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hey everyone welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled parents in today's episode entitled mom tells me she lives in my house after refusing to leave my property after that that time that my parents got what they deserved finally entitled mom didn't want to wait ends up losing her job and loses custody of her child before we get into today's episode remember to subscribe so you ever miss another of our videos entitled mom tells me she lives in my house after refusing to leave my property so I live on River and it's a very popular place during the summer I have some riverfront property and my house looks on to the river across the street I have always had problems with people littering and destroying my review front property so I try to make it look secluded but this made it worse usually I would just have to tell people that they are on private property and pointed the several signs and they would leave but some people are different well today we had a different person at around 12:45 I saw entitled mom and little brat waltz right onto my property passed the two no trespassing signs at first I thought they didn't see the signs and so I went down to tell them how it's private property me hey mom could you please somewhere else to swim entitled mom what No we got here first me that's not my problem entitled mom well then leave us alone me but this is private property entitled mom yeah I know points at the sign me so could you leave entitled mom ah no rolls eyes me but even you said it's private property at this point I was getting really frustrated because she even admits that it was private property but what she said next made me pissed entitled mom yeah I own this property can't you see my house pointing at my house me lady that's my house now leave before I call the police I take a step closer hoping she'll back off I couldn't be more wrong entitled mom get away from my son you pedophile I had no words for this and I called the police the police show up and start talking to us police officer so what is the problem sir entitled mom this man is trespassing and trying to molest my son police officer looks at me with that sorry man look and I reciprocate me look lady I have my keys on me so if you want to try to say that's your house we can test it out now entitled mom that's stupid I don't need to prove anything me well I'll go show the police I live there me police officer and entitled mum with little brat walk up to my house and I open the door with my key and unlock my car I'm the driveway entitled mom tells the police officer I stole her keys and he tells her to leave that time that my parents got what they deserved okay to start off my parents are scummy entitled narcissistic the whole nine yards I am constantly being guilt-tripped and gas lighted whenever I have any form of contact with them on top of that they see my older sister as the golden child because in their words she did the same things as you but she's a girl dot if anything it should be the other way around because she's a whole two years older than me it was a dreary winter day like any other day in the boring suburbs of my city and I was preparing to go to school however there was one thing that made this day different from all the others final exams me and my sister had been studying non-stop for the past two weeks for our calculus set finals and here was the chance to show that it wasn't all in vain the morning started off like any other my sister got her pancakes cooked for her I got told to make my own food and we split them both on the bus to school we were both optimistic about the exam and exchanged like banter the whole way there once we got to school we went our separate ways me too my freshman level classes and her to her junior level classes only to be reunited in the fourth and last class of the day calculus everything went to plan we both aced the exam or at least that's what we thought when we arrived back home my sister went to her room to start working on her homework I started working on my homework at the kitchen table because I wasn't allowed to take anything other than my clothes upstairs into my room and my parents blasted the TV on 70% volume in the next room over I didn't bother to tell them to turn it down I already knew how that would end fast-forward a couple of weeks and the results are out we didn't taste the exams that being said we had decent scores a 4950 for me and a 4650 for her my parents had the expected reaction I was largely ignored while they made my sister uncomfortable with the amount of gushing laded over her grade we all went out to celebrate ethicists success their words not mine with a dinner at Cheesecake Factory once we got home I was still waiting on a good job I guess from my parents ah how naive I was that never happened and I set up well into the night thinking about if I would ever feel validated by my parents the next day we were riding the bus to school and I received a notification on my phone in the giant freshman group chat almost at the same time my sister receives one in the giant junior group chat coincidence I think not we check our phones and our hearts drop every single kid who took the final has had their grades leaked to the public it didn't affect us because we got good grades but it affected many others here's the kicker the final was one of the hardest in years by the teachers own admission and a score of 49 50 was tied for the top score in the class fast forward to a couple hours later I'm back home the school has sent out an email to all the parents regarding the leak now my parents know about it great they go apeshit my sister was ranked ninth in the class which is pretty impressive but not impressive enough for an Asian parent they see who's at the top of the list and just look at me I prepare myself for the storm coming they tell me to switch my rank with fair sisters because she needs it more she's a girl obviously I say no and I haven't been spoken to for a