r/EntitledParents - (PART 4 & 5) Lazy ENTITLED Mom Loses EVERYTHING She Loves...

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this entitled parent has one last showdown we've seen her completely destroy the lives of those around her now watch as this epic tale ends and we see the final fate of each of its members happy birthday today's your birthday and on with the show Act four what about mum during all of this I have had very minimal contact with my mother still do at this point I only put as much effort into talking to her as she does me which is only to wish me happy birthdays and happy holidays as my father predicted about my mother she did in fact get addicted she has in fact been selling herself on the streets she was a blonde which is where I got my blonde hair when I was young but now has very short brown hair pretty sure she's wearing wigs now she's been in and out of jail for so many things now one time she actually did it with someone on the hood of a car in the freaking streets dear goodness above I believe me when I say I wish I was exaggerating the thing is my grandmother is convinced mum was the victim in all of this she thinks it's dad's fault mum got hooked that it was dad's fault that she ended up homeless that my dad did nothing to help her now don't be so quick to think my grandmother is the bad guy here I don't blame her to be honest not because my dad did anything wrong I think my dad did the best that he could and then some but grandma once told me that if mom doesn't get clean she would disown her as a child grandma already lost the house she let my mum stay in because it was condemned by the stuff within it I think I don't know if they were cooking or not all I know is that she lost the house anyway I think when grandma was faced with having to back up her threat of discerning her child she found it easier to blame someone else in last year's tax returns mum claimed that she was getting $3,000 back somehow not sure then that she was going to use that 3k to get a car even though her license was taken from her long ago when that 3000 never came she convinced grandma it was because of the bankruptcy dad had turn from the farm remember when I said that dad had agreed with in the divorce that he would take full responsibility of the farm including filing bankruptcy on his account back in the first few acts well yeah that was a flat-out lie on mum's part their divorce papers prove it gramma was said that this was the case and that this was all dad's fault let me make it clear grandma is not an entitled parent again I think she finds it easier to believe that it was someone else's fault rather than her child is just a stupidly irresponsible woman child because I didn't raise your mother to be like this and I believe her grandma is a sweet old lady who's so close to retirement she's just really depressed at how her child and one of her grandchildren turned out the last time I saw mom in person it was outside the stadium after I graduated college last year she dad and stepmom were all there she had also brought along a very close friend of hers she was no stranger to me as her and my mother were friends ever since they were toddlers practically sisters it was actually pretty adorable they have pictures of each other together as toddlers anyway she and my dad were actually having a pretty civil conversation together that day despite their history every time I saw them together they behaved like adults and didn't start any drama thank goodness at least not any drama that would have started a scene I was with my best friend taking pictures with him and he was the only one who could make it to my graduation outside of family as I was with him my mother had guilted my dad into lending her $20 for gas money as he was about to give it to her my stepmom swooped in and put her foot down telling her no my stepmom is one of those tough love types she won't hesitate to tell you the truth if it hurts your feelings if you need to hear it she's tough most of the time when she needs to be and sweet when she needs to be know what I mean so she definitely had no fear of telling someone no mum didn't make hissy-fit or anything just accepted it and carried on the conversation my parents were living over an hour away from me at the time so I didn't go and visit them after graduation we had already had plans to have a celebratory dinner at my restaurant of choice that weekend so we took our pictures and said our goodbyes and then they left I decided to stay with my mum because I couldn't remember the last time I saw her and I knew I likely wasn't going to see her again for a long time case in point I haven't seen her since that day we talked and made our way to a nearby Burger King as we were talking she told me about the conversation with dad about the $20 she said your dad was about to give me the $20 but then the hammer came down and stepmom stopped him she didn't badmouth them or anything to me but when we got to Burger King I did take note of the fact that she paid for her $15 meal with no issue after I offered to pay we talked had a good time then left I gave her $20 as at least a thank-you for going out of her way to make it to my college graduation I had honestly expected her to have one excuse or another to miss it the next day stepmom had sent me a screenshot it was a message from my mother's friends I had mentioned online it was nice meeting you but your wife's kind of a see though you see my dad doesn't really have a social media account he doesn't really do the whole social media game but my stepmother created one of those social media accounts that have both of their names and images on the profile it basically just says dad and stepmom lastname so I'm pretty sure my mother's friends sent that knowing stepmom would likely be the first to see it stepmom didn't reply just blocked it then told me this is why we have issues with your mother and I already believed her I completely understand why they go out of their way to avoid her she apologized for bickering about my mother to me and that was that we still see the occasional online police report involving my mother but that's it seeing