Rediscovering The Purpose and Power Of Kingdom Prayer | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message Amen I want to speak to you too for this session on rediscovering the purpose and power of Kingdom prayer our focus tonight will be on prayer first and then we'll talk about fasting now first I want to begin a little bit about the concept of the kingdom of God and why we need to pray we all know that God's original purpose for man was to rule over Earth on his behalf we also know that man was created to rule over the earth and its resources representing God the Bible is clear about that when man disobeyed God he fell the fall of man was therefore the fall not from heaven but from Dominion that means government over Earth man was created to lead in an area of gifting over earth and man was created to fulfill God's purpose on earth by using that gift to dominate the resources on earth and bring glory to God that's why God created all of a 7 billion of us on this earth God still had that plan for us at least in my final point an introduction vision is a glimpse of your program you see what you were born to do it really is what you're supposed to do to represent God now a vision is supposed to be a point of prayer whenever you praise you you should be praying from the material of your vision in other words you don't ask God with something that you want done you ask God to do something he told you to do that's what pray is it's a reverse we normally go to prayer asking God for something that we want but tree true genuine prayer is really given God permission to do what he wants and then commanding him to do it through authority on earth which we will talk about in a moment in Matthew chapter 6 Jesus was talking about people who are worrying about things and this is again it's related to prayer he says why do you worry what you will eat the birds don't worry like you do why are you what you're gonna drink birds don't worry about those things the animals are cared for and then he says are you not much more valuable than these animals if God takes care of them he will also take care of you so prayer is not a matter of praying for food and clothing and houses and cars he says don't even worry about those things obviously he cancels our prayer list and then we need to remember that your self-worth therefore is determined by your priorities whatever you think is important is what your gonna focus on that's this is why many times our prayers are not answered now Jesus then in the process of all of this is teaching us that there are some keys by which is we supposed to live by in the kingdom of God that we supposed to function on I want to briefly talk about keys for a minute please write this down keys are the principles or the laws or the precepts that affect change and function that's what keys are the Bible talks about the keys of the kingdom it's really talking about the laws and the precepts and the principles by which the kingdom functions their four keys represent certain things first they represent authority they also represent access or ownership or control keys represent authorization keys also represent power they represent freedom and most of all they represent permission if I give you the keys to my house you have that entire list don't you look at that list if I give you the keys to my house everything that list is what you have am i right you got authority to end up my house you got a sense of ownership you get to take over my house a key also gives you control over my house it gives you authorization to go in out as you feel like it also gives you the power to run my house or to enter my house or to come out of it gives you power keys also give you freedom to move when to act in and out of my house and that freedom gives you permission because I gave you my keys so when the Bible says that God gave us keys it means God gave us all of this authority and access and power and permission he says I will give you the keys not to the kingdom of heaven but of the kingdom of heaven which means that you have authority and access and power and permission to function in the kingdom of God on earth matter of fact the next verse in that chapter if you read it he says sort of whatever you bind on earth by means to lock up then it'll be locked up in heaven whatever you open or allow on earth will be allowed in heaven in other words heaven will do exactly what Earth says it should do because it has the keys to heaven prayer is one of those keys and I'm gonna talk about matter-of-fact prayer is is the most important key but it's the most misunderstood key because it is the key that unlocks all the other keys I'll explain that in a minute when you understand prayer you will never stop praying people don't pray because they don't understand pray I am always pray I pray all the time I know it sounds kind of you know kind of spiritual but no prayer is a conscience conscious awareness that you must give earth heaven access constantly that awareness keeps me praying all the time again I have to correct your concept of prayer because even anyway when I used to work give the wrong pitch in your mind so sometime you think it well if he's prayer that means he goes in you know he drives and kneels down his car while he's driving see because your concept has been so twisted from your culture of that even the idea of the word prayer has a certain picture in your mind of someone kneeling down with their hands together and you know saying some religious things no we're gonna talk about exactly why that is not prayer now the problem with prayer is that everybody prays Muslims pray Buddhist pray scientists pray Scientologist rather pray bhai pray you know Rastafarians pray Buddhist pray Christians pray anima spray which which is pray everybody pray to somebody so prayer is not unique to any one of us it depends on what you mean by prayer prayer is not an option for the believer though prayer is not an option for us please write that down I think we haven't gotten this I'm so proud of you I'm proud of you because you hear I love to see people excited about prayer and fasting I think God is the most excited God tonight all of his moments I think it's the most exciting one of him too he says if my people if my people would just come and seek me we are putting ourselves in a position to seek God God is waiting for that prayers not an option for us it's a necessity prayer is the most common experience of every believer everybody plays but the problem is prayers the most talked about experience but it's the least experienced as far as results all Christian people pray but most of them don't go to prayer meetings as a matter of fact the smallest meeting in every church is the perimeter if you study all the churches in your country especially the Christian ones people don't go to prayer meeting usually they relegate prayer meetings to old people think a nun notes to do you know they say well you know since you retired go be an intercessor I want to disappoint you and that is that the intercessory prayer does not exist in the Bible when I say let me put it this way the gift of intercession is not a gift in the Bible there's no ministry in the Bible of Prayer I've read the Bible a couple of times believe me I checked it there's no Ministry of Prayer in the Bible in other words you cannot say well those seven old people that were called to pray that's not in the Bible no one is called to pray no group of people but we created that ministry for God do you know why so we can stay home and watch the NBA while I love all people praying on Monday nights or we can go to some club while they pray and we can go to some meeting while they print we can go watch TV while they're praying why because we don't want to pray why cuz we don't get results that's why we don't pray and we want other people to pray for us so we don't have to pray for the tragedy and that's why the prayer meeting is the least attended meeting in almost 100% of the churches