Budget Precision .223: Priming Charging Seating

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[Music] hey guys gavin gear here from ultimate rear loader comm we are continuing right along in our budget precision two to three series I got the Thompson Center compass rifle in two to three all set up shot some fire forming loads in the last video we took a look at sizing with the collet sizer we also did some case prep some case trimming chamfering cleaning primer pockets in this video we're going to finish off the precision loading sequence we're gonna do some priming on the press and off the press we're going to do some charging and then we're gonna seat bullets so what I want to do is show you multiple ways to do some of these steps using the equipment that's supplied in the lead deluxe challenger kit and in the end we're gonna have ammunition that we can perform load development with I'm going to shoot some precision groups in the next video so it's going to be a lot of fun let's dig straight in so I'm going to start by getting this nice rifle out of the way set that aside so we've got two different options for priming here we can prime on the press which I didn't show in the last video because we're gonna do some of our priming with lis auto bench part it's really your choice we'll start with priming on the press so priming on the press is really simple the lis breech-lock challenger press comes with two primer levers small and large i've got the small primer one here we just drop that right on and then it's gonna pivot each time we come down with the ram that means that while we're sizing we can throw a piece of brass into the shell holder and then at the top of the stroke we can place a primer and then when we come to the bottom that primer is inserted it has a good feel and you can incorporate it right along with your sizing process or do it separately so we just need to get the primer set in the cup push down slightly on the lever and we're set but if we want to prime off press we have the li auto bench prime as a part of the lead deluxe challenger cat let's see that tool in action so I've actually got a complete in-depth blog post and video covering the Lee auto bench Prime in detail the Lee deluxe challenger kit comes with the auto bench prime unit setup for large and small primers and the shell holder kit that's going to cover most popular handgun and rifle chamber rings that you'd want to prime here so all we do is insert a piece of brass into the shell holder and then press down does not take much force really quick to use probably has the best feedback of any priming tool that I've used so far alright now that we've primed all the cases it's time to charge them with powder we're gonna be using varga powder from Hoschton we're gonna use the lead deluxe perfect powder major and the Lee safety powder scale and I'm gonna show you multiple options for either a really quick way or a really precise way to charge the cases the Lee safety powder scale is comprised of the pound the beam and the base the first thing we're gonna want to do is going to be to take the beam and place it on the base so that it can pivot then we can take the pan hang that off the end and now we set the zero there's two different adjustments the gross adjustment which is graduated in increments of 10 grains and then the fine adjustment which was incremented in single grains and tenth of grains so we're going to move the ball all the way to the zero position and then we're going to set our zero to ten and tenth grain increments so here's the up-close view we've got our pin pulled out which means that we can slide this freely and what we're going to want to do is show the zero above the little arrow here and then you can see how these white graduated marks line up with the tenth of green value that you're currently asked we're going to set that and then push the pin in which locks this fine adjustment now we can adjust the beams until it's a good and solid 0 if the marks don't align at zero here there's a brass fine adjustment screw here you just adjust it back and forth until you get a good solid and steady zero now that the scale is zeroed we can set it to our charge weight and then check our charge once we get charged cases so I'm using a charge weight of 21 and a half grains so I need to move the ball over to the 20 position so now we're at 20 and now we need to add one and a half grains over on the fine scale I'm going to pull the adjustment pin and then move it over until the one is showing in the window and then keep moving it over until the five is lined with the white hash mark and push our pin in again that locks the fine adjustment now we're ready to drop some charges and see where we're at adjust the powder measure accordingly until we're zeroed out okay so I've got the deluxe perfect powder measure mounted in one of the breech lock bushings you can also mount this powder measure in a stand that Lee sells so multiple options depending on kind of what style you want to employ there we're going to take the lid off I've got this rotated to the on position just double-checking there and we'll go ahead and fill it with the bargain there we go this powder measure employs a metering bar with a capacity of zero to eight and a half CCS I looked at the chart that came with the deluxe perfect powder measure and calculated for this charge I need a little over one and a half cc's of powder volume so I'm just gonna hold the lever down and then we're gonna go just over one and a half and see where we're at based on what we've set our scale to here we're using the press more or less as a base for the powder measure so to charge a case all we need to do is hold the brass up into the inverted cone feature on the bottom of the powder measure lift the lever on the powder measure that charges the drum and then lower it