How To Machine a 80% Lower Receiver (AR15) Quick and Easy

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in this video we'll discuss the parts you'll need and the exact steps to follow to easily drill out your own 80 lower receiver before we start let's answer this question what is an 80 lower receiver an 80 lower receiver is a partially completed piece of material you can purchase online that requires special tooling and skills to be completed and considered a firearm unlike a firearm receiver it is not required to be transferred through a federal firearms license holder most in the prepper community prefer this for their firearms namely their ar-15s allowing them to build their own ghost gun with the lower receiver being the foundation be sure to check with your state's laws before starting so let's start with the parts you'll need an 80 lower jig 80 lower receiver drill bits and end mill power drill we'll be using a drill press in this video but you can still use a power drill if you don't have a drill press router lubrication vice and if you've never seen an 80 lower receiver before it's simply an uncompletely lower receiver in this case for an ar-15 that will have to drill and mill step one preparing the lower to drill here's what you'll need for this step tape an allen wrench four socket head cap screws right wall jig 80 lower receiver left jig wall pocket drilling block right jig wall and before you get started drilling let's cover these two holes we'll do this remind ourselves not to drill into these two holes to set up the block next we'll put together the setup before we drill the holes into the lower receiver do this by putting the lower receiver in between the left and right jig wall and then use the included bolts to begin tightening down the receiver in between the jig walls snug them down nice and tight next we'll add our drilling block on top of the walls remember to put the side that we put the tape on toward the buffer tube side of your lower the tape is here to cover the two holes to remind us not to drill into the rear lug pocket next tighten down all four bolts and after finishing the ones on the top we'll flip the block on its side and begin tightening down the bolts just go back and tighten the side and top bolts again step two drilling out the lower drill out the lower receiver using either a drill press or a standard power tool drill in this example we'll use a drill press but if you have to use a hand drill follow the same steps using this drill tool kit i'm using the 3 8 drill bit for this drilling process we'll add the anti-marring drill stock with the plastic side facing downward next we'll get our depth gauge that came with the kit to measure the depth of our drill bit before tightening on the drill stop again this drill stop will help us from going through the bottom of the lower receiver be sure to tighten the drill stop when measuring at this cutting depth again try to get the drill stop to tighten in between the cutting edges in the groove when you're done the drill bit will hit the bottom of the depth gauge and our drill stop will be flush with the top of the depth gauge the next step is to get our drill bit into the drill press and tighten up the chuck if you're using a hand drill you'll probably want to use a vise to lock the setup in so you can drill straight down next we'll raise our platform holding our setup to right below the drill bit and lock in the platform so it doesn't move pro tip for the drill press use a drill stop to give you one more layer protection so that you don't drill through the bottom of the lower obviously our drill stop will do this for us but it's always good to have a backup just in case now we'll lube up our drill before starting don't use wd-40 but do yourself a favor and get loose specifically designed for drilling aluminum next lower your drill bit to line up the hole where you'll be drilling before powering up the drill then turn on your drill and slowly lower your drill bit be sure to use your free hand to hold tight to the lower once you make contact pause for a few seconds to allow the drill bit to make a shoulder in the middle or about to drill through once this is done then slowly continue the downward plunge once you hit the bottom hold for a second and then slowly come back up now we're going to move to the next hole repeating the steps we did for the first hole after every two holes it's recommended that you get the shavings out that build up under the drilling block continue the process of drilling the remaining holes emptying out the shavings after drilling out two holes step three setting up the jig and router in this next step we're going to router out the lower receiver with an end mill that ships with our drilling kit the first step is to remove the drilling block from our previous step off the jig you might have some shavings which you'll throw away as we're preparing to add new pieces to the jig be sure to clean the surfaces as we don't want any shavings lingering around now we'll add the template spacer as shown the trigger pocket template with the beveled side up and then our router base support plate with the top side up that has the indentation to put in our bolts next we'll drop in our bolts and tighten them down with our allen wrench the next step will be to get our router ready to mill you want to take your chuck off your router and clean it with carb cleaner to decrease it to ensure it will hold the end mill securely you'll then add the end mill and tighten the chuck as tight as you can and then put the router back together writing it to mill out the lower step number four routering out the lower grab your rear shelf pocket template which has a depth gauge showing us how deep our end mill needs to go but with the proprietary end mill we're using from our cutting tool kit you can actually start a little deeper at the second hash mark if you don't have this specific cutting tool kit i'm using in the video from rb tactical tooling set your depth for the end mill instead of the first hash mark on the depth gauge to begin with let's lock our jig into a vice and hold the jig in place while we start milling you also might want to consider putting a garbage bag on your device if you're concerned with oil getting on the table you're working on also eye and ear protection while recommended throughout this whole process is especially recommended while you're routering out your lower next lube up your