in the world now why and that's because we don't get results I think I give this example all the time have you ever gone to a soda machine put your money in and if what's or didn't come out what did you do after that no you tried it again didn't you put another set of money in there you tried it and what happened nothing comes up now what do you do the third time when you kick it you say wow what else do you do you shake it what else do you do hope nobody this thing you say some words too and you say Father forgive me what I said right yeah and then what do you do when you finish all of that what do you do you walk away very important you walk away for the machine are you tempted to go back to that machine no you actually avoid it why did not get result when a human doesn't get results from something they stopped addressing it this is the problem with prayer you pray and you pray and you pray and you pray and you pray and you get no results and so you treat prayer like the machine that you didn't get a soda from you you say this doesn't work and so you stay away from it and it's a normal human response to disappointment so the question then is is something wrong with prayer is something wrong with you or is something wrong with praying see we gotta figure what's going on here if God says that he answers prayer and you're not getting what he promised then there must be something in the system that you are not doing correctly and the question is is it something wrong with pressed something wrong with God something wrong with you or something wrong with praying well I had the same problem I didn't like prayer myself because I didn't get results I had the same problem that people go through I even went to those all-night prayer meetings tried to stay awake all night I keep wondering why they take pillars to an all-night prayer meeting the people do and as I grew up in a Baptist Church they took the pillars to it just in case but most of the time it was the case and they call it all-night Aryan meets Atari and what amazing as we tarry and prayed and nothing happened all we did was get tired and sleepy at the end of it because no matter how hard you do something if you do it the wrong way you just do it hardly the wrong way so the issue is not how hard you pray how long you pray how sophisticated your words are you know how serious you are it doesn't matter if you don't understand it and don't do it correctly and don't have the right approach the results are the same you will have a machine that you will start kicking this is why we need to talk about prep now some things about pretty simple one without God man cannot but without man God will not these words were spoken by John Wesley the founder of Methodism very powerful man he was known for prayer very powerful gentleman and he wrote this down he finally figured out what I discovered years ago as a teenager what he was really trying to say is God cannot do anything on earth without a human involved but then he also means that the human cannot get anything done on earth without the involvement of God so there has to be a partnership between divinity and humanity in order for things to get down on earth that's what he means a very important principle it's very true at least a point number to write it down what happens on earth therefore depends on you when I discovered that everything change in my life we have been taught the opposite what happens on it depends on God we say so we have been taught to depend on God depend on God let God do it the Bible actually teaches something different it teaches that God is really depending on you for him to do things on earth and at least a principle number three prayer is therefore defined in my humble view as giving heaven earthly license to interfere prayer is man giving heaven earthly license to interfere on earth prayer is man giving heaven permission to interfere in its affairs prayer is mankind giving heaven access to earth through man's of already that wood was given to him by God that's prayer this is why prayer is necessary you got it now it's necessary because God cannot do anything on earth without the partnership of a human you know when I teach that people go crazy I mean the internet sometimes likes losing what's he talking about God is sovereign God is all-powerful he can do anything well if God can do anything then why doesn't he stop the wars and the crime and the homicides and the rapes and the last divorce you get why God don't solve all the poverty on earth you think God is happening watching people starve and beg and sell their bodies on the streets if you can do anything I mean can you tell me what a loving God who made humans sits back and watches this thing and could fix it if that's true I don't want to serve that God who want to serve a God that watches babies get aborted in the in the hospital and dumped in buckets with their heads cut off and don't interfere supernaturally what kind of God would watch people sneak into other people's home and take their flat-screen TVs and pilot their furniture in a car and drive away with people's hard-earned monies come on what kind of God watches that and could fix it don't just conclude some things too quickly I am convinced that John Wesley figure this earth without God man cannot but without man God will not interfere now if you read the scriptures carefully these these are totally principles that are borne out by Scripture and I will read some of them for you in this process so let's talk then about why we need to have consecration I told you that God is more excitable consecration than you are that's because artists saying finally I have a few days where humans have turned her face toward me to give me permission to fix some things in earth God's excited this is why that devil doesn't want you to fast and pray he's gonna fight you all the way until day number eight then he gonna leave you alone I promise you for the next seven days all your friends gonna take you for lunch and they promise to pay for it matter of fact all the invitations of these deep meals are gonna come this month it's just the way the devil thinks if I can just get you to break it because you about to mess up my program in the earth tell the devil is too late yes so once we consecrate ourselves to this price then hell is in trouble in heaven is exciting can I hear an amen around the world praise the Lord and that's why I'm so excited you got hundreds of people in this place and they're coming even more tomorrow and people are gonna open up themselves until God come in through me that's what gets me excited about prayer and fasting look at Luke chapter 6 I want to talk about the value of Prayer the importance of it and this is just an example Jesus Christ it says one day he went out to a mountainside to pray and he spent how long the whole night praying to God now this is interesting Jesus Christ is God but he took on a human form for 33 years in order to accomplish a work we call Redemption he knew that when he came into earth he would take on the human form the human body that means that he would need to give his father permission to interfere through him so it was his daily practice but this time he prayed all night what would he be doing all night pray what would he be saying interesting question mark 6 verse 45 again I want you to see how important prayer is even to Jesus Matthew chapter 6 verse 45 after leaving them he went on a mountainside to pray again he said just kind of records of how important this practice was him this thing that he did now notice I want you to notice something no I'm gonna I'm gonna let you figure it out afterwards I miss you and see how smart you are Luke 22 verse 46 read why are you sleeping he acts get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation now what do you notice about these times that Jesus pray what do you notice can you tell me anybody want to shout it out he prayed alone write that down see he didn't have a group prayer life