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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents in today's episode karen mistakes me for an employee plot twist i'm a police officer after that entitled mom demands refund at end of 18 a movie because her kids were scared finally entitled mom throws a tantrum in the middle of the store before we get into today's episode remember to subscribe so you never miss another of our videos karen mistakes me for an employee plot twist i'm a police officer i'm 26 years old and i'm a police officer who normally works night shift 1800-206-0 on this particular day i was in a training class that was scheduled from 0800 to 1007 standard uniform attire for classes are the blue polo shirt with department logo on chest and khaki pants i had my service weapon and badge on the right side of my hip and my handcuffs extra magazine and radio on the left side of my hip after the class ended i went to my local supermarket now for low prices and blue shirt to get some things for dinner while i'm there a little kid who looked around nine to ten years old lk walks up to me little kid asked me are you a police officer while pointing to my service weapon me yes i am little kid i want to be a police officer when i grow up he says that with much excitement when i'm in uniform i always carry around little plastic badges for when i run into kids so i stood there for a few minutes talking to the kid while his mother was shopping in the aisle when they go to leave i give the kid the plastic badge and say here you go little buddy you're now a junior officer he smiled big and gave me a hug he was so excited and started saying in a sing-song tune i'm a cop i'm a cop.i'm gonna get all the bad guys kid and his mom walk off and i go back to my shopping i kneel down to look at some chips i'm thinking of getting when i hear someone clear their throat i turn and see a lady karen who looks to be in her early to mid 40s the lady glares at me and i go back to looking at the chips karen excuse me are you going to help me or not i need to know whether i cut her off and said mom i don't work here you'll have to find an employee karen don't lie to me dot you're dressed like an employee you obviously work here now keep in mind i'm not wearing the yellow vest most employees wear i'm just wearing a blue polo shirt and car keys i stand up and turn to her showing my department logo on my shirt and pointing to my badge me mom i don't work here i'm an off-duty officer i don't understand what went through her mind when she said stop lying and why do you have a gun you're not supposed to gave a gun while working where's your manager aside i've dealt with many karens on duty and i knew where this was going me mom i don't work here.my supervisor is sergeant dan not his real name with department i do not work for the store at this point karen looks mad and is staring at me like i'm lying to here karen then yells you lying little [ __ ] i swear all people your age are just lazy and never want to help anyone i want your manager now i again inform her that i don't work for the business i even pull out my credentials which is a photo identification card of me in uniform with the department name and logo and has officer under my photo it should also be noted that i keep my driver's license and debit card in my credentials since i have to have them on me at all times when i'm in public just makes it easier to keep everything together karen snatches my credentials out of my hand and stuff them into her purse and says these are fake i'm taking these and showing them to your manager and the real police me mom you have just committed simple robbery which in my state is the taking of anything of value which is in the immediate control of another with force but not armed with a dangerous weapon this crime is a felony and punishable by up to seven years in prison return my credentials now or i will be forced to place you under arrest karen you can't arrest me because you're not a cop i remove my radio from my hip and inform the dispatcher that i need units to my location for a signal 65 simple robbery dispatcher acknowledges and i hear three units state they were on route i place my radio back on my hip and tell karen she is now being placed under arrest as i go to grab her left wrist she slaps me with her right hand saying don't touch me help i'm being attacked i yell at her you have now committed battery on a police officer stop resisting or you will go to the ground i notice people are now forming wondering what was going on i hear on the radio that the units are on scene and asking for my location i press the radio button and give them my aisle a few moments later three fully uniformed officers show up officer one two and three officer one asks me what happened i give him the rundown while karen is spewing all sorts of lies of how i threatened her with my gun and how i had attacked her to an officer too officers 1 and 2 stay with us while officer 3 goes to the security office to play back the cameras while waiting on officer 3 i'm chitchatting with the other two officers i went through the police academy with one of them we hear officer 3 saying over the radio to the other two officers to 10 to 15 karen which means place her handcuffs and arrest her the two officers do so and they're placing her in handcuffs and reading her her miranda rights she starts struggling and saying that she's innocent and that they should be arresting me for pretending to be a cop and attacking her and your dear deiter officer one lady we have you on video you've been lying to us this whole time you're under arrest for simple robbery battery on a police officer disturbing the peace and now resisting arrest officer 2 you have the right to remain silent i highly suggest you use it officer 3 walks up to us with a copy of the camera footage and all three walk carry into the back seat of officer one's car i spend the next few minutes explaining to the sergeant on duty who showed up about what happened filling out a statement of the incident and having photographs taken the photographs are standard procedure whenever we arrest someone for battery on a police officer once everything was said and done my credentials are returned to me karen is taken to jail and i go home i'm never stopping at that business again when i'm wearing my training class uniform and for those who might want to know about her charges and how much time she can face in jail or prison i'll put the list below i'll add if it's misdemeanor or felony