r/NuclearRevenge - Entitled Lady's Porsche loses tire

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okay so this story took place back when I was in Florida in the early 90s it does involve an act of vandalism that is connected to revenge hopefully it won't be removed and hopefully it will count as nuclear revenge anyway South Florida was devastated by Hurricane Andrew and my dad as part of a local charity was set up day after day at the local market seeking donations from shoppers to give to food banks you have to understand this storm left many people homeless and without power in some cases for six plus months in Florida heat and humidity my father was legally disabled from a serious car accident he was hit by a drunk driver in the early 80s and suffered from relentless hip and back problems it never killed his heart or kindness to others hence the charity work one day he was about to pull into the disabled space at the local market to go buy a few items to donate to the Huracan charity right before he is about to pull in this lady pulls into the space in this shiny red Porsche my dad parks behind her and says excuse me mom I was about tipple in there and also points to his disabled placard in the window she says to him pfft you don't lock disabled and proceeded to walk into the store for anyone who has a relative who uses a disabled space you know the frustration of this situation and the anger one feels my dad seemingly unfazed waits until she goes into the store and then gets out and snips the valve stems on all four tires flattening but not destroying all of them he then pulls into another space not far away and just waits about 15 minutes later the lady comes out and is shrieking about her car being vandalized my dad is far enough away so she can't see him but he can hear everything she calls the police big mistake she files a report for vandalism and the police give her a ticket for being parked in a disabled space with no placard about two hundred and fifty dollars at the time the cops leaves and she calls a tow truck as the car is being loaded onto the truck my dad pulls up and says to her you don't lock disables but your car sure is and then drives off my dad could be a nice guy and pure savage when he needed to be this story isin't long but requires a tad bit of setup when I was little I lived out in the middle of nowhere and was often over at my mom's friend's house where her kids Babis at me when I was about four to ten the kids were boy five years older than me and go three years older they were always mean to me and gaslighted me all the time okay on to the story this happened when I was about eight to nine because we were in the middle of nowhere we had the entire woods as our playground one time they decided to go on a long walk in the woods and took me with after wet been walking a while they decided it would be funny to push me down and run back to the house without me it took me a bit to find my way back because a potato has a better sense of direction than me but I wasn't gone long enough to warrant any worry from the adults idk why but that was the point I decided I was tired of being their plaything their Bandhan me in the woods that was a mistake you know what the woods has a lot of poison ivy here's something I may have neglected to mention in the setup I'm 100 percent immune to poison ivy to me it's just a regular old plant nine year old me knew this I also knew that they weren't blessed with this for those who don't know poison ivy also grows as a vine that clings to trees and can grow quite thick about 1/4 inch I used a stick to pry decent-sized vine from a tree they cling very well when I got back to the house I set my wmd aside and told them I found something cool and to come outside I heard them just far enough away from the house and set my plan into motion I started wailing them with it until they ran away they didn't realize it was poison ivy until the rash set in my screamed of their parents about what I did but their parents didn't believe them I didn't have any rash on my hands so obviously they were lying they got a huge rash and got grounded I got revenge and I scream [Music] hey so I'm a freelance web developer had a guy contact me saying there was a small project he needed help with stating it should take minutes and wanted to pay $50.00 fair enough he also states that he needs it done by the end of the day since he's apparently in a tight spot with his employer so he needs it done fast also fair enough I'm not going to turn it down just because it's a tight deadline I get in and find out his previous developer was very sloppy and the code was damn near impossible to read his site is in Squarespace and a lot of second-rate developers work there which is fair because it's pretty easy I tell the client this code is horrible and I need to reform it then it turns out the new links that he wanted in there completely broke everything I told him that it would likely take about six hours to get all of this sorted out and he said that was fine and would compensate me accordingly by my hourly rate of $80 /hr so I finish everything up tell him the total of six hundred and forty dollars and he agrees says he can pay me the next day this I'll pay you the next day bs goes on for about two weeks and I try to call him again on the most recent day that he said he'd pay me turns out he's now blocked my number a couple days go by of trying to contact him while still getting nothing I went to log into the site to cut my losses and delete my work turns out he's changed the password at this point it's clear to me this was planned so I'm pissed I am l him stating that if I don't hear anything