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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents in today's episode he sold us empty land for a summer home and tried to negate it once the land's worth increased after we bought it after that entitled stepmom demands key to my soon-to-be house finally won't retrieve my child i'll run your foot over before we get into today's episode remember to subscribe so you never miss another of our videos he sold us empty land for a summer home and tried to negotiate it once the land's worth increased after we bought it background okay this had been an issue that had been ongoing in the legal system for a couple of years but only a couple months ago it was finally settled warning i don't know exactly how it all worked out since my parents kept me out of the loop so i'll tell this story as good as i can and from what i managed to gather so please if something sounds weird or misplaced well nothing i can do really but apologize english aimed my first language so i'll try to explain it as good as i can with my skills in it cast fossil old man and previous owner of the land peck my dad current co-owner of the land fake name obviously junior dad's friend neighbor and co-owner of the land story before we go any further i just want to explain what i meant above about go owning the land peck and junior bought the land together i don't remember how much it cost them but they each paid half of the money so they both go own the land the land was quite spacious so there was enough area to build two walls to divide the houses and each side creates their own house garden etc etc i hope i'm explaining this well forgot to mention the land was in the intentions to build a summer home in another city so we could go there to spend holidays or the summer when we felt like it and while the beach wasn't necessarily right next it was a very short distance from the land anyway everything was going nice before the purchase fossil was actually nice at first and everything went well beckham jr signed a contract and the land was now ours however everything went downhill fast apparently soon after the purchase the city hall decided to asphalt the main road that connected the street that the land and other neighbor houses were located on as it was previously a sand road because of this the price of the houses and lands increased fossil realized this and realizing that he lost the chance of selling it at a higher price decided to go against the contract and tried to claim the land back and that's when all hell broke loose following that an all-out war started fossil vs beckoned junior fossil began threatening them about taking them to court and how the land was still his and the contract was nullified and blah blah blah problem is peck and junior were still paying they didn't pay all of the money immediately because neither my family or juniors had anywhere near enough cash to pay it out at the spot so we paid in finances like a specific amount per month or something that part was actually blurry to me because my parents never specified how it worked but it was something like that anyways that meant fossil was having our money hostage and thus beckoned junior refused to pay the remainder of the deal deciding that since fossil was trying to get the land back and holding their money hostage they would play the same game according to my mother who was aware of everything but decided to let those two settle it peckham jr at some point went to fossil's house to try and come up with an agreement and junior's family also accompanied them apparently according to my mother of course fossil was incredibly hostile and angry and according to junior had a concealed weapon like a knife or something not a fire weapon and once they realized they weren't going anywhere they decided to leave and once they turned around fossil apparently tried to chase them with a weapon and junior stopped him by grabbing a piece of wood and threatening to kill him if he took one more step towards him his family and peck and fossil realized he was outmatched and backed off but continued to spew threats after that they took it to court but for some reason the entire thing took a couple of years to finally get settled during that time skip i have no idea what was going and beck and junior went to a couple of hearings on the land city but i never went because honestly i had no idea what the process was and didn't actually cared as long as fossil paid for trying to screw us over during this time my maternal uncle became a licensed lawyer and my mother asked for his help and advice and my uncle pretty much said that fossil was digging his own hole anyway on the day of the final conclusive hearing it all ended fossil showed up to court and once the judge asked for their sides of the story fossil pulled out a fake contract yes dear reader you read that right he pulled out a fake freaking contract with his signature on it but not beckoned juniors and claimed that beckon jr never signed anything therefore the land was officially his and demanded that they return it to him however peckin jr pulled a uno reverse card and revealed the actual contract with peck jr and fossil's signature on it and pretty much