Hornady Lock-N-Load Classic Kit - First Impression

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alright folks welcome back I went to check my mailbox the other day like my p.o box where I get packages and got an enormous surprise and I mean enormous like this big gigantic huge box I should probably show you pictures instead of trying to put it up here on the bench this is the Hornady Lock and Load classic kit now I didn't order this it was a complete surprise so I figured someone must have sent it to me I came home started looking through all of my messages and stuff and finally found a message over on Facebook from a fine gentleman named Shawn saying that he wanted to send me this kit so first of all huge thank you to Shawn this is way beyond generous like this is crazy and I sincerely appreciate it now the reason why Shawn sent this is that I don't know a month or six weeks ago I had mentioned that I wanted to read refilm my beginner's guide to reloading series my current beginner's guide to reloading series it was some of the very first videos I made the video and audio quality was terrible I was cussing every third word I never expected anybody to watch these but somehow someway a bunch of people ended up watching them they've helped people get started with reloading and it's high time that I just refilled it and start over I have learned so much since I filmed that like I'm a completely different reloader today than I was when I filmed that series so I'm really I'm looking forward to this but before I start filming that I want to spend some quality time here with the parts that came with this kit I want to get comfortable with them now in the last series we used the breech locked challenger kit from Lee I still think that's a great option and it's half the price of this Hornady kit so if you've bought the lee and you're thinking that now I'm changing my recommendation that's not what's going on here I still think the breech-lock challenger kit is great I feel certain this Hornady Lock and Load classic kit is going to be great if you go with an RCBS Brock chucker kit or I think there's like a reading Big Boss kit or whatever any of the kits that are basically just built around a single stage press are going to be great I can already tell you this Hornady kit it includes stuff that I don't like and I'm gonna recommend you replace it it was the same way with the leak it and it'll be the same way with any of the other kits now before I get started on filming this new beginner Gide to read loading series I want to spend some quality time I want to spend a couple months using the parts from this kit as my primary tools in my videos so from this point forward at least for quite a while this Hornady Lock and Load let's see what a Hornady Lock and Load classic single stage press that's gonna be our primary reloading press and the same thing with all of the various accessories I'm about to show you and to be quite honest this I might just permanently use this press I kind of like the idea of using the same press in my normal videos that I had used in the beginner's guide to reloading series so this might just be our new permanent press alright let's start going through the different pieces that came with the kit this is not gonna be very in-depth because some of these parts I'd haven't really even developed an opinion about yet so for the time being this is just an introduction so we might as well just start out with the press alright here she is folks this is a standard single stage reloading press this is an old frame design or I like that's nice strong design this guy's not like incredibly heavy it's some sort of aluminum alloy I think or something very similar to the libri chuck challenger press I have already resized some 300 Winchester Magnum in this guy I wanted to make sure that there was enough you know room in here to be comfortable to get the the larger cartridges in and out it wasn't any problem whatsoever everything I've done on it so far I feel like I've got plenty of power the handle is pretty you know it's nice and long so it gives you plenty of leverage the deep priming on this guy so far is not too bad you raise the RAM and it comes with a cutout of one of these which is very similar to the lead design as well this is actually a priming tool that that hooks into the RAM of the press and through a little slot here if I can get it there with so when you need to prime you you know you set a primer in there and you take the RAM down and it pushes a primer up into it well this needs to be installed anytime your decapping as well because the old primer comes down and deflects off of this and into this black plastic cup I kind of like this Cup when I first saw it I thought hey I don't for one the reservoir is not all that gigantic and it just kind of you know sits in there it doesn't clip very tightly but so far it's good the the fact that it goes in and out easy is a good thing because whenever I'm not you know deep rhyming I'm pretty sure I'll be taking this guy out so I've got a little bit more room to work here so the name Lock and Load classic comes from these these are the Hornady Lock and Load bushings the press kit comes with three of them and they allow you to quickly install and remove dyes from the press like actually I've got one in here right now if I can get it out of