Reloading Rifle Ammunition: .223 & 556 For Beginners on a Lee Turret Press

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hey guys what's going on it's Cody that to a guy and today I'm going to be loading up a little bit of 223 ammo so I'm going to take you through the full process and what I do and how I get it done so here we go so the first thing up is the cases and what I do is depend on the cases so I've got a whole big bag of a thousand this is off Etsy which is crazy but you can find good cases on Etsy I'll put a link on these guys but this is fully processed trimmed swage cleaned polished the whole bit so I've measured these they all come out consistent so these are ready to go maybe just a little bit of lube and then the second option would be just just scrap picked up off the range a whole different process these will need to be obviously tumbled and you primed and swage and maybe resize as well so I'm not going to dig into those yet until I run out of these 1000 I've got I've also got cases off Etsy that have been unprocessed and I've run into a lot of military crimps and so we have to swage those out and that's kind of a pain in the butt but I'll actually do a second video on that just to show what I do because I kind of do a cheapo way on that and I found it to work good so anyways with these these need to be lubed so what I've been using I found this concoction on YouTube but um this is lanolin which is out of sheep's wool and then mixed with isopropyl alcohol I just got it on Amazon and it's like a 1 to 8 solution 1 ounce to 8 ounces of alcohol or 1 ounce to 10 ounces of alcohol and it just mix it up and that'll probably last a lifetime I'm assuming and then I just spray a little bit on the cases couple couple sprays shake it up and then about the evaporate let the alcohol evaporate and then you've got nice good smooth silky smooth cases that that feel really good show anyways the only thing that I've found to be an issue with these as that I might have sprayed too much on these because I haven't had it happen before but powder gets stuck in the case mouth and I'm using Ram shot tack and it's tiny tiny and it gets stuck in a case mouth so I don't know if that would happen with different like pellet type long powders but anyways it does happen with this I don't think it's a big deal I think the bullet pushes it down just fine into the case and then I am loading Everglades ammo in Naples Florida 55 grain Full Metal Jacket and this is the version two bullet and it's a little bit more pointy than the version one and I think it has better accuracy and I've I'll throw in a shot of a target from the other day just sighting in a new scope and it's shooting a about 50 yards about a quarter inch 0.3 seven inches 0.49 inches that's all at 50 yards with about a 12 mile mile an hour wind so those would open up a bit at 100 but good solid shooter just just as a 55 grain blinking round I would say so anyways next step up I'm going to show the full process let's get to it so I've got the Lee turret press and I love this thing I when I was looking to depress I didn't want to get a single-stage and I couldn't quite get a progressive so I decided on this thing and I loved it it's been flawless and has just done me really well so if you're looking for a good press I would I would very much suggest this thing as long as you've got a good sturdy mount it's awesome so and like I said I can do it I can do about a hundred two twenty three in about twenty to thirty minutes which is great if it's unprocessed brass it's a little bit slower but at any rate pretty quick I'm going to load up this primer tray real quick before we get going and as well show this too while I'm at it it's nice and easy just plop these dudes down give it a good little shake and that's it close her up turn it on get it place in and it's ready to go okay so we've got a case and these of these are ready to load but obviously non-prime so we'll run it up through the resized I set a primer see them I'm not going to go into how to see how to set up the dies if you have any questions about it let me know but that's all in the manual the main thing is with this you need to get the the right of the powder riser for the auto drum because otherwise if you don't have that it's going to hit that safety prime set up when you spin around I'll show you that real quick it would hit right here on the on the drum so anyways do that so we've got the primer set we're going to dump some powder I've got this set up at 24 and a half grains but even if I haven't loaded in a few days even if I'm using the same load I'm going to go in and I'm going to check the load at least at least two to three times maybe five times just to make sure that it's right on the money which it looks good right there show you this scale real quick you don't know how to use these guys it's kind of a little bit goofy but they end up being super accurate so this would be if you need to under 10 grains this would be 10 15 20 up to 20 this is 20 so 24.5 and the main thing is you just want that needle to be on the v and then equal space on each side and you'd be right on the money once you get up into the 8 9 zone it gets kind of a little bit funky if you're at 0 it gets a little bit funky too but anyways I'm loading 24 and a half I found out to be a awesome load with my barrel and the data that I've found on it so anyways 24 and a half load out a few charges just to see what it's looking like and that is looking good now I will say one time I made a about a 2/10 of a grain a little piece of lead just to see in my mind with this how the scale was going and what it would look like to have a you know a a 1/10 of 2/10 of a grain difference and throw so I made a little 2/10 of grain piece of lead toss it