with her or even board them at a kennel if she really wanted to go on this vacation as badly as she making it seem you two think she'd use one of the dozens of other ways to go this woman was never told no not by her late husband or her parents and it's made her super demanding that's why her son is so crappy to her he's literally just standing up for himself now the 60 year old woman is throwing a tantrum because I'm prioritizing my needs over hers slash her Docs she's trying to manipulate me by saying things like that she's having to cancel her whole trip and that she's been crying for three weeks and then texting my mom to try and get my mom to force me into it and then trying to put the responsibility on me to find a replacement she's expecting me to drop everything I'm doing to serve her because I've watched her dogs for her as a favor before she's knowingly trying to force me into a situation that would be very harmful to me and doesn't see anything wrong with it basically I'm sick of being a pushover and you can bet that she's burned all bridges with me I'm tempted to just leave her key on the step and block her number but I'm deciding to be the bigger person and I'm going to give her her key back to her in person when I see her Sunday wow that is messed oh okay first of all good job to the redditor whatever you want to call her or him I just assume it's a girl for some reason but anyways good on you for you know trying to not be a pushover because yes people do take advantage of that it's sad you know you want to help people out but there are those that see oh he's helpful as oh yes I can make that person my personal buffoon but anyways being the bigger person doesn't necessarily not cutting people out okay you can be mature about it like this person's deciding to do like you know go back give the key back and respectfully tell her hey bye and to leave just cut her off completely because that is a person not deserving of your time attention generosity nothing this story's called actual Karen upset I dyed my hair when I was about 15 I attended a very religious Baptist school it was bat guano on to the story so at 15 I really wanted to dye my hair my mother always had and I was excited about trying something other than the dishwater brown I had I begged and begged and my mom finally said okay as long as it was semi-permanent I desperately wanted red so off to Walmart we went we found a foam mousse that said it lasted two weeks box says Auburn sweet natural color handbook says no dyeing your hair unnatural colors because God so we dye my hair and when it comes out this crap is red like fire hydrant Little Mermaid cherry popsicle red but it looks great lit as frog I am thrilled but I'm nervous and asked my mom if she thinks it'll be okay and if I'll get in trouble she works as a teaching assistant at the school and so she says she doesn't think it'll be a problem and we head to school the next day also on this day we're doing a volunteer day to stack wood for an old man welcome to New England I get to school and once inside the Hat comes off it's a very small school entire high school is about 30 people and five teachers loads of compliments teachers - all is well but not for entitled Karen she's got a face like a shrunken sphincter and she's been glaring at me all morning I hate this goody two-shoes bimbo anyway so I ignore her well entitled Karen's mom is the receptionist for the school and she doesn't like me either about 11:00 a.m. I get hauled out of class and into the principal's office already very humiliated and not sure what's going on I get there - entitled mother and principal glaring at me entitled mother claims I was bragging to everyone that I didn't have to follow the rules and no is because entitled Karen told her and that I thought I wouldn't get in trouble because my mom works at the school my mom is a second grade teacher assistant I'm in high school or also I have said nothing to anyone I've never ever been in trouble straight-a student teachers love me I'm a huge gosh our nerd principal decides caring actual name is definitely telling the truth they say I don't reflect godly values with my sinners hair and I'm not allowed to go help stack an old man's firewood because I don't represent Christ with my sinner hair I leave the office sobbing and my old teacher catches me and asks who at the heck is going on I sob / explain and then head to the empty room I meant to sit in alone the whole afternoon while all my friends go off together to volunteer on the way I pass entitled Karen and entitled mother talking and entitled Karen smirks at me but all teacher has other plans legit the best woman ever she goes to find my mom knowing this whole thing is BS my mom loses her gosh dim a dank mind and the room I'm in is next door to the principal's office shares a wall I can hear her yelling she goes up one side and down the other saying she doesn't know what entitled mother's problem is but if they had half a brain they'd know Karen likes to sir crap up and I'm legit a 15 year old who has zero history of causing trouble five minutes later principal and a fuming Karen are in my classroom prison to say that why they don't think my hair is christ-like and I'll need to wear a hat the whole time I stack wood I can go to the volunteer day fu Karen in your sphincter goblin also I was the best firewood Secor they had yo what a jerk the both of that know the trio the principal the Karen the the Karen mini junior man lady demon lady spawn sorry my brain was scrambling for the correct where it's T but geez would it blow two jerks that the law the lot of them I'm sucking at talking I'm sorry this story's called I don't care if that's