Where have all the primers gone? (2020 Edition)

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The shortage won't be going away anytime soon. Get ready for this to be the new normal till atleast February.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TallMikeSTL 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I don't know about great. He wants to shut down what little supply is left by not allowing the market to set pricing on GunBroker.

Easy to say for someone who gets a bunch of free stuff to give it good reviews...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Metalifann 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to 2020 toilet paper 2.0 reloading primer edition in this video i'm going to talk about the grand reloading primer shortage some predictable bad behavior and what you can do about it to get primers on your reloading bench [Music] gavin here from ultimatereloader.com let's break down what the heck is going on with reloading primers again this is a predictable scenario we've got a reloading primer shortage that has been triggered and is the result of unrest we've got covid and then we've got george floyd we've got an upcoming election and the combination is a perfect storm for people to get serious about the situation realize there's an ammunition shortage and they want to make their own they decide to reload ammo and guess what the store shelves are bare i was talking with michael from mid-south shooter supply about the situation a lot of people think that people are just buying up all the primers and that's why they're not there turns out about 99 point something percent of the reloading primers that exist in the world today are being used for factory ammunition production that's right there's been such a run on firearms and ammunition i've talked to a lot of people around here friends that are getting serious about preparing for whatever is going to be next in terms of civil unrest they're buying guns they're buying ammunition and guess what they're not finding ammunition because everyone has been buying and the result is all of the components are being used to make factory ammunition so if you want to reload your own ammunition this creates a big problem for you and i'll discuss some solutions for that a little bit later the unfortunate reality is human nature kicks in in these situations so when we have these times of unrest and when people are stressed out there's some typical bad behavior that surfaces i was just on facebook this morning and saw someone sharing in a reloading group some outrageous prices that people were charging for primer so i had to look for myself i looked on gunbroker.com i typed in small pistol primers and the first two results were shocking the first result was some winchester small pistol primers i think it was a pack of a thousand and the buy it now price was 300 yes folks that's correct a good price for these would be 29.30 under normal circumstances this person has a price gouging factor of 10 x the next result was a stack of 2 000 primers just like this right here and the buy it now price on that was 500 not quite 10x the normal price but pretty close this is despicable behavior okay so these gun broker sellers should be penalized for this in fact i just inquired to the customer service team if this price gouging if there's any gunbroker.com policy for these kinds of things because those sellers should be reprimanded for that this is seriously not cool and there's online retailers that are doing this as well i've heard that cheaper than dirt is a frequent offender in this particular category so i would urge everyone to have a an elephant type memory here a really long memory and if cheaper than dirt for instance i did not see this this time but if they're price gouging remember that a year later don't do business with them if you see a gunbroker.com seller that's doing price gouging don't do business with them where you can report this behavior because it's absolutely despicable now there are many upstanding retailers that don't partake in these types of tactics mid-south shooter supply is one of those they're my metallic reloading retailing partner they have integrity they are a family business i would encourage you to do business with these folks so my request to you all is don't participate in this bad behavior you know what goes around comes around and we're a community so what can you do about it the first thing that i would urge you to do and this is very difficult and it's a bit late in this particular panic cycle is take a long term approach be proactive rather than reactive i've had these fiocchi primers on my shelf for years i have steadily replenished my inventory when the need has arose and when covid happened before the george floyd thing i took a look at my inventory i saw some gaps i have a lot of features that i'm working on i can't afford to be without primers and i bought early i restocked any of the inventory not hoarding but restocking inventory according to your own needs you know what else can you do you can share with people in the community if you know someone that desperately needs some primers maybe they're entering a match and they need to load ammunition for their match maybe they don't have primers maybe they're hoping to get started and you have a large inventory i would urge you to share with them if you're going to sell primers to people in your community or whoever i would urge you to not price gouge the thing to do with integrity is to charge the normal going rate outside of the panic and outside of the hysteria and if you're one of these people that subscribes to price you know supply and demand in this kind of a scenario i gotta say that in my personal opinion that's just not taking the high road there are also several tools that you can use online to be notified when there is inventory again getting back to the long-term approach if you log into your account at mid-south shooter supply when you go to a product page there is a notify me when the inventory is replenished box that you can fill out get on multiple retailers inventory alerts and ride out the storm eventually you will be able to buy primers i know that's not a glamorous answer but it's really the only way to ride out these storms this is not the last storm that we're going to go through as a community our rights are constantly under attack and there's constantly shifts in the industry with dod ammo production and and all this stuff so you really have to take that long-term approach you have to plan ahead and buy what you need share if you need stuff from someone else maybe you can ask them i would really ask you all as a part of the community to you know treat others how you would like to be treated i'm doing the same so there it is in a nutshell i've focused on small pistol primers in this video i know all primers are in high demand so please be patient let's write out the storm together if you have suggestions about what people can do please drop a comment we'll start a discussion if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up don't forget i've got ultimate reloader shirts at the ultimate reloader store i'm on patreon and i've got a link to a full article links down there in the video description don't forget to subscribe with notifications we got a lot of really cool content coming up thanks for watching until next time happy shooting and happy reloading [Music] you
Channel: gavintoobe
Views: 160,063
Rating: 4.8167892 out of 5
Keywords: Berdan Primers, Boxer Primers, COVID-19, Large Pistol Primers, Large Rifle Primers, Magnum Primers, Match Primers, Primer Shortage, Reloading, Reloading Blog, Reloading Press, Reloading Primers, Reloading Videos, Small Pistol Primers, Small Rifle Primers, Ultimate Reloader, ammo shortage, ammo shortage 2020, panic buying, ammo shortage update, 22 ammo shortage, prepping for shtf, panic buying guns
Id: 0pk2434-O6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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