that charges the case I can see here that we have powder in the case now we can check it on the scale all we need to do to check our charge weight is empty the contents of the case into the pan now we're going to see where we're at with the pointer the pointer is looks like just above so our charge weight is a little high let's adjust that and dump another charge so here we go we'll just dial that down just a little bit and then dump another charge after I make an adjustment I like to charge a couple cases dumping the contents back in just to make sure that everything has stabilized like it will stabilize when we're going through a bulk charging process okay let's check that on the scale so again we're gonna dump the charge from the case into the pan and see where the scale stabilizes so I can see right away this has got magnetic damping by the way so it's gonna stabilize the alignment marks the beam and still give you the sensitivity that you're gonna want so we're under here this is a great opportunity to show you the trickling method when we're charging cases we can do it one of two ways we can either dump the charge from the powder measure and live at the variance which I measured for varga in the deluxe perfect powder measure as less than plus or minus 0.1 this is quite adequate for most even precision rifle shooting applications or we can throw slightly under and then trickle powder in each time until just kind of granule by granule until the alignment marks align which we're at here now we can use a funnel to pour the contents of the charge from the pan back into the case so I decided I'm just going to dump the powder charge each time manually without the trickle up method because I'm happy with the plus or minus point zero five grand variance that I'm seeing here and I'm just gonna live with that one of the things that's nice about this powder measure so you can actually hear the powder filling the drum and then filling the case tells me just when I can move the case out from under the powder measure well that one's smooth we've got all of our cases charged and right now I'm going to take the opportunity to just do a quick visual down the neck looking down into the case mouth for each of these just to make sure that I've charged them all with powder and that they're all looking like they're at the same level just a sanity check looks like we're good there so it's time to see bullets let's set up the die and do that so we're gonna remove the powder measure and then I'm gonna show a method that I recently showed in a quick tip video and that's the using a completed cartridge with seated bullet he that you want to mimic with the new die that you're setting up okay so we're just going to screw this in this is gonna go all the way down to the show holder okay and then we're gonna tighten the lock ring so snug it down okay back the seating plug out insert the cartridge whose bullet seating depth we want to mimic this is the same a bullet that we're using so we're essentially duplicating the cartridge screw the seating stem down now we're gonna go just a little bit more to account for the compression of a whole assembly in the press now we can start to seat bullets we'll check our seating length to make sure that we're right on track so let's see where we ended up at now we can take this priming love out because it's not mean for this stage that's just going to make it easier to get the case in to show old orange time okay see bullet now let's take a quick measurement with our cartridge to duplicate we're at two two one nine five I'm just going to zero that out right there and then let's see where we're at with our freshly loaded cartridge so it looks like we're too long so we're just gonna crank this down just a little bit more remember that a little bit more yeah we got to go even just a little bit farther okay and we're at zero so we are good to go just take case each time take a bullet each time and go ahead and seat that bullet well I've got everything laid out just how I like it now I'm in a groove and we're just about done here with the first group of 50 first batch neck only sized there we go our last one well there we go we're done with our first set of precision reloads with the lead deluxe challenger kit we neck only sized I've already got a load that's working really well we're talking half MOA and the Thompson Center compass rifle with our progressive loaded ammunition I can't wait to see the precision reloading process and a little bit of load development we'll get those groups down in size even more so stay tuned in the next video we're going to do some trigger time we're going to talk about some results as you can see the lead deluxe challenger kit comes with pretty much everything you're going to need to load precision ammunition I just added a set of dies a case gauge and the trim die for the quick trim of course you're going to need components as well but it comes with all the fundamentals that you're going to need to load precision ammunition so if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and if you don't want to miss any of the action on ultimate rotor calm please subscribe to my channel don't forget I got a detailed write-up and post with a lot more information so click on that first link down in the video description until next time happy shooting and happy reloading you [Music]
Channel: gavintoobe
Views: 99,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate Reloader, Reloading Blog, Reloading Press, Reloading Data, Budget Precision .223, TC Compass, LEE Deluxe Challenger Kit, Neck-only sizing, .223 Remington, 5.56 NATO, .308 Winchester, 7.62x51mm, LEE Auto Bench Prime, LEE Deluxe Perfect Powder Measure, LEE Ultimate Rifle Die Set, 9mm Parabellum, 45 ACP
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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