r/EntitledPeople - Woman Wants Me to Give Up MY NEW HOUSE to Her SON!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash entitled people where you'll hear stories about people who believe that the world truly revolves around them guys before we get into the stories today i gotta show you this video of two karens taking something that does not belong to them and lying and getting defensive about it is that yours oh you need some help yeah this is our stuff this is yours yes no it is this is all ours uh all of it the chairs the bags this is all our stuff my kids yep that's my kids i'm sorry it's okay we'll let it slide but i'm glad i made it in time no step away from my how about that you know what i will and then i'm gonna take that camera and put it in the grass so you don't like that step back stop it oh my goodness guys i love how he asked if it belonged to them and they totally said no i mean i mean yes and then they got defensive about it about stealing somebody else's things and getting caught oh my goodness gracious guys with that video to warm you guys up we'll dive into three super entitled stories today so sit back relax and get ready to shake your heads at these entitled people oh and do hit that subscribe button and you'll win a free trip to karen's house where she's got some great cookies my friends let's dive in so brief backstory back in march i a 25 year old female and my partner a 27 year old male bought a house it's a big deal for us so we're glad we managed to pull this off especially right before the pandemic got bad it's a livable fixer-upper and the lady that lived here bought it in 67 and was the only owner before us it keeps us busy and that's worked out really well being home so often now to the event with the entitled mother so in may my big project was pulling out some nasty bushes that had taken over a huge chunk of the frontside yard it was hot i was sweaty i'm digging out the roots and throwing the branches as i'm right up front and making a pretty drastic change to the yard people notice most neighbors stop by say a quick hello from the car and drive away but not the entitled mother the entitled mother pulls up in a shiny black suburban from the opposite side of the road she parks the wrong way and rolls down her window i'd say she's in her 50s to 60s gray white bob-cut hair i stand up and pause my music the following conversation is not exact but it's pretty close as this conversation was just so entitled she said hey did did you just buy this house i said yep just moved in last month she asked me if i knew the family and i replied uh that sold it not really we just got lucky they chose us i guess i was trying to be nice but kind of off put that she asked us none of the typical neighbor questions she then said yeah my son really wanted this house he grew up in this neighborhood you know i replied oh darn yeah houses move really fast right now she then continued on and said he spent his whole life in this area he really deserved to stay in this neighborhood you know i told her yeah that's too bad i'm having major what the f feelings right now she then asked how much i offered for the house and i wasn't about to tell her the details and i said i offered over asking price we were proactive well my son really wanted that house i start to feel quite awkward with this whole situation and just looking to shoe this lady away saying well i'm sure more houses will go up for sale around here well that doesn't help him now does it he had his heart set on that house i just shrug and decide to resume my route cutting to try to give her a message and she said you're probably flipping it he would have loved it uh no we're not we're staying long term she told me yeah right and she doesn't leave i'm wondering if i should go inside or something she just keeps looking at me expecting me to say something i keep cutting at a root and she says so is it just you or did your family help you get it and would you sell it i'm getting pretty short in tone and said my partner and i bought it together no well my grandkids would have loved the yard and a yard makes a house a home you know i didn't look up at her and said my dogs will love it especially when i'm done the entitled mother huffed and said seriously my son wants to live here i just scoff pull my root out throw it on the pile and i feel her eyes watching me me really ready to be done said well have a good day then with one last glare and an uh she speeds off leaving a quite annoyed and bewildered me in my dirty glory mulling over what the heck just happened did this freaking lady just try to guilt-trip me because we bought a house that her son wanted indeed apparently definitely the most unwelcoming interaction i've had since we've moved in and i've not seen her since i kind of have a feeling where this is a situation where the sun actually lost the bidding war fairly and thought nothing of it while the mom decided to take matters into her own hands because she wanted it for him i'm so surprised that she didn't say oh but what will my son live in now because you know entitled people tend to do that to get what they want so i've just started university in swansea wales in the uk i live and grew up in london england and we don't get many cairns in the uk especially in london because people just don't have time for that that being said i would have expected for it to be more likely to have this interaction in london as opposed to swansea when i came here i assumed that being a predominantly white area i would encounter some racism being of south african descent with round skin but i was pleasantly surprised to find that everyone is really nice and helpful and much more welcoming than london anyway i'm at the big tesco in town and i'm buying some food and with that i'm buying a load of alcohol for the flat i'm talking two bottles of bailey's a large bottle of vodka and white rum an 18 pack of corona jagermeister as well as coke red bull and soda water it's not enough to fill a bar but it's still a fair bit for one person to buy as i'm paying at the checkout i have my driver's license and id ready to show the cashier i'm 19 yet i still have a pretty babyish face and i'm pretty small so i always expect to get id'd but for some reason the guy doesn't ask to see my id and i pay and start loading my shopping back in my trolley as i'm doing so the woman behind me with her teenager maybe 15 to 17 year old starts speaking to the cashier karen alert she starts whining and scolding him asking why he didn't check my id the young cashier also seemed to realize that this wasn't going to be a fun interaction and responds by saying that i've shopped here before and that he knows i'm of age i don't know if he was playing along or not though because i don't recall seeing him before the woman continues to berate him telling him that he sets a bad example for her kid because it shows him that he can get away with buying drinks under age and using fake ids at this point i'm done loading my shopping and decide to not engage and leave she instantly forgets the cashier and she blocks my way asking me to show my id and my bank card i politely tell her she has no right to and then she loses it she doesn't scream or raise her voice significantly but her tone becomes