r/entitledparents - Karen wants my Pokemon

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[Music] got a Halloween one for you featuring my misadventures playing Pokemon go cast me meat popsicle our antagonist Matilda because Karen is overused and she seemed like an odd duck officer self-explanatory tis the Popo two of them so I'm a coffee addict I know shocker and as a coffee addict is like to do this morning I went for a stroll down to the golden arches for a cup of joe and because walking and doing nothing is boring I decided to play some pockemon go while I walk to get that sweet cup of magical bean juice the walk there was fairly uneventful a couple people just milling about doing their own thing get to Mick Dick's and get my sweet ambrosia and step outside proceeded to whip out my phone and take the long way home to hit a couple stops and enjoy my coffee I'm walking up to my first and what would turn out to be my last stop and spy our would-be antagonist in the SEM and she decided was a cute pet at the stop sitting at the heater that was in the gazebo built at the stop I'm a few feet away and it happens cue pokemon battle music a wild shinyness drevis appears to be fair I had a lucky egg going I load that sucker up with a very enthroned great ball at it I catch it and in my drowsy excitement I should an exuberant Fe air this draws the ire of our antagonist Matilda hey don't swear there are children around reasonable reaction I guess I accept time and the wrong there I did know crotch goblin was near yet I still swore my bad kid was like six so meh I'll just head out me oh sorry miss I got a little too excited won't happen again I'm just passing by so I'll be out of your hair soon Matilda but what on earth would make you swear around a child me I'm playing Pokemon on my coffee run and just caught a shinny ghost I've been hunting I got a little too excited about it and got carried away my brain is still at the bottom of my cup Matilda well you own my son something for what you did give him that Pokemon now I'm going to assume a munch of you now how that game works with trading but for non nerds here's a tldr I can't give her spawn a rare pockemon without us playing together for way too long for a 28 year old man to be chillin with a 6 year old me yeah that's not going to happen Matilda resisting the urge to ask for my manager excuse me me not going to happen I'm not giving your son anything not just that I can't Matilda what do you mean you're not giving my son anything me exactly what I said him she finally mega evolves to a full-blown karin Matilda you will give my son that Fi in Pokemon now you piece of crap or I will call the police and charge you with Erasmus me pointing at the camera in the park that watches the bum sleep in the gazebo go ahead in true entitled fashion she actually calls the police on me I haven't even gotten within 5 meters of this woman and I know the camera has seen it all including my happy dance at catching that little crap spoiler I can't dance the RCMP show up and of course Matilda instantly flies off the handle and starts spewing the trail at them about how I am basically Hitler seriously she made me out to be a wandering pedo and serial rapist in the same breath I'm just leaning against a fence looking bored and annoyed throwing balls at passing ghastly sipping my coffee Karma's can be despite my annoyance only because of the coffee the officer approached me and asked me what happened me I was on my morning coffee run and played some paw command go on the way there I caught something I've been hunting for a while and got excited and swore within earshot of her and her son I held up my phone displaying my new trophy officer did you ever approach that woman saying you tried to touch her son me I haven't even been within a few meters of her check the camera I've been here listening to her screaming at me because I accidentally said F near a child and would do as she demands and give her child or rare Pokemon by way of apology Matilda here's the word camera and goes white evidently she missed me pointing right at it she tried backpedaling really fast while the other officer is off checking the footage in his cruiser he returns with his cuffs out not for me though for her they asked me if I wish to press charges I told them yes she was booked for filing a false police report lying to an officer and I'm not sure what else I'll find out later I'll update when I get more information [Music] TL DR at bottom mobile warning ahead so anyways this happened about one week ago and I'm still mad cast AB entitled parent Eck entitled kid seven or eight me I wonder who sixteen F friend 16 FM friend's mom so I was over at my eighth back slash back quote s house I have brought my sparks over as he doesn't own one we started playing minecraft on his TV upstairs we had probably been playing for around half an hour when X starts pounding on the door m & FM had been talking downstairs for about ten minutes I get up to go see who is slamming on the door and ekiz standing there about to slam on it more conversation me what do you want Eck in boo and Lord me so egg let me play with you guys me no friend no egg why me because me and friend are playing at the moment egg fine not even 10 seconds later M why the eff can't my 8 clay with you me because me and friend are playing em well then if you won't let him play with you then he will play alone me okay good backslash M starts walking over to this barks backslash me what are you doing M taking my ex Bo X with us were leaving me that's mice bucks though M no it's mine me okay I mean if you want to pay the 250 dollar sign s it worth go ahead take it M you're lying it's not worth three hundred and fifty dollar sign s it can't be worth more than $25 sign s earth should I go get my mom or me yay FMF come back up backslash FM and what are you doing m taking my ex vo exhale FM that's not yours barks M yes it is FM put it back or I'll call the police M you old and back slash back quote T there FM grabs firm and pretends to call the cops back slash M X let's go were leaving backslash m and a car gone in five minutes without this box backslash me thanks FM FM no issue I don't think I will be talking with her anymore this is the first time something this major has happened at our school I wasn't there but a class discussion led me to believe that this is what happened background to kids in grade six had a massive rivalry their families were getting fed up with one another and decided to take matters into their own hands both kids are very entitled and are very snotty with each other so they arrived yesterday after school and here's what supposedly happened the two mothers began using foul language against each other it escalated into a physical fight between them and then the father stepped in and eventually aunts uncles and grandparents they were all physically fighting and screaming at each other in the front office a few kids gathered around them and then it turned into a massive crowd now here's where crap hit the fan one of the dads had a gun he pulled it out on the opposite family and everybody began running in all directions some kids hidden nearby classes others who were on their way to the front office ran back from where they came from and the rest ran off school premises police were called and both families were apprehended those involved are receiving counseling mostly the younger children there are still some rumors going