end mill we'll start milling at the hole furthest away from the trigger also you want to adjust your router speed to about medium so now lower your end mill into the first hole and center it in the hole not touching any edges and then turn on your router now slowly moving a circle in a clockwise direction while securely grabbing the base of the router that's contacting the router-based support plate once you've milled out at this step power off your router and let it spin down before removing it once you remove the router you'll want to blow out the pocket to remove all the metal shavings as i wear the blade down faster if you leave them in the pocket during the entire process now bring your jig back lock it into the vise and we'll now drop our end mill down another quarter of an inch and start the process all over again of milling and then cleaning out the lower next you'll need to remove the end mill from the router as our chuck after having been lowered down a few times will begin to bump into the sides of the router base support plate as before clean the chuck out with carburetor cleaner to remove the oil from the lube we've been adding to the end mill and as an extra step use rubbing alcohol to wipe down the end of the end mill that will go back into the chuck to remove any lube next we'll put the end mill back into the router and bring it out about one half of an inch and tighten it down very tight now at this point we've done two cutting passes but for the next two passes we'll lower our end mill one hash mark at a time we'll do one pass with our end mill at this step and then the last pass we'll do at the very last hash mark now for the next two cuts we're going to need to tip in the end mill since the depth of the hole is not deep enough we'll do this by putting one end of the router on the plate and then slowly drop the end mill in at an angle i didn't have a second camera setup for this shot so to demonstrate if i were to turn the router to the side like shown here you can see i'm slowly angling the end mill down into the pocket do this part very slowly now lube up the end mill and then begin the process as you can see i'm slowly lowering this down into the pocket once a router is firmly seated i grab the bottom of the router and start the circular process of milling out the lower like we've done the previous two passes where we've milled out the lower once you complete this first pass again blow out the pieces put the jig back into the vise and then lower the end mill all the way to the bottom of our depth gauge next lube up the end mill and follow the same approach to slowly plunge the end mill down using the tipping process just explain the previous step using these steps you'll have a lower receiver that is now fully milled out step five time to drill the safety selector and holes for the trigger next we'll assemble our jig like we did in step one with our right and left jig wall tightening with an allen wrench first we'll put our 3 8 drill bit into our drill and drill the safety selector hole shown here on the side of the jig loop the drill bit down use the same drilling approach as we've been using to slowly lower the drill bit into the jig and once we make contact pause for a moment to allow the drill bit to drill a shoulder into our lower once you've done this slowly lower the drill until you cut through the sidewall this part is very important do not continue drilling through all the way once you've done this slowly lower the drill until you cut to the sidewall now this part is very important do not continue drilling through the second wall we're only going to be drilling through one sidewall at a time once you drill through the first side of the lower hold for just a second to allow the drill to polish the aluminum you'll then flip the jig to the other side and repeat the process next we'll use our five thirty second drill bit to drill the holes for a hammer and trigger pins you'll follow the same exact steps we observe while drilling the holes for the safety selector and we're ready to drill the trigger slide to do this place a trigger pocket template on the jig with the depth gauge facing down insert two short trigger milling bolts into the two holes on the template closest to the buffer tube bring your jig back to the drill press or use your power tool if you don't have a drill press lube your 1964 drill bit and slowly drill the pilot hole it's important to go slowly or you could easily come through and hit the trigger guard step six router out the trigger hole this step is the final and easiest step simply put your jig in the vise remove the trigger pocket template from the top of our jig and then set the rear shelf pocket template on the jig with a raised lip facing up then add the router base support plate on top using the two short trigger milling bolts tighten these down with an allen wrench and lube the end mill i didn't show this step here but i adjusted the router depth setting so the end mill is slightly inside the drilled out trigger slot pilot hole we made in the previous step as we've done in the previous milling processes move in a circular motion until you've completely routed out the trigger slot yeah that's good okay so we've routed it out oh there's our eight percent lower it's very milled out and ready to rock and roll so there you have it if you want to build your own 80 lower receiver all you have to do is simply follow the steps outlined in this video and if you want to pick up any of the parts that we use in this video i'll put links in the description section below again thanks so much to r b tactical tooling for providing the support and instructions during this video to do this in a professional manner again if you want to check out their website you can go to and again i'll put links in the description section below if you enjoyed this video please click on the like button share on social media and as always i enjoy so much to get feedback from the youtube community please post any comments you have in the comments section below as always be safe out there you
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 1,131,132
Rating: 4.9264231 out of 5
Keywords: prepper, prepping, preppers, 80% lower, 80% lower receiver, how to lower receiver, diy lower receiver, doomsday apocalypse, doomsday prepper, don't tread on me
Id: U9zio3k3eVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2017
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