there there we go so here's one with a die and as you can see it's very easy to quickly install and remove the dies so you get your deer dies set properly Hornady dies come with a really nice lock ring kind of a pinch style lock ring so you can tighten them down so they don't move and then with the Lock and Load kit or the Lock and Load system they go right in and come right out so that's the main disadvantage of a single stage press right you've only got you can only have one die at a time so the Lock and Load system helps with that so that's pretty much it here with the press I mean there's not a whole lot going on here and once I use it and get used to it I'll have a lot more to say about it I'm sure I guess one thing I should say is it's got this offset design here like yeah I'll show you a picture here you see how it sits sideways by a little bit and a lot of presses you know they come straight out from your bench and you're kind of reaching around the front of it here you're right to get to your shell holder so this offset design is really pretty cool and it does make it easier and makes your shell holder more accessible here as you're putting in and removing brass and doing whatever you're doing here the problem with this like I don't think a left-handed user could use this press for one thing the the linkage mechanism is not reversible like you can't move the handle over here to the other side of the press and if you were trying to use this from the other side as a left-handed person you'd not only have the handle in your way but this offset design it would just be a nightmare so this is a right-handers only press setup any of you left-handers out there who have tried one of these let me know if I'm getting this wrong but it seems like it would be a huge pain in the butt now they do make a priming system here you can see this silver spot here there's like some sort of an auto prime system that holds a reservoir of primers and it works in conjunction with this guy I think when you raise it and need the next primer it puts one into this guy I don't think it's automatic I think you got to do something I don't know I'm not sure if I'm gonna buy that kit yet or not it's an additional $43 so I don't know we'll think that over so that's it folks that's the press let's move on to the powder measure we start with the far away view so I can show you how I've got this set up this is the stand for my RCBS Uniflow powder measure if you've watched my video you might have seen this guy this is the RCBS Uniflow you'll notice it is extremely similar to the Hornady the Hornady hopper is just a whole lot taller which you can't even see there you go there's a hopper comparison I've never felt like the RCBS didn't hold enough so you know I don't I don't know why Hornady has a gigantic copper but I don't see any downside to it so this guy did fit into the RCBS stand so that's what I'm going to use Hornady sells a stand as well I think it's kind of similar I don't think it's quite as tall but it's an additional $33 so we're just going to use my RCBS I'll tell you what I can just remove this guy real quick uses the same threading as dies so you can use a die lock ring yeah there we go can use a die lock ring to put it in a stand now it does come with I guess you could call it a stand it comes with this little thing so you can mount this to the edge of your bench yeah you mount this to the edge of your bench and then the powder measure sits down in it I've seen people like build a wooden stand to connect this to and stuff but that's what you get like that's yeah that's what they give you with the kit now the powder measure itself is very nice very nicely made I love the handle like the handle is really easy to hold of and in case you're wondering I guess I should have mentioned it at first but a powder measure you fill the top up with powder and you see the cylinder here well powder comes down and fills up this little cylinder which is adjustable for different amounts of powder and then whenever you raise the handle cylinder comes up and it drops it down out this spout so you'll hear them called powder measures you'll hear them called powder drops powder dispensers I don't know whatever you want to call it that's what this is now one huge advantage of this guy over the RCBS unit it is it is very easy to kind of take apart it's got this little spring-loaded push button on the side well you push that and if I can yeah there it is yeah you push that in and this is what they call your metering insert this is the standard large one there's a smaller one for pistol charges they call it the pistol rotor and metering assembly and if you're if you're gonna be mainly doing pistol and you know shooting loads four or five grains or six grains or whatever the pistol metering assembly might be a little more accurate I tried throw in some light loads with this and it did okay for me so I'm not gonna worry it's an additional $30 for the pistol rotor and meter assembly but I doubt I'm gonna buy one I think I think this one's going to do just fine we'll test it out and find out I think it's the same way with the RCBS Uniflow they offer a different metering adjuster thingy like this that's smaller for pistol stuff but I've never really needed it and I've thrown a lot of pistol charges with that powder measure so yeah I don't know it