on the scale in it throw it throws it out a good bit just 2/10 of a grain 1/10 of grain so once you get this scale dialed in once you get this powder measure dialed in you can basically just flow with it I know that certain powders won't do that quite as well but this tack I know CFE 223 h 335 those kind of powders I think all throw quite well so there we are 24 and 1/2 pretty much spot-on if you want to you could low you could throw out a good 10 to 15 just to just to see what it was doing but a good thing to know is if you did load a double charge which would be quite difficult on this machine unless you just completely zoned out but it would completely overfill the case and come flowing all over the place so you can't double charge these things and even a 24 and a half the max load on these is about 25 and a half and a full extra grain would be totally noticeable so as long as you keep an eye on it one good thing too is you can shake it you can feel it alright so let's get going next step see the bullet and I've got it seated out to 2.25 in a little bit two point it's a little bit high but I've got it seated out about as long as I can I use Lancer mags and I can go to go to about twenty two point two five five ish would be about on the long end so just get that dude adjusted down get that depth all dialed in and that's about perfect the next step is to get out a case gauge I use this Lyman 223 case gauge I'm using a wild chamber which is a little bit different 223 is a little bit tighter five five six a little bit looser but I use this lime engage and that will know if the that'll show you if your head space is nice and nice and good so the way that this thing works is you've got a high space in a low space you want that to land right right there to be seated correctly you don't want it to be snug you want it to just go in and out nice and good and you'll know that that's going to headspace good in your rifle also you want the end you want that case to come right into the end right into that in between the high and low area right there if it was tight I'll show you a unprocessed case here so this is just off the range that's just just a little bit tight so it's going to fall out like that let's try another one so it doesn't fit so if you had a fully loaded cartridge that didn't fit you know in the socket that the headspace is going to be goofy on the rifle and it's probably not going to chamber and if you tried to force it in you might have a bad day so I go through once I've loaded a bit and I check the headspace on a few just to make sure that it's nice and dialed in that's about 22 bucks on Amazon so well worth it and what I'll do is once I get quite a few loaded I'll go through and I'll check the headspace on a bit okay I didn't crimp that one but here we go again so size prime powder seat the bullet crimp and I've got the crimp almost set to nothing I typically don't crimp with the with with what I'm shooting I don't find it necessary anyways but I just have a very light very light crimp on there it also helps stretch out the life of the cases a little bit if you don't crimp the heck out of them and to have you a cramp will lead to excessive pressures as well we've got to watch out on that crimp so once you get loading this thing again especially in the beginning I would check the powder every few maybe every five to ten just to make sure also the length take a look in take a look in a case every now and then just to make sure powder is thrown okay the only time that I've found it to be a little bit goofy is when the powder gets really low right on the money when the powder gets low in the cylinder that you might have a little bit of issues and when that happens as long as you keep it to about a good third should be good once we get going on this thing you can see and I'm by no means fast but once you get going on this thing you can start pumping out some rounds I get my cases at about $90 80 to $90 per thousand so eight to nine cents a piece my powder comes out to I don't know three cents three to four cents around my bullets what are they cost maybe 80 bucks 80 bucks a thousand so eight cents I think I'm a plus primers right about 20 22 23 cents which I'd say is pretty decent so there you go I mean once you get these things going sorry my light just went out once you get moving with it with this thing you can really pump them out so there you go so again I would go through once I've loaded a few and just check that headspace one more time on a good few of them you can also go through and make sure the length is nice and good 2.25 in a in a smidge over 2.25 right on the money that's about it that's about as much as I do with precision rounds I would get a little bit more in depth I would what I would do with those I would I would make the wait just a little bit low and then basically triple I'll use one of the lis scoopers and I'll just trickle it in and I'm doing some precision loads I'll do it like that but other than that that's about it I'll run off about a hundred in about 20 minutes and machine does a heck of a job it's about it
Channel: that2Aguy
Views: 79,036
Rating: 4.7991071 out of 5
Keywords: ar 15, 223, 223 remington, 556, rifle reloading, reloading, lee, lee turret press, lee press, ramshot tac, ramshot, tac, everglades ammo, ammo, ammunition, ammunition reloading, reloading basics, reloading tutorial, lee ultimate die, lee 223, 556 nato, guns, guns and ammo, weapons, gun tutorials, 223 brass, 223 headspace, 223 wylde reloading, 223 wylde, lyman case gauge, lyman length gauge, lyman headspace, ar, odin works 223 wylde, odin works, loading bench, handloads, handloading
Id: E0Ar12usLXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 05 2016
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