r/EntitledParents | 2 Years of My Life... GONE!

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what's up guys welcome to voice you here this is your host that has failed at buying a TV stand two times now captain Zach and today's subreddit is our slash entitled parents and by that I mean I bought a TV stand that I thought was a good enough height but it was too short and as well as too small for my TV even though it said it was big enough and then I got this wooden tabletop that I found and I put it on top and it just matched perfectly and it was the perfect size for my TV however it's still too sure and so I was like okay cool and then I got a vase amount thing that I can put on top of my entertainment center thing and I was like okay cool this is gonna be tall enough it's gonna be nice I can relax while watching TV now still two shippers don't forget to like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode this story's called entitled aunts in my migraine a Christmas story Happy New Year red and ours this story happened just over 20 years ago and only came to mind over the holidays as me and the cousins reminisced about those we remembered fondly and those that are no longer welcome here's the cast there's me magnetic enchilada entitled aunt dad aka father sir boss mom aka the family matriarch good uncle mother's brother entitled Ellen's husband this was Christmas Day in the late 1990s back when my parents crammed nearly 20 people into their home for what passed as an annual family reunion the cousins would often occupy themselves in the living room with whatever goodies they got while the adults hung out on the back porch because this was North Carolina in December and some family still comes up from Florida and around 3 p.m. the television hurt to even look at in the light coming through the windows seemed to pierce the very depths of my brain yeah I knew what was coming went to my parents excused myself and went up to my room without entitled aunt this story would have just been how the buy grain stole Christmas for context I was once tormented by rather horrendous cluster migraines that would take me out once or twice a month for the unaware the these are chronic headaches categorized by severe pain most often behind the eyes that becomes worse over time and in most cases are even made worse by bright light no amount of Tylenol or excedrin ever worked on me because FeO and the only real cure was to avoid lights and try to pass out for this reason my parents had my bedroom windows equipped with some damn good blackout blinds I blacked out the room and laid down with an ice pack on my forehead sleep did not happen at around 4 p.m. entitled aunts makes the executive decision that we need to take another family picture because the cousins all got new leather jackets from gu and apparently my attendance was mandatory I won't pretend to know exactly what was said between them but my parents explained that I was in pain and probably wouldn't even want to stand upright for the next several hours entitled aunt knew about my migraines but decided that this was unacceptable because she needed more pictures for her photo albums entitled aunt throws open my door and turns on the lights which might as well have been an uppercut to my mind and started shouting at me in this condescending tone to get dressed and get downstairs I groaned at her to kill the lights that I couldn't even see with them on entitled aunt demanded that I suck it up and stop avoiding the family not quite accusing me of faking my pain but seeming to think I should just ignore the pain splitting my skull in two at that point even attempting to shout back would have only made the pain worse getting up was not an option thankfully dad was right behind her and immediately flipped off the lights dad shouted at entitled aunt that this was a migraine and the lights were only making it worse dad urged her to go back downstairs and leave me alone you'd think that her husband's sister's husband's shouting at her to leave his son alone would be enough but this is Electronic Arts this was the same woman that believed in reincarnation and was adamant that she had been royalty in a past life yeah entitled aunt believed this in her heart of hearts and behaved like she could never be wrong around twenty minutes and who knows how much arguing later entitled aunt bursts back into my room and flipped on the lights again shouting for the whole family to hear how I needed to get up and be a part of the family mom and dad are right behind her looking appalled and furious respectively while good uncle just looked exhausted entitled Don's practically tossed a bottle of aspirin at me and shouted at me some more to stop being melodramatic mom responded by flipping off the lights and practically guarding the switch while screaming at her to get out of her house good uncle stood with his sister pleading for entitled aunt to just stop entitled aunt just kept on lecturing until dad had had enough and moved to pull her out of the room determined to win whatever she thought this was entitled aunt grabbed the curtains with both hands and ripped them off the wall flooding the room with crisp winter sunshine that sent me over the edge from miserable pain to puking pain I vividly remember good uncle shouting walk the fornication under consent of the king is wrong with you that entitled aunt as I stumbled past him and into the bathroom dad was beyond furious at this point and in her unfathomable stupidity entitled aunt not pointing out how quickly I had jumped up to puke was hilarious Dadda responded by punching her like she was a man splitting her lip and knocking her to the ground mom and good uncle were shocked but dad did not regret or relent pulling her to her feet and roaring at her to get the F out of his house entitled aunts good uncle and their cousins were packed up and out of there within minutes I thought I had witnessed the peak of his anger over all the times I had screwed up hard what I heard from the bathroom that night taught me otherwise there were no calls to the police or anything like that dad was very disappointed with himself but refused to apologize and was much more upset that he had so thoroughly scared his nieces and nephews good uncle was pissed at dad but refused to condemn how he had reacted entitled aunt never spoke to me or my parents again beyond inane expected pleasantries and ceased to be my aunt within