r/EntitledParents | MOMBIE VS GAMER!

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what's that voice veterans this is your captain speaking and I would like to welcome you to the weekend show today subreddit is our slash entitled parents don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode alright this story was called attack of the entitled planet so I play a lot of D and B as a hobby and I love to DM games on a regular basis unfortunately I live in a small Midwestern town so I rarely get people for private games luckily for me the game shop in town hosts adventurers League which is an organized campaign group developed and ran by Wizards of the coast the company behind Dungeons and Dragons without any alternatives I started DMing al games at this game shop I've been doing it for years and have always had fun about a week ago I wanted to start a new private group because I was bored with experienced players I decided I wanted to get people who were new to the game so I put up flyers around town saying I was looking for people who wanted to learn to play D&D after a week of people applying and interviewing I decided on 5 people to make up my party the party consisted of a barbarian a wizard a paladin a ranger and a rope most of them were in their late teens early 20s except for the rogue who was a kid around the age of 12 I set our first session for the next week considering this was their first ever time playing I decided to do something special when I texted each of them the date of the first session I also asked them about their favorite color when the day of the first session came I went to the game shop early and bought each my players a four dollar set of chess X dice in their favorite color when the players came in they were happy and grateful except for the Rogue rogue looked at his dice and got a disgusted look on his face I noticed this but continued on with the session but all throughout the session he was very standoffish and very unenthusiastic this started to become a bit of a problem so when we came to a break I pulled the rogue aside and asked him what was wrong I don't like my dice okay what didn't you like about them they're ugly and I don't like the color now to be fair these dice were pale green with yellow accents to them so I have to agree they were not the most attractive dice because I felt like I made a judgement error I decided to rectify the situation okay well how about after the session we go over and pick out a set that you like really yeah I don't want you to hate your dice but I'm gonna need you to be engaging with the group Roeg agreed and his mood changed considerably we continue with the session with no problems when the session came to a close rogue jumped out of his chair and ranged straight to the dice after I packed my stuff up and he quickly chatted with some of the other players I met up with rogue however when I approached him I noticed he had already picked out a set of dice a $50 set a pewter dice um bro I ain't buying you those but these are the ones I want I know but those are $50 but you said I can get whatever it's that I like I like these dude I was expecting you to pick a cheap set of dice those are just too expensive I'm willing to get you dice just not ones that expensive rogue thought about it and got my point he progressively put down the metal dice and apologized to me we then spent a good 10 minutes picking out a set of reasonably priced dice he set it on a nice green and black set of $8 chessick slice once that was settled he thanked me and we left now I hope this was gonna be the end of the story unfortunately as I've stated in the past God hates me and wants to prove it so a week passes and I'm back at the game shop setting up for the next session after I finished setting up I noticed I had some time before my player showed up so I decided to kill said time by talking with one of the employees suddenly in the middle of our conversation I felt a disturbance a shift in gravity caused my body to feel like I was being pulled into something the air smelled a fried-chicken and sulfur I knew in my heart that something wicked was coming entranced by curiosity seductive power I turned to look at what diabolical force was approaching what my eyes saw was a short yet extremely obese woman wearing a muumuu and sporting a haircut that said I want to speak to your CEO and she was glaring at me with the anger of a thousand beholders from behind her I can make out surprisingly a familiar shape it was row it suddenly dawned on me that this was his mother I you guy who runs the Dungeons & Dragons game yes she then rushed towards me with his speed I didn't think was possible for her within seconds she was right in my face my boy told me you will be a mean to him how so he told me you wouldn't get him the set of dice II wanted the dice II wanted were fifty dollars I offered to buy him a set of dice that was under $10 well he wanted those dice and you offered to buy them for him so buy them I'm not buying him those dice they are fifty dollars don't you dare try to cheat me I know you get an employee discount suddenly the employee I was talking with chimed in ma'am I can assure you that this man doesn't work here don't you dare lie to me I know he wax yet ma'am I don't work then without warning she slapped me across the face this was no light slap this was a Saitama level slap now to his credit Rowe tried to intervene by telling his mom to calm down in that it's no big deal I don't want sass from you boy she then turned back to me now you get my son whatever he wants or else I will have you fired do I make myself clear look lady I don't work here and I'm not buying those duck she then slapped me again how dare you raise your voice to me I want to see your manager even though I was at my wit's end I tried one last time to reason with her read my lips i dote fornication under the consent of the King King work she then slapped me one last time don't you dare cuss at me in front of my son now I'm usually not a confrontational guy I typically try to keep my calm as best as I can but after she pimp