Rediscovering The Concept of The King | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message from dr. Myles Munroe provided by Monroe global incorporated and Monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message of the King we're dealing with three aspects of ministry and that is the king the keys and the kingdom that's our theme for this year and next year because there is no other gospel I want to speak on this first session on rediscovering the concept of King rediscovering the concept of King please take notes get a new book for this time this this can be important for you for the rest of your life rediscovering the concept of the King we want to understand the concept of kingship we begin by saying that the Bible is a book about a king and a kingdom let's clear the air and set on that now write that down the Bible is about a king and a kingdom the Bible is not about religion it is not about religious traditions and organizations the Bible is the documentation of the will and the desire of a king the Bible is not about a president presidents are voted in to power Bible is not about a prime minister prime ministers are chosen by the winning party of a democratic vote Bible is not about a dictator who takes over authority by force and subjugates people against their will that is not what the Bible is about the Bible is about a king and a kingdom please get that concept in your mind when you read the Bible he was approached the Bible that way young people don't approach the Bible as a Baptist or Methodist or Catholic or an Anglican or a 7-day Adventist or a church a God of Prophecy Assemblies of God or charismatic person could approach the Bible from your perspective of your religious training otherwise you would interpret the Bible through your past so I thought it would be good to begin this series going back to the original I call it the origin of God's kingdom are we going back we going back before the way was created so let's start off with God take notes please Elohim God everybody say God the first word in the Bible that you translate as God in the beginning God is a Hebrew word Elohim so God introduces himself as Elohim there are many names that God gives himself in Revelations but the first one in the Bible that the word Elohim Elohim is a plural word matter of fact is a strange Hebrew word it is a singular plural word but you can't find anywhere else in any language it's the only word that is singular plural in other words it refers to a single entity that is plural in nature that's why God used the word Elohim it doesn't mean many gods it means God who as many we said again it doesn't mean many gods it means God who is many Elohim now the word God right the word God everybody say God we use the word God so often but the word God in its Hebrew definition means self existing one it means self sustaining one keep writing it means self-sufficient one in other words the word God is not a name the name of God is Elohim God is not the name of God are you with me God is a description of the entity or the being godly and self-sustaining one self-sufficient one and the name of the self-sufficient one is Elohim and you learn later on is also the word yabai so to be a god you have to be first of all self-existing that means you need nothing to exist take neighbor that cancels you to be a god you got to be self-sufficient that means you don't need anything outside of yourself to exist anybody take a deep breath that cancels you you using someone else's oxygen already you see you cannot be gone as long as you depend on something else to exist the very word God means self existing one self-sufficient one you need nothing to exist and that's important that's why when you define the word God in its origin and its basic fundamental meaning you have to cancel everybody else and you end up with the being that started everything else because before him there had to be nothing anybody following me so everything that is was in God write that down please everything that is was in God in other words there was a time when there was nothing but God but why was there just God because God didn't need anything to be he got to wrap your brain around this thought it it's kind of tough to wrap your mind around this kind understanding he's amazing in other words before anything was God is he can say he was before anything was God is before anything existed God is God has never was he's always is so before anything existed God did why he didn't need anything to exist so he was self existing that means everything that exists after God had to be inside of God because everything that is was in him and before him there was nothing else can you wrap your brain around this so when we start talking about God we gotta get down to the fundamental basics of the fact that he don't need you to exist God does not need the universe to exist the reverse is true can you turn your Bibles to the book of Hebrews chapter one and after you to read out loud or the king the king okay the average bohemian does not understand what a king is the average American is even worse because they never had an association with the kingdom as a republic for 200 years the average American today have no concept of King none at all except Cinderella some fairy tale stories everybody got Hebrews can you please look at read read verse one read aloud for media read it what is the same God in times past and in various ways spoke in times past to the father's by the prophets keep reading as but in these last days but in these last days he has spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things nay that's important undermine that heir bid their heir of all things because we will see in a minute why now keep reading by whom he made the universe but whom he made what the universe that's 500 million galaxies that they found today all them and made by him everything that exists in the world today was made by Claude Wow Pluto Jupiter Saturn Uranus earth the black holes the Milky Way's the galaxies all were made by him now read the next statement he is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his image of his being speaking of Christ keep reading and he our cause our sustains all things how by the word of his power in other words everything that exists exists not only by him but