he had a personal prayer life most of you wait for January because you have no February prayer life no April prayer life you have no September prayer life you you need the groupie spirit but I discover something if you don't develop a personal prayer life then you won't enjoy a corporate prayer life Jesus prayed alone I was trying to find in the New Testament four Gospels one day where jesus prayed with his disciples guess what I couldn't find it that shocked me now maybe he did but there's no record that he did every time he referred to in prayer it was he went by himself which means that you need to develop a personal prayer life with God that is your private time God all the time stop waiting for other people to make you give access to God he understood and he said to them you should pray so that you won't enter into temptation if you keep giving God access you can never go wrong you can never do wrong if you keep giving God access is that clear I talked about the rectum of Kingdom the kingdom of God and prayer a Kingdom is a country with a government we know that and governments function on what we call laws constitutional laws and laws are created to guarantee the promises in the Constitution so prayer is what we call legal petition this is very important the word prayer in the original Hebrew is actually the word petition petition petition is not a religious word so in the Bible that we have is prayers not a religious activity at all it is a legal activity it means to petition petition is really only possible where there is a government a constitution and citizens because petition is the legal demands made on the government by the citizen based on the rights and privileges of the Constitution and the laws that it has for the citizens prayer therefore is a legal activity what I say well notice it's tough to understand you know we let me talk about prayer we normally get into this religious mood if you tried it in a courtroom they put you out where is petition petition means to demand on an authority based on rights so when the Bible says pray it is actually telling you demand from me what I legally promised this is why prayer has to be taught do you know why you hire a lawyer because you don't know your rights and the lawyer is suppose have been studied in the law and the Constitution and you pay him to tell you your rights and to show you how to access exercised them in other words the lawyer petitions for you right do a petition now one more time do you know the web petition also means it means to plea please ple a lawyers in this room will tell you that that's what they do a lawyer's job is to plead your case to plea the case means the lawyer gathers all the information necessary to prove that the rights you are demanding are legally yours that's the word prayer this is why you don't need to make up your own words in prayer oh boy you know that and also there's another reason why people don't pray cuz they run out of words they say but you know how could you pray for now a girl you know the ten minutes I have enough to say and that's why people don't pray because we have this whole wrong concept that you need to make up all these sentences and and impress God you know I've even used words that God even understand like cow of suspicious powerful omnipotent almighty oh no holy what Gosselin just plead your case let me try to impress God more than we try to reach God all the material you need to make your case before God is in the Bible as a matter of fact you cannot claim anything that is not in the Bible so you shouldn't add anything to your prayer other than what's in the Bible the Bible gives you the material for all you need to make your case you know lawyers are interesting we got one right here you tell you lawyers really smart people you know these good memories or what they can't remember listen what they can't remember is on the shelf we pay them to go find which book the thing is in that's all sorry lawyers but you know it's true don't tell me no no try to impress me a lawyer is a guy who have been sitting in a classroom for two years somewhere learning where the cases are and they learn the Constitution that's it let me pay them to find the information they don't invent no information it's already there they just put it together on your behalf when you come before God in petitioning God you must first do your research so you go to the library you have your own library as a lawyer it's called the Bible it's 66 books on a shelf and each book has in it a lot of constitutional promises and privileges and commitments that the government made and you have to go there and just get the material and say Lord do this but we are so religiously possessed with spirits God ain't sure of that we come before God we put a shawl over our head we get real deep you know you know me to do yes Lord I'm about to pray now Lord let me get all of this calisthenics and this emotional you know goddess saying what are you doing Jesus wants time he said the Pharisees he said you think he will be heard because of your much speaking prayers partitioning petitioning is simply demanding what is already yours promised by your government am i clear now during the next 21 days you should also fun you're supposed to pick up the Constitution find anywhere in the condition where there's a case or a promise both a case or a promise and then you say okay God based on what irony Dan earth right now I'm gonna look at this case in section Sam subsection 3 article 45 and this is the case now I am gonna petition you in the next twenty minutes for this case when I finish I know you heard me why cuz I ain't praying my will I am praying your will and if I know that you heard me then I know that I have it says the petition that I asked of you so what do I do after that I walk out of the carton the embassy the diplomat said and I thank him all the way home that it's already done give God a price why because the Bible says in first John if we know that he hears us we pray according to his will but yours don't bring your will to God his will is written it's called the Word of God now what is prayer let's define it then prayer is write this down please I give you time to write this down take a picture of it usually I'm gonna take a picture give me credit prayer is the legal demand for promises and rights made by a citizen in good standing to the government based on the constitutional laws very important definition prayer is the Sailor loud prayer is the legal team and for promises and rights made by a citizen in good standing to the government based on the constitutional law that's prayer practical definition that's why it's called petitioning now notice the words good standing don't forget that you know if you go downtown to the court Supreme Court make a demand on the cut judges that you want your constitutional rights but you are wanted for robbery the judges they first of all arrest you because you have no rights to be in front of us right now you violated the laws of the land a lot of people come before God and they not qualified to make demands and of course we get the teaching going around now where they say you know you don't need to qualify because Jesus qualified for you I got a problem with this because you're telling me I can still leave any kind of how I'm still get before God and get demands done yeah something's wrong with this concept let me quote one of God's concept if I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not even hear my case how about this one up front Jesus when you come and present the petition before the Lord if the Holy Spirit reminds you that you have aught against someone don't offer your petition go and make it right first he says then come on the Lord will forgive your sin and in here you you don't just walk into God's courtroom as if you qualify after you break the law any lawyer will tell you you know if you are in violation of the law you come under judgment not rights judgment so prayer requires