slapped me for a third time something snapped in my mind which led me to say some very harsh things listen up you freaky crazy hand planet punt I do not and have not freaking worked here I do not get a freakin employees discount and I will not by your crotch Goblin a set of 50 freakin dollar dyes furthermore due to your crappy actions as a parent your son is no longer accepted at any of these games now step off rogues mom looked visibly surprised and insulted I'm not leaving until I get those dice well it looks like you need to take your sausage fingers and stick them somewhere inappropriate find their $50 that you made last night work in the street corner and buy them yourself because that's the only way you're getting those dice now get the heck out of my face before I slap 400 pounds off of your Ralphie Mary lookin hiney at about this time I snap out of my temporary insanity rogues mom looks stunned as if no one had spoke to her like this rogues mouth was a gape in disbelief and the employee was a mixture of horrified in trying to hold back laughter I braced myself for whatever retaliation she was about to unleash on me surprisingly she grabbed her son and walked out of the game store as soon as she did the employee burst out laughing once my players arrived I explained what ended up happening as well as why rogue was not going to be playing with us anymore they all had a good laugh about an hour into our session the store manager pulled me aside to ask why he received a call from a woman claiming that one of the employees was insulting her I told him what happened in how she hit me multiple times causing me to snap after confirming on the security cameras he told me that although I was justifying to defending myself he couldn't allow me to insult his customers he told me that he was banning me for a month I accepted and informed my players that we would be moving venues or playing our fifth session tonight at my place and I got a new guy to replace ro goodness me okay so that took a lot out of my throat but that was a really fun read I enjoy how that turned out and I'm interested to know let me know in the comments below if any of you guys like to play D&D all right guys this next group of stories goes by the name of entitled family tales hellish aunt and cousin edition I have quite a few entitled people in my family but my mother's side of the fan we mother aunt and grandmother absolutely take the cake so here are some tales from my encounters with my aunt / her son over the years the episode one pigs-in-a-blanket my aunt and cousin her golden child and the baby of the family often come to visit us and end up staying over during their stay it is our job as hosts to make sure they are happy with everything they get our beds if they want them we have to cater to their every need and we're not allowed to ever say no to them during one visit they made the spare room into a pigsty of dirty clothes thrown everywhere they would eat while they walked around the house leaving crumbs and drips everywhere and they insisted on using shoes indoors in tracked mud all around our otherwise spotless house needless to say when they were finally ready to leave I could cry I was so relieved it was over however they would not go through the hassle of taking a bus home so my parents had to drive them home a two to three hour drive each way while they were gone I was expected to vacuum and clean the bathrooms I walk in to get started on my bathroom and I just stood there overseeing the chaos there were dirty shoe prints everywhere because they flooded the sink and when the water splashed on the ground they just kept walking over it the towels were grimy and all I could think is that instead of showering they were just cleaning themselves on them my cousin is famous for going days without showering despite running and sweating like the pig he is but the worst the abbé salute worse was the trash can we have a trash can in each bathroom with a lid my cousin had peed on the lid so it became a nice infinity pool the lid was concave and absolutely filled to the brim it smelled awful - so I had to get on my hands and knees while crying to clean his pee that he did on purpose just for this reason oh man okay so that's disgusting that is absolutely terrifying and I want to vomit just reading that but how could this get any worse find out next time in episode 2 which is happening right now episode 2 food my cousins eat a lot everyone always excused his behavior as boys eat a lot and he needs it because he's growing but he'll eat everything especially if he knows someone else is eating too he'll do it just so no one else can eat the food this isn't a single story as much as a bunch of small incidents over the years for my birthday the family was visiting and my grandmother made some sweets since I had to work that day my cousin ate all my favorite ones he left all the ones he knows I don't like so he could eat them at a more leisure pace but he ate 60-plus sweets just so I wouldn't get a single one of his my grandmother made more the next day as soon as he set the tray down I swear to God he stood next to it and just ate like he was starving using both hands so one could shove food into his mouth while the other was reaching for more he did this until all my favorites were gone again and left the others alone since I wouldn't eat them when we go out with my aunt and cousin it's always implied that we will pay for them my cousin uses this to get the most expensive food he can find at every place we go I've seen him pile a plate with insane amounts of food and not eat a single thing because he didn't like it after all just because we're paying he then proceeded to make us pay for another meal at another place usually when my family goes out to eat we get cheap fast food like McDonald's and one meal per person I've seen him demand and get two to three meals from different and expensive places whenever it's just the two of us and I refused to pay he threatens to go to my grandmother and tell her i starved him even though we are adults I'm 25 and he's 21 they freak out because