r/EntitledParents - Entitled Mom DEMANDS His TRACTOR...

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hey everyone and welcome back to another video on the good night reddit channel and the r entitled parents subreddit where today an entitled mother tries to steal someone's twenty thousand dollar tractor it gets pretty insane if you wanna find out what happens then please stay tuned background this happened about two to three years ago and i live in a hoa and it's an average sized yard for my area and we have a company that you know the hoa contracts for landscaping and that's a bit important later story time i was smalling my front yard minding my own business listening to music and this lady probably 30 to 40 and our kid 10 to 12 were walking around the block and i wave but they don't wave back but i was like eh whatever and didn't pay any mind they walked around two times till em waves me down so i killed the engine and my music and the following conversation ensues me hello what can i help y'all with em she can't be on that me well i am cuts me off and you're a lady you shouldn't be driving and you don't even have a license plus that thing is really loud i'm a dude with the long blonde hair by the way i get mistaken for a girl all the time and i was 13 at the time me actually i can be on this because i own it and i'm not on my property and even if i wasn't i still don't need a license because in my state you need to be 12 to drive a tractor on the road and i'm in my rights to make as much noise as i want because it's only 12 pm em well you can't because we have a company who cuts the grass me i can because i asked the landscapers to just do the beds and let me cut my own grass em well that thing is too big and dangerous for you because my kids can't be on one and it makes a ton of smoke so it's bad for the environment me getting a bit ticked i don't care about what you do about your kids i'm not your kid so that doesn't apply to me and it actually uses more fuel efficiently than your stupid husband's fat freaking truck my tractor is a diesel and makes a tiny puff of smoke on startup em where are your parents you are way too young to be doing this me there doing some outside in the world i don't know em give it to me she walks up to my tractor and grabs the brush guard my son wants it me take your fat fingers off my tractor and your piece of crap spawn hasn't said anything em oh it's not that big a deal i see these at lowe's and home depot all the time me no you can't have it it's more expensive than your damn car and you done can't even touch your pedals and you said you don't let him near this kind of stuff em no i didn't say that and besides you can just get a new one me i didn't buy it i got it from a make-a-wish so it's very dear to me and it's mine so go the hell away em don't you use that language towards me you brat me very ticked off and starts the engine and revs it em gets hit in the face with diesel smoke and runs away and that was the extent of my encounter with this karen i have more and here's my tractor but i don't think that's gonna go on screen because yeah too lazy more importantly why it why are entitled people like so desperate to get someone else's stuff like especially you didn't even offer to buy you're just like yeah i'ma take your tractor now buckle up read it here's the bull crap that i was dealing with my ex-girlfriend's mother back in 2011-2013 and hey i felt like sharing it little backstory for context my ex-girlfriend and her mother had a terrible relationship that led to her daughter moving out at 16 and moving in with her boyfriend and his parents she cut almost all contact with her mum apart from a text once a month to let her know that she was alive but little else the two kidnapping cases were because i drove her daughter to the hospital when she started to have contractions was pregnant and her mum didn't get to the circumstances behind her boyfriend and boyfriend's parents not taking her at the time were truly terrible ones and they got them later that day both times moving on event one cast me as me eem as entitled estranged mother all right here we go mid-may 2011 post arrival of boyfriend to be there with axe while i'm leaving the hospital eem hey me what were you thinking about kidnapping my daughter oh i didn't realize that was meant to be angry me uh what eem you kidnapped her me do you mean me driving her to the hospital eem yes that's kidnapping that's supposed to be a mother's job me last i checked she cut contact and denounced you as a mother eem i don't care that's my daughter and grandson you kidnapped me i don't have time for this just so you know you aren't allowed up there how do you even know it's beyond me eem me you always were a douchebag i knew you would corrupt my daughter i'm calling the cops and you bet your freaking butt i'm coming after you with my lawyers i was a teenager forget the language me try it you thunder australian word i really don't care i managed to get around her at that and leave cops got cool but given the circumstances nothing actually happened no credible lawyer picked up the case only a hack job in the case was tossed out before i even got to go to court event 2 cast me as me eem makes a stirring return and still even more estranged entitled mother chad ex-girlfriend's dad whose name isn't chad but always reminded me of one november 2012. outside the hospital leaving after boyfriend's family got there with chad walking me out to my car thanking me for driving there now soon to be daughter-in-law to the hospital for childbirth for a second time eem chad you pieces of crap chad em please let's just be civil i just spent six hours on an airline and rushing here for your daughter i'm not in the mood for one of these spats eem you you kidnapped my daughter again me your daughter is 18 i didn't kidnap her she called me just like last time please let's not go through this again i'm not in the mood i'm like chad here i've been in there for about six hours and i'm dead on my feet move em i'm filing a suit again and calling the cops she's in tears at this point chad me go home i'll deal with this took us ten minutes to get me out of the parking lot because of her and the court case was dropped again this time she even got fined and possibly jail time for contempt i don't really remember though january 10 2013 severed paperwork by eem's lawyer this time not a hack job for extreme emotional distress and reparations ended up actually having to go to court for this one my parents my ex-girlfriend's parents and her boyfriend all had to testify against a case and the judge ruled in our favor forcing her to pay our legal costs as well she did go to jail for contempt this time i got a restraining order against her for two years and my ex and her