r/entitledparents "GIVE ME YOUR DOG NOW!"

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free event solar eclipse party most kids go back to school that day can it be done on the weekend did this lady just ask to reschedule the Sun technically technically an eclipse of involves the moon so she's asking to reschedule both the Sun and the moon welcome to our slash entitle parent shout out to a Brandon Ledesma for suggesting this now these posts are much longer the more like stories than tiny little like two or three sentence conversations so this is gonna be a little bit different from my other videos but we've got some real treats in here so be patient the payoff is worth it and if you like this video be sure to LIKE and subscribe and let me know down in the comments which subreddit you'd like me to cover next okay first off I am a model railroaders specifically i model in Oska for reference that means that the average locomotive is about three to four inches tall and up to a foot long one summer I was taking part in a model railroad fair at our local mall where I was displaying some of my models being that I'm from the US the fact that I modeled the British Isles meant that my display really stood out now as there's always kids at these types of shows I had taken to putting a plexiglass side around my layout to prevent children from reaching in and touching things or damaging various parts of the structures and models that went with the railroad while I was watching one locomotive I had just received leave the staging area it's a small three track system that lets me funnel trains into the layout and then out as needed I remember this one lady making comments about the cute little trains getting that train running at a nice but slow pace I approached her and smiled asking if there's any questions she had the lady never missed a beat pointing to the train I had just started and told me that her son liked trains and I should sell her one of them now truth be known this was an uncommon thing to have happen people usually other modelers may ask if some units are up for sale sometimes they are but typically not I explained to her that the locomotive wasn't for sale and then even if it was she wouldn't have liked the price anyway noting that the engine she was pointing at too had cost me close to $1,000 the lady was having none of it not for me ten dollar sport since it was obviously a toy I ignored her and went back to getting the next train set up on the staging track waiting for that one to return as I do this I hear an odd sound and look up just in time to see the lady picking the locomotive up off the track and moving to hand it to her kid I called out for her to stop which may have been a mistake as she promptly dropped it on the ground the engine though somewhat robust and heavy was made of rather soft brass when it hit the ground there was a sickening crunch I knew from the sound that the engine was done for broken beyond repair the lady just looked down at it shrugged and kicked it back under the table before starting to walk off thankfully security quickly caught up with her entertained her while police were called all the while she kept saying it's just a toy men don't play with toys while ignoring the fact she was surrounded by dozens of train layouts with just as many grown men showing off their work police arrested her on destruction of private property charges while the mall itself barred her from ever setting foot on the property again later with her information on hand from the police report I filed a case against her for the replacement of the locomotive you won't believe it but she had the gall to try to convince the judge that it was just a toy and at the receipts I had for purchase of the locomotive weren't real saying that she had seen the exact same locomotive at Walmart herself well the case ended up in my favor with her having to pay me replacement costs as well as some punitive damages the judge ended the case with a simple warning that just because you want something doesn't give you the right to simply take it from the criminal side of things I think the lady ended up with 40 or so hours of community service and a substantial fine as well justice served in first grade I caught pneumonia I was in the hospital for approximately two weeks if I remember correctly I spent my 6th birthday in the hospital which is right around Thanksgiving for my birthday I got a winter Barbie doll that I absolutely adored a few times a day I would go for a walk throughout the hospital someone cleaned the room I guess when I came back my Barbie was nowhere to be found we eventually found it but recently fifteen years later my mom told me what really happened apparently the lady who cleaned the room stole my Barbie when we realized it was missing my mom asked the nurses if they had seen it they obviously all said they didn't know but my mom saw the top of the Barbie's furry hat in one of the nurses purse my mom pointed it out and the nurse instantly grabbed her purse and starts going off about how her daughter deserves the Barbie and I'm just a spoiled brat me the six-year-old child that's in the hospital for her birthday is a spoiled brat the other nurses were appalled and called security to get the doll from her needless to say she was fired what's worse than stealing from a child how about stealing from a sick child that's hospitalized what a piece-of-shit human being today I didn't have school so I