is what it is now I've already screwed this one up because the first time I took this apart I thought all-suite it's ready so I can just push this out and it'll come out this side well if we push it in a little bit you see this black oring I already tore it somewhere yeah there it went yep I broke it but it doesn't seem to be affecting anything I don't think so if you're actually looking to remove this guy completely for cleaning or whatever you want to you want to push it all the way in that way take that o ring off and then and then pull it out I'm sure this is in the instructions but I didn't read them now to get to this point with the RCBS I have to pull out tools you have to remove the handle I think I don't know it's it's a whole process to get that one apart where this one's nice and easy due to that spring-loaded takedown pin I like that so it assembles in the reverse of disassembly yep you don't need to see that but it's very solid feeling like you know everything's metal except the hopper and I guess the little cap so I've got high hopes that this is going to be an outstanding powder measure one thing I'll say you have absolutely got two degrees the crap out of this thing like seriously do not even use it take it to the sink scrub it with soap and then after that maybe wipe it down a little bit with a dryer sheet because I didn't degrees this thing properly the first time I used it powder was sticking everywhere this is the stickiest piece of reloading equipment when it comes to powder sticking to it that I've ever used it's insane so yeah just make sure you degrees it now the thing there is though once you get kind of a coating of powder dust on stuff sticking goes away so if you're extremely annoyed by powder sticking to it just keep using it man it'll eventually go away one cool thing you might notice there it comes with a baffle this is just a little you know a little v-shaped yeah I guess it'll be a v-shaped like that that goes down in there that way as you've got a hopper full of powder it's sitting on top of this and just slowly feeding a little bit through the slits in the side you might imagine if the entire column and weight of powder is sitting straight on the hole here that comes down to your metering assembly well as your powder level changes that amount of weight changes and your charge weight can change so the baffle is great it helps you keep your powder charges just the same no matter whether this thing is completely full or if it's all the way down to here you should be just fine so I think that's enough you happen about the about the powder measure now let's move on to the smaller parts all right the first small part here we'll talk about is it with a digital scale this is the Hornady g2 1500 electronic scale I'm about to do a scale video I've got this guy that you know came with this kit I've got a lineman that I'd bought recently hoping that maybe it wasn't a piece of garbage and I've got like two or three more the just cheap ones from Amazon and I'm going to be doing a scale video here in the next week or two I really like these Amazon scales but I was hoping maybe this Lyman or maybe this the Hornady that came with this kit would be better I'll go ahead and tell you in advance like it's it's not awesome it's accurate though and that's more than I can say for this Lyman which reads a couple tenths off no matter what I do so at least this one's accurate but this one has floated around on me a little bit and you know change zero and it's slow to read like when you put like if you're putting a bullet on there to read it like it's a good half second three-quarters of a second before it actually gives you a reading that sounds ridiculous that I would complain about that but hopefully in the scale video I'll show you that a lot of other scales are much much faster and that slow response time can really get to you when you're trickling powder and stuff like that I don't know I've still got some more testing to do with this guy I'm hoping maybe I'll learn its quirks and it'll be okay but so far my hopes aren't too high it does come with a nice powder pan which is something you can't say four scales on Amazon they come with dinky little pans that are pretty much useless for real odors so comes with a nice powder pan the next thing that comes in the kit is the Hornady manual yeah this is the 10th edition Hornady manual you can see it's still in shrink wrap because I already own a copy of the 10th edition Hornady manual and it is my favorite manual if you guys pay attention you'll see me use it in a lot of my videos and what I really love about the Hornady manual is they cover all of the weird stuff or all of the new stuff like they put out new manuals at a pretty good pace so like this 10th edition has a really good selection of 300 blackout data 6.5 Grindle data a 6.5 Creedmoor data like the modern cartridges are covered some of the other companies that put out a new every eight or 10 years you never know whether it's gonna actually cover your cartridge so I would say that Hornady has the best the widest variety of data and I love them for that it also has a good section that you should definitely read about you know the basics of reloading and how to reload now manuals are not cheap the cheapest you're gonna be able to find these are 25 or 30 bucks something like that so it's