r/entitledparents - That's not a remote...

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welcome to another low quality entitled parents post I'm on mobile so sorry for the format and English is my first language but I'm not great at it cast me Minecraft expert male 15 M entitled mother of three kids at the time she was my dad's fiancee but now is my stepmom CD M's cool daughter two years younger than me eggwin the first entitled kid two years younger than CD F to the second entitled kid five years younger than ecwid LS biological little sister same ages ech 1 on to the story I own a PS VR it is mine and due to how irresponsible X 1 and X 2 are I rarely let them use it CT is the only one in their family that I like and I let her use my VR along with LS who is the same age as equi m cv egg 1 and ektu my step family were downed for two weeks near the end of summer my dad and I where we are having a fall out so I rarely went over I was over for the first day that my step family was over I told del s MCD that they can use my psvr but if they need help with anything to contact me LS called me three days later when I was at my mom's house crying because she was yelled at by him to get off the psvr until attack one and ektu you said Alice is very vulnerable to panic attacks so anyone yelling at her as super bad for her me being me got my mom to drive me over to my dad's house so I can argue with them I like arguing with them I turn off my VR which is in my room and I don't like people in my room because it isn't exactly fit for younger kids and telic 1 & 2 to get out they get em who was shocked to see me there because I'm supposed to be at my mom's M tells me to leave and let them use it I said no because they were going to break it or do something to harm my VR mpix my VR headset up and throws it across my room to my TV and tells me that no one gets to use it anymore I was furious I told her to get out lock my door and ran / - my VR headset to make sure it was okay it was fine except for the rubber sides were falling out a few scratches were on it and the earbuds that come with the VR broke the TV was not okay it was all static I stayed the night at my dad's house and didn't tell anyone that it still worked the next day of 3 a.m. LS wakes up because I was too loud while playing VR she asks if she can play it I tell her that it's 3 a.m. but during the day she can and so can CD I hide it so ik 1 and X 2 don't find it and go to my mum's for the rest of the week I tell Alice where to hide it when she isn't playing it so it isn't a Ken Brown thank God my plan worked for the most part on the second-to-last day ech one sees a blue light from underneath my door from LS and CD playing it and tells em and waits till nighttime or when no one was playing to take one of my remotes with her back to Canada my step family lives in Canada I live in the US so I can't play I didn't know that she took one of my remotes until my dad saw me playing my VR while using both remotes he says that M took a remote to Canada and shows me a picture of a vibrator that I had in my room I laugh and say that's not my VR remote that's my vibrator I get yelled at for having a vibrator but my dad doesn't do anything else I still hide my VR and ps4 when my step family is over this story is rather rolled I originally posted it on another board a few months ago and completely forgot about it until I started purging through mild posts and deleting old ones might as well post is here though now since I found it I also fixed some glaring grammar errors that gave me a migraine while reading it warning you now massive spoilers for the danganronpa video games you've been warned a little bit of backstory and explanation ahead I live in Puerto Rico born and raised in true cello Alto a place where a lot of people ain't very tech-savvy and English is a language not very commonly seen in my neighborhood people generally ask me to translate things for them because I'm the only English speaker besides my mom all of this is translated from Spanish I speak English fluently as you can tell but Spanish to English translation is harder than it looks and puto reckons using a particular form of Spanish Spanglish where they mix Spanish sentences with English words it makes translation even harder so bear with me here I love playing video games but one series in particular that I've always loved are the danganronpa games I always found the concept of being forced into those trials in the survival situation the teenagers are in as interesting anyone who plays the games knows how they work students live daily life inside a special facility a school report to become a sort of trial ground and murder scene with the only chance of leaving being to commit a murder and get away with it be it through framing others or leaving so little evidence nobody can be properly convicted if the murderer gets away with it all the other students are executed and if the murderer is caught and properly found as guilty he is executed instead and it ain't some little execution it's a gruesome and strangely creative way to execute the characters taking their talents into consideration for the specially made execution and with all this out of the way we welcome the cast me dad my father M entitled or stupid or whatever you want to call her mother child her son s G security guard doctor danganronpa