too simple robbery felony up to seven years imprisoned battery on a police officer misdemeanor 15 days to six months imprisoned disturbing the peace misdemeanors up to 90 days imprisoned resisting arrest misdemeanor up to six months imprisoned this lady is looking at eight years and 90 days imprisoned but that is the max sentencing she'll probably get a super low sentence da's office will probably drop the simple robbery charge i'll update this in a few months when i hear from the da's office the misdemeanor battery of a police officer is due to there being no injury on me if there was an injury on me she would have been charged with the felony battery of a police officer which has a sentence of one year to five years entitled mom demands refund at end of 18 a movie because her kids were scared so back in high school i worked at a local movie theater while i worked there we had a movie called sweeney todd debut for those who don't know it's a dark comedy musical about a murderous barber who slits throats and cannibals and such definitely not a kids movie thus the 18 rating an entitled mom used the self-serve ticked machines to purchase tickets for herself her two children probably around six and nine and off they went to watch the movie now we have movie synopsis and ratings posted right at eye level at the self-serve machines and the various posters and cutouts around the theatres for the movie definitely didn't make it look like a happy disney movie apparently she just heard musical though and figured it was okay now we have a policy where we will refund or swap a ticket for up to 30 minutes after a movie starts no questions asked and having seen the movie myself i knew the first five minutes definitely show exactly what type of movie this is which is why the exchange i had with entitled mom at the end of the movie was so unbelievable entitled mom i demand a refund we just watched sweeney todd and my children were scarred points to tear stained face of six-year-old girl me i'm so sorry but unfortunately i can only refund a ticket within 30 minutes of the show beginning entitled mom well someone should have warned you s that this kids movie would be so horrific me mom the show was clearly labelled 18a at the ticket machine and the synopsis was posted right there also the violence is pretty evident at the beginning we would have gladly refunded or exchanged your ticket had you come out at 30 minutes but we can't do anything if you stayed for the whole thing entitled mom sputters and makes a whole bunch more excuses why she thought it was going to turn into a more family-friendly later eventually we gave her a few free popcorn passes for next time she comes in i asked my manager why he did that since she was clearly wrong he said she didn't buy anything from the concession so he gave her the popcorn passes because next time she comes in she will use them and 15 minutes later will be forced to buy a four dollars bottle of water who will entitled mom throws a tantrum in the middle of the store i've been working in retail for a little bit over a month now but this happened a few weeks ago so at my job one of the responsibilities is to stand by the door and greet customers as they come in i forever will have the words hi welcome to store name how are you doing today engraved in my mind i was happily or as happy as i could be folding down clothes and greeting customers when this woman walks in with her kid so the entitled mom walks in me hi welcome to store name how are you doing today entitled mom hi i'm wondering do i have to stand online to make an exchange at this point the entitled mom alarm went off in my head me i'm going to have to ask my manager give me a quick second i obviously knew the answer was yes but i was going to the manager before she could me to m hey this customer is asking if she's making an exchange does she have to stand on the line manager yes of course she does why would you come all the way here i shouldn't have left the front me i just wanted to confirm i go back to the entitled mom me hi ma'am i'm sorry you will have to wait online to make an exchange entitled mom but i'm exchanging two of the same item same size same color for a little context here as some of you might be confused why would she want the same item same size same color at our store sometimes the cuts of clothing can be different this can go so far as the same item in the same size in the same color fitting ever so slightly differently also at this point she grabs the item she want to exchange the original for me i'm sorry you still need to stand on the line at this point entitled mom turns into a literal child entitled mom whining but i have a doctor's appointment me trying to stay professional that's okay ma'am don't worry we can hold this item for you while you go to your doctor entitled mom cuts me off and still whining like a child but i don't want to come back that's the whole point of me coming here i had no idea what she was talking about at this point the whole store is staring at her and her poor kid's face is bright red he had to be about seven or eight poor kid entitled mom continuing oh maybe kids register a second register that due to kovid we only use for overflow is open and this woman makes a beeline for that register i almost have to sprint to catch up to her me ma'am this register isn't open entitled mom well then i'm not making the exchange at this point i take her item back i fix the item on the hanger and i turn around to see this karen standing on the line i go up to her me trying to stay professional but struggling ma'am is there anything else i can help you with entitled mom i have to make some returns so why were you asking me about the exchange r at this point i just don't care i just glare at her my and very passive aggressively hand her the shorts or whatever and wish her a good day and the funny thing is that later that day i was talking with the cashier who did the exchange with her she said that she was very nice if you made it to the end of the video thanks for watching remember to subscribe and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Its Reddit
Views: 3,019
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rslash, its reddit, itsreddit, r/itsreddit, r/, redditstories, rslash entitledparents, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, top post of reddit, r/entitledparents, karen complications, karens of youtube
Id: -_2a2VuvRh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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