great that one's included here in the kit yeah and just for the heck of it there's my Hornady ninth edition manual and when they put out the 11th edition I'll be one of the first to buy it I'm just I'm a huge fan of the Hornet II manual covers a lot of stuff uses good powders and everybody should own a copy ok so we already talked about it but it's here on my list again so I'll bring it up again this is they call it the positive priming system this is what you saw me putting in the RAM of the press for priming you set a primer down in there and it tilts up and pushes in a new primer now unfortunately they don't give you a separate arm for like this is the small primer version and they don't give you a second one for large I think the leak kit comes with two of these you get one for a large and one for small so it's easy to swap between them here with the Hornady we get parts so if you want to swap this out you've got to remove this put it in the different one I think if you pull it down it's actually got a little head on it there so you can get a hold of it with some pliers or a nut driver or something like that so that's what they call their positive priming systems next is the handheld priming system now there's one piece and here's another piece you're probably thinking to yourself alright that's four large primers or small primers and then this is for the other one no this is for Hornady shell holders and this is for RCBS shell holders and if you look at the primer tray like this is where the primers go there's one end for large primers and one in for smalls I didn't even know that Hornady shell holders were that much different like here's here's a Hornady shell holder this is what your piece of brass slides into in the RAM of your press and you'll see it goes down over that little yeah a little nipple thingy there no problem but if I grab another shell holder like I think this is a reading shell holder this is too big yeah it's too big to go on there so that's what the green tray is for it's for the smaller shell holders like let me grab that guy again there it is this is yeah this is a reading it goes right down on there now the good news though is this priming system does use standard shell holders a lot of like the Lee and the fray for arsenal and several other hand priming tools use special shell holders with basically this bottom part chopped off of it they're flat right here so they're little thin guys then you have to keep two sets of shell holders that's one good thing here about this Hornady hand priming tool that's yeah you slide your piece of brass in there a primer automatically falls down into the hole yep like yeah under there and then the RAM comes up and pushes it into the case now the fact that it uses standard shell holders is about the only good thing I can come up with to say about this thing so far it kinda sucks like I I've got to get used to it I'm going to give it every opportunity to start impressing me but a couple of problems for one the spring in this dude is totally too weak like look at that it doesn't it's not even strong enough to always retract itself so as you're priming and you're you know you're moving along sometimes you'll finish putting in a primer and then you pull away your fingers and the handle doesn't come with your fingers so they could do with a little bit stiffer spring maybe I could find a stiffer spring to put in there the other problem is okay so let's say we just finished priming yeah the glare of this guy's killing me so let's yeah and I guess I could just show you how that goes on and off yeah it just goes on then a little bit of a twist and you're ready to go now the good thing is you can see this plastic piece here it does block off this other hole that's when I was putting it together the first time I'm like man I hope primers don't want to fall out this side so yeah this this covers that up so let's say you just finished your priming job and you're getting ready to start seating your bullets or something well you need your freaking shell holder so you've got to tear apart the tool which you pushed down like this and yeah then the shell holder comes out there you go there's the shell holder that just came out and then the whole thing comes apart like this comes out the top and then under this you've got you got your spring and this Ram now there is a second Ram there you go this one is for large primers so you've got a ram for large primers and one for small primers you get a single spring that's too weak oh maybe I could just frickin pull on it stretch it out a little bit I don't know yeah I ought to be able to find a replacement spring or something for that because that's kind of driving me crazy and then what you're left with is you know this that well it continues - yeah it comes the rest way apart so when you're not using it you're kind of left with this mess of parts now for an example of something different here is the Frankfort Arsenal hand priming tool like I mentioned this one uses these special shell holders but it does come in a decent case and the thing it stores in one piece right the additional attachments for your other size primers are kept neat and orderly so you know this is a little bit more expensive but not a whole lot more expensive because this this Hornady handheld priming system is $50 it's forty seven dollars