office of police officers my mother is no stranger to business trips generally when she goes out to them me and my dad like to go eat at a restaurant or watch a movie to have some father-son time just for fun my mother had gone to her trip and so me and my dad chose to go to Chili's for dinner everything was fine we just talked and my dad being into video games actually asked me about what games I was playing recently I tell him about doctor and that I just began doctor v3 killing harmony when rsg announced on the speaker s G excuse me and good evening to the owner of the gray Mitsubishi Mirage there was an accident pertaining your car please come outside to discuss the issue dad damnit what happened me you want me to come along and help out with anything dad no no don't worry just finish eating and pay I'll come back if this gets solved quickly if it doesn't just come outside and look for me / that meets up with the security guard at the front desk and goes to the parking within / / I finish eating and while I wait for the check I pull out my Sveta with dr. v3 killing harmony in it and opened the safe file disclaimer okay there have been no spoilers so far but now there will be last chance to leave before I ruin the game for you you've been warned / I'm finishing the first trial beginning the closing argument against Kira Komatsu the ultimate pianist who accidentally murdered the student-run Tarot anime by confusing him for the mastermind and dropping a shot put ball on his head in walks the m and her child in good evening boy I wanted to ask you something me euhh sure what's up m is that my son saw you playing that video games and he wanted to ask if you'd be willing to let him borrow it now at this point I already knew to give her a flat no but her child made me want to say no even more the kid no older than 10 was wearing one of those crappy born to play fortnight t-shirts mium sorry but no I don't think your kids mature enough to play this game and what are you talking about those kinds of games are for small children and it's obvious that you're too old for those games / points at monokuma on screen the main antagonist talking about the case that sweaty dawned on me she thought this was a kids game because of monokuma monokuma is the main antagonist and for those who don't know he's a mechanical teddy bear white on his right half black with an evil grin on his left knee I already told you no he's not ready M fine if he's not ready then that means someone like you also needs adult supervision you don't look 18 so you must still be a minor at this point I was dumbfounded at just how she was behaving mostly cause I was 16 at the time I looked at my gang and realized what monokuma had just said manic humor on mice viscera it's punishment time I felt a bit cruel but I wanted to make her pay for not getting the damn message that her child was still too young but I didn't expect what was coming massive spoilers below I played all the games up until now I've seen some of the worst executions to date Pico Pacoima The Ultimates wards woman ripped apart by a horde of robotics and awry liyan cuota the ultimate baseball player be hit by a 1000 baseball's chachi Nana me the ultimate gamer be crushed by John Tetris blocks that later explode Celestia Luton Berg the ultimate gambler be burned to the stake and then be subsequently run over by a fire truck I knew knowing this game's reputation that this execution would be brutal so I took this as a chance to give them both a piece of my mind me fine you can watch a cutscene is coming up but don't say I didn't warn you and the execution began the waiter brought the bill right as the execution began so I propped up the spitter against a salt shaker so I could watch while I paid and the execution ended up being more brutal than I thought it should be final damn disclaimer you've made it this far and there are some big spoilers but the executions are a big part of the game so the next spoiler is even bigger last chance to back off and for those squeamish you might want to leave also the look on the m's face at first was cocky thinking it had be nothing as the execution went on it went from cocky too freaked out to horrified the first execution is the execution of Kedah Komatsu who was hung from her neck using a choker not a noose like one of those accessory chokers women like to wear subsequently she'd be dropped and raised to use her body to play a giant piano while mana coomer's distinct distorted and energetic music played in the back and we'd get close-ups of her face as she struggled to breathe meanwhile her son was confused but scared by his mother's responses here she was freaked out but at the end she was horrified at the end we get a close-up of kids body still held from the neck as the bed of spikes on the lid of the piano that was behind her closes on her destroying her body and making a bloody mess while one of Monarch humors children Manaka is thrown into the door by his brother man Adam and blown to bits the execution ends with Menaka decapitated head covered in blood rolling up to the surviving students looking at the giant blood-soaked piano here she was horrified the waiter didn't think anything of it as I paid and I was actually impressed I didn't think the executions could get more outlandish and cruel but here they did but the coming part is what made me want to