that the prayer was being good standing are you with me and that's why I'm so excited tonight because when you fast and you add fasting to prayer you're positioning for demanding from your government goes up 20 times more that's why the demons couldn't come out at a little boy when the disciples prayed they were holy men they love Jesus they will beat into God but afterwards pizza in their gut sorry and the Bible says they prayed against that demon and it didn't come out because the demon knew that what it takes to get me out requires less food [Laughter] he said this demon couldn't come out because this kind he says doesn't come out except but by prayer and fasting there has to be a little more sacrifice on your part to get some things done spiritually I'm excited that God's gonna bless you for doing this fast anybody ready for some extra things be done why don't we thank him right now that's something powerful that I have to have a loo you I mean gods don't break in on you praise the Lord some things you've been trying to get done it's gonna require this fast not just pray what is prayer not a definition prayer is demanding the government to perform what it promised for the citizen and to do it because you have a right this whole year really is a year of justice and rights and God is wanting you to learn this first that's why this is a good place to start this year talking about your rights as a citizen I just completing a book man my book on citizenship right now hopefully will be out later in the year I hope but in that book I do a lot of research in the relati of our exploring of your rights as a Kingdom citizen if you you're right you become dangerous in heaven and also in hell because when you know your rights you don't beg anymore you demand can I hear the man can I hear an amen demand thirdly prayer is presenting the constitutional promises back to the government no complication prayer is one presenting the constitutional promises back to the government that makes pres simple now that is why you need to read the book you don't read the Bible to be spiritual you don't read the Bible so people who say you are a Christian or something you read the Bible because you want to know your rights your privileges your promises by your own government so when you go to break your petition you make them on the grounds of that which is legally promised you pray back to the government its own constitution listen to the words of God who is the ultimate government he says bring my word to me for I watch over my word to perform it because look I want to do this thing I said but bring it back to me so I could have permission to do it let's pray pray is taking the Word of God and saying God this is what you promised now I demand you do it because I am in a position of authority as a human on earth prayer is easy if you understand it prayer is not begging prayers demanding let me give some examples all right how many times should you pray and why it's so prayer so important for you to pray all the time and look 18 verse 1 its verse 18 verse chapter 18 verse 1 it says and he spake a parable unto them for the purpose of teaching them that men ought always to what pray and not faint now every time see the word prayer remembers stop thinking religious he says men are always to what petitions they are always to be making demands based on what God promised them all the time they should always be making demands all day wherever you are which means that you got to really know the Word of God memorized said keeping your spirit read it and by the way you may not be able to literally remember the whole book but you should read the whole book because the Bible says the Holy Spirit who is your counselor with a counselor a lawyer will bring to your remembrance the things that you learned you know the lawyers here will tell you that they don't remember the cases that you talking about but they go in their library and they they kind of look through all the books to see which one they remembered was in they act like the whole ego that's why they called the counselor boys are called counsels they they go and they find okay you got a specific case it's okay I got to go to the section B of the library I got to go to aisle 16 I got to go to volume 175 then I got I go to the subsection in the book of you know section 60 and I go to article 52 and then find a case for 1864 and they find it and it says and Daniel was not afraid of the lion then they come back look right now the expecting on your jobs they can take a job from you but according to the case back there the government took care Daniel the government we can put this one before the government for you and tell the government take care of you too so you're using a case to make up the church petition on behalf of another citizen you know God is so cool every time the people became afraid God would say do you remember what I did to Egypt he pulled a case if you broke remember it was nice abroad too so go put on the case Lord you made the Egyptians favorable towards the Israelites and they gave them plenty money today my my rent is due honey no prayer you pick up the case you say Lord I am more qualified than the Israelites because they were not under the blood of Jesus Christ they were under the blood of a lamb and today as a citizen I demand that you remember don't embarrass yourself you need to take care this case do we took hear that case make farewell come to me concerning my rent you want to see God speak to me compare ratoff you speak to me bring me Olive anyhow petition let's pray if you cry in a courtroom the judge stops the case you don't believe me go downtown try it when you start crying the judge over stops the case he said we're gonna take a 15-minute recess break go and gather yourself these days why because in a courtroom emotions don't win cases I mean cases may affect emotions you get excited you know cuz you win that you're in the case but it wasn't the emotions that won the case make a note of this Jesus said there was in a city a judge no look at verse 1 he spoke a parable concerning what prayer now first 2 there was a city with a judge see he didn't say there was a priest with a robe come on you'll get it he's talking about prayer he went straight to a legal courtroom that's why our prayers are not answered we come in a robe with no rosaries and beads and candles and God said now bring me a law book on a lawyer what's he talking about prayer are you getting it look at him he says this judge was so mean he didn't fare God and didn't like people son like some people we know it this guy was in a bad case he had the power but didn't like people and didn't regard humans didn't like people didn't like God didn't believe in God he chose the worst judge you know to prove his case next verse verse 3 and there was who a Bahamian woman who had no husband broke and on welfare he chooses the poorest helpless person in their culture of that day which is a widow a widow was the lowest form of social status in the day of Jesus let me tell you why because when a woman married a man in the day of Jesus if he had brothers if her husband died the next brother would take her in as his wife not necessarily to like lover of but to protect the name of the family so he would he is required for her to live with him and he must provide for the rest of her life on behalf of his brother to protect his brothers name which is the family's name get it if that brother died the other brother would take her in so she would never be without covering protection and supply and resources and the name of the fan will be protected so widows were very rare in the time of Jesus so when a woman is a widow that means ain't no more brothers that means this woman is now at the mercy of begging on the street to live so when you see the word Widow don't just read it as a person who lost a spouse it was actually a economic social status of a person no one to help her and that's who Jesus chooses to talk about