and 32 cents if you buy it outside of the kit now if you want to see my absolute favorite it's this this is the RCBS universal hand priming tool so yeah it's got a very similar tray right but it doesn't use shell holders at all it's got spring-loaded jaws that'll hold just about any size case you can think of and you're often going like this these are my favorite hand priming tools I don't remember the exact price on them but I think they're 60 bucks maybe or they're not much more than what they charge for this kit outside of the outside of this Lock and Load classic kit so the downside to these it is a pain in the butt to switch back and forth between large and small but these have been my favorite I like it so much that I bought a second one I've got one set up for large primers one set up for small primers and these are extremely easy to use so this is probably my biggest disappointment in this kit right now is this freaking hand priming tool because I love hand priming hand priming is my preferred method of priming like priming on the press with this guy I don't know I may end up buying that auto prime system for it just to try it out just so I can evaluate it for the beginner series and let people know whether it's worth the additional money but I was really hoping this would be a decent hand priming tool and it kind of isn't and this weird two trays system for the different shell holders is I don't know it's a little bit disappointing so next is the universal loading block you use these to hold your cases while you're doing your reloading it's got a bunch of different size holes and stuff it fits just about everything now I know quite a bit about this because I actually have two of them already that I've used a ton we use these all the way back in my original beginner's guide to reloading series I love these so I'm happy to see that they include one here with this kit now sometimes the fit isn't perfect and several companies make reloading trays that are very specific to one cartridge so if you only load one thing then a lot of times that's your your best way and they're only four or five dollars a piece or something but if you load a bunch of different stuff these universal trays are nice to have around next is the chamfer and deburring tool yeah this little guy let me pop it out of the box I've used this guy a little bit and it is nice it cuts nicely it's a really nice size I was looking around for my Lyman I've got one of these made by Lyman that is basically pretty much the same it's just a little bit longer when I first saw this I was wondering whether it was gonna be big enough to you know feel like you had something to get a hold of and it is like it's got nice knurling on it and you couldn't is it's the perfect size so I'm extremely pleased with this chamfer and deburring tool in this kit now the next thing is the powder trickler this little guy is a powder trickler you put powder in here and when turn this powder comes out the spout really slow these are extremely useful when you're weighing out precise charges when I first pulled this out of the box I thought good grief what in the world is this it's all it's like plastic it's extremely light and the one I'm most used to using is a Frankfort Arsenal here that's all metal it's like extremely heavy it's very stable like when you're trickling and stuff and this little plastic guy if you go at it like it bounces around and moves around that may prove to be a negative but the flow out of this guy as you're trickling powder is very smooth like it's easy to be precise with so my first few times loading with this guy I'm actually really impressed it's definitely you know just a cheap made little thing and I was hoping for something maybe a little bit a little bit nicer but it operates really well so I'm okay with the trickler next is a funnel very standard MTM funnel I was loading some 22-caliber stuff with this just the other day and it is good but I have another one of these funnels and yeah right here look at this guy this guy's got some miles on it no that's the wrong one here it is this one yeah this one it's got some miles on it and over time the hole down in there has gotten just a little bit bigger and this one whenever you set it on a 22 caliber case the case neck likes to get stuck up in there it's fine for anything larger than 22 caliber but with 22 caliber stuff this one I've had to stop using it so over time maybe this one will have the same problem but it's it's you know it's a four dollar funnel so not going to complain too much about that the last piece in the kit is some one shot case Lube this is Hornady one-shot case Lube I have never used one shot spray on case Lube I've had a lot of people recommend that I try it what I generally use is a mixture of lanolin and alcohol this is separated I need to shake it up but that's lanolin and alcohol a homemade blend and also use Redding imperial sizing die wax a lot of times but I'm gonna give one shot a fair shake because what you learn in reloading is people get emotional about their case Lube everybody's got their favorites and they think everything else sucks so what that tells me is that pretty much everything from bacon grease up to one shot here anything will work as long as you use the right technique like I need to figure out exactly how much one shot to spray on there