on him read that verse again it says he sustained all of that universe by his word this is important that means the universe cannot be God the more same a little hours okay here in other words the minute you in the universe you look to be God together get out of the universe only God exists outside the universe and our little jet can barely get us to the moon and back safely oh and our moon is the closest rock to us and we can make it there safely our ships exploding still so let's not even think that they exist among us some human who can claim to be God he can't even go to the moon I'm gonna talk about this stupid and ridiculous for people to walk around saying they are God and they can't even go to China he sustains what all things that came out of him so God does not need the universe the universe needs God there's your verse right there that is why God commanded the people do not worship the moon do not worship the stars do not live your life according to astrology why these things cannot be God I am God and there's none beside me every day you know my god say that he said I'm the only one outside of him I'm the only being outside of everything you know glory hallelujah I think he deserves a large pray he's the only car hallelujah see God is amazing God created time but he doesn't live in it the first person the Bible actually is written this way in Hebrew it doesn't say in the beginning God created it simply says in beginnings in beginnings God I saw the creation reason why the word there is not in that verse in the Hebrew is because though gives the subject he a reference space and time and also an identity and the reason why that there is gonna Hebrew cos God says no the Hebrew language is interpreted this way God was saying before the beginning was I am I began the beginning I think Chris wanted the Bible is really mini God didn't start when star got started God started start so he's saying don't confuse me at the beginning I'm outside the beginning it didn't begin until I began it so because you may know the beginning it doesn't mean you know me come on talk to me so they keep trying to go back in evolution and trying to find all the archaeology cuz they go back as far as you can you will never go beyond me because I began with you try to find in beginning God he began the beginning that's why I dog an end the end do time is a piece of eternity God took out it has a beginning and an end and you are trapped in it at the moment you came into this place from eternity you were a spirit before you came here as soon as you put on the body you were trapped in time and when you lose your body you go back out into the eternity again otherwise eternity is time we don't measure so don't walk proud in this little brief moment in space that you go a time don't walk with your head high you don't want speaking nobody playing cute listen you better catch yourself and love everybody fast because who you think you are and I believe God laughs or as many times you look at this poison a little little inch in eternity they showing off give some quite a high five and tell them I like you man I like you right now in time praise the Lord you might as well like it but you can live with them a long time now God began in the beginning and he made everything and he nails outside of it I want to show you something watch this because he created everything he created first of all the unseen is important why because God is a spirit spirits are more real than flesh write that down please spirits are invisible and the spirit world is more real than the physical world how can I prove that your grandmother body in the grave but your grandmother is still fine so what's more real your grandmother not your grandmother's body that's dirt is temporary that's why you should be careful not to put too much paint on your body and putting them on your spirit in the morning time some of you men spend years and months rolling down your here but he wrote down your spirit spend hours you ladies getting your hear what you call that you know what it is what they call it we yeah y'all spent my daughter when the other day say where you is that going back three nights in a row all night we I hope you spent three nights in Paramus you finish come on crap is if it put the time on your spirit that you put on your body and your grow faster buy shoes for 120 bucks but we bought we walked past a book table or pass a tape team with spiritual information and we buy them shoes for 120 we spending time on stuff that ain't no good then the Bible says he who walks after the flesh will eventually recur up ssin why corruption means decay your fresh don't die anyhow so don't spend this money on your flesh and neglect your real self [Applause] how do you measure value by durability what's gonna last the longest your spirit there are people right now who build bee house in the Bahamas and they did and someone else they hate living in it spend all their life building this house getting the right furniture right carpet right paint right chandelier and then someone else sleeps in the bed now that is depressing you shouldn't die with that on your mind so don't bend it too well just in case somebody bill your spiritual life up and and invest in books and tapes and videos and company come to a good church and pray and fast in other ways work on some stuff that angle and die someone say boy yokai you know good yeah answer it run in where is the local look at this next point very important point the unseen was created first and then the seen the unseen is called what heaven or the heavens in the Bible when he see the word heaven or heavens it usually referring to the invisible world okay we know we get an atmosphere the stratosphere the troposphere and that's the heavens are above the earth but in Scripture but you also hear this word heavens use and it's referring many times most of the time actually to the invisible world the invisible world is called heavens alright so when you see the word heavens you think about the massive beautiful unseen world and you cannot see what your natural eyes it exists and it's more real than the physical world now this point right down very important the owner and the ruler of the domain of heaven is God Jehovah Yahweh Elohim I don't know I don't know all the names that we have