prayer first he talks about the worst powerful judge on earth doesn't care about God and don't like people and then he chooses the weakest person on earth a widow and now there's gonna be a battle between the judge and this woman the widow watch what happens he said there was a widow in that city and she came unto the judge saying avenge me of my adversary now how can the weakest person in the community come before the most powerful judge in the community and make a demand this woman knew something you know one things I liked about this story it says listen to what the unjust said unjust judge said to her he says if I do not give this room what she wants she will wear me out now that verse is not there it's actually wish number five if another way the Bible says she kept coming back over and over again and he kept telling her leave me alone go away and she kept coming back kept coming back why she knew her rights now Jesus is gonna give us an example of prayer he said if if that judge said to her I'm gonna give you what is rightly yours because you will not quit until you get it you gonna wear me out then he says how much not will God Himself who loves you give you what is rightfully yours notice the word justice in there hey God will bring what just this I don't know but you would I feel like just saying hallelujah right there let me tell you that word justice my enemies you gonna love that word see justice means ain't got nothing to do it feeling no more sorry as bad English justice means that this a favor this is rights that judge didn't give a favor and you know lately you know Christians believe it's been will talk about favor a lot you know favor a favor favor see faith is David cuz the guy might not give you a favor that day but when you know you're right they say no favor this is what right demand what is mine he said when you pray you don't come to God begging you come to God demand what is justly yours he's talking about prayer he says how much more will God give you justice because you are his chosen ones who cry to him any time of day night or day this courtroom is never closed lord have mercy so if you need to talk to the judge in the night you can get up courtrand wide open in the night in the middle of the day you could talk to the judge he's ready to take your case any time of day sunset courts open why you are his chosen I like the last part he says really keep putting them away I'm putting the case off no I tell you he will see he will see that they get justice I'm about to shout again anybody say he will see that I get justice this year give God a praise I'm telling you this is a serious statement right here now let me explain he will see ok he will see means whatever it takes Thank You doc you know anyone who got it see another way there might be some people in your job in the way this year God says whatever it takes somebody ought to give him some praise you oh I mean the bike may say no way will you get any loan God says what ever it takes if I gotta move the loan officer I'm ready to give God a praise ready that is serious business right there notice if you know your rights and you come before the judge with your rights whatever it takes he will see that you get justice this year and during this fast specifically you're gonna be having testimonies coming in here all the next 21 days people say I don't know how that happened but it just suddenly changed why because God is seeing that you get justice because of your chosen this with him why do you thank him now for things being cleared all the way to the bank praise the Lord hallelujah you'll get promoted period you'll get promoted again everybody say justice see if I'm no favor and feeling man just beyond that now you you don't want to favor any more but favor maybe you know at the conditional you want justice what is rightfully mine I was praying for the lady this morning I told her look you don't beg for this healing today you did man he said she irritated me he says however watch it now when the Son of Man comes let me find this kind of fate on earth he's wondering he says in other words this faith might change it might turn into religion long rituals all kinds of rituals trying to get God do stuff by the way the word faith means what belief as well it means belief he says but I find people believe in this on earth but even what that you come before the courts with your evidence and you make demands I'm teaching you this tonight because I want to make sure it's still on earth before I leave that this is how you get things done with God you get things done by justice based on rights because you demand petitioning before God are you with me your prayers will be answered I say your prayers will be answered what's the goal of God in all of this process write this down Psalm 103 it says verse 6 the Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed I'm getting into my you know kind of a teaching in this year but look at this statement the Lord works what righteousness and justice for all the oppressed No the oppressed is anyone who don't have what they need so don't think but as some people know in the back of the bush if you can't pay your mortgage right now you oppressed he said the Lord is gonna work righteousness and justice on your behalf also tend to touch it I want eyes it's just too deep the two words that you will get used to this year other words what I said righteousness why they are always together if you align yourself with me which is what consecration is you are telling God I want to line myself at you I want to get in sync with you I want to line up with your laws and your your Authority and your righteousness and your holiness I want to get positioned God says I'm a work justice fees you don't know bless you're gonna be in this case fast if I could tell you you to jump out of your chair I'm telling you this gonna be the best fast you ever had in your life what you're fasting in the year of Justice give God a praise hallelujah come on hear me shout hallelujah what a year to be fasting in the air and God says I'm gonna give you justice so you would have peace stress-free year Isaiah 9 verse 7 says the increase of his government and peace there will be no end and he will reign on David's throne over his kingdom what is he gonna do with it establishing it in the earth I'm upholding it with two things justice there we go again and righteousness always together I'm gonna teach that all year you're gonna have to understand righteousness to appreciate justice so you can experience peace when you understand righteousness and justice you don't beg anymore hallelujah I say hallelujah justice will make people come to you who don't like you and bring you everything you need and they'll tell you I don't know why I doing this that's what just this will do anybody ready for that kind of miracle oh come on but I'm Savin you you know God will do this you have testimonies this year some of y'all got one come in this week you have a testimony this week you're gonna walk out of this place tonight and God's gonna say I'm a star this right now on Monday morning some you have a miracle tomorrow because God's gonna say I'm gonna work justice Oh somebody shout hallelujah I feel mine coming I'm gonna work haha I'm gonna want justice that means I'm gonna manipulate the system for your rights it's gonna be a good year it's gonna be the best year you had for the last five years it's gonna be a wonderful year it's gonna be the year that what you've been waiting and crying and weeping over God's gonna work it out just for your justice glory hallelujah matter of fact I want to get used to these words I have a right to have that say it some of you gonna get a car that you didn't believe you deserve and people gonna think that you proud and you're gonna tell them proud I have a right to drive this somebody just showed with me believe that kind of people is that kind of face still in the earth hallelujah I have a right say it I have a right to what God