decided since it was a pretty sunny day where I lived take my little dog a six months old King Charles Cavalier for a walk my dog's name is family and by the way everything go well at first I'm just walking around in my neighborhood looking at how adorable my puppy is as she walks in front of me and smells everything at some point I walked past a coffee shop my parents and I visit this coffee shop very often so the staff that worked there know me personally and I can safely say that we had a very friendly relationship and there is a mother our future entitled parent sitting on the outside tables of the coffee shop with with her child that was about 9 to 10 years old I would normally just walk past her but her child got excited seeing my dog and started screaming that she wants to pet it so I just smile and lower myself to stand beside Lily as a little girl comes over to pet it the first few seconds are going great little girl pets her head gently and asked me about my dog's gender how old she is and etc then out of the blue she starts pulling my dog's ears roughly and Lily starts whimpering me takes kids hands off my dog's ears as softly as possible she doesn't like that sweetheart it hurts her ears entitled parent stands up from her chair aggressively surprising both me and her child excuse me did you just touch my kid I'm sorry if that bothered you she just pulled my dog's ears and I pulled our hands away to make her stop doing it it won't happen again so it's a dog she's an amazing girl and an excellent student let her play however she wants uh no it's my dog and I don't want your daughter to hurt her at this point she started getting pissed and pulled her child beside her so I stood up as well and took Lilly in my arms mommy I want the dog the entitled parent whispers something in her kids ear that I didn't hear but it made her kids smile widely what's the dog down this instant and let daughter's name play I look at her shock from the way she talks to me but I still have a hope so I simply say no and oh boy here we go who the hell do you think you are my daughter wants to pet the dog give the dog to her now I don't know how but still somehow calm I am the owner of the dog and I don't want to do that I try to walk past her but she blocks my way with her body my daughter wants the dog I tried to be polite but you are so rude and terrible give the dog to me and she is seriously pushed me and tried to take Lilly away from my arms I somehow managed to step back on time and not lose my balance the coffee shop manager that is also a friend of mine appears and separates us since we were practically shouting at this point is there a problem here yes there is this girl has taken our dog away from my daughter's arms and refused to give it back she claimed my dog as hers I was so stunned that I couldn't even move my mouth to defend myself the coffee manager pointed at Lilly you were talking about this dog yes I am sorry ma'am but I have to know for a fact that this is her dog not yours no it's our dog my daughter what's it no it's not and I don't care if she does I'm going to politely ask you to leave now she hissed some offensive made a little more of a scene and then started to gathering her things I just went inside to drink a little water cuz I was shook before they leave I heard the little brat saying something on lines up but you said this would work you said I could have the dog and take it home ah no sorry little girl I realized you're kind of a victim here but you're gonna have to learn an important life lesson your mother is a shitty human being and she lies to you and tries to steal so the sooner you figure out that life lesson the better I was sitting in the dentist's waiting room with my mom another mother and her son were sitting across from us and I noticed that they are both eyeing my DS Lite I was playing my mom gets up to go to the bathroom and I noticed that the other mother had a glint in her eye when my own mother left as soon as mom is gone the other mother encourages her son let's call him Timmy to go up and stand in front of me what give him your computer game he's been waiting for it what no I bought this don't lie to me what teenage girl buys a baby's toy Timmy deserves it more than you give it to him at this moment I pack my DS bag into my handbag and Timmy starts trying to take my bag from me other mother has no problem with this thankfully my own mom came back Timmy trying to rob me and tells off other mother for not controlling her kid is this actually how entitled parents just get all the toys in their kid's life they just go around from kid to kid trying to manipulate them into giving them their toys I mean how often does this actually work like oh lady you treat me like a piece of and you insult me and you act entitled sure take my free stuff take my hard-earned property I definitely want you to have it yet go ahead alright that was our slash entitled parents not sure about this subreddit because everything is a super super long story so I can't cover quite as many posts as I would in my other videos let me know what you think of this type of content down in the comments I'd really love to hear your thoughts so thanks for watching I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: rSlash
Views: 1,882,414
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, entitled parents fail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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