r/EntitledParents | MANAGER CALLED

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what's up guys welcome to voice he here this is your host that accidentally stabbed his bed post with his Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess replica Master Sword that he got from the Ren fest captain Zac and today's subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode this story's called my sons traditionally flat cider is flat angry mother confused about strong alcoholic beverage annoyed that drinking age laws applied to her son to I'm in the UK the legal alcohol drinking age is 18 here edited to add yes there are nuances that I'm obviously aware of but these do not apply in this instant I work in an extremely busy pub that sells drinks and takeaway cups to drink outside an especially popular option in the summer when the story happened I'm a female late 20s entitled mother and kid come in at the busy bar I clocked them in when they walked in he looks around 15 years old at the point where she's ordering her drinks to take away the kids outside she orders a pint of scrumpy strong still traditional cider and a coke without saying a word dispassionately prodding the signage with her manicured finger without even registering my existence I repeat her order back to her pour her drinks and tell her how much she ignores my offered hand and drops a note and a pile of coins on the bar barely within awkward reach my politely asked her if she wouldn't mind putting the coins in my hand she ignores me and says keep a change and walks out after she leaves I awkwardly pretzel myself round many Ale pumps to fumbling Lea pick up the coins from the bar count them out finish a transaction in the till and pop the extra five pence in the tips jar then go on to serve the next customer a few minutes later I'm aware of her beckoning me from over at the no service end at the bar holding the pint of scrumpy I make eye contact and give her a nod then turn to finish serving the customer I have just poured a drink for entitled mom from across the room excuse my hang on one minute please I'm just serving this man excuse my I finished serving the man is everything okay she thrusts the pint into my hands hey cyanides completely flat sorry for the confusion but it's a traditional scrum pian it's meant to be flat she interrupts patronizingly I know each side is supposed to be this is flat I want you to pour another one in a fresh glass and put some life in this one can I suggest you might want to try a different cider we have a hard cider on keg that might be more what you were expecting I ordered what I wanted when I was expecting was that you might know how to pour a pie do you wanna try again or should I ask him to put for me she points at my male collie excuse me Marshawn Bailey had a sip ago and he won't even drink it I'm now shocked and asked you gave that to your kid yeah well he's over 18 is he I had seen him he certainly did not look a day over 15 entitled mother must have noticed at this point that she was on to a loser because the next thing you know she's gesturing towards the pint of scrumpy still in my hands oh just give it pop I don't have time for this I'm sorry but I can't do that I paid for I get the money plus her 5 pence tip from the till and extend it towards her she won't take it I want the drink up I'd [ __ ] if he can come in with your son and a valid photo ID proving he's ugly entitled mother with bits of flying spit hey it's my son he doesn't make na day I'm with him I'm his mother sorry but it's the law please take your money I don't want an argument fine it's for may I place the cider on the back bar out of her reach close my eyes and take a deep breath three two I want to speak to your manager yep there it is I haven't even opened my mouth to tell her that I am the manager before she is striding over to my male colleague who has clearly been rubber necking while serving customers and cannot wait to get involved I need to complain about she employee she has no customer service skills and clearly doesn't know how to pop hi colleague barely keeping a straight face oh I'm so sorry to hear that I'll make sure she's fired immediately now your paw patient pot won't you know my pints are crap what not gonna do it a person's grumpy isn't the best gateway alcohol for kids by the way just sayin potato crystals look like Queen Elizabeth entitled mother sputters and storms out muttering something about leaving a bad online review I turn to colleague and say his name reprimanding Lee Colley you should not have set that sorry couldn't help it you shouldn't have said your pints are Dookie you pour a lovely pint uh yes that's exactly what I want when I wake up on a cool morning a nice pint of scrumpy also parents please follow your liquor laws I know a lot of places you know teenagers like aged 15 they can legally drink in the presence of their parents if they're at their own home or something like that but come on UK already has a low drinking age it's not that hard to follow this story's called I snapped at Karen let me start off with the fact I have been skateboarding for well over 15 years and anything that could happen at a skate park I have probably seen happen from super awesome cool tricks to pot smokers fights over all counterculture debauchery and a fair few entitled parents who think their little angels could do no wrong as I have been growing older and more experienced two major things can go wrong at a skate park to cause injury first going bigger and higher than your personal skill level second small unsupervised children being oblivious to the dangerous fast-paced environment around them inevitably causing a last-second ditch effort to not literally plow them over and send them straight to the emergency room a counter-argument to the last