r/EntitledParents | Karen IGNORES CHILD

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this video was brought to you by - Lane welcome back guys - voic-- here and another are / entitle parents entitled parents is so negligent that even a trip to get their kids ice cream could prove deadly just wait until you see her reaction after those around her try to help don't forget voice you veterans - like subscribe and hit that Bell - never miss an episode this story was called 'i'm may have killed her child because she wouldn't listen I work in an ice cream parlor in a tourist zone of my town weekends are an absolute nightmare for us because of the sheer amount of people coming in on one special and magic day eeehm comes in with three kids there was nothing about her that could have warned me that she was a Karen two of her kids looked not much older than five I'm really bad at guessing people's age especially kids and the other one couldn't have been older than three the kids were as expected attracted to our most colorful choices of ice cream all of them are almost pure sugar and chemical flavors the older kids asked for two scoops and I know for a fact two scoops is too much for them since our serving sizes are usually huge so I tell the mum I'll make one scoop and she'll see whether or not she wants to pay for two she insisted I do whatever her kids want so I obliged I don't care if you pay seven dollars on a car and your kid won't even eat half of it the real problem came when the youngest kid a cute little girl wanted the blue ice cream bubblegum I warned him that the bubblegum ice cream contains two full-sized Bubblegum's and there is a risk of choking for small kids she responded something along those lines oh it's okay she's old enough and anyway there was no warning so I'm sure you're exaggerating I show her one of the Bubblegum's e/m gets frustrated just don't put any in her ice cream it's impossible they are already in the ice cream and I can't guarantee there won't be any in the scoops I give her I don't care just give her what she wants or out make a complaint my manager is the sweetest boss I've ever had and she will always back up her employees when a client acts entitled so it wasn't much of a threat yet I still gave her the ice cream because I was only two hours into my shift and I six hours more coming and I didn't want any drama this early as soon as little girl got her ice cream she went to join her brothers who were on the other side of the shop eating their super kid ice creams when it was time to pay eeehm started arguing about the prices keep in mind I warned her about the price of her son's cards earlier I guess she wasn't interested in the saying of a low-life ice cream parlor employee impossible for ice creams to not be worth that much you're trying to scare me I'm sorry man but those are our prices the prices on the board's behind me do not include the taxes I don't care about taxes how can four ice Cream's be worth $26 well your son's birth took two scoops which is $6 H plus they took waffle cones which are $1 H so already we're at $14 you took two scoops on a sugar cone so 675 and your daughter had one scoop for 425 plus extra candies of $1 it gives a total of $26 it is ridiculous who charges for the waffle cones anyway those regular cones is disgusting no one wants that the cones should be free I'm sorry ma'am but I don't do the prices this is what it is now will you pay with cash or card I was harsh enough in my time that she understood she wouldn't win this argument with me she got out of card and powdered I'll pay Visa while she was taking her sweet time I just happened to look around the line of customers waiting and something caught my eyes and my heart sank LG was as blue as her ice cream and her brother was frantically slapping her in the back trying to help her I flew over the counter and pushed oblivious people aside to reach the poor girl I bent down and told her I was going to try to help I will never forget the look in her eyes she was desperate I immediately started the Heimlich procedure I looked at my coworker dead in the eyes and yelled go call an ambulance I told a regular customer who was a friend with my boss go get Julie fake name as I was still trying to save LG I started to panic she still wasn't breathing then eeehm came up to me and started yelling at me I was too focused on my task to hear her my coworker said she was yelling that I was hurting her daughter she even tried to stop me but a customer who knew I was doing the best I could stopped her my manager finally arrived and jumped on her knees next to me she asked me to hand LG over I did LG was as limp as a rag doll by that time my manager jammed a finger in LG's mouth and successfully dislodged the freaking bubble gum out of LG's throat my manager is a retired nurse she knew what she was doing LG coughed and gas but she wasn't responsive she was breathing but her eyes were half closed she wasn't crying like a three-year-old would after such a traumatic event iam just stood there yelling at us not once trying to reach and hug her own daughter my manager held LG and tried to communicate with her what did you do to my baby girl me very angry from the experience she was choking aiya she's a big girl now she knows how to eat you just assaulted her I was doing the Heimlich procedure you [ __ ] I stood up angry not willing to take any more crap from that e/m she jerked on a bubblegum and I warned you about the danger eeehm was shocked by my extreme anger and took a step back I guess my yelling of the attention of the dad who was waiting outside because he suddenly appeared out of nowhere asking what was going on eeehm walked behind him and said his girl assaulted out daughter now she's trying to attack me what where is LG I pointed to her and said she's over there she was choking on a bubblegum and I tried to help the dad was apparently a way better parent than a.m. because he rushed to his daughter and held her in his arms the paramedic arrived in examined her she was still in crisis her brain was without oxygen for who knows how long while the paramedic was working on her the police also arrived apparently e/m had called them during the panic eeehm tried to convince them that I assaulted LG but every customer present at the scene along with the employees and camera were there to back me up then she changed her story and claimed that I purposefully gave LG a dangerous ice cream without warning her but again I had proof that I showed her a bubblegum and the camera also shows her I don't care gesture dad was livid at a.m. he yelled at her that this is all her fault that she was always like