been told by him I am that I am right that statement down that's the key the king reason why I'm taking you here I want you to understand that that when you talk about God being your king and then he's a kingmaker you gotta go back this far the owner and the ruler of the heavens the domain of heaven is God next point write this down the rightful owner and ruler of a domain is called a king I want to see where that word king comes from King was not you know kind of a word that just kind of came out it's related to an act when a person owns a domain a property a territory the name they gave that person is king king has very little to do with crowns we think that a person becomes a king because you crown them yo please listen to me a few months ago my wife and I was invited to be honored and they wanted to honor me the Prison Fellowship of the Bahamas wanted to honor me and the gentleman came down from the prison function United States and Chuck Colson's place and he you know presented us all these things and they that night they crowned me King and they called me up along with another gentleman and they put this crown on my head and they told me to keep it on all night now you know your pastor was feeling really interesting that night all these people looking at me this thing on my head and I do wear this crown all night and the gentleman who also got a crown only two of us got crowns we're sitting together everybody talking about you know being kings and you know everybody looking at us and and they were treating us a little special that night and and you know but let me tell you something this is important wearing a crown doesn't make you a king y'all gotta get this please that's why you go right downtown and buy a crown any with the background come on let's talk you can buy a crown from any store came out special crown you get crowns from anywhere and you can go through a coronation and crown yourself have a big implement party and count yourself you still broke I mean let me put it this way you don't make yourself a king your disposition your disposition makes you a king I'm saying something important you see you cannot be a king unless you own property I'm talking to you now the reason why God is king is because look at one through five he is King because naturally he's king he made everything see his kingship is not when you call him King you don't make God King you met him King Tommy in other words the rightful owner of a property and a domain is called king so King must be qualified by ownership of territory keep writing please let me tell you why this thing this thing is so deep that's why I want you to stop worrying see God all see the problem is we keep begging God for stuff because he still Santa Claus to us Santa Claus always says if you if you if you good I'll give you something so Christianity is this Santa Claus thing where if I do good and God and like me then I get blessed that ain't true it doesn't work that way God don't bless you because you good the Bible says while you were he had a sinner he died for you so what could you do to make him love you write this down the territory or domain over which the King rules is called his kingdom and the territory makes him a king so there's this reciprocal relationship between the property and the owner when the property comes into the hands of the owner it only becomes what they call King when the King takes over the controller property it's called his kingdom so that's why you have two words king don't may so the King relates to domain it becomes his King domain Kingdom and therefore the domain makes him king and he rules the domain as his kingdom is that clear now imagine go back to God God made one he created everything so he's king of what everything forever he rules is his kingdom and that's why heaven is called the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven the next statement then the original territory of God is known as the kingdom of heaven and that's where the concept comes from it is a owner who rules and owns a territory that is invisible and he created it so it is by legal rights and so the kingdom of God is God's kingdom it belongs to Jehovah Yahweh Elohim Adonai Jehovah Shishkin ooh he is the king of heaven ladies and gentlemen the angels did not coronate God I'm trying to get you on the go way back there first no one made God King God made himself King by what he did he created properly and his first property was what invisible and he called this property heaven hallelujah read the statement now the original purpose and plan of God was to expand the extension of his heavenly kingdom to the scene Rama and he chose this planet called Earth so God's original plan after he created the unseen was to extend his unseen territory to the seen territory and that's why the Bible teaches us clearly that which is visible was not first but that which is invisible and then it says that which is visible came from that which is visible therefore the scene came from that which is unseen the Bible teaches and therefore God had heaven first undecided I want more territory now understand of yoga they're getting excited God wanted whenever God wants more territory he don't fight for it he just creates it you ever miss a good place to shop okay you see we gotta fight for property we gotta get some money we got to put down payment we gotta pay every month I'm just gonna hope we can make it and keep me keeping it I'm afraid to keep it be the property God all three that way when God want more property he just makes it God already had all the invisible world why he made all of it so he decided I want now how a visible world what does he do he doesn't attack someone to get it cuz it didn't make sense yet I'm trying to get it some God decided I want to have a visible world I want to have territory that is visible so I will use the invisible as a blueprint kunafa and I'm going to produce a scene to reflect the unseen so God produced a new territory called the scene visible world and he called it universe at least that's what we call it try describing we just read about it by him he made what the universe and he holds it all together by what the word of his power so now God has a scene territory what is he to that scene territory what is he King why it's his territory ladies and gentlemen