the next three years anyways good uncle has since remarried and has never been happier you'd think he was ten years younger entitled aunt is still around but nough has seemingly disappeared I haven't spoken to her and over half my life and her own children are surprised when she bothers to reach out or respond to calls kind of ironic that the same woman who went off the deep end over family photos couldn't bother to be involved once her own children had families of their own ironic and rather sad and it's migraine status I appreciate the concern from all those wondering but my migraines had become much more tolerable around highschool regressing from one or two every month to six or seven every year I just sort of lived with them into my late 20s until my boss insisted that I speak with the neurologist who did a workup on me and prescribed me sumatriptan this stuff is a miracle drug that comes in the single-use nasal sprays and one will kill a migraine within 20 to 30 minutes not going to a specialist sooner has become one of the great regrets in my life if you suffer migraines speak with a neurologist odds are something on the market will work wonders okay first off um old girlfriend of mine had chronic migraines no chronic cluster headaches she had one every single day almost and it got crazy she was prescribed sumatriptan and it worked very well for her but I guess she developed a tolerance or something to it but because it doesn't work anymore yeah this girl's been to so many appointments had MRIs cat scans all that crap sumatriptan doesn't work and now she has to get Botox treatments and so yeah it's crazy they literally couldn't find anything at all wrong with her like at all no matter how many times they tried anything nothing was found but yeah she's got Botox now and she has to get treatments every once in a while but regarding the story um holy poo nuggets like this just gradually got more and more crazy the first the obviously just being a big ol a big old ninny whatever that means and then the dad punched her in the face I'm not sure how I feel about that but you know what he stuck up for his kid and she was obviously being horrible to him or her I don't know if this is a dude or chick actually you know what you know what no punching her was a bit too far he could have just you know grabbed her and just like pushed her out of the room could have done any number of things but I what do you guys think what do you guys think was the face punch justified this story's called I lost my 2 years worth of work because of a 0 IQ entitled mother back story since my childhood I always wanted to be a game maker I started my first game at the end of 2017 or the start of 2018 it is a kind of souls like game in 2d just like dead cells holy crap that's an amazing game by the way my inspiration it is hard to make a videogame by yourself and also keep your high school grades good my summers went to my creation and I stored it in my flash disk my plan was to publish it in 2022 or 2023 well until our lovely entitled mother came it happened three days ago but I am still boiling mad I went out to visit my best friend with my flash disk in my backpack to show my progress he is our voice for the tutorial and PC so we really want to see how it is going I went there everything is normal surprise surprise no one is here for now except us we shared our thoughts about the enemy attack patterns I mostly denied his thoughts because he went full overpowered anime heroes mode strict anime fan we got hungry so we went to KFC to order some chicken I don't want to leave my flash alone so I grabbed it to that choice we went there ordered food while waiting I took my flash disk and started talking about if I should change my flash to something that has much more capacity then a demon screamed close to my ear here comes our everybody stupid except me Charon here's the cast me Dovahkiin himself friend tutorial NPC kaverin who is also a mother to a nice boy manager nice employee nice CAD police officer yo bench why are you bringing drugs to a fast-food restaurant your drug-addicted catamites me who got confused about what happened friend with a disgusted face plus a surprised Pikachu face aka a weird shocked expression I can't tell - nice employee why are you letting people's like this freakin place I'm gonna sue all of you yes she said that Garin to me aren't you ashamed to yourself I bet your mom left you cuz you're a drug addict you son of a bang-tail I am a very straightforward person if someone pisses me off congratulations you screwed yourself if it is about my friends relatives or parents congratulations you screwed yourself really hard me a bit pissed off trying to hold my anger in how can you assume that I am a drug addict so far I can only see a screaming demon friend sees my pissed off meter don't try to bother us we are only here for chicken not to listen to some stupid lady Karen please stop harassing these two boys you got all the attention already what kind of store are you you defending flagellating drug addicts she grabs my flash you should die before I'm gonna do it this needle yes she thought a flash disc was a needle God how did these kinds of people survive all this long me plus friend that's not a drug nor a needle that's my slash friends work his stuff meter is going up don't you lie to me you stupid 8007 cease I'm gonna do a big favor with this she throws it on to the ground and stomps on it with her heels Karen might be thinking why do I hear multiple boss musics me and friend who are both very angry manager might be thinking why the hell is there something broke it on the ground toe pissed off teenagers won screamin wabun and one employee that looks too disgusted that he doesn't function he sees all that's in the entrance of the building I think he went back from some okay I got one question for you how stupid are you to think that my flash disk is a drug in a calm but want to kill her inside about to explode voice her skin why does frosty I think she's surprised to find electronic parts inside of a drug needle um I where are your drugs quick tell me I know you got drunk somewhere don't try to fool me you Beckett alright then I think you are dumb enough to even not understand my question let me tell you about your actions consequences you freakin destroyed my work light dream my freakin effort and you are still trying to fight drugs on me well good luck cuz you are not gonna