that and that this time she went too far you almost killed her would it kill you to give a crap about them for once I'm assuming he meant that kids eeehm started crying and saying that it wasn't her fault that I was the one who heard LG dad got in the ambulance with LG MDM got a fine for calling the police under false claims she left with her two sons looking down I think she had just realized what had happened because she was pale as a ghost I don't know what happened to LG and I never really asked my manager of p.m. su - up for the event or not but I was traumatized for weeks having someone's life in your hands is not a glorious feeling at all especially a young kid like LG I have a small heart that she is fine but I still remember her lying lifeless as the paramedics tried to talk to her I feel so guilty for giving her the ice cream imagine looking for a job you know like I don't want anything too crazy nothing with too much drama huh no also have ice cream too people that'll bring joy to everyone including kids not when entitled parents come in basically then becomes a life-or-death situation that would actually be incredibly terrifying there if you've ever done a first-aid course one of the first things they always tell you is like yeah we do this method now we used to do that method five years ago but not anymore it's like great well is this the right method that you're teaching me now is that gonna change again it doesn't give you a lot of confidence going into a life-or-death situation the best thing is always just to call the pros in this story was called e/m calls police on public library gets detained in the cast me police officer one and two entitled mother and good stepmom this happened yesterday and we have a meeting about it later today I work for a library in a small rural town we have a policy if anyone calls or comes in looking for someone we're not allowed to tell them if they are here or not or where they can find them this is for cases if someone is looking to fight someone or a Rando is looking for a child that may or may not be theirs now without logic in place let's set the scene I was working circulation last night and around 6:00 p.m. we get Cole I answer hello this is a known county library how can I help you yes I'm looking for my jaw sir gives a brief description of child she should be there she came in with another lady sorry ma'am we're not allowed to tell you who's here or not as we cannot verify that you are who you claim to be what we cannot tell you if a child is here because we cannot verify you are the parent what the heck she pauses and gets distant I hear her yell to somebody in the background they won't tell me if she's there because they can't verify I'm the parent of my own gosh daughter she abruptly hangs up the phone since we're the only two therefore closing for the night I tell my co-worker we might get an angry lady in looking for a child she already knows we can't tell her anything what's important is that she is at reference while I'm at Cirque she basically looks after study rooms and computer labs while I look at the stacks so no one can watch desk and sure enough around 10 to 15 minutes later eeehm Huff's into the place with my Georgia this is a library ma'am you need to lower your voice or you need to leave and I told you on the phone we are not allowed to tell you who is here but you can have a look around don't tell me to lower my gosh John voice I'm looking for my daughter now where is she again I cannot tell you now lower your voice and stop cussing or I'll be forced to call the police to escort you out of the building little side note our library is next to the police station like directly across when neighbors e/m gets quiet and Huff's around the place we are not that big so it takes about five minutes to look everywhere once she's finished she comes back and this is where crap really hits the fan I couldn't find my Jochem out there I'm gonna check back there she points out the entrance to the stuff on the back room for desk workers ma'am you cannot go back there there's only two of us working and I cannot allow you back there in the first place it would be a liability my dude you could be back there unlikely as you'd have to have keys to work at the door ma'am the final answer is no I'm gonna have to ask you to leave you are being disruptive and disturbing the peace no I'm calling the you are holding my daughter hostage what eeehm proceeds to actually call the police while I sit there dumbfounded about five minutes later three police cars arrive for a retrieval of a child who wasn't there as they walk in eeehm started screeching they have my daughter looked up in the back and won't let her out police officer looks confused because we're a public library so I have to explain what's happening and unlock the stuff only door for them to search just in case ium smirks and says we can hug you freaking idiot lady there's no one back here do you know where your daughter was last she was here last and this jerk wouldn't tell me if she was here or not our policy is we can't tell you if someone is here but you are free to look around we do this to prevent people looking for their drug dealer while looking for a specific person to fight or in the case of children so they are not abducted we can't confirm you are the parent photos don't help because we don't know if they are not allowed to see the child because of violation issues from divorce or loss of custody in this case it was the very last option the police officer just shakes her head did he tell you this already yes but she starts to choke up at this point a woman and a girl walking with snacks and a drink from the gas station a couple blocks down the good stepmother started to yell why the heck are you here did you come here to see child's name are you insane we've discussed this many times with the father you can't be popping up trying to see the child but I miss my baby I want to see her you lost that right when you left her in a car to buy drugs and you disappeared for hours you were lucky she's even here eeehm starts to bawl the offices split up and talk to the good mother while the others detainee em to see if she needs to be arrested have you ever been to a library and not seen some really weird people it's like it's a magnet for them I don't know if it's because it's a public space but it's like every time I go to a library there's always some weirdo there and who's weirder than an entitled parent dashlane makes the internet way faster and more fun how often are you ready to buy something but you don't have your credit card handy - Lane means you never have to have your credit card on