that my mother is in jail for one week or another is as common as seeing what the weather is going to be for me I honestly don't know how she is so commonly in and out of jail as she is I'm surprised she's not in there for the long haul at this point know what I mean but oh well she's a big girl if she wants to keep ruining her life I'm not going to stop her I'm not her mother this really just makes me pity my grandmother who is her mother acts 5 epilogue my sister's out there somewhere got three kids possibly a fourth now I have no idea my mother's probably back in jail again for all I know maybe she's scheming how to get her next fix that'll end up landing her back in jail again I don't know I'm not too certain what happened between my sister and mother when my sister was living with her all I know is that mom did a little bit of babysitting here and there then my sister living with my mom turned into my mum living with my sister in her place somehow and then there was some falling out and then my sister was on her own in her place with the kids and my mother moved in with her lifelong friend I mentioned that one paragraph pretty much summed up everything I know about what happened to them in between me graduating it now if you made it this far Congrats now you pretty much nerd dawn near my entire life story outside my school life all I really left out was that the year after my parents divorce we ended up moving schools because my bullying problem had gotten so bad eventually my whole self destruction thing was used against me - I couldn't freaking take it anymore so we moved and oh my gosh I can't tell you the euphoria of the paradise my new school was sure there were some jerks there but what school doesn't have a jerk all to a gosh it done it was so much better imagine going from walking in a hot desert suffocating to graciously swimming in all the water you could drink that was how strong the difference was it was here that I met my two best friends I hope the three of us are together until we're back in diapers again in a nursing home anyway that's irrelevant my school issues was only touched upon here and there due to its relevance to the story I wasn't treated well that's all you need to know it's a different story entirely that holds almost no place here I just wanted to share that I turned out fine in the end things got really hard after the divorce well harder afterwards the divorce gave all my buddies ammunition nothing was too low for them if it would hurt me they'd go for it but hey they're all hi pregnant living with their parents in jail or in some sort of combination of the aforementioned the best revenge against them is to outlive them my dad and stepmom bought a new house they have a sweet loving relationship together that I'm certain will last until death do them part about a week after my college graduation I too signed off on and got a house I know what to do with myself and how to do it I'm 21 years old and have my life on track I'm also following my dream of becoming an animator and have will over 2500 hours of animation work under my belt it's become my passion I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging I just want to share that things are better now I'm only really sad that my sister isn't having her own good things going on right now growing up she was the good one the pretty one the smart one the most talented pitcher on her softball team the lead in their basketball team dad and I often wonder what really went wrong maybe it's our arrogance maybe our hubris we don't know if it was really our fault heck most of this was before I graduated high school I don't even know if I remember it right dad for sure is certain he did something wrong there are a few things he wishes he did differently but I don't blame him for a while I was all he had left before he met my stepmother it was just me and him he lost his lovely farm home daughter wife and his son was all he had left everything that was happening to me in school just came to head at a terrible time for him I know most kids wish they had even one parent as great as I see my father I am far beyond grateful forever he's done for me and it's kind of telling which parent was better for their child me who finished growing up with dad went to college learned a trade moved out before turning 20 got a house before turning 21 and have a plan for the next few years of my life to get settled sister who finished growing up with mum barely finished high school and now has three kids with as many baby daddies before turning 23 I know my sister can do better for herself but she just won't do it and she has to do it now since she's got kids she's raising on her own I hate to say it but she's likely to have CPS knocking on her door someday that's pretty much it for real this time okay Wow so we're finished with our five-part epic story and honestly I mean what do you say up to such a crazy experience I guess we'll start with the positives I'm really glad that this guy has his life on track and it's going pretty well you can't control and be responsible for everyone around in your life but you sure as heck can take personal responsibility and do the best with what you have if this story tells us nothing it's that people who take personal responsibility are the exact opposite of entitled people I guess what's so sad is just how much destruction entitlement can cause to the people around them I hope you guys enjoyed this multi-part story and if you enjoyed it please let me know down in the comments below submit your story to be read on the channel add voice see hear stories at gmail.com and join our Boise veteran community at our slash Boise here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode all right boys veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 24,888
Rating: 4.9555202 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/, entitled parents caught on camera, (PART 4 & 5) Lazy ENTITLED Mom Loses EVERYTHING She Loves..., lazy, entitled, mom, loses, everything, she, loves, part 4
Id: KeaKiLZv69M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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