How I Reload .223

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hey guys what's up cigar buff coming back at you with another video what you can see here sure you can read bass as unprepped 2 to 3 brass as you can tell by the title by the way this is what they keep my brass in these containers from the dollar store they're like a buck fifty two bucks what this is you'll see a whole bunch of two to three brass in here I'm not sure I'm gonna ground during your rounds cases are in here probably about 150 these are once fired from the range and they've just been tumbled in my vibratory tumbler so what we're gonna do is hence the video title we're gonna reload to do three from start to finish the cleaning process I have a huge video on how I clean them it's not a rocket science bring them home from the range I don't even be capped them as you can see you later as you can see there I basically grab them and focus no alright throw them in the tumbler take them out put them in here as unprepped because they're not sighs they're not nothing do not the cap norming primers no nothing so we're gonna drop five of random ones one two three four five and we're basically going to reload these from start to finish so next step we'll see you there okay guys so next up is looping the brass what you see here is a lineman basically keeps lube pad it's all this I like it a lot of people use imperial exercise whatever I use RCBS wax I got it for free so it does the job there's lots of Lube on here right now I'm gonna show you how to renew bit let me actually grab the lube and show you real quick okay guys that's it right there our CBS case Lube and what I do it stuffs are very thick you know lot goes a long way is you'll basically spread this in sorry I'll use my other hand it's gonna come on real slow as you can hopefully you can see that yeah you can see that and it really requires only a couple just under many cases are you doing like we're doing the five here just for the sake of the video so there we go I'll spread those drops out like that and what we'll do is we'll just spread it in with our finger here a lot of people say to them to do it don't do it with your finger I don't know works good for me get my little microfiber towel here and wipe off the excess and basically I'll grab these five cases here as you can see sorry and I'll put them on here and I won't do five I'll do like 15 however many the the pad fits and basically I'll roll them back and forth and when you do that you're basically giving the oops you're giving the cases of coating and literally that's all of this I could feel it already all over my hands they are coated you're not gonna be able to see but they are definitely coated all in the case loop so that's it next step is gonna be I use the Lee Universal decapping dye with the two to three full full length sizing die for ARS and stuff only go to now if I had a polka and which I do I have access to two three you don't need to fold length size it I full exercise it because when we go to the range and all our buddies shoot a arch you know will exchange Amal and stuff so I fully excite it so I'll bring you to the press and we'll do that next alright guys so hopefully you can see that you can see the top of the press and then you can see the actual opening and stuff five cases are right here just off camera same five cases they're all lubed and basically what I'll do now is I put on the universal cocking die here this is the die right here we bring up a little bit show you there it is right there actually I can keep you right there excuse the mess in the background and basically they're all lube now they're all good to go there's the primer okay you'll see that there will be no primary anymore as soon as we put it in here basically gonna put it in there and we're gonna just go down with it it's gonna pop the primer out it's just full length sized it will come out you'll know you don't have enough Lube because sometimes actually don't get stuck which is no good but there you go focus maybe here we go there's no no primer and it's fooling sighs so we're gonna do that five times oh well four more times and it's that easy guys this Lube works great I don't have a problem with again stuck ever or anything so on and so forth if I'm doing a lot of cases I'll make sure they're all cake like I mean I'll feel I read every one of them and go from there but this is this is not a problem there you go all five are done I'll show you I'll try and show you yeah there we go she should be able to see that there you go they're all done they're all full-length sighs we'll go back to the next step and I'll show you what I do next all right guys so we're back and basically now what I'm gonna do I have my sized a two to three cases my five of them and what I grab now is my digital calipers there we go I use this Fowler set I like it does his job so we're gonna zero them out here there we go as you can see oops there's zero and we're gonna go back to inches so it's measuring something earlier and hopefully you can see that there we go okay now the sámi specs are one point seven four five you have to trim these out okay so what we'll do is we'll basically put our brass in and we'll see how much it's stretched so that one's in spec hopefully you can there we go one seven four three so that one does not need to be sized next this one is over see that guys oh Jesus there we go 175 3.5 so I'm definitely gonna need to be sized down let's put that one over there stop rolling away Jesus doing a video here next one one point seven seven three and that one's huge she said next one one point seven four three five that's good one point seven five one that was gonna need to be sized that's it guys these two I'll put aside these still have the Lube on them and stuff so I I'm gonna take those off right now a