around about it one mother was pregnant they shot the ground staff all this bullcrap but anyway I'm not sure if this really belongs here or not let me know and redirect me to somewhere where I'm able to post it thank you at the beginning of his senior year in high school my youngest son brought home a stray kid he quietly took me aside and asked if this boy could stay at our house he said that the poor kid was scared of his parents and needed somewhere to stay while he tried to graduate from high school this was a bit different than bringing home a stray kitten I of course started asking questions the first of which was what was the kid's name I recognized the last name though and was hoping in the depths of my soul that his mother wasn't who I thought it was because this gal was bonkers a vicious pounding on the front door just a few minutes later confirmed my fears there was a bonkers lady on my porch with her were two cops she immediately started screeching that I had kidnapped her son to this day I have been unable to find out how she knew her poor son was at my house the boys hadn't told anyone they were coming here for fear of this happening and this was way before cellphones were common I stepped outside and stood with my arms crossed waiting for her to stop screaming while waiting I looked over the two cops that were with her I could see white away that one of them was going to be a problem because of the way he was frowning the other one just looked embarrassed then she stopped screaming to take a breath and I started talking how old is your son I asked she looked at me and screamed that it was none of my business I told her that it was my business as well as the police's business because no one could move forward until this information was brought forth the cop had looked like he would be a problem started frowning harder at me I asked him if I was right and he said that and I kid you not got his above a worldly laws hoo boy this was gonna suck you see this woman was freaky crazy about the Pentecostal church you know the kind where dancing around with snakes and falling to the floor while jabbering is not only expected but encouraged I now had two such folks on my porch in the form of a cop and an M this was gonna be one ridiculous hassle I really hated hassles especially stupid ones I stuck my head in the door of my house and ask the kid how old he was when he told me he was 17 his mother once again started screaming he is lying he is only 16 and I demand that he come out of there now I guess you can life your holy she lunged for the door that I was a bit faster and locked it before I pulled it shut she shoved me out of the way and began to frantically shriek and pound on the door I began to wonder if she was gonna break my talk not because of the way she was attacking it this was when the embarrassed cop ordered her to stop this crazy woman would have charged into my house if I hadn't locked the door the frowning cop told me to get the kid I told him that 17 was a legal age in this state for situations like this and he didn't have to come out for anyone I knew this because I had grown up in an abusive home and I had left at 17 there was no way I was going to hand over a kid to someone acting like this if I didn't have to the woman started screaming again but this time she was screaming something about her having it on good authority that my husband was a pot dealer this was funny because in all the years I had been with my hubby he had never even tried part he thinks smoking anything is stupid I have no clue where this came from in fact I was more likely to have pot than my hobby but I knew a warrant would be needed for this kind of crap and the frowning cop didn't react to this just kept on frowning he knew I was right I stood and listened to the screeching and now there were tears mixed in for a few more seconds I wanted to see if she would calm down and behave normally when she didn't I told him to leave and I went inside I had to go around to the back door because I didn't have my keys on me she continued to freak out with huge brain sobs but the cops made her leave with them the poor kid was barely keeping back tears and was super embarrassed he told me how she would make him pray out loud for hours how she refused to let anyone but church kids be his friends how she would come into his room and tear it all up looking for drugs and every night she would say grace for so long the food got cold he said she would go into fits of rage if she found anything she deemed of the devil his possession and this was pretty much everything he said he hated her Church and hated the weirdos there in just plain couldn't take it anymore when I asked if his father condoned this he told me his dad never ever said anything out loud unless it was in the form of prayer we took the kid in my oldest son had moved out for college a few months before so I had a spare bedroom already set up for a teenager easy-peasy then came the weekend this crazy em and about 10 folks from her church including the frowning cop but not in uniform this time came to my house and loudly paraded it they were careful to stay in the street but it was still so dorky that it was almost comical it was then that I had a great idea I got a bag of chips and a bottle of soda set up a lawn chair in my driveway and sat and watched them pray at me I watched them in the same way one would watch a movie I would look at each of them man would look me in the eye because I was evil while they took turns praying loudly at my house I just sat there munching chips and drinking my soda this must have disturbed them because they only kept it up for about 45 minutes then they all piled into a van after telling me they would pray for me I never said a word but I did salute them when they were leaving they did this every weekend for months they must have hated the cold though because if it was too cold or snowing they didn't show up I would set up my lawn chair every time sometimes I would up the game and have a beer instead of a soda this made them pray louder law if I were to write down everything they did while that boy was staying at our house it would turn into a novel this em tried everything she could to get me into trouble but I managed to steer clear this kid stayed with us for over a year and a half while he worked and saved up money he made friends went on dates and really opened up he became a normal teenager despite his goofy mom and her weird Church he would hang out with my son and hubby and he became a happy kid he then applied for and got a job teaching English in Japan and I was really sad to see him go he was a really good boy and we enjoyed how bring him with us four days after the kid left for Japan his crazy em came over to tell me that God had listened to her prayers and now her baby was out of our den of depravity I only shrugged when she told me this whatever lets you sleep at night em whatever lets you sleep thank you for watching slap that like button and comment your opinion on these stories below I'm waiting write that comment seriously have you written it yet if you don't comment you make a bunny cry somewhere you're not that kind of person I know anyways peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 22,386
Rating: 4.918736 out of 5
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Id: 7Vlol8FSBXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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