gaggles still might have one i'm not 100 sure for the people wondering why i did this all for an x we still have a great relationship and i'm actually now all three of her kids godparent hope you enjoyed the read cheers out of one clarification ex's boyfriend was having to deal with some really crappy stuff during the time of the first two births and was away at the start but was there as soon as he could be he did care x was a month early the first time in two weeks a second he wouldn't have left if it wasn't so early but life happens and you can't exactly control it 24 7. and yeah you're not exactly wrong but holy crap carrots are so insane and they're annoying why can't they just disappear so this happened about a decade ago when i was in my early 20s we had a stray cat wander into our property and it decided to stay in our area the cat seemed nice but it got in fights and hurt our other cats and tore it into a garbage day and night so my parents asked to borrow my bb gun to deal with it i'll be honest i was hesitant but my parents are my landlord since i live in their sub building so i let them borrow because i felt i had no choice fast forward about a month and my parents did use the bb gun a few times but they never hit the cat in fact we got a shelter to take it but before that happened i had a friend come over we like to go out back and shoot at a blue plastic bucket for a target this wasn't one of those cheap spring loaded bb guns so it was the air pump kind and they pack a hell of punch i went over to my parents house to get the bb gun back but my mum refused to return it in fact she was downright belligerent about it i tried to tell her if it was mine and that they never cared about me using it before but she just got madder at me and my dad was backing her up i just stood there stunned over how they were yelling at me i felt like i couldn't move my mum waited a few seconds and then asked me angrily why i was still standing there i said that i just wanted my gun back and then she doubled down yelling at me more at that point the fear in me just broke and i became furious i yelled at them in anger over how they only borrowed the gun because they wanted to shoot at a cat over digging into their garbage and that at least i wasn't so calloused to do something like that i stole him back to my house and told my friend the bad news but i guess my words somehow hit home because around 20 minutes later my mom came outside with my bb gun in hand and returned it to me she gave me a non-apology of sorts but how it was mine and they were sorry then just left i got my bb gun back but the moment was so soured for my friend and i didn't even use it till the next day then a week later or so my mom caught the stray cat and found a shelter to take it to oh that's good actually ever since i've you know never loaned my bb gun to my parents again nor have they asked for it and if they were ever to try something like this again i'd do the same thing i've gotten a much better backbone since then and would demand it back instead of walking out i really don't know why they felt entitled to keep it but word would have spread fast in our family as i used to have a pretty big mouth so i'm pretty sure they returned the bb gun back then just to save their face i'm gonna be honest now i'm just really glad that they didn't decide to shoot the cat because that cat did not freaking deserve that because cats are cute even if it's a straight then if it was a stray then take care of it or something i don't know well i think your mum made the right call of taking it to a shelter at least so before mentioning this story i have to tell you that my storytelling skills aren't that great and there could be some misunderstandings or confusions feel free to ask in the comments if you have any questions also i'm new to this subreddit so if you thought this story belongs to another subreddit i would also appreciate it to be in the comments so we were going to japan with my friend and we were already a little annoyed because of the crying baby in the back not because of the crying baby herself but because of the spineless parents who did not take care of her at all this family is also the one to cause trouble later as well after landing we decided to go take our luggage from the overhead compartment of the airplane as any normal person would then all of a sudden a young girl who seems to be five to six years old comes out of nowhere and runs into my friend she was surprised and accidentally dropped the bag from my hands and it hit the girl now keep in mind the girl was running around and had bumped into my friend the parents run at us looking completely furious the father said how dare you hit my daughter apologize now or i will call the police and crap saying other mean things to my friend my friend did apologize to the daughter and the parents but they still kept playing the victim card and acted as they were the only ones wrong this is where i stepped in saying look we're sorry to hit your daughter however i think you should have kept her in your sight because things like this can happen the father's replying is i don't care it's not my problem that you hit my daughter they keep threatening us to call the police and get us banned from flying and this is where one of the cabin attendants stepped in asking what had happened i explained to them what happened and told the parents if they needed any medical care for the daughter as if they were completely entitled to this the father said well we can but our daughter says she's fine now the cabin attendant said that's good to hear and they leave at this point me and my friends thought it was over however the story continues as soon as the cabin attendant leaves the mother follows them and asks if she can get some free stuff for her daughter the cabin attendant says no we're not allowed to do that we can't just give special treatment to one specific customer the mother's response was something untranslatable it was in japanese insult but i don't know how to translate nor should i try to translate ah the family then goes out of the airplane as if nothing had happened later my friend told me that they were talking to the daughter and they were still acting like they were the victim who did no wrong whatsoever thanks for reading this long story this conversation wasn't japanese and i translated it so there may be some incorrect grammar being used there i'd be happy to correct any mistakes though well i'm here to let you know my friend that you did really good translating because i didn't notice any irregularities or problems in this well done anyway more importantly uh i really want to go to japan now but i hope i don't have to deal with entitled people like this because that would freaking suck more importantly