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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents in today's episode entitled kid nearly ruins my 1965 ford mustang after that depressed people are all crazy and should be locked up finally just let my kid win in the game the game is fall guys before we get into today's episode remember to subscribe so you never miss another of our videos in our first story entitled kid nearly ruins my 1965 ford mustang so this happened roughly an hour ago at a family gathering about 30 miles from my hometown my grandpa wanted me to go and honestly it's hard to say no to the man i respect most in my family i had decided rather stupidly to drive my 1965 blue convertible ford mustang to the gathering as it had been running roughly due to old gas so i figure i'd just burn off the old gas on the drive there i get there and so far it's a great time aside from nearly getting stung by a massive wasp most of the family members myself included chat for a bit after a few minutes i go for a walk around the outside of the house minding my own business thinking you get the picture i come around the east side of the house where my mustang is parked in between some other cars then i notice him so as stated i noticed entitled kids standing outside and sort of googling my car though i didn't think much of it as it is quite an eye-catcher as i pass him entitled kid asks with the most and i mean the most out-of-breath voice i've ever heard seriously the kid was maybe 10 and 250 pounds what kind of car is that he asked quickly in his weird high-pitched voice i stop and respond looking over to my car it's a ford mustang he almost immediately responds with whose car is that i pause a moment glancing around before answering it's mine then of course the kid goes i don't think that's your car i roll my eyes well it is i take out the keys with the iconic mustang logo on them jingling them in the air for him to see i have the keys for it the kid seemed taken completely aback by this i assume because in his mind i didn't look like the sort to drive a classic near-mint condition car i am 21. so of course the little snot takes off inside i think nothing of it stupidly so i walk back to the front door after walking around a few more minutes when i'm greeted by the lovely entitled parent who will now be affectionately referred to as karen excuse me who are you she asked with this extremely rude inflection in her voice i was startled by her sudden appearance i mop karen proceeds to to then point her finger at my car outside my son entitled kid said that you stole the keys for that car i give her an unfounded look and raise an eyebrow well your son is lying to you miss that has been my car for years my grandpa and i worked on it for quite some time karen scoffed at this sure you did now give me the keys so i can return them to their right phoner she then proceeded to hold her hand out along with giving a gesture that said give it here again completely dumbfounded and awestruck that i was actually experiencing in our entitled parents story outside of the stories on reddit give them over i won't ask you again she demanded at this point my first savior approaches nice man one excuse me miss but i'm going to have to ask you to leave up alone i saw him drive in with the car not to mention i see him driving it around hometown all the time karen of course isn't satisfied by this no you haven't no kid owns a car like that he's probably not even old enough to drive mind you i am taller than this woman have a beard and certainly don't look a day under 25. nice man juan gives her a dumbfounded look and just says just leave up and his car alone or we will have to ask you to leave in my head i'm already plotting out how to deal with her should she try and steal my keys and thanking this man profusely just a quick fun fact the reunion i went to was for the last name that my grandpa had so i'm guessing that karen didn't know my grandparents or my parents with a scoff karen storms off outside i assumed to mingle and complain about me to her butt buddies i knew this wasn't over so i kept my guard up about 45 minutes go by i'm chatting with nice man too a really nice dude in a cowboy hat lost in conversation when out of the corner of my eye i see entitled kid and entitled mom waddling towards my car i sort of freeze but then think again stupidly that maybe they're just having a look but no god no this biscuit-eating bulldog of a mother opens my car's door and proceeds to put her 250-pound kid in the driver's seat so of course i excuse myself and exit the house nice man too turning to see what's going on as i open the door and call out to karen and her hex born hey what do you think you're doing karen looks to me as i approach with an absolutely disgusted look on her face what does it matter to you leave us alone before i get you kicked out of this reunion i am again stupefied you can't just put your kid in my car or anyone's car without permission and of course she retorts with that all too familiar don't raise your voice at me entitled kid is an absolute angel he deserves to play with this car at this point i notice a small crowd of people forming on the front porch i stop feet from her glancing down after hearing my car's suspension rocking i see entitled kid trying to slam the gear stick into gear without using the clutch for those of you that drive manual you know that this is a massive no-no even without the engine running as it can damage the transmission i look back down to karen and completely lose it get your freaking kid out of my freaking car now he is going to ruin my cars [ __ ] karen pushes me back a bit i stumble she then goes into maximum karen entitled kid can be in this car if he wants to you have no right to tell him to get out now leave us alone she screeches this and honestly my ears are still ringing entitled kid gives me the biggest poo eating grin i've ever seen then proceeds to try and undo the parking brake of course he has no idea how to do this while trying to shift the car even harder into gear at this point i lose it completely i grab karen by the shoulders and shove her pull open my car door grab the kid under his armpits and drag this hunk of lard out of my car and away before getting in myself starting the car backing up and moving it closer to the house all the while karen is tending to her now screeching dying angel i park the car and nice man one and two go to her aid nice women stops me and asks what happened as she saw only the butt end of it all she came out when the kid started screaming and crying i tell nice women what happened and she is very understanding explaining that karen is her sister-in-law and she can be very abrasive and rude and has that general entitled mentality nice man one and two then come back with karen and entitled kid entitled kid holding his arm and crying mind you there wasn't anything aside from dirt on him that