lot of guys will put them back in the vibratory tumbler cuz I'm only doing five of them I just wiped them off with my microfiber cloth here there's one two three and I'll do the other two here that don't need to be sized not a lot of guys are like old but those are too short and what are you gonna do these are going in an AR it's it's not an accurate you know not an accurate they're accurate but it's not a you know it's not a benchrest bolt gun that I'm going out to six hundred yards with and stuff like that so I mean for me it's fine and that work it works great by the way the one thing you do want to do is that one point seven four five Sammy spec in the ER reloading manuals is basically size them to your magazine you won't have any problems if your magazine is huge for whatever reason which it should be it's out of spec whatever whatever then you don't need to just go buy the same you spec you'll be okay but reloading is a lot of juggling and figuring out your own things and figuring out what your own rifles and handguns and all that like so anyways next step is gonna be trimming these things so I'll show you that in a second alright guys here's the next step what you're seeing here is a live in Universal trimming station if you will it's manual one and it comes with a crank and you can manually turn it and it turns the cutter there and it trims your brass I bought this power adapter so it's just about an el cheapo drill at Canadian Tire I think was on sale for freaking $12.99 or something sure it's not working right that's it that's a job I mean it's great it's got a keyless truck that's the only thing I wanted this fits on this side okay just like so we're gonna tighten her up there we go now what's on there okay you guys can see it okay yeah now your brass will only have three of them remember is gonna go in here in this side just like so guys usually I have this clamp down on a piece of wood and this and that but I'm not doing that for this video because it's gonna be short simple so it's in there and this is universal it holds a whole bunch the size I think all the way up to 45 different size cases and stuff so you'll lock it in by doing that and there you go it's locked in now you might be asking yourself well how does it determine their preset length or whatever I've already got it set up for two to three if you guys want a separate video on this like the video comment down below saying how do you set that up and I'll show you so you'll see the cutter will come in now the cutter is already set up for one point seven four five already I've done that off-camera but I've actually had to set up for that like that for a while because it's the main trimming I do now what we'll do is we'll try to turn you a bit and you'll see this start to cut this is a carbide cutter very very sharp i lubricate this shaft here uh-huh she said and basically we'll get the cutting you'll see how fast it is now I'm not going to be super quick here because I mean this is more tutorial rather than Speedy Gonzales video so that's locked I always double check that I'll spin my cutter you put the pilot in there's all there's these pilots right there as you can see and that fits two to three you're gonna go in there now it's set now we're going to trim you'll know now you'll just know by feel but sound by visual to that it's a not cutting anymore be it sounds totally different because it's not cutting anymore and see you can see it you can physically physically see it so I know that's trimmed and basically guys I put I bring my drill right out so the cutters back like like I said this is usually on a piece of wood and clamped this will come out I put that over there I grab my next one and don't be usually I've been stuck when I'm doing hundreds and stuff lock it in come in that's it guys it's that easy I had it when I first started reloading with a manual crank that was like wow this is easy and this is awesome yeah I feel like 25 cases you like okay I got no wrist this frickin socks where's the power adapter that's not what I'm you being ordered the power adapter and man it makes your life so so so much easier so we'll do that again pilot goes in you go into the cutter stops that's it it's literally that easy guys now a lot of guys say oh don't use this method it's not super accurate but we're not good luck I tend to agree to a point where excuse me where usually it's pretty good it's not super super super super accurate like maybe the Little Crow or whatever but I mean for me it does the job so now comes the moment of truth and see if I'm gonna eat my own words and see if plum see if they're in spec so we're gonna just put this to the side for one sec we're gonna grab our trusty calipers again and you'll get brass shavings everywhere on whatever but I mean that's what the vacuums for okay turn these bad boys on well zero the mouth there we go okay so we're at zero there all right now let's see how close we were so the Sammy suspec is one point seven four five so let's see there you go one point seven four six pretty close one point seven four six five so my cutter might be a little off yeah it's not actually it's just me and one point seven four four four five so I mean guys that's that's right there so anyways we'll go on to the next step seeing what say okay guys so our next step here as you can see this is um the chamfer and deburring tool that I have it's manual now there's trim prep centers that are awesome case prep centers they do all the trimming and stuff the reason why this is out and I have a full-length video on this it's actually in my opinion is one of my best videos very detailed by the way this is very sharp so be careful when you Deaver when you cut cut to size sorry remember this is one of the ones that we didn't cut because it's in size if you can see you can see the rim there and