r/entitledparents - Entitled mother yells at us

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[Music] backstory so I work at a fairly large farm store in my town as they pay pretty fairly aim at the register and my coworker is locking up the hunting Goods section they have a giant metal gate like you would see in the front of a mall when the person mening that area goes home for the night then a young man maybe 14 to 15 steps through the sliding glass door with his mother maybe 35 to 37 claiming they need roofing nails characters me the off Co Kalka M entitled mother Eck entitled kid M manager the aftermath so the mom and son walked in claiming to be looking for some nails so I tell them what are they are in politely go was walking around with his notebook writing down stocks that we needed more of and I seemed like a normal night that is until I hear from a squeaky puberty voice hey put me down you pervert Co give me back the knife until let go Eck no you get the hell off of me before I call the cops Co I can call them right now and get you in trouble for shoplifting Eck mop this sixty year old man is trying to kidnap me Co in nineteen not sixty just because I dyed my hair white for Halloween doesn't mean am 60 M get the f off my baby before I get the manager so Co presses his walkie-talkie button and I walk over to the aisle and see if I'd can assess the situation M ah but are you the manager me I'm sorry but in going to have to ask your son to give back the knife and for you to let go of my cow karora and going to have to call the authorities m why is a 15 year old girl working here don't you have somewhere else to go there are firearms and sharp things here at this point of starting to get a little frustrated at her because even though I look young in 17 and nearly everyone assumes in 16 to 17 except for a few like M me Mom I've been raised around hunting and Ives my whole life selling them and helping people with them is no different I'm also sorry to point out that in 17 fifteen m then show me your ID me I don't have to show you anything then I press the button for the manager to come to our AO M hello open Co what's the problem here me well this mother and son are Harris eNOS and the son has stolen one of the knee M this man is trying to kidnap my baby and I think this young woman here is being forced to work M I'm glad to say that office of agent Co is not trying to kidnap your baby that I heard over the radio chatter that a knife has been stolen M this knife was on the floor unpackaged so I thought it was some moans that was dropped M so you give it to your teenage son M weld up these perverts are always looking for kids to take me me and Co have been close since our parents met and he can barely stand his brother why would he want another kid M probably to sell for his drug addiction Co I don't have a drug addiction and I think it's time I just take this knife out of your son's hand so this whole issue is over soon after ko takes the knife and hands it to the manager M if this was found on the floor then why is the plastic tip still on it M oh I guess it's just from the guy being safe me Mom I strongly recommend you leave before we contact the police soon after she leaves grumbling about having to go to a bigger brand starts with an L and its logo is a blue house m UF ein city dorks go back to playing your games me mom I've been raised in the country and I will die in the country you're not country because you're literally carrying around a Hydra flask just shut up and get out of here M you disrespectful Beach you need to be taught how to respect your elders me was that a threat because I can easily pull up the cameras and fork it over to the police M and X can per hour of the building and we lock the door so we can clean up for the night thanks for reading in currently getting it all from Co and he told me about the convo that ensued after I heard the kid scream it'll try to keep you updated so back to my church filled with entitled parents and my sister who is about to graduate and I'm a year behind her so I'm in the 11th grade in the church they hold a party for the graduating class really nice except the 11th graders are supposed to provide the food they had an excuse but I didn't mind that but what I did mind was the 11th graders were expected to sever the adults there like there were slaves no we weren't paid and we got the leftover food after everyone had picked at it and was cold and we were told to be thankful we were supposed to run around offering drinks cleaning up after everyone and such I wasn't having that this church already thought my family was trash and I knew it would just tickle them pink to see my acting like a slave so I told my Nana I would bring food but not serve she said she didn't care and it was fine so I went with my sister and stuck with her I bought in the food went to the sermon and went with my sister when she went to eat we basically stuck together the whole time because like I said they looked down on my family and a lot of them didn't feel like asking my sister about her plans for school or if she's moving or about her future but do you know who they did talk to me why aren't you serving it's your job you have to serve multiple adults were distressed because I wasn't doing what they wanted I just looked at them and said if you wanted a maid servant you should have paid for one they went silent and walked away tail between their legs which only confirmed my thoughts that they only saw me as workforce and before you say didn't that happen when you were a 12 grader no it didn't the 11th graders brought food but my class absolutely refused to let them serve us we even hid in the kitchen to avoid it we got our own food and drink the adults however had no problem with the kids severing them and why am i posting so much I'm supposed to be cleaning my apartment and I'm avoiding it I have type 1 diabetes the type where