your family's most sacred heirloom give it to my daughter who doesn't even wanna when I was 17 I worked as an intern at a jewelry store I would basically just help customers find jewelry pay for it and maintain the register one Friday night I was anxious to close because I was going to stay after hours to repair a necklace am I it wasn't anything too remarkable to a normal person just a silver chain with an ebony ring in the center but the history had - my family is so important the story goes that my great-great great-grandfather a French wood carver created that evany ring with his own bare hands and carved both his and my great-great-great grandmother's initials into it and used it to propose to her when he went off to war a few years later he told her - if he didn't make it back tie the ring to her favorite silver chain so he could always be near her heart he never returned in migrated to the third power grandmother kept her promise and it had since become a family heirloom but anyways I was just closing up when entitled mother and her actually decent child come in good evening welcome to Paris jewelers how may I help you cut the small talk my daughter needs a perfect necklace for her Bat Mitzvah I want to see them yeah I'm slightly put off by her rude tone but I assume she's just stressed out and go to help her after looking through all of our best necklaces she's still not satisfied now now now where's yeah good jewelry ma'am if these selections are not to your liking I'm sure I can help you find another I walked at one I looked to where she's pointing and see that she apparently wants my necklace which is clearly on my employee desk and not on the display cases I'm sorry ma'am but that's not for sale it's actually don't lie I want that necklace so you're gonna hand it over listen it's an heirloom my family values it more than anything leave her alone mom I can get another the mom just dismisses her with a wave of her hand I'm about to open my mouth and protest but then my boss walks in is there a problem ladies your little bicycle of an intern won't give me the necklace I want she threw it behind the desk just so I couldn't get it mom you know that's not what happened don't lie about shush yeah hysterical because this girl's being so mean my boss looks at me then back at the entitled mother and her daughter he eventually turns back to me Jenny please show me the necklace in question go and get my necklace and show it to him my boss knows that it is important to me and he turns back to the entitled mother is this necklace you wanted yes I'm afraid you're mistaken this necklace is in fact this young lady's property now please leave or I will escort you out personally entitled mother glares at me but eventually grumbles and leaves before she takes off however the daughter says she needs to use the restroom the mom tells her to hurry up before going to wait the young girl then bursts into tears apologizing for her mom's behavior and sobbing about how embarrassed she is my boss and I felt so bad for her that we gave her an inexpensive bracelet for free and said a special mazelTov for her poor girl wherever you are I hope you're free from your mother and living your best life Wow okay I'm not gonna lie I was getting choked up when reading about her grandfather her great tubed grandfather that's a really sweet and sad story and you know why I'm really happy the necklace stayed in her family and I'm really happy that they all appreciate its value family heirlooms are something really cool and I feel like every family should have one mine I don't think does but if you're like me and don't have a family heirloom or whatever I say why don't you start one like right now and also kudos to the boss and the redditor for giving that girl the bracelet you know what that daughter was a good person obviously you can see how she's crying about how much of a jerk her mother was being but anyways moving on this story's called I am the manager this happened earlier this summer I work at a small local bookstore and we have extremely strict return policies because you know books well one day this Karen comes in with her young child maybe 10 to 13 holding a book that was obviously a mature romance novel intended for older audiences she storms up to the counter and slams the book down she says she bought this for her daughter a few weeks ago and was appalled at how inappropriate it was and how dare we sell it she demands to return it and have her money back as well as we come for emotional damage the book is in horrible condition torn bent food and stains and she has no receipt when I said she couldn't return it she started screaming and demanded to see my manager with only me and a 17 year old girl working that day we don't exactly have a manager but because I had worked there longer I was basically the manager so I tell her to give me a second and walk into the back I strut back up to the counter and say hello I'm manager how can I help you the look on her face was golden as she stormed out with her daughter in tow okay I love reading stories for it's like oh I am the manager but this guy this guy or probably dude because he referred to the other person as a girl so anyways this dude he made a dramatic and that's what made it funny okay you know it was it's it's so short yeah I imagined the whole thing playing out in my head okay that was just oh she's perfect don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 58,554
Rating: 4.8812084 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 154, r/entitledparents voiceyhere
Id: 833MYQTQs2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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