promised me say it I have a right to what God promised me thank him for it right now all right all right when you understand justice you feel safe look at Jeremiah chapter 10 verse 24 anybody getting excited lately isn't it a Word of God again this is from your Constitution now it says correct me O Lord but only with justice not in your anger least you reduced me to nothing this is a deep request say Lord don't correct me with anger correct because I deserve it what does a deep breath I have a right to be corrected because you want me to get what you promised fix me so I could get it whatever I need to fix tell me what the fix come on give God the praise he says there was an iron all wrong but show me what's wrong so I can fix it so I could get what is rightfully mine on this fast God's gonna fix you he gonna qualify you he gonna fix you in a position where you're gonna stand and authority and say I demanded in the name of Jesus Matthew chapter 12 verse 20 says a bruised Reed he will not break you ever seen those grass along the road that's been pin the wind that's a bruise read it just bent he is so just he would not just break you you pick you up like a bruised Reed straighten you back out and put a bandage around the bruise that's some what you gonna take care you because you are justified give God a praise that your bruise gonna be healed not your brokenness even your bruise before you're broken he's gonna restore you in your brokenness what a justice we get through our judge can I hear amen it says here a smoldering wick he will not extinguish a snuff out and that was even though your life is about to finish you at the end of your rope tonight I'm telling you God says yeah your flame is gone only the smoke is left he's I'm gonna come I'm gonna blow on you I'm gonna bring your flame back or I tell you you got to give God praise that's the kind of justice huh anybody feel like giving up guess what he's about to blow you up one more time he gonna give you a fire back he can put your flame back instead of stuffing you on he gonna give you back your fire on your flame anybody ready to come back like a roaring blaze you gotta put the blaze back in your life you deserve this give him a praise in this place hallelujah I command you to praise him he will put fire back in your smoke you feel like giving up man are you in a good place tonight he says and he will lead justice to victory Oh glory anybody get this revelation tonight you will get what is yours when people look at your life they're gonna want to join your kingdom in the midst of all what's going wrong it's gonna go right with you whatever's going down around you you're gonna be going up in the opposite direction the nations will be envious of you because of the Justice God put in your life anybody ready for justice in their situation some of you young people looking for a business trying to start something and God is saying this year I'm gonna embarrass all your friends I'm a bless you in the middle of their complaining criticism I'm gonna make you the top of all of them you were gonna become the blaze of fire I'm proper sign you better catch me run a prophesy I'm gonna make you the envy of the nation I received that Lord hey boys a justice say it again justice so the goal of prayer is justice that's my point for pray the goal of prayer is what justice that's what he says that woman went to that judge not to get a feeling not to get emotional she went to get justice she told the judge give me justice what is justice here's the definition justice is the appropriation of your legal rights within the coalition of law what is justice the appropriation is a big word for some of you right appropriation of what your legal rights in we're in constitutional law no emotions in this justice means that you are going to receive from the authority what you are legally entitled to you know when the woman came to Jesus actually she wasn't she didn't come she was sitting in a meeting like this and she was sitting in the back you know and she couldn't even lift her head up because he had a big back problem she's probably looking up like this you know and Jesus was sitting somewhere and he saw her and they asked him to read the scriptures which was common in those days it hawks you know any young Jewish man over the age of 30 could read the scripture so he got up a read a scripture and he closed it and the Bible says and he fastened his eyes on this woman trouble start now in the church and the Bible says that the religious leaders knew he was about to do something the mass of the whole meeting so they began to talk loud so he could hear them and they said it's the Sabbath day no miracles today please no work no work today and advises any and he heard them saying what Jesus happened to be a judge you're supposed to run yes now that's the place to run they didn't know he was the judge and that room happened to be a courtroom because when the judge arrived in a place the place becomes a legal environment so we're too late it doesn't matter what day it is it's Judgment Day no understand come on faster Dave is that good when the just show up is Judgment Day and the Bible says he said to them but I'll speak look at the bat he just said to them which one of you if your ox fell into the ditch on the summer day will not go and get him in other words I saw y'all he said woman and the whole place froze he said stand up she couldn't get up she was bent over and then he said I'll ask y'all a question he says this woman y'all better grab this for yourself he said this woman he asked a question it was a legal question he said first of all who is this woman every accident let's qualify her status is she not a daughter of Abraham the guy who went straight to the legal thing is int y'all religious stuff let me find out her status first if she is the daughter of Abraham then according to the document I'm about to give my friends at here tonight a crumb to the Constitution it says in the book in the section Genesis subsection 12 Abaco 2 it says that the Covenant God made with Abraham and his seed none of these diseases shall be upon them I'll get ready to grab my 9 over you he said now first we get a seat in she qualified a boy say righteousness I'd like to secretly qualifier he said now if she's the daughter of Abraham then this covenant kicks in glory hallelujah and now he uses the legal word come on lawyers talk to me he says oh this woman everybody say or not you know you can't say that word with a nice calm face you gotta do a little bit of come on you're gonna do it that means I have a right I can't do it too good a do some yoga do that real good oh not this woman who is a daughter of Abraham be set free from this disease that the book says she's supposed to have he said therefore woman straighten up by the bones crack crack crack crack somebody shot with Jesus they never I ought to have debt-free living so now you won't say any but no emotion that's why I got a listen to you say it I ought to have debt-free living this year give God a praise I ought to be free from high blood pressure I ought to be free from cancer I ought to be free from back problems you all forgive me man I'm getting excited with my petitioner the goal of prayer is justice she got justice I feel somebody getting here thank him right now for healing I don't know what you came in here with some y'all so y'all caught the flu you all just got rid of it just now give God a praise for a free healed body your lungs just got cleared up course you ought to be able to breathe free can I get amen [Applause] chess is also the giving of rights to a citizen in good standing good standing means you keeping the law so here's the bottom line the purpose for a judge it's not again in your business the purpose for a judge is the dispensing of justice to you as a citizen that's the job of the judge that's why Jesus chose a judge who didn't fear God and didn't love people he said because justice ain't gonna do it the judge it