you are born with it and so I was at my friend's house when he wanted to know if I wanted to sleep over I said sure but I needed to get a few things first mind you lists the 90s and him 12 in this story so I grabbed my gameboy my pillow Super Mario 3 pokemon yellow edition and my diabetes medicine now on to the story we started by watching a new hope The Empire Strikes Back and the returneth the GD then we watched them in the opposite order to catch any Easter eggs or something like that it is now midnight so AM asks me if I want any snacks so I say yes but nothing with high sugar levels M asks why so I tell her that I have diabetes that was a mistake now she starts talking about how I shall be 18 so much that I get diabetes at age 12 so I thought she had a point and she just didn't know what kind of diabetes it was so I told her it was just type 1 and she started talking about how she doesn't care if it's type 1 type 2 or even type 4 so I had to explain to her what it was and that calmed her down then she threw out my medicine thinking I didn't need it because my body was already used to it or some other bullcrap I don't really remember so I ended up going home telling my mom and still being friends with the kid but never going back to his house if you made it this far thanks for eating this is my first actual post on reddit I've been a lurker for a while and finally found this subreddit and decided to tell you guys this horror show of a sleepover I couldn't decide if it should go here or our slash just sing burgers you know the cast Cara Nicole ZM spawn 5 years old equals ek mr. s qu IR re l equals D H and s qu IR are really calls em e so we were at a charity tournament that had a basket raffle you buy tickets put one in the paper bag and keep the other so you know your numbers some really nice items but we will focus on a soft as a cloud handmade blue lap Afghan dh1 the blanket entered carom m / marching over you know spawn really wanted to win bat ik yeah all my tickets went into that one / looks over with crocodile tears at the h / me oh I'm sorry maybe we M you should give it to her Jana she wanted to win the H but look this is perfect to cover my legs in the wheelchair ik / wailing start / M well spawn I guess you don't get it some people don't realize you are just a kid / glaring at me / me I'm sorry spawn egg well you didn't pay for it I wanted it me well we did buy tickets so yes we did pay for it ik just make your own and starts to reach for it me / stands in front of the h2 block her / know the H spawned I won this you can't just take it m come a long spawn you know we are broke we will skip having dinner and I will buy you a blanket at the store / glares at the two of a /d h / quietly after they walked away yeah no I would have given it to her if she didn't demand it this might sound pretty fake but I swear this is real so my mom is really close with this family and I'm pretty much forced to hang out with their son a couric I should mention that em said we have to treat act like a brother and follow him wherever goes and must have his way this one weekend about a year ago me and my friend went on a bike ride with his cousin and of course ik had to join him anyway we all met up in the park and hung out there for a while until lunch we all wanted to go to Subway except Tekken threw a temper tantrum demanding Starbucks so we biked over to the please' and went to get Starbucks we were approaching Starbucks and there a red light so we told him to wait but of course he didn't listen and ran the ride so we had to chase after him doing so we almost died about two times we arrived at Starbucks and the egg had no money and demanded we gave him some but we only had enough for ourselves so we respectfully said we couldn't so we had ridden to his house so he could break into the piggy bank instead he starts screaming at his parents to give him money and it got so bad they had to close the door after about a half hour he came out with cash to get his Starbucks he arrived there and he ordered one of their sandwiches I forgot which one and they were out so surprised surprised he threw another tantrum he finally cooled off and choose something else we ate our meals and went back to the park egg found a forest opening and shot in that direction we followed him and it turns out it was a pretty nice trail there was another opening and it didn't look the cleanest but of course he went and there we were in there for a while and he stumbled across a barn with a liquid inside of it my friend who is a germaphobe freaked out X all this and started saying he would pour it on him my friend got on his bike and before he could Hecht poured the whole thing on him my friend freaked out and started screaming a tech once he cooled down he went to his house to drop him off and tell his mom what had happened we arrived at ekam residence and told them what had happened I'm going to put this in dialogue now to give you a rough idea of how this went down me I am your son had been throwing fits left and right and poured what seems to be drugs on my fur and em I don't see the problem here he was just fooling off with you guys trying to have fun me but it could have been drugs and very poisonous it also doesn't excuse him from throwing temper tantrums em why won't you let him enjoy us himself again I don't see the problem here em and why didn't you give him money to buy food you have to put my little angel in front of yourself at this point I couldn't reason with her so I told I have to be back home now and left and that's pretty much where this story ends I have more stories for this specific a condemned if I see people enjoy this he'll share more of these thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny try somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: PRufFw7PtI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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