um i really hope that you know you had a good trip after that and especially more importantly a good flight home and you didn't have to deal with those entitled people on the way back as well because ah that would be that'd be really awkward backstory so i'm at year six going into high school next year and back in year four an entire kid comes to start becoming my friend and she seemed nice until the second time of school and that's when she started to tick me off by telling me to frick off for no reason story okay so we start to go into lunch and she decided to be you know a bad person and slaps me in the chest and this has really tipped me over of the edge as we had a fight that day and we're staying away from each other as much as possible so i yell what the frick as i can't swear or i would get in trouble you know primary school stuff now in australia it's illegal to hurt a girl but i didn't know that so when we went out to have second break me and a couple friends of mine were playing basketball an entitled kid comes over to start screwing with me so i'd push her over and get in a crap ton of trouble for doing so now after that we had to go to the principal's office the principal knew me and the ek so i got in a bit less trouble when even when getting in trouble for swearing the next day though iam comes in and freaking explodes saying how i sexually abused her precious baby and in what screwy world does it okay to hit and try to and i quote murder a child and this conversation begins em how could you touch her like that me like what em you touched a vagina me no i didn't now for em cutting me off how dare you touch girls me if you could please leave me alone and this was after school so i really wanted to go home em screw you you little piece of crap me starts to walk out the door she stopped me and started to scream at me again i asked them to leave me alone again and enter eb the entire brother e.m eb go try and hurt him and see how he likes it i was quite athletic then and quite powerful so we threw a punch and missed so i punched him right in the back of the head i thought this was the end of it but no the entire kid just says sorry about it and walks off not even a month later em comes up and says the same crap all over again but i just replied with things that were really quite funny to anyone watching and by now i had a small group just listening to me and suppressing laughter and when she walked off because she saw the group just to the side she walked past the principal and told her everything that just happened the principal then just said in the most polite way you know frick off and that ek was in the wrong the entire time and ek got suspended and moved to another school last year so i still had to put up with a bullcrap for another year so this was so long and any misspelling mistakes are you know in here because i'm on mobile thanks for reading and this happened with other parents so just tell me if you want those stories edit i have anger issues so just about anything can set me off and you know what that's okay because if i was you know wrongly accused of sexually assaulting someone i would be rather pissed off as well hello unfortunately this story happened when i was about seven so forgive me for the blurry info cast well no one i'm just gonna use regular terms we'll just call the entitled mum spooky though when i was seven my parents booked our family a room in hotel in mexico of course the hotel was beautiful and gorgeous but the real gem was the game room now this room had all the good stuff you'd expect a pool table a table soccer table table etc but out of all of them the golden jewel was the ping pong table for as long as i could remember i loved ping pong i would play it like there was no tomorrow whenever i got the chance it was crack for the seven-year-old me i don't know if i might say that but it's there now as well as for my brother i begged my parents to let us play and they agreed unfortunately though two kids were already playing fine it's not the end of the world we'll just wait and be polite now it would be fine if they just played but oh no they would leave every two minutes with the goddamn paddles what the hell of course my dad was you know very pissed off but in a polite way he spoke dad uh hello excuse me kids hmm dad i really think you should stop taking the paddles with you it's very rude and other people would like a turn while the kids nodded but had a somewhat disappointing look soon they ran to someplace else yes the pieces are crowded and slain let's play me and my brother proceeded to play for a bit until the ground shook a frightening mist entered the room lightning began to strike and there she was spooky now why the hell did i name her spooky well because spooky scary skeletons i'm not screaming that literally she'd look like she hadn't eaten in four days she had a black hair that looked more like a giant fly she wore a black spaghetti strap and jeans i know this was those kids mom because she had them in her hands soon she stomped right over to my dad and started screaming at him of course i don't know the dialogue because my mom blocked her ears but i know it was about the ping pong table after what seemed like an eternity though she grabbed her kids death glared my dad and then the most sour miserable voice ever she says come on kids let's go and that's the end unfortunately i was too young to remember anything and my dad doesn't like to talk about it so it was really short thanks for reading my terrible post well that kind of sucks because i was looking forward to knowing about the conversation between your father and the entitled mother but my guess is that when something along the lines of swear swear swear please don't swear at me swear swears where i'm gonna sue you swear so i swear where's the manager and that's it for today's video if you guys did enjoy please do hit that like button and if you haven't already hit the subscribe button for more videos just like this one and if you want to be the first to see those videos the bell notification thingamajigo generally helps for that don't forget to tell me your thoughts in the comments below and i'll see you all in the next video bye everyone
Channel: Good Night Reddit
Views: 2,570
Rating: 4.879518 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, entitledparents, reddit stories, funny reddit, good night reddit, best of reddit, entitled parents fail, entitledparents fails, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, redditor r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitled parents posts, ep video, eps, goodnight reddit, good, night, redditor, rslash, voiceyhere
Id: lstV6KqCaMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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