within 48 hours I'll be serving him court papers and demand of payment to his address that I had to find through an ancestry site and subsequently call his apartment complex to confirm before I serve some course up with random court papers he doesn't a mail for 24 hours and this morning I find out that I'm still logged into his side through the Squarespace app clearly this is a huge vulnerability in Squarespace since had changed his password and I was still in on the app I'll likely report this to them this is when my revenge comes into play I created a new email that was H is a DDR ESS PR OT o n ma IL point comm mailto' h is a DD re SS @ PR OT o n ma IL point comm which i then used to sign up for a new Squarespace account with invite myself a contributor so I can access on desktop as well and set his life site as password-protected he sees this and is repeatedly emailing and texting me saying he can pay me 250 dollars but 750 dollars now with late fees is just insane and way to March now apparently he can pay me on Monday which I've heard plenty of already this pissed me off even more so I stated I would continue adding late fees until he pays up and that his site will continue to be mine now his site is indeed live again but every page autoplays shitty SoundCloud ratters and all the links he had me place now take the user to cool math games I considered pornhub but perhaps that's a bit much I've never done this to other clients but this dude is a 43 year old piece of garbage I should also state that I pride myself in my work and generally run on a very professional level however I won't accept no payment and being dict around for weeks so many years ago while still a teen I moved out of my parents place to live across the street from my junior college there were many students in the building so I rented a room in a large basement three bedroom unit that was reserved for students at the school I didn't really know anyone in the building as it was on the other side of the city from where I grew up at the time there was one other roommate already living in the unit who well call seemed to be kind seen was a short fat pups older than myself by a few years he was in some kind of simplified remedial programmers had failed a couple of school years mentioned how this was his last chance to make something of himself in his parents eyes kinda dim not too much going on in his life but harmless or so I thought anyways I was hoping to start things off on the right foot with him as he was to be my roommate so I wanted to be friends as I was moving in my staff he mentioned how he had no for a moving van so I offered to do a trip with my rented van to his parents if he needed any help moving some stuff of his he happily accepted so we drive to his parents where I meet his mother discover that heads from a somewhat affluent family somewhat surprising considering has two Broke to hire a van but whatever couple days later I meet his nice girlfriend who lived up the hill from our apartment translation she was extremely affluent this girlfriend would dote on him visiting him a lot at our place to the point where she would regularly hand-deliver him delicious meals that had been prepared at her house this will be important later anyways it slowly becomes apparent that this unassuming guy has a dishonest streak while moving my stuffing it mentioned that I had a spare waterbed he immediately offered to buy it so I moved it in myself set it up with the agreement head pay me a friend price around $200 for a $700 bed week's pass and he keeps giving me excuses about not paying whenever the subject comes up he then started to randomly shift the narrative to a story about how his wealthy parents can pay for us to get a great condo in a new development just up the street I remember wondering why his parents would make such an offer despite the fact we just moved into our current apt the story didn't make sense nevertheless he constantly tried to set up some visit with me get me involved I wasn't really interested in moving again at that point so I never really pursued it I learned later that this was not only a lie but a typical ploy of his anyways as I had just moved out of my old neighborhood I hadn't opened up a new bank account this was before Internet Banking in this new part of town so I was keeping my money couple hundred hidden in my room until I set up an account nearby I was only loosely keeping track of this money and barely noticed how my money was going a little quickly until one day I go to get my last $40 and it's gone unfortunately by this point a third roommate had moved into a flat a cool hippie dude from Meritage so although I was convinced it was scene that had robbed me I wasn't 100% sure to resolve things as amicably as possible I decided to give him a chance to come clean so one night I asked him point-blank fairly casually if had taken my money as it noticed a small amount was missing he'll never forget his reaction he immediately stiffened his eyes glazed over and he blurted out I didn't take anything it wasn't me and just stared at me I was shocked he didn't just look guilty his reaction had such a rehearsed quality I could tell had been accused of similar things many times before I tried my best to be calm smile and act as if I believed him but inside I was livid I cold and stopped thinking about how this guy was trying to play me like a fool I realized that although I knew it was him i couldent do anything about it as I had no proof by this point I felt sick to be living in the same space as this guy I realized to get out of this situation and to deal with this jerk appropriately I would have to lay a trap to make sure he