so I don't get stuck cases and I'm not denting the shoulders of my brass when I'm resizing and that's pretty much the same story with any Lube you used to little you're getting cases stuck in your dies which is a gigantic pain in the butt to deal with if you use too much you get shoulder dents then what you guys that use this how long does it last like do I do I need to buy another can to have on standby or does this stuff last forever let me know alright did I cover everything in the kit let me double check here press powder measure you get three die bushings did I say that there you go you get three of them they are not terribly cheap especially if you want to buy one for every single one of your dies there three of them is our 16 dollars and 49 cents was the best price I could find so if you have three or four dies per cartridge and you're you reload four or five cartridges that gets expensive but I don't mind we're setting up my dies for each reloading session what I'm looking forward you know to using these for is switching between dies like I don't know maybe we'll be using a seeding dye and a crimping dye and perhaps you know switching back and forth between them or something it'll be easy for that or maybe with pistol stuff we're doing a sizing operation and a case flaring operation like I can set up those two dyes and easily switch between them so I probably won't buy another pack at least in the short term alright next electronic scale the Hornady manual the handheld priming system the universal reloading block the chamfer and deburring tool the powder trickler the funnel and the one-shot case loop now the question is okay is this a good deal well the fine gentlemen who sent this to me Sean he he got a smoking deal on this a few months back or I guess about a month ago Hornady I think was running some sort of promotion and this kit was cheap on pretty much all of the reloading websites Sean happened to buy from graph graphing Suns graphs comm is their website that's a great retailer but at the time this kit was two hundred and thirty nine dollars and ninety nine cents now currently the price is two seventy nine ninety nine now that two hundred forty dollar sale I think was a very rare sale so I would say if you're finding it under two hundred and eighty dollars you're probably getting a pretty good deal so let's do the price comparison at the normal price to seventy nine ninety nine two hundred and eighty dollars well I went around and looked up every single piece that came with this kit and the total price came to four hundred and five dollars and two cents now one difference though is that if you buy the press separately it comes with the auto priming tool right when you're when you're priming on the press that tool that automatically can load the primers into this priming thing it comes with that and that's a yeah that's a $43 and forty one cent option so if we take that away the parts involved are about three hundred and sixty one dollars now no matter what kit you buy there's gonna be some crap you don't like like I mentioned I think this scale is probably going to be crap and I think the hand priming tool is crap I'm going to give them both a fair shake they might be serviceable and by the time the the new beginners guide to reloading series comes around maybe I'll love them both I don't know I'm going to try my best to get used to them and see how they do but those are my two top candidates for needing replaced now if I remove the cost of the scale and the hand priming tool we're down to two hundred and eighty six dollars and thirty cents so that's pretty close to the two hundred eighty dollars that we spent so the savings we got by buying this kit rather than buying all of the parts individually is enough to where you know if we need to replace the scale if we need to replace the hand priming tool we didn't end up losing any money if we look at it that way and if we consider the price that Shawn got which was $40 cheaper at two thirty nine ninety nine we're still forty dollars ahead so that's really the best a trick to these kits is you got to look at them and say alright what parts am I going to absolutely have to replace because if you just look at all of the parts and they're individual costs like there are all good deals I don't care whether it's lis Hornady RCBS or anybody else the kits represent and a lot of savings but the more stuff you have to replace the more it eats into that savings now what else do you need of course you need reloading dies and you also need a set of calipers like these yeah we use these to you know measure stuff we're constantly measuring crap when we're reloading so I don't know why these companies don't include a set of calipers I've actually got a set of Hornady calipers yeah here they are these are Hornady calipers why can't they throw a set in here but they don't now the calipers from the reloading brands they vary in price thirty or forty dollars is what you're probably looking at if you want to go to Amazon you can get ones that are have that are about this same quality like these are not good calipers they're really not they're cheap calipers and they like they have a lot of wiggle when you're constantly like Reesie rowing them and they're not awesome but they get the job done like we're not building a space shuttle here like this is this is