revealed that fossil was trying to screw them all over also during the two years that this had been going fossil went to our land and built a small cabin for himself yup he believed that he was surely gonna win he built a cabin of the size of a small bathroom and claimed that the cabin had been built before he even sold the land stupid but cameras showed the construction taking place in between the two years that this whole thing was going on so strike one then beckham jr showed off video footage of the incident i mentioned before fossil trying to attack them with the weapon as it was all caught by a camera in one of the light posts in the street strike two and finally fossil actually leafed himself over by continuously claiming contradictory statements i don't know exactly what he was talking as once again i wasn't present but according to my father fossil said one thing and later on reed conned himself before starting the cycle again eventually the judge had heard enough and dropped the hammer fossil had lost the case completely while also stating while fossil wouldn't have to return the money peck and junior already paid peck and junior wouldn't need to pay the remaining money they were required to because of this whole shitstorm also fossil had 30 days to collect whatever items and tools he left behind at the cabin he built otherwise peckin jr could claim it as their own and aside from that fossil had to pay both parties as lawyer fees and should he ever attempt anything and or even try to talk to peckin jr about anything regarding the land he would have immediately be sent to jail and considering his current age he'd most likely die in prison and also also fossil had paid a large ass fine for the evidence of him trying to attack beckon jr with a weapon or go to jail and fossil obviously chose the former i don't know much he paid but i do know it was a lot of money so fossil lost the case made a fool out of himself had to pay both lawyers for the trouble and had to pay an additional amount of money for the fine and we kept land for cheaper than we were supposed to aimed carmel [ __ ] ha fossil entitled stepmom demands key to my soon-to-be house little bit of backstory my stepmother and i never got along from day one especially when she turned into a more and more entitled stepmom as i got into my later teenage years and was the reason i moved out of my father's house to live full-time with mom despite their custody agreement details aren't important but the list is a hefty one the important one for this account is snooping entitled stepmom has to stick her nose in my life room car job health etc to a comical degree she has also done some pretty pointlessly petty things like giving me a false key to her and my dad's house when it got rekeyed for reasons i still don't understand this is also important on to the most recent entitled stepmom moment that happened on 8 11 2020 phone call from entitled stepmom to me entitled stepmom i want a key to your house when it closes me uh no entitled stepmom what no you will give me a key me a key or a fake key you weren't specific entitled stepmom a real key to the house me and why would i do that given your track record entitled stepmom because i'm your parent quit being flippant me laughing entitled stepmom i don't see what's so funny me i'm asking for a key and i will get one me asking entitled stepmom you are demanding a key of your 25 year old stepson who owes you nothing oh yeah dot i'll want my dresser back too as we agreed upon all those years ago entitled stepmom i'm not giving you the dresser back unless you give me a key me so you're going to steal from me because the dresser couldn't make it up the stairs and you are throwing a fit because i won't let you snoop entitled stepmom young man you have a history of making poor choices and it's my job to correct them i couldn't do it while you were in ohio and now that you're back i will get you back on the straight and narrow i should point out that my poor choices involved eating in my room while doing homework watching tv with my girlfriend when i was a teenager and not going to bed by 10 pm she's a nutty conservative christian woman who gets mad at me for anything that isn't in her micron-sized list of appropriate actions for me me you won't be getting a key and because of you dad won't likely get one because you can't be trusted and ended the call not five minutes later my mom and stepdad are rolling on the floor laughing because she had called them demanding that they talk some sense into me and make me give her a key neither my mother nor stepfather can stand my entitled stepmom here's where she truly shines for the entitled stepmom though rather than just being demanding and a snoop it happened the following day on 8 12 20 20. it's important to note i'm high off my tits on painkillers after my back spasms sent me face first into the floor from their strength entitled stepmom hey me have you thought about giving me a key me nah you don't get one entitled stepmom even for your favorite step parent me hysterical laughter i like cat more than i like you entitled stepmom fine you will lose your car i forbid you from driving and i'll expect your keys tonight me ah you won't take the