if you don't get this way back here you're gonna worry about water bills this week if you don't get his revelation you don't worry about plane tickets tuition see the minute you think that this is a religious thing and that God got to fight the devil to get stuff that belongs to you you in trouble listen man my theology is so changed I am a new creature behold all things a password I've been born again I just got born again every day I get born again I got laughs when you get born again this morning you're gonna keep getting born again go out keep boning me again do you understand he keeps changing by understanding you see I used to say I want to take back with the devil stole but God said no no no he's a son you got the wrong idea the devil ain't got nothing you understand all them songs we're singing you know gotta take back see he said now stop that either I am King whoo he said look in Irma Jesus was one time talking his eye bosom and Jesus is cool you know I keep my nah he is what king so they actually said one time they said where do you live we want to go home with you his answer was crazy his answer was birds of the air have nest not where they gave him this foxes got holes and made horses and asleep it he's it with the son of man and the man who made everything he don't need to be anywhere the whole place is do you understand he could not tell them he lived in that house why that was not the ultimate truth don't talk to me so one day he said I need a house to eat in guess we did he say Peter John y'all go to the town everything going before y'all go ahead and me go to the town you can meet a woman with a jug on the head tell the woman the Lord or getting ahead of myself the Lord has need of the room you understand see there people who got his stuff that belongs to you and they keep it and tell you ready nope and tell you ready for you to be ready I'm talked to myself there's some things you praying for God's sake not yet it's already yours but not yet it's not that the thing is ready for you that's why you're praying answered yet he gonna be answered some of y'all praying for a big house and God said it will you keeping this little one mm-hmm you ain't ready yet I give you a car and you don't bring anyone to church in it and you want a big ago you it's quiet raise it up we get people coming to the conference in November and sometimes we ask for people to open their homes some of the folks from other countries where they're very poor and they think it just afford a plane ticket they can't pay for hotels some of you guys a nice house I'm gonna talk but maybe you got kids that I'm telling everyone come with it the few who who got nice house but they did by themselves you nobody can do any my carpet you see that copy don't belong to you see that's your problem you forget when you stop board floor come on clapping thank God you got carpet now see and you forget that complication from girlhood she's just one day talking again i watch that the King talks the King says ok let's see it's time for me to ride a donkey go to that town he says you'll meet a man with a donkey and a coat what's the answer question tell him the Lord see that word tell him the Lord has need of it in other words that man was keeping that donkey and that coat taking care of it and didn't know what a cure for it was for Jesus at the right time your bills and your needs this year are already covered I am Telling You I know they are but I believe your fate blocks it because you got faith in Santa Claus I'm not in the king you see when you believe in the king you don't tell the king how to fix it he just fixes the thing help me Jesus and the disciples sat in the house whether rich under stats right when I bless you sir by the way offer an open you know known about it if you get in bless respond you see and you see listen they said master we have no money now first of all they talking to the king Hebrews chapter 1 verse 2 by him he made the universities that means Jesus knew where that fish was he knew when the money dropped he made sure the money dropped with a man pocket when he was swimming he made sure that a fish swallowed it he made sure it was enough for all the brothers you're living with me and he kept he made sure no one caught the fish we got a key in the house there are some fittings that daughters preserving just for you my daughter when you testified this morning I was sitting there thinking see she got it she got it she relaxed a song she didn't ask us and now I can do something he knows where the fish is he knows how much again I believe me there's some big fish coming your way oh I feel one coming in my life oh praise the Lord I accept that BH praise God we have to understand that if he's King he owns everything God will never fight the devil for something he owns my father owns everything all right let me give you one more slide then we can go write this down I call the origin of Kings the first origin origin of Kings is from a word and we can deliver the word but Elohim is the first name God gives himself almighty one who is plural and yet one the first original King first Timothy important words to remember verse 17 verse Chaplaincy says now the king eternal immortal invisible the only God be honor and glory for ever and ever amen now you understand the verse right it really get out now go now to the king eternal immortal invisible the only God be honor and glory for ever and ever amen look at each word imagined underlined and words in your notes each one these words are pregnant first of all he is eternal this King don't die can't die he lives in eternity he said monell immortal means he's deathless he doesn't have a body that dies thirdly he's invisible that means he could do stuff for you no one could see when he does it oh that's an important one my king is invisible so when you start offending me I tell you don't fool with me why the Invisible Man will get you when Peter J Peter and James rocked up in prison remember that prison they locked them fellas up and put chains on their hands and their ankles and everything and the Bible says the Angels walk right past the guards open the change let him out open the gate walk him out I'm blind the fellows I hire they walk right out and when the guards woke up Peter Dan was out I believe God's or do something