didn't suspect anything the next day I was all smiles plain dumb I exclaimed loudly how I hope I don't lose my money again I just got paid and leave the apartment before hour left I made sure to leave my video camera filming my room this was so long ago it was a huge-ass VHS tape camera that I had to hide on my bed under pillows [ __ ] but it still worked like a charm I came back replayed the tape and sixteen minutes in I see that [ __ ] going through my shirt I tell you I went cold as ice seeing seen casually rifle through my things my suspicions confirmed I had to cool off with my friends across town over some beers when I finally told them all what was happening they started pulling out bats hockey sticks and suggesting we go pay scene a visit as tempting as this was I was now in college and didn't want to resort to messy violence so instead I plotted my revenge the first thing I did was to make sure Michael a hippie third roommate was in the loop not having had a lot of time to get to know him I asked him his thoughts on retribution if he agreed with an eye-for-an-eye confident we were on the same page I showed him the video he freaks out over having a thief for a roommate but I reassure him to just be cool cuz some things are going to happen to seem real soon then I went to stay at my parents house and waited until that Thursday you see seemed like to talk a lot turns out his rich parents had actually kicked him out of the house the fact had actually found an apartment gone back to school was a big success for him on Thursday had me out of the apartment as his parents were having a big congratulatory dinner for him at their place so I waited until I knew the dinner was under way then called his house to speak to his mother crazy thing is both Kade his sister pick up the phone at the same time so while his sister goes to get his mom on the line as asking me loudly why are you calling my mother repeatedly his mother gets on and while seemed screaming at his mother to hang up I calmly state him sorry to disturb you but I have reason to believe your son has stolen from me suddenly there's dead silence after almost a minute she replies take it up with scene and just hangs up WTF I don't know what reaction I expected but it wasn't bad anyways now we've just seen on the line I tell him the jig is up I have him on tape and i wad my money back his replies you have nothing on me [ __ ] you at this point I realize has right had really only filmed him lifeline through my staff if I went to the police the charges Walden stick and he there was a good chance he knew it so by this point had tried very hard to be reasonable about things but as it was his rich parents cold would care less I had no real proof to go to the police with and worst of all I still had a year-long lease to live with him so [ __ ] that [ __ ] I told him had better find another place to live and hung up the phone as it was time to go nuclear on his ass remember how I said the putz talked too much turns out had bragged about how had faked his credentials for the apps landlord had never checked so first step was to drive with my folks to the landlord's office and tell them to evict him for theft immediately when they start telling crap like well have to take some time to review this matter I immediately threatened a lawsuit over Hathi libel as I can prove they never did the prescribed background check my landlord goes pale instantly promises everything I ask I then take this moment to go downstairs for a minute a statement witnessed by multiple people I then go to Singh's room and take thousands of dollars of his expensive [ __ ] stereo TV hockey jerseys cologne et Cie and put it all outside on our enclosed / hidden fire escape I then go straight back upstairs hallow alibi and leave with my folks first chance I get I call my friends with the bats hey guys who wants a new wardrobe entertainment system I give them the instructions on how to find all of scene stuff hidden in the unused back alley and chill with parents for the next three to four days upon my return to apt I'm greeted with all by a highly entertained her pyramid who gave me the play-by-play of what went down in my absence apparently seen returns from his dinner to an empty room devoid of any of his possessions causing him to rampage through the apps curse my name when hippy innocently asks what's wrong scene he tells him that I stole all his stuff but that his dad would get it back for him as if law the next morning his alarm clock was the landlord walking into his room showing it to a potential tenant while informing him that he was evicted immediately he would later be dumped by his rich girlfriend who was buying his groceries you haven't changed seen again with the lying cheating and disowned very publicly by his well-to-do dad indeed his dad had come to the apartment only to tell scene he was worthless and that despite his crying begging he could not live back at the house desperate scene followed his dad outside jumped on the hood of the car pleading to go home the dad had to drive to a nearby police station to have him removed last thing I heard he was broke dropped out of school dumped by GF and counting in a friend's backyard in a tent in Canada in November [Music] if you enjoyed the stories slap the like and subscribe button for more of them and don't forget to support the original writers with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
Channel: PerStories
Views: 117,346
Rating: 4.8984127 out of 5
Keywords: funny, reddit, NuclearRevenge, Entitled, Lady, Porsche, tire
Id: HU28HBkZvlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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