all that right it's it's totally it's totally fine like it's not cut it's not rough right see that I'm gonna grab the ones that we did cut and show you there you see how it's all rough and such there it's not good to see the bullet it's not like it's very if I do this so my fingers are very sharp I do this on this one it's very smooth so what you do is you're gonna chamfer the outside deeper the outside is chamfer the inside so this has two sides to it that's gonna do your deburring this is gonna do your chamfering okay so basically what you do is you get you'll pop it in there like that and you'll give it a couple spins it's literally not easy now the difference is silky smooth then we'll do the inside of the case you basically put the other into the tool then and that's it guys it's literally was like off frame there son of a [ __ ] I'm ready beam now I can put these in this pile over here cuz now they're all the same so what I'll do is I'll try and stain in in frame this time you do the inside-outside done smooth so this right now very sharp very yeah here we go this is gonna be a good case to show you look at all the brass shavings there see that guys that's from the cutting okay so watch that's it before so we're gonna do the outside I just saw the shavings go flying now we're gonna do the inside let's feel that good go with another here we go with another pass there what a difference see that now guys super smooth so that's the next step now for people who don't reload and you're just watching this for me maybe just entertainment purposes are like holy cow that's a lot of steps and you're only doing five cases yes yes it is but guys who reload a do it because they enjoy it I'm sorry if you don't enjoy reloading then you shouldn't be reloading me there was a cost savings now that I guess there still is basically but the major rule and I was told by a few buddies of mine who have been reloading way before me is sure you can start reloading no problem you'll save money and this that whatever whatever you'll just shoot more because you're saving money and you're gonna be just basically shooting double but you're gonna spend the exact same Mel and you know what they were right so anyways next up is gonna be priming these and I'll show you how I do that all right guys what you see here is the Lee XR prime or auto prime whatever it's called out and remember let's call it a video on it this does my hat and my pride this is a hand primer tool a lot of people don't like it I love it I think it does a great job and basically I'll show you how it works real quick but check out the video on this if you want full detailed information you basically got a square tray here and you're loading all your these are small rifle primers obviously you load the ball in there and you'll see this channel right here see that they're trying to get it without glare you want your primers to go in there there we go so now they're loaded in that little chamber they're gonna drop in here I'll show you one I'll try and show you one drop in there goes did you hear it then when I come out there it is now it's in there so then that has a shell holder in here when I put my two two three brass in just like that and I I'm gonna basically press this lever here you can feel the primer seeding and you know when it's in there that's what I like about this machine a lot you can really really really feel the primer seat it's fantastic basically you'll take that out there's our primer perfectly probably not flush probably just under which is how I like it and basically as we came up with the lever again on the last pass it dropped the new primer in there okay so you put it in an obviously I'm just doing this demonstration demonstration purposes you can go real fast with this we're gonna excuse me we're gonna seat the primer there we go I'm doing this with my left hand so new primers in then there's that it's primed and we're just gonna keep going there we go you won one in I saw it go in next great you want to run in great and there we go they are all prime guys show you real quick there you go they're all prime we're ready to go now we're ready to fill them and I'll show you how I do that all right guys before we go over to my loading station I put them in this loading tray block so Universal trade block from our CVS that can house many many different calibers like this is 308 hopefully it's on this side they would go 300 weight fits in there two two three fits down in there so on so forth 45 probably on the other side let's see ah you can get away with 45 and the same two two three spot here and I'll show you why that works pretty cool tray actually see all the different holes and I was in there that's pretty cool and there's numbers to correspond to what they are and there we go again so if I actually want I think they're made for this side two to three and see to loose they don't like that way too loose there so I put them in this hole and they're great they don't wobble or anything so anyways this holds 50 at a time I obviously just gonna put in there there's five and I'll show you why I put them in here okay well we go over to the charge station I'll show you why see you safe alright guys so what you see here is the horny Lock and Load Auto charge dispenser I love this thing up plenty of videos on this thing it's my goal to way reload rifle powder I absolutely love it right now and here's some bar get it's already set to my desired grains I'm gonna share recipes so I mean I'm not gonna start spitting it out just in case something happens and basically this is gonna start all over this fencing and when it does you can see the tray right there I have my leaf funnel there Universal funnel and I'm just gonna dump it in go to the next guy dump it in go to the next guy dump it in so on and so forth so here we go I'm trying