incredibly aggressive and she starts pointing her finger at me and accusing me of buying alcohol while under age i tell her that i am of age and i have every right to purchase what i just did and if she has an issue she can go find the manager because she a fellow customer in the store has no jurisdiction over me the cashier himself decides to call for a manager and apologizes to me i notice the kid now and he gives me a stern look but i'm pretty sure it was just to side with his mom and that he was also uncomfortable about the whole ordeal the manager comes over and asks the cashier what's wrong and lo and behold the karen interrupts the lad and starts berating the manager the manager listens a little stops her for a second and then turns to me and asks for my id i give it to him and he checks it he's happy but as soon as he goes to hand it back the woman snaps at him with an expectant look on her face and she says sorry but i'd like to check it myself not even a please he gives it back to me anyway which triggers a visible storm of anger within her and she proceeds to block his way and start scolding him about poor customer service illegal business activity etc the cashier tells me to leave and i do so because it's 9 pm and i really can't be bothered to deal with this i hope that woman was kicked out or something and if so i'm sad i didn't witness it but dear god i feel so sorry for that poor kid oh my goodness what the heck is wrong with some people feeling the need to police things i can't believe she asked the manager to see op's personal id card to see if the cashier and the manager were telling the truth about opi's age did karen really try to out manager the manager though i'm just baffled i'm speechless so a woman comes up to the registers with a massive beautiful area rug that we just got in it's been priced at about a hundred dollars which is high for our usual thrift store prices but still below retail she doesn't have the i want to speak to your manager haircut that i can tell mostly because it's tied up in a bun the first words out of her mouth to my coworker was excuse me is there any wiggle room on this rug i told her no i'm afraid not and she responds well the price is just too high considering there's some damage to it i told her the department head would have researched the value and made the adjustments i'm afraid i can't do anything against that she responds well i need a rug to cover some damages my kids did to our carpets and i needed by tuesday for a house showing can i speak to your manager i told her that our store manager has gone home for the day and our store is closed for labor day i'm afraid if you want to talk about the price adjustment you'll have to wait till tuesday morning at 10 am she says no i'm afraid i can't wait that long do you give military discounts i told her unfortunately not just the seniors discount and that's only 10 off 10 isn't nearly low enough i can pay you 50 dollars ma'am we don't haggle well the price is too high can i just buy it now and return it i replied no we don't do refunds you can donate it back but you won't get any money for it she says this is ridiculous and i told her the only option is to leave a message for the store manager and come back at 10 am tuesday to see if she'll lower the price for you the lady starts screaming and says no i need it for tuesday morning that's not nearly enough time she huffs and moves to the side to fiddle with her phone for about 10 minutes before coming back and she says all right i'll pay your ridiculous price but i'll need a pen and paper i'm gonna leave a message for your store manager to get a partial refund on this rug my co-worker starts smirking and says sure thing the woman scribbles down her name a number and a complaining message about how the rug was too expensive and how she wants to get a partial refund on the rug to reduce the cost down to 50 dollars as well as a military discount on top of that price reduction she then pays for the rug and stomps out we posted the message on the store manager's office door along with a note saying that i and my co-worker told her multiple times that we do not haggle or give refunds since i don't work on tuesdays i'm almost sorry i'll have to wait to hear about the incoming category 5 tantrum that will likely ensue update so thursday was my first day back and i asked the store manager what happened events as follows so the store manager came back to work to read the note she proceeds to laugh and shake her head in disbelief at the audacity of this entitled lady before opening her office and starting up the daily stuff she also checks the security feed for the day in question so 10 am on the dots when the store opens the phone rings apparently the entitled lady was not satisfied to simply leave a note and or wait to be called back with an answer nope she's on the phone with her spiel prepped and everything the store manager politely listens to the whole song and dance and amazingly the story remains consistent with no added details or claims that her son's cancer-ridden puppy needs the money back for life-saving miracle cures nope she's literally admitting again that she has used the rug to hide damage to the house that she showed early this morning and just wants her money back or at least some of it the entitled lady winding down her story says so that's why i'm hoping you can work with me on this my store manager says actually no i can't there's a bit of stunned silence and she says i'm sorry what do you mean you can't the store manager replies i can't we can't do refunds at the store but the rug was too expensive store managers hold her and yet you purchased the rug anyway after being told that you would not get any money back the entitled lady whines and says but nobody said that nobody told me i couldn't return it or get a price adjustment ma'am you were told that multiple times the entitled lady goes from zero to 100 instantly and says are you calling me a liar store manager calmly says ma'am we have video and audio of the 20 minute long argument you had with both of my employees they both very clearly informed you multiple times that we don't haggle and we don't refund and there was crickets the store manager continues and says now as i see it you have a choice you either keep the rug or donate it somewhere either way we appreciate the money you've generously donated to all the homeless kitties and puppies at our local animal shelter have a nice day click i was honestly kind of speechless at the epic beauty of this complete shutdown of the entitled lady i don't know if my manager embellished on what she said to this woman but i think i'm gonna pretend it's all true and hold that happy little thought in my heart for the rest of my days imagine a day where karen's learn to successfully haggle something and get the price they want and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people we made it guys if you missed the last episode of our slash entitled people a karen thinks she owns op because he works at a supermarket that she pays a membership for yikes check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 223,751
Rating: 4.9395494 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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