statement might be to watch closer for these obviously more vulnerable people in all honesty that works a vast majority of the time small children are unpredictable by nature combining this with a dangerous environment can cause chaos in very short hard to react to bursts that being said let's get to the entitled parents I'm going to call Karen from here it's about 4:30 p.m. in central us at a skate park with a full-time dedicated security detail this park is a part of a much larger complex of parks in the area that has been privately funded I'm with a couple of friends in the skate park is very busy it's the first nice Saturday where every dry the Sun is out and warm with not a cloud in the sky after two weeks of constant rain I'm a local at this park and to know at least 10 to 15 other locals by name or nickname due to the nice day and beautiful weather randoms decided it's time to leave the nest for the afternoon and visit the local parks brat number one is on a skateboard brat number two is on a Walmart bot razor scooter at first I'm paying them no mind they are not bothering me or anyone I'm with as time goes on the two brat brothers are increasingly annoying some of the younger locals voice their discontent a couple of more incidents of them being told not to snake or cut off other people Bret number one says in a very arrogant tone that's my brother you tahqiq jail at one of the locals this is where I felt it necessary to now voice my discontent as I think they are in the wrong and I don't want two brothers picking a fight I told brat 1 that brat 2 needs to watch out for other people brat 1 stuck his nose up at me I shrugged this off I would have done the same if a strange man told me something like this at his age I'm not an authority figure he doesn't have to listen to and I get that at one point one of the brats decided to sit down and lay on a brand that has skated on very frequently this cost not only myself but a couple local kids to say something the brat moves deeper into the pool area it's about 100 yards of connected ramps going from 2 foot to 15 foot ramps I am now keeping a closer eye on them due to these recurring issues with other kids their age 15 minutes or so passed and I'm going for a trick at full speed rolling into a part of the 8 foot section from above brat 2 was down there headed towards the shallow end I feel it's safe to continue with my trick attempt ran as I've crossed the point of no return on rolling into this very steep ramp the brat does a 180 on me and turns back towards the deep end causing me to kick my board away slam shoulder first into the opposite part of the halfpipe and loudly and colorfully yell at him to watch out the only time I use profanity in this entire situation brat 1 is now helping Brandt to climb out of the 10-foot section because they do not to cross my path again and also accusing me of not watching out I know you're not talking to me yes I am talking to you you almost hit my brother you two have been constantly in the way all day I have been skating longer than you've been alive if I wasn't watching out you'd have a broken arm or worse right now so shut your mouth I am very angry at this point and want nothing to do with these children and I am being vocal about it I do not enjoy yelling at children it does not make me feel like a big man only a booty ho skate parks are dangerous enough without having to dodge unpredictable children after this exchange of words they run off to mama bear I say to myself go on tell your mom I'll yell at her too I am livid by this point and honestly just wanna skate sure enough within a minute or two Karen comes stopping over to me all huffy and puffy can I talk to you for a minute she tries to get in my way no I dodge and roll into the 8-foot halfpipe I tell her this because I know what she's trying to do and I do not want this confrontation so I go to the other side of the 8-foot halfpipe so she cannot get in my face or touch me pulling a full entitled parent move I've seen before when somebody else had to deal with a scenario she sits on the obstacle I had been skating for the last hour or so where the brats have routinely been sneaking people what gives you the right to talk to my kids like that me now furious at the situation and going to snap not wanting to deal with this after already having told her no I do not want to talk to her I laid into her loud enough that she couldn't get a word in without screaming over me your kids are in the way in creating a dangerous environment for themselves and everyone around them by being oblivious to the flow of the skatepark I am NOT responsible for their safety and should not be expected to watch your dumb children but they're my kids I cut her off before she can say another word I don't care I do not care if they're your kids but I care if you care then you should watch them closer their safety is your responsibility not mine I should not feel obligated to care for an out-of-control Oregon and you decided to keep I've been skating longer than they've been alive and to make me supervise your brats is not okay Karen has clearly shocked at this point and has no words for me she decides to scurry off to the fat meth mouth security guard they have stationed at the gate who is usually only looking up from candy crush to yell at teenagers for vaping or smoking cigarettes I explained the situation to the security guard in a calm voice after she managed to hobble over to me she sided with me and talked to a couple other parents of locals I know she only said to bring any issue like that to security first I agreed and went back to skating Karen and her brats disappeared after that okay as someone who used to skate a lot I can tell you there's not much more annoying than a scooter kid that keeps getting in your way