to keep you in frame for both things there we go so we're gonna hit the Spence and this is gonna automatically dispense a powder and my desired grains I didn't let it warm up you're supposed to let it warm up we'll see how accurate it is hopefully it'll be accurate we're not there that one's bang on so it'll beep in me saying yep desired weight was achieved I load it in there I put it back it's gonna start loading I give this a top I look I don't want to come into frame but I'll look yep come the next guy put that there while that's dispensing the next one so yeah when you don't let this machine warm up sometimes not that accurate when you let it warm up like 10 15 minutes it's fantastic well that one was good too so grab that will dispense that I'm gonna give it a quick look here yep they're all in there go to the next one and that's gonna start dispensing again and that's how I reload for rifle I love this thing absolutely love the sink best investment I probably made in my whole reloading setup I absolutely love it that one's good too I people say oh it's not accurate it's not like the charge master it's not fast you can tailor this to however you want it to go you really can and right now I did nothing and it mess with anything I just turned it on put it on normal speed and it seems to be doing a good job here so I know we're only doing five loads of a stove but bar gets a very tough powder to throw on that ones bang on - you know it's not bang on it'll be for you one long beat like a moon or a beat boo whatever and um my sound effects are amazing and you know it's over through throw it back in there and the story it'll start dispensing again so here we go we're getting close to my desired weight it's point one off right now it's gonna trickle in now remember this is the part where you can really auto program it and really get it tailored to the powder that's in there and how much you're throwing that hang on now so there we go what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna cancel migraines so it doesn't auto throw when I put the tray back okay you'll see a won't start there we go they're all laying I can put this to the side this I can shut off now and basically one last step before I leave you here is I check all these before I start so 1 2 3 4 5 they're all filled with powder you can't double charge this case which is fantastic so I love that part anyways we'll go to my press now right here and we'll load these things alright guys so here we go final step I got my cases loaded here as you know I'm here at my press I'm on the second station this is gonna be to seat them now I don't pry them on here for rifle like I said I use that auto priming tool there's our projectiles 55 grain frontier CM J's I like them for planking they're great I've actually done a pretty accurate load on them for a Remington VTR and that put a point three-one-seven if I remember one seven at fifty yards so I mean it is not bad so bad it's keeping within its one in my way there so it'll definitely sell them away anyways I'll grab one of the cases right here will slap her in the shell holder here and this steps basically gonna seat them only I'm not crimping here go up seed it take it out to show you okay all these dyes are already set up and all that obviously so there it is seated and what I do even though this is an auto indexing press when I reload rifle on it I don't do that so I'll shoot it over here to the leaf factory crimped I come up crimp it dunk that round is done I go back to my tray here and I'll put it in like another roll where it's finished I know you can see that but and we'll do the same thing so we'll switch this back to the seating one location with our powder grab a projectile put her in there we go and remember in the first stage or the first step of here when you full-length besides it you're actually flaring full-length sizes you're actually flaring the mouth case to accept a bullet so anyways guys you can get him a nice you can get in a nice rhythm doing this like I said reloading it's not a speed thing I love the guys for like oh I loaded 7000 rounds and 25 minutes and good for you that's great am I gonna show you around snow no I'm not because guarantee there's a squib or something in there now if you have a super 1050 or something from Dillon with a motor on and powder fayard powder check dies and this that would I really I'll shoot up maybe but I mean for me this isn't a speed thing it's really not that's it I don't know it's a I love doing it's like gun cleaning people like how can you clean guns it's so freakin boring and this and then I love it I know it's not flattering for me a lot of barbering there guess what we got [ __ ] really there we go we've got five completed two to three rounds we are done guys is that easy well a lot of people say like that was easy to me it was it's a labor of love if you will so I know these will shoot just fine this is a load that's tried and true for me out of my AR and that's it guys thanks for watching please leave a thumbs up if you liked the video if you want more please comment takes two seconds tell me what you want so on and so forth thanks guys see ya
Channel: Canadian Gear Addict
Views: 32,018
Rating: 4.6877637 out of 5
Keywords: Reload, Reloading, Handgun, Rifle, Firearm, Weapons, Guns, Lee, Precision, 223, 556, Loadmaster, Classic, Turret, Auto, Index, Disk, Powder, Hornady, RCBS, Lyman, Trimming, Brass, Primer, XR, Hand tool, Hickok45, FPSRUSSIA, Video, Review, Tutorial, DIY, How to, Do It Yourself (Hobby), Amy Winehouse, AR15, 9mm, Action, Shooting Sport (Sport), Magnum, Paper, CMJ, 55gr, Ruger SR-556, Bullets, Range, .223 Remington, Colt, M16, Tactical, Guns (film), Shoots, Shooting
Id: s4LeVroySxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2015
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