visible things this week for you you don't even know where it's coming from we got an invisible King that's why you can't live your life by your eyes our king is working while you are looking and can't see he's working and sometime any works we don't see it tell us all over I mean realized God was there yeah he was there but he was working he didn't even know God's working on your behalf right now and you can't see it you should thank him just by faith just thinking he's working on your behalf right now he's doing some things that no one else can do but no one else can see Paul says he's invisible he should be on it and then he said he's the only God what does God mean come on you're smart now Paulson he's the only self-existing one why doesn't nobody else gonna exist for themselves by themselves so he's the only God only God the word became write it down for your notes is through it Malik it's the Hebrew word Malik and it means ruler one who rules territory the Greek word is basilia matter of fact is the same root word for Kingdom Basilio or Basilius the word king a ruler the same words Malik and Basilian these are useful Scripture 1st Timothy 6 uses them watch this verse 15 it says God the blessed and only ruler the king of kings and Lord of lords who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light whom no one has seen or can see to him be honor and might forever amen this is the important revelation of God these verses you never thought was in the Bible they said deep verses because they have to do with the kingship of God it's ready to get out loud what does it say God the self is existing one the blessed and only ruler that blasted on one only is the only one who owns everything I'm still trying to get used to the idea he owns your car you just a steward of that he owns the house you live in you just ask yo today that job you go to every day you're just a steward of that job he owns everything it says only ruler read on the King of Kings we can deal with that live they ruined a couple of weeks in other words God is a kingmaker he's a kingmaker what's a kingmaker only a king can make a king what do you need to be a king properly getting ahead of me now Genesis cuz I want some more Kings in my family but I can't give them my property give them some other property they gotta be Kings and to be kings you need property so he said let them he's a kingmaker he's the king of kings he making that's why you got a rule property to make God proud singing doesn't make God proud Oh dancing in church means don't make God proud God proud when you start taking control of things controlling territory of gifts and talents is that controlling property of investments artistic talents God gets excitement on Mondays and Tuesdays not Sundays Sunday's only gets his praise is when you go out of that house and you start being productive controlling property controlling resources owning faith making money to buy property take it back properly that's when God gets excited that's why your first golden life you're not just to get a car you get property blessed are the meek for they shall inherit not heaven and not calm I guess who said that the King said that blessed are those who are disciplined they shall inherit real estate and that's why they call it real estate all your estate a real high real real estate closing a real real estate all them wearing out property doesn't wear out it wears in they don't wear down it wears up hang onto your property by faith ask God let you keep it he is king and Lord of lords the king principle of kings Kings are legal owners of property or territory that's number one of our Kings there's a principle of kings first principle is they are legal owners of property Kings don't steal property they only legally that's why the devil can never be king he's a thief the Bible calls him a thief a thief can never be king jesus said that thief comes to kill the moment Jesus identified him as a thief it mean he cannot be king that means the devil have no right to rule any part of your life he is not King [Applause] praise His name I say praise His name he ain't supposed to rule your body your mind your spirit your environment your your friends your job your business he is illegal he is not a king he's a thief a king has to have legal rights to ownership that's why Kings are born into a royal family they inherit the land legally or this can be a good series don't miss next Sunday Oh can't wait I was thinking the other day when I was in England I went to visit Buckingham Palace they took her to the halls and all these big pictures of these old Kings and then they showed all these governors that they they sent all the territories and then the Bahamas you know and the governors were in the Bahamas and and and then had all the sons of Henry the eighth I mean George George the fifth rather and all the the queens and kings that came out of them and all this stuff and then they are these puppets and big part when you can look inside there in the castle museums you know and and they had records and I know these records it's amazing do you know what Kings do Kings give their children not lamb gives them countries no you okay just this deep let me get up here but they getting really close i read i said george v gave his son barbatus another King gave his son he was given countries you don't even get it Kings gets the children for your birthday present I give you Andres that's what they did isn't it written in the books for your you know for your third birthday present I give you a cleanse that's fact see you give your kids bow tie and thing they give them countries I'm getting here to myself so when God made you guys and let us make kids in our own image and let's give them the whole planet [Applause] whoa I'm in constant look we're gonna give them their piece of heaven daddy enough give them their own place to rule that's what Kings do a year you are worrying about rent this month the Lord has sent me into your life right now to raise your mentality from being a Christian to coming into the royal family mentality and becoming a sister of the kingdom of God because all of it belongs to your Papa lift your right Nancy Lord I accept your ownership of everything I'm going after I'm gonna stop going after it now I will seek for is your kingdom and these