doesn't matter who the judge is once you know your rights the judge is subject to those rights how much more he who loves you and chose you will dispense justice for you this is gonna be the best fast you ever been on can I get an amen so prayer is when you stand before God a petition of mankind behalf and say Lord have access to our faith prayer is releasing the kingdom authority of heaven on earth you're telling God you said this do it on earth prayer is God keeping his word you telling God perform your word prayer is man giving earthly license for heavenly interference you're telling God you promised this I got the authority you get the power here's the authority to release your power that's for him I am going to tell you that this is gonna be the most faith filled fast you've ever had faith filled fast I pray for every speaker who will speak i anoint them right now in Jesus name in favor they will fill this room with faith you will believe the Word of God for the first time that you never did before like Jesus said well this faith still be on the earth the answer is yes we believe the petition will be fulfilled hallelujah hey neighbor I expected say it again I expected say it again I expected I gotta Chronicles 2nd chronicles 7 verse 14 read if my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin the righteousness and I will heal their land that's justice the condition is if the word humble means to fast when you decide to come before God in consecration God gets down to serious business with you because you not just casually coming to God you know making requests for bread and water you're coming to God to say I want you to fulfill your constitutional promises in this place the Ephesians chapter 6 verse 7 17 read take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God and then pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests again the word prayer think about it what does it mean petition he says bring all kinds of petitions before God these prayer cards we have on the stage here and I hope you see more these are going to become all kinds of petitions listen don't leave this place but on a prayer card of their good you don't know with me praying for that and they may be in the right position to get your petition through matter of fact I got mine up there as well the things I'm believing God for I want you to pray for them I want to petition for them notice you don't just pray once huh that woman kept coming and kept coming I've kept coming until she got justice that's why we gonna pray and pray and pray and tell God understands you really want this don't you you demanded by petitioning a petition means that you keep coming back the petition means that you agitate you demand change you demand answers this is an interesting verse it says when you pray Jesus says and when you pray Matthew 6 and when you pray means that you will do this and that's why it will no longer be the smallest gathering if you understand it if you understand prayer this place would be jam-packed with people matter of fact this building is not a Worship Center my house shall be called not a Worship Center he says but a house of petition the most important activity in your life is supposed to be petitioning not singing maybe just maybe next Sunday just maybe next Sunday we'll sing one song I spend the rest of the time petitioning just maybe don't do me my house shall be called a house of petitioning that's how important it is to him House of Prayer you know I wrote this down in my in my book prayer books are like recipe books and cookbooks people buy a lot of them but never use them how many bread books you got in your library and you don't break how many cookbooks you got on your kitchen table and you don't use we do the ceiling with prayer books I got a collection of prayer books yes but you haven't prayed for the last six years prayer books are not for decoration they are the equip you for activation to petition God now I want to just I'm gonna deal with that some other time this week I want to I want to show you something here this is stuffing and dividend later on I want it uh no I don't want even that is too heavy that's too much oh no I didn't read this verse this which is important is a 5511 everybody say agree so my word that goes out from my mouth says Lord it will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieved the purpose for which I said it God is giving us a principle every word I speak he says will not come back to me empty so you bring God's Word to him he has committed to fulfill it it's not just empty talk God has to faithful to his own word that he himself had not breaking his word is so powerful now I want to just give you a word on on our prayer and fasting and then we're gonna begin to take communion and then we're gonna pray for you this is the beginning just do heavy stuff there now too heavy all right I don't get into that mess too much no that's not that's just too much okay I won't talk about this for a minute the word keys are important one the many keys of the kingdom one of them is prayer the other one is fasting but these two are like two sides of a coin and he said I will give them to you sort of whatever you do will have effect on earth but look at Isaiah 33 verse 6 and want you to read it with me okay write it down and your nose is a at 33 verse 6 he's talking about these keys and there's a verse in Isaiah that's very powerful it says he will be the sure foundation for your times a rich store of salvation and wisdom and not it referring to the Messiah the fear of God of the Lord is the key to distress a fear of God so that's different keys in the Bible I've been researching them for the last 15 years I've written my book yet on the keys because there's so many of them I'm trying to isolate them but here's one I found fear of God is the key when you start fearing God you shut down heaven you could lock up heaven another key is found in Matthew he called its secrets and give it to you and then I say 22 is another key either place on his shoulder the key to the house of David what he opens no one was shut what he shuts don't open now the key of David is referring to praise you know Davis number one key that David use is praise so praise is the key fair is a key v God is the key the praise is also a key you can bring victory to praising that's the one that Paul used when he was locked up in the jail was that for that I'm gonna use a key and he started worshiping praising God and that thing open up those prisons sometime already can do is sing you don't know what else to do but you start praising God in the midst of your problems you see your problems start crumbling all around you it's a key don't be afraid to praise God in the dungeon of life very powerful key now these keys are very powerful I don't wanna deal with those right now Jesus whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven you're talking about the keys again the power of opening things up one of the keys that he taught is fasting and that's why we have to fast with prayer now I'm gonna give you a couple of scripture write down just take him and meditate on them but I want you to read them out loud for me for this purpose okay Matthew for to read after fasting forty days and forty nights he was hungry okay again you're top of that little later because that's important that you don't really stop until after forty days so before that you're not dying okay Matthew six sixteen read when you've come on say loud when you fast do not look sober as the hypocrites do for they disfigure their faces to show men they are faster you don't go around telling people all week you fasted and ain't nobody's business okay so stop being super spiritual I can't work right and I'm a Pharisee in doing it I can't eat cus I'm fasting just tell them I'm not hungry that's all I'm not eating today don't get all spirit you know the Bible saves it fast just shut up just tell them I'm not eating why good this is not for them but look