find anything on me nor my friend I signal to my friend to call the police Fred nodded and went outside to call the police nice employee is still in shock lady if you will not leave here I'm gonna kick you out why are you kicking me out you should kick him out no no no this is not your problem entitled mother manager I am sorry to bother you but she is not worth the trouble you can't teach an old psychopath dog any new tricks how dare you speak to me like that do you know who I am I know who you are you are a psychopath that destroyed my freaking Flashdance lady please leave or I will call the police don't try it I already called them that is a big mistake you kuna you all go to jail just as a reminder points to security camera are you really sure who's going to jail Karen skin is widest flower again and the boy enters the show mommy where is our meal baby I forgot the meal we need to get out of here we can eat a meal at a different location where do you think you're going stay away from me you piece of sushi I am taking my son and headed out I into the manager stop the lady police sirens heard what fun begin would is a situation here you want to check out the cameras officer it's a long story office of these drug-addicted people try to violate me please do something how does a person think this will work out wait a second oh yeah these are entitled parents lemme check the cameras Karen with a much lower voice no you don't need to officer just arrest these benches and save me my son's time police officer goes to check the cameras with the manager while me my friend and the other officer secure the Karen and her nice kid who was embarrassed as frick police officer and manager head out arrests the Karen asked if we wanted to press charges I immediately said yes happy ending with the loss of my work I might be forgetting something but for now that's all I remember thanks for sharing this experience with me edit one to let some repeated questions be answered one I only got Google Drive by that time so instead I did not try to find some online storage I said what could possibly go wrong here we are with the work I lost so this happened three days ago when I wrote this post so the leftover of the flash disk possibly in trash three if you have questions about the game I can post a summarize what I did do and what is my plan good evening guys first of all buttery no I am super interested and I really want to check it out because in case you don't know dead cells is a really good game it's kind of a Metroidvania but not like a pure one you can definitely see that the devs were indeed inspired by you know Metroid and Castlevania and it's also a roguelike game so it's really good but anyways regarding this story wow that would absolutely suck to put that much work in a game in and have man that poor guy that poor guy this story is called mom kicks out my 16 year old sister for not doing it with my rich neighbors boy so first off I'm on mobile now some backstory my parents had a very ugly divorce and my mother got full custody of my sister and apparently didn't want me because she didn't even bring me up in court so I'm with my dad now since my parents got a prenup my dad kept all of his money we live in a pretty wealthy neighborhood were probably the poorest there our next door neighbor has a lot of money we go over for dinner and his son can't stop talking about it his son 17 goes to school with my younger sister so my mother and her are over for dinner a lot my mother didn't work while they were married 15 years so she's not well-off financially my neighbor's son will call him Jack has taken a very sexual interest in my sister taking any chance to flex his money and can't call her so one night my mother father sister and I were at dinner with my neighbor not 15 minutes after we arrived he begins harassing my sister telling her how hard he wanted to bone her in making an excessive amount of remarks on her breasts and ass my mother apparently thought that if Jack and my sister did it they might get married and my mom would get some of his money so after dinner he invited my sister to go upstairs with him she was reluctant but he practically forced her up the stairs I followed them because I wasn't about to allow a rich butthole to violate my sister so I'm sitting outside his room when I hear a commotion and some yelling I stand up and my sister runs out of his room with her dress torn across her chest and some down the front leaving her breasts exposed she hides behind me calling for my mother and father I'm at this point ready to actually beat the snob to death he comes out saying what's wrong girl I'm just having a little fun to it Shai replied funs over and grab him my parents and Jack's father are upstairs before I can do anything my father's angry and puts his jacket on my sister so she has some cover he says what the hell is going on here did you do this to my little girl his father steps in and tells us it's time to leave so he head out trying not to make any illegal mistakes once we were out my mother grabs my little sister and says what is wrong with you you could have had it all but you gave it away you [ __ ] I think you need to stay at your father's for a little while and she storms off to her car and drives off that was two years ago my little sister is about to graduate high school and has forgotten about my mother pretty much all together I still see Jack at some video game tournaments on my college campus he avoids me and I avoid him sometimes we play in bracket and he sucks every time I take his money I immediately give it to my sister when I get home sort of like a retribution fund from him he's given her over $2,500 in these past two years our fathers are still friends and hang out a good amount okay first of all she's trying to pimp her daughter out second of all why didn't why wasn't he allowed to beat the crap out of that kid the third why is the dad still friends with the jacks dad okay did the dad say sorry on his behalf was there some sort of burying of the hatchet what what kind of dad would still be friends with someone like that okay I get that the dad didn't do that but his kid I don't know what's going on here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 35,886
Rating: 4.8487768 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts
Id: 9QVVOTrapjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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