things shall chase me you believe that praise His name [Applause] number two quick I got 10 minutes Kings own whatever is in and on their property Oh Lord write that one down the King doesn't only own the property but whatever is in it and own it when I was studying this King research I said my god a king is a dangerous person the King owns what is on the line in the line under the line and inhabit in the line the Bible doesn't say the earth is the Lord's you know that stuff is say under fulness there on the world and all that dwell in it belong to him Kings own everything let me suggest something to you Kings don't govern people later Kings own the people there's a difference see the prime minister of our country and President Bush and mr. Blair they don't own these countries they there for four years and hoping for another one they don't own the people but a king is different a king burn them up that was their response that was the attitude Jesus said James John where'd you get this attitude from he says I didn't come to destroy men's lives my name is my property I came to say man why does my property can't destroy my property and then he said something very instant he says I must send a rain on the just I rest my case listen if God can bless thee it often say King of Kings if he blessed the cinnamon who you jealous though he always gonna be double the Bible says do good to all men especially those the whole soul of faith listen if your enemy you can see if your enemy god bless this week retell your show of nature according to the king system he will send a rain on every party what all of it is is properly that's why God wouldn't kill the boys and you want to begin you pray O Lord kill him God said no no that's my property - that you're temporarily insane god bless you sweetheart may the Lord bless you made a king reward you're giving in Jesus name Amen I just feel she is break something in a spirit world hallelujah economy and lady you going home to a new house in Jesus name Kings on whatever's in the property number three Kings rule or command whatever is in their territory this is a very important statement when I studied this I said my goodness Kings not only oh they command what's in their property commandments they tell it where to go when to go how long to stay and where to stay a king you see let me give you a look this is not a good example but this does this how it works all right do you know that now please don't do this okay but if you read the Bible you see it in the Bible but it's also real in history because they King rules territory when anyone moves in the Kings territory and lives there they become property of the king have you noticed when you read the Bible to say that Abraham came and lived in the land but the king was nobody King did kingship is dangerous see the King owns the people so the king could actually come to you and say I want your wife that's gonna be like Oh what do they do it you see you don't understand kingship the King on you and your wife and if he wants your way he tells you I want your wife that's why Kings had many wives did walk around seeing pretty girls they want you she's in Meriden okay tell the man you lost him you take him do you understand me now no I don't I want to understand the concept here so Abraham lost Sarah remember cuz the king said I want her she's pretty he said I wanna I only had to give her up and then somebody went and told the King secretly you know and the King got a revelation this is a holy man the Kings okay you can have your wife back in the game Sarah back but my point is that statement is important the King can command anything in this territory he controls it okay if a king could move your wife or your husband the Queen can take what if they got that authority you think I can be your rent can we try it again let me try together it's in the Bahamas all the money in America all the money in China all the money in Jamaica Japan all another then mentally salary you got you think God will live off that you say they got it the Bible says he will come and see you got it some York you don't beg when you back ten billion like Bill Gates Godsey you know something that he is don't worship that in his I could kill him in the morning and move it where I want to one plane crash and gates his history and the money still here British no you see God could command a way to pay your rent this week that you ain't never figured out are you with me then a young lady testify this morning say she ran on a trip had no plan didn't know anybody that woman sit in the lobby was under the control of the king the G here cuz she's a woman she saw the woman didn't know she was and she happened to be coming up on there millions of people in Texas in all the motels and the woman had a car to show for her every day do you understand kingship King commands was in his property I got a feeling in my spirit man that God's about to confirm this message this week in your life God is gonna move some things around and you can't believe he moved around I'm telling you get ready for some stuff close your Bible as being the praise his name I believe God's gonna command the blessing on you from places that don't like you Oh y'all didn't catch that God's about to bless you through people who can't stand you and they come with the most pool but I got something hot yeah I'm gonna make her bless you come on receive it praise I'm on receive it receiver receiver I said receiver go go and bless you he gonna command the blessing I'm gonna command the blessings I'm gonna command the blessing you ain't gotta beg this week stand up on your feet tell your neighbor that's it listen this is no time to not give right now I believe should give something get us anoint nasaan me on you praise God tell your neighbor the king the king the king the king the king the king say it loud the king of kings said again the King of Kings my god I tell you I can't wait for next week praise God tell your neighbor this is getting good already thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at you
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, tv show
Id: re6tvEvzgsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 40sec (3700 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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