at the first word was the first word when not if he expects you to fast yeah he says you don't want men to see it obvious that you are fasting first thing is it between you and God it's not diving fasting is a spiritual consecration time before God and men and women are not supposed to know that you even involved in this unless they ask you you can answer their question but you don't go around promoting this right he says don't make it obvious for men that you are fasting only to your father in heaven who sees in secret he gonna reward you they don't see results openly but it's supposed to be a personal thing between you and God that's fasting second chronicles 2 verse 20 chapter 20 verse 3 read said jehosophat resolve to inquire of the Lord and he proclaimed a fast for the whole of Judea fast thinking is personal but also you can proclaim it for a whole community of people and that's what we're doing here today our entire corporate fasts is scriptural I'm not a scripture to show you in this regard mark ii was nineteen reads but the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken away and on that day you will fast he said wrily the earth you go fast it was very interesting concept here Jesus fasted but the disciples didn't fast while he was with them because he fasted he said but when I'm gone you better fast yourself there are people who are not even in the body of Christ who are your family members and Jesus is telling us you can fast for those people you can fast on their behalf you can fast for God to breakthrough on their behalf because when you go and I wonder fast for them my mother's always saying I'm fasting for all of my children and she meant that too she was fast for us when there was a problem in our lives she's ever fast for you and she spent three four days a little food fasting for her children but we would in fact be eating too much food she's on a fast that's why I fell in love with fasting because it made me mind my mother loved to fast she had books on fasting all over the place I used to read them as a teenager and I said my goodness and I saw the results of fasting when I was 16 years old I fasted 18 days when I was 18 years old I fasted 28 days student my whole life was transformed I was born with asthma and hay fever I'm talking about the dead dealing ones I had to stay home from school to David my asthma my a fever after a 20-day fax I never had a single asthmatic condition since my hay fever vanish and never came back the Bible said when you fast your healing will spring forth like a stream there's some health conditions in your body that gotta be broken through this fast you you need to to realize how this will benefit your life acts 13 verse 1 says while they were worshiping the Lord and fasting then the Holy Spirit said set apart me Barnabas and Saul for the work I called them to do notice they were prayer and faster the disciples did both acts 14:22 read and Paul and Barnabus appointed elders for them in each church and with prayer and fasting committed them to the Lord in whom they had put their trust notice the church in book of Acts didn't just pray I've just don't fast there many people in the room tonight who are not members of B of M and they come here every January the FASFA that's why their church won't do it I do it because the Bible says to do it every time the church was doing something great for God they did it through a fast not just prayer look at the Esther boy yes there was a woman powerful woman Ashley you know your honor Esther was trying to go to see the king remember that and the law said if you're going to see the King without permission you get killed but Ephesus I gotta go see the King because my people gonna get destroyed if I don't go see him and tell him what's getting ready to happen to the people and they said if you go in there they gonna kill you because you break the law so here's what Esther said afterwards she says he says go she say go gather together all the Jews in Susa and fast for me okay that's fine but watch the next part do not eat or drink for three days that's a real fast man I know you know I drink she said I don't want no one to eat and drink that's fast why Esther knew that this kind needed a little bit more than just prayer fasting but here's the part I like the most she said and I and my mate well fast with you when this is done I will go to the king even though it is against the law I'll just take that before you go home she said the cop very fast it doesn't matter what the law is I got a feeling you gonna qualify for them things that is against the law can I hear just a really man somewhere I don't know y'all didn't get that but anyhow I kept sorry when you fast there's some laws that don't apply to you no more and then she said if I perish I perish but I don't pay the price as far as I'm concerned I paid the price I have fasted that's what you're getting ready to do at 12 midnight tonight after you eat that cheesecake that last piece of chicken you get ready to read the best kitchen I know praise the Lord I should keep going here till 12 o'clock please faster ma don't do that now finish off that rice mm-hmm lord help them Jesus help them Jeremiah 18 okay verse 17 verse 7 read Jeremiah 18 verse 7 come on three poetry with me go if any if at any time I announce that a nation or a kingdom is to be uprooted torn down or destroyed and if that nation I warn repents of its evil then I will relent and not inflict on its disaster that I planned and if at another time I announce that a nation or a kingdom is to be built up and planted and if it does evil in my sight and does not obey me then I will consider the good I had intended to do for that nation okay God's talking about countries now Jesus next one says so blow a trumpet in Zion the next verse so blow a trumpet in Zion and declare a holy fast we could save our country the next three weeks blow a trumpet in Zion and do what declare a fast call a sacred assembly watch this read gather the people in The Diplomats enter sorry that ain't a okay consecrate the people bring together the elders and gather even the young people make their fast and that's what we're doing there's no secret to our success around the world we paid a price for it there's no secret to our impact in this country it's not slick promotions and slick advertisement and slick brochures this is the secret calling a holy assembly consecrating the people to a fast I will never stop doing this until I die when you do with me or not I'm gonna do this till I die because that tells me this is what God acts on a fasted life attracts divine intervention even for a nation oh I dream of the day when we will have a prime minister who stands on the radio TV and say for the next three days I am declaring a national fast I dream of that day not a prayer breakfast prayer breakfast see prayer go declare a fast he says and I'll heal the nation we told God no we have breakfast after we pray we can gather the government together have a prayer food the opposite of what he says healing my country your father was enough he says even those nursing at the breast was fast even let the bridegroom Oh Lord leave his bride from chamber let the priests stop preaching let him come and there a body weep between the altar in the temple I want everyone he says to shut down everything and fast that's what we're doing your life is about to change your entire family is gonna be affected when you fast your community your neighborhood will be infected by this fast when you stop everything so I'm here shut down whole month going nowhere because this is the most important thing I do pray and fast thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe global possible please visit us online at
Channel: Munroe Global
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: 1DpmlL4cR_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 35sec (5555 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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