Lee Loadmaster Loading .223 - 5.56 NATO

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the lead loadmaster is an affordable progressive reloading press so for an ultimate reloader we've covered using this press to load a variety of pistol calibers today we're going to take a look at loading 2 to 3 or 556 NATO ammunition for your air 15 rifle or other firearm that shoots this cartridge let's see how it works on this press with this reloading press I've used the included case collator with success with pistol cartridges but for rifle I'm going to leave that unit detached and we're just going to manually feed brass into the shell holder so that we can have a simple setup and yet an effective setup for loading two to three ammunition so before we get started let's take a look at the die set up that we're going to be using today so in station number one I've got a lead 2 to 3 sizing and D priming die and I'm going to size and D prime because I need the expander ball to expand the case neck here in station number one can't do that in station number two because we're priming there station number two I've got a reading two to three sizing and D priming die with the sizing pin removed so that we can Center the two to three cartridge over the priming station this is an important setup detail that's noted in the inally setup instructions and I found that it makes for more reliable priming operation in station number three we've got our rifle charging die with the auto disc double disc powder measure just like we used it for the lead classic turret video this time with the chain return instead of the spring return for the safety action in station number four we've got a lead two to three bullets eating die and in station number five we've got the lead collet crimp die so effectively we're going to be using all stations it is technically a five station press but since we Center our diet and don't really use it for anything other than that it's essentially a four station progressive reloading press at the end of the day so we're already pretty much set up I've got federal small rifle primers in in the primer tray I've got brass that I've cleaned and lubricated with imperial sizing die wax we've got our bullets over here we're going to be using quantity quantity VMAX 22 caliber 55 grain bullets and so since we've already set everything up we've adjusted our dies we're just going to insert grace brass into Station number one we're going to feel that as it's sizes we're going to continue on at station number two put another piece of brass in station number one and we're going to continue along now on the top of the stroke we're going to charge with powder we're going to listen and wait for the powder to stop falling and now we're going to enter into the bullet feeding station we're almost utilizing all stations now there we go so each time we're going to add a piece of brass we're going to do visual on our powder we're going to add a bullet at the same time I like to take my time with rifle loading because it never pays to be in a very fleeting so we're doing a visual place a bullet easy easy as she goes here and if we take our time and if we're patient we're going to have an event free loading session here and we could definitely speed things up here once we get going but while I'm letting things settle in it's not going to hurt to stop every once in a while check our cartridge overall length keep a steady eye on the powder this is going to go definitely a lot faster than loading on a single stage or on a turret even because every stroke and the handle we've got a completed round here my cartridges fell on the floor sometimes that will happen yep I kind of take it nice low when you eject the round or can overrun your completed cartridge bin if you're looking for a low-cost reloading press that can reload two to three ammunition or hurry the Li load master is worth a look I hope that this video has helped to illustrate how this press works when loading rifle ammunition and I also hope that you're going to stay tuned on ultimate reload or calm as we continue to look at different applications for this reloading press and other reloading presses alike thank you you
Channel: gavintoobe
Views: 531,073
Rating: 4.9274216 out of 5
Keywords: Lee, Loadmaster, .223, Remington, 5.56, NATO, Tactical, Reloading, Progressive
Id: yO64tPakN8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2010
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