pretty close it's good enough but I've been trying out some other ones recently and this set right here this is an eye gauging set that was I think was 38 or 39 dollars on Amazon these are freaking nice I can't believe how nice they are for the money I'm gonna have a video on these guys coming up pretty soon because I also bought another set that well these were about a hundred bucks an incise set a lot of people really love the minatoya brand that are extremely expensive kind like these in size but for a reasonable cost these eye gauging ones on Amazon it might be worth the extra 10 bucks or whatever to just go ahead and get a set because these well like I was just talking about the Hornet ease these have a lot less wiggle they return to zero very very reliably so far I've only had them a couple weeks so maybe things will change maybe they'll fall apart but so far these are a nice upgrade over the ones most of the reloading brands sell so minimum that would be pretty much it reloading dies and a set of calipers and I think you could reload now they do have a Hornady Lock and Load classic deluxe kit and it looks like it's about an extra 130 dollars so all of the prices I've talked about here were the best I could find this is not MSRP this is the best prices I could find like I said we got Graff and Sons which is where this came from Midway Brownells mid south shooter supply notch a shooter supply all of all of the big reloading sites where you should be checking your prices and those are the numbers I've been talking about so the deluxe kit is 410 dollars so a couple things to get added in the deluxe kit first of all is a straight overall length gauge this is the Hornady Lock and Load overall length gauge and you use this for determining how long of an overall length you can shoot before your bullets hit the lands the deluxe kit also comes with the powder measure stand the you know the Hornady powder measure stand it comes with a kinetic bullet puller when you make a newpsie these kinetic bullet pullers you put the case down in here and clamp it down and you beat the snot out of it and the bullet falls out you're going to need one of these eventually because we all make mistakes this one happens to be a Frankfort Arsenal they're all pretty much the same from any company these connected kinetic bullet pullers are pretty much all designed the same as far as I know the deluxe kit comes with six of these Sherlock lock rings remember earlier where we were talking about yep on the die here you tighten this down and then you can tighten it down and it pinches on there whatever yeah these are really nice rings the deluxe kit comes with six of them and that's a 17 dollar value oh the kinetic bullet puller by the way was about $26 for the Hornady and the powder measure stand was $31 the deluxe kit comes with three additional die bushings so I guess you get a total of six the deluxe kit comes with the pistol rotor and metering assembly remember that we were talking about this guy in the powder measure and how they make another one that's for pistol that one comes with the deluxe kit it comes with five shell hole a number 1 2 5 16 and 35 shell holder that covers a lot of the popular cartridges but you'll need to make sure that it's gonna one of those actually fits what you need there's a if you just Google a shell holder reference chart there's a bunch of charts out there that show all the different cartridges and what shell holders they use for different brands if those are actually useful to you that's about 20 bucks worth of shell holders they're like 4 dollars a piece and the last thing the deluxe kit comes with is a set of steel dial calipers there you go something like this now there's nothing wrong with a set of dial calipers but for day-to-day reloading a set of digital calipers it makes life so much easier so so much easier so I guess out of the deluxe kit that's the only thing that really sticks out to me like you know okay now I've got dial calipers I still want a digital set so all that stuff we just talked about in the deluxe kit comes out to two hundred and ten dollars and 84 cents for a total value in the deluxe kit of six hundred and fifteen eighty six so we're getting a little over two hundred dollars of additional value with the deluxe kit rather than buying all of those all of those parts separately but then we're back to you okay we need a set of digital calipers we need a better scale we need a better hand priming tool and that just ate up a lot of the savings so I think that's about it folks like this was supposed to be a super short video just showing off this stuff because you know you're about to see me start using pretty much all of this crap in all of my videos over the next couple months but I just wanted to introduce it and explain where it came from and why I'm using it and I guess speaking of that I should take another opportunity to thank Sean this was an incredibly generous donation I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and I think it's gonna be the perfect platform to work from for the next beginner's guide to reloading seriously alright folks that's it I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 134,312
Rating: 4.9230065 out of 5
Id: mTTHtcbfhpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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