r/entitledparents - Dress normal

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so on Friday I went to a party at one of my friend's house her little sister's surprise party it was cute and fun and I was having a decent time until her aunt and cousin started verbally attacking me for the way I was dressed so I have certain type of styles I like to follow pastel goth pastel goth ECT so I decided to wear something more pastel and colorful since it was a 10 year old's birthday party I dressed in pink shorts rainbow body suits white long socks and my favorite platform rainbow shoes I don't really like to wear Mac you cause I touch my face too much so I was having fun at the party and a few little kids asked to take a picture with me which was fun so while all that was happening I noticed my friends aren't always looking over at me and making faces or taking picture of me from a distance I didn't think much of it cause I've had worse reactions especially when I decided to go for golf so the aunts daughter who I think is like 15 walks up to her and just points and laughs at me not even trying to be discrete like her mom I roll my eyes and go back inside to find my friend when the aunt gets to me first and says the one thing everyone says to me so why are you dressed like that I just shrug and give my usual response I like it well don't you be happy at dressing I don't know normal why would I want to do that so people world and stare and laugh at you like your daughter she gets quiet and tries to stare me down as I just walk back inside I'm making small talk with my friend and her mom while we get things ready for cake when the cousin walks in looks me up and down and laughs while saying I would die of embarrassment if I got caught dressed like that my friend pipes up before I do well it's a good thing she's wearing it and not you now get out of here if you're not gonna help the cousin leaves with a huff and we bring everything out we sing happy birthday and everyone is served I'm sitting on the couch with my friend when her and walks back up with her arms crossed and an upset look on her face I don't know why you had to get snippy with your cousin she was being an ass my friend says sitting tall she was just making conversation she was making fun of my friend well maybe if your friend dressed normal people would make comments I laugh at that which makes her give me a dirt look I'm quite happy dressing the way I do she just shakes her head and walks off the party was fun and it was fun taking pictures with the kids can't wait to see her reaction when I go goth next time I see her this story is from late September I was thinking about it for a bit yesterday and I think the story could go here key and entitled dad s entitled son is maybe my age maybe a bit older we see Beach cop the story it's the day after my birthday I was stoked to exist due to the wonderful birthday I had unfortunately it was a Monday and I had to commute to my University for class no problem since I was in such a good mood I Drive as normal singing along to the music I was playing in my car I took my exit as normal as well however when I got to the end of the exit where the stoplight is a car ended up trying to switch lanes without signaling and ended up hitting me you see the exit has three lanes towards the end one to go left one to go straight and one to go right I was in the middle lane trying to go straight in the car that hit me was in the left lane I was terrified because this was my first accident I hate to say but I'm kind of a [ __ ] and so I was also crying because I was there a fine scared we pull out of the exit and go into a nearby parking lot to call the police and now the bullcrap begins and steps out of the driver side of his car and comes over to my passenger side window tapping it why did you hit my car who are you to drive so recklessly s who is standing behind it yo what the f do you know how much this car was it was Alexis so I assumed a lot at that point I just locked my doors and call my dad my dad then reassures me that everything will be okay and to just calm down and call the cops I do just that but it continues be a prick while his son is also calling the cops it is just standing outside my passenger-side window holding a checkbook he keeps telling me you're young this will go on your permanent record can you even afford the increase in insurance let us give you money when the son was done with the 911 call he also joined his father and started being a refine prick yelling yo just take the money and effing leave we have places to be I'm no genius but I knew that if I took the money and left they would have told the cops who were on the way that it was a hit-and-run thus the blame would all be on me I just put on my headphones and waited for the cops all the while the Eldar nests were goading me to take their money and just leave city police eventually come to the lot when I saw the cop pull up I put away my headphone and stepped out of my car the cop who is BC walked right past me and went towards the ED and asked him what had happened had then proceeded to tell the BC that I hit him while merging into the center lane when the cop came over to me he told me that it's out of his hands since it was on state highway lines so State Police was on the way he then had the gall to tell me drive responsibly next time when it was not my fault and without asking for my side of the story I get back in my car and lock the door once again as I waited for state police again ed and s were at my window telling me to take their money and save my permanent record state police eventually arrived and they did their jobs they asked me to tell my side and they asked ed and des to tell their sides ed in death said the same thing they told the city police that I hit them while merging lanes I said the opposite the state policeman didn't take ed and des is bull crap the damage on our cars said otherwise he just listened to the two who would were giving smug glances back at me every once in a while eventually the police let us go and the waiting game starts for the police report and insurance claims fast forward two point five weeks and the police report says exactly what the truth is that it's were at fault for the accident and that they actually told the cops that they offered me money to leave but I didn't take it they had to pay over 2k dollars from my car repair as well as the money from my rental car my insurance didn't even go up in fact it dropped due to losing the status of new driver I want you to prepare for this this story actually begins with that I new app for a while oh she was my friend I was in the military at one point and had a military discount which she took advantage of constantly I allowed her to use the military discount on prissy purchases like a TV until one day she started using it on small purchases like less than $20 so I decided to set a limit as you can only use it on purchases $200 or more I told her this and you can guess what happened next she proceeded to message me threats such as you better let me use a discount or I will beat your piece-of-crap er up I then blocked her and banned her from using the discount then she proceeded to make halt accounts saying I have to buy kid supplies my little four-year-old kid needs a new toy I promised her one but the price is $17 and I want it lower I just simply replied if it's only $17 a discount would only make it three dollars cheaper are you that much of a cheapskate or that much of her but she blocked me and I never saw her again my wife and I are currently in our hotel room but damn did I lose faith in humanity as I have stated so many times I'm physically disabled today the wife and I were in New York nothing special just wanted a fun trip well after a fair amount of time I had my cane today I was in pain scale from 1 to 10 a solid 15 so we headed back to the hotel and asked if it was possible to check in early explaining the situation in the desk worker sore I was about to sit on the floor tears of pain dripping down my cheeks the front of the hotel lobby was being renovated so there were no chairs by the luck of the universe the clerk tells us there is a room available a woman already in the lobby looked up at that and stood up now she was with a small child who was playing on the switch and didn't even bother getting as the M approached the desk LP equals me W equals wife eeehm equals entitled beach C equals Clarke who isn't paid enough M excuse me you said check-in wasn't available yet see well it isn't MS em but exceptions can be made if the conditions call for it LP is clearly in physical distress and needs the room M that whale doesn't look in distress I just flew here and in tired my son is just about falling asleep do you know how hard it is to be a single mother on vacation what happened to the customer is always right w / clearly is pissed and raising her voice Blu effing who my wife needs to take her medications and be resting unless you want to call the paramedics due to her back and leg giving out Emma parent Li didn't think that was reason enough and started to sob loudly about how she's so jet-lagged and needs the room and how we needed to think of how her mother feels no one is budging on this and finally the clerk calls security to escort wife and I to the room after sitting in the shower pain pills and a long rest my wife and I went out to dinner who was coming out of the elevator opposite us M you know that was nasty of you to scream at me earlier do you know how impressionable my child is we don't have money for a nice place like this bit I splurged to make sure he's happy W Congrats on the debt now if you'll leave us alone Karen I want to go get sushi M my name's Linda well security was called later but that's apparently because Linda got drunk and left her son in the room for too long gotta love New York thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video a like and a comment would mean a lot in YouTube's world share with us if you would have done things differently and don't forget to support the original authors with an upvote links are in the description peace out and catch you tomorrow
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Id: FNFhLj6Nm9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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