would hurt him no scratches bruising or anything entitled kid then says mommy op broke my arm yes he actually said it like that mind you this kid was in the 10 to 11 year old range way too old to still be calling good olay mom mommy of course nice man one inspected entitled kid's arm with him wincing and crying the whole while karen his arm is perfectly fine i think you two need to leave karen shouts back we need to leave no he needs to leave she points at me op told entitled kid he could play in his car and when he got out he pushed him to the ground and kicked his arm you need to call the police nice man one two nice women and several other bystanders which is most of the party stare in disbelief at her obviously no one took her side and nice man one chimed in with karen you tried to get op to give you his keys even after he said it was his car and after he refused to give them to you plus we all saw what happened you need to leave now karen screeched angrily grabbing her kid by his supposedly broken arm and hauling him out i kept an eye on her just to make sure she didn't try to damage my car which luckily she didn't she then drove off nice women who i learned was actually the one running the reunion apologized profusely for her sister-in-law's behavior i told her it wasn't her fault from what i know karen won't be invited to gatherings anymore i left shortly after as this had killed the mood for me i called my friend on the way home and explained the whole thing to him he doesn't understand how i didn't beat entitled kid and entitled mom to a pulp and frankly i don't know how i restrained myself anywho that's my story i may file a police report on her for not only attempted theft but assault as she did put her hands on me i'll keep you posted on that regard all in all my car wasn't damaged luckily but i'll be hacked if i was going to let this kid screw up my car be hecked if i was going to let in our second story today depressed people are all crazy and should be locked up so i grew up in a broken home i lived with my abusive father my mother my grandparents my father's brother his wife and my two cousins my mother and the rest of my family hated each other my father would often beat my mother my grandparents and aunt hated my mother etc my mother's mother was always my safe place though she turned out to be emotionally abusive too i was 10 years old when my parents divorced to be honest i was relieved when they did but with all the pressure being on me now and everyone started trying to mentally abuse me into saying that i want to live with my father i soon grew severely depressed so with me not trusting my family with my feelings i decided to tell my grandmother here's how the conversation went gee grandmother so what's up me a little nervous well i need to talk to you something grandmother okay me lately i've been feeling really depressed and suicidal grandmother you're just sad you're too young to be depressed me really angry at this point depression doesn't have an age limit are you really going to ignore my feelings because of your opinion on them grandmother don't scream at me me then why are you screaming at me grandmother shut up you have no reason to be depressed i've been through so many things and i'm not depressed you don't even know what life is let alone what depression is me starting to cry because i felt so alone at this point grandmother not to mention that depressed people are crazy they're all locked up in a mental hospital i don't consider you crazy me fine then i'll just leave grandmother don't you dare if you leave now don't come back ever again me fine leaving and later she tried to get me to come to her place saying don't worry i forgave you i later tried talking to my mother about my depression and it didn't work out i'm now 13 and i've been like this for three years now soon to be four please parents i know that it's really dumb for a 13 year old girl to be giving you advice on parenting but hear me out if your child comes up to you with a problem like depression anxiety etc don't ignore their feelings because of their age just because we're young doesn't mean our feelings aren't real and the final story of the day is just let my kid win in the game the game is fall guys i honestly can't believe this just happened for a bit of information on the round this happened in the first part of the game was dizzy heights then perfect match then slime climb then fall ball then hexagon okay now in the game entitled kid kept grabbing everyone in the game and didn't mind his own business so i tried to avoid him me and entitled kid and 11 more players 13 in total reached hexagon and i won the game after the game i got a friend request from entitled kid i thought he wanted to congratulate me or something so i accepted big mistake and he invited me to a party so i could chat with him on the mic here's how the conversation went entitled kid hey stop hacking it's not fair that you hack i can't win if you are me oh dot i'm not hacking i'm just good at the game entitled kid liar dad this cheater won't let me win me chuckles a little bit this should be interesting entitled dad hello can you hear me me yes i can hear you sir entitled dad good could you stop cheating and let my son win me i'm not cheating i'm just good at playing the game entitled dad he's saying he isn't cheating are you sure that he is a hacker entitled dad my son insists that you were hacking could you not lie to me me oh he thinks i'm hacking am i really that good entitled dad just listen you're his friend right just help him win once me no i'm not his friend sorry also i can't help someone who keeps grabbing other players entitled dad are you saying my son is a pervert me i don't need to say that if i played wrong with this dude entitled dad listen here you swine just cause you're winning doesn't mean you have the right to bully my son me i didn't bully your son but i bet with his behavior he is bullied a lot at school entitled dad you shouldn't me listen here you excuse of a parent your son wouldn't be bullied or suck at playing if he has a stable parent that doesn't teach him manners now try to harass me one more time i'll make you and your son regret it entitled dad don't speak to your elders like that me you're not my elder have a great life i then quit the party and unfriend entitled kid weird experience on ps4 for me if you made it to the end of the video thanks for watching remember to subscribe and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Its Reddit
Views: 11,378
Rating: 4.8470588 out of 5
Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rslash, its reddit, itsreddit, r/itsreddit, r/, redditstories, rslash entitledparents, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, top post of reddit, r/entitledparents, karen complications, karens of youtube
Id: n2uoc4BBnLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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