post this and what the actual F did you just show my son me I showed him what you wanted me to show him in security help this psychopath is trying to do harm to my child at this point I wasn't scared or worried of her I didn't really care I was scared of what the God would think or do SG hatch to arrives SG what's happening M / now in tears this psychotic child is trying to do harm to my child he just showed my son a lynching video where a young woman was hung SG wot / we both look down at the child screaming and crying / SG okay you guys are coming with me We Need to Talk but you hands behind your back you're under arrest for suspicion of hate crimes / he puts handcuffs on me and calls a squad car I was in shock I had just been arrested and was looking at possible time in jail over a refined video game scene a simple fi game scene once the car arrives the lady and child for their own safety go with the SG in his car and on the way there I see my dad dad son what did you do me nothing I didn't do anything just get in and I'll explain once we are there once we are at the police HQ I explained to my father what happened and we overhear the mother telling some freaky tale about how all she wanted was to recover her son stolen PSV ITA and video game and then came up with some bullcrap tale about how i put in a special cartridge with the horrific scene showing the lynching of a woman and that it was for indoctrination then came my interrogation officer so they tell me you stole a Nintendo and inserted as she calls it a special game card that put on the screen an indoctrination video where it shows a young woman being hung me know almost everything she told you was pure bullcrap officer really well KITT I don't want to arrest anybody who's innocent the people in this damned country already don't have respect for the police as it is tell me then what is the truth I tell him the whole ordeal and he looks at me with a face that says that sounds more believable he takes the handcuffs off of me and tells me to wait outside because the others were looking over the console and the camera footage we just wait there for two hours while the police do their work it was already 11:00 p.m. and the kid was cranky child Malone I want to go home mi no baby but don't cry when we leave you'll have a new console that play your games on around 12 o'clock the cops come back they ask for the child and they're calling you baby come on officer sorry ma'am you'll have to stay out here we don't want any external influences during this investigation and what are you talking about the kid is sleepy he needs his mother /m starts trying to push the officer officer sorry but no wait outside / she continues / ma'am stop / she continues / ma'am / she gives one big push that knocks him to the floor officers grabbed her by the arms and the fallen officer gets back up / officer ok ma'am I'm gonna let it slide but Mother of God if you do it again I will arrest you for Rattata / they release it / after about an hour the kid comes out with a lollipop and the police officer behind him has a pair of handcuffs in the console / the kid goes back to his mother officer thank you for your cooperation ma'am thanks to your son's honesty we will be able to arrest and remove a criminal from the street M thank God and all of you and thanks for everything / smiles and looks at me with a cocky grin the glare office a year but one last thing mr do I want to press charges I obviously do officer no that's no it is that hands behind your back you're under arrest for abuse of police resources attempts at petty robbery and child abuse slash pulls out handcuff slash the switch on her face was absolutely a fine priceless how she went from all cocky and pretty filled to absolutely astonished and blown away if only I could have taken a picture I'd have it as my background my what I want officer you heard me you tried stealing the kids console and forced your child to watch a violent scene from a video game next time at least know what you're trying to steal the M argued and screamed and fought and started trying to throw the single divorce mother card to save her own sorry ass but the cops wouldn't buy it when they asked me if I wanted to press charges I chose not to she already has the state and Child Protective Services on her but for what she did I'm not going to jump on that bandwagon my console was returned to me with the game and the officer warned me to not play that game in public spaces anymore I don't even bring portable consoles to public spaces because of that from what they told me the child would be sent with his divorced father in Guaynabo and the mother would have no custody anymore I wish I knew what happened to the M but because of what she did I wouldn't be shocked if they told me that she got jail time thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video a like and a comment would mean a lot in YouTube's world share with us if you would have done things differently and don't forget to support the original authors with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 26,539
Rating: 4.8521128 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, ProRevenge, ask reddit, ToadFilms, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask me anything
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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