you how often do you forget or reset your password you'll never forget or reset a password again with dashlane for anything that requires filling out forms online from check outs to taxes from buying airline tickets to applying for a job - Layne has you covered with one click autofill it also works across all devices and browsers so wherever you go your passwords go with you click on the link in the description below to get your 30-day free trial of dashlane premium and use the coupon code voic-- here at - Layne comm / voic-- here to get 10% off - Layne premium but only for the first 200 people this story was called entitled dad doesn't understand how yard sales work so a few years ago I went to a fantastic private high school to avoid all my old tormentors who went to my public school regardless of what religion you are the fact that the school was a Catholic High School will be important later so bear with me now let me tell you why my family always marks our equipment with our names and not for sale stickers every year we have an annual garage sale to support the local community people bring in gently used stuff from clothes to toys as donations we sell them super cheap and the profits jointly benefit the school and local charities win-win scenario for all involved my family handles the bikes since my mom used to be a triathlete and could repair a bike blindfolded our bikes usually go for fifteen to thirty dollars and we bring all our maintenance equipment to do last-minute fixes on bikes and whatnot so I'm casually playing a now-defunct game on my phone and my mom is cleaning a spare tire when EP approaches and starts looking at our bike selection that's our cue to put on our happy salesperson faces patent pending thankfully he doesn't ask any questions we need to answer and seems to be looking more at the collection of bikes in our maintenance area after a few minutes of looking he seems to make a decision and points to the bike repair stand we used to hold the bikes up when we fix them yeah how much were dirt you see a price tag mum and I chuckle I decide to speak up oh that's ours we use it to help fix the bikes it's not for sale but this is a sale right he well if this is a sale and it's here with the sale didn't must be for sale I'll give you 30 bucks for it I take a moment to stand there dumbfounded probably making a surprised Pikachu face before it was even a meme his logic made some sense but well by that logic all the tables lockers in the hallway and people of the sale are also available for purchase thankfully my mom who might as well be an anti Karen weapon steps in sorry sir but this equipment I brought from home to maintain the bikes is not for sale when you do sales show at the tables in the gym for sale no other lockers for sale know some things just are not for sale here so please either buy a bike or let the other customers browse in peace fine and he leaves in a huff after that we stuck a piece of tape labeled not for sale and our last name on the bike stand we had a quick chuckle about it but not 10 minutes later a young boy comes up poor kid couldn't have been more than seven innocent and pure as freshly fallen snow how much it get dad told me come over here and buy it since you weren't selling it to him I don't know whether to laugh at the child's innocent confession or cry at the father's idiocy we point out the not for sale tape and sent him on his merry way towards the toy section fifteen minutes later he P returns again this time with more serious backup remember how I said it was a Catholic school EP brought a nun with him now anyone who's been taught by a woman of the cloth knows the golden rule never anger the nun sister Dee as I'll refer to her as is usually one of the sweetest kindest people you'll meet she also has a normal intimidation factor of zero given that she stands at around four foot three inches and looks like she just turned 98 but those of us in the music department know she can be commanding loud and occasionally downright terrifying even as I type this I'm half expecting a holy lightning bolt to fry my butt regardless of whether the big guy is real or not you still don't wanna cross her this is a big mistake for EP since a I'm one of the best nicest students in the school and be me and my family do a lot of work to help the elderly sisters in their daily lives and are well in their good graces and see sister Dee also saw us unloading our bike equipment there they won't sell me or my son that bikes stand to look they even put that note for sale stick on it so they can take a home gym SOB's I want to divorced I casually wave to sister Dee and leaned back in my chair to watch the fireworks mom on the other hand is ticked fine you really want to buy it for me the stand cost a thousand dollars that's my asking price sister Dee starts getting the picture turns to EP you mean to tell me you dragged me halfway across the building because you wanted to buy someone else's property but DISA sister you do it must be for sale and I wondered mom and sister Dee simultaneously get out who you heard me out I don't want you harassing your volunteers for their personal belongings we have every right to refuse you so go don't come back and do next year mom takes on a stern stance a cool area DP I'm barely keeping the lofts in and people are watching realizing he's beat EP offers one final parting shot before heading home but this is Ju a normal person hey I'd like to buy that thing I'm sorry that's not for sale oh my bad sorry maybe I'll go look at some of the bikes to buy and entitled parent yeah they're gonna spend the next hour trying to make your life miserable to try and get their way even bringing in a ninety eight year old nun as an authority figure to bully them into doing what he wants may God have mercy on his soul post your story's memes and fair not at are slash boy see here don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode alright voice you veterans I'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: VoiceyHere
Views: 95,284
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Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, VoiceyHere, VoiceyHere Stories, reddit cringe, reddit stories, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents giofilms, r/entitled parents stories, entitled parents, entitled parents fresh, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/entitled, top posts of all time, rSlash, r/entitledparents rSlash, funny, funny reddit posts, r/Entitledparents 125, best of reddit, ask reddit
Id: EeNcVrY4W-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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