while now at least my sister isn't a [ __ ] as well entitled mom didn't want to wait ends up always losing her job and loses custody of her child background my parents and me live next to a park in several fields during the kovat 19 lockdown tons of people went out to go for a walk there even though they should stay at home the streets around our neighborhood are quite narrow so they were crowded with parked cars and people walking on the street some lowlifes got aggressive when you drove past them one sob slapped my window because he had to drag his fat lazy ass onto the sidewalk instead further walking on the street I just showed him the finger and drove off when he drive through our main gate there's a forty six meters 150 feet 12 inch long driveway leading to our house and the garages when we are at home we usually leave the main gate open this lead to several cars standing in front of our garages and blocking the pathway most of our neighbors my parents and me were pretty annoyed by those masses of cars and humans lot of people left their trash on the ground too another important fact during the climax of the lockdown there was a law forbidding you to be in a group bigger than two people except family of course breaking this law resulted in a 200 euro 5 story my mom and me went grocery shopping on the way back home we were standing in our street waiting for the gate to open so we could drive onto our estate then mega Karen came along with her minions Karen and Minnie Karen each pushing their offspring in a buggy there was enough space for them to walk past our car one by one but it seemed like the Holy Trinity of Karen's wanted to walk side by side mega Karen approached our car and knocked on the driver's window I let the window down and she immediately started yapping that we are not allowed to drive or park I stayed calm and asked her if she's joking we are living here she continued with her [ __ ] that we are not allowed to stand or to park here and we should please move our car so she could get through at this point my mother stepped out of the car and explained to mega Karen and her dumb minions that they could just walk around the car one by one but apparently they didn't want that this nonsense continued for around to 2 to 3 minutes then many Karen stepped into car mega Karen down but that didn't really help in fact it got worse because Karen came in and said my mom's a bad mother and human because she argued with a mother of a small child and this would frighten the children well my mother got really pissed she's a great mom and she knows that at this point I started to chat with a friend and blended the argument out my mom can be a pretty intimidating person and she's great in provoking people when she wants to so I knew she didn't need my help after some time mega Karen started screeching that she would gonna call the police on my mom my mom knew she did nothing wrong so she insisted mega Karen called the police and told them she was just walking here and we started intimidating her for no reason and she felt threatened and yada yada yada a short time after mega Karen called the police one police woman and the policeman arrived immediately after they got out mega Karen and Karen started texting them that we threatened them block the road etc the funny thing is that the police woman called knows my mom her husband was a patient of her and they know each other from a local dog park the policeman stayed with the Karen's and she came over to ask for our point of view after I did my statement I asked the policewoman if I could leave I needed to bring the groceries inside she said yes so I grabbed the groceries and went in around half an hour later my mom came in with a big evil grin on her face apparently mega Karen Karen and mini Karen wanted to report us for threatening them but the policewoman turned the tables and told them that they violated a coroner law and they need to pay 200 euros each apparently mega Karen didn't like that so she continued arguing with the cops when they didn't do what she wanted she got angry she slapped the wing mirror from my mother's car folding it forward and scratched the car tried to attack my mother and the policewoman and called the policeman war grabbed her a dump son of a [ __ ] and told him to [ __ ] off leading to her getting arrested after her arrest she tried to spat at my mother and told her she is gonna regret this and she will come after her she faced charges for verbally and physically attacking a police officer attacking and threatening my mother and damaging my mother's car Range Rover in a special effect British racing green equals very expensive to repair she also needed to pay the 200 euros for disobeying the coroner law several weeks later I heard from my dad who's my mom's lawyer that she had to pay a big fine was on probation and needed to pay the repair for my mother's car a great thing tow she got a record leading to her getting investigated at her workplace but the greatest thing because she was divorcing from her husband at the same time the lawyer of the husband used her little tantrum against her so she lost the main custody to her child don't know what happened the but she almost lost her job not always if you made it to the end of the video thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Its Reddit
Views: 13,215
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Keywords: r/entitled parents, r/entitled parents rslash, entitled parents, entitledparents, entitled parents stories, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents rslash, entitled parents playlist, entitled parents stories playlist, reddit stories entitledparents rslash, rslash, its reddit, itsreddit, r/itsreddit, r/, redditstories, rslash entitledparents, funny stories reddit, karen, reddit, reddit stories funny, redditor, top post of reddit, r/entitledparents, karen complications, karens of youtube
Id: R1PqBvj1ldU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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