I'm starving him and he's just a kid and I made to pay for whatever he wants if I don't have money for both I don't eat myself and pay for him his mother my aunt absolutely approves of this and has done this to me when my mother isn't with us one time we were going to buy doughnuts an expensive treat where I live not in the US and I said I could buy one doughnut per person my aunt instead asked for half a dozen many doughnuts they were almost the same price as the big ones so it made no sense to buy them instead I told her again I was paying for one per person but she started making a scene in demand I pay for what she wanted I paid for her six mini donuts my cousin's two big ones and didn't anything myself and I ended up with no money for food that week whenever she buys food for her and my cousin they don't offer me or offer to pay for me if I'm not paying for them I must at least pay for myself oh this poor guy has to deal with some annoying family members let me know in the comments below your annoying family members because I know we all have them if you don't then you're the annoying one episode 3 moneybags as it has already been established my aunt grandmother and cousin expect me to pay for everything my aunt can't hold down a job my grandmother lives off of a small pension from the government and my cousin did nothing his whole life now at 21 he joined our country's Navy at the lowliest possible position sailors apprentice after almost flunking the high school level test and he's a national hero for being brave and strong and smart enough to do it yeah he was deployed across the country and he's studying there for a whole year until he finishes the training program and is officially a member of the Navy my own job often has me traveling a lot on business since I work with engineering and my company has plants all over the country so whenever one of my projects is in another plant I fly over to visit slash oversee it this June I had a project in a plant sort of close to where he was deployed so I asked if he wanted to meet up I'm not that big of a masochist while over the years I have distance myself from my aunt and grandmother and have barely any contact with them my cousin is kinda nice if we're alone and I can tell him no it is whenever his protectors are around that he becomes an insufferable jerk fast forward a few days and I'm working from 10 hours a day at the plant when I suddenly get a message for my cousin that he's coming to visit me that day out of the blue I sent him my a hotel address and say that I'll meet him there at 6:45 p.m. when I get there when I arrive he has a duffel bag which I think nothing of because I go everywhere with a backpack myself we go out for pizza and since it was his birthday a few days prior and I can get reimbursement for my part of the meal I cover for him and pay the bill dude never even touched his wallet the entire time I don't even know if he had a wallet we get back to the hotel as soon as I opened the door he walks into the bathroom and has a shower okay at this I'm beyond suspicious that something is afoot then he gets out of the shower and he's wearing pajamas oh heck no now if he stayed over I'd have to pay for him to stay there and while my company spoils us and puts us at pretty nice hotels I don't get paid nearly enough to pay for the room myself so it was a no-go at this point my aunt is calling like crazy and as soon as I tell them that he's not staying the lady proceeds to chew me a new one for throwing her baby out why can't you just pay for him what's your problem I tell her he's absolutely welcome to stay if he can pay for his own room I throw around a crazy number like 600 bucks to scare her off and she's still fuming that I should be the one to pay after 30 minutes of this nonsense I tell them I'm not about to lose my job because this and that he's gonna have to get a cab if he wants to go home we finally get her to end the call and I actually hang out with my cousin for a couple of hours which was nice then I see it's getting late and start telling him to call a cab booths good of clothes money to call a cab yep that's how stuff works let me use your credit card dude I don't have one heck no I'm not giving you my credit card number don't you have money after five minutes of bad bluffing yeah then you pay for it I'll call you an uber and set the payment as cash if I'm paid that I'm staying longer if you stay longer the cab will get more expensive late at night that shut him up fast and he got into an uber thank God I'm a spineless [ __ ] I was feeling sort of nice that I had seen my cousin after a long time and transferred him the cash to cover the uber that pacified my aunt enough that she stopped calling me and my parents to yell at us however they didn't seem to like that a whole lot my cousin hasn't spoke to me since June he must be mad that I didn't let him stay in my hotel but just because I have a decent job doesn't mean I work to pay for his crap and this is the last I heard from them I moved in January of this year so since I won't give them plane tickets it's unlikely they'll ever visit me and after the hotel Fiasco my aunt and cousin aren't talking to me anymore so that was a bullet dodged no epic conclusion just to screw it up Emily and years of not knowing how these people can function in the real world my grandmother and aunt still laugh at me and call me stupid / dumb for paying for my own stuff and not asking for other people to pay for me but at least I have self-respect in quite a nice life - we need to congratulate this guy for leaving his toxic family because while they are family toxic people are still you know toxic I know it might be hard for some of y'all but if you can get them out of your life get them the heck out of your life you'll thank me later don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 74,255
Rating: 4.8416524 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/EntitledParents 127, best of reddit, ask reddit
Id: 8nKMBHTodu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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