what's even worse is dealing with their parents after you get mad at their kids for getting in the way and they're just like it's the pockets for everyone and then you're like no lady I know it's a park but your kids are stupid and they're gonna die if they keep doing this but she doesn't care she doesn't care about her child's safety she cares about being right this story's called a bot tull of wha tar backstory a few weeks ago I started working at a skating rink and make minimum wage so it's a pretty low-key job that my interview my manager told me I don't make enough to have to deal with crazy people so if I ever encounter one I can just go and get someone to deal with them important later on to the story so this just happened about two hours ago to set the scene and I'm working the register in the cafe and it's about 20 minutes until the end of the skating session aka in 20 minutes everyone has to get the f off so I can clean I'm finishing up giving three little girls there I seize and then I turn to the register where a Middle Eastern woman entitled mother is waiting I couldn't tell her age but she's probably around her forties I smile and greet her with a simple hello and then this happens water she said it in a cold tone but me being my nice self gave her the benefit of the doubt thinking maybe English isn't her first language which was the case with the many of our guests here today and she didn't know how to ask for it in any other I just smile okay did you want a cup or entitled mother cut me off a balk tall of hua tera now at this point I knew she was being rude on purpose she had a glare permanently on her face and just gave off a bad vibe not to mention the way she just spoke to me as if I was a five-year-old I just grit my teeth and forced a smile okay two-fifty she then proceeds to throw a $10 bill at me she didn't even try to hand it to me she literally flicked it in my general direction and it ended up swerving and landing on the counter close to her at this point I realized she's trying to start something up and I again do not get paid enough to deal with that so I simply walk away I go back into the kitchen where my coworker was making food and since he's a team lead I asked him if he can go help her I also repeated exactly what she said and how she threw the money at me co-worker goes to cash her out and give her a bottle of water and all of a sudden she starts yelling at him demanding to know my name he being the cool guy he is pretends he doesn't know who was up there and doesn't give her my name he then starts to walk back to the kitchen but the entitled mother follows him coming up behind the counter and saying where is she I want to know her name let me see her my coworker puts his hands up to block her from coming any further and starts assuring her back from behind the counter she then proceeds to joke backwards hitting her arm on the hanging board that we used to display cotton candy bags and starts yelling about how he just pushed me he assaulted me someone get the manager my coworker is a bit of a hothead so he curses her out a little before the security guard steps in turns out he had seen the whole thing and he begins trying to calm her down so as to not cause a scene keep in mind the rink ad for birthday parties going on and it was full of small children finally my general manager hears the commotion and comes over to get everyone side of the story after the lady tells her side of how I supposedly was the rude one and left her money on the counter slash refused to serve her and my coworker supposedly assaulted her she is then escorted outside by the security guard my general manager listens to my side as well as my coworker and agrees that he just saw what happened to be on the cameras in the office and believes us over her also he told us that she is known for causing problems I guess her daughter used to work there and she knows one of my managers so she basically thinks she owns the place suddenly the security comes back in and tells my co-worker that the entitled mother had called the police and wanted to press charges for assault we all knew that he didn't even touch her so we just wait for the police to arrive and help the customers that were in line behind her after a few minutes the police arrive and my general manager shows them the camera footage of what happened so they're all outside trying to get the lady to drop the matter because if anyone would get into trouble it would be her for lying to the cops sure enough she gives up in my general manager lets her know that she is not welcome back he then relays this to us saying that she's on the trespass list and if she comes back we are to immediately call the cops I was just shocked I've been reading this subreddit for about nine months now but I haven't had a story of my own until today sorry if it feels rushed I just wanted to write everything down while it's still fresh in my mind all in all I'm just glad they were finally able to get rid of her after she's been terrorizing them for years now first off let's go ahead and appreciate you know everyone besides the entitled mother because they all handled this pretty well and the police in the story were great people apparently because they gave her a chance to drop everything before they tacked on a charge for you know lying to the police and wasting Department resources as well as taxpayer money should she have been like oh definitely not but the police are good people for doing that you know I don't know anyways moral of the story entitled mother suck don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 42,306
Rating: 4.8863187 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 171
Id: JVftdqUJVvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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