keys to a car you don't own or pay anything on because you won't take no for an answer entitled stepmom i am your parent i hung up after she started yelling she showed up at my mother's house 10 minutes later demanding my keys to my car because she was revoking her permission for me to drive and we had to call our neighbor the off-duty cop to come over and speak to her i wouldn't be surprised if she tried to put a lien on my car more insane things have happened it's so bad that my dad is agreeing that he shouldn't get a key but won't leave her because of her usual entitled behavior this is just the most recent in a long list of this kind of behavior the most won't retrieve my child i'll run your foot over working at a water park exposes you to a lot of crazies a lot of crazies i work at starbucks now and i still got more crazies at the water park tow plenty of crazies at starbuck too on this particular day i was guarding our wave pool our wave pool is one of the biggest in the state and has a mini attached side pool that's about three feet deep and has a little playground so the kids can still experience the waves the wave pool itself goes to seven feet and everyone under 48 is required to wear a life jacket i was specifically guarding the kiddie area and was the only one guarding the kiddie area important there were three guards on the beach entrance to the wave pool three guards on each side of the wave pool and two guards solely watching the deep end one of the number one rules of being a lifeguard is that you never ever leave your area and never ever take your eyes off of your zone i just rotated to my spot by the kiddie pool when entitled dad approaches me in his wheelchair and gets my attention he politely asks if i can retrieve his son from the pool and describes him to me i'm more than happy to do so for him i'm standing by entitled dad searching for this child and he's getting more and more frustrated because i cannot for the life of me find this kid i'm actually mildly starting to freak out because i don't see the kid he's describing anywhere the kiddie area isn't big but there's like 50 kids crawling over the equipment and trying to sneak under the ropes into the big pool so it's mild chaos finally entitled dad points and shouts oh my god he's right thing there so i follow his hand and this little twerp is like a hundred yards into the big wave pool floating happily along in his little ninja turtles life jacket i relax because oh my god a child didn't get caught under equipment and drowned somehow i apologize to the entitled dad and say unfortunately i can't swim out and tell him it's time to go home because i can't leave my area but if you'd like to tell one of the guards on the beach i'm sure they'd be happy entitled dad no no i don't have time for that just go get him me i really can't leave the area sir i need to watch the children and keep my eyes on this zone i move away from him to patrol my area and check the equipment check the water etc while this man is shouting at me from the deck entitled dad this is ridiculous just go get my think kid you're a piece of you know that you're a think [ __ ] you piece of it's not that hard go thing do your job and get my think hit etc around the corner of the playground where he can't see me and whistle for a supervisor because this is above my pay grade at this point by now the other lifeguards and parents and children have noticed and are watching with concern and my dumb ass smiles and giggles when i get uncomfortable so i'm hiding a smile when i walk back around still ignoring entitled dad who's now shouting that i'm not paying attention correct sir you're mortifying yourself i'm not paying attention to you especially as i already solved your problem and you're hurling obscenities at me entitled dad f you what's your thing name i'm going to thing report you to your personnel department and get your ass fired i spot my supervisor running over and move toward him as i pass entitled dad he gets frustrated that i'm not paying attention to him and uses the beach like incline to run his wheelchair over my right foot i yelp and jump back one of my lifeguards hits the emergency stop button and the waves calm and my supervisor goes from jogging to sprinting entitled dad thing listen to me when i'm talking to you you see oh my god kid 2 go out and get your fing brother this is thing ridiculous long story short he had another kid that swam out to get the first kid anyway i got pulled off rotation and sent to the emt and reassured that i was fine and my job was safe and my supervisor kicked and titled dad out of the park and now he's banned forever sorry little ninja turtles life jacket dude i'm sure you were just doing your thing if you made it to the end of the video thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Its Reddit
Views: 28,092
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rslash, its reddit, itsreddit, r/itsreddit, r/, redditstories, rslash entitledparents, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, top post of reddit, r/entitledparents, karen complications, karens of youtube
Id: VE_wGkNkxOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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